

Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a large, dilapidated building that looked as if it was close to collapsing at any moment. It was old, crumbling and smelly. For one Severus Snape it brought back fond memories of finally finding a home. Adderstrike, a collection of abused peoples from all walks of life. Wizard, Muggle, Squib, and even a few magical creatures here and there. Adderstrike was Severus's home for a long time while he was going to Hogwarts, and they had trained him in the arts of Potions and spying. It was here in this old dilapidated crap hole that he had become the man he was with the skills he needed to stay alive. All children, no matter the age, was trained well by the Adderstrike 'elders' and was ruled by a 'King' who was always young and healthy, and always magical. The King was always chosen by 'The Father' or rather, the previous King, to make sure that the King in command of Adderstrike was always fair and compassionate.

When Snape was a child, the King had been Roland. He wondered how the man was now? He was certain to be old, but was he a Father? Or a much revered Grandfather? Or was he dead? Sev would know soon enough. “No one speaks when we go in. and do not meet the King's eyes. He will take it as a challenge to his position and he WILL immediately attempt, and probably succeed, to kill you.” Snape warned, his voice calm. He himself was safe, he was Adderstrike, and many of the others in the building would recognize him and know that he was one of them. Once an Adderstrike, always and forever, and they looked out for their own. Betrayal was never an issue, loyalty to Adderstrike was like loyalty to a much loved father. He stepped forward and knocked on the door, grimacing as it nearly crumbled under his fist. The door was snapped open immediately and on the other side was a gone toting teenager.

“What chu want?!” the boy demanded, fingering the handle of his pistol, Snape setting his hand over his heart and bowing to the boy. “The Strike of the Adder is Swift...” that startled the boy and then he grinned, revealing rotted and broken teeth.

“The Fangs of the Adder are sharp.” the boy nearly purred. “the Venom of the Adder is Pure” Snape stated “all shall fall before the might of the Adder.” the boy chirped and they both finished together. “Surrender to the Adderstrike.” Snape smiled at the boy. “I wish to meet with The King. I request the services of Adderstrike.” the boy nodded.

“Your Names?” the boy demanded. Snape quickly gave his own name and the names of his companions and informed the boy that they where all Wizards. The boy examined them all and then nodded.

“i'll see if he can see you. You will hand over your Wands before entering the building. Including backup wands. You will not be able to apparate, portkey, or 'pop' out of the building once you have entered.” he wasn't looking at Snape when he said all of this, but rather the other wizards who where with Snape. Clearly the boy trusted Snape but not the others. Snape easily, and without any hesitation surrendered all three of his wands, along with his emergency portkey and headed inside the building, which didn't look much better than the outside did. It was amazing the place hadn't completely collapsed yet. Only once all the wands where surrendered did a young girl appear, maybe six or seven.

“The King will see you now.” she informed them, her eyes cold and wary as she studied the strangers, the boy with the rotted teeth leading the way down hallways that led into what once might have been a ballroom or a lobby, depending on what the building had been before the Adderstrike had taken it over. The room was filled with people, many of them talking, others playing with various knives and guns and weapons. Some of the older ones where doing various homework, with wands and without. In the middle of the chaos was a massive throne, a young man lounging in it, his hair messy, as if he'd forgotten to brush it, his skin as pale as moonlight, his eyes as green as emeralds and glowing in the dank dimness... it was the Scar though, that told them all who was before them, and Snape felt his blood freeze.

Harry Potter was the King of Adderstrike.
'Looks like home' the male thought to himself as he approached the large building. Everything was boarded up since it hadn't been in use in a while, that much was clear. Blake was a tall, thin, and attractive male with jet black hair and stark ocean-blue eyes. An air of confidence surrounded him and yet he was here nevertheless. Blake had been raised by his crack whore mother and the several boyfriends she had who had enjoyed having their fun with him when he couldn't fight back. She wouldn't do anything about it most of the time. Half the time she was asleep and the other half she was too scared of being beaten herself to speak up. When he was eight he was out on the street more often than in his house, well, the apartment they were renting that they could only afford because his mother was sleeping with the land lord.

Around his ninth birthday he had started noticing that things would happen without him meaning to, and happen without any sort of reason. He kept it to himself so he wouldn't be sent to the looney bin. He practiced when he was alone, being able to control some of it. It was the worst when he was fourteen, her current boyfriend deciding that he was going to fuck him after dinner. He fought back, though the man was large and overpowered him easily. His mouth was covered but his thoughts were racing, yelling and screaming, cursing and shouting. All of a sudden he was free, there was nothing on, in, or around him. He looked around and behind him was a small toy that looked like the man. He kept it hidden from everyone, especially his mother though she would die in a few months anyway.

When she was gone he left and kept with a few other teenagers who lived on the streets, hitting puberty and growing stronger, mentally, physically, and magically. There were times he did things and didn't even know how they worked but stopped trying to figure it out, taking it as one good thing that had happened to him and leaving it at that. He and a few mates had broken into a shop to grab some things one night and he had tripped on a shelf, falling into a brick wall but hitting a floor instead. He looked around, freaking out as he found that he was in a different shop completely, gone were the rows of food and replaced by little boxes that seemed to he haphazardly thrown around. He walked through the rows, feeling as if he was moving with purpose towards something unknown. It was dark and empty so he wasn't worried about being caught, stopping in front of one of the shelves and pulling out one of the boxes.

Opening it he found a....stick? He turned it over in his hand, looking for something that would make it significant. He stuck it in his back pocket and opened another, and another, and another. All sticks. It seemed warm in his hands though, so he kept the first one as he ran through the wall again, looking behind him with a look of astonishment and wonder. There was no way he would be telling anybody about any of this. He kept the stick hidden though he kept it on him at all times, messing with it when there was no one around. The things he could do became more concentrated and he could actually direct their energy with it, amazed. The best thing? It could open locked doors. Who needed to break in and set off an alarm when you could just let yourself in and help yourself?

It was a few more years living like this until he met Zach. The man knew what he was and how to help him do more with the stick, or wand as Zach said it was called. He taught him things that let him do so many things. With a few words said correctly he could make people do whatever he wanted, writhe in pain and could even kill them. Zach wouldn't let him use that one, he said it left a trace and people would be able to find him if he used that. Zach became his mentor and his friend, and after a while, his lover. They were running. Blake had no idea who or what they were running from but they were constantly on the move. One day they were caught by a group of hooded figures, one hand coming from the cloak, a shock of green light leaving the wand and Zach fell to the ground.

Blake fell to the ground beside him, tears springing to his eyes. He shot curses around the circle, hitting whatever he could before everything went dark, blurring his sight though he did see a dark, long haired man lift him from the ground and carry him away from Zach's body. He remained silent for a long time, refusing to speak to anyone, especially Snape, as he had introduced himself. Eventually he would acknowledge him but call him a murderer no matter how many times they had explained what he had done. He had been a spy sent to infiltrate the opposition. He had been caught and had killed several members, a bounty being put on his head that anyone would kill him for. It didn't matter to him. He believed the man had loved him. He didn't know he was only being used.

After they had determined he wouldn't be a risk to anyone they decided to take him 'there'. It was the only thing he had been told. He had been blindfolded on the trip there with several others who had been picked off the streets, though much later than him. He had seen many come and go before they had let him leave. Black jeans hugged his legs while above he wore a black shirt and black leather jacket, overall looking like a shadow besides the pale skin of his face and hands. That was about the only part of his skin that hadn't been marked and scarred. At the door he handed over his wand, several guns, knives, a couple home-made bombs and then looked down and his black combat boots. They had a switch so that a blade would shoot out from the toe but decided not to tell them about that, preferring to be able to keep his shoes on.

He heard the male speak to him, though he was barely shorter than him by a few inches, he didn't listen much and acted as if he were superior. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he followed him into the large room. It made sense they would try and fit such a large group somewhere like this. It was very well hidden and they wouldn't have to worry about it being taken because it would be in the run down section of the city they would rather ignore than try to make better. He caught the small movement of Snape as he set eyes on the 'King', guessing that he knew the male somehow. Blake was more interested in the others around him, the weapons they were using and the spells they were casting. He didn't have to worry about meeting his eyes as he wasn't at all interested in what he had to say or why Snape had even brought him here. He was doing just fine on his own, well, before they had killed Zach he had been. Since then he had just been angry and lost.
Harry smirked as he studied the man in front of him. Severus Snape, Harry had heard stories of this man and his amazing skills at Potions. the 'Grandfather' Roland, had been Snape's personal mentor, and Roland was always telling Harry about Severus Snape. "You may look upon me." Harry promised, his emerald eyes examining Snape intently, the man relaxing just a hair, glad to be trusted even though it had been a long time since he had been there. "Roland speaks often of you, and with great fondness Severus Snape." Severus looked astonished by this and Harry chuckled. "yes, Roland is still alive the old bastard, he'll be here tonight if your still around. now speak of what you wish of me." Harry ordered, Snape swallowing down his hatred of James potter. Harry was even more arrogant than his father, but unlike James, Harry Potter ha EARNED the right to be arrogant. he had been chosen to be King, and that meant Harry was powerful, intelligent, cruel, and kind, everything the Adderstrike King needed to be.

"My Lord, this is Blake." Snape introduced, Harry's eyes flicking over to the antagonistic youth standing next to Snape. "he was with Zach..." there was sudden, still, and complete silence as everyone turned to stare at Snape and Blake, Harry's voice going cold. "what did you just say?" Snape cringed and swallowed thickly. "th...this is..." "never mind." Harry snapped with a wave of his hand, turning cold, angry eyes to the crowd of people all around him. "Leave us!" there was instant movement as everyone left, Harry sighing as he sank into his chair, closed his eyes and thought for a moment. "Zach, was a traitor to the Adderstrike." Snape nearly choked on his tongue and he jerked in shock, nearly looking Harry in the eyes to try and find the memory of such a horrid thing. "there is no betraying the Adderstrike! no one would..." "Zach kidnapped, mutilated, defiled, and then slaughtered no less than five of out teenagers, all around the same age, body, and appearance as Blake." Harry stated simply. "he was using them in Dark Rituals, he was attempting to bring the Dark Lord Grindelwald back from the dead." Harry's voice and eyes had gone as cold as steal in the arctic. his eyes flicked to Blake again. "the boy is lucky to be alive..."

"i know. i have tried to explain... i did not know that Zach was Adderstrike..." "of course you didn't, that is the purpose of Adderstrike, to be unseen and unknown. you wish for me to take the boy in?" "yes. he is lost and angry, he needs an outlet and the training you provide could help him in his life." "we do not force, Severus Snape. if Blake wishes to stay, then he can stay and become Family. we will not force him to stay here. like all Adderstrike brothers and sisters he will be free to leave whenever he pleases." "i understand my lord, but here is his best hope. if he stays on his own for too much longer, the Auror's will catch on to him, and they will bind his magic and erase his memories..." "i know what the Aurors do." Harry stated as he stood, approaching Blaise and looking him over before nodding. "Blake, please come with me. i will show you what Adderstrike offers you." Harry promised, turning and leading the way out. "this building is old, but it is stronger than it looks. it's crappy on the outside and on the inside so people who are too nosy for their own good don't think to come in here." Harry explained, opening a door and motioning them inside. it was an elivator. "as i am sure you are aware, you are a Wizard, a person capable of magic. you can do things that most people cannot, but you are not alone in the world with this ability. there is an entire world, along side the normal world, capable of what you, and i, and severus are capable of."

"these people are foolish and stupid, and would seek to use people like you and me. or worse, would seek to seal away the magic that we have, simply because they are afraid of us and our close connection to those who do not have magic. they fear what people might learn from us and our blending of magic and technology. the Adderstrike is a massive collection of people, just like you, who have been used, abused, or abandoned. many people here have Magic, and many people here do not. we work together to create a safe haven for everyone who needs one." the elevator came to a stop and when they stepped out, they where in a crisp, clean hotel like setting. fancy decorations, clean rugs, smooth white walls and the soft scent of food. "this is just one of the many things that Magic is capable of." Harry admitted with a smile as he led the way around. "these are the living areas. the upstairs is a... front, of sorts." Harry admitted. "people expect thieves and assassins to live in squalor, and so we give them that image. when in reality we live very comfortably down below their feet." Snape smiled as he glanced at a door, touching it. "this used to be my room. i shared with Asle and Loan." Harry chuckled a little and opened another door, this one leading into a massive gym complete with boxing ring and exercise equipment.

"we at Adderstrike, work hard to be the best at what we are. every 'hatchling' is assessed to see where their skills, and temperaments lay. some are more suited for theiving, some more suited to killing, some more suited to fighting and gaurding, and some are even best at healing, mixing poisons, or other such things. every person then is trained by out 'elders' senior Adderstrike Family members who have learned from the best, and then become the best. every generation of Adderstrike gets better, stronger, as every new member adds tot he collected knowladge and passes on their skills." Harry turned to Blake. "Adderstrike is for life, it is a new start, a new family, a new beginning where we can teach you to harness your abilities and skills to become the best that you can be. Zach himself learned here, he learned how to be a Wizard here, as did Snape, who learned over five hundred different poisons simply by smell and sight alone. he also learned his impressive spying skills here. being a double, and even a triple agent is deadly, and not many survive beyond their first year. Snape is a legend amung Adderstrike for his amazing capabilities. that he braught you here means he must see something in you, something promising."

Harry smiled as he led the way to a massive Kitchen, where Dozens of house elves and humans where working side by side to make that nights dinner. "you both must be very hungry and tired. i invite you to stay for the night at least, so Blake can think about the offer of joining Adderstrike." he glanced at Blake and then chuckled. "perhaps we will make it a week for him. he can stay for a week, decide if he likes what he sees or not, and then can leave or stay as he desires." Snape nodded. "i would like that My Lord, thank you. do you still teach magic here?" Snape asked, well aware that would catch Blake's attention. "yes, every kind of magic, even the ones not... sanctioned, by those pompous puffbags you call the ministry of magic. all magic is taught here, including how to hide all traces of your magic." "do you still teach martial arts?" "of course, it's no good to a Wizard if they can't defend themselves once their wand is taken away. Adderstrike Family are never victims. we teach them to kill anyone who dares harm them." he smirked a little. "and if they themselves cannot kill those that hurt them, the Family will see justice done." he admitted simply, leading the way to a table. "please, sit, the Cooks will have something done very soon for us." Harry promised, pondering why he thought Blake seamed so familiar.

(omg long...)
Blake hadn't heard much of what had been said between the two of them about some Roland fellow. It didn't involve him and he just didn't care. The place was strange, that was one of the many adjectives he had already tagged it with upon arrival. He heard his name spoken by Snape, looking towards the dark haired man. His attitude in here was completely different than that outside of Adderstrike. Who was this 'King' and how could he be that special for them to all be so afraid and bow down to him? Zach's name was mentioned then. A deathly silence fell upon the room, Blake raising an eyebrow as he looked around him at the kids, many younger than him, some the same age and a few older. With two words they all went scattering, something he already didn't like about this place.

Snape's reaction was amusing to say the least, though he thought back and only remembered the man mentioning it a few times. When Blake had questioned him about it he simply shook his head and said it didn't matter anymore. His jaw clenched and eyes flashed with anger. How dare they speak that way about him! He was dead and there was no way he would have done those things! "That's bullshit. He wouldn't hurt anyone, he wouldn't let me kill a mouse" he said angrily. "Yeah, I can talk, so you can quit talking about me like I'm not here and I can't hear you" he added, glaring more at Snape than at the boy that couldn't have been any older than him. Blake turned from them and ran a hand through his hair before shoving it back into his pocket. It was still raw to talk about him, to think about him, and even worse to hear everyone talking so terribly about him.

He bit his lip roughly to keep the tears from springing free right then and there. He still hadn't let himself think about the fact that Zach was gone. If he accepted it then that would mean he would have to start moving on and deal with the fact that he wouldn't come after him and save him from these people. He turned at the sound of footsteps, meeting the gaze of the green-eyed boy steadily. Hell, he was taller than him. He wasn't afraid to die. He was afraid to live without his life meaning something. Zach made him feel worthwhile for once in his life. He hesitated, turning to look at the door though he knew he couldn't leave until he had told them about Zach. They had to be wrong about him. He had to have been framed. They had to be wrong.

Blake followed him until the got to the elevator, staring into it for a while warily before finally stepping inside, holding onto the little railing around the edge. He was the first one out when the doors opened again, sucking in a deep breath and then noticing that he had been holding his breath. The blue eyes moved about the room, taking everything in. He had to hand it to them, it did look nice, not at all what it would seem from the floor above. He walked a few feet away from the other two, wondering if he could see himself here. It made sense that Zach would have been here with everything that he was teaching Blake. He wondered if he was going to try and make Blake his ticket back in so that he could prove to them that he hadn't done what they thought he had.

He would have liked to have a family. There was never a time when he felt an attachment or a feeling of belonging to another person until he met Zach. He had always hated the kids who had siblings. He didn't know what it was like to be able to know that someone had your back no matter what happened. The 'King' had mentioned that he could leave whenever he felt like it, meaning that there didn't have to be any attachments if he didn't want there to be, and with free food that sounded like something he could take advantage of and get off the street for a little while if nothing else. He got sick of eating rats when Zach wouldn't let him steal from houses or shops.

Blake listened to what was said about magic and martial arts, two things they knew he was interested in, and though he was tuned in to every syllable he acted as if he couldn't care less about what they were saying. "Fine, I'll give it a week" he muttered and sat down at the table, putting his hands together and putting them to his face, his eyes closed. It almost looked as if he were praying for a few moments before his eyes opened again and he looked into the green eyes. "He was the kindest, caring, generous man I have ever met. He took care of me and was the father I never had. I loved him" he said softly, his memory shooting back to when he was laying in the mans arms, being kissed like he was Zach's whole universe, the feeling of their flesh together under the stars. He forced himself out of the flashback. He couldn't deal with those thoughts right now.

Snape had gone away to catch up with a couple people so the King was the only one to hear his confession. He shook his head and looked away from him, clamming up again "why am I even telling you this? It's not like it makes a difference anyway" he muttered and sighed deeply. It wasn't long before the food was ready, people flooding the room and taking seats at different tables. No one sat anywhere near him or would even make eye contact with him though when he looked away he knew they were staring and whispering about him. Blake picked at the food and very slowly ate the entire plate, not realizing before how hungry he had been. It must have been days since he had eaten last.

"Can I get my stuff back then if I'm going to be staying here?" he asked, wanting to get his wand and his knives back on him so he'd feel safer again. Currently he felt weak and lost and hated every second of it. What was worse was that he felt scared. Scared of being taken advantage of again without Zach around taking care of him. Zach had never abandoned him, never used him, never hurt him.
Harry stared at Blake for a long moment and then with words as cold as ice, he spoke. "Zach was the one who rescued me from a lifetime of beatings, starvation, an being locked in a tiny cupboard under the stairs. he nearly raised me himself, him and the rest of Adderstrike. do not think that i do not know exactly the pain that you are feeling with his death." Harry hissed before instantly calming as he led the way to the kitchens. Harry smiled as he was promised a week and he paused as he stared into Blake's tormented eyes. "Blake... Zach was a good... no, he was a GREAT man." Harry murmured softly, emotion in his voice. "he was one of my most trusted advisers after The Father died. yes The Grandfather is still here to give me advice when i needed it but... he was old, and Zach was not. Zach had a way of seeing things the way no one else did... but the fact of the matter is, he did do those things." Harry admitted, closing his eyes. "i wouldn't have believed it myself if we hadn't found the video tapes and the journals... he was hurting boys, and he was trying to resurrect Gellert Grindelwald... a futile attempt since the once Dark Lord isn't really dead, just locked up." Harry admitted, blinking at Blake.

"the fact of the matter is, that while we know he DID do those things we don't know WHY, he did it, or why he chose those boys over others." Harry admitted. "i am trying to find the truth, maybe he was doing a good thing, maybe he was protecting Adderstrike... maybe he was sick? i don't know but until i know without a shadow of a doubt that Zach was bad and a traitor, his name will not be spoken often in these walls, it is forbidden to utter the name or the crimes of the one on trial, to prevent rumors, hearsay, and personal opinions before the trial." he paused. "dead or not, he will receive the proper, and fair trial he deserves, and whether he is guilty or not, he is Adderstrike, and once Adderstrike, always Adderstrike." he shook his head. "there are a lot of journals, and a lot of videos. if you want, i will allow you to search through them. it will be good to have a fresh opinion on things and i think that perhaps you know Zach far better than any of us ever have." he paused as the room was flooded with people and he watched them all take plates of food and start talking, checking to make sure the littlest ones where being taken care of, and making sure that the older ones weren't taking more than their fair share.

"your items are in your room." Harry explained. "along with fresh clothes... not all of them are new but all are clean and without damage. we'll be finding you a toothbrush as well." Harry muttered, clearly in reference to the boy with the rotted teeth. once dinner was done the people left as quickly as they appeared and Harry stood, glancing around and smirking as he found Snape in deep conversation with a man his own age. "stupid old men." Harry grumbled rather affectionately. "please, follow me Blake. i'll show you to your room." Harry assured the other, leading the way down the long Hallways and to a room marked 23B. "this is your room, and this is your key." Harry handed the other a small key. "don't lose that it's the only one we have for this door." Harry muttered as he pushed the door open and let Blake look inside. it was a typical hotel room, there was even a TV. "we don't get cable or any telivision stations, but we do have game systems and movies you can check out from out 'library'... most of it's stolen." Harry admitted with a snicker. "all of the residents of the B corridor are under the watch of Raze." Harry explained, indicating a very tall black boy who was easily in his early twenties. "if you need anything, from extra food, to new shoes, he's the one you talk to. if you have a problem with a neighbor or another person within the Adderstrike, he is also who you talk to. there are very few rules here but the ones that are here are very important. if you break one, you will be punished very harshly." Harry warned.

"The rules are as follows. you do NOT Steal, hurt, or kill another Adderstrike." Harry stated this so firmly that it was clear anyone breaking those rules would probobly have their hands chopped off or worse. "Never harm an innocent. that means no children are to EVER be hurt and pregnant women are completely off limits. do not cause purposeful damage to the property, especially tot he upstairs, we have a hard enough time keeping that damn place standing." he paused, checking to make sure that Blake understood. "and finally, respect your betters... there aren't many. just me and whatever teachers we've cobbled together." Harry admitted, shaking his head. "if they are over their twenties, then you usually need to be respectful. they are giving up their valuable time to come and teach us." there was another pause as Harry stared at the other, frowning. "you look so familiar for some reason..." he muttered softly, his head tilted. "i know i should remember you..." he mused, his emerald eyes staring at Blake for a long moment before shaking his head. "never mind. in any case, every night at about seven, there is a late night snack in the kitchen as well if you get hungry. so long as you aren't too messy, your more than welcome to keep packaged or canned food in your room. you can either get it from the cooks, or you can buy or steal your own." Harry assured the other. "i'll leave you here for now, remember to talk to Rave if you need anything. he's a bit of an Insomniac so he's almost always awake." and with that, Harry left Blake to examine the pile of clothes left for him, as well as his new accommodations complete with his own bathroom.
Blake couldn't believe the fact that Harry had said he was so close of Zach. That he was a close advisor and friend, that he had raised him and saved him from whatever hell-hole he had been in before. If that was true there shouldn't be a way to persuade him that he could be accused of doing what they claimed. A sigh left his lips. This was all just so much to take in at one time. At first the name Grindelwald hadn't seemed familiar to him, though when his first name accompanied a quick glimmer of recognition sparked in his eyes though he tried to make sure it wasn't noticed by the other. He didn't really feel like going through an interrogation by them just yet. If they were saying he had done such bad things why weren't they more wary of him? How did they know that Zach hadn't brainwashed him to follow in his footsteps and complete his mission?

He remembered the initials 'GG' somewhere. Where had it been? It was on something in Zach's things and he had asked about it once, Zach saying it was someone from the old days he needed to return a few things to. Surely he would know that he wasn't dead if he spoke about the man that way. Blake kept his questions to himself, thinking that if Adderstrike trained double agents he could do a little of his own spying right under their noses. He would go along with them but he had to prove that Zach hadn't done the things they had claimed, no matter the evidence they said they acquired. Blake nodded at the King "I would like to look them over. I knew him well, I like to think I could see something that may have been overlooked" he said, smiling sadly. It was a far reach but he still had a glimmer of hope and he would cling to it until it proved itself or he squished it.

They were the first to come and the last to go, the King seeming to take interest in all of the children there. They all regarded him highly, that much was clear. It didn't seem as though they took advantage of the position they were in. They may have if Harry hadn't been there watching but somehow he doubted it. He stood and followed him through hallways, glad that they wouldn't be taking another elevator. He didn't think his heart could take having to ride one everyday he was there. Blake glanced down at the key that had been pressed into his hand, it was old and worn as well as small, wondering why they still even used keys. Surely they could just use their magic on the locks. He stuck his head in and looked around the room quickly, taking note of what was in there and where they were placed. For some reason he was surprised at their generosity to a complete stranger. If he hadn't had anything to do with Zach they wouldn't have any reason to speak to him at all, let alone give him a room, food, and clothes.

The black boy was fairly large. Magic or not he didn't particularly want to start something with him. Probably why they had him doing it. Blake didn't have a problem with the rules. They were simple enough and wouldn't be hard to follow. He knew how to follow rules from his childhood when he had been punished for no reason, and then Zach who had few rules, similar to Adderstrike, and he wouldn't be happy if Blake even came close to bending one of the rules. He looked back at the King as the man stared at him, not saying anything until the other spoke. Nothing about the green-eyed male stuck out about him. Sure, he looked like others he had met before but all street kids had the same aura about them, they could recognize each other easily, it was a sort of protection instinct they all had somehow learned.

Blake had lost the other's words in his own thoughts, not realizing that he had finished speaking until he was walking away "wait! Can I ask you private?" he asked, biting his lip a little. There was something about this King that made his dominant, arrogant nature to calm, very similar to the way that Zach could handle him. Once the door was closed he looked to the other "were you..............romantic.....with him?" he asked nervously. He didn't know how much older they were than him, if any. He knew Zach was a few years older than him but he wondered how close their relationship had gotten, if it had progressed in a similar way to Blake's. He didn't know what this information would give him emotionally but he felt inclined to ask. He didn't even know if it was something that he would even care to share with him. "And what is your name? Snape didn't know if they had changed Kings or not so he never shared any names" he explained. Did they go by their names or did they only respond to 'my lord' as Snape had used.

Once Harry was gone Blake paced in the room a little, touching the clothing and the other surfaces. He wasn't anywhere near tired just yet, going into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, exiting and letting his jacket slide off his frame. He examined it to make sure nothing had happened to it, bringing it to his nose and inhaling deeply to get some of the scent of Zach to calm him down. "What would you think if you knew I was here? I didn't come willingly, just so you know, and I'm only staying so that I can prove you didn't kill anyone. God I miss you" he whispered and set the jacket on the bed. He put the wand in his back pocket, hiding the knives in various locations, no matter what the rule was about no stealing. Zach's jacket already had a spell on it to burn whoever tried wearing it other than Blake, something he had come up with on his own, very proud of it.

Though he didn't know what their rule was about 'lights out' he still decided that he didn't really want anyone knowing where he was going, stepping out of his room, a spell keeping his footsteps silent. He moved quickly through the halls, finding a stairwell and going up, up and up again. He quit when he reached the top, opening the door onto the roof of the building. He went out onto the open area, looking around to see where the building was actually located at. It wasn't far from where he had grown up as a kid, he had actually probably run by this building before, not even realizing that it could have ended his misery. He laid down on the ground, looking up at the stars and thinking about what he was doing. Is this all his life would come to? He closed his eyes and ended up falling asleep there on the roof, not stirring until the morning when the sun came up, rubbing his face and watching the sun rise over the decrepit buildings. He headed back downstairs into the throng, unknowing what would come of him. He wondered to himself if anyone had even noticed his disappearance through the night.
Harry paused as he was asked for a question and he nodded, stepping close so that no one else could overhear them. he jerked in surprise at the question, looking rather baffled. "Romantic? gods no the man was like a fa... well no he wasn't very paternal... we'll call him an over indulgent uncle to me." Harry decided with a grin. "he loved to flirt, with everyone, men, women, boys, girls, it didn't matter... but as far as i know, he was never romantic really with anyone. i doubt the man had sex at all, no matter the amount of money he managed to pull in doing whatever he did for that weird government of his." he chuckled a little. "as far as i know, only one person has ever had sex with Zach and that was Roland and it was more desperation on both of their parts... it was fuck or die id the stories are true... honestly i think their talking out their asses really." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i am Harry." he introduced himself. "and frankly, i'm astonished Snape managed to be polite to me at all, according to sources, Severus Snape and my father, James Potter, hated each other so badly i just assumed Snape would pull Wand on me, Adderstrike or not..." Harry admitted with a small snicker. "please enjoy your night and sleep well and be free to alter anything you like in the room and use magic to secure your belongings. i know i said stealing is against the rules but being that your new to Adderstrike, paranoia is expected." he assured the other. "all floors are open to you, just stay out of other people's rooms unless they invite you in."

with that Zach was left alone. no one was around when he slipped free of his room, and everyone seamed to have gone to bed, a few late nighters did spot him, but other than a nod in his direction they left him be. no one followed him, no one troubled him as he stepped out of the building and onto the cool roof. as he headed downstairs there was a loud crowd gathered in the area that he had first come into, angry, loud voices. before Zach could come to a decision, the door to the stairwell opened and Raze, the 'mentor' or corridor B poked his head in. "oh! THERE you are! i went to check on you this morning but you never opened your door. thought you where sleeping in maybe." the man admitted. "sorry about the noise, it's not usually this bad before breakfast but some upstart little shit thought he could come in here and make demands, His Highness is putting the little bastard in his place, come see." Raze offered, his eyes twinkling. "oh, and never call Harry 'His Highness' to his face, he gets all bent out of shape about it." which was clearly why Raze did it.

inside the huge 'hall' a man of about thirty was glaring at Harry, who was on his feet, a furious gleam in his eyes and his teeth bared like a feral animal. "You dare come in here, unannounced to make demands of ME!?" Harry hissed, his voice held power, magic so thick you could taste, and feel it was filling the room as the man finally fidgeted. "Do you have ANY idea of Who. I. AM!?" Harry demanded, advancing on the man, the crowd of watchers cheering, egging Harry on with phrases like 'teach him a lesson' and 'break him Harry! break him hard!' and even a few 'Kill the arrogant bastard!' the movement was swift, Harry had a knife in hand and in a split second the man's throat had been slit, much to the delight of the crowd. Raze decided to explain. "that man there is a... employee of a local Crime Syndicate. they've been Trying to put pressure on Adderstrike for about a year now. that man, Carlos Santez, came in here about twenty minutes ago, unannounced. didn't even knock on the damn door. as soon as he saw Harry he started listing demands and warned Harry that if he didn't obey, 'misfortunes' would start befalling all the Little Uns... Harry's damn protective, and he'll beat the shit out of any of us who picks on a kid, in Adderstrike or not. he has a particular hatred for Child Rapists. about two years ago, he 'took the crown' and led a city wide sweep of every known child rapist in the city. slaughtered every last one of them, including a woman who was part of Adderstrike. she was a crack head who was letting her 'boyfriends' and 'dealers' rape her son for money and drugs." well, didn't that sound familiar?

"Someone remove this filth! send it to Santago! make it a message!" Harry snarled, his eyes flashing. "get me Shadow Squad!" there was a movement and three young boys moved and knelt in front of Harry. they couldn't have been any older than eleven. "i want you to rig the bastards house! Blow it all to hell! no one fucks with Adderstrike and it's time we gave this man a lesson!" Harry snarled before turning on his heal. "and someone get me a cigarette and a god damn cup of coffee!" Blaze snickered as he glanced at Zach. "Harry's always a little grouchy in the mornings." he admitted. "anyway, breakfast will be soon, don't be late or you might miss the food. we've usually got plenty but sometimes food is a little lean and the little ones always get the most over the older ones. they need it more." he paused, looking Zach up and down. "mmm as Malnourished as you are, we better make sure your getting your fair share of it too." he decided.

"come on, i'll show you a short cut." and in moments they where the first one in the dining area, waiting for the others to show up. "now, breakfast is always served at seven. if your late, or sleep in you might go without. lunch is served at twelve, and dinner at five with a snack at seven. we usually spend the time in-between lunch and dinner hanging out up in the 'throne' room, playing games and teaching each other things. lessons are usually between breakfast and lunch. that's when we teach math and reading and whatever else we can teach them at the time. the older ones, that's you, usually take that time to learn more... developed skills, like pyrotechnics, which is Team Shadows forte. they can rig anything into a bomb i think." he admitted with a grin. "keep in mind that not everyone here is magic, so don't go around casting spells willy nilly on people, muggles and squibs don't react well to magic sometimes and the last thing we need is for another person to get blown up, we still haven't cleaned the bloodstains out all the way." he grinned at the other boy. "Harry asked me to be your personal tour guide today. he seams to think i'm good at setting the new kids at ease or something, which is totally ruining my image of bad-ass around here." he complained playfully. "i mean honestly, what's the point of being a super scary assassin if children don't run screaming in terror from you?"
Blake let out a relieved sigh at the knowledge that Zach hadn't been with anyone, though he didn't know why he would expect for him not to be with someone before Blake. It wasn't a surprise to him to hear about his flirting. He had already known that he was extremely flirtatious. At first it had bothered him but it was clear that it was just the type of person he was. It actually made him wonder why he hadn't had sex before Blake. He watched Harry walk away before shutting the door and locking it before his little adventure to the roof and back again. Raze startled him, thinking he was in trouble before the man started speaking, noticing about how little they cared about what they did with their time, as long as they were following the rules of the house.

The dark-haired boy seemed fairly uninterested as they moved through the halls, seeing the crowd gathered and was glad he was tall enough to see over most of the others gathered around Harry and an adult he had never seen before. He watched the man intently, jaw clenching a little as blood spilled from the gash and onto the carpet. A miserable way to die. Harry was just putting on a show to keep everyone in balance and had obviously grown numb to the killing. Zach had been so adamant about killing, part of the reason he didn't believe that he could have tortured anyone. Blake wondered what Harry would be like without the pressure of being a 'King' and having to take care of a bunch of kids when you were a kid yourself. The crowd cheered as the elder male fell to his knees and then on his face, Harry still putting on a show. It did seem like he cared about all the kids, especially since the only rules were centered around them pretty much, that much he could tell was real.

Raze began speaking again as if everything was normal and nothing had happened out of the ordinary, Blake pretty much tuning him out until he mentioned the brutal murders of any child rapist, something Blake didn't necessarily have a problem with given his background. Then a woman was mentioned. It felt like a rock was stuck in his throat that had cut off the air from his lungs and left him stuck there for a few moments before regaining his apathetic front, glad that Raze hadn't noticed his momentary falter. His head was spinning, and if he thought he wasn't listening before now he wouldn't even be able to tell if the other was speaking English if asked. They were in line for food and he looked up at the man "you know what? I need to run back to my room to grab something, thanks for the tour or whatever, I'll come and check back in with you later" he told him, walking through the room right past Harry without looking at him.

It didn't take him long to get all his things on his person, having all his belongings and putting the jacket on, taking the advantage of it being meal-time to leave without being noticed. When Raze would go by the key would be taped to the outside of the door, along with a note hastily written on parchment. It was addressed to Harry. 'It surprises me that you would blame someone for a murder when you are one yourself, slaughtering a woman and leaving her child an orphan to fend for himself without anyone to look out for him. It probably didn't cross your mind if that man you slaughtered today had children either. Children that will never get to see their father again because you wanted to make an example and prove you were a 'leader'. Compassion is a more remarkable trait by far to violence. I'll be visiting her apartment where she was murdered if you'd care to pay your respects.'

Blake wouldn't expect him to come, he probably had much better things to do but for some reason he felt like he needed to include where he was going in some lost sense of hope that someone else could care about him even if they weren't fucking him. He climbed the fire-escape up to the window, opening it and stepping inside the apartment, a rush of memories flooding him. He hadn't been here since he'd seen her body laying there on the floor. There were few good memories from here, a birthday when he had gotten a cake and she hadn't been strung out and it was just the two of them and he was actually able to sleep the whole night through. The smell was just the same, except maybe a little stale. A squeak sounded and the male backed up, looking as a man came up behind him. He moved away and others came into the room, looking at him without saying a thing, they just kept him from running away.

A one-legged, one-eyed man approached. He was very ugly, with a strange fake eye in his other socket that flicked around strangely. There was a tall, burly black man as well as a woman with neon pink hair. There were others as well but they weren't nearly as remarkable as these three. Aurors, he knew that much. Zach had spoken about mad-eye before. His eyes glanced up at the ceiling and then towards the kitchen, though his body language was relaxed and he seemed bored. "Don't worry about the roof caving in or the kitchen exploding. Zach's magic wasn't very well hidden, though traps had never been his specialty" the man began, looking at Blake for some sort of emotion to flash upon his face, disappointed when he was given nothing. Blake had learned well to keep his thoughts off of his face, saving him more than once. "Where is Zach by the way?" Blake regarded him for a moment before speaking "he's dead. Died a few days ago" he remarked apathetically.

The man almost seemed angry and the knowledge that he was dead, gritting his teeth as he looked at the arrogant boy in front of him. "Why are you in my apartment?" he asked the Auror, a little angry they would just break in. "We were waiting for you to come back. We didn't think it would take this long. We knew your mother was Adderstrike though someone had gotten to her before we could and then when you disappeared we knew they had gotten to you as well." Blake feigned confusion well enough that Zach would have been proud. "I have no idea what you're talking about" he lied smoothly, not even making the movement to reach for his wand, knowing the people behind his back would have theirs at the ready. "Don't lie to me boy. I've grown tired of being in this shit-hole looking for you. I know you know something" he growled. Blake shrugged "well since you're here and aren't planning on gang-raping me, I'm going to fix some tea for you guys since I don't expect you'll be leaving anytime soon."

Mooney grabbed him by his thick hair, throwing him into the wall with a dull thud. Blake fell on the ground, groaning as he rotated his shoulder, making sure it was still where it was supposed to be. "That was unnecessary" he muttered "That is just the beginning if you decide to keep fucking with me" he threatened and pushed Blake into a chair. Ropes were tied around his legs and arms, securing him to the chair. He was stripped of his wand, knives and guns, glaring up at the Auror. He didn't have a chance of fighting back or running so he decided against that, thinking that maybe he could cut a deal with them so they wouldn't kill him or wipe his mind and take his magic. The end of a wand was pushed against his temple, suddenly feeling as if someone was trying to squeeze his head, slightly uncomfortable but bearable. The woman spoke "he's been trained." Mooney shook his head "Even after death he's still looking out for his little orphan bitch." Blake giving him a look filled with pure hatred.

"Tell me what you know and this will be quick and painless," Blake looked him up and down "Well, you're a dumbass and clearly don't know how to do your job very well if all you could come up with is hiding out here until I decided to show up. I'm sure your boss wasn't too happy about that" he said, the smart ass remark earning him the cruciatus curse. The pain flaring up in every cell in his body. He yelled out in pain, his body jerking tense until it stopped, sagging in the chair and panting a little. He had never felt anything like that before. It was terrible. "Let's try this again, shall we? What do you know about them Blake? What do you know about your boyfriend?" Blake was looking down, taking in a deep breath before looking up "Fuck you." Screaming soon followed his words from his lungs. It was probably only seconds though it felt like minutes the pain coursed through his body, feeling like flames were licking along his skin and poured through his veins.

Blake swallowed and enjoyed the oxygen flooding into his lungs once again. "What did Zach say about the Adderstrike?" Shit, now he would get slammed for giving them the truth "nothing, he never said anything" well, it was pretty much the truth. "Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!" His voice was already straining as it was being overused. "You don't have to keep doing this to yourself Blake, you don't owe them anything. They killed your mother." He did have a point, but for some reason he was much more willing to protect the people who gave him food and protected young children than adults who wanted to torture the truth out of him. "My mother was a crack-whore who pimped me out for money. If they killed her I should send them a gift basket" he said though it was the furthest from the truth yet. He braced himself for the pain, though it was shorter that time, guessing that his answer hadn't pissed him off as much as the others.

His breathing was labored and it was getting difficult to hold his head up on his own. He could take getting fucked in the ass and he would take that any day over this excruciating pain. "Who is the King of Adderstrike?" Harry Potter, not that you'll ever find out "They have a monarchy? That's a little twelfth century, don't you think?" This one was much, much longer than the others. His throat was getting raw, head rolled back against the back of the chair. The others were fairly quiet up until this point, only his speech stopping the onslaught of knives slicing him open, or so it felt. "Moody, this is not our way" the man said, looking at the poor teenage boy and back to mad-eye. "Do you realize how many of us they have slaughtered? Even if he knows nothing he may be a good bait to lure them out to help him, giving us the chance to find them." Blake had grown tired, wanting nothing more to do with this. He wanted to pain to stop and it wouldn't take very much more for him to spill just to get it to stop. "Please" he begged, his voice hoarse and raspy. "What, your buddies decided not to come and rescue you? And they're supposed to be so loyal." he mocked, looking at Blake and giving him about ten seconds, watching as the boy screamed out, his body taking more than most. Many would have already passed out before now, slightly impressed at his pain tolerance.

[[shit, this is long. Lol]]
Raze looked a little puzzled at Blake when he dashed off but shrugged and let the other go. he never realized the other didn't come back but Snape did. he even found the note, panic seized him for a long moment, his heart slamming in his throat as he realized exactly who Blake was, and that there where people waiting for him in his apartment. grumpy people and a werewolf who was a day away from the full moon. shit. he ran straight to Harry, showed him the note and explained why Blake was in danger. he didn't even get to explain, all that came out of his mouth was 'Blake is in danger' before the world started to rush around as Harry started snapping orders. just as Blake started to scream again the front door slammed open and Snape walked in, his eyes brimming with rage. "What the FUCK are you doing to MY charge?!" Snape demanded, his voice filled with rage as he glared at Moony and Mad-Eye. "you blasted imbeciles!" he snarled, flicking his wand, sending Remus into the wall, just because he hated him and glared furiously at Mad-Eye pointing at a Camera. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS!?" it was a video camera, the feed leading directly to Adderstrike, who had been watching the 'Order of the Phoenix' and the Aurors for some time now.

"Adderstrike has been watching this place ever since the Boy disappeared!" Snape snarled. "They are no doubt sending a copy of the tape to the Aurors! your all FUCKED for torturing a young boy! what the hell where you THINKING using a Cruciatus on a child?!" Snape demanded, shaking his head. "your in trouble for this one Mad-Eye and not even Dumbledore will be able to save you now!" he stalked over to Blake and gently stroked the boy's hair out of his face. "are you alright Blake?" he asked softly, his eyes meeting Blake's, using a more refined Legillemency than 'the woman' had used. 'This might not work, if i get attacked, don't try to help me, Harry is on the way, he had to make a pit stop for something, he'll get you out, and get you fixed up in no time. they won't kill me, they need me too much.' the thought was in Snape's voice, in Blake's mind. Zach had done this on occasion when he and Blake where hiding and needed to be completely silent. he looked up as there was another click, and in walked Harry Potter, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, a gun in one hand and a wand in the other.

"So, i hear you are looking for me." Harry stated, his eyes narrowed. "i also know that you have tortured a child, and that really pisses me off." Harry snarled, his emerald eyes looking around the room, flicking his hair out of his face, revealing the lightning bolt shaped scar. "i am Harry James Potter! King of Adderstrike, and i have already named my successor should i die. you will never win over Adderstrike..." he smirked at the people gathered. "are you the Aurors today, or the Order of the Phoenix? oh and don't bother destroying my Video Camera, i already sent the tape to your ministry, the lot of you are as screwed as a whore on extacy." he smirked a little, his Gun coming up when one of them tried to come closer. "i only want the boy, i've been looking for him for a while you know. i had been under the belief that his mothers cracked up boyfriend had killed him... that's what she told me anyway." he paused. "now that i think about it, she might have been trying to protect him, Adderstrike doesn't make it a habit of punishing families for a single person's misdeeds but she was never really Adderstrike in more than name, and probobly didn't know." he mused. "i stopped looking for him when i realized there wasn't a trace of him left in the city. it occurs to me now that his magic was probobly shielding himself from anyone actively looking for him. which is why you couldn't find him either."

there was a long pause and then Harry's eyes narrowed. "and this thing about Zach... what do you know about Zach?" he asked, his tone... strange. Harry was beginning to realize that these people had been after Zach as well. Death eaters, Aurors, and now the Order of the Phoenix had wanted Zach... just what had the old man been up to? it troubled harry. he felt as if he was missing something very important. something that he needed to know about Zach. he wanted to think that the other wasn't a traitor but... what if he was? a four way spy maybe? and simply let the wrong information slip out on accident? Harry could easily forgive that and have Zach's name put up on the Wall. maybe he'd been tricked? or tortured? or drugged? and why where these people going after Blake of all people? because he had known Zach or because of his mother? Harry needed to know these things, which was only half of the reason why he had come himself. Snape was carefully untying Blake, and pulled a potion out of one of is pockets, uncorking it and gently settling it to Blake's lips. "Drink this, Son. it will make the pain ease... it won't go away but it will hurt less." Snape murmured softly, carefully helping Blake to drink.

"Well, don't you want me anymore?" Harry demanded, wondering why they where all staring at him like that, feeling unease curl in his belly. why where they looking at him as if they knew him? "Ha... Harry Potter?" one of the few unvoiced people asked, stunned. "you... but your dead. everyone knows it..." "No, i'm not dead. i would have been if Adderstrike hadn't found me. and how DARE you use my name! i neither know you, nor like you!" "no you don't understand! your the Chosen One!... what do you mean you would have died?" Harry stared at the woman, a sharp nosed little bitch of a bint. "oh, i get it." Harry growled. "i know what's going on now. i remember Zach telling me once that i was a celebrity. oh he knew all about me, and how i ended up with that... FILTH!" Snape grimaced a little. Harry was starting to get angry, he could see the paper and the lighter things littered about the house starting to shake. "i was left on a doorstep in the middle of one of the coldest months of the year with nothing but a blanket and a letter. i was lucky i didn't fucking freeze to death before that bitch of a woman found me! i spent the next five years after that, living in a cupboard under the stairs. from the time i could walk i was expected to cook, clean, garden, paint, and be a whipping boy. i suffered more beatings before the age of seven than any of you have the collection of your lives combined! when i turned six, they moved me out to the shed, because i was 'taking up valuable space'. it was winter, i had no heat, no blanket, no bed, just cold, hard ground." his hand raised, this time pointing at the woman who had spoken. "you people, you... Magi abandoned me to the worst sort of filth and now you torture innocent children. is it any wonder i refused to go to your filthy schools and live in your filthy world?!" Snape was glad that Harry was being such a distraction, because it gave him time to scoop Blake up into his arms and start backing away towards the window, hoping to escape before everything turned into a massive clusterfuck.
The pain suddenly stopped and Mad-eye wasn't even paying him any attention, the yelling coming from someone else entirely. Was that Snape? Blake turned his head enough to see that it was, his fingers stretching as if reaching towards him for protection from these others. They might not have been torturing the boy themselves but they certainly weren't preventing Moony from doing it either. The man looked slightly embarrassed that he had been caught by Snape though the anger was far more visible when he learned that his actions had been taped and sent to the Ministry. "You had him and didn't tell us?" He asked angrily "How did you even know he would be here Severus?" The man asked him, and how would he have known about Adderstrike having the video camera and then not relaying this information to them?

Blake's eyes fluttered closed as Snape's hand gently brushed the hair from his face, his fingers still moving though he didn't have the energy to try and pull at the restraints on his wrists. His eyes opened back up as Snape spoke in his mind. For a while he had thought only Zach was capable of this, especially when he had been the only one to ever do it and then when the one woman tried getting into his mind she was easily blocked. His head nodded minutely, saying that he understood, though he didn't think he would be able to do anything to help him even if it was needed. What the hell was Harry doing that was so important that he was going to leave them here by themselves very easily outnumbered. Hell, even if Blake was feeling up to fighting he didn't have the knowledge or experience to fight an Auror.

And then Harry came in. Blake could sense the change in the atmosphere when he entered the room, his magic radiating off of him in waves. Ahh, he was getting the suit, noticing it. He would have appreciated it a little more if his mind was a little clearer and would have made a mental note to mess with him later about how he got so dressed up to come to a fight. Harry mentioned his mother and he knew then that it was his letter that had gotten them here, but how did they know about the Aurors? So Harry did remember his mother, and had been looking for him all this time and was right under his nose.

Zach's name came up yet again and Blake fought the unconsciousness to listen to what they were saying. "Zach was a member of the Order until we found out he was leaking our information to someone. We don't know who." Well clearly it wasn't Adderstrike so Zach just seemed to be in everybody's business without hardly anyone knowing. The Aurors gathered there were just in so much shock that they couldn't even do anything to even raise a wand against Harry, so surprised to see that he was alive and doing magic, the King of the Adderstrike no less. The potion was put against Blake's lips, glad that Snape helped him to drink it. It was cold as it slid down his throat, soothing the soreness. It worked quickly, making him at least partially mobile though not by much.

Blake had to admire the power and presence Harry acquired. Everyone was silent when he spoke and without even trying things in the room were moving, papers flying around the room, mirrors cracking. What was more was the fact that he didn't send someone to come and get him back. He came himself, if he was alone he didn't know, though it wouldn't surprise him. "Harry, we looked for you for years. There was absolutely no trace of you. There was a huge outrage when people even suggested they give up the search for you and pronounce you dead" a woman said to him. She wasn't the idiot who had piped up earlier and was sickened by the fact they were torturing a child.

Blake sagged in Snape's arms as he was lifted from the chair, his arm closest to the man going around his neck to help with the awkwardness of carrying dead weight. Everyone was far too busy watching Harry to even notice that their 'prisoner' was being carried out the window by one of their own. Once they were away from the room he started fidgeting "you can't leave him there alone" he told Severus, his voice coming out almost as a whisper he was so hoarse. He wouldn't be having Harry killed just because he was stupid and rushed off when he got a little hot-headed. No one needed him but there were so many kids that depended on Harry to keep them safe and fed and to be a great leader.

Blake didn't think he would be able to live with himself if it turned out that Harry ended up being killed because of him. Partly because of his role in Adderstrike, also because he believed Zach was good, too, and he could talk with him about the man without having the other think of him as nothing more than a murderous monster. All of a sudden his eyes started closing, finding it was harder to think and put words together, not knowing if it was the potion or if Snape had used a spell on him to put him out so he wouldn't fight with him or just to stop the pain altogether. It would be almost a full week before he woke again, parts of his sleep uninterrupted and others he would almost be conscious and could hear people talking, though much of it sounded as if he were underwater and he couldn't understand them that well. Even before his eyes had opened he was asking about Harry, needing to know that he was alright and nothing bad had come of him, not knowing that he had been out for so long and they would be more worried that he was going to be okay.

Moony glanced towards where Blake had been, noticing his disappearance and knowing then that he wasn't on their side. Snape could claim that he had simply taken him to a hospital and then the boy was taken by Adderstrike and everyone would believe him since Snape's record was crystal clear. However, Mad-eye knew and even though he would be in Azkaban he knew better than to believe that Severus wasn't involved with the Adderstrike secretly. "Zach was really paranoid right before he left. It was really out of character, he kept mumbling things about Grindelwald and Josiah. I've never heard of a Josiah but it was clear Zach was scared of him." This was the woman again, Moony telling her to shut up before looking at Harry. He didn't understand why they were all spilling their guts to him, they didn't know what agenda he followed and he happened to know a little something about why Zach was acting so strangely but wanted to keep it to himself.

After Blake had been safely returned to Adderstrike, Shadow Strike was sent in as they had been ordered, throwing in several smoke bombs and tossing a gas mask to Harry. All of the Aurors rushed out of the room, choking on the smoke, trying to get to wherever the oxygen was. After they got Harry out and far enough away an explosion was heard and a huge smoke cloud entered the sky where the building was. A couple Aurors had been killed but it would only take moments more for the Ministry to get there, taking the rest of them into custody and took them back to try them immediately for using the unforgivable curse and using it on a defenseless subject and a child above that. They would be sent to Azkaban in the short future, there was no possible way that anyone could argue any other option.
Severus looked up at them and shook his head. "he left a note, as silly children are want to do. i did not know this was the boy you where looking for, i just found him wandering the streets and took him in.... he has a foul mouth." Snape was an effortless liar of course, he was a three way spy after all. everyone thought he was working for Voldemort, or The Order, but he wasn't. he was loyal only to Adderstrike. Harry paused for a long moment and then. "no, you stupid bitch... where where you the FIRST five years!?" Harry demanded. "Albus Brian Wilfric Dumbledore left me abandoned on a doorstep to be abused and no one ever once checked up on me." he growled, his eyes flashing. "no one thought to make sure that MAGIC HATING MUNDANES, where taking proper care of a Magi!!!" the stupid woman flinched but didn't try to talk again as Harry ripped open his suit, the effect even more dramatic because he'd torn apart a suit, instead of the crappy stuff he normally wore. "This is what you subjected me to!"

there was a massive burn on his chest, like someone had braided metal clothes hanger's together, and then bent them into the shape of words that where then heated like a branding iron and pressed into his flesh. even after ten, possibly twelve years, the word 'Freak' was easily visible, and easily read. Harry knew this would disturb everyone in the room, and that was why he did it. Snape nearly choked on his tongue when he saw the damage that the Muggles had done to The-Boy-Who-Lived. he carried Blake out before the boy called attention to himself, and shook his head at Blake's protests. "Harry is Adderstrike, and Adderstrike is never alone." Snape stated simply. "i'm going to have to lie out of my ass to convince Dumbledore about all this though..." he muttered softly. "if anyone asks, you where injured for a week and i was healing you." not unlike the truth. "i was taking you to a man named Dumbledore when Adderstrike ambushed us. they won't use Veritiserum on a child so long as their a decent sort..." he muttered before realizing Blake was asleep and sighing a little. "ah well... i'll just claim that Adderstrike took you again." he murmured, amused.

"Zach was a part of the Order?!" he asked, looking rather stunned. "why that little shit..." but Harry wasn't really angry, anyone could see that, he looked more thoughtful than anything else. "Josiah?..." Harry frowned, trying to place the name. "i knew he was getting worried about Grindelwald, according to my theories, he was trying to bring the man back from the dead." Harry smirked, well aware this next part would knock them off their feet. "a shame that Grindelwald isn't dead. just locked up in Nuemengaurd." he turned his emerals eyes to Moony and it was suddenly clear why they where all talking. those emerald eyes, so much like Lillie's, where filled with a deep inner pain and misery that the people there, well the one's with souls, wanted to help heal. he smiled at Moony and caught the Gas mask in a well practiced move and made certain to cover the one female who had protested, and Moony with a shield so that they wouldn't die, and left to check on Blake. when the day of the Trial's came, the woman, and Remus would be shocked to discover that a top o the line Lawyer had been provided for them, only those two got off from going to prison, the others in the group would be spending at least a year for letting Mad-Eye torture a child. Mad-Eye would die in Azkaban, a life sentence, however long that might be, a year, twenty, two hundred.... Mad-Eye was never getting free and Dumbledore hadn't even tried to save him.

the woman was left alone, Remus on the other hand, was grabbed as soon as he stepped out of the Ministry, and was immidiatly bound around the wrists, a cloth bag was placed over his head and with a POP, he was someplace new, shoved into a chair, ad his feet where tied to the legs while his bound wrists where connected to the back of the chair. very uncomfortable, but at least he was alive. there was a small sound next to Remus, a sound that Remus would easily be able to identify as Snape's 'pain' sound. Remus had hears Sev make it often enough after recovering from the Cruciatus. the bag was removed by a House Elf, and Remus was allowed to look around the bare stone walls... and look at Severus who was missing most of his clothes and looked like he'd had the shit beat out of him. it was Snape's cover of course, and an explanation as to why he'd been gone for so long. he made his Pain noise again and shuddered as his left arm jerked, it was obvious he was moaning about the dark mark, not about the probable broken bones and internal hemorrhaging. leaving them both tied up and alone the house elf left to tell Harry, who was sitting with Blake, waiting for the boy to wake up, that the prisoner had arrived.

"Thank you Mippy. i'll be there in a while." he muttered examining Blake's face, his head tilted a little as he gently smoothed the others hair out of his face. "Snape is a very brave man you know." Harry muttered, not sure if Blake could hear him or not. "he risked death to bring you here. and then you go and do something so stupid... why didn't you tell me you where Molly's kid? you must have known she was Adderstrike. i can't tell you how long we've looked for you. i'm not entirely sure myself, time passes in strange ways when your a member of Adderstrike." he sighed. "Zach must have known who you where... that's why he was so protective, he's the one who originally discovered the Auror's in your apartment and set up the surveillance." he admitted. "for some reason, Zach was very protective of you, i think he met you once or twice, when he issued warnings to Molly." he sighed a little. "i've made many mistakes in my life but that day was one of the biggest." he admitted. "i should have found you first before dealing with your mother... i should have killed the boyfriends, i should have done a lot of things but i was only fourteen and it was my first act as King... i made a lot of mistakes back then..." he glanced at the clock. "well, i'll leave you to rest, i have a prisoner to interrogate."
The sound of Harry's voice brought him to the surface of consciousness, fighting hard to keep himself there to try and hear what he was saying. Even laying there beat up Blake was still willing to argue and come back with some smart ass remark. 'Yes Harry, its my fault that I find out you kill my mother and didn't know there were Auror's at her apartment. I should have been more prepared. I'll work on that next time.' An eyeroll would have accompanied the words had he been able to but he knew Harry was just upset and worried about him, which touched him greatly. After Harry had mentioned it Blake seemed to recall a man who had come in a couple times to speak to his mother, she had called him Zach. Why hadn't he ever remembered that? He had always loved when Zach came over because he was always so nice and would talk to him like he was important and special.

Only Harry would be able to turn his rage at the boy into guilt. He wished he could wake up and say something to him, but he was getting up now 'Harry wait! Don't leave me here.' With the silence he was sucked back into darkness and moments together with Zach. Times when they would just sit by each other and talk about nothing and everything at the same time. Two moments especially stuck in his mind, one was when Zach was explaining the Imperius curse, what it looked like and what it felt like. He had always assumed that he was just guessing but what if he actually knew? He always seemed so somber when he spoke about it, as if he were ashamed of something. The second was the code. Zach had taught him a code, playing with letters and numbers to say one thing but mean something else entirely. They used it all the time, whether they were apart or together so Blake would know it inside and out, whether Zach was there or not.

Hours later, around two or three in the morning Blake's eyes opened and he started moving. His hands pushed away the blankets on him and he rolled onto his side, kicking his legs over the side of the bed. The man looking after him kept telling him where he was and that he needed to relax "I know where I'm fucking at you dumbass, I need the journals" his voice was rough with non-use, and he kept pushing at the man even though he was weak now. The doctor didn't know what to do, usually he would just put them to sleep and wait for him to wake up when they were calm but this one was special with how much time Harry had spent by his side. "I need the journals, need them" the doctor shook his head and yelled out to a woman "go tell Harry he's awake and keeps asking about journals, he's still interrogating Lupin." That was really the only reason he would leave Blake was to go torture more information from the wolf.

Remus had been shocked to find out that he wouldn't be going to Azkaban along with another woman. Who could have pulled strings this big to get a judge to overlook this? Normally he would be relieved but there was something not right about this situation and when he stepped outside he found out why. He looked at the man next to him, so this is where he had been when he'd been missing for so long. He didn't like the man but right now they were in the same position. He didn't have to wait long before someone came in the room. He couldn't see anything but a figure until the man stepped into the light, looking surprised at finding Harry there. "Harry Potter? What do you want with me?" He asked the man, not knowing what he could even tell him that he wouldn't know if he were the King of Adderstrike. They seemed to find out everything, they must have a double agent feeding them information. He'd have to look for them when, if, he got out of here.

"Harry, someone was sent to your house every year to make sure you were being taken care of and they brought you a birthday gift. They always came back saying you were find and growing up well, now to think of it, it seemed like their answers were too perfect, like magic was making them say that whenever someone mentioned you" he said, thinking back. Why hadn't any of them thought it was strange and went to check themselves? Who would want for Harry to suffer so much as a child? Nevertheless, he knew the boy wasn't one for talking, he knew that much, especially after looking at Severus. It was going to be a long night, that was for sure. What Remus was really confused about was why Harry wanted him. There were plenty of others privy to more information than he who could take less pain than him.

A while later a young woman came to the edge of the room "Sir, the boy has woken and keeps going on about some journal and won't be calmed. Would you like for the doctor to put him to sleep again?" she asked timidly. Harry's temper was mercurial. One moment he could be so gentle and soft and the next he could slice you open without blinking and you never knew which you would get with him. It was generally accepted that you didn't interrupt him when he was interrogating but this was a special circumstance, otherwise he would be disturbed until he was done and had been fed something since the sessions generally lasted hours if not longer.
Harry snarled at Lupin, his emerald eyes flashing. "there are a few reasons why i want you, Remus Lupin... once known as Moony." he paused for a moment, studying the werewolf as Snape cried out in pain again as the Dark Mark flared into life again, a small little smirk playing Harry's lips. "ah... the Dark Lord is calling you, isn't it Traitor?" Harry asked, lifting Sev's chin, the man whimpering as he flinched away from Harry's touch, as if he expected more pain. "this one is strong... not many can withstand my temper." Harry admitted simply before dropping Sev's head, all part of the act really, but Sev was in pain, and a great deal of it. emerald eyes turned back to Lupin. "No one checked on me Remus." Harry stated simply as he pulled the neck of his shirt down, letting the other see the hideous scar again. "and if they did, no one gave a damn about me." he stared at Remus. "i never had anything, i wore clothes that where hand me downs from my fat whale of a cousin. i barely got table scraps, and that was only if i was good and did all of the chores... chores that a full grown man couldn't complete in the hours that i was allowed to be out of the Closet." he studied Lupin and then settled his hand almost gently on the others cheek. "you harmed a child Lupin." his fingernails where suddenly digging into the mans face and with a harsh tug, he had scratched open Remus's face, leaving four, long, ragged and bleeding grooves along the side of the werewolf's face, lifting his bloody fingers to his mouth he gave a few licks. it wasn't the blood of a werewolf that turned you after all, it was the saliva.

"still, hind sight is always twenty twenty isn't it Lupin?" he asked, his head tilted a little. "i suppose i can forget my anger over being abandoned for now, that i suppose isn't your fault, and this one here.." he kicked Severus's leg, who whimpered. "said you knew my parents. it was really the only useful information he gave me. the bastard nearly bit out his own tongue rather than take the Veritiserium." he smirked a little. "it's a shame i'm going to have to kill him." Sev just whimpered again and shook his head slowly. "please... god, please..." Severus whimpered, choking back a sob as Harry laughed in delight before ignoring Snape and Remus both as he turned his attention to the young woman. "DO NOT CALL HIM BOY!!!!" Harry roared before taking a deep breath, calming himself. "his name, is Blake, and you will address him as such." Harry demanded before pondering. "tell Blake i will be there in a few moments... i must... dispose of this." he kicked Snape again who groaned and muttered another few broken pleads. Harry just grabbed the back of the chair and started dragging him out, Snape's eyes opening and looking at Lupin, the black eyes filled with a Terror that told the world he knew he was about to die. the door clicked shut and Remus was left all alone in a room with no escape.

Harry untied Snape, and with a few well placed spells, Harry had a split lip, a black eye, teeth marks imbedded in his neck and scratch marks all over his face and arms. more parts of the plan, now it would look as though Snape had managed to wrestle himself free. with that taken care of, and Snape on his way to Madam Pomfery and Dumbledore, Harry went to Blake, taking with him the thirteen journals, the two notebooks, and the many videotapes of Zach's 'studies'. "Blake." Harry chirped, looking ever so pleased as the healer gaped at Harry's wounds. "don't worry about me." Harry ordered, waving the doctor off. "they are necessary." he admitted simply as he set all the things down. "this is everything we found in Zach's room. when your feeling better i'll take you there as well, but for now you have to be content with the information here. you where damaged badly in that little torture session you had." he admitted softly. "many of your nerves are going to take a bit of time to heal so you'll only get these things if you promise to stay in bed." Harry ordered, extracting the promise from Blake before handing everything over. "Sev wanted me to tell you something as well, he would have come himself but there wasn't time." Harry admitted. "he hopes you settle well and that you recover, and promises that he'll come back as soon as he can ad teach you how to do that weird mental thing he does." he scowled a little. "i don't get it but he said you'd understand." he shrugged. "now, eat some food, rest, and read the journals... and here's an empty notebook to write in if you discover anything you need to write down. i have to go deal with a werewolf. i think he knows something about Zach." Harry admitted simply. "and i intend on finding out what."
Lupin watched Hary interact with Snape, the man seeming like he was close to death already, looking worse than he had ever seen him before. Harry just seemed so...dark. Completely the opposite of his father. His mother couldn't even be seen in him, he was so broken and hurt from the abuse of his childhood. The hand landed on his face and he flinched slightly, expecting something different, gritting his teeth and growling as the nails dug deep into his skin. There it was. Yes, he knew Harry's parents, though what could he possibly tell him that Snape didn't know? Unless he wasn't talking. It would make sense. Snape hated James with every fiber of his being, partly because of the beatings he himself endured and partly because of his love for Lily. It was sad really, how much pain that Severus had endured, so similar to Harry and yet the boy couldn't see it, or Remus thought he couldn't see it.

The small woman shook with fright as she was yelled at, not daring to even speak until she was completely sure he was finished, bowing slightly "yes sir, I'm sorry my lord" she said softly and left quickly before he could grow any angrier. Lupin watched as Snape was dragged away, turning his head from the man looking so afraid. There was nothing he could do for him otherwise he would. It was times like these he wished he could change like Sirius was able to, then he might be of a little more help to him. They had never gotten along well but he still didn't want him to end up dead at the hands of the Boy-Who-Lived. It was a little while until Harry came back, dreading what he was going to do if Sev looked the way he did when Harry was done with him.

Blake was still arguing and pushing against the healers hands when Harry came in, turning when he heard his name, frowning "finally, this idiot wouldn't get me the journals and I need them" he said plainly, looking at Harry "you look like shit, by the way" he said. His voice was coarse and it would be a while until he was fully recovered but at least he seemed to be in better spirits than before. "Oh, Harry, I'm alright" he protested, moving to take the journals and winced a little, leaning back again "fine, I promise I'll stay here if you'll come by when you can to talk to me, he's not very much fun" he admitted. The doctor had already left the room to give them room to talk freely. Blake looked at the leather-bound journals, turning them over in his hands "are they in order?" he asked, flipping the cover open on one to see if they were numbered.

He looked up at Harry again when Snape was mentioned, nodding at the fact he'd come back when he could. He knew he had to be back wherever he was to keep up the act of being on thier side, smiling as he was told Severus would teach him what he knew, finding it funny that Harry didn't know what it was or how to do it. He took the notebook and set it down beside him, frowning when he said he already had to go back. The urge to dive into the journals was strong but he wanted to talk to Harry more, feeling a sense of ease with him that he had only felt with Zach, even though Harry was tempermental Blake wasn't really scared of him. He pulled Harry to him and wrapped his arms around his chest, giving him a hug and closing his eyes for a moment "it's okay Harry, we'll figure it out." He told the boy gently.

"Please don't beat him up too badly, he really didn't do anything. He wasn't even in there half the time and he looked sick when he was. I think they were all too scared of the ugly man to try and fight him about it" he told Harry, looking into his eyes. "You don't need to yell at the girl either, and before you go yelling at her about telling me what you said, everyone could hear you. I think when you get really angry your magic gets really strong and it makes your voice really loud. She didn't know my name, she had only been here for a little while before Doc sent her down to you." Blake looked at Harry for a moment, his eyes kind and forgiving towards Harry and Harry alone. "Thank you for coming to get me and my stupid ass" he smiled a little and moved to kiss Harry on the cheek lightly. "Go find out what the werewolf knows, but gently, he may be more willing than you think." He was being uncharacteristically thoughtful and forgiving, thinking it was because of the hope that he would be able to show Harry and everyone else that Zach was a good man and hadn't done those things.

When Harry had left the room he opened the journals, finding the first book and flipping through it until he found where the coding started. They never used the very begining to keep it hidden better and sometimes had random strings of nothing in case someone could figure out the code. He found where it started 'If you're able to read this it means I am probably gone and you've been taken in by Adderstrike and hopefully Harry will still be King, he's a good one. I must have trusted you with everything to let you in and give up all my secrets. Good for you, you must be a keeper!' Blake laughed though tears were in his eyes as he read the words. Zach couldn't hardly stand being serious for too long, he had made Blake laugh sometimes until his stomach hurt. 'All right, here's the important part: you will be in danger. You were close to me, closer than anyone else and they'll use that against you. Harry is your best bet at staying alive.' Blake sighed and shook his head "Zach, what did you do?" he muttered softly and closed his eyes, his body taking advantage and pulling him into the sweet embrace of sleep.
Harry snorted at Blake and shook his head. "you need to calm down." he ordered the other boy. "jeez, your going to give the doctor an Aneurism." he stated simply as he watched Blake. "you've thought of something?" he asked as he watched the other look through the journal. "yes, their numbered." he admitted. "i looked through them a little but... well it's all numbers and big words and i just don't understand any of it." he admitted with a small sigh. "i'll come and talk to you often and as soon as we're certain your not in danger of sliding back into Ill health we'll have you moved back into your own room so you can be more comfortable." Harry promised. "but you have to take anything the doctor orders you to. if i have to do it, so do you." he went completely still, frozen as he was hugged, as ridged as a statue as if he wasn't sure what was happening and he stared at Blake with wide, rather astonished eyes and blinked at Blake for a long moment before.

"...what was that?" he asked, looking rather baffled. "did you just... attack me?" he looked so stunned one almost wanted to laugh before you took into account that Harry didn't know what a hug was. "well, if it was, it was a piss poor one and just more evidence that you need more rest." Harry stated simply, loftily and with a superior sniff. he shook his head as he was chastised and he grimaced a little. "Boy is... what they called me." Harry explained. "i was already riled up and when i heard that i just... sort of exploded a little, i will apologize to her later." Harry promised Blake. "Remus is a werewolf you see, it was the day before the full moon so i don't think he had the strength, or the right mind, which is one of the reasons i kept him out of prison." he admitted simply. "he wasn't really in control of his own actions that night." he smiled at the other. "and of course i saved you, you are Adderstrike now, your Family, MY Family, and i will always protect my Family." he promised Blake before flinching at the kiss and pausing as he realized what it was and a bright red blush went across his cheeks and down his neck. he shook his head, stood up, hesitated a moment. "rest, Blake, i mean it. i don't want you falling into another coma..." and fled.

He went to Remus, looking a lot calmer and a lot more baffled and rather dazed as he walked in, shut the door and blinked at the werewolf for a long moment before approaching the other, gently setting his fingers on the others face and healing the marks he had left. "it was suggested to me that... torturing you was a.. bad decision." Harry admitted, looking rather sulky. "the boy you helped torture, has asked me not to hurt you." he admitted simply as he stepped back, crossed his arms and examined the other. "he said i might get more information if i was..." he wrinkled his nose. "Gentle." he made a small scoffing noise before grabbing a chair, dragging it over to Remus and sat down in front of the werewolf. "so, in the... wishes, of my newest Adderstrike, i will ask you a question, you will answer, and in return, you will be allowed to ask a question of your own." he decided, pondering. "it seams to me, as if you have bee looking for Adderstrike for a great deal of time." he admitted simply. "the man with the peg leg, Mad-Eye-Moody... a bit of a crappy name don't you think? he claimed that we slaughtered people of... yours. care to explain that interesting little detail? it must have been before the last few years, a previous Kings vendetta perhaps?" he mused, frowning a little. "i also desire to know everything you know about Zach and this... Josiah. i saw your eyes. you recognized the name. tell me what i want to know, i will give you information, and i will let you go without another injury." he smirked. "you might even be happy to know that the traitor, Severus, managed to escape with his life. i should never have untied him before i slit his throat, he had a bit more strength in him than i thought he did."
Blake listened to the other without saying much at all, even though he had slept for so long this amount of being awake and verbal had already worn him out and he knew Harry was busy speaking with the werewolf and trying to help find out about Zach. If he was surprised Harry didn't know what a hug was he was even more surprised at his reaction to the kiss. It almost hurt his feelings before he realized Harry might not have ever had someone do this to him before. It almost broke his heart. It made him want to give even more attention and gentle displays of affection, something he was seriously lacking that wasn't difficult or time consuming and simply made someone feel better. Had Harry ever kissed anyone? It would be hard to believe that he had with his reaction to the one he had received.

The man flinched again when Harry touched his face, this time healing him, though this was more surprising than the last time. Wow, he was really serious. Who was this boy? A half hour ago Harry was stone-cold and unyielding yet after ten minutes with the boy he had given up his whole plan of action. What did Harry owe him to warrant him such influence over him? Was it debt or was it his emotions, something pointing towards this as he looked confused with himself as well as the other. Remus shook his head at the mention of Mad-eye "he is an imbecile and willing to punish anyone socially acceptable to try and frighten others into keeping them in line. We did lose a few a short while ago but we're certain that was due to death eaters and not Adderstrike, it was in a method that would suggest the dark lord."

"Zach...Zach was a strange one. His background was minute though he was extremely knowledgable. He was so interested in codes and secret messaging that it almost got him in trouble one time. He never did anything remarkable until Josiah came. I never liked him. He always seemed to be up to something and would stick his nose where it wouldn't belong. He obsessed over the Grindelwald incident. Wondered why we killed him instead of getting information first. Always talked about it. Soon Zach was the only one who would tell him to go away and he started acting strange, doing things that were completely out of character. Bodies were found in Zach's apartment though he swore up and down they weren't because of him. Before the ministry could get to him he was gone and Josiah fumed for days, weeks even, going on about how he left him there with such a mess and a half finished assignment. He would explain if someone asked him about it though."

Lupin nodded at the mention of Snape's escape, not actually caring that much. He was glad to know he hadn't been killed but the world would not have suffered a great loss losing him. "I have no issue telling someone the truth Harry. I'm sorry you've had the experiences that would warrant you to believe the worst in people. If you had been able to be with your parents, I would have given anything, as would Snape, to have that be your reality so that you might have known love and compassion. Would you also thank the....Blake for being so forgiving. I would not have expected that amount of kindness from one so young. I know what I did was wrong and I should be punished for that, it is not fair that I should get out of my punishment though I do not think anything you could do to me is worse than how I already feel. I do admire your cause Harry Potter. It is much more just and equal than the way magic has been set up for so long. The wealthy able to be overlooked while the poor are punished harshly for hardly anything." He stopped talking and waited for the boy to ask him something else, expecting many more questions to test his story and to get everything the wolf knew.
Harry nodded a little. "codes, yes i remember him talking about Codes. he loved to make new ways to leave hidden messages..." he paused, his eyes flashing with sudden realization and he nodded. "that is why he wanted the journals... Blake knows the secrete codes... finally, we're getting some proper information." he muttered softly, almost eagerly. "i never thought that Zach could be capable of hurting children... he loved children, protected them with his life..." he muttered softly before shaking his head, rather amazed at how much information he was really getting. "Josiah was a member of the order?" he asked curiously. "we know about the Order of course, Adderstrike has orders to aid when possible. Voldemort is one of the worst kinds of bastards that exist, he's the top of the list on Adderstrike's 'shit list'... i have decided not to let this single incident... cloud my decision to continue to aid the Order." Harry admitted simply. "though i doubt we will be assisting Aurors anytime soon." he admitted, his eyes going hard and cold. clearly blaming moody and the stupid aurors who had let Moody get away with it. "an assignment... is Josiah still alive?" Harry asked hopefully. "i have a feeling that Zach might not have been the one to kill my children after all."

"you see, those boys you found where from here. they where Adderstrike, they where mine to protect and i failed them, and i must see that their deaths are avenged. whether that be killing this Josiah for his crimes against them, or listing Zach as a traitor, his name forever tarnished, their deaths WILL be avenged." he took a deep breath as Remus continued talking and he looked at th other. "i never knew my parents. wishing i ha lived with them is a pointless endeavor, one that can drive a person into despair, depression, and misery. i would have killed myself long ago if i had dwelt on such impossible things." he smiled a little. "in all honesty... i may have... 'accidentally' let Snape's hands free first on purpose." Harry admitted simply. "he risked his life getting Blake to safety... twice now. while i do have to keep order in this place, good deeds are always rewarded." he admitted simply. "Snape was rewarded with his life, though he does not know it. so i do know compassion, and i understand many kinds of love... they are just not at the same levels as you." Harry admitted simply. "your ministry is corrupt, and your school is only compounding the problem." Harry admitted simply as he took on a pondering look.

"that Snape... he told me some... interesting things." he muttered, looking at Remus. "he told me that i was 'Chosen', that i had a 'Destiny.' that i had a duty to the Wizarding world to destroy the Evil Voldemort.... what do you know about this? My Parents, i have always been told, died in a car crash when my father was driving drunk." he admitted, reaching up to trace the scar on his forehead. "that is where i got this. but from what few 'true' wizards i have met in the last week, this is not a true story. i want to know exactly who i am to you Magi and why you apparently looked for me after i was rescued from... 'Them'." apparently, the Dursley's didn't even warrant a name. "i also want to know why your people were looking for information on Adderstrike." he admitted simply, crossing is arms. he wondered if Remus would ever notice the truth spell that had been placed on the room before he'd even been dragged in there. so long as Remus told the truth, he might never even know.
Lupin looked surprised "Blake understands it? We've spent weeks looking through his things after he left trying to figure out what it was talking about. We got nowhere" he said, guessing Harry hadn't gotten any further than they had with Zach's scribbles, nonsense, and random numbers. "He was a member, he left soon after Zach disappeared when he was asked questions about Zach's personal life and if they ever did anything together. He always acted kinda shady" he muttered. Harry didn't surprise him when he said they wouldn't be assisting the Aurors, he could have guessed that much. Harry seemed possessive over him enough as it was, something that didn't really fit with his personality. Harry seemed like he would be one to care about all of his charges but wouldn't let one get too close to him for fear of getting hurt like he had been in the past.

"I understand your need for justice, the mutilation of children is one of the most terrible things I can imagine and to have a mind capable of reasoning those actions would have to be broken, which Zach certainly was not." Lupin said softly. Remus didn't think that Harry dwelled on the fact that he should have been with his parents anymore but as a child you have the imagination and hope to have a better life, especially when your life was hell because your parents were dead. "Why would Snape risk his life for him? He isn't Severus's son or anything is he?" he asked, the action making Snape sound uncharacteristically generous and altruistic, something that didn't fit his personality at all. It would fit if there were something in it for him, like winning his life back from Potter for whatever their grievances had been before.

Lupin shifted in the chair a little, trying to re-situate himself a bit. He looked shocked and then almost angry "who told you that?" he asked sharply, sounding irritated. "There is no way your parents could have died in a fucking car crash" he said angrily, pissed that someone would even tell their son that, not even having the decency to tell him the truth. He was usually better about hiding his anger but for some reason he couldn't contain it, shocking himself a little. "Harry, your father was one of my best friends, I would have given my life for them in a heartbeat. They weren't in a car crash, they died trying to protect you from Voldemort." The werewolf paused, waiting for it to sink in before speaking again "There is a prophecy that you will be the one to finally kill the devil and he found out about it and resolved to kill you and eliminate the problem. He came to your house when you were still a baby, a man we called Wormtail ratting them out to the dark lord. He got to your father first, who was trying to protect you and Lily. Lily threw herself in front of the crib and he killed her as well. Their sacrifice did something and when Voldemort went to kill you as well the spell backfired on him, almost killing him, it should have, no one knows why it didn't. That night was the night you got that scar."

"Serious is your Godfather and should have gotten you but was thrown in Azkaban for something he didn't do. I was the only one left and I couldn't take you or I would have. By the time we had managed to get Serious out you were already gone and though we looked for a while you had just disappeared without a trace." Remus hadn't tried lying to Harry yet, thinking after all this time he deserved the truth and he would try to ease any pain that he could in memory of his friend. "Serious would still want to meet you if you wanted. He would understand why you wouldn't though" he said, knowing he had to throw it out there for Black's sake. "We were looking for Adderstrike because there is a group of people who think that a group of wizards and witches, or those coming from magic, should be in the wizarding world and integrated into their society" he told him.

"I don't agree. I think our world is far too regulated and there could be a way to let magic and muggle and beast live without all of the homicide. However, I am aware that I am an idealist and prefer to see the better side in people even when the ugly side rears its head." Lupin's muscles were starting to ache with the awkward position they were in, trying to move a little though the ropes were tight enough to restrict almost all movement. "How did Blake come to be with Zach? He was never mentioned when he was at the Order, probably a good thing for his sake at the time, although they found him eventually. Poor boy. Terrible about his mother" he said, not even realizing that it was Adderstike that had gone through the city and killed so many child molesters and rapists and those who simply let it happen.

Blake was laying on his bed and flipping through some of the journals, just reading what Zach had written and touching his script. His handwriting had always been very nice, though there were places where it got sloppy, which wasn't like him at all, he had always stressed the importance of neat handwriting, spending more time looking over them until he found the double message within the first. Thank God for Zach and his riddles, saving his own skin after he was already gone. His eyes flicked upwards as he saw a few younger boys peeking his head inside the door, ducking as they saw Blake looking at them, hearing their soft whispers. He put the journal down "Doc isn't here if you want to come in and actually talk to me" he told them. One of the braver ones ventured inside and looked at him as if he were going to leap out of the bed and bite him.

"Did you really fight the Aurors?" The small boy asked, looking up at him nervously. "Sure did" he replied, the boy looking amazed and intimidated at the same time. He told him to climb up on the bed, carefully moving Zach's things to the side table that was overflowing with the journals, tapes, papers, and quills. Two others came out and wanted to climb up as well, sitting and looking at him like he was a different species or a story book character who had come to life. They were impoverished and beaten like he and Harry had been but their hope and bewilderment was still intact. "What did they do?" One asked "they tied me in a chair and used an unforgivable curse" he told them, one making a noise "but they aren't allowed to!" The point making Blake smile a little "I know, that's why he got in trouble afterwards." "What did they do it for?" The first boy asked, wondering if Blake had done something terrible for it "they thought I knew something about someone they were looking for" he said gently, "well why didn't they just ask you?" "I don't know, I guess they were just angry and didn't know what else to do." "That doesn't mean they can hurt you" "you're right, what is your name?" he asked the boy "M-a-x" he said proudly, Blake laughing a little for the first time in a long time.

"I'm Billy and this is Michael" the other said, pointing at the boy beside him "we're twins," he added as if the fact they looked exactly alike didn't give them away. "Well I'm Blake, and I don't really have any friends here so if you guys want to come by sometime you can" he told them as Doc was walking in "nope, boys it's getting late and you're going to miss curfew if you're down here and I am not taking the blame for it" he said firmly, the boys groaning but leaving quickly, Max waving as he left. "I don't want you moving around, you might hurt something worse and then you'll be stuck in here for even longer and I know you're already wanting out. I want you out" he said, laughing a little "and I mean that in the best way possible" he teased, Blake sighing as he laid back again, trying to keep himself awake for a little while in hope that Harry would come visit before he fell asleep again.
Harry pondered that and then nodded "Snape has led a very hard life. he was Adderstrike once, though it was such a long time ago that any information he has on us now is obsolete." Harry admitted simply. "no doubt he saved Blake as a way in with the Adderstrike, or simply because Blake reminds him of himself... Snape is a bitter, bitter old man but who can blame him? his father was a bastard... if we hadn't rescued Severus, he would have died just like his mother, beaten to death. then there was that school of yours. hated by everyone, tormented by the people he called 'the Marauders' and betrayed by his only freind. Regulus as i recall, that life of pain drove him straight to the Dark Lord, who promised him power, and the strength he needed to keep going on in life. that is why Snape is no longer a member of Adderstrike, because he joined that sick bastard. the King at the time was most unhappy. he has redeemed himself though, i think, risking his life and sanity afterwords, and again now in his double agent role against the Dark Lord..."

"They Told me that. they told me my father was a drunkard and jobless and that my mother made her living as a whore." he admitted simply as he let Remus tell his tale, reaching up and stroking his scar. "no... not Harry... please not Harry... Take me instead..." Harry mumbled, his eyes fogging over a little as he realized that the strange 'Green Dream' wasn't really a dream. "fuck, it's pretty messed up i guess..." he muttered. "Sirius?" he asked rather curious before he stood up and drew a blade out of his pocket, playing with it for a moment "Adderstrike has many wizard, half wizard, and squiblings in our midst." he admitted simply. "many people here who have magic, never received letters from schools due to lack of magic. many where abandoned to the streets after their pureblood families kicked them out. most here are from Mundanes who simply didn't understand why their children where freaks, thought them demon or devil possessed or just unnatural. no one here owes the wizarding world anything, and we certainly will never be joining their... civilization." he said that with a sneer as he put the blade away.

"i don't actually know, i think Zach just picked Blake up off the street after he took off. he probobly didn't know Blake while he was still in the Order." he admitted, pondering a little before moving over to Lupin with the knife, and with a quick movement Remus's arms where free, and untied, though his legs remained tied to the chair as Harry slid his knife back into place, pondering what best to do now. "i will meet with your Order." he decided. "provided you do not get your silly government involved.... i have met a seer or two in my time.." in fact he knew one right now. "this sounds like a self fulfilling prophecy, i cannot simply ignore it and i certainly can't allow for Voldemort to continue hurting children and innocents." he muttered, pacing back and forth. "i will need Zach's things of course, all the journals he had... and a picture of this... Josiah as well. i will have him tracked down, whether Zach is innocent or not, i am certain this Josiah is involved. he hurt MY children, and therefor he will face MY law." he ordered Lupin before, with a twitch of his fingers, the werewolf's legs where also freed. "your Order, will come to me." Harry ordered, moving over to the door and shoving it open. "Annie!" in an instant there was a full grown woman there. "you will escort Mister Lupin out of the building, he is to be unharmed and unbound, he will need to find this place again. make sure his things are returned to him." Harry ordered, glancing at Lupin again. "you will bring this... Sirius with you. i wish to learn more about my parents." and with that, Harry was gone and Annie was leading Remus to the entrance of the battered up building, he was still on the ground floor. then he was simply left on the steps to find his own way home.

in the morning Harry was walking into the little hospital area with a plate of steaming food, gently settling it on Blake's lap. "how are you feeling this morning?" he asked, his head tilted before cutting straight to the chase. "we have new information." he admitted. "apparently Zach was not working alone, he was working with a man named Josiah, he is apparently a bit of a creeper. i have the feeling that he is the one who broke Adderstrike law and not Zach." there was a bit of hope in Harry's voice. "the werewolf, Remus, will be bringing over his journals and such that he left at the Order." there was a pause and then. "he had BETTER be bringing them in any case, it will be a pain in the ass if i have to get around that fidelious charm to get them myself. he will be bringing the Order here at one point, i don't know when, but when they are here, i will have you hidden where they won't be able to find you, with guards so they can't get anywhere near you." he promised, shaking his head a little. "did you find anything in the journals?"
Lupin watched the knife appear, watching it warily. He had thought they were getting along just fine, Remus hadn't lied to the boy about anything so far. "I wouldn't expect for any of you to want to become part of our world. I personally wouldn't want to be in their system if I didn't have to be so I push the boundaries a bit, especially with the werewolf bit, the ministry isn't much a fan of that" he admitted to the boy. He stiffened a bit as Harry came closer, expecting something much worse than what he got. Sighing, his arms fell forward, his muscles complaining from the extended awkward angle they had been in. His fingers rubbed at the creases where the ropes had been, all the while looking at the golden boy.

"I'm sure they'll be more than willing to come and talk to you" he told him, especially now that they knew the King of Adderstrike was none other than Harry Potter himself. "There would be no need. They do not authorize our movements and we do not answer to them. I assume there are many who pretend we don't exist for their own peace of mind" he said, thinking of no reason good enough to tell the ministry about the group and their children who were being raised just fine. "I'll have to talk them into giving them up but sense we've had no luck deciphering them and you know someone who can I'm sure they'll compromise. They would probably like to know the contents of the journals in case something is relevant in solving things of our own."

Lupin glanced down as the binds were broken around his calves, waiting until it was clear he was done directly speaking to him, moving towards the door when he heard the boy speak again "of course, Harry" he responded, though the boy was already moving away from him. Remus tried nothing as he was walked out of the building, stepping out and the door slamming shut behind him. "Pleasant lot they are" the man muttered under his breath as he began walking, needing to know where this place was at so that he could apparate there later with the Order to meet with the King again as he had requested. The fact that Harry was still alive and breathing was astounding in itself, and not only was he alive but the King of an underground society for misplaced and mistreated children, taking care of the ones their society would rather forget about than try to help.

Blake smiled as Harry came in, sitting up a bit straighter and pulling his legs in closer to his torso. "Pretty good, I didn't sleep much last night, kept having nightmares." He said simply, tearing off a piece of toast and putting it into his mouth, laughing a little at Harry's straightforwardness. "Alright, no small talk this morning then" he teased, looking up at the other as he started talking about Zach not being alone, something he figured from the beginning. A look of recognition passed on his face and he ran a hand through his hair "hand me that journal right there, careful, no. over one, down. Yeah, that one!" He took the journal and started flipping through it as he began talking about Remus, glancing up at him and shaking his head at the others attitude about the whole thing.

"Wait....why do I have to be hidden away? I want to talk to them to. I actually know what are in these" he countered, closing the book and looking at Harry sternly as he was told he would be on the sidelines for this one. "What are they going to do Harry? They're in your territory and I'll be in a wheelchair or something so they'll feel bad for the cripple. And you'll be there. They wouldn't do anything against you" he told him, simply trying to convince him to give Blake his way. "I might have found something. It depends" he said stubbornly, looking into the green eyes with piercing blue. "I guess you'll never know" he added, putting a grape into his mouth and opening the journal again to the page he had just been at, reading with obvious understanding of what was on the page, just to irritate him. Blake may have been in pain but he still knew what he wanted and how to get it.

It wasn't that he wanted to defy Harry, he just wanted to hear first-hand what was going on without having to have it relayed to him through Harry. If he had a decent reason as to why it would actually be bad for him to be there then he would be much more accepting of the situation and Harry's wishes. "Well, Josiah is mentioned a couple times in this one, which is the first time he comes up. This is the third journal by the way. It really just mentions that he had just met the man and that he seemed to be somewhat of an extremest and didn't have very good coping skills when things didn't go exactly his way. 'Josiah went on for an hour about the fact that Remus hadn't let him go out looking for one of Grindelwald's followers. He's obsessed with the man. I swear he spends all his time reading and re-reading those papers on him, looking for a possibility that he could be alive and the Aurors had just missed him....' it keeps going a little from there but isn't really relevant.

He knew the name Grindelwald because Harry had mentioned it and he knew the initials from Zach's things so figured that was slightly important. He ate a little more of the bread and a bite of ham, not really hungry from the constant pain he was in. He had gotten used to it by this point, it was bearable until he tried to really do something, like get out of his bed to move the journals around so the doctor had taught him how to move things gently so he wouldn't have to get up anymore. Blake had been biting his lip nervously for a few moments before speaking "Harry? What am I supposed to do when we've figured this out? I've been with him for so long and doing makes me feel like he's still around. What happens when it's over and he's really gone?" His voice cracked on the last syllable from the tears that were waiting to explode from him.

He hadn't really let himself think about the 'what-ifs' and he certainly wasn't going to show any kind of emotion before he had come, and it was only because of Harry that he was doing it now. He didn't know what it was about him, maybe his connection to Zach or the fact that he had literally saved him, but he felt so safe around him and he clung to it like it was air, not knowing if he could even handle being without it. Blake sniffed and wiped his eyes hastily, refusing even now to let himself dwell on those thoughts, knowing Zach would be pissed that he was sitting there crying like a baby instead of solving the puzzle that he had given him. "Um, thanks for the food Harry" he said softly though he hadn't really eaten much of it. "Oh, Harry, who is Voldemort?" he asked, remembering the name mentioned a couple times but not knowing who it was Zach was talking about. Honestly, for how long Zach had been with him he should have given Blake at least a short history of the wizarding world, at least a current history.

Harry stayed a little while longer before he had to leave and keep up with his duties of being King and though Blake would have preferred him stay longer he understood why he couldn't. About half an hour after he left the twins came back "Hey Blake! we brought another friend, do you care if he comes in?" Blake thought it would just be another kid so he said he didn't care, a boy walking in about his age, maybe a couple years older, tall, blonde with grey blue eyes and dazzlingly attractive. "Hi" he squeaked out, blushing in emarrassment as the twins giggled and ran off. "I think they just set me up" he said, though he sounded fond of them, glad that his voice didn't betray him that time. "Yes, just a little bit, I'm a little ashamed I let them do it, to be honest" he said, smiling a brilliantly white smile. This man was beautiful, why was he even talking to him?

"They're mine actually, my brothers that is" he corrected quickly "I'm James, they were really excited that they got to talk to you, I could barely get them to go to sleep because they couldn't get over it" he said fondly. "Thanks, I hope they didn't bother you too much" he said, Blake shaking his head "No, they were fine. They're really cute" he added, a little saddened by the fact that he was only coming to apologize for his kid brothers. "It doesn't bother me really, they treat me like a superhero or something, makes me feel a little better about getting my ass handed to me" he laughed lightly, earning a light laugh from the other as well. "Who can blame you? They were grown men, it was unfair, Azkaban was too light a punishment" he said, leaning on the bed just a little. James ended up staying there most of the day talking to him, the two laughing and just talking about random stuff, actually really enjoying not talking about anything that mattered for once.

James stayed until Harry came back again in the evening, the blonde standing when Harry came into the room, making a slight bend at his waist before smiling at Blake and walking out. A light blush spread across his cheeks as he looked at Harry, trying not to feel guilty about having someone in his room. Why should he? It wasn't like they were doing anything, James probably had just gotten bored talking to the same people all the time and his brothers so he came to talk to him for a little while, probably also figuring since that Blake didn't know anyone he wouldn't have anyone to come and talk to him, because he wouldn't be talking to anyone unless Harry didn't come by.
Harry grimaced as he was told Blake had nightmares. he understood, he had pretty viscous nightmares too, and they where going to be bad tonight, he knew it just from the story of his parents and Voldemort. he would have to set up silencing spells to make sure no one tried to wake him up. he'd put people in comas when they tried to do that, it was always an accident, but it wasn't something that Harry wanted to risk. "i'll leave a vial of some dreamless sleep here for you, you can't use it all the time, because you'll get a neu... noro... you'll go more than a little mad, but it will be alright for a day or two." he smirked when Blake openly 'defied' him, what a sneaky way to go about it. he had to chuckle when the other brought up decent point and nodded. "yes, fine you little brat." he complained with a roll of his eyes. "you can come with when they arrive, but i want you to stay in the wheelchair and ham it up. the guiltier these bastards feel the more they'll cough up." he admitted, looking very amused at how Blake had 'manipulated' him. "let me know when you get to the more... interesting parts alright?" Harry asked, his head tilted. "i know a lot of those words are private, and they should be for you only. all i need to know is if Zach is innocent, why he did it, and if Josiah helped."

he paused as Zach muttered about what he was going to do after and Harry set a hand on the others. "You'll do whatever the hell you want to Blake." he stated with a small smile. "you lost someone very close to you, so you'll grieve for him as you need to. and when the pain starts to hurt less you can start letting other people in again. make freinds, find connections, train in an art you find interesting. study, learn, and become someone who you want to be. you won't be alone, i'll be there with you, helping you, and so will others if you'll let them." Harry promised the other with a small smile before cringing. "Voldemort... Voldemort is a very sick bastard who is waging a war across magical Britain." he explained. "he kills, murders, tortures and rapes anyone he pleases and he's very powerful... i, recently gained some new information about him..." Harry admitted, reaching up and stroking his scar, closing his eyes. "he's in my dreams at night, sometimes." Harry admitted, his voice low, almost... frightened. he explained who Voldemort was in deeper depth now, and how he was connected to the man before he glanced at the clock and sighed, he had to leave and he hated to leave Blake alone...

he returned that night and then looked ever so pleased that James was there. "oh! James! i'm glad to see your making freinds..." he suddenly looked worried. "...where are the twins? their not getting into things are they!? who did you leave them with!?" he looked panicked and nearly fled the room in search of the two obvious troublemakers before he forced himself to calm down. "ok... clearly nothing has been blown up yet so they must be with Catherine...." Harry muttered, shaking his head as he turned to James again. "would you mind terribly getting Blake some food from the dinner?" he asked hopefully before grinning at Blake. "James is a great guy but those twins of his!" Harry complained. "i swear they want to bring the place down around our heads. they cause SO many explosions!" Harry complained as he sagged into a chair and closed his eyes. "so tired... can you beleive we had a cop in here wanting us to kill his boss for missing a promotion? honestly sometimes the human race sickens me..." Harry complained, scrubbing his eyes. "i'm glad you had someone here with you, i hate leaving you in here all alone..." he admitted. "on the plus side, your springing out early!" he admitted with an impish grin. "doc says that so long as you don't move too much, you can go back to your own room. it will be easier for you to get visitors that way. plus it will mean that if you need anything there's always someone right there to get it for you." he smirked a little. "Billy and Micheal seam to have taken a shine to you as well. maybe they'll teach you how to blow things up. their good at that."

he chuckled a little as he helped Blake into the wheelchair and gathered up all o the journals for Blake and carefully pushed him to his own room, where there where a couple of flowers from the twins and the other children and crudely drawn get well cards as well. "the kids here are sweet." Harry muttered, looking amused at all of the drawings as he helped Blake into bed and setting up a swinging table so that Blake wouldn't have to reach overly much to get to the journals, and then when he was done he could just push the table out of the way, as it swiveled on a long arm. it wouldn't take much longer for James to come with the requested food as Harry scrubbed his face with his hands, clearly tired, but in a rather good mood. "i'm going to go to bed, i'm exaughsted." Harry grumbled. "if you need anything Blake, there's a button here..." he explained, indicating a button on the side of the bed. "press that and Raze will come, only use if if you really need something though, alright? if you wake him up at three in the morning because you want a pencil, he's probobly going to strangle you. he might be an insomniac, but he does enjoy his down time." Harry admitted with a small chuckle. "you kids have fun, i'm going to go fall on my face for a while."
James laughed a little at Harry's reaction and opened his mouth to speak, waiting for Harry to get done freaking out "they're with Catherine" he smiled, confirming Harry's thoughts. He knew the two were trouble so they had supervision about ninety percent of the time they were awake. James left to get Blake dinner as Harry had asked, going to Blake's room to wait for them since he knew Blake was going to be able to leave today. "It's okay, I've been busy lately so I haven't really noticed, I know you can't keep me company all day, it's fine" he assured the other. Now that he had someone to keep him company he didn't even really notice that Harry wasn't coming in all the time. Blake smiled widely at the news, glad that he wouldn't be staying in here for any longer. He held onto Harry as he was moved, groaning softly in pain as he settled into the chair.

James put Blake in the bed gently while Harry set up the journals and things, sitting back in the chair as Harry spoke, admitting his need for sleep before he left the two of them. James got up when Harry was gone, laying next to Blake closely, talking to him for a long time before James leaned in, kissing the dark haired male gently, Blake deepening it and eventually pulling away for air. They laid next to each other the whole night, the blonde getting up in the morning to get them both breakfast. He left Blake a note in case he woke up, getting there a little late and having to wait for a while to get them something. When he came back in the room he started talking, setting the trays down and shaking his shoulder gently "Blake, wake up" he said easily though the boy didn't stir. "Blake?" James checked to see if he was breathing, he was but they were short, shallow breaths.

His shirt was open and there were three marks on his chest, his wand in his lap as if he had done this to himself. James started hitting the 'call' button frantically, going out into the hallway and yelling for the man instead "Somebody go get Harry and Doc, NOW!" he yelled into the corridor, not caring who went but he wasn't planning on trying to move Blake while he was barely breathing as it was. "C'mon Blake, you're okay. Harry and the doc are coming and they'll make you feel so much better" James was talking though it was more for his sake than actually trying to talk to Blake. "It looks like he tried to hurt himself" he said when the men came in, looking down at Blake with a worried expression. "I was only gone for fifteen minutes" he muttered, feeling like crap that he had let this happen. It never even crossed his mind that Harry might suspect him since he had just admitted to being there all night and because of his protectiveness of the boy.
Harry sighed as he realized that the twins where with the little baby Catherine. the baby was the only thing they wouldn't try to blow things up around, her or her mother, though Harry didn't want to test the Twins being around Emilia without Catherine to test that theory. Harry DID make sure the twins, and all the other children where sleeping before going to bed himself, not that he slept well. as expected he had horrible nightmares of red eyes, sadistic laughs women begging for mercy and flashes of green light. he groaned in the morning as someone pounded on the door and raced in, informing him that something was wrong with Blake. that was all Harry needed to hear, he didn't even bother getting dressed, he just raced along the halls in nothing but a pair of loose shorts, skidding into Blake's room just after the Doc did, hovering over Blaise before emerald eyes fixed on James. "Full assembly! i want the Sneekers to check every room, every area, anyone or anything that is not supposed to be here is to be put in a cell and watched at all times!" Harry knew that Blake would never do this to himself, not without clearing Zachs name... unless... unless he had found out something bad about Zach!?

he spun on his heel, racing through the halls and calling a 'Code Rat'. everyone knew what it meant, it meant that there was someone in the building who wasn't supposed to be there. the word spread and everyone started to rush about, doing as ordered. anyone who wasn't a 'sneaker' was rushed into the main room and counted, both number, nickname, name, and private password where taken one at a time in secrecy so that anyone using polyjuice or under the Imperious would be caught. all of them would be tested for the Obliviate charm. yes Harry was paranoid to the extreme, but this had saved him, and their people far too many times. once everyone was accounted for and cleared, and the Sneakers came up empty handed, Harry threw one of his ever so famous 'temper tantrums'. he trashed three rooms, and almost killed another man when he painstakingly asked Harry was he was so upset over a 'whore'... he was new. he marched into Blake's room, grabbed James by the Chin and forced their eyes to meat. this was one of Harry's 'fancy' tricks that he had been taught by Zach. it was a simple form of Legilemency. he couldn't read thoughts, or send images the way Zach or Snape could, and he couldn't make it not hurt, but it did the job. he forced his mind in through James feeble defenses and watched intently as the man wrote Blake a note and left to get breakfast, coming back up and seeing Blake damaged.

"Son of a bitch!" Harry hissed, releasing James and handing him the migraine reliever. it would take care of the pounding headache that Harry's intrusion had caused. "James, you are, as of this moment, never to leave Blake's side unless it is with ME and ME alone." he ordered. he knew from the memories he'd witnessed that James really, really liked Blake... and he was NOT jealous dammit! he couldn't touch Blake anyway, touch was... painful. it hurt in more ways than one and he couldn't be what Blake needed. Blake needed someone gentle and careful, Harry was rough, rude, crude, and violent. Blake was sweet and special, Harry was broken and a freak. he quickly shook those thoughts out of his head and started pacing. "i have a feeling that this has to do with Zach. Blake can understand the journals and i have a feeling that whatever Zach got into, it's a lot more dangerous than any of us realize and i think someone doesn't want us finding out what..." Harry muttered, chewing on his thumbnail now as he paced, not realizing he was doing his 'old bad habit' which the previous king had all but tried to beat out of him. too bad Harry had to gut the bastard with a parring knife.
James heard the order for the full assembly and called a code rat and cringed a little. People were going to be pissed when they found out who it was called for. Many weren't fond of Blake to begin with because he was associated with Zach and since everyone believed he had slaughtered their friends they were not too willing to extend the olive branch of peace to the boy. James hadn't met Zach and didn't know any of the boys who had been killed and he didn't like making assumptions about a persons character before meeting them personally. 'Shit.' The sound of things crashing and being thrown around was audible through most of the level, then sounding as if it was turned on a person who must have said something Harry didn't take a liking to at the moment. Most everyone knew what Harry looked and acted like when he was already on edge, doing what he said quickly and without arguing or giving him an attitude with their facial expressions. James turned quickly, looking irritated before realizing that it was Harry, looking confused until he felt Harry pushing into his head. It was like pressing 'replay' in his head, going through the past couple hours in a matter of moments, a headache throbbing in his temples before Harry was even done. He was a little angry that Harry would even consider that he could do something to Blake though he really couldn't blame him after all. He swallowed the pill, feeling exposed after what Harry had seen. Obviously Harry wouldn't care since he wasn't interested in Blake that way but it still made him feel awkward.

He nodded when delegated to keep Blake company 24-7 for the foreseeable future, he hadn't planned on leaving him anyway but it was better that he didn't have to argue with Harry about it. The medicine immediately started easing the tension in his skull, looking down at Blake with a worried expression. He had already been through so much shit and even now, when he was supposedly in a place that was safe, he was being attacked and for what? Because he had loved a man who had gotten in deep with the wrong people. He was holding the boys hand, Doc had gone back to get some more things to keep him stable so they wouldn't have to move him into the infirmary. All of a sudden an image appeared in his mind that he knew wasn't his own doing. Blake's fingers twitched slightly and another image came, though this one was more like a video, seeing himself walking into the could Blake possibly be doing this? What he didn't know was that Zach had taught him things like this, projecting your memories into someone else's mind was easier than trying to tell them things or look into their past actions. It wasn't as invasive and the receiver had to be open to accepting it. An image of Harry flashed into his mind, James turning to look at him "Harry, come here quick" he said, moving away slightly "hold his hand" he said, hoping that it would work for him so that he didn't look as if he were losing his mind.

Harry would fell a gentle nudging at his mind along with a small movement from Blake, letting him know it was him trying to get him to open up. He probably could've tried harder but he didn't know if he could stay conscious enough to do it. Once Harry let him in he would see through Blake's eyes after he had woken up and saw the note, a fleeting sense of happiness moving through him before his heart constricted, hearing a silencing spell and then hearing someone whisper 'imperio' behind him. Blake was freaking out on the inside now, fear enveloping him and closing his eyes as he lost control of his body and Harry could feel all of it. Blake had lifted his own wand to his chest and muttered the cruciatus spell, his body shaking though he couldn't scream or cry for help. He finally felt his body return to himself, sagging as he fought to keep his eyes open and see his attacker. The last thing he saw was a little brown mouse running from his room, not knowing if that would be helpful to Harry or not. James watched the two of them, rocking slightly in nervous anguish, not knowing what was going on or what Blake was showing him. Harry would know then what had happened, Blake needing him to know so he wouldn't think Blake had done it because of what he had read. He had heard everything between the two in his room, not knowing why he was still even aware of what was going on after the pain that he felt and continued to pulse through him.

By now, to the thanks of Harry and everyone rushing around, the man disguised as a mouse had already gone and was out of the building and apparated away from there. Blake groaned softly, pain crossing his face before he looked peaceful, his heart having stopped beating. Zach appeared in front of him. The pain had left and he was standing somewhere, looking around him. Everything was white and Zach smiled at him, holding his hand out to Blake. He took it and walked with him "Where are we at Zach?" he asked, the other smiling and not saying anything like he did sometimes. "I'm dead aren't I?" he asked, looking up at the other "yes, for right now you are" "what's that supposed to mean?" "Well I'd love to have you here with me but you have more to do first" he said gently, touching his face lightly. Blake closed his eyes at the touch and put his hand over the others. "I miss you so much" "I love you, too, Blake." Tears began running down the boys face and he shook his head "I'm not going back" he muttered adamantly "it just hurts too much." "Blake" Zach said more forcefully, giving him the more parental look "you're going back. Harry needs someone to find peace about me and find his softer side. He can do great things but his patience is lacking and for some reason he chooses to listen to you. I had tried but he didn't want to listen back then." Blake looked away from him, wanting to say that he didn't care, that Harry would manage without him. "He can't read the journals and you know it. What about James? He opened up to you. He hadn't spoken to anyone besides his brothers, and Harry when he had to, in months. I'll see you again, don't worry love, you're not getting rid of me just yet" he teased, laughing lightly. "Just leave your mind open and good things will find their way in." With that farewell Blake was brought back to the pain, breathing in sharply as air flooded his lungs again, feeling someone beating on his chest "get the fuck off of me" he groaned in pain, finding the strength to say that so they would quit stabbing him. James quit pushing down on Blake's chest when he spoke, obviously his heat was working again, a small smile on his face as Blake cursed at him. He could deal with that. He was not okay with him dying, however.
Harry glanced at James, looking suspicious for a moment before taking Blake's hand, nearly snarling as he felt the touch to his mental barriers. he was very good at Occlumency, his barriers where so strong, not even Snape or Zach had been able to break them. he let the barriers drop, and swallowed thickly as he watched the scene in his own head, shuddering a little, arching as small cries of pain escaped his lips as he felt the pain that Blake had gone through. even Harry cried out under the Crucio.he jerked and gasped as he collapsed next to Blake, trembling violently as he shook his head, trying to figure out which was him and which was Blake. he had not liked that at all, no indeed he had not. it took him several moments to sort himself out enough to understand what was happening in reality, and by the time he did James was already acting. Harry didn't know CPR, so he just backed up into the corner where he was out of the way when the Doctor finally came. he had to laugh when Blake cursed and he stepped forward, gently taking the boy's hand. "i'm glad your safe." Harry whispered, his face a cool mask of indifference and calm, his voice unwavering... but Blake could see the emotions in Harry's emerald green eyes. the fear, terror, worry, hurt, and joy that Blake was really ok. Zach was right, for some reason Harry listened, and cared about Blake. "you rest Blake. the memory you showed me is helpful. James is going to stay right here with you so you won't be alone again. i promise." Harry muttered, sweeping Blake's hair away from his face ad kissing the others forehead before pulling James to the side and handed him a small silver pin.

"This will alert me if you are put under any compulsion, or controlling spells or substances. it will also alert me to your exact location in case something happens. if you need me at any point, rubbing the Pin will summon me." Harry explained giving James a stern look. "Blake is a very important boy James. protect him with your life. if anything happens, Blake is too important to loose." Harry didn't explain why Blake was so important though. and with that, Harry turned back to Blake. "i am going to have the Order here in the next few hours. i want you to rest as much as you can, when they come i will have James bring you down in a wheelchair, i don't want you exerting yourself in any way, understand?" he demanded, his tone firm and serious before nodding to himself and leaving, leading up to the roof with his Peregrine Falcon. not a common city bird, but he'd raised it since it had hatched out of an egg, ad it was more intelligent than any stupid old owl. plus Davon really knew how to make a Dramatic entrance and could see through Fidelious charms. he quickly wrote a letter to Remus Lupin and sent it off with his Falcon.


in the Order Headquarters, Sirius was sitting with a cup of tea, listening to Remus report to the rest of the order what he had found out about Adderstrike. he had to admit, he was excited as hell to finally see his Godson, even if he was a homicidal maniac like Lupin was explaining. he had never stopped looking for Harry, not even when his would be first year came and went without any sign or response to the letter. he had already gathered up all of Zach's journals. he himself had rather liked Zach, the man understood him, understood that the world wasn't black and white, good and evil. that people could make bad decisions and still be good people. a lot of people here in the Order didn't understand that. personally he was just glad the creepy guy was gone, ugh, always talking about Grindelwald.

he nearly crawled out of his skin when a hunting cry filled the air and a diving falcon swooped into the room, raced around the room three times before landing on the back of a chair right in front of Remus, untied the letter from it's own leg, and proceeded to bite at anyone who tried to reach for the letter. only Remus could safely pick the letter up, and he would probobly not recognize the scrawled handwriting in emerald ink, though once he opened it, he would understand.

Remus Lupin
there has been a very unsettling indecent here at Adderstrike and i request your immediate presence. please bring anyone within your Order that you feel can be trusted with highly classified information, even under threat of torture or death. the young man who was with Zach during his death, has proven capable of reading Zach's coded journals, and as he was doing so, an Animagus slipped into Adderstrike and attempted to kill the young man. he succeeded, though we did manage to bring him back it was too close of a call to take anymore chances. i need those journals that the Order of yours has, the sooner the better. i have a feeling in my gut that Zach was either framed, or was forced to do the things he did, either by the 'thing' called Voldemort, or by the ministry that 'supposedly' has our 'best interests' in mind. please be sure to bring your Order Leader, as i wish to have words with him, and if available, Sirius Black would also be most welcome. he doesn't know it, but we have met before.

upon approaching Adderstrike, tell the doorman that 'The Sun beats down on the Adder' and you will be let in without delay and led right to me. please inform your people that you will be allowed to keep your wands and weapons, but that apparation, portkey, and house elf popping are nulled within Adderstrike. anyone with bad intentions will not be able to escape should they try anything deplorable.
Harry James Potter
King of Adderstrike.
P.S. tell one Severus Snape that within the Order of the Phoenix, his Vow and Oath is null and void. he will understand what i am talking about.

"what is it Moony?" Sirius asked hesitantly, the rest of the order silent as they stared at Remus, waiting for an answer. it wouldn't be long before they would be waiting at Adderstrike, being led through the halls where Harry was sitting on his throne, his emerald eyes blazing, the full arsenal of Adderstrike lining the walls with weapons drawn. whether gun, blade, or wand, even the smallest of pre teens was standing there, watching the order with deep distrust and worry, ready to immidiatly kill them all of they did anything stupid. James and Blake would be directly by Harry's side, Blake in his wheelchair with a House Elf directly in front of him, ready to pop Blake and James away in an instant. according to Harry, Blake was too important to risk in a firefight, even if he himself got cut down he would not risk Blake. his emerald eyes stared at the group that had been led in by the Doorman and a slow, almost sadistic smile spread across Harry's lips, it made Sirius shudder as he wondered just who Harry was imagining gutting.

"Welcome to Adderstrike, Order of the Phoenix. please, take a seat and we can begin." with that, chairs appeared, one for each of them, provided by the ever helpful House Elves of Adderstrike.

((whose playing Dumbledore?))
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