I'm not sure if my Autism was considered high-functioning but I think it was.
Just because of all the stories my parents told me.
I didn't speak for a long time,
It was believed I never would nor would do anything productive with my life.
They told the doctors who discovered my Asperger's and Autism to fuck off and refused to give up on me, regardless.
And yet, here I am.
I have all my (motor especially) skills functioning and working properly despite the two conditions having been with me since I was young, probably born.
They are challenging, yes.
But they are obstacles that can be overcome.
Yes, I still have my Autism and Asperger's.
But ... I'd say that for the most part, I've dealt with both relatively well.
So if you still need someone, I wouldn't mind talking to you about it.
I definitely know what you mean about the days it feels like you're gazing in a mirror, when both the parent and the child melt down, clash/lash out though.
Been there, done that far too many times for my own personal tastes.
Anyway, it's just .. an offer. If you don't wanna, I understand. Otherwise, I'd be more than willing to assist in any possible way.
*coaxes her out with snacks, pens and empty paper for lists*
You are the only one expecting perfection from you sweetie. You have other things going on like family and a -life- so don't be so hard on yourself! Moments happen. There there *pets her hair and admires the new glasses*
*runs and hugs tightly* I didn't know there was a name for what I feel! My family and friends just treat me like a freak for hearing things. They laugh when I cringe at high pitch female voice whispering, nylon jackets rubbing, the high pitch whine of fluorescent lights, crinkle plastics, Styrofoam, fast mouse clicking, the drone of computer monitors, chopping on a cutting board, etc etc!
This has a name? It's NOT just me?? DA I already adored you before but now I really reaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyy love you!
First they say I have anxiety, I"m a mean bitch, then anger issues, panic attacks, whatever. Then I saw your journal post and I looked up your term. I found a youtube thing and it was a revelation that I'm NOT crazy with supersonic hearing that no one else knows exists. If it helps to identify for you, here's the link:
Yes! Exactly! I hate the easy listening, but when I play du hast by rammstein or animal i have become, it makes me totally relax! What a relief to know that this is not just me being called unpredictably crazy! There's a name, it's real and I'm not the only one. I gave you that video because I could only make it through 3 sounds before I broke out in an all over sweat and started trembling. ASMR explains SO much! I used to get irritable and then furious when I'd have have to make phone calls to the doctor's office because the secretary has this high pitched loud voice. Ridiculous seeming rage for no apparent reason then, but now it's like the world has given me a great big This Is Why! I've always had issues with Misophonia but just as quickly, people dismissed/ridiculed my reactions to certain sounds.
Je t'adore vraiment beaucoup!