A change of heart(Lady/moon)

"Good."She said looking pleased at the idea. Smiling slightly before swallowing hard, looking sorry for having upset him. "I can do that."She said sotly, leaning into him, before studying him as she took his hand. Looking thoughtful as she realized he was worried about her bolting. Swallowing hard as she squeezed his hand and apparated to london, looking sadly up at the house that had one been hers.wondering about the feeling of...wrongess in the air, something had happened. And it scared her to death. Running up the stairs she barely waited for him, throwing open the door she stopped, staring at the slaughter inside. So overwhelmed with the blood splattered on the walls that there was nothing to do. It seemed her parents had come back for her...and walked into a trap designed to destroy even the most powerful wizards on earth.Even under the blood, under the rage she could taste from her parents, she could almost feel dumbledore's influence.Staring her knees started to go out from under her, starting to sink to the floor.
Voldemort smiled at her and kissed her forehead as he followed her to London, gasping as she bolted into the building. he could feel the magic, he could feel the trap. "Danica wait!" he raced after her, and grabbed her into a tight hug, pulling her face into his chest, hiding the mess away from her as he held her tight, feeling vaguely sick as he looked at the mess. it looked like they had stepped into twelve, or twenty simultaneous cutting curses, each strong enough to sever limbs completely. "Dumbledore!" Marvolo snarled as he followed Danica onto the floor before he gathered her up into her arms and disparated, settling her into her Garden and stroking her hair, summoning a bucket, some sweet tea, and some calming drought, he carefully mixed the drought into the Tea and carefully helped her to drink, all the while whispering calming thing as he pondered the best person to come and comfort her. Snape? Draco? himself? none of those options seamed right... he wished he could get Lily in here... Lily! with her empathetic abilities she'd be the perfect person to help! it wasn't hard to get a House Elf to deliver a message to Snape, and Snape to go and get Lily. but would Lily come? would James let her? apparently that was a yes, because a half an hour later, a red haired, emerald eyed woman carefully walked into the garden, looking Wary and nervous as she set eyes on the dark Lord, who immidiatly turned to Danica. "Dani. there's someone here to talk to you." he whispered softly, carefully easing himself out of her death grip, Lily immidiatly taking his place in holding the distraught woman. Voldemort muttered something to Lily who nodded, and started stroking Danica's hair and crooning soft lullaby's, sending calming thoughts and peaceful energies. Danica wouldn't want to be happy, so Lily worked on calming her down instead.
Danica fought against his hold, trying to get away, to see what had happened. Sobbing as he held her she clung to the man in her arms, burying her face against his chest as she slumped against him, letting him help her sip the drink before sighing quietly. Barely even noticing when Marvolo switched for Lily, curling up into the other woman as she tried to relax. After a hour or so she stirred a little, "...where's..where's Marvolo?"danica muttered stirring to sit up, looking around her garden. FEeling overwhelmed and hollowed out, she needed the only other person she had left in her world.
Marvolo held her tightly, not letting her see, he couldn't let her see that. not her own parents, even he wasn't that cruel. Lily smiled at Danica, shaking her head. "he said that he was going to clean up." she admitted, stroking the girls hair. "he'll be back very soon." she promised, her head tilted at Danica. "he kidnapped you didn't he? are you safe here?" she asked, looking worried. "he IS the Dark Lord after all..." Lily admitted softly. "i can help you escape if you need me to?" Lily offered, looking concerned about Danica, nearly crawling out of her skin as Marvolo spoke from behind her. "conspiring to steal away Danica are you?" the man asked, sounding strangely amused. "after the sight she saw today, i would never demand that she stay here." Marvolo admitted, settling down next to Danica, stroking her hair gently. "are you alright now Dani? do you need another calming drought? a stomach calming potion? something to beat up? i have this lovely pillow filled bag fixed up to look like Dumbledore that's really very fun to rip to pieces..." Lily was a little freaked out, but she said nothing, just watching.
Danica nodded slightly at that realizing marvolo would be back shortly since she knew he'd never demean himself and clean as a muggle would. Frowning slightly at the other womans words."what happened in my house,proves I wasn't safe there. I'm as safe here as anywhere."she said shrugging a little feeling cut off from everything before looking up at marvolo."I'm fine. Just tired."she said getting up slowly and walking to him wrapping her arms around him. Shed felt comforted by lilys presence,but she wanted him to tell her everything would be alright,even if it wasn't. She wanted a comforting lie
Lily hesitated and then nodded, accepting Danica's words as Marvolo wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her tightly. "i am so sorry Dani." he whispered softly. "i'm taking care of everything. i promise. we'll have a very nice Funeral for your parents, wherever you want." he promised softly. "i'll even get one of those muggles that stand up in the churches and talk for hours." "a priest." Lily supplied, feeling rather off kilter. "yes, one of those." Marvolo agreed. "their muggles, but i think i can handle one for a few hours." he promised, stroking Danica's hair as he simply held her, closing his eyes as he wondered the best way to help her would really be. he wanted to promise her revenge but he wasn't sure if he could really get her that... Dumbledore was so powerful... at least he could promise her a decent funeral, even if her parent's bodies where beyond repair, he could make them look pretty. their upper bodies where fine, the cuts could be hidden using makeup and stitching spells as well as their clothes. he could hide the rest of the damage using silk sheets, she would get to see her parents one last time before they where buried in a place of her choosing. he could do that for her at least.
Danica sighed softly snuggling into him, closing his eyes."Okay."She muttered pressing her cheek against his chest, swallowing hard. "We'll hold it tomorrow."She swallowed hard before leaning back to look up at hi, studying him for a long moment. "Why?Why did he bother?They weren't bothering anyone. We weren't bothering anyone."She muttered clinging to the man in her arms.
he smiled as he nodded. "tomorrow then. where do you want them to be buried? is there somewhere special to you?" he asked softly, his head tilted, stroking her hair again as he swallowed thickly and closed his eyes. "because that's what he does Dani. everyone thinks the best of him but he's a bad bad man. he ruins the lives of anyone whose stronger than him, because he's afraid someone else is going to come along and take his own power away. he's a sick, sadistic man who needs to be stopped. "your talking about Dumbledore!" Lily whispered with shock. "what did he do!?" "....he slaughtered her parents..." Lily looked like she wanted to argue. "shall i take you there Evans!?... oh, wait your potter now." he muttered distractedly. "here, these are the coordinates, take your husband and see for yourself what Dumbledore really does to the innocents he claims to protect." Lily looked rather outraged but she took the coordinates and vanished to get her husband, the both of them would see for themselves
"Tomorrow."She muttered pressing her cheek tighter against his chest before sighing softly. "Oh. Well...that's..."She stopped shuddering a little because there we no words, whimpering quietly at lily's words, swallowing hard before looking up at him. "Lets go inside. They both will be back soon enough, to talk about what that house looks like."She muttered walking inside with him, looking tired and like someone had beaten her up emotionally. Tired, so very tired
He nodded a little and stroked her hair. "they won't be able to get back inside at all." he admitted simply "they are not keyed into the wards. Severus will have to go and get them." Marvolo admitted simply as he gently held her hand. "and i won't let them talk about what happened in front of you, you've suffered enough." he promised, gently kissing her forehead. "now, lets get you into bed, your exaughsted." he muttered softy, settling her into her own bed just as Lucius arrived with a vial of potion. "Dreamless Sleep My Lord." Lucius explained. "Draco said that 'the pretty lady' was going to need it." Voldemort lifted an eyebrow. baby Draco mostly talked in burbles and mutterings that made no sense but occasionally he'd speak fairly clearly. it amazed Voldemort that every time words came out of that young boys mouth, what he said always happened. baby draco was an impressive Seer, and Voldemort was exceptionally pleased to have Lucius and Draco on his side of the war. "thank you Lucius, and thank Draco for me too." Voldemort ordered as he handed the potion to Danica "drink, it will keep you from having nightmares. for tonight only. we can't give it to you too often or you'll get addicted... or worse, go mad."
Danica smiled a little as she took the vial, resting her head on voldemort's shoulder."Thank you Lucifer."She muttered looking amused,"And promise draco I'll be down to see him in the morning."She said sipping the dreamless sleep before looking up at the man holding her."Are you staying tonight?"She said looking nervous about being alone.
Marvolo smiled as Lucius grinned. "Draco would love to see you, he loves your hair." Lucius admitted calmly before leaving as Marvolo turned his attention back to Danica, his head tilted a little. "if you want me to, i will stay." he promised her, settling her into bed and settling into the chair next to her bed, holding her hand. and that was where he stayed all night, dozing in the chair, worried about her. he refused to leave, eve when Severus whispered that both James and Lily wanted to come this time. Voldemort gave Severus permission to bring them in the morning, but that he wouldn't be able to meet with them until the next day at the latest. he was going to be spending most of his time with Danica, trying to keep her calm.
Danica smiled as she nodded."I do."She muttered settling down into the bed. The next morning, late morning really, was when she was up and moving, leaving Marvolo dozing in the chair before she gently touched his hair, shaking him awake."Come on, marvolo, time to get up. I'm hungry, and you have guests."She muttered as she pulled her hair back into a pony tail, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
Marvolo groaned as he was shaken awake and he smacked at her hand, probobly thinking that she was Lucius. "go 'way. not moving." he complained before focusing on her face and frowning in confusion. "your not Lucius..." he complained before he rubbed his tired eyes and slowly sat up properly. "how are you feeling this morning?" he asked, looking worried. "are you going to go in the Garden or did you want to talk to Lily and James with me?" he asked his head tilted. "...and i'm fairly starved myself, come on, we'll grab something from the kitchens. Lucius and Severus are probobly.... entertaining our guests." Voldemort admitted with a small sigh. "i really don't want to deal with this today." he grumbled. "or ever. being a Dark Lord sucks."
"Definately not lucius."She said snickering a little as she rubbed her hand before brushing his fingers through his hair before looking at him."I'll...I'll talk to them. Then probably go back to the garden."She said smiling quietly. "I'm fine. Really."She said avoiding looking at him. she wasn't, but she had to pretend, otherwise she was going to lose it. Grinning at his whining as they headed downstairs."Awww, well you shouldn't have applied for the title then."
he smiled a little at her and nodded. "your not fine. i know better. but i'll let you pretend." he promised, kissing the top of her head before leading the way to the kitchens. "i did not apply for this title. Dumbledore forced it onto me. i wanted to be a healer. someone who worked on finding cures for strange diseases." he admitted simply. "i was so smart, but i was too powerful, Dumbledore couldn't have me running around, no matter the good i could have done." he admitted simply. "so he thrust me into Darkness by taking away the one thing i loved." he admitted simply. "my fiance at the time. Ariana. he killed her right in front of me, and when it came time for the funeral? everyone blamed me for it, saying it was me who killed her.... they cast me into darkness and in darkness i stay." he turned to stare at James and Lily who where gaping at Marvolo's story. "do you think he will take your most precious thing away from you? you two alone might not be powerful... but i bet that baby in Lily's womb sure as hell is. how long will he let your baby live before he kills it too?" Lily was pale, and trembling, horrified and terrified and James looked like he was going to be sick. no doubt remembering the scene they had seen at Danica's house.
"You would have made a good healer. Fussing after me...it shows."She chirped settling down in her seat to eat, looking thoughtful. "Draco!"She grinned a little when Lucius walked in with the toddler, bounding out of her seat and settling the kid into her lap she fussed over him for a few minutes before looking at marvolo sighing quietly. "Don't frighten them. You already did enough of that by making them go to my house."She scolded the dark lord lightly shaking her head a little.
he smiled at her and nodded. "contrary to popular belief, i was actually quite popular in school, i always did my best to be kind and fair to everyone, especially those in Slytherin. i felt like it was my duty, being that i was Slytherin's heir and all." he admitted calmly. "i went out of my way to help the first years settle in, when the prefects couldn't be bothered." he admitted. "i enjoyed, and enjoy taking care of others." he chuckled a little as she chirped happily at the little baby, who squealed and immidiatly latched onto Danica's hair. Marvolo just scowled. "i didn't MAKE them do anything! Lily wanted to know, so she took her husband with her. a good choice if you ask me, James is a very good curse breaker. if there where any traps still in the house i doubt there are now." "there where still traps... we cleaned out all of the curses and all of the... mess..." "we packed up all of the things as well." Lily explained. "we shrunk everything and put them into a trunk for you to go through when your ready... i'm afraid we couldn't fix the actual damage to the house." Lily admitted sadly as she carefully sat down, her swollen belly making the act rather difficult. "...it was Dumbledore's magic. every last bit of it, i'd know it anywhere. i just... don't understand..." James admitted, sounding rather afraid. "...you should talk to Peter." Snape stated suddenly. "he understands what Dumbledore is really like..." James looked shocked. "p...peter is a death eater!?" "...yes. and he's also my lover." Snape admitted, sounding amused as James choked, not because he had anything against gays... but because he'd always assumed Snape had wanted Lily for a girlfriend too.
"I knew you were better then you pretended."She muttered kissing is chee kbefore smiling as Draco grabbed at her hair. Bouncing him a little on her knees she smiled quietly, nodding as she looked at lily."Thank you....I'll tke them, but I can't...not now."She muttered absently stroking draco's hair, sighing quietly before as she looked up at snape, looking amused."That was mean. You should have eased them into it."She said giggling a little, glad that they were distracting her from what happened.
Lily nodded. "i understand. it was hard when i lost my parents too." she shot a glare at Voldemort who shrugged. "they where muggles yes? how can i have killed them if i haven't set foot in the muggle world since i graduated?" Lily arched an eyebrow. she hadn't known that. "and my parents?" James demanded, Voldemort pausing. "...i don't think i've ever met the Lord and Lady Potter actually." he admitted, Jame's eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. "i did try to recruit them, but they where far into Dumbledore's thrall. i mostly corresponded through letters... maybe i should have visited them?" he mused, James shaking his head. he felt very off kilter and Snape's little announcement had NOT helped. "...what's the fun in that? besides, Potter made my life living hell at Hogwarts. i see no reason at all to be nice to him. if it wasn't for the fact that he's Peter's freind, i would have killed him after that werewolf incident. i still have nightmares you know, Potter." Snape admitted, his eyes glittering with some weird emotion that only people extracting their revenge can feel. "Peter wakes me up at least three times a week, promising me that the werewolf isn't in my room, and isn't going to eat me." Lily looked utterly horrified. "WHAT Werewolf indecent!?" she demanded of her husband who winced. Snape looked ever so pleased. there was a motion at the doorway and Peter Pittegrew walked in, looking rather handsome. he was lean, and fit having taken a very physical job. his silver hair was pulled back into a tight braid that fell to his butt. looking very much like his rat tail. "J..James?! w..What are you doing h..here!?" well, this was about to get very interesting.
Danica looked thoughtful as she watched them all talk, smiling slightly at snape's words. "True, but shocking him when hes already had enough shock is mean."she said frowning at the potions master before looking at ames, raising a eyebrow. Curious to about the werewolf incident as she turned her head to look at peter, smiling slightly. "He came to visit me, since lily didn't believe me about dumbledore."She said smiling at the surprised looking animagus.
Snape just shrugged, looking ever so pleased to be the one to be giving James Potter a heart attack. "You lied to me!" James complained, pointing at Peter. "You told me you weren't seeing anyone!!!" Peter had to raise an eyebrow. "i'm an agent of the dark lord and that's what you focus on?" "YES! i lost a bet with Sirius!" Peter and Snape both snorted, sounding so alike it was creepy and James blinked. "... how did i never notice that before?" "James... do shut up." Lily ordered sighing a little as she closed her eyes. "Peter... why did you join the Dark Lord?" "...because Dumbledore bound my magic." the Rat animagus stated simply. "i'm Huffelpuff's heir. he can't get to me through death because of my parents influence, so he bound my magic as a first year. he locked nearly everything away, that's why i was so bad at school. because i couldn't access my magic. Severus found me in seventh year sobbing because i couldn't do the Newt spells. Dumbledore arranged for me to graduate, but i couldn't do any of the spells, i didn't have the magic. he brought me to My Lord, and he reversed the block. i spent an entire week in pain because my Magic just exploded." James looked sick.

"he.. he BLOCKED your magic! that can kill a child as young as you where!" "yes. he also tried to Obliviate me, but it failed." James eyes widened. obliviating someone so you could cause serious mental and memory problems. "i just... i can't beleive this... Dumbledore was always so good and kind to me!" "you where the Gryffindor Golden boy." Snape stated sourly. "he needed you to drive me into being the 'next dark lord'. any other student would have had detentions or suspensions, if not expulsions for what you did to me. in fact, Rudolphus Lestrange turned another student into a rabbit and was suspended for a month. he barley managed to graduate because he was so behind. and yet you not only turned a student into a rabbit, but you also turned three others into various animals. and yet you weren't even reduced points." James looked guilty at that and he nodded. "i was a dick... Sirius encouraged me, Dumbledore encouraged me and i got away with a lot of things i never should have gotten away with."
DAnica smiled a little watching them, running her fingers through her hair as she finished eating, resting her cheek against Draco's head closing her eyes as she shuddered thinking about how very painful that had to be. "..I think that was the point of tring to obliviate him."She pointed out sighing quietly before looking up at marvolo, nudging him a little. "Can we go shopping today?"she asked. Random yes, but she had her own reasons for wanting to run away for a moment.
Draco burbled happily as he waved his hands, still fisted in Danica's hair as Lily shook her head. "i just can't beleive it... i suppose you know about the prophecy by now?" she asked, glancing at Voldemort who nodded. "Severus told me the first half of it. he didn't realize that it spoke of your unborn." Voldemort admitted. "if it makes you feel better i have no doubt he would have begged for your lives." Lily smiled a little, looking pale. "Danica has reason to beleive that the Prophecy is either fake, or uncompleted... in either case it's no doubt self fulfilling and if i ignore it, it shouldn't come to pass." he admitted simply before blinking in shock at Danica. "sh...shopping?" "...oh Danica, are you sure about that? it's not very safe... for any of us..." "...it is if you go shopping in the muggle world." Snape pointed out. "or go to another country. Lucius has a permanent portkey to France and Italy. you could take a small vacation overseas." Snape suggested. "Lily... what are we going to tell Remus and Sirius?" James asked softly. "they are never going to want to beleive this and... i'm fairly sure that Dumbledore has blackmail on both of them."
Danica smiled as the toddler waved fistfuls of her hair, sighing quietly as she thought about it. "Or come to pass, in a completely different way then anyone thinks it should."she said looking thoughtful before shrugging."Besides....dumbledore killed the true 'dark' lord, and until...until father's reborn, there is no true heir."She muttered looking at the tble before nodding. "I..I need to not be cooped up in this house."She muttered sighing quietly before wincing at the mention of the animagus and werwolf. "We'll think of something."She said looking worried about the idea of the two men.
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