All That Remains... (Alexander May & MiseryChord)

Violet Snow

Mar 11, 2013
South Carolina
John May was a 6'1 guy with golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes. He weighed about 210 pounds and he was twenty-one years old. He was athletic and strong...he had to be. He usually wore sunglasses over his eyes, and on the back of his neck there was a cut, it was nice and clean. It had originally been jagged and rough. He'd made it better over time.

Before all this had happened he'd been a teacher. He'd never touched a gun in his life, and he'd never been athletic. He'd been a know-it-all yes, but he hadn't exactly been fit or healthy. When the first invasion happened, he barely managed to escape and over the first month he started to exercise daily. By the second month he'd gotten to look the way he was now. Handsome, strong, athletic, and about four years older then he was.

At the moment he was walking through a field, glancing around every now and then. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder, and a pistol tucked into his waist. He was heading back to his camp site with a new bag of supplies. He knew that the bitch would be waiting for him to get back. He really hated her, and the only reason he put up with her is because their chances of survival were better together. He'd almost gotten caught earlier today, it had been his own fault. He still blamed her.
Kallie Davis was busy washing out that ungrateful prick's clothes at their campsite, using a bucket of water from the nearby well at the old farm. At nineteen years old, she was a picture of health. Having been a nurse before the Souls had invaded, she kept her body healthy. Standing at about 5'5 and weighing 115 pounds, she was toned and lithe. Though she was slightly muscular she was soft in all the right places, with full hips and ample chest.

Long brownish red hair framed her heart shaped face, at the moment pulled back into a messy bun. Pale grey-blue eyes watched her surroundings as she worked, the sun warming her tanned skin through her worn white tanktop. A pistol rested at her side, within easy reach should she need to use it.

Without thinking, she drew it when she heard his approach. An annoyed sigh left her lips as she saw him. "You're damn lucky I don't shoot first and ask questions later, asshole."
"Shut it bitch. Be lucky I let you join me. If I hadn't you'd be dead." He tossed her something, the magazine to a pistol clattering to the ground in front of her. "There...and it's getting harder and harder to get supplies. We're going to have move out soon. The parasites are spreading uptown and by this time two days from now they'll probably be right up on us." He set the backpack down gently and sorted through it. "With the supplies we've got we could probably move for two weeks without stopping....the worst loss would be the well."
She scowled at him, debating on shooting him in the foot. "Don't take that tone with me." She slung the water out of the shirt she was washing, right onto him. "Where will we go? Not much of anywhere left since the invasion." She slid the clip into her pocket of the khaki cargo shorts she wore.
"Same as always. Forward." He didn't care to much about the water, and he pulled a map out of the pack. Several locations were circled, and more than half of them slashed through. He pulled out a marker, and slashed another one. There were no other circles anywhere near it. "I think it's time we headed out into the forest. It's the quickest way to get to the next safe location." The circles represented places he knew were safe from the invasion. "We can go straight through there and make it to the next safe house....even a bitch can read a map I hope."
Her eyes narrowed, malice darkening them. "Well seems you can so I suppose a bitch can read a fuckin' map." She retorted, slinging the wet shirt into his face. "From now on you can wash your own clothes, limp dick. I ain't your fuckin' bitch." She stalked off, pissed to the highest heavens.
He rolled his eyes. "Then you can cook your own god damned food." Out of the two of them, he was the better cook. He stood up as he hung up the shirt to dry, folding the map up and putting it away.
"Go fuck yourself." She hissed, drawing more water up from the well to wash off with. "You'd be dead if not for me and you know it John."
"Yea and you'd be dead to Kallie." He said it flatly as he looked at her, glancing at the sky as he moved to a better position to scout from. They usually ate late, when the sky was dark so that the smoke was hidden in the sky. Some nights even that wasn't enough....and they ate raw or cold food.
Kallie pulled her shirt over her head, keeping her back to him. She dipped a cloth in the water and wiped the sweat and grime from her body. "I know I wouldn't be." She replied softly, looking at him from over her shoulder.
He said nothing as he kept on lookout. He tried not to think about it, but sometimes all he could think about was how she looked. Not how she was a bitch. It wasn't all that surprising either. She was the only girl he was ever around. He frowned as he noticed something, being brought out of his thoughts as he raised the binoculars to his eyes. They were dusty and the glass was cracked, but they worked. He sighed and cursed to himself as he dropped to the ground, moving over to where Kallie was. "Come on. We gotta go. The seekers are out in the field." They hadn't noticed them....not yet.
Kallie felt her heart stop as he said those words. Quickly, she pulled her shirt on and grabbed her belongings. "Where will we go?" She asked quietly, helping remove anything tht would tip the Seekers off.
He smoothed out the dirt over the tracks, holding his shoes in his hands as he started to walk along rocks and logs, anything but sand or grass as he looked around. "Let's just get into the woods....we can plan where we go from there....if they saw us it'll be easier to get away from them." He finished packing everything up that could tip off that they'd been here, moving into the woods and pausing to make sure there weren't any seekers ahead of them, and then looking back at Kallie and nodding, gesturing for her to go on ahead.
She walked ahead, using a limb to brush away her tracks and any he left. Her heart was in her throat but she managed to keep calm, mostly because he was with her. They quickly made it into the dense woods and she found a small clearing inside a thick patch of bushes. She crawled in and pulled him inside, thankful for the overhead coverage as the unmistakable sound of a helicopter cut through the quiet of the forest.
He heard the helicopter but something was bugging him...he couldn't quite put his finger on it until he looked at her was her shirt. She hadn't had time to grab the right one, and the current one was a bright neon color-easy to identify in the dense woods. He pulled her up against him, pressing her against the ground so that his body overshadowed hers as he pressed his hand over her mouth, waiting until the sound of the helicopter faded away, and even then he waited about five minutes before he let her up breathing out. He still wasn't relaxed, tense as he looked around for the white shirts that foretold the seekers.
A small gasp left her as he pulled her into him and moved on top of her, hand over her mouth. If not for their current situation, she would have punched him. A bright blush krept to her cheeks as she realized she liked having his warm weight atop her. Finally, he moved off and she realized why he had done what he did. She jerked off the shirt and pulled on an army green tanktop, stuffing the yellow one into her pack. "I'm sorry." She mouthed to him.
He shook his head, mouthing out in return. "It's fine." He tried to focus on something else, not wanting to look at or admit to her that he'd liked having her underneath him like that. Thinking about it just made it worse. They say there awkwardly for about ten minutes before he decided it was safe, or safe enough to talk anyway. The grove was really a good shelter, with trees hiding the clearing from sight up in the air. He stood up and looked around before he looked back down at Kallie. "I'm going to go scout around....see what's around here. If you want to, you can plan where we go from here. The map's in the front pocket."
She found herself blushing everytime she looked at him, her body heated. When he stood she nodded. "I'll find the best place." Before he could leave she grabbed his hand. "Be careful out there. I'll fire a shot should I need you."
He bit his lip blushing slightly before he nodded. "I will...and I'll be listening." He turned and left then, pulling out his pistol as he did. As he left all he could think of was how amazing it had felt to have her pressed underneath him.
She watched as he left, sitting there for a moment before pulling the map out and looking it over. She looked at where he had circled, debating on the best place for them to go until something caught her eye. A small square of land set back behind the mountains. It was circled and wasn't too far to travel if they could somehow get a car. She drew a star by it and waited for John to return.
He got back about an hour later, and he looked excited. "You're never going to believe what I found." Because they hadn't known for sure how much water was in the well they hadn't bathed at all in the two weeks that they'd been staying in the farm. "A lake! An actual lake!" He'd pretty much forgotten what it felt like to be clean. He relaxed then and looked at her. "Have you decided where we're going?"
Kallie's eyes lit up at the prospect of a good bathing. She beamed. "That's great!" Holding up the map, she pointed to the starred area. "Here. It's an old hunting camp that isn't used anymore. It's not even accsessible by vehicle. Though we will need a car to get there."
He nodded at that. "That'll do....we'll just need to get a hold of one of their cars. Hopefully it won't be to hard." He stood up then, holding out a hand for her to take. "Come on...the lake's this way."
One slim eyebrow rose at his behavior. He was acting differently towards her. She took his hand, standing and brushing herself off before following him. Occasionally, their hands would brush, their hips too. Everytime it happened she blushed profusely. "So how long do you think we'll have at the lake before we have to keep moving?"
He tried hard not to notice when their hands and hips brushed against one another. "Probably a day or two....hopefully four or five days." Soon enough they got to the lake, and across from them a waterfall poured into the lake, a stream leading away from it and towards the ocean. It looked amazing and untouched from the invasion. Maybe they could stay here for a little while.
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