The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
The fight had almost cost them their lives. Maka Albarn and her weapon Kana Tsuchihara were being rushed into the nurses office as their lives were on the line. They had been attacked by Jack the Ripper, a well known ex Meister who went berserk and starting attacking other Meisters and their weapons. They had been sent on a mission to take care of the massive outbreak of kishin in Denrei, a town close to the DWMA. They were exhausted and surrounded but Maka and Kana fought hard together, sure Kana wasn't Soul, Maka's ex weapon who got assigned to a new partner because of the falling out both her and him had, but Kana was strong in her own way. Kana's weapon form was a rather unique scythe, it was a double sided one. Kana herself was different, like her weapon form. She was a wolf girl, or to be more blunt, half wolf and half human. She had ears and tail of a wolf, but also once a month she'd go into heat like a wolf. She came to the DWMA in hopes to someday become a death scythe like her mother before her. She was normally a quiet and shy girl, finding a partner was hard at first till Lord Death introduced her to Maka. Maka and her ex partner and weapon got into a huge fight and they both decided it was best if they both found new partners. Their friendship had been tarnished in many ways and Lord Death thought it be best to just let the two go their own ways. Soul found a new partner rather quickly, however Maka didn't till Kana came around. Lord Death introduced the two and wanted to test them out, to see if they'd be compatible, which they were. It was very rare that the same genders would be grouped up, but in this case it was an exception. "Maka to your right!" Kana yelled as a Kishin was rushing towards them. Maka swiftly jumped up and took it down as she slashed at the others who came at her. "Look up Maka! Three above us!" Kana cried out as Maka looked up and quickly spun Kana around as she quickly killed off the three that was above them. It took them some time but they managed to finish them all off. Tired and exhausted they thought they were finished for the night when they were attacked by Jack the Ripper! "So you dealt with my little puppets have you? Pity. Looks like I'll have to finish you off myself!" He yelled as he swiftly moved towards them. He was faster than anything they had ever faced before and it was hard to fight him off. He cut through them like they was nothing, Maka couldn't hold her own against this guy. Both her and Kana fell to the ground, both bleeding very badly. "Weak and pathetic you both are. Not even a challenge." He said smirking as he thought he killed them off he took his leave. Once he was gone Kana slowly got up. "Maka!" She cried out as she leaned down to check to see if her partner was alive, which to her relief she was, just unconscious. "I will take us home as fast as I can." Kana whispered as she lifted Maka up despite her own wounds. Wincing she quickly made her way back to the DWMA as blood flew in the air with each leap she made. Not caring for her own life she got back home as two of the guards who was standing watch rushed to their sides. "Kana! What happened to you and Maka?!" Gojyo asked as Kana fell to the ground with Maka in her arms. All she could make out was "Jack..." before she fell limp. She wasn't dead but in critical condition. "Get the med team out here right now!" Honryu yelled out as Gojyo nodded and rushed inside to get the med team.

Kana had lived with her parents who had achieved what every Meister and their weapon wished to achieve, becoming a part of the elite force for Lord Death. Kana's father was her mother Meister and when Kana was born they didn't know if she was a weapon or a Meister at first. They watched her over the years and when she started showing signs of being a weapon was when they started training her properly. Most of the kids made fun of her for her ears and tail, she wasn't 'normal' to them, but her father wasn't 'normal' either. He was just like her. She enrolled in the DWMA last year and has been working with Maka for over seven months now. It's been a long and hard process but the two of them work very well together. It was as if they were meant to be partners. As they were rushed through the halls all Kana could think about in her unconscious state was hoping Maka was safe. She had used up all her strength to make sure her Meister got back safely and got treated before it became fatal. Before Kana had no friends, only her parents. Maka was the very first friend she ever had and she would protect her with her very life, which is pretty much what she did. The med team rushed her to the nurses office where the new school nurse was there to tend to the sick or wounded. She had only been working here for a few months, however she was very good at what she did. They didn't even knock on the door, they just brought the two inside which they were greeted by the nurse, Medusa. "They were attacked by Jack the Ripper. We will leave the two in your care Medusa. Please don't let them die, they're so young and have their futures ahead of them!" One of them spoke before they bowed and took their leave without waiting for her to say a word. Both Maka and Kana were barely breathing and were near death's gate, but Medusa was good at what she did and she would make sure that these two didn't die. However she had plans for these two and with it being night, no one would be entering her room to interfere with whatever she had plans for.
Medusa had been working on the formula for the black blood for a long while...It was something she was experimenting with...knowing that the power it could grant someone was both great and yet devastating, and she was perfecting a formula of the black blood so that she could literally control the one she gave it to. That was a month ago...and she had finally finished her work on the new black blood. She always kept the sample syrum in a syringe under her table in a small cabinet. By the time Maka and Kana had been rolled in to the nurse's office and the situation was explained to her, Medusa smiled gently to those that brought her in. "I assure you I will do whatever it is in my power to keep them alive." She said as she stood up and walked over to the two unconscious girls, checking their pulses, heart rate, and seeing their blood pressure. They were going to die. Unless...She grinned and moved to the cabinet containing the black blood syringe...and moved over to Maka. She knew that if she injected Maka with the blood, it would safe her life...but make her Medusa's new test dummy and lab experiment. She cupped the girl's cheek, feeling how cold her skin was. A devious grin on her face as she trailed her painted nails down the girl's body until it went down her arm and to a major artery, pressing the needle of the syringe to the artery and slowly injecting the black blood into her. Now it would only be a matter of time for the blood to take its effect on her, saving her life and yet making her Medusa's slave. If the creation of this modified black blood came to fruition, then Maka would unconsciously do whatever Medusa wanted...though...Medusa was unaware of the psychotic side effects that the black blood held for those infected by it.

Now that Maka was done, she began to check Kana's pulse and life signatures. She was doing far better than Maka...but without treatment, she was going to die as well. "At least I don't have to waste anymore of my...experiment." She said with a grin and began to put an IV into Kana's wrist and hook it up to bag of regular blood that was Kana's blood type. She made certain Kana was on life support while Maka was recovering. So long as Kana rested, she would be better in no time.
Five days had passed since they were brought in. Maka woke up two days ago but Kana was still resting and getting treated. She was able to have company, however she was still bed ridden for two more days. Maka had stayed by Kana's side the entire time, unknowing of what Medusa had done to her that saved her life. "I just don't get it Maka-Chan, how is it you recovered faster than me when you were almost dead when I brought you back here to the DWMA?" Kana asked as she pouted slightly. Scratching her head Maka shrugged. "I guess I just got lucky? I honestly don't know Kana. But whatever the case maybe I'm grateful that I'm alive and that you survived as well." Maka said as she smiled and petted one of Kana's ears gently. "I'm just glad I got you here in time. We will have to be more careful now that Jack attacked us. We got lucky this time... But I don't think we will get lucky the next time if we face him again. Once I get out of here we must train our asses off!" Kana replied as her tail waged slowly in response to Maka's petting. Ever since coming to the DWMA she didn't get looked down upon nor made fun of because of what she was. For once in her entire life she was treated as an equal. "Miss Medusa has been taking good care of me. She's a miracle worker that woman is!" Kana said happily as she looked over at Medusa and smiled at her. Just then a low growl could be heard from Kana's stomach, indicating she was hungry. "Hehe, looks like my stomach is trying to tell us something." Kana giggled as Maka sighed and shook her head. "It's a good thing I brought food with me then, eh?" Maka asked as Kana grinned, knowing full well that Maka brought food with her, after all nothing got past her nose. "Sooo, Maka made a boxed lunch for us both?" Kana asked as her grin got wider. Maka laughed and then nodded. "Yes I did. I made it to help cheer you up and bring you something home made." Maka said as she opened her bag up and handed Kana her food as she took her own box out and ate next to her friend. Medusa never fussed when Maka brought Kana food, but she seemed to have been keeping a more close watch on Maka since she injected her with the black blood. Maka had been feeling strange since she woke up. Like someone was tugging at the back of her mind. She thought it was just trauma or something from what happened. She kept it to herself even though she knew she should talk to Medusa about it since she was the school nurse and all.

When Kana was finally released Maka and her was called into see Lord Death. "Well hello hello you two!" He greeted them with a wave of his large hand. "You wished to see us Lord Death?" Maka asked as Kana bowed before Lord Death before clinging to Maka's arm. "Since you're both fully recovered and better I have something special I want you two to do for me." He said as he walked over to them. "To prevent you two from having to go through that again I want you two to work on synchronizing your souls better. For you Kana to ever become Maka's death scythe you must sync your soul with your Meister. And for you to be a stronger Meister than you are now Maka, you must sync your soul with your weapon. I want you two to work on this every day. Twice a day should suffice, before and after classes. You've synced your souls before, but this time you must perfect it. Once when you do you both will be able to fully work together as one. Got it?" Lord Death finished as they both nodded. "We understand Lord Death. However, when not in school or on a mission we will work all day syncing our souls so we can perfect our technique." Maka replied as Lord Death nodded. "Speaking of missions, you two won't be going on any missions anytime soon, so you have plenty of time to work on perfecting yourselves. You may take the rest of the day off to get started if you'd like." He said as he watched their reactions. "Th-Thank you Lord Death." Kana stuttered as they both bowed before him before taking their leave. They planned to take the rest of the day off so they could start training right away. Soul resonance was what it was called when a Meister and their weapon's souls became one. It allowed them to act as one and with their combined strength granted them the ability to overcome anything. But for them to fully unlock the full potential of their abilities they had to have the perfect soul resonance, which means they have to FULLY be one in order for them to fully show what they could do together.

Out to the training grounds they both went as they readied themselves for training. Changing into her weapon form Kana rested perfectly in Maka's hands as they began getting to work. "Ready Kana?" Maka asked Kana and she nodded. "I'm ready Maka." "Okay Kana lets do this." Maka replied as they both focused on each others soul wavelength. "SOUL RESONANCE!" They both yelled as they allowed their souls to become one with another. The first time connecting souls with one another since before that night a week ago was a bit rough on them, but for some odd reason it seemed harder on Maka than before. When their souls connected Kana could feel a looming darkness start to surround both of their souls, causing their connection to break instantly. "Wha... What was that?" Kana asked with worry in her voice. "I... I don't know Kana. But it wasn't like any other time when we used the soul resonance before..." Maka replied as she tried to shake it off. Something in the back of her head was telling her to continue no matter what, to not give up. "Whatever it was Kana we gotta push through it. Let's go again." Maka said as Kana sighed. "Very well Maka-Chan. We'll keep going at it till we can't anymore. I know how determined you are and I wanna be your death scythe badly. This way I can protect you better." Kana replied as they readied themselves again for round two. They went at it for hours connecting their souls and losing connection each time. However with each time they connected the darkness engulfed them more and more till Maka almost lost control, almost causing Kana to lose control as well. A surge of insanity filled them both the more they connected their souls and in the end, ended up calling it a night before they both lost it. "I just don't understand it Maka... We were able to use our soul resonance perfectly before. But now we're nearing insanity now the more we try to connect. Maybe we should talk to the school nurse in the morning or something about this and see if she knows anything about it." Kana said softly as she reverted back to her normal form. Panting heavily Maka nodded as she walked back to their home together for the night. Not knowing of what would be in store for them soon as the black blood was now starting to fully activate within Maka and Kana was now slowly getting infected with it from connecting her soul with Maka's.
It was a long five days for Maka her weapon, Kana, to recover fully together. Medusa watched from afar as Kana was being treated on by both her own treatment and Maka comforting her death scythe. She began to write down notes concerning the two of them...writing how much they seemed to be together, how close they were when it came to a friendship, and just simple notes...She could not necessarily test for the black blood until Kana was up and well. When they left, Medusa made sure to slip into Maka's breast pocket a note saying that if anything...out of the ordinary...should happen, they should come and see Medusa. She lied, saying it was possibly going to be due to the injury that the two of them sustained. Medusa grinned...thinking of all the things that she could do once she destroyed the DWMA using Maka's enhanced powers...or rather just using her as a test subject before she silently and stealthily injects other victims with the modified black blood. This brought a sadistic grin to her face as she thought about this, and then something caught the corner of her eye. Looking out the window, she could just barely see Maka and Kana practicing their Soul Resonance...and seeing that they were no longer in sync. This did not falter her grin, as she just needed them to attempt to sync for the blood to spread to Kana.

Once the two of them would arrive to the nurse's office, Medusa would be ready to...further the black blood trials with the two of them.
As they walked home Maka remembered that Medusa had put a note in her breast pocket and took it out to read it over. "I think we should go see our school nurse now and not in the morning Kana. I don't think we should talk about this in front of others, just to be on the safe side." Maka said softly as Kana twitched her ears at her words. "I suppose you're right. We might as well not put this off seeing as this is a serious matter." Kana sighed as they turned back and made their way back to the school. Maka could feel something burning in her body, in her blood, but she couldn't place her finger on just what it was. Before their soul resonance was perfect, a little rough but still perfect. But now? Now something threatened to engulf not only her but her partner as well. Kana was a sweet girl, always kind and caring, however she was very shy around others. She knew most of Kana's past and wanted nothing more than to be the best friend and Meister she could be for Kana. It sickened her to know that people would judge another based on appearance and what they were. Kana's tail swayed from side to side as they walked together in silence and both lost in thought as they made their way back to the school. "I hope Miss Medusa can help us out..." Kana whimpered softly as Maka took her hand and nodded. "I hope so too Kana... I hope so too..." She replied quietly, but only to where Kana could hear her. As they neared the school Maka could feel something slowly starting to waken inside of her more as she got closer to where Medusa was. "Nnn..." Maka groaned as she grabbed her head and fell to her knees. "Maka what's wrong?!" Kana cried out as she leaned over to her friend. "I... I don't know Kana... Something's not right... We need to hurry to Miss Medusa and fast..." Maka groaned as she slowly stood back up with Kana's help. Kana nodded as she picked up Maka in her arms and opened the doors, carrying her Meister in her arms again like she did that night when they both almost died. "You don't have to carry me Kana..." Maka said as she blushed slightly. "You're in no condition to walk right now Maka, please let me carry you to the school nurse." Kana said as she made her way through the school.

Kana was growing out of breath but she wouldn't show it in front of Maka. Kana had to be strong for her Meister, weakness was not an option for her. She was weak before, but that was because she had nothing to fight for. But now... Now she had something worth fighting for! "We're almost there Maka." Kana said softly as Maka nodded, her breathing getting heavier by the minute. Maka couldn't speak right now. Her body was hot and it was getting harder and harder to breath. It was probably due to one of the side effects of the black blood that was coursing through her veins, but no one knew except for the one who created it. Kana finally reached the nurses office as she repositioned Maka in her arms so that she could knock on the door. She heard Medusa's voice telling them to come in, so opening the door slowly Kana made her way in as she held Maka in her arms tightly. "Maka said that we should come and see you should anything happen. We were going to wait till tomorrow but we decided it'd be best to come in tonight so that we wouldn't have to deal with the others should this be a serious case." Kana said as she went over to one of the beds and laid Maka down on it. "We were practicing our soul resonance earlier but we were both having problems fully connecting our souls. For some odd reason there's like this looming darkness that's trying to... Engulf us...? I don't know what to make of it and neither does Maka but right now her breathing is very heavy and her body's getting hotter by the minute! Please Miss Medusa, can you help us out?" Kana asked as she turned to face the woman who stared at them. Something was going through her mind and Kana didn't know what to make of it, but she knew that if anyone could help them it'd be her.
When Maka was brought in by Kana, Medusa walked over and began to put a palm over Maka's forehead to feel her temperature as she listened to Kana explain what had happened earlier on the way over here. Medusa looked to Kana and put her hands on her shoulders, looked her in the eyes, and tried to calm her down. "Kana. You have to stay calm, dear." She said with a smile and patted her head. "You guys...simply lost faith in one another unconsciously. That, or your body is rejecting her, causing her to become out of sync with you." She moved over to her desk and pulled out two glasses and began to pour a clear liquid in it, which would be water...but that wasn't known to Kana or Maka. Medusa began to put some sugar-like particles in there to add a bitter flavor, making it seem more like medicine but it was nothing more than artificial flavoring. Picking up the glasses, she moved over and handed one to Kana and held the other one to Maka's lips, helping her drink the water slowly. "This is medicine that should help the sync...but there is a process you two must do together. I'll help you two through it." She replied and looked to Kana. "Drink the medicine." She moved to her door and flipped the sign, saying that the nurse was currently out and she locked the door. She grinned evilly, he back turned to Maka and Kana as her eyes went into sudden slits like a snake from how excited she was to enhance the effects of the black blood.

Medusa moved closer to her, and put her hands on Kana's shoulders to lay her down on the bed next to Maka. "The black darkness that you described the two of you having sounds like you two are dangerously close to becoming completely out of sync with one another..." She reached forward and cupped Kana's face gently. "You must listen to me..." She reached to the hem of her own shirt and began to lift it up, showing Kana her large plump breasts as they snuggled against the fabric of her bra. "You two have to become intimate if you want to save this partnership...Kana, start removing your clothes..." She moved over to Maka and held her cheek gently, rubbing her with her thumb before she began to slowly strip down Maka.
Kana watched as Medusa placed her palm over Maka's head to feel her temperature before turning back to her. She looked into Medusa's eyes as she tried to calm her down. "But how...? I thought everything was perfect... We were able to sync perfectly before what happened to us last week..." Kana trailed off as she watched Medusa walk back over to her desk and began pouring water in two glasses she pulled out before putting something in it. The nurse walked back over to them and handed Kana a glass and told her to drink it that it was medicine to help them out. She watched as Medusa slowly gave Maka the medicine and Kana nodded as she began drinking it. It was bitter but most medicines were bitter so she thought nothing of it. "We'll do whatever it takes to repair whatever's been damaged Miss Medusa. And if you're willing to help us we'd be forever grateful and in your debt." Kana said as she finished drinking all the medicine down. She was more focused on Maka to even notice what Medusa was doing behind her back. Maka looked over at Kana as her breathing was becoming heavier now, almost turning into pants as her face was now red. Was she... Blushing? Kana didn't know what to think of it as Medusa moved closer to her as she put her hands on her shoulders and laid her down on the bed next to Maka. Listening to Medusa's words carefully as she nodded in the nurses hand. When Medusa reached to the hem of her shirt and began to lift it up, she exposed her large and plump breasts to her, the bra held them firmly in place however. Kana's face turned a bright red when she saw this but continued to listen to her words. "If becoming more... Intimate with Maka will help us out... Then I will do it..." Kana replied weakly as she began to slowly remove her cloths.

Kana was very shy, and this would be the first time she had ever undressed in front of anyone. She was inexperienced with sex but she knew she had to do whatever it took to save her partnership with Maka. She couldn't help but watch as Medusa slowly stripped Maka down, causing her body to start to grow hot. What's happening to me...? My body is starting to get hot... Just from looking at Maka's body... Is this... Right...? Kana asked herself as she placed her top on the bed before removing her shorts. Her armbands were removed and her face was now a deeper red as she began removing her socks and shoes, then her bra and panties. She stood there completely naked now and her tail was slightly between her legs, a sign of embarrassment. Maka was now fully naked on the bed right in front of her and was looking up at Kana. Maka's face grew redder when she looked over Kana's body, causing Kana to get slightly wet from her untouched sex. "I-Is this okay M-Miss Medusa?" Kana stuttered as she tried to cover her breasts. She didn't know how to explain how she was feeling right now, but it was something she only felt whenever she went into heat. Which... It was that time of the month. Oh shit! How could I have forgotten about that! Kana thought as she could feel her knees starting to shake under her. She wanted Maka badly right now and her mind was starting to slowly slip from her as she was having a hard time standing at this point.
Medusa moved over to Kana once she was fully naked, and wrapped her arms around her from behind. "Its okay Kana...Don't be afraid. You're in safe arms now..." She smiled and slowly lowered Kana's hands from her breasts to reveal them to everyone in the room. "Your body is beautiful...don't be afraid to show it, and don't be ashamed about it." She smiled and moved in front of Kana, slowly stripping her body down now to match the other two in the room. Her shorts went down...Then her panties to reveal her beautiful womanhood. Her shoes and socks would slip off now, and then she reached behind her to undo her bra, which popped open and let her breasts out for the other two to see perfectly. Medusa smiled as she moved to Maka, sitting next to her and patted an empty area beside her. "Kana. Sit. If you're to become intimate with Maka...You can't be afraid to do any of this." She placed a hand on Maka's chest, between her breasts, and slowly let he hand trail down to Maka's womanhood where she began to rub her slightly. "Kana. Play with her breasts...Pay special attention to her nipples while I play with her down here. Okay?" She said as her fingers seemed to just slide along Maka's slit smoothly. Medusa was growing aroused, a win-win scenario. She could enhance the effects of the Black Blood and she would have some fun as well. She smiled and looked to Kana, watching her as she did what she was told and soon Medusa would sneakily reach over between the girl's legs and begin to rub her fingers along her slit as well. "You two will be feeling the same pleasure right now...In a few moments...Kana, I want you to kiss Maka on the lips."
When Medusa got behind her and wrapped her arms around her, her face grew redder and her body grew even hotter. "O-Okay..." She whispered as she allowed her arms to be lowered. Her breasts were nicely shaped and her nipples were already hard. She watched as their nurse got in front of her and began removing her own clothing now. As she watched Medusa strip down juices started to slowly seep out of her sex more now as she watcher her finish undressing, her eyes wondering over her nurses body as they landed on her breasts pop out of the bra they had been released from. Medusa went back over to Maka and sat down next to her as she patted the empty spot next to her. Taking a deep breath Kana nodded and obediently went over to them and took her seat in the empty spot. She watched as Medusa placed her hand on Maka's chest, right between her breasts before slowly letting her hand trail down to Maka's womanhood there she began rubbing her slightly, causing a slight moan to escape Maka's throat as she too was now starting to become wet. When Medusa told her to play with her breasts she nodded and let her hands wonder over to the soft mounds on Maka's chest. Cupping her breasts firmly into her hands as she began massaging them gently. Something inside of her told her to lean over and pull one of Maka's nipples into her mouth, and so she did. Leaning over she pulled one of Maka's nipples into her mouth and began suckling on it as she began rubbing her other nipple in-between her thumb and forefinger. Not long before she began she felt a hand begin rubbing her own sex, causing her to moan softly into Maka's breast. Letting go of Maka's breast she looked at Maka's face and saw in her eyes that she was begging for this. "It... This... This feels so good..." Maka managed to moan out as Kana leaned over and pressed her lips against Maka's, Maka opening her mouth to lick Kana's lips before Kana opened hers and allowed Maka's tongue to enter her mouth as they allowed their tongues to dance with one another. Both Kana and Maka were beyond aroused now and they felt themselves falling more and more into their own lusts, which was feeding the black blood boiling inside of Maka. Kana had some of the black blood in her because of the syncing earlier, but soon she would be consumed by it like Maka. Maka was starting to lose herself in her own pleasure as she tried to urge them both to continue and not stop, her body clearly showing she was enjoying this and was needing it... Badly.
Medusa had stopped a while ago and watched the two of them go at it, kissing each other and just falling into the lust-filled passion that Medusa had began. She began to rub her own slit now, watching the two girls kiss each other had aroused Medusa to start becoming wet from arousal. She watched more intensely...and before Maka would know, Medusa had take a stethoscope and placed the cold end of the device directly upon the nipple that Kana had begun to suck on. The round device fit perfectly on her nipple as she pressed the cold device into her bare flesh. Soon...Medusa pulled it off and put it aside so that it could become cold once more. She would climb on top of Maka now, her own lips beginning to start trailing up and down Maka's neck as she kissed Kana. "Good girls...You're doing great...but until you hit orgasm, today will be a failure." She stated and looked to Kana with a wide grin. "Go between Maka's legs, Kana...Lick her...finger her...Rub your womanhood against her. You must make Maka orgasm if you want her to at least become healthy once more. But you must cum with her if you want to sync up with her once more." Once Kana would have moved, Medusa would take this chance to move up more, and turned around...Straddling Maka's head so that Maka could lick at her pussy whilst Medusa would be able to lean forward and help Kana lick and eat out Maka. "Go on baby...Eat her out and she should be better once she orgasms."
Kana never knew that this would feel so good before. Maka's body felt so good to touch. Maka moaned into the kiss as her sex was now soaking wet, as was Kana's. Maka felt something cold press against her nipple as Kana didn't stop kneading her other nipple in-between her fingers. Maka's nipple was hard like a pea in-between her fingers and it felt so good. Once the stethoscope was removed Maka's nipple was cold again, yet it was more sensitive than before. Maka let out another moan as Medusa kissed her neck as her eyes began to close, the black blood starting to pulsate inside of her now, awaking more as they continued their foreplay. Breaking the kiss Kana looked into Medusa's eyes and nodded. "I cannot afford this to fail." She replied as she obeyed and made her way down to Maka's sex. She could already smell her arousal long before she got down there, but it was so strong, and so welcoming. Kana straddled Maka's leg as she lowered her head down to Maka's pussy and began licking her slit slightly while rubbing her own pussy against Maka's leg. Moaning softly into Maka's pussy she began to let herself slowly go, allowing her lust to take ahold of her as she began licking at Maka's clit now before slipping a finger inside of her. Maka arched her back up slightly as Kana started working on her pussy but was shortly straddled with Medusa's pussy in her face, and letting instincts take over she let her tongue slide out of her mouth as she began eating Medusa out. Kana was silent except for the moans that sent vibrations into Maka's pussy and was soon joined by Medusa as she began helping Kana out with Maka's pussy. If this makes Maka better then I will do this... But damn does she taste ever so good... Kana thought as she continued to rub her soaking wet pussy against Maka's leg while both her and Medusa ate her out. Maka was moaning loudly now, even though her moans were muffled by Medusa's pussy, they could still clearly be heard. This feels so good... Damn it... My blood is boiling so much right now... And my pussy feels so great.... Maka thought as she was beginning to give into the black blood as her body shook and was nearing orgasm, the final thing to fully awaken the black blood within her and as for Kana, the black blood inside of her would be reacting to Maka more now. Once when the black blood was fully awoken inside of Maka the corruption to Kana would only grow more and more inside of her. They didn't know it, but they were slowly becoming slaves to Medusa and her black blood.
She could feel how wet she was getting, Maka that is. Medusa was growing closer and closer...she was getting there, wanting to release, but focused on Maka. Her tongue slid out and wrapped and slid around Kana's as the two of them begna to lick at Maka's pussy. Her hips began to buck, slowly moving her pussy across Maka's mouth as she wanted more. "Maka, do not hold back...Orgasm if you feel like you need to. Do it and you will restore the sync you have lost with Kana." She reached over and spread her pussy wide, now completely licking her insides without her pussy lips closing around her tongue. The tip slid across the pink walls of her insides and she grew ever so close. Soon she leaned up and began to bounce, her pussy going up and down on Maka's mouth, self-teasing with the pleasure as she was now lost in her own pleasure. Medusa moaned out loudly, feeling the sudden release of an orgasm, her juices squirted out and flowing out of her pussy, letting Maka feel her juices on her face. "Kana...Make her orgasm now...~" She moaned out as she began to spasm from a long-needed orgasm that she was denied for such a long time.
Kana was so close to her own orgasm now at this point. And she could tell Maka was so close as well. Maka listened to Medusa's words and fully gave in. "C-Cum with me Maka! I cannot hold it in anymore!" Kana cried out. Maka's body twitched wildly as her head shot back and screamed out in pleasure with Kana as they both came together. The moment Maka came her blood pulsated strongly as the black blood inside of her was now fully awoken inside of her now. Kana could feel it burning inside of her as well, it was weak but it was still there. Now that the black blood had been awoken, whenever they synced together Kana would become more corrupted and would become a slave to both the black blood and to Medusa. Their synchronizing would not fail anymore for they're minds would accept the darkness and would allow them to fully take it in, allowing them to be engulfed by it. Maka groaned as her body began to grow even more hotter than before now that the black blood had been fully awoken inside of her. "My... My body is so hot Miss Medusa... And my blood is boiling.... What's happening to me...?" Maka whimpered as she closed her eyes and began panting heavily. Kana could feel it inside of her too as she looked into Medusa's eyes, begging to know what was happening to her as well. Her voice was lost right now as she struggled to grasp what was happening to her.
"That is just the medicine taking its effect. Its burning out the toxins within your body and its trying to get your souls in sync...You must bare with the heat now. No intimacy. No soul resolution. You must rest and keep cool, lest you burn yourself out." She stated and laid Kana next to Maka. She went to grab a few fans and plugged them all in, having them all blow against their naked bodies to keep them cool. She went and got them both water, and helped them both slowly drink the ice cold water slowly, holding their heads up while they drank. "Sleep here tonight. I'll leave the door locked for you two to have privacy until you awaken and get dressed." She said and moved to lay in the bed next to theirs, still naked and still moist between the legs. She grinned as she looked to the two of them...and took a deep sigh as she closed her eyes and rested, but did not slumber. She listened...
Maka nodded slowly as she tried to slow her breathing back down to normal. Kana laid next to Maka as she held onto her, not fondling her, just holding onto her. The fans Medusa got and plugged in felt so good against their burning hot bodies. They were both grateful for the ice water it felt so good going down their throats as they drank slowly. Medusa was so good to them. "Th-Thank you Miss Medusa. We appreciate this... No way in hell can we walk home anyways... Kana's body is very hot against mine and she must have been affected by the toxins as well... Staying here and sleeping it off would be for the best for both of us... I thank you so much for helping us out..." Maka paused as she looked over at Kana and wrapped her arms around her, keeping the wolf girl safe as she nuzzled her. "I never felt this connected to Soul like I do with Kana... When Kana and I use soul resonance it feels pure... It feels perfect... With Soul... It didn't feel complete nor did it feel real... I don't wanna lose Kana... She's... She's been through so... Much..." Maka said as her eyes grew heavy and soon was sound asleep with Kana in her arms as they held each other. Maka's dreams were vivid and full of chaos. She was surrounded by darkness and black liquid..? She couldn't make anything out of it, but there were voices. Not of her own nor of Kana's. They demanded things of her and she could feel herself losing to them. She needed to continue soul resonating with Kana. Madness was overcoming her as her body twitched and writhed in her sleep. Medusa would be able to clearly see the effects of what the black blood was doing to her and would be able to fully control her now. Maka was weak minded in many ways, but she was also strong willed. She would try to fight it at first, but she would give in the more her and Kana used their soul resonance. Kana was shaking slightly in Maka's arms as she was vaguely experiencing what Maka was. Soon though, both her and Maka would be complete slaves to Medusa and her black blood.
Medusa could hear Maka begin to stir in her sleep, and she sat up to look at the girl as she dreamed. "Oh my...The Black Blood seems to be affecting her this soon?" She grinned and sat on the edge of her bed, watching Maka as she writhed in a troubled sleep. She brought a thumb to her lips where she began to nibble as she watched...enjoying the sight of Maka in a troubled state due to the black blood. She stood up and walked over to Maja, putting a hand on her head gently. She smiled and brought her hand down slowly to her cheek and just began to imagine all the things Maka was going through...and the feeling brought her delite. "Maka...embrace what is happening to you...The sooner the better, my little guinea pig..." Medusa whispered, leaning down to slowly bring her own lips to Maka's while she slept...Medusa kissed her gently as Maka slept, and made certain to keep careful that Kana would not awaken. "Embrace the darkness...Embrace the voices..." She smiled and soon slowly pulled away, standing up and let the moonlight from the window illuminate her body's outline with white light, the rest of her being black as knight except for her slitted snake eyes.
Maka's body burned with the black blood coursing through her veins as the darkness began to choke her, mainly because she was fighting it. She heard a voice call out to her, a familiar one. Telling her to embrace the darkness and the voices. Part of her knew to obey without question. Yet the other half wanted to embrace it all but with questions as to what was happening to her. But she gave in. Letting herself go she allowed the darkness to take over her, no longer was it choking her as she gave up resisting it and began to listen to the voices. Maka was unaware of what Medusa was doing to her and Kana was a heavy sleeper, she wouldn't wake up till it was time for her to wake up. Chances of her waking up to catching Medusa was very slim. However Kana groaned in her sleep as she clung tightly to Maka as she continued to fight the darkness that was trying to take her over as well. This was the first time both of them had slept together, let alone slept with anyone before now. Kana enjoyed being near Maka like this, but she feared the darkness growing inside of her. Maka had given in and it would only be time before Kana submitted to all of it. "I accept... Accept the darkness... The voices..." Maka muttered in her sleep as her body started to calm down now that she was fully being engulfed, but willingly allowed it to engulf her. Medusa was pleased, it showed clearly. But she would watch as her beautiful black blood worked its magic on its host as it took her over completely.
The next morning, Medusa would be fully clothed by the time the others woke up. She was writing down notes on the black blood that Maka was injected with...and the notes included how the patients reacted while trying to succumb to the effects of the black blood. She also wrote that the blood seemed to have a very powerful aphrodisiac effect to it, causing the injected victim to go into heat within a day. Medusa grinned...this would hopefully not be the end of their little sexual romps. She wanted to try tactics with her. "Oh how wonderful...Oh how wonderful this is going to be. I hope that they don't die~" She said without a care in the world as she smiled happily and began to tap her foot to a small tune in her head while waiting for the two of them to awaken.
Maka and Kana woke up rather late for them as they slowly began to stir in the bed. They were slowly remembering what happened last night as both of them looked at each other. They knew what they did but parts of them knew it was for the best. Groaning loudly Maka slowly rolled out of the bed as she looked over at Kana. "Morning sleepy head." Maka spoke softly to Kana as she gently petted her ears. "M-Morning Maka. You feeling any better today?" Kana asked as she murre softly as Maka petted her ears. "I feel much better today Kana! And it's all thanks to you and Miss Medusa here!~" Maka replied cheerfully as she got out of bed and began dressing herself. "I'm really glad to hear that Maka. I was do worried about you last night..." Kana said as she too got up and began dressing herself. "We need to get some training in before classes Maka! Lets hurry up!" Kana stated as she noticed the time. They both turned to Medusa and bowed before her as they thanked her for all the help she gave them last night. "We need to get some training in before classes. We're sorry we couldn't stay any longer with you. But we will be sure to keep you informed if anything happens again." Maka said as she bowed again before taking Kana's hand as they left to go back to their training area. Little did they know that Medusa would be watching their every move now and would be monitoring them carefully. Oh there would be no doubt that what happened last night would be happening again here soon. Oh how this little experiment was going to be the most successful one yet! Maka and Kana rushed to where the training grounds were and both looked at each other with confidence. "Ready Kana?" Maka asked Kana who nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be." She replied as she transformed into her weapon form where Maka grabbed ahold of her and held her tightly in her hands. Concentrating on their souls they focused on one another like before. "SOUL RESONANCE!" They both yelled as their souls started to become linked. This time however, the darkness like before began to engulf them both, but Maka didn't fight it nor resist it as she urged Kana to do the same. "Don't fight it Kana. Just let it embrace you! It won't hurt you if you don't fight it." Maka said to Kana who was scared but obeyed as she slowly let it engulf her too. She could feel the black blood entering her now as their souls merged completely this time. They had total soul resonance now and the longer they held this form, the more of the black blood would be seeping into Kana's body. "It burns Maka..." Kana whimpered as her body began to grow hot. "Just bare with it Kana. Focus and let's see if we can form the witch hunter." Maka replied calmly as they focused on their ability. However what they got wasn't the witch hunter, it was something else. It was the technique known as the god hunter. It was a forbidden technique and how yet managed it, no one knew but Medusa would. The black blood was already tainting their abilities as well as poor Kana. In shock they broke their soul resonance as they stared at each other in shock. Kana was having a hard time breathing at this point and would need to be treated soon. "How did that...?" Kana asked as her breathing became too much for her as she soon passed out. Maka rushed over to Kana and held her in her arms, checking to see if he was still breathing. Which she was. "I gotta take you back to Miss Medusa... She'll be able to help you and maybe help explain what happens to our technique..." Maka said quietly as she lifted Kana into her arms and carried her back to Medusa's room. Once she got there she explained what happened to Medusa as she laid Kana down on the bed and waited for Medusa to explain if she could about what happened to them.
When the two of them came back into the room, Medusa stood up and walked over to see Kana in the state that she was in. "Put her on the bed." She said as she moved over and brought over her rolling chair. She sat on it and crossed her legs, smiling as she closed her eyes and began to act as if she was pondering what was happening with them. "Hm...It sounds like the power that you two receive from last night has brought your power up to...godly levels, so to say. If you were able to take the God Hunter form, you are more dangerous than I thought." She stood up and walked over to Maka. "You must never take this form. Everyone around you will be in danger if you take that form with Kana." She looked to Kana and then to Maka. "Maka...Your soul synchronization has become quite in sync if you two have jumped to such godly heights. I would recommend that you two synchronize some other way..." She paused a bit and then began to speak up. "Synchronize with her through your friendship and relationship with her. That is a shorter way...yes...but it provides less danger if Kana is not able to take soul synchronization. Leave Kana here for tonight and let her rest in the infirmary where I can keep an eye on her. You go home and rest up."
Maka's reaction to what Medusa said scared her. "But... How did our powers grow so rapidly like that? I just don't understand it..." Maka said as she tried to wrap her mind around it. She just couldn't believe what she was hearing but nodded non the less. "How are we supposed to sync a different way...? I thought the only way to do it was how we've been doing it... Using our friendship? And our relationship? You might have to help us out with that later then..." Maka said as she looked at Kana who's face was red as ever and was breathing heavily. "Please take care of her Miss Medusa." Maka asked as she bowed before her before glancing at her partner once more before heading home. They'd be missing classes again but they'd be excused given the situation. What Maka and Kana had accomplished was a technique that was the complete opposite to the witch hunter. Where as the witch hunter and its more advanced forms destroy evil, the god hunter destroys good. It was a sign that Maka and her weapon were both showing their corruption through their soul resonance. As Maka left Kana laid there in the bed where she was being looked over by Medusa. The door then closed, leaving them all alone in there together. Kana was tossing and turning as her blood boiled with the black blood surging in her veins. She had been infected with a rather large dose this time seeing as she was showing similar signs to Maka the night before.
When Maka closed the door, Medusa's face became more sinister as she peered out the corner of her eyes to look at the sleeping Kana. She was obviously distraught like Maka was...and the only 'cure' was what she did last night. Though, she could become a bit more intimate with Kana now that Maka was out of the way. Slowly stripping down once more, the naked Medusa moved closer to Kana and shushed her silently but putting a single finger on her lips before beginning to strip her down. "Oh Kana...It seems you've rejected the black blood...unlike Maka. It seems you need some more motivation..." She said with a grin, and leaned down to start kissing Kana directly on the lips, teasing her as her knee began to gently rub against her womanhood. Her silky smooth skin rubbed all over Kana's as she was being pampoured by Medusa, and soon she began to slowly lowered herself down the bed until her face was between Kana's pussy, where she began to start licking and sucking on the tender flesh area around her pussy. "Kana wake up...You should be awake during this."
Maka hated leaving Kana behind like this but knew it was the best as she slowly made her way home. Kana twitched in her sleep as Medusa watched her and was glad to have Maka out of the way as she looked at Kana with a sinister look. As the nurse had stripper down Kana's breathing was hard and heavy sounding. Soon Medusa worked her cloths off of her next, leaving her naked as her body was played with and her womanhood was rubbed against by Medusa's knee. Kana squirmed slightly in her sleep as a small moan escaped her throat from the pleasure she was feeling. Yes she had rejected the black blood, she hadn't been fully consumed by it yet like Maka had been. But her body had more of it inside of her this time, enough to send her into the state Maka was in just last night. Her body burned as the blood inside of her boiled and churned, just waiting to consume and take her over like her dear Maka. "Nnnn...." Kana moaned as she began to feel Medusa was starting to eat her pussy out. Her ears twitched as she heard Medusa's words and slowly opened her eyes as her pussy was already dripping wet. "Wh-What's h-happening to... To me...?" Kana moaned as her body felt like it was no longer under her control but under the control of Medusa. Looking down she saw their school nurse in-between her legs, pleasuring her and causing her body to grow hotter the more she licked and teased her pussy down there... She was having a hard time staying conscious due to the black blood inside of her trying desperately to take over control of her. She continued to fight it but it was getting harder to do that with Medusa down there pleasuring her. "Why is my body burning...? Why am I feeling like Maka felt last last night? I thought we took care of this..." Kana moaned as she began to feel the darkness start to surround her, trying to engulf her like it did to Maka. The voices were there, but they were faint, very faint. Telling her to just give in and stop resisting, which Kana ignored as she continued to fight against it, making it harder for the black blood to do its job in consuming her. But she would soon give into it seeing as it was starting to become impossible to resist it as she began panting heavily.
Medusa could hear Kana begin to writhe in agony due to the black blood trying its best to consume her like it had already done to her meister. "Kana, you need to sweat out the toxins." Medusa stated and began to started licking her more and more before swirling her tongue around her clit and finishing it off with her lips sucking on it and pulling back until there was a 'pop'. "And what better way, hm~?" She said with a smile as she moved up and cupped Kana's cheek. "Kana...You were saying something earlier..." She lied, knowing that Kana was possibly half conscious around now as this went on. "You were saying something about voices...You have to embrace them...Do not reject the voices...go towards them...Embrace them and all they have to give you..." Her lips went to Kana's once more as her body began to dance on Kana's, her pussy ever so gently and teasingly rubbing Kana's as well.
Kana could barely move due to the black blood trying its hardest to get her to give into it. She moaned softly as Medusa's tongue played with her clit, causing her body to shake more and more juices started to flow out of her pussy. When Medusa left her pussy she was now moving up as she spoke to her. Kana's ears twitched when her cheek was cupped in Medusa's had as she spoke to her about the voices she had been hearing. Yes she wasn't fully conscious and simply nodded when she was told to listen to them. Not sure what to make of it but the voices were slowly starting to grow louder right then and there as she slowly closed her eyes and let her her mouth open for Medusa without resisting her. Something wasn't right about this but she had to put her faith in the nurse, she knew what she was doing after all. She was kissed again as her pussy was soaking wet and she felt her arms wrap around Medusa's waist as another moan escaped her throat into the kiss. Just give in Kana... Let the darkness engulf you, if you allow it to it will stop hurting you. Just give in. Become one with the darkness. The voices told her as the black blood began pulsating in her veins as she slowly started to let go and allow it in, accepting it. As she did her body grew hotter and she was nearing her climax as Medusa rubbed her pussy against Kana's. Her mind was slowly shattering as she gave into the voices and allowed the darkness to slowly consume her. Part of her wanted this while the other part of her was still trying to reject it, but this fight was futile and the black blood was starting to win now, which by now Medusa would be able to tell. Weapons were strong at both mind and will, however with Kana being half wolf and lived her entire life with people always looking down upon her due to what she was, she had been somewhat broken before this ever happened. It was in her medical records and Medusa knew all she needed to know about Kana and how to manipulate her the way she wanted. Once a weapon was broken they were easily influenced, making it all the easier to control her emotions and desires.
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