
Harry blinked a little at the others reaction, looking stunned as he blinked at the other. "he is? you remember him then?" he asked softly, fretful as he closed his eyes. "shit..." he whispered softly. "i knew she was sick in the head but kidnapping children!?" he demanded, his eyes flashing with rage. "i should have made her suffer before she died..." he muttered softly, hesitating as he was ordered out before leaving as Blake demanded. he paused outside the door and glanced at James, noting that he was going to stay Harry nodded. "i'll go and get us lunch then... and some calming droughts before i tell Snape that he doesn't need to make that potion... try and keep Blake calm alright?" he asked James before setting off at a trot, hoping to be back before Blake called them back in. he returned just in time to hear James demand what Blake had done to his hair and he blinked at the platinum blond and felt his mouth do dry. "oh god..." Harry muttered, swallowing thickly. "did i ever tell you i have a blond fetish?" Harry asked hoarsely, licking his lips. "you look freaking sexy..." Harry admitted, running his eyes over Blake intently, biting his lip as the other started to cry, looking so very uncomfortable. he was never sure what to do when someone started crying. he carefully moved over and settled his arms around the others shoulders, hugging him awkwardly.

"here, it's a calming drought." Harry muttered, settling something to Blake's lips. "it will help a little bit, take a few sips." he ordered softly, stroking the others blond hair, wishing that he could just grip tight and pull Blake into the hottest kiss of his life... but it wasn't the right time and he imagined he'd get punched if he tried. he sat there holding the other very carefully as Blake started to calm down and he smiled a little. "are you alright now?" he asked softly, stroking the others forehead, his head tilted as he examined Blake's silver eyes. "god your gorgeous... like a snow prince.." he muttered before flushing again. "sorry... i, anyway why don't we get you into bed? i brought some food." he promised, letting James settle the other into bed while he settled the first tray on Blake's legs, handing a second tray to James and keeping the third for himself. "so... what do you think Blake? please keep in mind, that no matter what you decide to do, James and i won't leave you to do it alone, alright? we'll help you, i promise."
James nodded and paced back and forth in front of Blake's door while he had barricaded himself inside, growing more and more worried with each passing moment. He hadn't ever been forced from the room before and this didnt really make him feel any better even though he knew this wasn't about him. He also just didnt want to leave Blake alone in the room to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself but more because he didnt want for the boy to feel alone, even if he was isolating himself. Blake looked at Harry when he spoke, looking worried at first and then blushing slightly at his words. It was as if he was looking at an entirely new person and not knowing what to think about that. The hair sealed it for him. He remembered his fathers hair and his was the same exact shade. He took the drink from Harry and took a few sips of it, noting how well it worked and how quickly as well. It soon soothed him enough that he could handle talking to them and a slightly embarrassed smirk appeared on his face as Harry spoke to him again.

Even if he was a little distraught he still knew when others were at a disadvantage, leaning into Harry when he was spoken to, batting his eyelashes a couple times and kissing his jaw "so now you're drugging me to get me into bed just because of my hair?" He asked the male softly, sounding slightly amused "you could have just asked" he whispered, his lips brushing against his ear ever so lightly. Blake pulled away from him, biting his bottom lip just a bit as he leaned into James and kissed him openly in front of Harry. James looked amused at him and then towards Harry. Blake knew what he wanted and how to get it, even if he would drive them all crazy to get it done. He was really trying to elicit a more.....potent response from Harry, wanting him to take charge and really do something. Blake wouldn't push him into anything but he'd serve it up to him on a silver platter. Especially now that he knew Harry was such a fan of blondes.
Harry, for a moment looked confused, as if he wasn't entirely sure what the other was implying. frankly he was just glad that Blake had calmed down a little bit, and he had to admit holding Blake felt very, very.... very nice. he had never expected human contact to feel so good. even without his... condition, Harry avoided touch as much as possible, but with Blake it was... right. suddenly what Blake had said reached the part of Harry's brain that understood flirting... it was way in the back and very small but it got there, and much to his own shock he went a bright and furious red and started to sputter. "what! no! I would never force you to... I would.. I..." the lip on his ear was very distracting and he leaned into the touch, still trying to stammer that he would NEVER take advantage or rape Blake! never ever! Harry finally fell silent as Blake pulled away and his eyes flashed as they kissed, suddenly realizing that Blake had been teasing him and that he now looked a bit of an idiot but.... god where they sexy like that! kissing so eagerly, his emerald eyes burned with desire as he watched.

Harry paused as the kiss ended, looking terribly uncertain, almost hesitant and for a moment it looked like he was going to Flee before he moved onto all fours and slowly crawled over to Blake, pinning him carefully to the bed as he kissed the other, the moves slow, hesitant and clumsy but it was a kiss. a real kiss, from Harry who it seamed was just as surprised at his sudden movement as the other two where. not that it stopped him from exploring the motions, feeling the mouth of his would be lover and tasting the lips with his tongue, slowly slipping his tongue into Blake's mouth and exploring the interior as well before slowly sitting back, looking rather dazed as he cocked his head to the side, frowning a little. "I need more practice." he grumbled. "you didn't do any of the things you where supposed to do." of course Harry's knowledge of such things came from romance novels, which where completely... wrong, about most things normally. "I don't think I've ever kissed anyone before." Harry admitted, looking slightly dazed, in a touch of shock. "I liked it. can I do it again?" he asked hopefully, glancing at James since it was technically 'his turn'. not that Harry really understood much about that either.
Blake looked much more amused than anything else at the way that Harry responded to his teasings. Of course he hadn't meant anything by it, but it was just so funny to watch Harry flounder for words when he wasn't entirely sure as to what was going on. When he had moved on to James he could tell how lustful Harry had become, something that gave him a pleasure deep in his stomach. He knew Harry wasn't fond of touch or getting close to anyone, mentally or physically, so being the one that he was willing to let in was remarkable and confusing. He had no idea why Harry would let him in, there wasn't anything special about him in the slightest, and yet people kept fighting over him and trying to get to him, it really didn't make any sense. He didn't move as he watched Harry climb over him and lean down to kiss him, closing his eyes and returning the kiss, his hands going to curl around the boys neck. He looked more than pleased when he finally pulled away and spoke. Blake laughed softly, a gentle, beautiful sound. "Of course you can do it again" he mumbled. James even looked pleased, he had never seen Harry so relaxed and at ease before. He moved off the bed "you two have fun, I'm going to catch up on sleep" he said, just then realizing just how tired he had gotten. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had slept for more than a few hours at a time.

Blake watched him leave then let his head fall to the pillow, looking up at Harry with a small smile. His hair fell around his face and onto the pillow, reflecting light and giving the illusion of a halo. He reached up and let his thumb brush across Harry's bottom lip "you can grab it, if you want. I saw you looking at it and I don't mind." He moved and kissed Harry's neck, giving him ample opportunity to grab hold of his golden locks and pull hard. "In fact, I'd rather like it if you did" he muttered, hoping Harry would take a hold of him and use his body the way he was made to, though Blake doubted he had ever gotten that far with anyone before him. To give him another nudge his let his fingers move up and run through Harry's dark hair. He loved the feeling of hair moving between his fingers, leaning up and kissing Harry, guiding his tongue and even biting the others bottom lip. "I want you to do anything and everything you've ever dreamed of doing to someone, and I want you to do it to me. I want all of you, Harry."
Harry hesitated as he kissed the other, enjoying it intently. "Your leaving!?" Harry demanded, a panicked note to his voice as he blinked at James before relaxing again as he realized that James really was just tired. "is it really alright to do this without James?" Harry asked as he shivered at the touch of the others thumb against his lips, his eyes sliding closed as he simply enjoyed the sensation. he moaned as he felt the others hands in his hair and he slid his fingers into Blake's and gripped hard, tugging on the platinum locks with delight, panting softly. "fuck... you make me feel things i've never felt before." he gasped in the others ear, sucking on the lobe before moving lower, simply exploring. "i've never done this before." he mumbled. "i mean, i've touched myself, lots of times but me and... we never... we where a bit young." Harry admitted, leaning back to examine Blake with lust filled eyes. "so if i do something you don't like, you have to tell me." he ordered, licking his lips as he trailed his fingers through platinum hair again, panting eagerly as his fingers slid lower, tracing the neck. his emerald eyes hot and hard with desire as he watched his fingers moving lower, as if desperate to memorize every single bit of the others body and the others reactions.

finally Harry got a little more eager and he slowly started to unbutton Blake's shirt, licking his lips as his fingers trailed down smooth flesh for the first time, pausing to fondle the nipples before lowering his head, eager to have just a little taste, his tongue stroking and laving the first nipple, and then the second before he began to lick his way lower, soft happy sounds falling from his mouth as he tasted his soon to be lover. "You taste so good." Harry murmered as he paused, his fingers fumbling with the others pants, yanking them down and leaving Blake nearly naked as Harry studied the others cock, sizing it up as he pondered how one was supposed to get something like that into ones mouth. Harry stroked the length, from balls to tip with his fingertips, feeling the length, and the girth, and simply testing for reactions, smiling a little as he tilted his head, cupping the balls in his hand and giving them a gentle squeeze. how could he have ever thought this was going to be hard? it was so easy to get a response. he leaned down and curiously licked the tip of Blake's cock, humming softly as he pondered the taste. salty, yet a bit sweet. Harry liked it. he liked the sound Blake had made even more, so he licked the top again, wondering if Blake would be willing to help him when it came down to... the real job, of sorts. Harry didn't have the first clue how to go about 'stretching' someone.
Blake looked up at Harry and shrugged “I don’t see a problem in it. If he wanted to join he would’ve stayed and he’s tired” he said, not caring in the slightest. “Besides, he’s already had his turn” he smirked, going back to Harry’s comment on going in turn. Arousal flooded through him as his hair was jerked hard, whimpering in pleasure at the sound of his voice. He wasn’t worried at all about Harry doing something he didn’t like. Zach had been a bit of an exhibitionist and he hadn’t found anything he didn’t like so he wasn’t worried about Harry in the slightest. Besides, he was vocal enough that Harry would know exactly when he was doing something Blake did like. His grey eyes watched the other moving down his body, his fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt. He found himself just watching, seeming fixed in that position, unable to move or do anything but watch Harry take and do what he wanted with him. A low whimper fell from him at the attention to his nipples, not used to the stimulation. God, Harry was a teaser. He could tell already. Well, at least more than James. “Oh Fuck” he groaned, his hips bucking at the light touches to his member and his balls, his hips jerking off the bed at the flicks from his tongue. He was trying his hardest to keep still but he ran his fingers through Harry’s hair and said softly “Harry, darling, I know this is your first time but unless you want me to take you, you need to be just a little more dominant” he told him gently. He was a switch, happy with either role but if he was bottoming he wanted to be forced roughly, the way he would be if he were topping. James was the same way.

Blake knew with Harry’s dominant personality and the way he was about physical contact that he wouldn’t let anyone top him, and that was most of the reason he said something then. Plus, Blake enjoyed it rougher, even if Harry wouldn’t want to do that because he hadn’t ever done this before. He swallowed and closed his eyes, letting the waves of pleasure wash over him. Luckily for him he had done this before so he wwouldn’t have to worry about being hurt or stress out Harry with his lack of knowledge on the subject. “Harry, take your clothes off” he said, sounding more like he was laughing than anything else. Blake was getting tired of the teasing and he wanted to get on with it and for that to happen Harry couldn’t be fully clothed. He waited as the other did as he was told, his eyes raking across his body and looking at the large scarred word across his chest and ignoring it, wondering how he would feel about Blake touching it. Finally his cock was released from its restraints, Blake taking in a small breath and decided then that he would never let Harry do anything but top for him. He pulled him closer by digging his heels into the others butt, his legs wrapping around the male. “C’mon Harry, fuck me please,” he begged, looking up at him, grey meeting green with his golden white hair fanned out around his head.
Harry nodded a little, feeling a little relieved at the explanation and honestly he was glad that James was gone. he felt ackward enough as it was without someone watching... or helping. he smiled as the other whimpered, lifting an eyebrow a little. so his little Vixen liked pain? how interesting. he explored every little detail of his new lovers body, taking his time, enjoying the responses he pulled out of the other. he had never felt this way, never. how could he have gone so long without knowing about things like this!? Harry purred into the hands in his hair and snarled at the threat, his fingers tightening on the others hips and forcing them down, shooting a very dominant glare at his lover. "This is my first time, and i will do as i damn well please and you will lay there and enjoy it!" he hissed before smirking. "in fact, i think i'll make sure of that." with a flick of his wrist Harry had a wand in his hand, Blake's wand. a flick of the wand and Ropes immidiatly wrapped around Blake's wrists and in a matter of seconds, Blake was tried to the headboard so that he couldn't try to take control. "there. that aught to take care of those nasty habits of yours. telling me what to do, how... naughty." Harry purred, smirking a little even as he did as he was ordered and stripped for the other. ignoring the way he was looking at the word cut into his flesh. forever branded as a 'freak'.

"i don't want to Fuck you yet." Harry growled, his eyes glittering even as he let the other pull him closer with his legs. "you aren't even begging yet. i want you mindless for pleasure." he purred. "i want to see you twisting, writhing, begging me and promising me ANYTHING, if only i will just give you what you want. besides, i eant to explore your body a little bit. i've never seen anyone else naked before." he admitted calmly, his fingers tracing a nibble before giving it a firm pinch. "you seam to like just a little bit of pain, hmm? i wonder how you'd feel if?" he mused, cutting himself off as he leaned down and started circling the others pulse with his tongue, lavishing the skin before, and entirely without warning, he gave the other a sharp bite. it was a spark of pain, it would leave a red ring that was already fading. but as Harry traveled lower, he bit harder and harder, testing Blake's desire for pain. he took his time to suckle the spot before he bit, making it all the more sensitive until he was at Blake's hip and he bit hard enough to leave a bruise. he lapped the area for a moment before he buried his nose in Blake's curls, exploring the taste and smell of Blake as he ran his tongue along the lower half of the others shaft, tormenting his little lover, as well as memorizing everything there was about the other.

finally though, finally Harry lowered his head and brushed his tongue against that puckered little hole and started to lavish it with attention. one of the good things about being able to speak to snakes, is that he could do amazing things with his tongue, and he was doing them all against Blake's tight little ass before finally slipping his tongue inside and fucking him with it. he pulled away, licked his lips and set his fingers against Blake's lips, his emerald eyes far too bright with lust as he panted his order. "suck." he moaned as that hot mouth wrapped around his digits and he lamented the fact that he hadn't asked the other to give him a blow job... later, perhaps. he slipped his fingers out and slid the first one into Blake and started wiggling it about. he was well aware of the prostate, he had masturbated often enough to know about that amazing little spot, but he wasn't sure how to go about finding it on another person. he added a second and a third finger before he found it, his finger just brushing against the spot before grinning at Blake's response. "there it is." he purred happily. "i wonder... could i make you cum with just my fingers in your ass? should we find out?"
Blake was watching Harry, moaning softly at the little touches and teasing he was getting from the other. He was especially enjoying the way that he was taking control and putting him in his place, well, until he tied his hands up. For a few moments it was alright. A few moments for him to realize that even when he pulled on them hard he still couldn’t move his wrists more than a few inches away from the headboard. And a few inches was not enough to keep him calm and stable. A few inches was enough to make everything stop, except for his heart. His heart raced, beating faster and faster and it felt like it would explode from his chest if he couldn’t do anything to stop it’s mad beating. There was nothing he could do. Nothing. Nothing to stop something bad from happening like it already had. Nothing to stop the fear that consumed him from the last time he had been restrained. “Stop, undo it, I don’t like it” he said, hoping he would just do it quickly. He could feel his heart quickening its pace and he was wondering if Harry would do as he asked or not. He had said that if there was anything he didn’t like to let him know. Being helpless like that just made him feel like he was forced there, reminded him when he had no control over his body and he almost died because of it, and it filled him with fear. “Harry, get it off, get it off, please” he whined, closing his eyes and pulling at the ropes, not caring if they were chafing his skin, pulling so hard they would leave bruises the next day.

God, he did not want to be around when James saw them and brought it up to Harry, that would be an argument that he would be much happier just missing altogether though he knew with one of them always around him he would be screwed when it came to missing it. The thought of James made tears spring to his eyes, remembering James who was always there for him and had taken care of him every time something went wrong. Once that dam was broken the flood was released, everything that had been piled on him lately just came flooding through and he couldn’t hold them back any longer. He curled in on himself once the rope was off, sobbing “I..........I ca........can’t........can’” he managed to get out, sucking in air to fill lungs that seemed to be empty. He looked at Harry, knowing he wouldn’t know what to do with him or with the sobbing and mental breakdown. It had seemed that the calming draught had worn off, maybe Harry would go get him some more, if he could manage to move. Blake turned away from him, grabbing his phone and dialing James’s number. Surprisingly, the other answered, though he sounded sleepy “Ja.......Ja.....James?” he asked, still crying, though it was all the other needed to hear to come running. All he was wearing when he came through the door was a pair of sweat pants, looking worried and then angry.

“What the hell did you do to him? It hasn’t been fifteen minutes since I left!” he said angrily, scooping up Blake into his arms and holding him against his chest while he sobbed and muttered unintelligibly into his skin. “Shhh, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you now. Everything’s going to be okay” he said softly into his hair. His eyes moved over Blake’s body, seeing the red marks on his wrists where he had pulled violently at the rope “what’d you tie him up for?” he asked, though he mouthed it rather than said it aloud as it seemed to be what Blake was upset about. He kept rubbing at them and hiding them as though he was ashamed about something. It was all he could do not to jump Harry and start beating on him right then and there, something he knew would not help Blake out any with whatever was going on in his head right then. After noticing that Harry didn’t seem to know any more about what was going on than he did, as well as the fact that he was looking torn up about the whole situation, he let it slide and turned his focus onto Blake. He nuzzled him and spoke softly “sweetheart, what’s wrong? What’d he do?” he asked him gently, not wanting to set him off again. Blake shook his head and buried himself further into James’s chest “noth....nothing. Tied...he tied my wrists and......I scared..thought......I thought I was go......going to d....die like....before” he said, saying it aloud made him burst into tears again.

James realized then what had happened, his face softening and he rubbed Blake’s back “shhh, just go to sleep baby. Everything’s going to be alright. I’ve got you and nothing is going to happen to you when you’ve got me and Harry here with you. We both love you so much, no one thought something like that would make you remember that. I’m so sorry baby” he muttered into his hair, looking at the other and grabbing his hand, squeezing it to try and make him feel better, if Harry let him touch him. Harry was already broken, and he had finally let someone in and their first contact had ended roughly. He sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t screw up what they wanted to do in the future though it was clear nothing could be done that might restrict his movement, at least anytime soon. Not until Blake was comfortable and trusted them enough to know they wouldn’t leave him or do anything to him he didn’t want or couldn’t take. James just looked tired at this point, all the hours taking care of Blake were starting to show and even then, while he was trying to calm Blake, he was starting to nod off.
Harry paused as soon as the other said stop and he looked up at Blake, swallowing thickly as he recognized the expression on the others face. "alright, hold still... Blake hold still, stop pulling your making it worse." he ordered, using soft tones that he hoped wouldn't frighten the other too much. "shh, Blake it's ok. their gone now. i won't do it again!" he promised, sounding frantic as he tried to understand what was happening. he looked relieved when the other called James and tried to reassure Blake until the other got there. he immidiatly got out of James' way, looking mortified and stricken. he looked at James as he comforted Blake and held up a book that would explain everything. it was tilted. 'thirty ways to enhance your sex life.' Harry had just been doing what he thought Blake would like. Harry looked even more stricken when Blake told them he thought he was going to die and he swallowed thickly as he realized he might have broken Blake. he flinched away from the hand on his, cringing as if he'd expected pain instead of comfort, but when no pain was forthcoming he took Blake's hand back in his, holding it tightly as he trembled. how could he have done this to Blake!?

"Sleep James." Harry ordered softly, realizing the other was about to collapse in exhaustion as he carefully stretched them both out so that they'd be more comfortable and here he hesitated before pulling on a pair of boxers and crawling into bed with them, wrapping his arms around Blake as well as he tucked his nose into the others neck. now Blake was sandwiched between the both of them, warm and safe... or so Harry hoped. he had to admit... it felt very nice to hold someone, and smell their skin as he rested. he couldn't sleep, he didn't dare. he knew there would be nightmares, but he dozed on and off. in the morning he carefully detached himself from th other two and went to the kitchens to get them some food, rubbing his eyes as he blinked at Snape as the man stalked into the Kitchen as well. he followed Harry up to Blake and wasted no time in explaining. "i thought i would come and offer my services to you. i understand that you are Lucius Malfoy's missing Son." Severus admitted. "i have been freinds with Lucius for a very long time, and i thought that i might be able to act as a mediator between the two of you..." he admitted calmly, sipping a cup of tea that he had been offered by Harry, who was pouring Milk into his own cup. "Lucius is getting impatient then?" Harry asked, looking worried as he glanced at Blake. "i don't know if Blake is ready for this yet... i don't want Lucius pressuring Blake into something he's not emotionally ready for." "if Blake is not yet ready to meet with Lucius, than i will simply tell him so. Lucius is merely concerned for his... offspring." here Snape smirked a little. "he is convinced that Blake is half starved, beaten daily, and forced to work as a common slave." he admitted with a chuckle. "he will beleive me when i tell him otherwise."
James fought sleep for as long as he could, shaking his head when he was told to sleep "no, not until he feels better" he mumbled defiantly, though once he laid down and got comfortable he was out like a light, not even his desire to help Blake could keep him up any longer. He was wary of Harry, though he knew that he wouldn't do anything to actually harm Blake, he didn't know how the blonde would be feeling about him with what had just happened. Meanwhile, Blake had quieted, calming minutely. He said nothing about the sleeping arrangements, knowing he wouldn't get a wink of sleep tonight. First of all he was much too upset and on top of that there were too many people in his bed. He honestly didn't care for either of them to sleep with him. He guessed that they needed it or wanted it or something but he couldn't stand being pressed up against someone while he was trying to sleep. He'd have to tell them soon, unless he wanted to become a zombie all the time. He had calmed tremendously by the time he felt Harry stir and leave them. James was still dead to the world, his body just needed to rest some more. He got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, brushing his hair out and using a spell to return it to the midnight black he liked. At the moment, Harry's opinion of it couldn't matter in the slightest and he knew the blonde would make him self-concious.

"Yes, have you said as much to him or is he still unaware of my knowledge of our relationship?" he asked Snape, sitting in a wing-backed chair, sipping his own cup of tea while flipping his wand around in his fingers. His eyes sent daggers towards Harry, angry that he would even say something like that after what had happened the night before "you don't know what I am emotionally ready for and I would appreciate it if you didn't act like it" he spat harshly. The calm way he said it made him even more frightening because of the dark undercurrent of anger, an anger that he hadn't yet learned how to control that well, making him something of a ticking time bomb. "I will meet with him. I want to see what he has to say to me and what he wants to do for me. I have not forgotten the last eighteen years of my life and the fact that I have not seen hide nor hair of the man who claims to be my father." Snape would probably see then the Malfoy in Blake, with the way he was speaking and the way he carried himself. He acted as if he were better, even if it was only a front to keep himself safe. The past few days had been traumatic enough for him, he didn't need to put up with any more bullshit from them, especially Harry or James. They were both putting him off, coddling him the way that they were. He needed to be able to breathe and they were smothering him. He stood, pulling on a long black coat and wrapping a scarf around his neck, sliding his phone and wand into his pocket. "I'll follow you, Severus, and I'll see you later Harry, it won't do any good for you to come with us, this isn't about you" he said, probably a bit harsher than he really should have.
Snape nodded. "indeed. he knows very little other than the fact that you are his son. though how he found this out i have no idea." Snape admitted simply. "i honestly never thought to ask." he admitted with a frown. "we'll discuss that together when you meet him. i'm sure you want to know more than i do." he admitted simply, lifting an Eyebrow as Harry cringed away from the tone that Blake used and slid into the shadows to hide from Blake's wrath. Snape found that rather unusual behavior from a King of Adderstrike. something must have happened between the two of them to make Harry behave that way. Snape watched Blake speak and he had to repress a smile. "well, Lucius will at least be happy with your mannerisms." he mused. "you talk quite like him. despite never having truly known him." he admitted calmly. "honestly, i don't know whether he's been searching for you or not. the Malfoy's are a very prestigious family, they would have kept you hidden as much as possible, in an effort to keep you safe from deplorable people who would do you harm to get revenge on the Malfoy's." Snape admitted. "not many people even knew the Malfoy's had a child." he admitted as he drained the last of his tea before putting on his cloak.

"..." Harry cringed at the tone in Blake's voice as he was ordered not to go with and he looked away and nodded, sliding deeper into the shadows. if Blake attacked him, Harry knew he wouldn't be able to bring himself to fight back. Snape led the way out of the Adderstrike and he glanced at Blake. "did something happen between you and Harry Blake? i've never seen a King od Adderstrike behave like that..." he admitted calmly, studying the other. "if you need to talk about it, you know i'll always come to you, right?" he asked, his head cocked. Snape had a phone too after all, and he had given Blake his number... at least, he thought he had. "i have convinced Lucius that he needed to meet you in a public setting so you wouldn't get frightened." Snape admitted with a smug smirk. "we both know that you could kill him in a second if he tried to kidnap you, but i'm downplaying your abilities so you have a bit of an advantage. i honestly have no idea how Lucius is going to handle all of this. ah, there he is now. see him?" Snape asked, indicating the tall aristocratic blond, who was sitting in front of a wizarding Cafe. "do you want me to approach first or do you wish to?"
Blake seemed pleased to know that his mannerisms were like his father's. He always thought that he was no one and the knowledge that he actually had a father was something strange and exciting. Part of him wanted to go and live with him then and there, move in and pretend like he had always lived there and he had never been taken. Another part of him was more realistic, though, and knew that he would never be close with his father. Not because he didn't want to but simply because he didn't know him. He knew about his fathers loyalties and that didn't really bother him, of course he would have a past, everyone did and you couldn't change that, and he didn't know if he would even want to if he could. He looked at Snape when he was asked about Harry's reaction to the way he spoke to him and he shrugged it off lightly "we had a row last night. James intervened and made it better but we're both still a little numb about it" he said, admitting weakness then. It was a very rare thing for him to admit to it and he didn't like it at all. Though he believed that Snape wasn't one to exploit his weaknesses for fear of Harry so he felt comfortable telling him this time.

"No, I'll approach him. Would you mind just giving us a few moments alone?" he asked of the other, approaching the table and sitting across from the blonde. He could see small parts of his face that he saw in the mirror every day, wondering how anyone in the wizarding world couldn't see their obvious relation. "Lucius, my name is Blake, though I assume you know that" he said, a slight smirk on his face. "Yes, although your birth name is different. I had thought you were dead. It had been so long since I'd seen you" he said, almost looking nostalgic. Snape could see their mouths moving and they went on for close to two hours, simply talking. At one point Lucius looked angry and Blake shared the emotion at another point. It was very clear, with them sitting across from each other that they were father and son. If Blake had decided to go with the blonde hair it would have been even more evident, which was why part of him had gone with the black. At one point a smile cracked Lucius's face and Blake tilted his head back in a laugh, probably one of the first times in ages Snape had seen it in either of the men.

They both stood and nodded slightly before heading in opposite directions. "We can go back now, thanks for setting this meeting up, Severus" he said simply, not saying anything else and not planning on it either. It had been between him and his father and he felt like it should stay that way unless he really felt like telling everyone what they planned on doing. He found Harry and told him that he wanted to help with teaching some of the kids magic and how to use codes to communicate to each other in case their messages were intercepted at some point. For one thing he thought it would be fun and he was just so miserable from being bored all the damn time. He still wasn't in tip top shape but that didn't really matter to him. He couldn't stand just sitting in his room like some cripple while everyone waited on him hand and foot. He wasn't used to that and he wouldn't live like that. On top of that he was getting tired of being shadowed by either James or Harry all the time. He wanted a little bit of freedom to do things he pleased when he felt like doing them.
Snape nodded a little. "a row hmm?" he asked with a smile. "you'll forgive him won't you? Harry doesn't know much about people after all." he admitted simply. "you will have to train him." as if Harry was some kind of puppy that needed to be housebroken. "i will let you speak to your father alone, if he does anything though, i will stop him." Snape stated simply. "i do not know his intentions and i won't allow him to do anything to hurt you, physically, or emotionally." Snape promised the boy. he took up a seat on the other side of the street, watching intently, but not intervening or trying to listen in. he was rather surprised that Harry or James wasn't there. in fact, aside from the one 'Sneak' which was watching from a rooftop above them, eyes fixed on Lucius in case he tried anything, here was no Adderstrike there to make problems. neither Snape nor the Adderstrike sneak made any movement, they both kept their eyes fixed on the two talking, wary of Lucius trying to kidnap Blake or something. he had to admit relief when they both stood. Lucius had a gilded tongue, but Blake wouldn't let that affect him. if he went with Lucius it was because he wanted to. he was a little surprised when Blake came over to him.

"of course Blake. i am glad that you two got along so well. Lucius is my freind but i'm afraid i don't know him all that well anymore." Snape admitted simply. "we had to stay apart from one another because of the war. we could easily get each other killed, so i was... wary, about how the meeting would go." he admitted. "i am glad that you could make Lucius laugh. i haven't seen him so much as smile since you disappeared." Snape admitted simply. Harry tried his best to stay out of Blake's way, but looked delighted as Blake asked to teach the youngsters magic. he didn't even wait, he got Blake everything he needed right away and told Blake to make up a schedule that he liked and set the little monsters to work! apparently Harry, according to Snape, had thought Blake was depressed, and hadn't wanted to push Blake into anything. he had been delighted that Blake wanted to help because that meant that Blake wasn't depressed any more... not that Harry knew for sure if Blake ever really had been. sometimes Remus Lupin stopped by and helped with the lessens, teaching the littlest ones how to read, and showing them all how to deal with various threats, from mundane to magical.

Funnily enough, Harry seamed to be more upset about what had happened than Blake had, and at one point he had been seen ripping apart a large book, where he had found out about bondage. a few children later reported that Harry had thrown whatever had been left in a fire, and asked Blake what 'Sub' and 'Dom' where and why it was 'kinky'. unfortunately Remus had been there that day and he'd nearly choked to death on his tea. Harry had yet to ask Blake about his meeting with Lucius, but then, Harry knew all too well what it was like to want a father, and for Blake to find one... well Harry didn't want to mess anything up for Blake.
Blake took Snape's words into consideration. He would forgive Harry eventually but how long it took him could be something else entirely. He knew it would take a while but he didn't really think Harry could blame him if he wasn't interested in doing anything physical for a while. He enjoyed playing with the children and teaching them things that he knew about that would help them to do better in the world so maybe they wouldn't be so dependent on others when they grew older. On the outside he was sure that it looked like Harry was the most upset about what had happened between them. He heard from the children a couple days later that Harry had had an outburst, tearing a book apart and then burning it where everyone could see. He simply laughed when he was asked about their new vocabulary. He was clearly more light-hearted about it than Remus was, which he didn't mind. He knew they wouldn't really understand it anyway so he was fully prepared to let the werewolf explain it to them.

It took days for Blake to even let Harry or James close enough to be within reach of him. It was a few more days before he would let either of them touch him. Though he forced them to go and sleep on their own, enjoying the deep sleep he was getting by having a bed to himself again. He was always able to sleep better when he was alone in a bed. He decided that he wanted to go out again and told Harry that he was going to go out for a walk and that he would be back in an hour or so, so at least he wouldn't freak out if he started looking and couldn't find him. He wasn't gone for long when he knew that there was someone around that had been there for a little while. He calmly went through a couple back streets to corner him and once he turned a corner he was pinned to the wall, a deep rumble of laughter coming from his assailants chest. "Never try to play tricks on the trickster" he said to Blake, a hood covering his face from view.

The voice beneath the hood was so familiar that it was almost painful. "What do you want?" Blake hissed angrily. He didn't like to be made a fool of and this man was doing a very good job of just that. "I wanted to talk to you, I've been looking for you everywhere" he said, and then Blake heard it. The familiar, soothing baritone of someone he knew so well. "You're dead" Blake hissed, trying to pull away. "Well. Either I'm not, or you're hallucinating. Which seems more probable" the male asked, pulling the hood away. Blake got a good look at his face and as the realization sunk in he looked almost relieved before angry, hitting the male in the chest hard "where the fuck have you been!?!? It's been weeks since I saw you killed! How the hell did you do that, anyway?" he asked Zach. "I just woke up a couple hours ago, I've been looking for you since then. I have no idea what happened, I don't remember anything" he admitted, touching Blake's face gently "you look like you've aged so much, what's happened my love?" "I've been tortured" "shit. They found you then. I'm so sorry baby" he said, looking injured as well.

Blake realized then that he was going to be stuck in the middle of a huge problem. Zach, James, and Harry. How in the hell could he possibly pull that off? He was lucky with being able to balance James and Harry, throw in his old lover and boyfriend that was apparently still alive? That was just asking for them to kill one another. "We should probably take you to Harry. He'd want to know that you're alive" he said, looking up at Zach. Yep. This was definitely going to throw a knot in things. "You're in Adderstrike?" Zach asked him, not too happy looking about it, either. "So what? They're good people, and I can leave anytime that I want" he added, liking the illusion of choice. He knew he really couldn't leave, although he could now since Zach could take care of him. "What's his name?" Zach asked him point-blank. "What?" "You heard me. You haven't kissed me and you're itching to get back. So, what's his name?" "Well..." "Just lemme hear it" "Harry...and James."

Zach didn't speak for a few moments as he just tried to digest what he was hearing. He was expecting an argument but what he got was being shoved up against the wall and kissed, hard. Zach's style was so different than the other two. He was dominating and rough and yet caring and very aware of Blake's comfort and he couldn't help but moan into the kiss, it was just so remarkable. "Okay, I'll come with you" he said calmly, as if the kiss hadn't affected him in the slightest. That was what was so remarkable about him. He acted like nothing bothered him, though Blake could see through his guise and he knew that he had gotten the answer he wanted, whatever it was.

He snuck him in, or more like Zach snuck them in, since he already knew how to get in and out of the building easier. They stayed in his room while Blake told someone to go get Harry for him, that it was an emergency. He knew he could get him to come quickly if he said that. He sat on his bed with Zach, filling him in on what had happened since he had 'died' and trying to get over the fact that he actually wasn't. Blake looked as the door opened and just watched Harry's face, waiting to see what he would do when he saw the man who was supposedly dead sitting there next to Blake. He was certain that Harry knew nothing of their relationship either. He assumed Harry only thought their relationship was one akin to a brotherhood, and that their relationship only went that far.
Harry had felt better after burning the book, but he wanted to make sure nothing like that ever happened again, so he had talked James into telling him about 'proper' things to do with another person. thing's like kissing, holding hands, blow jobs, and safer kinks to explore. he had been pushing himself rather hard, trying to be better for Blake, and he was often seen touching people, despite his own unease. he was actually working with Remus when Blake got back with Zach, practicing his hugs. he liked Remus because the man just went with the flow on everything. Sirius teased him too much, the jackass. although Harry did like Sirius too, the man was funny. he looked panicked for a moment when he heard their was an emergency involving Blake and he ran through the halls and slammed into the room. "Blake!? what happened, who the hell is... Zach!?" he asked, his eyes wide as he stared at the new person in the room. "Zach? you're alive! you... you..." and then Harry paused, running through several things in his head all at once, doing the 'blank out' he was so famous for. while a great many of the Adderstrike had never seen Harry do this, Zach had.

after all, after the whole mess with Harry's would have been boyfriend and the previous King of Adderstrike, it had been Zach who had helped Harry control Adderstrike on his own. it had been Zach who had taught Harry how to read, and it had been Zach who had first found Harry, being beaten and abused at the Dursley's. "Zach..." Harry whispered, moving over to the man and pressed his face into the man's chest, and began to sob. in all of his life Harry had only cried three times before this. once when he had first been rescued. once when his boyfriend had died. once when thirteen of the Adderstrike children had been killed, and now. out of all the people in the world, Zach was the one person, besides Blake, who Harry honestly respected. to have him suddenly alive and well, had been too much for the King of Adderstrike. it didn't last long though, Harry scowled at Zach and hit him on the chest. "you made me cry you jerk!" he complained, wiping his eyes.

"where the hell have you been!? everyone thought you betrayed us you jackass! all those kids dead, all those signs indicating you had joined the Death Eaters!... the Order is here. i'm going to assume you don't want them to know your alive, let alone here." he muttered, pacing back and forth. "we're going to have to keep you hidden from the Death Eaters too, or they really WILL kill you this time. we'll have to hide Blake too, because i'm pretty sure he's going to go, wherever you go..." Harry sounded rather sad about that, but he wasn't as stupid as people thought he was. he knew that Zach had 'first dibs' in Blake's heart. Harry and James, just didn't stand a chance against someone as amazing as Zach. Harry didn't dare try to fight to keep Blake, not when his own heart was still bleeding from what he had done to him. Blake might not know it, but Harry knew all too well just who Zach was to Blake, the boy had told him after all. Harry doubted Blake remembered that though.
Zach had already had an idea of the way that Harry would probably react when he saw him so this wasn't really a surprise. He laughed a little when he froze, glancing at Blake "I think I may have broke him, I do apologize" he said, looking amused. It was a surprise, however, to see him break down into tears, holding the boy fiercely while he had a moment of weakness. "OW!" Zach whined, rubbing his chest "God, what is it with you two and hitting me? I don't know any more about it than you two do" he said to them. "No, I don't want them knowing I'm alive, they'll have to take me to the ministry and I'll get sent to Azkaban and I'm too posh for that. Hmmm, yes, I can see why you would have thought that." He didn't say anything to the comment about Blake going where he went. That was the way that he liked it but he knew that Blake did whatever the hell he wanted and he could see the comment on Blake's lips. He just shook his head, indicating that he already knew and the boy immediately calmed in the knowledge that he was free to do as he pleased.

"Don't look so upset Harry, he still cares for you as well, probably more than either of you realize" he said nonchalantly, checking under his nails for dirt. Blake's mouth fell open, feeling exposed and awkward at being here with the both of them and Zach deciding that he wanted to start talking about this now. "There's a spot..." Zach started, looking directly at Harry, Blake flying off the bed to cover his mouth "Don't you dare!! I will cut yours off and feed it to an owl" Blake threatened, causing a laugh to come from Zach who replied with a calm "You wouldn't dare. I know how you feel about him" Zach said slowly, mockingly, who simply reached up and pulled Blake down on top of him, kissing him boldly while his hands went back and squeezed the boys ass before pressing on a spot on his torso that made him moan and his knees go weak. Zach had to hold him up to keep him from falling and smiled as he pulled away, looking at Harry "that's how you keep him compliant. And he loves it so don't worry about making him mad or anything."

Blake, in fact, did look pleased. He hadn't been lying when he said he enjoyed being put in his place and Zach was probably even more of a dom than Harry was, he was just much more subtle about it. "C'mere Harry. I don't know what you two had a row about but I can see it on your faces. Be very careful with my boy, hurt him again and I'll hurt you" he said calmly, though the gravity in his voice was easy to pick up on. "Kiss here" he said, touching a spot on Blake's neck, a whimper of anticipation leaving the boy. Zach was about to teach Harry how to take care of Blake the way that would have him hoarse by the time they were through with him. The arousal was clear in Zach's eyes at that point, black with desire. Blake's would have been similar had they not been closed already. "Are you ready my pet?" Zach asked him, something he always did before they started, the words sending a chill through Blake "yes Daddy" he chimed. "What are your safe words?" Zach asked, just making sure he had them straight although they never changed "pipe and jar" Blake replied, getting jittery with excitement.

"Pipe means he's getting close to his limit and you'll need to back off. Jar means drop everything you're doing and let him go immediately" Zach told Harry, sounding as though they were just talking about the weather or something mundane. "I don't mind sharing him with you because I know how you are with physical contact but I will not bottom to you and I don't expect you to bottom unless you want to. Though I will have you know, when it comes to him, I am your superior. You are not King of Adderstrike. You are a boy and I will treat you as such if you question my authority" he said, the tone in his voice letting the other know he wasn't to be questioned on this matter. "Daddy please" Blake whined, his cock already straining at his jeans as he laid on the bed and waited for him to start. "I know baby, I've just got to make sure Harry knows the rules" he said soothingly, as if he were speaking to a child. Zach looked pleased when he looked down at Blake, he was so broken in when it came to this. He was his little slut in the bedroom, though he was feisty and so completely independent otherwise.

"Take your shirt off, baby" he said calmly, watching him slowly lift the cotton over his head and toss it onto the floor. Zach looked at him thoughtfully and tilted his head a bit, thinking "do you think you could fit both of us, Blake?" he asked, his tone changing a bit and Blake picking up on it. It was as if using his actual name was a code word for them to act normal or something. "If you guys take it easy, I'd like to try it though" he said, looking between them, his face flushed as he looked at each of them. "Good" Zach replied, a smile gracing his face as he looked over at Harry.
"i hit you because you deserve it!" Harry grumbled, glaring at Zach. "and like hell your going to Azkaban!" Harry snarled, his eyes flashing. "i'll get the Order out of here then..." he paused. "especially considering we all know your not innocent..." he muttered. "the question is, what crimes would send you to Azkaban?" he mused playfully. "seduction of a minor probobly." Harry froze again as the other commented on Blake liking him and he blinked a little at the other, his eyes narrowing a little. was he that open? he needed to work on his mask... not that it worked against Zach but it usually took the man a few minutes to get a bead on harry. "a Spot?" Harry asked, perking up with interest as he examined Zach. he would have expected a few protests at the very least, but the man was just... accepting it. Harry's lips twitched in amusement at Blake's threat, his head cocked to the side as he watched with fascination and a touch of awe. how could someone make another knees go weak with just a single touch!? it was amazing! he stared in utter fascination as the two kissed and as Zach pressed that one little spot and Blake moaned and nearly collapsed, Harry suddenly felt his pants where a little too tight.

he felt a bit dirty, watching this, but he couldn't look away. wouldn't look away, he wanted to catch every motion, every moan, every twitch. "yeah..." Harry muttered, blinking at Zach. "i hate it when he's made at me..." he cringed at the mention of the fight and he quickly looked away. "...i read a book." he muttered. "and i tied him up because the book said it would be fun..." Harry explained. "i tried to let him go right away but he was struggling..." he cringed at the threat. Zach was probobly the only one in Adderstrike that could hurt harry. not because he was stronger, but because Harry wouldn't fight him on it. well, Blake could too, and possibly James. Harry leaned forward to examine the spot that Zach pointed to, his head cocked to the side before he leaned down and pressed his soft lips, just so on the neck, a soft, brushing kiss that was almost too chaste... until Harry nipped the skin, just a pinch. Harry looked up at Zach, confused, but eager to do anything Zach told him to if it meant he got to make it up to Zeke for his horrible first attempt. "D..daddy?" Harry's eyes flooded with arousal, those emeralds turning into more a color of Jade. it was like he'd been sucker punched right in the Libido, god that was hot.

"Pipe means back off. Jar means let him go completely. got it." Harry muttered, swallowing thickly. "i', been practicing." Harry admitted with a bright flush. "i can hug people now... so long as they don't surprise me..." as long as he initiated the contact anyway. he nearly killed Sirius when the man tried to hug him the other day. "i highly doubt i could dominate you Zach." Harry stated dryly. "i'm dominant but i'm not THAT Dominant." he paused suddenly his head cocking to the side. him, bottom?... well there was a new idea... he'd try it on himself first. as much as he trusted Zach and Blake, he wasn't about to let them have that much power over him until he knew he would enjoy the physical parts of it at the very least. he stared at Zach, feeling a bit annoyed that he was being spoken to like that, but he knew Zach was right. "Don't call me Boy!" Harry hissed at the other. "just... i don't... know what i'm doing..." he muttered, indicating Blake. "i mean... i read that book and it explained about preparation and penetration and... stuff..." Harry was bright red again. "but i don't really know what i'm doing..." that was the closest he'd come to giving Zach permission to order him about. Harry would follow Zach's orders without question... within reason anyway.

"fit.. both of us!?" Harry demanded, his eyes wide with stunned shock. did Zach REALLY mean... as in... inside of Blake? was that safe? was it even physically possible!? Harry opened his mouth to ask, paused and closed his mouth. opened it again and made a choking sound and closed it again. poor Harry looked like his fish dinner had just gotten up, tap danced it's way across the table, sprouted wings, and flew away. completely gobsmacked.
A smirk grew on the mans face when Harry said he'd get sent to Azkaban for seduction of a minor "yes, that mainly. Though I didn't force anything on him. He was completely reciprocating." Zach said, looking down at his lover who had blushed and had a guilty smile on his face. Harry's reaction to Blake's name for him amused the shit out of Zach, smirking as he looked at Harry. "Hot isn't it? If you think it's hot now, just think about how it sounds when he's cumming" he said, smirking. He had come up with it, in all honesty. But Blake had accepted and embraced it, just as he embraced Zach calling him his baby. It was arousing for him as well and they both got a kick out of it. Blake moaned and tilted his head when he felt the kiss, his lips parting as he felt the teeth, Zach watching like a hawk to make sure he wouldn't leave marks. He couldn't stand having marks left on Blake, it was a major turn off and he refused to do anything that would change the way Blake looked naked. Including tattoos or piercings. He had basically forbade Blake from getting them.

"Yes." He said, looking at Harry as if he didn't understand which part was confusing Harry. "Honestly, you're worse than Blake was when I found him" he said, even though he had been a virgin when he had met Blake. He acted like he slept around and flirted with everyone but he hadn't found anyone he was interested in until he had found Blake. The thought of sharing Blake didn't please him but he knew that it would be easier to keep Blake if he kept him happy, and right now, Harry made him happy just as much as Zach did. "I hope you don't mind the lack of foreplay. I don't know that I could last very long and I want to fuck my little baby. How does that sound, sweetie?" he asked, speaking to Harry at first and then addressing Blake. "Yes...Daddy please fuck me" Blake moaned, his hips moving on their own with the arousal that he just couldn't control. He pulled his clothes off, leaning over Blake as he kissed him roughly while freeing Blake of his pants as well, waiting for Harry to strip.

"Lay down" he said barely glancing at Harry while he spoke. Blake situated himself over Harry and began kissing him, rubbing their manhoods together and moaning softly into his mouth. Zach found the lube and covered himself before moving onto Harry, covering him liberally and then fingering Blake deftly. "Alright, go ahead" he said to Harry, though Blake moved to take him, shuddering with his size and leaning down to bite Harry's shoulder lightly, though it would become harder when Zach started pushing into him as well, his fingers digging into Harry's arms. Pain flickered across his face but he wasn't complaining in the slightest. He continued until he was fully buried in his ass and then stopped, leaning over his lover "are you alright Blake? Not too bad?" he asked, sounding so genuinely concerned for his wellbeing over his own arousal at that point. He would always make sure he was okay before just going ahead with something, part of the reason why Blake had never had to use the safeword with him before. "Yeah...god it's tight" he muttered against Harry's chest, loving the feeling of Zach kissing his shoulders and back so gently and lovingly. Zach could talk absolute filth to him and then he acted like this, like two different people, something that he adored and what kept him so hooked on Zach. "How you doing Harry?" Zach asked, also worrying about him since he didn't have much of any experience at all.
Harry snickered a little and nodded. "i can imagine." he mused playfully before swallowing sheepishly as he realized that Zach was amused. "oh god..." Harry groaned, the image flashing in his head, shuddering as he imagined Zach fucking Blake fast and hard and Blake calling out 'Daddy' again and again. "i think i came in my pants just a little bit..." Harry muttered before going even more red as he realized what he'd said. Harry didn't leave any marks, he didn't like the thought of Blake being marked either. bruises, cuts... he just didn't like it. "i am not!" Harry protested, sulking. "i am at least two steps ahead of Blake when you found him! i know about Bondage! and about water-sports! and..." what the hell kind of book had Harry been reading!? "and i know about Rimming! and Blowjobs!... sort of... i know the theory anyway." Harry muttered as he tapped his lip thoughtfully. "lack of..." he frowned a little. "isn't that what we've been doing?" he asked, indicating Blake. "the kissing and touching i mean... isn't that foreplay? from what i understand, the submissive is supposed to get the majority of the pleasure anyway right?" well wasn't Harry a sweet little gentleman?

Harry watched the two get naked with delight, his eyes examining the two bodies without a care in the world. he hesitated a moment about getting naked himself. but both of them had seen the scars before, so he finally stripped down and went and laid on the bed, as hard as a rock and curious about how they where going to do this... oh, that was how. he gasped into the kiss, and then groaned eagerly as he bucked his hips into the ministrations of his lover, groaning at how GOOD that felt. he'd been touching himself a lot lately, but nothing felt so good as it did right then. Blake was really amazing, the warmth of his flesh pressing against Harry in all the right ways. "oh son of a bitch!" Harry moaned, arching into the hand on his cock, bucking into the attention and he knew right then and there... he wanted... no, he needed more. he didn't care what it took, he wanted to keep having sex with Blake and Zach. even if he had to submit to Zach, Harry would do it!

he moaned as Blake bit him, arching into the pain. he liked pain with his pleasure, he knew that much, and he wouldn't give a rats damn if Blake drew blood. Zach might mind, but Harry sure as hell didn't. "oh fuck, oh fuck... oh son of a fuck..." Harry moaned as he felt himself getting encased in tight, wet heat. oh he was dying from pleasure alone, it was like an instant orgasm, only he couldn't quite reach that point. he had to struggle to keep himself from thrusting into that warm, warm, tight, wonderful heat that was slowly making him loose any sanity he'd ever had, or would ever hold again. he groaned hard as Zach joined him, making it even tighter and he clung to Zach because he didn't have anything to cling to. he finally gripped the bed underneath him, wary of leaving even a scratch on Blake. he didn't want to hurt Blake at all. "oh fuck..." was Harry's only response to Zach. "why wasn't i doing this before?! oh fuck... can i move? i want to move... he's so goddamn TIGHT... feels so good... oh fuck."
Zach had never been one to speak or make a lot of noise so he was always amused and loved the sounds that Blake made when he was enjoying himself, which apparently Harry liked to do as well. He didn't mind Harry grabbing him, he didn't care about the marks on himself as long as there weren't any on his Blake. Then Harry spoke again and Zach grabbed his hips, holding them down so that he couldn't move more than a quarter of an inch. "You aren't moving until I say you can, boy" he said deeply, forcibly. He wanted to make sure that Blake was ready for it and wouldn't hurt or anything, not caring about Harry's comfort or his own so long as Blake was happy. "It's okay Daddy" Blake said gently and turned to kiss Zach, clearly giving him the go-ahead, which Zach took advantage of immediately. He started thrusting into his lover, biting at his skin lightly and leaving trails of kisses behind while he expected Harry to start trying to move as soon as he pulled his hands away from his hips.

There wasn't much to keep him at bay at that point, though he kept moving while his little pet moaned "daddy, daddy, daddy, harder daddy" into Harry's chest, holding himself off at least until Blake had hit his release and yelled out. He rode his own orgasm out with pleasure, closing his eyes and relaxing pulling away and falling on the bed, his eyes still closed. After being out for so long and just getting up that had taken a lot out of him all at one time. He hadn't realized that he had fallen asleep until he woke up and he was holding Blake, who was awake and staring at him, running his fingers down his face and touching his hair which had grown, curling at the bottom. He noticed just how long Blake's hair had gotten as well, that was the easiest way to tell how much time had passed since he had left. "I am so sorry, my sweet" he said so softly, knowing only he could hear him.

Blake closed his eyes and shook his head slightly "I'm so glad you're back. I......I missed you so much" he said, closing his eyes to keep himself from crying yet again. Zach squeezed him tightly, kissing his forehead and holding him like it actually had been weeks since he had seen him. For him it had only felt like two days at the max. He couldn't imagine going that long without him in his life, thinking he was dead. He wouldn't have been able to handle it, he was sure, keeping to himself and getting angry at everyone who was around. He still needed to find out who had done this to him and teach them that they never should have ever messed with him at all. He had so much pent up rage and energy that he was scared of what was going to happen when he had figured it out. "Your hair's so long" he said softly, touching the dark locks, his eyes softening. "It's a different color. You couldn't figure out the right shade when you figured out the blonde" he mumbled, a small smile crossing his face.
Harry let out a deep whine when his hips where restrained, but he was glade that Zach was holding him down because he wasn't sure if he'd been able to control himself. he whimpered at the word Boy, he usually hated being called boy. remnants of his uncles abuse... but somehow, hearing Zach call him that... it sent waves of arousal through his belly even as he fought back the flush of humiliation that went with the common insult. Harry didn't notice right away that he had been released, Zach had moved and Harry was fighting back an orgasm at the moment. then he was thrusting as well, his hand snaking in-between slick bodies to grip Blake's cock and give it the strokes that it deserved. "F..Fuck! fuck fuck fuck!" Harry hissed as he arched violently and came hard. he was unsure what happened afterwords, but he was pretty sure he'd passed out from the pleasure. not unexpected considering Harry didn't even touch himself. he had, but it was a rare occurrence.

surprisingly, in the morning... he was still there, out cold and half hanging off the bed. only the fact that Blake was laying on his legs was keeping him on the bed. he grunted as the two shifted and he fell off the bed with a low grunt and then a whine before he simply rolled onto his belly and groaned as he slowly sat up and looked around, bleary and confused he couldn't figure out where he was. he staggered to his feet and headed intot he bathroom. he had to pee! he came back out looking a little more awake and he smiled at Blake and Zach, moving over to grip Zach's shoulder. "i'm really glad your back." Harry admitted softly before he grabbed his pants. "i'm going to go get us some breakfast." he explained, yanking up his Zipper and hesitating. " know this is probobly really rude but... we're ok right? i mean.. i know we had sex and stuff but..." he flushed and rubbed the back of his head. "but we're... still going to..." Harry frowned, trying to figure out what he was trying to say before he sighed and gave up. "screw it... i love you Blake." Harry stated, kissing the others forehead before heading off to get breakfast. he was sure things would change. they'd had sex, Zach was back... James was probobly not going to like that at all... he froze in the hallway as he realized something and he turned and walked back into the room and pointed at Blake. "You have a Harem!" yup. Harry was still Harry.
Zach watched Harry with little interest. He didn't really care if Harry was glad that he was back or not, and he was sure that in some part of him, he wasn't happy because it meant sharing Blake even further, with someone who knew him better than he knew himself, someone who knew every button to push and which ones not to, and what every single one of those buttons did. He knew that Blake would always come back to him, that was shown already since he could tell he hadn't been letting the others touch him for some time and he let Zach in immediately. He kissed Blake after Harry had left, glancing in his direction when he had come back and said something else, rolling his eyes a little and refocusing on his boyfriend. "Let's go out and get a haircut today" he said, though it may have sounded like a command it was more of a request, he would never demand something as trivial as a haircut on him, though he had to admit that he liked it better when it was short. Blake nodded and cuddled into his chest, he just couldn't believe that he was alive.

Blake told him everything, gave him the full rundown on what had happened while he had been gone, leaving nothing out, not even why he hadn't spoken to Harry recently and what he had done. He told him about his father, something he hadn't told anyone else, and he told him how scared he had been without Zach. And he told him how scared he was to lose him again. It was the truth, there was no one he could ever imagine knowing him the way that Zach did. Harry could try, James could try, and they could have the best intentions but they would never be Zach and he wasn't even sure if he could try to let anyone in the way he had with Zach. Overall he was just relieved that he was back to take care of him and make him feel better again. At that thought someone knocked on the door and he got dressed, throwing a pair of pants at Zach with a smirk opening the door "hey Blake, you've got a package" "Okay, thanks. Will you bring it here?" "Yeah sure, hold on." A few minutes later the boy was back and left the rather large package there with Blake.

He grunted as he pushed it into the room "It's heavy, what the hell is it?" he asked, Zach getting up and looking wary, offering to open it for him. Blake shrugged, standing over it while Zach carefully slit the sides open, grimacing when he saw what was inside. Blake covered his mouth and nose from the smell and looked horrified, grabbing onto Zach and muttering incomprehensible things that Zach seemed to be able to decipher "That's James I take it" he said, hugging Blake tighter, who nodded and let out a sob. The elder sighed and looked into the box. The boy had been cut up and dismembered, he could only hope that he had already been dead while they had done it, his lifeless eyes staring out of the box. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" he whispered into his hair, gritting his teeth. He was getting fed up of things happening to Blake. He was pretty sure as to who was doing this and thankfully for Blake they wouldn't be around much longer if Zach got a hold of him. He waited for Harry to get back and looked at him "have someone get him out of here and prep him to be put to rest. And it'd be better if everyone didn't find out about it" he said, holding Blake against his chest.
Harry took his time getting breakfast, he wanted to give Blake and Zach time to reconnect... and then he needed to talk to Zach. he wasn't sure how James was going to react to all of this, but Harry knew what had to be done. he truly loved Blake... and if he had to give Blake up for the other to be happy, Harry would do it. self sacrificing little bastard that he was. he would kill, and be killed for Blake, forever and always, and he would let the other go if that was what had to be done to see the other smile. he had to admit... he liked Blake better with shorter hair too, and while he was jealous, he was happy to see Blake so comfortable with someone. he wished he could do that, relax completely. he gathered the food, thinking hard about last night. why had it felt so good to let someone else boss him around? to call him names and make demands?... it baffled him, considering he had hated his uncle for the exact same thing... but then... his uncles demands had been to humiliate and hurt Harry, Zach had simply did it because he was Zach and that was the way he was... not to mention the PLEASURE that had come from obeying... was that what made it different?

he pondered that for a moment and then shook his head, asking one of his men if they'd seen James. he wanted to tell the other himself about Zach's return so that the man wouldn't be too wounded, but no one had seen the other man for some time. that bothered Harry a bit. James had never left without telling Harry first... unless it was just to go into town of course, but if James was going to be gone overnight he always told SOMEONE. he walked into the room, a small frown on his face and he stared at th box, the tray falling from his fingers. oatmeal and toast, juice, banana's and cereal hitting the floor with the tinkling sound of breaking bowls and glasses. "oh my god..." he muttered, quickly shutting the door, hiding the body from sight as he glanced at Zach, reassuring himself that he wouldn't leave Blake and then dragged the box out of the room, grunting as he did so... James was heavier than he remembered. he quickly had the body to the mortician, who would put James back together for final goodbyes. he dragged himself back to Blake and Zach, trembling. it was the whole kidnapped and tortured kids problem all over again. he had ordered the mortician not to breath a word of it to anyone. he would let Blake decide what kind of 'funeral' to have for James... the other man hadn't really had many freinds really...

"..." he stepped into the room, closed the door and threw up a silencing charm and watched Blake, wondering how best to help the other. someone had already come in and cleared the breakfast mess away, or maybe Zach had done it, Harry didn't know, he didn't care. he handed Zach a small vial of dreamless sleep, well aware that the other was going to have to give it to Blake if they decided, or rather Zach decided if Blake needed it. "Blake." Harry muttered softly. "do you want me to stay, or leave you alone with Zach?" he asked softly, more than willing to let Blake have whatever he wanted. if Blake wanted him to stay, then he would. if he wanted him to leave, then he would. if he wanted a pink elephant with blue polka dots then by god Harry was gettign some spray paint and breaking into the Zoo.
Blake turned his head and glanced at Harry, his voice sounding cold "I want James to be alive. I want him to be able to check for monsters underneath the bed for his little brother. So if you can't do that then you can go somewhere else and find who did this so that no one else will lose their brother" he said, sounding angry and tired. He was so sick of people dying, especially the people that he knew and cared about. He was honestly scared to let himself near anyone, fearful that they would die if he did. Zach took the potion and slipped it into his pocket, he would see if he needed it later but he wasn't going to give it to him just yet. He closed his eyes, not knowing exactly what to do to make him feel better about this. There was really nothing that he could do. There wasn't a potion that could make any sort of loss easier on the heart.

Zach would just wait to see how Blake acted and determine then what he might need. Blake even pushed Zach away, just wanting to be alone for a little while, laying in his bed and pulling the blankets over his head, hoping they would go away. Zach got the hint, shuffling Harry out the door and following him. He turned and locked the door behind him so that no one could get in or out and took a sip of something out of a flask, his face changing to someone that Harry wouldn't know. "There, all better, now I don't have to worry about showing my face around here. Are you still worried I was the one who killed the kids?" he asked, just wanting to know where Harry still stood on it and making sure he wasn't a suspect still. He knew he needed to look a little more into it but he was close on the tail of who had made him do those things and who had killed him. He just needed to make sure Harry stayed out of his way and Blake stayed out of the line of fire. He couldn't live with himself if something happened to Blake because of him.
Harry cringed at Blake's words and he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. this was all his fault. he bit back horror that he had allowed this to happen and made mental preparations to inform the little ones that James was gone. they wouldn't take it well... he would have to come up with a lie, or a half truth, he couldn't just tell the little ones that James, their caretaker and hero had simply been slaughtered for no apparent reason. he watched Blake intently and shuddered a little as he sighed and let Zach shuffle him out, rather blank eyed and in shock all over again. "...Polyjuice?" he asked curiously as he took the vial and examined it. "made it yourself?" he asked curiously before looking at Zach. "i'm not sure." he admitted simply. "i know you would never, ever willingly do such horrible, horrible things. but there are potions, and spells that can make people do things they don't want to do... either way as far as i can tell, your a victim in all of this..." he leaned against the wall and tipped his head back, fighting back the urge to start crying.

"James..." he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. "why did it have to be James?" he asked softly. "i was worried how he was going to take this... you being back i mean... i was worried he'd try to fight you for Blake... i was worried he'd try to hurt you..." he admitted, running trembling fingers through his hair. "and then he just up and gets murdered..." he looked at Zach. "can't suspect you, considering we where fucking." he admitted. "so where does that leave me!? how can i find the bastard... when i have no leads... no clues... no nothing?" he looked at Zach. "how can i do this for Blake... how can i do anything for Blake anymore?" he demanded, running a hand through his hair again, making it utterly messy. "i got James killed..." he wasn't sure how that was, but he was certain of it. "...did Blake tell you about being finding his real family?" Harry asked softly. "do you think... maybe that has something to do with this? or is it just a coincidence how everything is happening all at the same time?..." he looked at Zach again. "the Death Eaters... they... their the ones that killed you, aren't they?" he asked softly. "their the ones doing this... and that's why Lucius chose now to find his son. it's like a distraction..." he wasn't sure if that was true or not, but it was the only Theory he had... maybe it was time to visit dear old Lucius Malfoy?
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