
Zach smiled and looked at the flask in his hand "yeah, made it myself. I changed it a little so it lasts longer, doesn't taste as bad and has a smoother transition. So really it's altogether much better" he said, proud of himself. He knew it would intrigue Snape so he planned on showing it to him later but he had more things to worry about right now. He nodded at the comment that he had been a victim in all of this. He didn't feel like a victim. He felt like a killer, but he was willing to let him believe that and not argue with him. "It's all happening now because he's been found. He's a strong wizard who hasn't known about this world until now and people know he exists so they're going to want to corrupt him. And he's Lucius Malfoy's son. That itself constitutes a search party and a war going on, though I don't know how familiar you are with Lucius and the Malfoy pride complex. Hell, Blake doesn't even know him and he's got it sometimes" he muttered, more amused at the fact that anything else.

"Let Blake talk to the brother. He'll want to, he was closer to him than you were" he said bluntly, never having watched the way he spoke to Harry before and he wasn't planning on starting now. Besides, he was only sleeping with him because of Blake, and he would limit those encounters as much as he could. He was never a fan of sharing his things, and that dislike grew when it came to Blake. When they would go out he was extremely possessive of him and if anyone even looked at him the wrong way he would say something. Some would call him overbearing but Blake thought it was cute and teased him about it though he didn't mind in the least. He heard a noise at the door and unlocked it, Blake stepping out in sweatpants and a raggedy shirt of Zach's, rubbing his face. "Can we go out? We need to get a haircut" he said, Zach not surprised in the least that he wasn't planning on talking about what had happened or spending all day crying about it. He wondered what he had done when he had died, though he sensed that it was James and Harry.

Zach looked over at Harry and essentially was telling him that he was going to take Blake out alone. He figured that it would be easier to talk to him alone and he wanted to spend some time with him alone without having to worry about Harry and having to watch what he was saying around Blake, because he knew he would be badmouthing him and he didn't want to worry about having to watch what he was saying. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about it but it needed to happen. Blake nodded and stared at Zach for a few moments "you look familiar, whose hair did you grab?" he asked, frowning as if he were trying to remember who he looked similar to. "I don't know, it was some guy we passed coming back here, I figured I'd need it at some point here with everyone thinking that I killed all those kids" he said, glancing at Harry as he did. He knew what he thought. He knew that it would have looked suspicious that he left soon after it happened but he had met Blake and needed to watch out for him and himself so he didn't get killed, though he hadn't done a very good job of that.
Harry looked very impressed. "you know Snape might be quite interested in that... do you know Snape?" he asked hesitantly. "ah well i'll introduce the two of you." he promised. "i know a little bit about the Malfoy's and i have to Agree, Blake does sort of have that 'i'm better than you' Ego from time to time... it's sexy." he admitted with a small chuckle before looking worried. "i am afraid that Lucius might try to manipulate Blake into doing something that Blake doesn't want to do... Blake is so strong but...." but Harry knew for a fact just what the promise of a loving Family could do. "your right, Blake would be the person to talk to him... Blake is better at it, i'd probobly make the poor kid cry... i'm still not too good with emotions and stuff." he admitted with a little bit of a fidget. "listen, Zach.. i..." he paused as Blake came out and he blinked at the other for a moment. he knew that Zach wanted alone time with Blake and he hesitated. "i can't go." he finally stated, letting Blake and Zach have their time together. he knew his time with Blake was limited anyway. "you two have fun though, alright?" he offered with a smile. "i have to..." he looked away, guilt heavy on his heart. "i have to make preparations..." he glanced at the Zach. "when you come back, Zach... we need to talk, alright?... in private preferably." they needed to talk about things.

he hesitated again before walking off, walking slowly as he thought about things. he was frightened of what was going to happen to Blake, he was worried about Lucius... he wished he could retire, but there was no one he was willing to hand the Adderstrike to... maybe Zach, but no one would trust him, not now. so Harry was stuck until he could find someone else to take over. he made the funeral plans in secrete, he didn't want to make the kids cry, and they would cry, he knew they would. how could they not? he looked up only when he realized Blake and Zach where back and he sighed, shaking his head a little. he didn't want to talk about it now... he didn't want to do what needed to be done... but it had to be done, and Harry's heart was hurting as he laid his head in his arms and stared blankly at a cracked wall, wondering just when Life had gotten so hard.
Zach smiled and nodded, it was very hot when Blake acted like he was better than others since usually when he did it, he was. Blake didn't acknowledge either of them as he walked away and out of the building. Zach watched him walk away from them, his concern and love clearly written on his face. It was something that Harry wouldn't have seen before. Zach hadn't been with anyone or even hinted at being with anyone while he was around Harry, or anyone for that matter. He looked back up at Harry and nodded "yeah, we'll talk when we get back. Private's gonna have to work cause there are things we need to talk about" he said, running a hand through his hair and walking away, following his boyfriend out of Adderstrike and into the real world. He caught up with Blake and wrapped an arm around him, kissing his cheek. Blake smiled and leaned into him, relaxing a bit more when the potion wore off and he was himself again.

They were out for a few hours, both had gotten a hair cut and Blake seemed a lot more relaxed and calmer than he had been in a while. Zach didn't really look surprised to see that Harry was still sitting where they had left him when they had gone, knowing how things affected him. "C'mon Harry" he said gently, kissing Blake lightly as he went into his room. He took Harry back to his own room so that they could talk and he could rest and they'd have a little bit of privacy at least. "So what were you needing to say that he didn't need to hear?" he asked, nothing in his voice giving away any emotions. He sat down in a chair and wished that he had some tea, it always made him feel better when he was stressed or just not feeling too well. He knew Harry was stressed but he really didn't know what he wanted to talk about. There was nothing that he could think of that he needed to say while Blake wasn't around, though Blake was the person that he told just about everything to.

Blake had changed into some more comfortable clothes and was lounging in his room when he heard the knock on the door, getting up and opening it, his mouth gaping unconsciously when he saw who was standing in the hallway. "I'm not saying shit to you until you prove you are who you are" he said angrily, pulling him into the room and throwing him into a chair as he sat on his bed and looked him all over multiple times. "I don't want you to be dead but I'm getting really sick of people dying and then coming back to life. So what the hell happened to you?" he asked, glaring at him and waiting for him to explain what happened.
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