A change of heart(Lady/moon)

Nov 30, 2010
Lucius Malfoy smiled slightly as he loked down t the girl sitting on his floor, handcuffed but still looking calm, the woman looked to calm about her predictment of being captured for Lucius' liking. there was something disturbing about a 20 year old not screaming or fighting back,espcially with this 20 year old. Even yards away from her, he could feel her magic wrapping around him, even with no spell, he could feel her presence in his house. Would have known she was there, even without seeing her. Nodding slightly as he reached down he pulled her to her feet, smiling slightly as she stumbled."Come, girl. You have someone to meet."He said, pleased as her eyes flickered with fear.

Dancia Veko shuddered a little as she looked around the house as they headed for the entrance hall. Wondering how in the world she'd gotten into this mess. She hadn't meant to run into the death eater, she hadn't expected the blond to be able to sense her from just walking into her. She'd managed to avoid capture for 12 years, how could she know that lucius had been the one death eater she'd never want to get near,because he was intelligent to find her? STumbling more as he jerked on her hands, off balance she sent to her knees as he apparated them both into the meeting hall,staying where she was on the floor when she realized they were no longer alone.

Lucius bowed slightly, smiling as he looked up at his lord as he sat at the table, holding the girl's hands to keep her where she was."my lord, I have present for you."he said straightening.
Voldemort was well aware that the woman was now in the house. he could TASTE her magic, it was floating in the air like a delicate breeze. the others in the house where singularly unaware that there was something special in the house, unaware that the Dark Lord was about to be a very, very Happy man. he simply sat there, listening to Pittigrew, sniveling slime that he was, whimper out his report. his deep crimson eyes flicked to the doorway as Lucius and the woman entered and suddenly everyone was silent in shock. most of them didn't understand what they where seeing, they simply thought that Lucius had brought a girl for their master to enjoy, they where jealous about it too because Lucius was the only one who could do such... personal things and get away with it, save for Severus Snape. Voldemort stood, as graceful as Malfoy was, though he was starting to loo pale and sickly, he was still as handsome as he had been as a child, and just as eloquent.

"Leave us." it wasn't a suggestion, the room emptied in an instant, several people shooting Lucius glowers or glares for being the Dark Lords favorite. it was all that they dared to do. the last person who had tried to curse Lucius, had found themselves tortured to death, and that was without the Dark Lord being there to see it happen, he'd just heard that Lucius had been attacked by one of his men, had torn through the minds of his followers to find out who, and then cruciod him until he choked on his own screams and died. no, no one would dare attack Lucius, physically, verbally, or mentally. he stared at the woman for a long moment and then his long fingers stroked her cheek, as if touching a child, gentle, careful as if afraid he might break her. "so this is her. the Child of Magic that i had hunted for, for so long." Voldemort murmured, examining the handcuffs. "muggle contraptions Lucius?" Voldemort asked, sounding amused as he stroked the metal around her wrist, changing them into leather so they would not cut into her flesh if she chose to struggle. and this way she couldn't pick the locks, many muggles where capable of picking the locks.

"Leave us Lucius, you will be rewarded greatly." Voldemort purred, cupping the woman's chin and forcing her to look up, to meet his crimson eyes. but he did not try to probe her mind, no, he would use coercion and bribery, he wanted her with him willingly... or mostly willingly anyway. she would turn the tides of the war even more to his favor. "come, child." he whispered, delight in every word. "you must be hungry, thirsty, tired and sore. i will have food and drink brought up to your room, and a warm bath drawn for you." the Leather cuffs could not be removed, but with a twitch of his fingers the chain connecting them broke, and long lines of Runes wrote themselves into the Leather. she was bound to the house, she couldn't leave and she was incapable of harming Tom, Lucius, or Severus. Voldemort didn't bother protecting anyone else. he took her hands in his and gently helped her to her feet and led her to her room, the massive place was almost more of a Hotel room, a fancy one. there was a small sitting area, like a living room, a massive bed made of the softest downy feathers, and a deep elegant bathtub in the bathroom that would make soaking every inch of her body easy. there was even a seat in it, so if she fell asleep in the bath, she wouldn't slip down and drown. "these will be your rooms during your stay here. you may do whatever you like to them."

(is this before, or after the Potter Fiasco?)
(hmmm before I think. CAuse then we can play with the prophecy and all)

Lucius smirked a little as he watched the others leave, looking amused that he was the only one who got way with things like this, though had anyone found her, he knew Voldemort would have been happy. The girl was worth her weight in gold. Raising a eyebrow as he watched voldemort he nodded slightly, swallowing hard as he watched voldemort touch the girl, in the day since she'd been found, he'd grown somewhat attatchced to her, even if he would never admit it, espicially when his own infant son kept glaring at her like he knew, just knew that she was different from him.

"She kept breaking magical ones, my lord. She seemed confused by the muggle ones."Lucius muttered looking amused, then wincing a little at the red raw skin from the metal.Though it wasn't from struggling, it seemed the girl, becuse of what she was, was allergic to muggle things. Which is why she'd been confused, she'd been hurt and scred when she realized she was being hurt by the simple metal bracelets. Nodding slightly as he moved to leave."Thank you my lord.I will speak to you later."He said before leaving.

Danica looked up at him,dark blue eyes filling with tears.Scared nd tired, and hurt. The 20 year old was innocent, innocent in a way that tom riddle had never been allowed to be.Following him quietly she looed around the room before she spoke for the first time. "...Even if decorated to my liking, a cage is still a cge, no matter how elegant."
Voldemort chuckled a little at Lucius's comment and nodded before lookign surprised by the raw skin. "she is Magic itself Lucius, of course the magical ones would not work." but Voldemort had done his research, and while Runes where magic, they would use HER magic to work, holding her to the house whether she wanted it or not. "help yourself to my Cellar Lucius." Voldemort chirped. he had wines, brandies, whiskey's and other rare things, all aged and old and perfect. that Lucius was being allowed to select a bottle for himself, along with a reward, showed the blond just how pleased Voldemort was. Voldemort had killed the last man who had even opened the door to the cellar, he was very possessive. he smiled as he saw her gorgeous eyes filling with tears, and oh how he wished to make her cry. how beautiful she would be, crying before him in fear and pain... but he did nothing to her. "ah, yes a cage." Voldemort murmured. "but are not we all in gilded cages?" he asked, looking at her. "you will have free reign of the house and gardens here." he assured her. "it is a large cage." he assured her as he gently settled her onto the edge of the bed and carefully slipped the leather cuffs up out of the way as he pulled a jar of healing salve out of his pocket, carefully smoothing the cream onto her wrists, taking away the pain and helping her to heal.

"there, does that feel better?" he asked softly, wondering why he was bothering to be so gentle... she was so.. young, and afraid and he felt... guilty. he had not thought himself capable of such an emotion. it confused him a little, and he just ignored it as he summoned a House Elf, which had a large platter of various foods. chicken, beef, slivered Dragon steak and many fruits and vegetables. anything she could want to eat and drink was available for her, and with a bow the elf offered her a long list of foods for her to look over. anything she didn't like could be scratched off, and she wouldn't be served it. giving her individualized service. "i will make you happy here." Voldemort promised her. "this will be your haven, and your heaven." he gently brushed her cheek again, and then left her to her meal so he could inform all the death eaters that if anyone so much as gave the girl a funny look, he would slaughter them.
Danica was quiet as she watched the men talk, tilting her head slightly at the pleased sound that lucius made when he was allowed to go get his own alcohol. That man was strange. Quiet as she followed oldemort she bit her lip a little s she watched him, "You are in a cage of your own making, lord voldemort. You've forced me into one. Very different."She said een as she let him settle her on the edge of the bed, watching him clean up her wrists, looking amazed at the foods, absently nodding in response to his words more focused on the foods in front of her, then anything else. Not even noticing him leaving as she ate.

The next morning Danica made her way downstirs, looking thoughtful, and slightly worried as she made her way downstairs. Looking at the gathering of death eaters in the room, she paused in the doorway to the dining room, not wanting to go in,but tired of being alone. She was magic, and as such she thrived on company and the presence of others.

"...may I join you for breakfast?"She asked her dark eyes seeking out voldemort's, for the moment ignoring the other's in the room,even if their presence filled her with fear, her own magic responding to the darkness of the men in the room.
Voldemort glanced at her, his head tilted. "a cage is not a cage?" he asked curiously. "if you would rather, i could always make it a small cage." he warned before smiling at her singular focus tot he foods he had provided. he left her be, not interested in bothering her if she didn't want to be bothered. in the morning, Voldemort was showing his good mood, by the fact that no one had been tortured yet, not even Peter or Bellatrix. he looked up as Danica appeared, and held an arm out to her, inviting her to the table where everyone was eating. "please, come." Voldemort reassured her. "none here would dare to harm you." he promised her, letting her sit right next to him, a seat usually reserved for Lucius, Snape, or Bellatrix, the latter of the three glaring at Danica, but not daring to say anything about having her seat usurped. the table was full of breakfast foods, and papers and maps. they where eating, and discussing the war at the same time, planning a raid on one of the biggest magical towns, they where going to tear Asteralley down one building at a time until there was nothing left. even bigger than Diagonalley, Asteralley was the home of the Order of the Phoenix at the moment, under Fidelious it was true, but all they had to o was torch the entire Alley and the Order Headquarters would fall with it.

Voldemort did banish the maps and papers as soon as Danica sat down, he didn't wish to ruin her breakfast by talking about War with her at the table. again, he had no idea why he was bothering, but he was. "My Lord?" one of the older Death eaters asked, well aware when he could speak and when he couldn't. "who is she? i haven't seen her before...." Voldemort stared at the Death Eater for a long moment and the man squirmed, worried he was about to be tortured. "she is mine." Voldemort stated simply. "my little Songbird." he murmured, no one else understood the reference, but he did, and he had no doubt that Danica did as well. he had her in a gilded cage, same as him, and she would sing sweetly for him, if only because she had no other choice. the platters of food where passed up for Danica to help herself, and Voldemort's eyes sought out his followers before glancing at her. "tell us your name?" it was posed as a question, but all the people there knew it was an order, and a shock. Voldemort didn't normally bother with names unless he intended to keep them around for a long while. he still hadn't bothered to learn the Lestrange brothers names... started with R... or maybe a B... it didn't matter.
Danica waatched the death eaters, nearly jumping out of her skin when Lucius walked in behind her, smiling slightly as she saw the infant sitting on his hip. Moving to her seat she smiled, totally ignoring everyone else in favor of stealing the young 15 month old draco malfoy, settling the toddler in her lap as she ate. Totally disinterested in their battle plans. She might have been made, born to end the war, but she was the only one who seemed totally disinterested in the process. Lucius blushed slightly tilting his head towards his lord as he bowed."I am sorry my lord, Narcissa asked me to take him for the day, and I remembered your...songbird had a fondness for him."He said as he sank into the seat next to Danica, isolating her between voldemort and lucius, making sure she was protected.

Danica glanced up at the words, tilting her head."I sing for no one.Not even you."She said her dark eyes icing over, that dark color almost seeming to lighten, as if frost had glazed over the murky depths. A hint that maybe it might not be a good idea to force her to do something, if she hadn't given her consent to being used. Shifting the blond child in her lap as she fed both him and herself she looked up at oldemort as he asked her her name, looking thoughtful."Danica."She said simply.
Voldemort smiled a little, his eyes narrowed on little baby Draco, a child for the future, the first of many, oh how wonderful it would be, to have Draco at his side as Lucius was, controlling full armies against their enemies. "it is fine, Lucius, so long as you can do what needs be done with him on your hip. perhaps the Songbird will agree to watch him when you cannot." even he could see the way her eyes had brightened at the sight of Draco. he smirked at Danica, his eyes flashing with delight at her sudden disobedience and he leaned forward. "even a Songbird that does not sing, has it's uses." he didn't need her to sing. fact of the matter was, he had her, and that meant that she couldn't help his enemies. and if he could parade her around, even if she wasn't helping him, those who knew who, and what she was, would despair and take the rest of the world with them. "Danica... a beautiful name." one of the nameless death eaters complimented, offering her a smile, flirting with her, cringing as a stinging hex was thrown at him, a warning.

"Has Draco started crawling yet?" Voldemort asked, turning his attention to the little baby in Danica's arm, looking ever so pleased with the little baby, who was mushing a piece of fruit with obvious delight in his toothless mouth, and making a horrid mess of both himself, and Danica. Voldemort just examined the baby for a moment then turned to Lucius. "is he always so messy?" he was a baby, of course he was, and Draco was clearly only interested in mashing up the strawberries, he turned up his nose at anything else Danica tried to offer him, he was spoiled already.
Lucius nodded, "I think she would like that."He said tilting his head slightly looking amused as draco mashed up the foods. "I'd be careful if I were you, other you might mistake a songbird for a bird of prey."She said looking aused as she leaned closer to him, ignoring the hiss of annoyance that came from bellatrix, the woman annoyed at the girl's obvious disrespect for the dark lord in front of her. Looking up at the death eaters she frowned slightly before looking at voldemort."Must you hex everyone?It is vaguely uncomfortable."She said twisting the leather cuffs at her wrists as draco mashed strawberries into her hair, the long blond strands falling around her and the child easily. Looking slightly anxious because it was difficult to be around offensive magic.

"He is, my lord.We can't keep him out of anything.He finds everything in the manor fascinating now that he's mobile."Lucius answered, looking at his son with amusement, because while he to disliked the mess, he loed his son, and it was obvious. "Of course. I'm sure even you, were messy as a child."Danica said as she looked up at the dark lord a small smirk curling her lips."Then again,given how fussy you seem to be over your clothes, maybe not."She said her eyes flickering over him, obivously taking in the sight of the well dressed man, and impeccably styled hair.Intending to see how far she could push him before he pushed back.
Voldemort chuckled a little and shot Bella a warning look before turning his attention to Danika. "yes, in fact i must. how else will they know that i am displeased? yelling at them certainly doesn't work." Voldemort stated simply as he settled another strawberry into Draco's greedy fingers. "i imagine that you have had to remove a great deal of things from reach or bump?" Voldemort asked, pleased with Draco's curiosity. "i will have the Elves make a room for Draco, where he can crawl as he will." Lucius was so far, the only one with a child, though the Parkinson was expecting, as was Nott and both Crabbe and Goyle. they would soon have children, and they would all be going to Hogwarts together. Voldemort's smile instantly vanished and his eyes narrowed at her with a viscous hiss. "i was not allowed to be messy as a child, and you would do well to know that any mention of my childhood is forbidden." he snarled, barely restraining the urge to curse her for her slight. "and i am perfectly tailored, as a future ruler of the world is meant to be." he stated with a haughty sniff, the table slowly relaxing as they realized that their Lord wasn't about to go on a rampage. "now then, eat your breakfast." Voldemort ordered firmly, no longer wanting to speak to the woman at his side as Snape walked into the room, his robes sapping dramatically. "Ah Severus, what have you found?" "i have heard a prophecy my lord..." Snape whispered once he was close enough that the lower level 'grunts' wouldn't hear him. in fact only Lucius and Danika could hear him. "it involves you My Lord..."
"Hmm,its just..."She shrugged staring at him, sighing quietly."Okay. If you must then."She said rubbing her arms a littlte, trying to settle the magic that snapped against her before laughing as draco eagerly smashed the strawberry against the table before shoving it into her face. Looking amused as she nibbled on the fruit she settled in to eat her own breakfast as ordered. Lucius nodded tilting his head at his lord."Thank you. We hae indeed had to remove many things. It would be nice to have a draco safe playroom."

Danika frowned slightly as she studied the dark lord, her shoulders slouching as if expecting to be hit, cringing back from him. As if she was used to being abused, and reacting to his sudden shift in mood. Swallowing as she pushed her plate away, no longer hungry and feeling slightly sick with fear.

Lucius looked up at his friend before looking at the others."WE should send the others away, my lord, if you wish to discuss this."He said glancing towards the grunts, knowing that whatever Snape was hesitating over, was going to cause a lot of yelling.
he paused, blinking at her a little. "it bothers you?" he asked softly, slipping his wand back into his pocket. if his hexing people upset her, the he wouldn't do it when she was nearby, he wanted her to be comfortable. "it is good for him to be curious, it is a sign of great intelligence." Voldemort stated with pride, the future would be grand with such a smart child within it. "the elves will be finished with it soon." Voldemort admitted with a nod before staring at Danika's cringing with almost horror. he could see himself in her, a young child waiting to be hit by the Matron for doing something else strange, something else freaky... for doing 'Devil's Work'. "i will not strike you." he promised, his voice soft and horrified as he carefully stroked her cheek. "i would never strike you, my Songbird with Talons..." pretty, but also dangerous. his eyes snapped up to Snape and nodded to Lucius, glancing at Danika. "please come with me, i do not trust these... underlings, with your safety. they are jealous and petty." he admitted, his eyes narrowed as he glared around the table. they took the hint, and fled the room before Voldemort went back to cursing people.

"we will go to my study." Voldemort ordered, leading the way to his personal study, where he immidiatly poured himself, Lucius, and Snape a shot of fine whiskey, offering Danika a glass as well, though he had doubts about her drinking any. "My Lord..." Snape muttered again, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Danika, looking confused and hesitant, as if he was worried he wasn't allowed to speak in front of her. "do not mind Danika." Voldemort ordered firmly. "tell me what you have discovered." "i was at the Hogshead, meeting with that fool Borgin like you asked me to. when i saw Dumbledore enter and go up to a room that had been previously rented. Borgin was late so i followed Dumbledore up the stairs and overheard him interviewing someone for the seer's position at Hogwarts... she had a Vision right there in the room, i wasn't able to hear all of it, the stupid Bar tender caught me listening in." Snape's face crossed with fury before he swallowed thickly. "i... this is the part your not going to like..." Voldemort's eyes narrowed. "speak, Severus, i will not curse you for something you overheard..." maybe. "... she spoke thusly, My Lord. "The one with the power to destroy the dark lord approaches. born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..." i was unable to hear the rest..." Voldemort had gone white with rage and he was gripping his glass far too tightly. Snape cringed and waited for the explosion, but Voldemort was not yet mad, not yet insane, and he kept his temper for Danika, and the child in her arms. "Born as the seventh month dies... Longbottom, or the Potters, they are expecting..." Snape went a funny shade of pale.
Danika nodded sligtly glancing at the other."It does. It feels...odd."She muttered before laughing, glancing at lucius."Hm, well seeing such a beautiful father here, he will be both intelligent and beautiful."She said thoughtfully before looking up at voldemort, cringing as he stroked her cheek trembling a little to keep from cringing away from him. Following them into the study she smiled quietly as she cleaned up draco, glancing at the whiskey before setting her glass aside, not wanting to sip it, but not wanting to refuse either.

Settling on the floor with draco to play she absently listened to the prophecy, tilting her head. Frownign quietly. "There is something...different about the prophecy. Something wrong."She said looking confused at what her neres were telling her, but it was something. Looking annoyed at herself for speaking up, but the words had been out of her mouth before she could stop them."...the potter child.He will be different."She said and though she was still playing with draco, her eyes had that unfocused look that said she really wasn't paying attention to the chidl
Voldemort blinked at her, looking curious. "i wonder if other spells would have different effects upon you?" he mused curiously. "like shielding spells, or healing." he mused, Draco puffing up, mimicking his fathers 'i'm so proud' pose, mashing another strawberry against the table top and giggling like a maniac. Voldemort himself, he didn't understand why it hurt that she would cringe away from him, had he not given her everything she needed? he had not yet struck her, why was she afraid of him and why did that bother him so much?

"Different?" Snape asked, looking startled, his head tilted. "you... do you think the Prophecy might be a fake?" he sounded so hopeful that Voldemort's eyes snapped to Snape. "your love of that Mudblood betrays you Snape." Voldemort hissed softly, almost sounding amused as Snape swallowed thickly. "Lily is my only freind... or... she was..." "i will do my best not to kill her. as reward for bringing this Prophecy to my attention." Snape nearly sobbed i relief. "however. the Prophecy, what little of it you heard, is too open to interpretation. if there where no names involved, we cannot be certain that i am the Dark Lord in question. and even if i am, it might not be this generation..." he glanced at her again. "different how? is he a threat to me?" how could a baby be a threat to anyone? but then again... the baby would grow up. "i want the potters." Voldemort hissed. "and the Longbottoms. i want them swayed to my side!" he paced a moment. "i want them to join the Dark Order, preferably of their own free will..." he glanced at Severus. "see if you can't apologize to Lily, hmm? you really should have done that years ago." Snape made a face but nodded. "i know..." but he was so afraid of being rejected again.
"I don't know. It is different. There is...I don't know."Danica frowned looking up at voldemort wanting him to understand, because she coudln't explain what she was feeling or sensing only that at the words, her nerves twanged like bow strings. "Apologize. Old friends are forgiving of sins."Danica mused turning to look up at voldemort, her eyes focusing again."You're being calm about this."She mused having expected rage when she heard what the prophecy was.
Voldemort scowled a little as he looked at her, wondering what she was seeing. "i am?" Voldemort asked before pausing. "i am, how... strange." he mused, frowning a little. "i don't recall ever being so... calm about something like this before. perhaps it is the knowledge that something isn't right with the prophecy?" he mused, pondering what was different before he nearly jerking in shock as he realized what it was. it was DANICA! she was keeping him calm, her presence was like a balm against his rage and anger. he stared at her with wide, astonished eyes and then he smiled. "so that is what it is, why i was so obsessed with you..." he murmured, looking even more curious about her. "how quickly you have squirmed your way into controlling me. is that it Danica? are you here to control me?" in the amused tone, you could hear the fierce warning, and the rage at finding that Danica was controlling him in any way, even if she was unaware of it.
"You are."She nodded smiling at him, just a touch of amusement in the smile before her eyes went afraid as she looked up at him. Gathering the young toddler closer to her, despite draco's protests, as if Draco would be able to protect her from the dark lord in front of her. "I-I didn't want to be here!"She said her voice starting to raise in panic. Despite him being kind to her, she wasn't totally oblivious, she'd known who he was before she'd arrived, and dark magic and violence stained the very air, and it was setting her on edge. "My lord, I do not think even magic itself, would set to control you."Lucius spoke up, tense and waiting to see what would happen.
Voldemort's eyes narrowed before he nodded. "yes, you don't want to be here. in fact it is chance, fate that you are here at all, so perhaps you are not the one to blame after all." he mused, examining her intently. "Magic itself might indeed be trying to control me Lucius, but i will allow nothing, and no one to set me against my path." he murmured, calming again as he decided it wasn't Danica's fault, but rather Fates that she had control of his emotions. Snape was trembling, waiting for Voldemort to fly off the handle and start cursing people. he could only hope to try and get little Draco out of the way first, who was happily chewing on Danica's hair since it was clear that Danica wasn't about to let him go. "Lucius, take her to her room." Voldemort finally ordered. "there is nothing in there that Draco can damage. i want you to look over the battle plans..." Voldemort explained, deciding to ignore the way that Danica was affecting him for now. at least he had yet to attack her, not that Magic would let him hurt her in any way.
Danica calmed swallowing hard as she realized she wasn't being cursed or hurt. Nodding slightly as she looked down at the small boy in her lap."I will be right back then."Lucius said smiling slightly as he helped the girl up and showed her out.Well. This was going to be interesting.

That night Danica was quiet as she stepped out onto the balcony for her rooms, tilting her head to look at the stars before frowning at the smell of tangy cigarette smoke, turning her head to look at the dark lord leaning against his own balcony doors smoking. Raising a eyebrow she moved to the railing of her balcony, looking amused at the about two feet that seperated them. "I didn't think you would do something so very...common. Muggle even."she said looking thoughtful.
Voldemort was relaxing against his own balcony, his eyes closed as he took a deep inhale of soothing smoke, his eyes snapping open as he stared at Danica before releasing the breath through his nose, looking for a moment like an angry dragon blowing out smoke. "it is a nasty habit, one that i have no intention of breaking. i have been smoking since i was eleven." he admitted simply as he took another deep inhale. "the Slytherin's all got together to try it, and i liked it very much." he admitted simply. "it helps me to relax at night." he admitted as he finished off his cigarette and pulled a pack out of his pocket. "i would offer you one, but i'm almost certain you will decline." Voldemort admitted, pulling out a new Cigarette. "i do not understand what it is that you do to me." he admitted suddenly. "all you have to do is look at me, and all the anger flows away from me like water out of a broken cup." and what a true analogy, Voldemort was broken, in so many ways. particularly since he had already made five of his Horcux, and had plans for a sixth and a seventh. he just needed an innocent to kill and he had to have the time to do it... without nosy death eaters poking around. he had already given one to Bellatrix to keep safe, he was pleased to know it was in the safety of Gringotts. he was giving another to Lucius, his most trusted and valued Death eater. the closest thing he had to a freind. he closed his eyes and then. "there is a prophecy about you, you know. a seer told it, right in front of me." he admitted, his eyes glowing. "would you like me to tell you what it said?"
"You look like a dragon. A angry and distant."Danica said smiling at him, for a moment looking younger then she was. And in many ways she was, she was innocent. Untouched by the world around her.Tilting her head a little she sat up on te railing, leaning back against the wall as she watched him."I most certainly would. It does not smell good.It probably tastes worse."She sid making a face before frowning at him, looking thoughtful."I am not doing anything to you. Meaning to anyways. Is it my fault that magic is seeking to fix what it has broken?"She asked before staring down at the gardens, before nodding."I always want to hear things about me.Tell me, please."
his lip twitched in an almost smile before he shook his head. "i do beleive little Draco is a better Dragon than i. i could hear that temper tantrum clear across the Keep!" young Draco had protested, very loudly, about being laid down for a nap. "i like the taste, though i have had a much longer time to get used to it. it's no worse than smoking a pipe, and many Wizards do that." he pointed out, lifting an eyebrow. "i am not broken." he sneered at her. "i am perfect, and immortal, there is nothing to fix." he was also deluded and half insane. "i cannot remember the exact wording, it was a great many years ago, but basically it said that you would be born, created by Magic, to be Magic. 'Child of Magic' you where called. you are said to be the one being that can 'change the tides of war' and 'Fix all that is wrong'." no wonder Voldemort wanted her so badly. "you are the key to ending this War, in a way that is favorable to everyone." contrary to popular belief, originally Voldemort only wanted to be able to create peace between the Dark and the light, he wanted the Dark Creatures, and magical creatures, and Dark Wizards to live their lives as happily and unchained as the Light Wizards did. once he heard the prophecy, it all changed. he went completely insane and started taking what he wanted by force, and started blaming muggles and muggle born's for all his problems and pain.
"hm, he has the roar down, but your breathing smoke."She teased looking amused before sighing quietly as she let the words go, not about to argue with him about whether he was broken or not. She could feel it, a brokeness that made her want to sooth the jagged edges. Frowning at that she looked at him."I don't know how to fi anything. I want to be left alone, and to be able to help the people I know. I don't want to be responsible for the whole world."
he snorted a little and shook his head a little. "that's the whole point of a prophecy. most of them are self fulfilling. your running away from responsibilities is what led you to being held captive here in the first place." he pointed out. "your not responsible for the whole world, your just the catalyst towards it's remaking." he shrugged. "everyone is part of a prophecy, has a strand in Fate's web, or harp.... whichever story you listen to..." he sighed a little. "in any case, you won't really have to do anything at all to make the prophecy come true, it's happening, all you have to do is not fight it."
Danica frowned slightly looking thoughtful as she thought the words over, closing her eyes as she did so. Looking for once, totally content, though it disturbed her that this peace had been found in Voldemort's company. Shifting a little she ran her fingers through her hair. "What do you want from me?"She asked looking at him."And don't lie. You wouldn't have been searching for me if you didn't want something from me."
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