Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

I'm glad that things are falling into place for you DA! Happy you had holiday cheer and all as well. I should update my journal as well... but aww man if I do that I'll have 100 pages easily. I rant so much lol
Earlier this month, I think the 5th to be exact, it has been deemed "The Most Depressing Day of the Year". I have personal reasons ... but none I'll rant on about. Still, I hope things get better for you, Darkangel76.


Still, I do understand what you mean. Just take it easy and hang in there.


Smiles from the hug, bows head

I know what you mean on a lot of consecutive things happening. For a while, November - February was one of the times I dreaded the most .. because of my personal reasons. It's still ... annoying but not as much now that I've had time to better cope with everything.

Personally, I've been giving myself self-remedies for when I get really depressed or down. And for the most part, they work more often than not. The answer is simple in concept but admittedly, it does take time for your mind and body to ... accept the self-help. But more or less, find something else to occupy yourself with. Like when I take my breaks here from BlueMoon, I'm checking up on HEX, spending time with Vein somehow, making up stories - on paper, in my head, or both; things of the like. Oh and music's a good one that usually helps me. Just anything to keep your mind off the more negative things bothering you basically.

I'm actually in the midst of getting a kitten ... which was amazing that we got the okay given where we live and all. But I'm glad all the same. It makes up for being temporarily parent-less and honestly, I'm pretty sure it'll help out. So if you can/have pets, those help out somehow. I'm actually pretty sure there is a scientific explanation - or some sort - mentioned on why pets are so good to have... and from what I remember, it's pretty accurate.

Just keep hanging in there and get well soon.

My own nose has been kinda stuffed too. But probably not as bad as yours and I don't have a fever either. So just take it easy to help get better. Hope this helped somewhat.

Why does this time of year bring depression? A time when ultra-commercialism runs rampant, expenses increase exponentially, normally sane people become either annoyingly drink or mawkishly sentimental, and hypocrisy and fake bonhomie rule... all to the background of inane, vomit-inducing crap music and, if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, weather to freeze your butts off (or, down here, scorching heat and dripping humidity) into the bargain. wtf is there NOT to be depressed about.

Thank the gods it's all over for another 10 months or so, until the retail industry decides to saturation-bomb us with it again.

I note that there are now easter eggs in all the stores...
Finds an only English version as has never seen the entire movie then wipes tears away

That is a lovely song, dear.

And ... that honestly sounds kinda like me too sometimes. I was the eldest of two. I can't say my brother was completely carefree but to some degrees. He's definitely favored though even though my parents will never admit it. And they've both - my mom more but still - done their share of guilt trips upon me too. I've also kinda grown apart from my brother which really saddens the hell outta me. We used to be close but everyone over-reacted the second I met Veinexes. And it's ... pathetic. One would think you'd be happy for your child finding someone they love, right? Nope. I got nothing but a world of hell for it.

I'm only moving near them because my kid's with them. If it weren't for that .... I'd never bother. But there'd be no way she'd ever begin to be happy here and I can't blame her. Besides, I'm not going to make her suffer. No. I'm definitely not going to repeat half the crap my own parents made me go through.

Sniffles, hugs

Just keep hanging in there. If you're not completely well, hope you get better soon. I'm always keeping you in my thoughts as are others clearly. Things will, as the song goes, get "Better In Time"

Sneaks in another hug while still smiling

Take care.


The past week hasn't been the best to you, has it? I'm sorry hun. Hope it starts to get more decent.

P.S. You got me hooked to that theme song of yours now ... so I finally downloaded it onto my laptop. I blame you =P
If I'm being impertinent please let me know but I felt compelled to offer this to you:
I'm not broken

I know that we're not close friends nor do we know each other all that well but please take some of the same comfort that you gave me; here on BMR, the place you reign over, you are never alone sweetie.

“She had power
over the most magnificent
forces on Earth, but she still
didn’t feel like she had power
over the most important thing
of all—her own heart.”

― Josephine Angelini

It will be .. just never as quickly as we wish for things to look better. Few times does it ever go according to any sort of schedule we want it to. Damn the thing known as life.

Small smile

Personally, I think the gesture's appreciated, Dogged. I know I'd like it if I needed some form of comfort. Not that Veinexes can't offer that but sometimes it is nice to have outside sources.

And don't fret on the post, Angel dear. Just get to it when you can and have the best inspiration. No sense in doing so now when all these things are pestering you. You're a damn good writer and I wouldn't wanna see something as petty and annoying as real life bring your abilities down.

That's one reason I sometimes take a few days off, to know I can give a better and detailed reply than usual.

Tilts head as wipes sleep away from eyes

.... Did you get any sleep? I know for sure you were up by 2-3ish when me and Vein fell asleep.

I'm some freak who can function on as little as 30 minutes so I have my excuse ...

But ... hm. Some alone time should - if nothing else - help massively out.

And how are you not used to being spoiled? You definitely deserve it. I may not know you personally but for here, you do so much. And I'm pretty sure it definitely applies to your behind-the-screen life.

Hands some coffee/juice towards you

Yeah, sounds like you're in that 'taking it easy' stage of sorts to deal with all that's bothering you. And the best advice for that is to not rush it. So take as long as you need in your corner of sorts.

Small smile

It really is ironic how many people I can meet online who sound even a bit like me if not very much so. If I didn't know better, I'd swear I found another older sister. I know that's not true because I've met my biological family and they aren't nearly as cool as anyone here. But I still consider some people siblings .. just not by blood.

That being said, if you'd want the favor returned, I'd be honored to see you as a sister of sorts. It's an offer and something to think of. I know not everyone is comfortable with those types of things .. and it's more than understandable. Just being able to help with advice and all is more than fine with me.

And before I stop this entry, I'll repeat some words from Elsa herself.

"The past is in the past ... "

Maybe that can be something to think of during your alone time? It's definitely been helping me, especially with conflicts.

Just keep taking care of yourself, regardless. I really do hope things will look up for you. Or rather, I hope they'll do so sooner as opposed to later. They always do; just never when we want like I said in the last post.

..... 4 hours and I feel smarter than I ever have? Eesh who knew? xD Not me.

Anyways ...

Bows head and smiles

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