A change of heart(Lady/moon)

he paused, mid puff as she spoke and he paused for a moment, blowing smoke out through his nose, pondering a little before. "honestly? i... don't know." Voldemort admitted. "it was like your existence was something i needed. like i was starving and you where that little bit of food i could have. i don't know exactly what i want you for, i only know that i want... that i NEED you..." he admitted before blinking at her a little, his head tilted. "does that make any sense at all?"
danica giggled a little as the smoke drifted out his nose, looking amused at her dragon. Frowning at his words she rubbed a hand over her face."No. No it doesn't.But I guess that's okay."She said quietly shrugging a little before moving to get up."I better go get some sleep."She said because she was vaguely uncomfortable at the idea that he needed her.
Tom sighed a little and shook his head. "maybe if i was a normal person, i'd understand why i had hunted you so ruthlessly... but i am not a normal man. emotions do not come to me like they do to normal people..." he admitted, blinking at her. "yes, it is late... have good dreams Danica." Tom stated softly, his eyes fixed on her until she vanished. "...perhaps i am broken after all..." he mused, licking his lips a little as he stamped out his last cigarette before heading inside. in the morning, a tiny house elf was waiting for her. "Master Voldemort Sir wants you to stay in here until for now because he is being punishing bad naughty man." the tiny house elf admitted, looking worried. "nasty naughty bad man tried to sneak into rooms last night, but Timony stopped him. Master Voldemort Sir is giving Timony a praise!" the House Elf admitted happily before blinking at Danica. "is you wanting breakyfast Good Mistress Danika Lady Ma'am?"
Danica smiled looking confused as she blinked sleepily at the elf, sliding her fingers through her hair as she nodded."Yes please.I don't care what I have, just bring me something good."She said shuddering as even a house length away, she coul feel the dark magic, whimpering quietly as she pressed the heels of her hands against her forehead, trying to lessen her headache."Also, can you ask master oldemort to stop and see me when he is done?"She said curling up on her side, whimpering quietly. Feeling the torture as surely as the death eater was.
the house elf nodded and vanished with a pop, returning ten minutes later with a tray of delicious fruits and vegetables and slices of hot meat. the House Elf looked worried as she settled next to Danica, trying to offer her comfort. and just as suddenly as the pain had started, it stopped, Voldemort had finished the torture and would no doubt be on his way up. and indeed he was there ten minutes later, knocking on the door politely before walking in when the House elf assured him that 'kind mistress Danica lady' was properly dressed. "Danica? are you alright!? whats wrong!?" he demanded as soon as he saw how pale and shaken she was, hesitantly touching her face. "Danica?... did something happen?"
Danica sighed softly shifting to try to eat swallowing hard as she curled up. Relaxing as the pain stopped, even if the throbbing in her head, and body still hurt. Swallowing slowly she closed her eyes, turning her face a little into voldemort's hand as he touched her face."You...you were torturing someone...bad magic..."She muttered sounding worn and shaken.
he grimaced as he realized he'd caused her pain and he carefully picked her up, cradling her gently as if she was some broken child and carefully settled her onto the bed. "i will find a way to protect you from bad magic." he promised her. even if he had to stop crucioing people he'd do it. "rest, i'll have Severus bring up some potions for you... you!" he pointed at the house elf and demanded a piece of paper and a quill. he quickly scribbled a note to Severus and sent it with the Elf, who was all too happy to help. Voldemort fussed over Danica, making sure she was perfectly comfortable until Snape appeared with two potions vials. "i wasn't entirely certain what kind of pain, so i brought one that dulls empathetic pain shadows. and one to help with cruciatus pains." Snape explained, settling the vials down and bowing his way back out of the room before hesitating. "i... i apologized to Lily." he admitted suddenly, Voldemort's head snapping up to stare at Snape. "and?" "we're having dinner tomorrow, to... catch up on things. she seams... sympathetic to our cause, though... not to our ways..." Voldemort sneered but nodded. it was a little victory, but a victory none the less.
Danica swallowed hard tremling ever so softly before smiling a little."Good. Cause that wasn't fun."She muttered before looking amused if a little strained as she watched voldemort send for Severus."Both will be good."She said smiling sligtly as she shifted as she sat up, sipping the potions before laughing quietly."Don't make that face. He did the best he could. Now to just influence her."She said looking amused as she slumped back to the bed tiredly.
he nodded a little and gently stroked her hair. "i'm sorry." he murmured, amazed to find that for once, he meant it. he really was sorry that he had hurt her. he'd never actually meant it before... it rather frightened him. Voldemort just huffed a little. "people like the Potters, they hate me simply because i'm a Dark Lord, like that automatically makes me evil... i wouldn't be this way if Dumbledore hadn't... but that's not a story for now." he cut himself off, ignoring Snape's rather shocked look that Dumbledore had done something to 'make' Tom riddle. "i've always been able to influence Lily rather well." Snape admitted calmly. "and she'll be calm once i promise her i don't want her to break up with that Dick potter... i might hate him, but the bastard makes her happy. i could never deny her that."Snape admitted with a small sigh. "they will not turn willingly from Dumbledore..." "i don't need them to turn, i just need them to stay out of my way." "...that might be doable."
Danica smiled a little, turning her head into his hand, enjoying it as he stroked his hair. "I know you are."She muttered closing her eyes a little, a small smile curling her llips before frowning, looking at voldemort."I...I was avoiding him to you know. It wasn't just you I wanted to be left alone by."She said gently touching his hand, looking concerned about him before nodding, looking at severus. "IT is always easier to convince someone to stand aside, then to turn against everythign they know."
Voldemort blinked at her, looking surprised. "you where hiding from Dumbledore?" he asked, looking rather stunned. "i guess i didn't think about that." he admitted with a small grin. "well, at least your safe from him. he'd have been parading you up and down Diagon Alley by no, no regard to your personal safety." he admitted with a shake of his head, feeling suddenly guilty about keeping her trapped in the house. "James will be difficult to convince, but i have some dirt on Dumbledore that might skew his opinions a little." Snape admitted calmly. "and i have enough information about the true Voldemort to be able to convince them that all he wants is Dumbledore out of power and freedom for those that need and deserve it." Snape smirked a little. "Lily is all about freedom. she just doesn't understand Dark Wizards, that's all. it's not like it's a choice, i was born a dark wizard. Magic made me a dark wizard. Light Wizards don't understand that."
Danica stared at the dark look staring at her."Of course I was. I was hiding from you."She said the silent, you idiot, tacted onto the end of her sentence. Sighing quietly as she nodded a little. "Good.Mybe the world would be better balanced if Dumbledore would stop meddling so much. It is not your fault you were born a dark wizard, he just made things...worse by trying to influence things."She sighed quietly."Light wizards should know this, they were born light wizards after all."
he smiled a little and shrugged. "it's not something i anticipated... everyone thinks Dumbledore is Merlin Reincarnate so..." he shrugged again before shaking his head. "that's not how people think. Dark wizards are a minority, just like gay people are. and their hated for the same reasons, fear and simple hatred." Voldemort admitted with a harsh shake of his head. "ever since the Dark Lord Morison rose to fight for Dark wizards rights, the Light Wizards have been stamping anything out that could possibly be dark. Grindelwald only made it worse, and now that i'm here... well i can't do anything legally because no one will listen to me!" Voldemort complained with a small growl. "all those lies Dumbledore's been telling... the fucker..." he growled, shaking his head. "Light Wizards are so cocooned and protected, that they only know what their told. they don't think for themselves anymore, they just do what Dumbledore and/or what the ministry tells them to." Snape stated simply as he glanced at his watch. "i'm sorry My Lord. Dumbledore is expecting me. he wants me to teach potions and he keeps trying to talk me into it." Voldemort lifted an eyebrow. "you? a teacher? Sev i'm sorry, your brilliant but..." "i am not a good teacher, particular to snot nosed little bastard brats who'd rather play stupid little games then worry about making their cauldron explode." "...i was going to say you weren't the best teacher, but that works too." Severus just shrugged.
Danica smiled slightly tilting her head as she sighed quietly."Yes, people hate what they fear. And you inspire fear, dark lord. Espcially when you keep torturing people."She muttered a gentle for forgetting that she was in the house before he'd hurt someone. Nodding a little before snickering at Severus' words."yes..tht is one way to discribe it."he said looking amused at his thought before watching the man leave before shifting to the edge of the bed, moving to get up."What are you doing today?"She asked curious. Because she was trapped in the house she wasn't looking forward to being abandoned by the one person she trusted to protect her,even if he was doing it for selfish reasons.
Voldemort shrugged. "it is the way of things. besides, i rarely torture. this morning was the first time in months i'd had to. but considering the fact that he was trying to sneak into your rooms to..." he shook his head. "no, it is best to make my anger known now, in front of all lest someone else gets it into their head that i did not mean that you are under my protection." he sighed a little. "and most of what you 'know' of me is Dumbledore propaganda. i don't like, Muggles but i'm certainly not going to try and kill them all, nor am i out to slaughter all half bloods ad Muggleborns, no matter what that bearded fool says... did you know that it was Muggleborns who banned the dark arts and put restrictions and hatred onto the Dark Wizards? and even now Muggleborns are infesting our world and cutting out ancient rites and religions simply because THEY think it is barbaric. what gives them the right to rule our world, when they know nothing about it? they decided it was wrong, uncaring about the consequences or the feelings of the wizards who already lived here, and the ministry allowed them to do it." he crossed his arms and sulked. "and i am doing nothing today. i am staying here and making sure no one else attempts to harm you."
Danica sighed quietly shuddering a little."Then I am glad you took care of it."She muttered lookig a little shaken at the idea that someone had tried to get to her. Frowning a little as she studied the dark lord before nodding a little."I did know that. It has created...a great inbalance. Enough to have magic have a child of their own."She muttered before sighing softly sitting up slowly as she realized that she was feeling better."Then you are escorting me outside."She ordered getting up slowly not about to admit a extreme weakness to him. That was to much trust yet.
he nodded a little, stroking her cheek again, almost absentmindedly. "yes, i took care of it, i won't let anyone hurt you." he promised softly, and you could almost hear the unsaid 'not even myself.' "so Magic really did create you... where you born naturally, or did you just pop into existence?" he asked, honestly curious as he gently offered her his arm so she could lean on him without appearing to. "outside it is then, outside will do you some good then... oh! do you feel natural magic? like in trees and rivers and things?" he asked curiously. he'd had a theory for years about 'natural' magic, something most people didn't beleive to exist. with Danica there, he could get new insights into his theory.
Danica studied him as she heard his silent words biting her lip. Wondering if she could trust him before shrugging slightly, looking bemused."Naturally. My mother is a light witch...the personification of all light magic, and my father is a dark wizard....light and dark, in harmony. They've always been reincarnated together, when the world needed them,but this is the first time they've ever had a child, to help."She said blushing slightly, looking slightly sad. She missed her parents. One day, she'd woken up, and they'd just been gone. Leaning against him as they walked she smiled slightly, "I do. Sometimes. IF I am truly out in the wildress, nature magic is easier to feel...where there is not humans or cities to interfer."She said smiling quietly.
he looked shocked at her, his eyes wide. "reincarnation?" he asked, stunned before a grin curled his lips. "ha! that's another of my theories that has been proven." he purred happily. "are your parents safe? so i need to go and get them for you?" he asked, his head tilted. "i mean, their not in danger are they?" shocking, he hadn't asked who they where, or even who they had been. he only wanted to make sure that they where safe. he really wasn't a bad guy really. yes he enjoyed his torture but what Dark Wizard didn't? he gently took her hand at her sad expression and his head tilted a little. "so there is Ambient Magic! i suppose it must gather in focal points? like naturally wild places like the Forbidden Forest?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "can any wizard or witch access that magic or is it just the Wild Mages?"
Danica noded a little giggling slightly at his stunned look."Always, they are the balance...but things have gotten so out of hand..."She shrugged helplessly before paling slightly, a sad look crossing her face as she loed down. Looking touched by his concern, but shrugging a little."I-I do not know...one day right around when your men found me, I woke up and they were gone.I have no word on what happened."She said biting her lip before leaning against him a little as they walked outside."It is everywhere, but there are indeed more concentrated areas of it."She frowned a little before shrugging."By nature, all wizards and witches are wild mages since the wild magic is what created all magic, some are just better at controlling wild magic then others."
he nodded a little. "yes, even i can feel the pain sometimes." he admitted, shaking his head. "Magic is screaming at me to fix things, but i don't know how." he admitted with a sigh before looking horrified. "they just vanished?" he asked, sounding stunned. "...do you want to go back there and look? we'd have to hide you of course, an invisibility cloak, or a singular Fidelius charm... they can be used to hide people, instead of places for an hour or so... three or so if i'm the one channeling the charm." hey, Voldemort was a powerful beast and he wasn't ashamed to admit it. "so it's more of a natural talent, like how much magic a person is born with." he mused. "how fascinating... and to think, people used to laugh at me when i told them that Flowers had magic! HA!" he chirped, feeling very smug before he gently guided her out into a massive garden that was all cool green moss and smooth cool pools of water. "i had this made for you." he murmured softly. "since you love to be outside so much, i thought you might like your own peaceful garden." there was even a cushioned area for sitting in, and a large, extravagant waterfall feature that filled the air with pleasant sounds. "what do you think?"

Link-Waterfall feature.
"Hm, well we'll have to figure out something. It hurts to hear it and not fix it."She muttered smiling slightly before wincing at his horror. "Y-yes, they did."She stuttered a little swallowing hard before sighing quietly looking down."I-I would.You'd let me?"She asked looking startled that he would allow her to leave the house before giggling a little, knowing that it wasn't arrogance, it was just truth. Nodding slightly at his words."Yes, it is. But as they get older, and find a better hold on dark and light magic, most lose touch with the wild magic."She muttered before looking at the garden and waterfall in aamzement turning to look up at him."It's beautiful."She muttered before swallowing hard."how...how did you know?"She muttered looking amazed that he'd done this, and had known it would make her feel better.
he nodded a little. "it does, like a constant toothache, only in my core." Voldemort agreed before chuckling at her. "of course i would let you. they are your parents. if we can find them, we can keep them safe, and then they can't be used as bait against you, or worse." he pointed out. "besides, you deserve to be with your parents. i'm greedy and selfish, but i'm not about to keep you from being happy." he assured her before smiling at the Garden before pausing. "i'm not sure it's the same way that i knew i needed to find you... i'm beginning to think that Magic told me." he admitted, frowning a little. "it's like i needed to know it, so i did." he admitted, leading her down the soft path and into the sitting area. it was outside, the cool breeze and the warm sky glowing all around them as he settled himself against a nice pillow and picked up a book. "this part right here is warded, so eve if it's storming, or snowing, in this little area it will always be warm and dry." he assured her with a smile.
Danica smiled looking at him before nodding."Thank you."She said going quiet as she looked around her, touched and happy at his reassurance that she coud go get her parts. Laughing quietly at his words she nodded a little."Yes, that could be. Magic always tries to tell us what we need."She muttered before grinning as she sat down next to him."Thank you.Truly. That is just what I need."She bit her lip sighing quietly."And I would...like this place, to just be mine. Please. Only come here by invitation, or a emergency."She asked, needing a quiet place, a natural place, just for herself.

Going quiet as she leaned against him a little, she rubbed a hand over her face. "Tom..."She muttered switching from his title as dark lord, to his original name, because it was simplier and less telling. Espicially since he did still look like tom, just older and wiser. So, she would treat him like a human."Can we go now?See about my parents?"
he smiled at her and he nodded. "of course it's just yours." he stated simply. "i even have the entire place warded, no sentient creature can get in without your permission. i do have a 'code' of sorts to bypass that in an emergency but for the most part, if your in here your safe, so i probobly won't come until the Danger is over." he admitted with a small chuckle before tensing at the sound of his 'muggle' name before he forced himself to relax. "if you MUST call me something other than my chosen name call me Marvolo... do NOT call me Tom." he ordered calmly. or as calmly as he could get anyway. "and of course we can go look for your parents. you'll have to do the apparating, i don't have the coordinates." he stood up and offered her his hand, watching her intently. part of him was worried she would bolt, so he was risking a lot letting her do this. you could see it in his eyes, that he was resisting the urge to snap his hand back and tell her to stay and he would go alone... but he didn't.
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