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Consequence Of Choice (Nekrosilisk88 & darkangel76)

Asrath felt her grip tighten on her arm. He could understand her being so nervous. He wasn't particularly fond of large crowds either. "Ok folks that's enough for now. You can talk to her in the morning. We've had a rough couple days, and she needs some rest." The crowd parted for them and he led her to the inn.

Once inside, he set her down in a chair, and walked up to the counter. "Need a room with two beds." The innkeeper looked at him, and then at Elena.

"I'm sorry sir, but we only have one room left, and it only has one bed. I'm sure one of the villagers would be willing to shelter the priestess for the night."

Asrath shook his head, and put the money on the counter. "The room you've got'll have to do. I'm guarding her,so whatever room she's in I'm in." The innkeeper seemed hesitant before Asrath started drumming his fingers. He quickly handed over the room key. "Come on Elana, let's go." He led her up to the room and unlocked the door.
Elana was grateful when the crowd parted and she and Asrath entered the inn. She sat down while Asrath went over to the innkeeper to make the necessary arrangements. She saw the two men exchange words, but she couldn’t hear what either of them were saying. The noise of the people bustling about drowned everything out. Though she could see that Asrath looked somewhat annoyed when he finally received the key that was more than likely to their room.

Asrath then led Elana up the stairs and to their room. It was late, she was hungry, tired and completely overwhelmed. She had no idea that so many people would gather around to see someone such as herself. Who was she? She wasn’t anything special. She wasn’t even a fully ordained priestess yet. It totally took her off guard. She was glad that Asrath was able to get her away from everyone. Even if only for the night. Any time away from the crowd was something to be appreciated as far as she was concerned.

When they reached the top of the stairs, they walked down a short hallway. Asrath stopped suddenly and unlocked a tiny door, gesturing that Elana enter the room behind it. Smiling, she did so willingly.

Elana quickly glanced about the room. It was small, but clean. There was one window, a small table with a pitcher and basin on it and another table with a lantern giving the room a soft and cozy glow. But, there was only one bed. She felt her breath catch and her cheeks redden when she realized her and Asrath’s predicament.

Looking over at Asrath, she spoke softly, “If you’d like, I can stay elsewhere. I’m sure one of the townspeople will put me up for the night.” She didn’t want to burden the man any more than she already had. And she was fairly certain that this was why he looked annoyed when talking to the innkeeper downstairs. “I’ve brought you nothing but trouble since the day you met me,” she added, finding it far easier to look at the floor than into Asrath’s eyes.
Asrath looked at her curiously. "Unfortunately that won't work. You hired to me to see that you get to Seras Safely. I can't protect you if you're some where else. The innkeeper suggested something similar by the way. Is there something in order against men?" He found this curious. He'd never heard much about the local faith, but he couldn't imagine anything that would create this kind of problem.

He shut the door behind them, and locked it. He hung up his cloak and sword. She could now see the harness he had on across his chest. There were two sheaths for the daggers held securely against his sides at chest height. No wonder he could draw the blades so quickly. He undid the clasp, and shuffled out of the harness. He hung it up on his sword.

He then collapsed against the door. She'd said she'd been nothing but trouble, that wasn't exactly the case, it was more an issue of she kept hitting him where it hurt. He pulled off his leather gauntlets. For the first time she could see his hands, and the markings on them. On the right was a tattoo of steel plate down the hand as though he were wearing a gauntlet, with light radiating from it. A similar mark was on his left hand, though this was black as sin, and seemed to have blood dripping down it.
Elana looked up from the floor and back into Asrath’s eyes. “No. There’s nothing against men as far as I know. Men and women honor Girio equally. And we have both men and women who serve him as his priests and priestesses.” She paused a moment, her skin suddenly feeling very hot. “But…” her voice trailed. She could feel her cheeks redden again. “But priestesses. We’re not allowed, at least we’re not supposed to… What I mean to say is, we…” she just couldn’t find the appropriate words. Words that she was told she must live by, though she knew in her heart of hearts she did not want to follow for the rest of her life.

Pausing, trying to find her voice, Elana watched Asrath remove his cloak and sword, revealing a harness he wore underneath it. He then took off the harness and hung it up. She saw two daggers secured on it. Tilting her head a little, she smiled as she watched him. Something about him mesmerized her and that made it only more difficult for her to speak.

Suddenly, Asrath leaned against the door and removed his gauntlets. He looked a bit tired and Elana suddenly wondered what he was thinking. His expression had turned so serious all of a sudden. The sight of the change made her heart stop.

As Asrath took off the gauntlets, Elana noticed that his hands were tattooed. They looked to be the same on each hand, save the colorations. She wondered if these had something to do with his faith. They were curiously beautiful, so she walked over to him and took one of his hands in her own so that she could look at the markings better.

Forgetting about what she’d been trying to say earlier about her order and men, Elana just looked into Asrath’s eyes and smiled. “These are beautiful. What do they mean?” she asked as she took his other hand and then looked at it. “Do these have something to do with your faith as well?”
Asrath looked at her somewhat bemused as she struggled to be genteel about saying what the problem was. He'd already gotten the picture, but before he could clarify it for her, she noticed his hands. He pulled the sleeve of his shirt up so she could see the pattern went all the way up to his elbows. "More markings of my position, and reminders of the path i follow. The right hand is the warrior, the left is the tyrant."

He looked in her eyes. "Anyway so what you were saying is that you can't fuck anybody." Crude, and vulgar perhaps, but it was the way he was. "What if you want kids?"
Elana let go of Asrath’s hands at his crude statement, her eyes glued to the floor. Again her skin felt hot, her cheeks red. She wanted to run away and hide.

“What if you want kids?” Asrath asked further.

Elana looked up just then, her eyes suddenly becoming wet. She felt something deep inside just then. Something painful. She had all she could do to hold her composure, to keep from fainting.

“What does it matter what I want,” Elana said, her voice a mere whisper. “It never has.” Just then a tear fell from one of her eyes. Quickly, she wiped it away and turned toward the door. She just couldn’t face him any longer.

Suddenly Elana felt a weight on her heart that was far heavier than anything she’d ever experienced. It hurt. She needed air. Quickly, her body shaking, she headed toward the door and opened it. Maybe, she thought, she’d feel better if she went downstairs and got something to eat.
Asrath grabbed her arm firmly before she could leave. "Elana, running isn't going to solve anything. I know I've been there." If she pulled away from him, he wasn't going to force her to stay with him. "And much as I'd like to say turnabout's fair play since this is basically what you've been doing to me since we met, I don't like hurting people. Please will you sit down so we can talk about this?"
Elana felt her heart stop as Asrath grabbed a hold of her arm. She hadn’t expected him to stop her. Though strangely, she founder herself glad he did.

“Elana, running isn’t going to solve anything. I know I’ve been there,” Asrath said, his voice calm.

Elana turned to look at Asrath, her gray eyes wide and wet with unshed tears.

“As much as I’d like to say turnabout’s fair play since this is basically what you’ve been doing to me since we met, I don’t like hurting poeople,” Asrath said further. His expression was serious and there was something about his eyes that made Elana believe him. “Please will you sit down so we can talk about this?”

Elana looked down at the floor and then at Asrath’s hand, which still gripped her arm. She twisted herself around so that she faced him rather than the open doorway. Hesitantly, she looked up into his eyes once more. She wondered what he saw when he looked into them.

Nodding, Elana said, “All right. We can talk.” Her voice was so soft as she spoke. But she feared if she talked any louder, it might falter, make her look weaker and more foolish than she already did.

Asrath’s grip on Elana’s arm loosened, so she slowly walked over to the bed and sat down on its edge, waiting for their discussion to begin.
Asrath closed the door again. He looked at her, she was distressed, and no wonder. She'd never had to think about a damn thing in her life, and now here she was, and everything about him was forcing her to question everything she knew. Whenever he asked her a question it was like taking a sledge hammer to her foundation.

"Elana when you started down this path, how many chances did you have to change your mind and back away? The reason I'm asking is that decisions like this are not lightly made. I had no less than four chances myself that I can recall to back away from my path, and they were spread out over the course of several years."
Elana sat on the edge of the bed as Asrath shut the door behind himself. He stood there and looked at her for a moment. She couldn’t quite read his expression and wondered just what he might be thinking. She figured he probably thought her silly and foolish. A typical female. The idea of that bothered her.

“Elana when you started down this path, how many chances did you have to change your mind and back away?” Asrath suddenly asked.

Blinking, Elana’s eyes widened. His question wasn’t something she expected, though she knew the answer. One. When she turned 16 she’d been given the choice to stay within the walls of the temple or leave. With no family or friends on the outside and the knowledge that her parents had wanted her to serve their god as a priestess, her choice had already been made. She gave it no further thought. Not that she’d be given the opportunity to mull over her decision or a chance later on to decide whether or not she needed to leave the order.

Elana bit down on her lip as realization hit her. Hard. She remembered her 16th birthday well. The woman who would later become her mentor approached her and told her that a special choice was now set before her. That she now had the choice to either stay or leave. But she’d stressed that she hoped Elana would choose to stay. Elana also remembered that night well. It was the only night while within the temple she actually cried. Really cried. She knew in her heart what she wanted, but she couldn’t let her parents down. And the way her mentor had told her that they’d like for her to stay. She felt like she couldn’t turn them away. After all the sacrifice she went through during puberty, when she’d been told that she was above such things, that she was a chosen servant. She had felt that if she gave in to that desire, that want, she’d be considered weak, a disappointment. So indeed, her choice had been made. But it wasn’t her choice. It was everyone else’s. And she’d had a single night to come up with her decision.

Asrath continued to speak, interrupted Elana’s thoughts about her past. “The reason I'm asking is that decisions like this are not lightly made. I had no less than four chances myself that I can recall to back away from my path, and they were spread out over the course of several years.”

Elana closed her eyes. She could feel the tears threatening to spill, so she kept them closed for several moments. When she opened then, Asrath was still looking at her, waiting for her to say something. She was astounded that his faith allowed him so many chances and that it gave him time to really reflect and ponder over what he should do. She wondered why her own did not. So many questions ran through her mind, so many doubts. Did she make the right choice? She was beginning to think that she did not.

Sighing shakily, Elana clasped her hands together to hide the fact that they were shaking so much. “One,” she answered. She looked up at Asrath, eyes wide. “Just one. I was sixteen.”
Asrath sighed and pinched his brow. No wonder she was so lost and confused. How her faith expected a sixteen year old to make that kind of decision was beyond his comprehension. His final chance was when he was twenty, almost four years ago now. So many chances, and alot of lecturing about what his duty entailed. Even after he'd been sent out to kill his predecessor he'd been give another chance to step down.

He walked over to her, and placed his hands on her shoulders. "This is really rough for you isn't it? You've never had to think much before I'm guessing. I know this is going to sound harsh, but this is the way the world is. You can't just stagger around in the dark your whole life, you need to figure out who you are, and what it is you want."

He stood up. "Honestly your doing about the same thing to me. I haven't thought about much in too damn long. I just blindly followed the path I was on, to whatever its end was."
Elana bit down on her lip as Asrath spoke to her. His words harsh, but said with a kindness she didn’t expect. It was nice. She liked his candidness and she liked even more that he was saying it out of concern and not just to spite her.

“Am I?” Elana asked, sniffling a little. “I’m sorry.” She paused a moment. “I honestly don’t know what to feel any more.” She brought her hand up to her face and wiped at her eyes again. “I hope I get things figured out before we reach Seras…” her voice trailed.

Elana’s mind reeled. She thought about what her own needs and desires were, what she wanted out of life. Deep down she knew, but to admit it out loud? And what did it matter anyway. More than likely she’d have to be killed in Seras since she didn’t think the priests of her order would actually pay the money owed to Asrath anyway. Her life was a mess, a waste. For so long she’d tried to please others, while shoving aside everything she needed. And even in that she was proving to be a failure. She was a failure at being herself and she was a failure at being a Girion Priestess.

“What does it matter who I am anyway?” Elana suddenly said. “I’m a failure regardless. I may as well be cast out into the streets. Seems that’s all I’m good for anyway.”

Elana stood up and walked over to the window and looked down into the square of the village. It was bustling with night life and she could see that many were still lingering. Wanting to see the priestess staying at the inn. She winced at the thought of it all. She didn’t want anyone to see her. A failed priestess of the Girion Order.
Asrath's eyes narrowed when she spoke of being nothing more than a failure. His hand came up along the backside of her head, hard enough to jolt her forward. He knew exactly waht that kind of self defeating talk did to people.

"Enough! You are not a failure, your just learning. You've been sheltered you entire life and now you have to go through the school of hard knocks to learn what your elders wouldn't teach you. And stop apologizing for everything. It's a sign of weakness. You travel with me, you straighten up. If it don't kill you, its just makes you stronger."

His eyes were still cold as they'd ever been, but they were lit by a passion that was almost incomprehsible. "Now you have to make a choice. What are you going to do? Are you going to keep moping about like this, or are you going to do something?"
“Ouch,” Elana whimpered as Asrath struck the back of her head. She brought her hand up to it and rubbed it.

Elana scowled just then, her own eyes narrowing as she turned around to face Asrath. “The first thing I’m going to do, Asrath, is tell you not to do that ever again!” She thumped her pointer finger against his chest, not even caring if she was invading his space or not.

Frustrated, Elana stepped around Asrath. Her eyes were wild with a fury she didn’t even know she’d harbored inside. She began to pace the room, chuckling nervously to herself as she did so.

“And easy for you to say. You’ve been able to make your own choices without having to worry whether or not you were letting someone down.” Elana continued pacing and then suddenly stopped when neared one of the walls. “And I know what I want, damn it!” she suddenly shouted, her fist slamming against the wall. “I’ve always known!”

Elana felt her stomach tie up into knots. She couldn’t say it out loud, but she wanted to. But such an admission would ban her from her order. The only life she knew. But the closer she got to Seras, to becoming a fully ordained priestess, the more that succumbing to such a life frightened her.

Looking over at Asrath, Elana felt her blood boiling, her heart racing. “I do have a mind of my own, you know,” she added, her voice a slight bit more calm. “A heart. A soul.” Again she paused. “I’ve always known.”
Asrath leaned back against a wall as she paced through the room. He listened to her rant, and then burst out laughing. "You honestly think that's true girl? That I don't have to worry about what others think. Need i remind you how I finally got this position? If the priest think I've fallen, I'm good as dead. Believe me I've more problems in that regard than you. And I wonder every day what my parents would think. What would my father say if i discovered him one day, how does my mother feel about the path I walk. Everyone worries about what others think. The difference is I don't let it rule my life."

I do have a mind of my own, you know,” she added, her voice a slight bit more calm, though it was still a bit snappy. “A heart. A soul.”

He smiled when she said that. "Glad you're see your finally acting like it, instead of a whimpering little brat. Amazing what a little physical provocation does to someone isn't it. As for not doing it again, that will depend on you. Start acting like you were a minute ago, and you get smacked upside the head. Keep acting like a normal human being, and I won't have any reason too."
Elana narrowed her eyes once again. Asrath was getting under her skin and what was more, he seemed to realize this. And he seemed to enjoy it. She walked up to him again and looked into his eyes, trying her best to stay calm.

“A brat?” Elana shrieked. “And pardon me for trying to deal with so much in so short a time! Everything’s turned upside down for me since I’ve met you! Everything!”

Elana was fuming. Never had she ever been so riled up before. Asrath’s words and his strike against her head had just put her over the edge. She couldn’t contain her emotions any longer.

“And for your information, I’m quite the normal human being! Far more normal than you even!” Elana didn’t know or understand what was coming over her. She was feeling so many things all at once that it was overwhelming, almost confusing. Everything inside her was blending together.

Asrath just smiled at Elana, which only aggravated her further. Suddenly, without even realizing it, she raised her own hand and went to strike him on the side of the head.
Asrath caught her hand as she tried to strike him. "Yes, and now you're acting like it is my point. You can't help people by hiding in a shell." Bit of an ironic statement coming from him, considering his usual demeanor. "Now that we've gotten the clam to open up a bit, what is it you want? Whatever it is has to be a real grain of sand if its causing this kind of reaction."

He forced her to lower her hand. "Just take a few deep breaths and calm down so you can talk reasonably again." His voice was gentle, and that smile, irritating as it was didn't seem to be going anywhere.
Elana looked away from Asrath. She just couldn’t look into his eyes any longer. It made her feel unsettled. How could he do this to her? Why would he? She shook her head a little as she thought about what she wanted from life. It was simple really. So very basic. She wanted what her family, the one she’d never known, had. To know what it was like to love another, be loved in return. To love someone so much that they’d eventually have a family together, just a simple life free from bonds that held you back. But such a life was impossible within the order. It wasn’t what her parents had wanted for her, wasn’t what her mentor currently wanted for her. Though it was something she knew she wanted ever since she was young, had gone through her own transition from being a girl to being a woman. She’d tried to push it away, through reflection, self-meditation, positivity. But it was getting harder and harder for her to accept this sacrifice as time passed. And now that she was traveling to Seras to seal her fate, the turmoil she felt within was even worse. Asrath had brought these feelings of hers to the surface. She truly felt torn in two.

Biting down on her lip, Elana found the courage to look back into Asrath’s eyes. “Why are you doing this?” she whispered. “They’ll ban me from my order… my mentor…” her voice trailed.

Elana realized that once again she was focusing on what others wanted and not what she did. Asrath just continued to smile at her, as if he knew he was getting to her. But there was a gentleness about his eyes now, as if he also understood her internal conflicts. It was unnerving, yet she found herself slightly mesmerized.

Taking a deep breath, Elana finally spoke, “I… I just want to be loved. And not by people such as my sisters.”

Elana closed her eyes as she said it aloud. Such a statement meant the end of her life as she knew it.

Opening her eyes, Elana looked away from Asrath again. “I want to find someone who will love me unconditionally, that I can love unconditionally in return.” A tear escaped one of her eyes so she brought her hand up to wipe it away.

Asrath let go of Elana’s hand, the one that had tried to strike him. Not knowing what else to do, she brought both of her hands up to her face and buried it within them. She let her tears fall as the fact that she’d finally said out loud that which she’d been feeling for many years sunk in.

“I can’t go back to them,” Elana said through her tears as she leaned herself forward and against Asrath’s chest. “I can’t.”
Wrapped his arms around her as she leaned into him. He could almost understand that pain. She wanted her own family. No wonder it hurt her so much when he asked about kids. Her order forbade it. He wasn't forbidden from it, but it was strongly discouraged. If he ever wanted his family, he had to justify it before the head of his faith.

He'd never stopped to think about it before, there had never been anyone he'd found interest in. Now here he was with this priestess on his chest, and she was making seriously think about the suicidal course he'd set himself on. Sure he wasn't going to kill himself, but he knew that sooner or later, someone would cut him down.

Now he had this young and attractive woman in his arms, one who was like him in so many regards. She'd walled herself in, and focused only on her duty, and now that she was outside where those walls had been built they were coming down around her. He'd built his walls as well, and yet this woman was able to bring them down with just a brush of her hand.

He wasn't sure what came over his just then, but he placed a hand under her chin, and raised her face. He stared into her gray eyes for a moment, and then leaned down, and touched his lips to hers.
Elana cried against Asrath as he brought his arms around her in a soothing embrace. The feel of his arms around her body gave her great comfort, made her feel warm, safe. As if everything around her would somehow be all right in the end even if it couldn’t be. The funny thing was however, she found herself truly believing that it could be the longer he held her. Being in his arms, she felt like all was right with the world despite the chaos that was occurring around her. Chaos that was tearing the walls of the world she’d known down in great swipes. Suddenly, she felt his hand touch her face. She leaned into his hand a little, letting him raise her face so that she no choice but to look into his eyes.

As Elana looked into Asrath’s emerald-colored eyes, she felt her breath catch. There was something there that she hadn’t seen before, something that had been hidden from her until this moment. It was as if he was letting her peer into his soul for the very first time, letting her see the man he was behind the icy walls. Swallowing, she felt herself tremble slightly, her heart beginning to thump in her chest.

Asrath leaned down slowly causing Elana to gasp until finally his lips met her own. The jolt that went through her body as their lips made contact was intense beyond belief. It was as if something that had been forced to be dormant for so long was finally awoken, allowed to be free from its chains, to thrive, to live. She kissed him back furiously, her arms instinctually moving upward so that they wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. She ran her fingers through his long sandy hair, her mouth moving with his. Her entire body ignited, making her feel more alive than she had her entire life. Such overwhelming sensations coursed through her, such beauty. It was as if she’d found heaven. And that all that mattered any more were she and Asrath.
Asrath reached for the door, and fumbled for the lock to make sure it was latched. He could feel the passion in her rising to the surface. Her hands ran through his hair, and he pulled her body close to him. His hand reached up into her black hair. It was soft, and felt smoot as silk against his rough hands.

His body felt like it was on fire. He'd been with women before, but none of them had been able to make him burn like this. He broke from their kiss, breathing heavily, trying to get air back into his lungs. His shirt was getting too hot, and he pulled it off over his his head, discarding it to the floor, before pulling her to him once more, and locking his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, licking the back of her teeth. He didn't want to give her a chance to examine the markings on his chest, and break the moment.
Elana felt Asrath pull her close, his body now pressing tightly against her own. And it was the sweetest thing she’d ever felt. She wanted more, so much more. She kissed him like she thought he’d disappear into the mists, so passionately as if in a frenzy, her hands tangled in his hair. She heard him fumble with the lock on the door, but paid it no mind. Instead, she focused on how he made her body feel. It was wonderful, as if it had been set ablaze.

Elana felt a sense of loss when Asrath suddenly pulled away from her breaking their heated kiss. Whimpering a little, she nipped at his jaw, her arms still around him. She then realized he was taking his shirt off and gave him the bit of space he needed to remove the article of clothing. Breathing heavily, she felt her entire body anticipate the feel of his lips, his skin against her own once more.

As soon as Asrath’s shirt was off, he tossed it on the floor, pulling Elana close once again. He kissed her more forcefully this time, more passionately than before. And she welcomed it. She let his tongue invade her mouth, allowed it to explore every inch of it. After several moments, she felt a boldness rising within her and she slipped her own tongue between his lips, tasting him more deeply. Her entire body felt hot, flushed. And it wanted to get closer to him, much closer.

Small gasps escaped Elana’s lips as she felt her body react to Asrath’s touches. She brought one of her hands down to caress his back. His skin felt so nice against her fingertips. She could feel his scars along with the smoothness of the areas where his skin had not been marred. It was all so overwhelming.

Arching into Asrath’s body, Elana heard herself moaning, aching for him to touch her more, to get closer to her any way he could. The heat she felt rising within her core was reaching unbearable levels. She wanted Asrath, needed him. No one else mattered in that moment. Just him.
Asrath broke from her lips and began kissing down her neck. His hands traced her figure feeling her curves and figure under her clothing. As his hands reached her neck, he began to remove her garments. As more of her skin became became revealed, his lips made a paths slowly and sensuously down to her chest. He let her robes hang at her hips, leaving her nether regions hidden.

He could feel her soft smooth hands on his back as he kissed her body. The soft touch accompanied by her intoxicating scent was causing him to become aroused. He ran his rough hands along her back, tracing her spine with his fingers, while his lips worked towards her breasts, as he neared her nipples he stopped kissing , and began licking the areola of her left breast.

He was enjoying exploring her body as she explored his. As she arced into him, she'd be able to feel the bulge in his pants, telling her he wanted more. His right hand moved up to her right breast massaging it gently, occasionally brushing across the nipple.
Elana let out small gasps and whimpers as Asrath lavished his attention to her aching and wanting body. The feel of his hands caressing her back, her breasts. The feel of his lips. Her senses were reeling, making her head spin. Never had she felt such pleasure before. And she was glad that it was Asrath who was making her feel this way, making her body react as it was.

Elana clutched Asrath’s shoulder with one of her hands, her body on fire, enjoying the feel of his skin against her own. She threw her head back and let out a moan. Against her hip she could feel his arousal, his want for her. It only made her ache more. She could feel a wetness pooling between her legs, her nipples hardening, begging for more of his attention.

Her knees wobbling, Elana felt her body going limp, molding to Asrath’s form. The aching heat she felt between her legs was driving her insane. She gently scratched her nails along his back until they were at his waist. She then played with the rim of his pants, sliding her fingers underneath the material just a little bit, pushing him closer still. She felt her legs spread a little instinctually, which made her become very aware of just how wet she’d become. She wondered if he noticed.

More whimpers escaped Elana’s lips as she tried to press Asrath closer to her body, her fingers and hands pushing further under the material of his pants.

“Asrath,” Elana panted as her hips began to move a little on their own. Her eyes rolled back as she closed them, letting Asrath do to her body whatever he pleased. She wanted to please him, she wanted to give him everything.
As her body went limp, Asrath caught her. He could feel her hand under his pants, hanging onto his rear. He carried her to the bed as he worked his belt buckle loose. As he laid her down on the bed, his pants fell to his knees, revealing his well endowed erection. Moisture glistened at the tip as he readied himself to enter her.

He traced his hands gently down her breasts and torso, pausing for a moment at her hips, catching her garments, and sliding them down, revealing her damp sex. At the sight of her, he became even harder, enough that it was starting to hurt. He placed his engorged member against her lower lips.

He leaned over her, and looked deeply into her eyes. "This will hurt a bit, especially since I'm a bit larger than most men." He pushed gently against her sex, but didn't enter, not until she told him it was alright.
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