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Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Well, that's why you got someone like me who'll watch your back and help you out when you need the strength. Love you, honey. <3
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Well, that's why you got someone like me who'll watch your back and help you out when you need the strength. Love you, honey. <3

She said a strong personality, not a psychotic one! *kidding, kidding*

You also have me DA...though admittedly Hahvy is cuter....not that its relevant or anything...just saying.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Sometimes it's good to not get it....seriously.

Aww, an epic day in your life. Going will definitely be good for his social development as well as help him develop the skills he'll need when he enters public school but it doesn't make it any easier to accept. Spend your time with your daughter, enjoy that extra bit of freedom you get now that you only watch one instead of two, and when he gets home from school, spend as much time with him as he'll allow. Everyone will adjust in time.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Don't be too surprised that he shared the events of his day with you. Think about it....all he's ever known is the house, time with you and whatever you did with him, but now for the first time (not counting family visits, etc) he got to do something all by himself. Although he's young, that sense of adventure and independence is still there and no doubt it was wonderful for him.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That is so cute. <3 At least your daughter didn't react like I did since I was a bit older than her when my brother went to preschool/kindergarten. I cried and was inconsolable.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.


I'm always here if you'd like to talk. I have a suggestion re: the changes you want to make in yourself but you haven't asked for feedback so I didn't want to toss it out there. PM if you want it :)
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