
Nov 30, 2010

"You can't keep doing this to yourself Rehv.Your body can't hold up for it."Trez, Rehv's second in command, and all around pain in the ass snarled at the man he considered his best friend,even if he couldn't see the male, he was listening to him, shaking with fury as he watched the male prepare to go out for the night. He knew his friend, and he knew the condition the man was in. But like so many other things, Rehv would ignore the problem, because there was no other way to handle it then he already was.

"From one male to another, know that I'm giving you the middle finger right now."Rehv said without looking up at his blind friend as he slowly and carefully did up his combat boots, the knee high boots fitted snugly over the leather pants he was wearing. Despite the hollywood good looks, there was never any doubt that he was vicious. As Trez had once described him: He was a cobra, mesmerizing because he was deadly and because he was beautiful. With that buzz cut and hard smart face, and dark blue eyes,along with that big body, he's sex and power and unpredictablity all wrapped up into one well suited package.

Straightening the dark haired drug lord considered himself in the mirror, absently straightening his clothes. While he couldn't feel how cold the room was, or how the clothes fitted around him thanks to the drugs in his system, he knew things would be getting ugly. And soon.

Walking into the main room of the empty club he sighed quietly, closing his eyes. So. Rome had fallen, completely wrecked. Now for the emperor on his golden throne to fall. Which he had no doubt that he would given time, because of what he had to do tonight.

Tonight was his first night of training with the brotherhood.


Tohr walked down the stairs with the brotherhood's nurse, turning his head to look at the woman. Pausing on the landing to get his bearings, and a moment to gather himself before going to face the men waiting for him. "They'll all be getting physicals after I talk to them.And they're not going to be happy about it. The vampire arisocrats have a nasty habit of being extremely prissy about being naked around women."He said turning his head a little to watch his second in command come down the stairs."You'll stay with her. I don't care if they all have heart attacks, you're not to leave her in the room allow until we get a bttr reading on th-"He winced his head whipping around at the sound of angry shouts, and a quiet, low snarl. He knew that snarl, and despite being one of the most overbearing and physically powerful males in the race, that was one male that no matter how big or overbearing, made him think of tigers and that kind of savage fury.

Oh. Fuck.Despite the invite, he hadn't actually thought Rehv would show up.

Jogging down the last few stairs he swung into the dining room, slinging a arm around the male's waist who was getting in Rehv's face, he flung him away with careless grace."Stop it. No fighting until later."He snarled his rage beating out a pulse in the air, even if he knew that sometimes you just couldn't help it, Rehv rubbed evryone the wrong way, but he wasn't going to have blood spilled right now, right here."We have mor important people to be fighting then each other."

Rehv raised a eyebrow as he carelessly leaned back against the door, watching the scene in front of him.So numbed out that he hadn't even stirred to defend himself. Shifting his gaze past the leader he smiled slightly at the second in command, and his smile widening even more, wide enough to flash fangs as he smiled at the female. He knew he was good looking, even if it was a beauty that was like cobras and tigers, beautiful and deadly. Posion even if you wanted to touch him

Kaspar, Tohr's second in command, bowed his head a little and nodded. "Of course," he said, his jaw clenching a little at the sight of the girl. Her scent was a little hard to handle, especially since he had not been around a human in years. After all, they were severly declining in population... But he knew why she was here, and because of this, he's do exactly what Tohr asked. Kaspar's control was solid - had been for many, many years- and his loyalty was even stronger.

As Tohr moved to break up the fight, Kaspar stood in front of the female. When he saw Rehv's eyes fall on the girl, he narrowed his own. "She's important property of Tohr, Rehv," he said, "I'd keep your hands to yourself." He bared his own fangs, but it was not because he was protective of the girl - He was protective of Tohr and everything the man found important. Their friendship meant a lot to him... Maybe a little too much.


Bronte curled her lip up in irritation, moving away from Kaspar. "Property? I prefer the term 'employee'," she snapped, her eyes flashing over toward Rehv. He was handsome, but she didn't trust anyone, especially men. "But he was right on one thing - keep your damn hands to yourself. Only one person will be touching another's genitals around here, and it will be when I'm tell you to turn your head and cough."

The girl looked young - barely twenty-four - and had mouth that could easily get her into trouble. Hell, she was already in trouble. That's why she was here in the first place. However, as stubborn and bold as she could be, a shiver still went up her spine at the sight of Rehv's fangs. She wasn't stupid. She knew that she was in a shark-infested ocean... but she was promised safety, and she was going to do her best to believe Tohr would hold up his end of the arrangement.

Kaspar sighed and looked over at Tohr. "Perhaps I will take her over to the hospital wing?" he murmured, grabbing Bronte's upper arm. It wasn't an abusive grasp, but it was strong. There was no way she could get away from him, and she was fully aware of that. "I'm sure that the sooner we start the physicals, the sooner we can get to training.... And the sooner she starts the physicals, the sooner she will shut her mouth," he grumbled. It was clear that it had been his job to contain Bronte over the past couple weeks, and it had been a tiresome act.
Rehv tilted his head a little taking a deep breath, even numbed out the woman's scent teased at his senses, and the beast he was wanted to cross the room, lower his head and bury his face in her neck and feed until... "I will break you into kindling, Rehv."Tohr's voice said, interrupting the fantasy as Rehv's dark eyes met his leaders. Even if he had never formally served among the brothers before, the drug lord respected the dark haired male, and after a few rounds of fighting seriously, they'd learned that even if they couldn't kill each other, they could cause alot of damage to each other... buildings....parked SUV's when they were thrown together.

"You would try, my lord."He said straightening a little, and though the words coming out his mouth came as a sarcastic drawl, there was still respect there. Straightning slowly, making sure he didn''t over balance himslf he watched them all.Smirking at her words the smile widened as he looked at kasper."Hmm, but she wont keep her hands to herself. I should get to touch back."The man mused. "You have more then nough whores at home. Deal with them."Tohr ordered the headache already starting to make his head pound. He was so going to regret having the male in his house.But they needed him, if he could keep from saying the first thing to come to him, the bastard was a deadly son of a bitch.

Following the other for men out of the room he brushed past bronte, turning his head to smile at her, and there was nothing civilized in that smile, as if he was envisioning what she'd look stripped down and laying in his bed, a willing blood whore. And he was. "We will await your pleasure, lady, in the hospital wing."He said smiling as he left, ignoring the other males as they headed for th hospital wing.

Tohr gave Kaspar a look, despite it being barely 10 in the evening, he was already tired. "Let her talk. At least to Rehv. If he's focusing on what's coming out her mouth, he wont be considering what he could be getting her to do with it."Tohr said sighing a little shaking his head. Ya this was a clusterfuck waiting to happen. There was something off about the male, but considering he'd never had a excuse to give him a exam, he couldn't figure it out. He'd always assumed most of Rehv's attitude was a phyiscal issue, so he curious about what Bronte would find out."Go. Before he starts another fight. I'm going to go do some paperwork."he said before heading for his office leaving the other two to deal with a male who answerd to no one, and barely tolerated rules.
Kaspar nodded, watching his leader with concern. He pulled Bronte along, waiting until they were at the entrance of the hospital wing before allowing her to shake her arm free. With a huff, the young woman grabbed her lab coat and entered the examining room. The girl was young, but she was smart. In fact, she was the top of her class all the way through nursing school. She even graduated a year early... A lot of people she had everything going for. That is, until trouble came her way.

She examined all of the men, most of them in tip-top shape, before she reached Rehv. When he entered, she nodded for him to sit on the examining table. "Roll up your sleeve. We will take blood for a blood test, then you can strip for the physical exam," she said in a professional voice. It was a little odd to see such a dainty, pretty girl talk in such an emotionless tone. Reaching over, she grabbed the needed and tube to draw blood with. Was it odd to take blood from a vampire? Maybe to some. Many think that the blood within them is the blood of another, which is true. However, if they have an illness, it will show up in the blood that fills their veins.

As she turned, she arched an eyebrow. "Sleeve up," she said, trying so very hard to not let the man in front of her see the fear she felt in his presence. She may be stubborn and brave, but even the bravest of souls can be scared by Rehv. "Unless you are scared of needles," she continued sarcastically.
Rehv leaned against the wall as she watched the men leave one at a time, watching through half closed eyes as he trid to think about th girl. Even if he'd been told to leave her alone, and he was totally numb, the man was starting to come out of the drug induced haze, which was making him even more crankier then normal, not that he needed help being nasty.

Raising a eyebrow at th order he smirked."Hmm, you sound like a domintrix. I think your in th wrong profession, girl."He said as h sat down on the hospital bed, absently watching hr as he rolled up his sleeve."I am most definatly not afraid of needles."his smile widened so far that a hint of fangs showed over his lip, dimpling his cheek. Th absurdity of him being afraid of needles made him want to die laughing. While it vaguely worried him to let her take blood from him, he knew that the only thing she would see was the infection that was starting to take up the crook of his arm.Which was bad enough, he didn't need the rest coming out. Thankfully, it wouldn't show, and most people wouldn't know what they'd be looking at, it would take him losing control to watch things come to surface.He just hoped she obsessed about the infection, and passed it off as recorational drug use and not what it really was.

Raising a eyebrow as he realized she was afraid of him, closing his eyes slightly as he let the feel of her fear wash over him, and it was obvious he was enjoying it, even if h didn't say it."You know, I do have a business I could be running instead of being treated like a guinea pig."He said to kaspar watching her draw his blood with that cold detatchment, he hadn't even flinched when she'd put the needle in.Definately not a normal reaction to being jabbed. Most people jumped a little at least. But then again, there was nothing normal about Rehv.
"I'm not here because I want to," Bronte said, sounding a little irritated, "Though I would not call prostitution - or whatever your 'girls' do - a profession." Bronte swallowed hard at the sight of the infection, ignoring it (and his remarks) until she had a vile of his blood. The last thing she needed was for him to get defensive and refuse the exam. Pulling the needle from his arm, she clenched her jaw and put the vile away. "That's... that's quite an infection," she murmured, turning back toward him to inspect it. She glanced at Kaspar, nodding for him to leave, but he hesitated.

"He won't kill me," she said, very sure of herself. Her eyes glanced up at Rehv. "He could, but he won't."

Kaspar clenched his jaw, knowing that it was against Tohr's orders, and stepped outside. The only reason why he did was because he knew that she must have a reasoning behind her madness. And well, because he knew that Rehv would probably cooperate even better if he was not in the room. "I'll be right outside, Rehv, so don't try anything," he snapped, then shut the door.

Bronte tucked her hair behind her ears, then leaned closer. Just what she thought - an infection due to contaminated needles.

"Shooting up, eh?" she murmured, taking his large arm into her hand. "You know, you should clean the damned thing, right? It can kill you if you don't." She swallowed hard, wondering exactly why a man like Rehv would be turning to any kind of drugs...

"Undress," she said, trying to remain looking indifferent. However, it was obvious that she was thrown off guard.
"Hmm, but prostitution makes good money. First job in the world and all. It explains alot of things for our society."H mused watching her look over his arm. The corded muscles there were clearly infected, lines from th needles spreading most of his forearm. "Not so bad.I've seen worse."he said watching her examine the wounds before raising a eyebrow."You sound very sure that I wont kill you."He mused thinking that over a he stood.

"I never try anything. They're the ones who try to do things to me."H shot off as kasper left th room."Yes."He said simply in response to her question, though considering what he was shooting, he wondered if it could really be considered shooting considering he wasn't doing it to get high. More the opposite really. Drugs and iron self control were what he used to cage himself into a numb prison.

"Well, I have heard that, but until this happened, I thought infection was a myth among vampires."Rehv said his words a sarcastic edge that said he was very,very aware of what he was doing. Standing he raised a eyebrow as he started undoing the dress shirt. "So eager to see me naked,doctor?"He purred as he undressed.

The twisted barbed wire took up most of the swell on his bicep on his right arm, the dark lines across his rib cage twisted into a tiger, covering up the scars that made up most of the skin down his right side. Including a few other celtic knots across his back and shoulders, it would become obvious on closer inspection that th newer of th tattoos, were covering up scars hiding it from obvious view.

"Well?"He asked raising a eyebrow as he looked at her
"Prostitution may be good money, but a lot of dignity is lost in the process," Bronte murmured, tracing the infection down his arm with her finger.

"And I'm not confident at all that you won't kill me, actually," Bronte said in a matter-of-fact tone, "But killing me will bring you a lot more trouble than killing some whore off the street or in your club. You see, Tohr has me hear for a reason, and as much as I'd love for you to kill me and put me out of my misery, the repercussions would be far too inconvenient for you." She jabbed a needle into his infected arm when he wasn't expecting it, not realizing that he probably didn't need the pain medication. "This won't clear it up, but it will make it less sore..." She wrapped his elbow up in a bandage, then stepped back to look at him. The tattoos were very cryptic, for she couldn't really put the pieces together as to what they all meant. She could see - from a close view- that they were covering up scars... This man seemed to have as many problems as she did.

"Are you expecting me to be throwing myself at you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. She rolled her eyes and sat on a stool, analyzing the large man's nude form. He seemed to be very physically fit, but the scars and infection (which she assumed was caused by some sort of recreational drug) showed that he had some issues. Why would a vampire need such a drug, she wasn't sure. In fact, it made her a little curious. His arrogant attitude was obviously covering up other problems.

Swallowing hard, she knelt down to expect his private areas. Well... He was well-endowed, that was for sure. Not really a surprise, considering his over-all size.

"Get dressed," she said, moving away from him before he caught her staring for unprofessional reasons. "That infection is a little... concerning. Most people aren't so casual about such things."
"True.But sometimes its bttr to lose th dignity then life."He mused,trying not to think about that to hard, no need to go there.He watched her with a detatched curiousity, not so much because he cared that she was touching him, or because she seemd concerned about the infection, but because for the first time in a long time, he wanted to be aware of being touched. But allowing that much feeling to leak in, would ust cause so many other kinds of problems.

His smile widened at hr words,"You're intelligent,female.I like things uncomplicated-" now that was a crock. if only his life was uncomplicated. Between the club, drugs, and now this clusterfuck of a warrior gig he was having thrust on him, he was sooo not none complicated."And uncomplicated means not letting Tohr have a reason to break me."He said watching her with the needle, and flinching at the apporiate time, as if he was normal and really feeling it. If he was expecting things, he was usually fairly good at pretending. "Less sore would be good. Don't need to be stiff during training."He said, because that was one thing he never had to worry about it. his numb state made him extremely deadly, because he didn't go down howling in pain at things people usually reacted to.

"Well, most people do.Male and females. Why should a human be different?"He said looking down at her as she sat on the stool, resisting the urge to wrap his hands in her hair, she was right. He so didn't need to fight with Tohr over just a female. For once the man was totally glad for his inability to have a sexual reaction because of the drugs, because if he had managed to sport a erection, he was sure she would have gone running to Tohr like a good little human. Yep. Definately glad no action below the belt.

Glancing down and leaning back against the table to make sure he didn't fall over for total lack of balance as h pulled on his pants, he did them up before pulling on his shirt. " I am not most people."He said simply before slowly crossing the room, and unless you knew he couldn't feel his body, you'd never guess he had problems balancing or finding things, as he jerked open the door he stepped out, glancing towards kaspar."Training now?"He asked, tilting his head as the sound of the other warriors in training and tohr came to him from the training hall across the hall
Bronte pulled her lab coat off. "My name is not 'female'," she said with an eyeroll, "It's Bronte." She glanced up at him through indifferent blue eyes, then followed him out into the hall. He was right - he was not 'most people', and that made her nervous. This man not only had a lot of secrets, but it seemed that he may even have more secrets than she did.

Kaspar pushed away from the wall he was leaning on and huffed. "Yep," he said, looking satisfied at the idea of making Rehv train with Tohr. He nodded toward the end of the hall, walking with him. He glanced over his shoulder at Bronte. "Stay close, for I'm sure medical attention will be needed through out the training session." Bronte nodded, walking behind the two strong male vampires. In the large building of vampires (especially strong ones) she stuck out like a sore thumb. Not only did she look dainty and frail, but she had been told be various vampires that her personal scent was intoxicating - Like the smell of a cake baking in the oven.

Kaspar bowed a little to Tohr. "All of the physicals went well. Only a few men were sent home," he reported, then nodded to Bronte. "It's lunchtime for the human, I believe."

Bronte scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not a pet," she snapped. This was why she hated being practically owned by Tohr. She was viewed as a frail little plaything to do their bidding.
"i do not care what your name is.Did I give that impression?"Rehv said frwoning a little as he finished doing up his shirt. Glancing at kaspar he looked amused as he realized that the man was looking forward to watcching him get his ass kicked.He had no doubt that despite how good he was, he was at a disadvantage.And well...most of the others were warriors, even if they hadn't ben includd in the brotherhood's ranks until now, they'd been fighting for years. Despite his job, Rehv was definately not a warrior.

Tohr turned his head a little to look at both Bronte and Kaspar. The female was definately out of place here, even more obvious now with the others here thn before. "Good.We need all we can get."He said before watching the men, wincing a little at the sound of fighting. That smack of flesh on flesh promised bruises in the morning. "Not a pet, but someone to take care of."He mutterd at bronte, "Bronte, why don't you go up as have the servants make a meal?When its done, we'll all sit down and eat."He said wondering how to ask about rehv, espicially with the male still there, without getting his ass kicked for sticking his nose into something Rehv would probably thought was none of his business even if it was. He needed to know about the men he was fighting beside, and if it satisfied a curiousity he'd had for years, all the bettr.
Bronte tried hard to not let him see how offended she was at his comment, but there was still a bit of raw emotion in her eye - the proof that he had caught her off guard with his rude behavior. She clenched her jaw and turned to Tohr, letting out a deep sigh. "Fine," she said, moving up the staircase. Before she could get to far, Kaspar shook his head and grabbed his arm. "You can't let her wander around by herself, Tohr. There are a lot of vampires that don't have half the control that we do. She won't make it to the kitchen."

Bronte shook her arm free. "I'll be fine!" she argued, but Kaspar didn't let her go.

"I'll ask for lunch to be served," Kaspar insisted, "She can stay with you until I get back." He bowed to Tohr with respect, not wanting him to take offense, and headed off to the kitchen.

Bronte let out a huff of frustration. "He's driving me insane," she snapped, "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my self. I've been doing it for Twenty-four goddamn years!" Of course, she knew that was completely true. It would be impossible to defend herself against Tohr's men if they wanted a piece of her.
Tohr turned his head to look at the female, flushing ever so slightly at his mistake. It wasn't often that he forgot that she was a human female and not one of his own, but it was hard sometimes when she got in his face ovr something. Sometimes, he swore she had vampire blood, if only because sh reminded him of a vampiress. Thy were a vicious lot, aftr all the female of the race was always deadlier.

"poor stupid girl, doesn't know when to just s-"one of the warriors snickered as they heard th yelling, and before Tohr could respond and slap th male down, he reared back from where he was reaching for the male, just as he hit the floor. Paling slightly at the sight of the male poised on his chest like a overgrown cat, balancing there on his toes was rehv, effortlessly holding the male to the ground under his huge weight.

Wrapping his fingers in th male's hair, Rehv shifted his weight ever so slightly, a cold and cruel smile curling his lips as he heard ribs snapping, knowing he had broken at least two. While it was a superficial wound-at least for a vampire, it'd be healed in a couple of hours- it still hurt like a bitch. And as he realized that he couldn't just hear the pain the male was in, he was actually feeling the sensation of his hair wrapped around his fingers, feeling the broken chest lifting with each painful breath. He so had to get out of here, and soon.

"You will apologize to Bronte. She's already been scarred by seeing you naked tonight, no need to make her listen to you to, Lash."Rehv said as he shifted his weight ever so slightly, enjoying the male's pained gasp. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it!"Lash gasped trying to push the male off of him. "Nope. Not good enough." "I am!I will never insult her again!I'm sorry!"
Bronte watched the scene before her in horror. She swallowed hard, watching as the bones of the other vampire were crushed under Rehv's weight. It left her in shock, unable to say or do anything. She simply watched as the man screamed for mercy, and as Kaspar appeared right in time to help get Rehv off of the other man. "What the fuck?" he growled, pushing him off of Lash. "What did you think I meant when I said to keep your damn hands to yourself? We can't go killing our own men!"

Bronte moved toward Tohr with fear in her eyes. How ironic. She was moving away from a deadly vampire just to get closer to another deadly. However, she was more curious than she was scared, for the look in Rehv's eyes was... startling. There was something in his dark eyes that told her there was more to him than a crazy amount of aggression. The thought gave her chills.

Kasper pulled away, his jaw clenched. "Dinner will be served in an hour," he told Tohr, "and if you'd prefer having your's in your private chambers, I can let the maids know." He looked at the man with concern, for he always hated to him so stressed out.
Rehv snarled up at the man, but allowed himself to be manhandled off the male,for a moment off balance as his knees hit the floor before he righted himself. “You said keep my hands off the female. I did. This one is just rude. Besides, a few broken ribs wont kill him.”The dark haired vampire said as he straightened his clothes.

Tohr bared his fangs glaring at Rehv.”Enough Rehv.”He said reaching up and rubbing the bridge of his nose, feeling the headache setting in. Maybe having Bronte here wouldn’t be great, despite them needing a nurse, if she was going to make one of the more sadistic bastards he knew feel protective....yea, this was going to be bad. “Go upstairs. Cool off, then have dinner.You can eat alone..”He ordered, not relaxing until the male disappeared out the doors before looking at the others without a word of what he was going to do.”Go home.You can have the rest of the night off.”He said knowing he was going to hav to choke Rehv into submission, and if it meant making him stay here and away from the club, he would.

Nodding a little he looked at Kaspar and Bronte.”Come on, we’ll have a drink in my rooms, then a dinner.”He said.Leading them upstairs before pouring them all drinks, handing them out before looking at kaspar. “Tell me. Does he seem more out of control then normal?”He said, not only to satisfy his curiousity, but because he needed to know if Rehv was losing what little mind and sanity he had.


Rehv sighed softly as he walked into his bedroom, ignoring the twisting anger and dangerous emotions his outburst had brought out. Yea,definately not one of his wiser moments, espcially with the drugs in his blood fading. Running a shaking hand through his hair he dug through his jacket pockets, sighing softly as he found the medicine vial and syringe and within moments, collapsed back onto the bed in a drug induced numb haze. Soon, he’d be fit to b around people again.
Bronte sat at the table set up in Tohr's room, taking a sip of the stiff drink. It went down like fire, but she needed it after the scene she had just witnessed. "Do you think it's wise to leave him alone?" she asked with curiosity. The man seemed unstable, and with the obvious evidence that he was a drug abuser, she figured that the last thing he needed was privacy.

Kasper nodded. "It seems to be that way," he said, downing his drink. He sat down at the table as the maids came in with trays of food, all of it smelling absolutely delicious. Even Bronte, who didn't have the vampire sense of smell, was sitting on the edge of her seat and practically drooling. "Do you always eat like this?" she asked, glancing up at the men. After all, she came from an average family, and she was among men who were considered royalty among their race.
“No, but having him here while we discuss him isn’t a option either.”Tohr said frowning a littl as she watched the nurse, curiousity showing in his face.”What did you discover in his physical?Anything?”He asked studying th woman before looking at kaspar as he sat down at the table.

“Fucking hell. That male is going to make me insane.”He grumbled looking annoyed, because it was going to drive him insane to run herd on Rehv,but considering the look on bronte’s face, he knew he’d be hounded into not leave rehv by himself, even if his instincts wer saying the man was rabid. “Kaspar, go get him. He can eat with us.”he said aftr a moment, watching him go. Torn between the desire to put the male down like a sick dog, and the strong desire to save him.He’d watched the male grow up, something in his chest went tight at the idea of killing him, for his own good.

“We do. Though we don’t eat alot of it.Only after fighting really. Our bodies burn up to much energy to feed on blood after this. We’d kill our donors if we did.”he said tilting his head a little as he started to eat.
Bronte watched as Kaspar left before sighing. "He has an infection on his arm from contaminated needles," she said, stabbing her chicken with her fork. "I'm assuming from drug use. It's definitely something that could kill a human." She chewed on her food, looking up at Tohr with curiosity. Did he know something that she didn't, or was he even more in the dark that she was?

A chill went up her spine at his words. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to see a starved vampire. It made a lot of sense that they would turn to human food during those times.

Kaspar banged on Rehv's door. "Tohr has asked that you have dinner in his chambers tonight. It seems the girl has expressed fear of your well being," he said, the last part coming off a little sarcastic. Well, a lot sarcastic. That girl was in for a lot of trouble if she was planning on 'worrying' about a man like Rehv. There was only blood shed that could be expected from such a relationship.
Tohr sighed tiredly.”I thought he was smarter then to use the shit he sells.”Tohr said frowning, but like Bronte, assuming it was recerational drug use. Really, Rehv of all people should know just how devastating drug use to be to a immortals body. Even more so if you tossd in a infection to go with it. Looking up when he felt her staring at him he shook his head.”Don’t give me that look.You officially knew more about him then I did, until fifteen seconds ago.Everyone knows he runs BloodRain-”your typical all night, big city night club, catering to every whim and desire of both the immortal and mortals-”and that he’s a vicious son of a bitch,but beyond that? Getting anything from him is like pulling teeth.”

Rehv stared at the cieling, thinking about getting up. “Well tell her to go fuck off. I don’t need worrying over.”Rehv growled but sat up anyways. Switching into a sweater, the dark sweater not only clinging to his upper body, but conviently making it very hard to get a good look at his arm. Dropping the used syringe back onto his jacket he unsteadily got to his feet. Pausing there for a moment to reorient himself to the not feeling anything thing, before opening th door.”Well, is the girl becoming dinner, is that why we’re going to a bedroom?”He asked after a moment as they headed for tohr's room, knowing better then that. Tohr would never lower himself to feeding on a guest, but even through the numb haze and after years of watching them, he knew kaspar was protective of tohr, even against a insult. And he just couldn’t help himself, he enjoyed winding kaspar up like a cheap toy.
Bronte pressed her lips together. "Well, all I know is exactly what I told you. He's very physically fit, but the infection looks like it has gone untreated for a long time," she admitted, "I gave him a shot for the pain." She shrugged, not knowing the absolute seriousness of Rehv's situation. It made her curious, but it also made her nervous. After a few silent moments, she glanced back up at Tohr. "Why... Why did he do that? I mean, he talks to me like shit, so why would he care if another man did?"

Kaspar snarled at Rehv. "You know Tohr would not feed from her. She is of importance - more important that you at the moment, so I'd watch yourself," he growled, taking personal offense at his comment toward Tohr. Jaw clenched, he walked with him toward the other side of the mansion, and stopped to glare at him. "If I were you, I'd behave, because unlike Tohr, I'd experience no remorse after getting rid of you." With that, he opened the door.
Tohr sighed softly as he considered what a long standing infection meant. The man was losing himself,but why?Staring a little at her question he took a bite of food before smiling a little.”Because he treats everyone like that. But his mother and sister are both the spoiled rich women that you read about in books. He works to keep them oblivious to his real life, and they’re both that way. He finds offense in things directed a women, even if he’s the that’s usually insulting them th worst...”Tohr stoppd thinking about it.”Like so many things with Rehv, extreme contradictions.”

“I know,but watching you freak out amuses me.”Rehv said in reply rolling his eyes a little as they approached the door, raising a eyebrow.”You’d have to beat me first Kas, and it’d take someone stronger then you to punch my ticket to heaven.”He said walking into the room, the carefully blank cold, bored mask in place as he sat down at the table, reaching for food. his eyes following his hands as he focused on acting like a normal person and not someone who was out of touch with their bodies.
Kaspar smirked a bit. "Good thing I'm not the only one who's willing to punch that particular ticket," he snapped, walking in behind Rehv and sitting between Tohr and Bronte. He looked down at the food with a satisfied gaze. "Ah, the kitchen out did themselves tonight. Must have known we'd need to eat our emotions this evening." He took a huge bite of his steak, chewed it slowly and enjoying it's taste. It didn't taste was good was when it had when he was a human, for blood trumped all, but it still tasted pretty damn good.

When Rehv sat beside her, Bronte went rigid. While he sparked a lot of curiosity within the young woman, he still scared the shit out of her. She could practically still hear Lash's ribs breaking.

Kaspar noticed the tension in the room and glanced up at Tohr. "I have Bronte set up in a room across the hall," he said, nodding toward the door. "I will be next door, so it should be the safest room in the place - especially for a human." Bronte rolled her eyes at that, and it didn't surprise Kaspar one bit. "The room that she had been staying in the past few weeks is a little too out in the open with all of the other vampires lingering around."

Bronte sighed. "I liked that room," she argued, "It gave me privacy." She glanced at Tohr, hoping he'd understand, but she knew it was useless. Her old room may have had it's own kitchen and bathroom - making it easy to avoid others - but it would make it even easier for Lash or another vampire to come in and have her for lunch. Especially since it would mean that they'd get sweet revenge on her late vampire-hating parents.

Kaspar gave her a look. "You can room next to Rehv, if you'd like," he said sarcastically, "You may be in the guest quarters with the rest of the vampires, but they'd all be scared shitless that Mr. High-and-Mighty is going to break their necks for coming near you."

"I told you! I don't need a personal guard! But the hell out of my business, Kaspar," Bronte snarled.

"Then it's decided. You'll take the room across the hall so that you'll be close," Kaspar said, stabbing a piece of steak with his fork.
“Hm, but no one’s succeeded yet, and given what I do, many have tried.”Rehv pointed out starting to eat with a gutso that most vampires would have found disturbing. But the man enjoyed his food,even more then what he’d found as a child. For Rehv was one of those few vampires in existance that had been born human, but with vampire parents. His mother had been turned while pregnant with him, born with vampire blood running through his human veins, was it really any wonder Rehv was as vicious and deadly as he was? Even his sister, who while not blood sister, had been turned in her early twenties into a vampire after a car accident had left the turning the only way to save her by his mother, couldn’t understand Rehv’s true nature. Which was exactly how he wanted it,because it made hiding his ‘problems’ easier if no one was truly aware of what the vampiric children could be like.

Nearly laughing outloud when he felt the human tense at his side he turned his head a little.”No worries, little dove, I don’t feed on human women.”H reassured snickring a littl because he had a idea wht she was thinking about, before he returned to his ood.

Tohr frowned a little thinking it over, watching the two before nodding.”Good.And I don’t care if you liked it bronte. I will have you safe, before I have you in comfort.”He snapped a little, to wrung out over the days events to be civilized. IT seemed he was taking lessons from Rehv in how to be polite,he mused to himself.

“Hey. Wait. Why do you think I care if they get near her?She’s not that good looking. Or smells that good.”Rehv frowned even though the way his nostrils flaired said he lied, at least about not thinking that she smelled good. The jury was still out on if he thought she was pretty or not. “I don’t like Lash. I broke him for the fact that he was near me, not for the girl.”He said shrugging amused at the snap and snarling going on between kaspar and bronte.

“You know, its like being in russia again Kaspar. Watching you three is like watching a wolf pack turn on each other.”Tohr said watching them, and even if he tried not to worry to much about what the other vampires would do once they realized bronte was indeed the child of the vampire hating family, because watching these three were fairly amusing,in a scary watching a car accident kind of way.
Bronte's head snapped up at Rehv's words. For a moment - just a moment- pain was visible within her eyes. Her eyebrow creased together as she gathered up the motivation not to let him get to her. She refused to let him believe he hurt her in any sort of way. "Well, then," she said, her voice quiet but her tone full of irritation. "I'll leave you three alone and retire to my room - across the fucking hall." At the last part, she glared at Kaspar, then exited the room before her fork could even clatter against her plate.

Kaspar let out a deep sigh. "Do you still think that saving that girl was the wisest of choices?" he asked Tohr, raising her eyebrows. He continued to eat his meal, seemingly unaffected by her tantrum. "She seems like she will bring forth more problems that she will solve."

The thing about Kaspar, was that he was always trying to be the voice of reason. He didn't do it because he thought Tohr made bad choices, but because he hated to see Tohr stressed out. This was one of those situations.

"And we don't care if you don't like Lash," He continued, glancing at Rehv, "We can't afford for you to be taking your frustrations out on our men. We need all we can get, even you. And trust me, I fought long and hard to not bring you here."
Rehv frowned slightly, pausing as he tited his head towards her.for a moment seemingly focusing on her as he considered waht she was feeling. Surely she really didn’t care what he thought of her. Watching her go he looked thoughtful, wondering just why she was worried about him since he seemed good at pissing her off.

Tohr sighed softly as he watched Bronte leav before looking at kaspar.”The reasons I saved her still apply. We already have enough problems with the hellrens[/i[ fighting us. We don’t need the humans turning on us to. Which they will, if we’d just let the vampires kill her family.”He pointed out though actually dealing with her, was making him wonder if it was worth it to. Glancing at Rehv he sighed, “You didn’t attack him because of that, and you know it. Now get out of here and get some rest.”He growld annoyed with the fighter because the man seemed as bipoolar as the earth, and frustrating to deal with now tht he knew nothing more about him. Actually, what he knew now, left him even more confused then before.

“Fine.”Rehv said standing slowly, carefully making sure he was balanced before glancing at the two.”I have to go out tomorrow night. I hav a appointment that I can’t afford to miss.”he said before leaving, not bothering to wait for a answer. Because going to the meeting was happening, he didn’t have a choice, much like this fighting thing, and he’d rather not deal with the consquences of skipping.

Tohr sighed running his hands through his hair as he finished eating, closing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair.”Fucking hell.I knew getting any of them to fight was going to be hard.But I hadn’t considered it’d be this messy.”He muttered, having a feeling his problems were just starting.
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