StarCraft: Raiders Roll (Jaqueline X Jugger)


Dec 23, 2010
With the Queen of Blades pacified, The Terran Dominion finally takes a hold of the Zerg Planet, Char. The Brood Mothers fall to infighting for control of the swarm and the Protoss recede, as with no leader they view no threat from The Zerg. Jim Raynor and the primary group of his Rebel Forces go into hiding with Crown Prince Valarian with the now human Sarah Kerrigan.

The bulk of the Raynor's troops leave Char and take up station at Mar Sara...​

"Be sure to keep an eye out, I don't think the Dominion will try anything right now, since we just saved their hides. So keep a respectful distance and everything should go over nicely." Matt Horner said into the vid comm. The Commander nodded, ended transmission and issued orders to everyone. A prime directive of R&R was given out, time to kick back and lay low until Jimmy comes back.

"Woohoo!" Maurry cried and chugged a beer then slammed it on the bar, "That's what I'm talkin' about! Gave those Zerg suckers a sucker punch they ain't gonna fergit!"
Chandra lit herself a celebratory cigar, sitting next to her friend Maurry. She took a deep breath and let the smoke out through her nose, "So, what should we do with our first day off?" She asked.
Maurry shrugged with a grin, "I dunno!"
"Yeah, that sounds good." Chandra reclined on her stool, putting her elbows behind her onto the bar.
(Hey, while looking up Fanmade Starcraft characters, I found a pic for a medic if you want to use it. Also, Nathan is my avatar. This is his armor. He's my marine character. Also, I'm making Darian into a Reaper rather than a Spectre.)

"Alright alright. Settle down." Nathan said as he approached the group in the bar. He grinned as he took a seat at the opposite side of the table, propping his legs up and taking a cold beer from the ice chest nearby that their Special Forces Unit was allowed to have. They were one of the elites of Raynor's Raiders. They were Wolfgang; well known and very feared even by their own comrades at arms. Nathan was their leader, but he was no square. "No need to get too excited. We wait till were drunk off of our asses for that!" And with that...he downed the beer before tossing the glass aside, causing it to shatter against the wall. He laughed as he took another one out and took in the scent of Maurry's cigar, not minding it but feeling awkward without it. He was just so used to her and her smoking that air felt awkward without it. "We leave for Mar Sara in two days so lets enjoy ourselves until then. Thats an order. Anyone know where the other two are? Darian must be off somewhere but where is newbie?"
((Chandra's Cigar. Maurry is the one drinking.))

"Two days huh?" Chandra breathed, "Where we headed?"
"New girl? I told her we're meeting in the bar, I'm sure she'll be around soon enough." Maurry nodded. Pushing through the door suddenly was a flustered blonde.
"Here she is now." Chandra pointed out. Maurry waved excitedly,
"Hey Justine! Let me get you a beer!" She beamed. Julie shook her head, red in the face from running here and embarrassed she was late,
"Thanks, but, no thank you." She said and took her seat. Justine was a new recruit, joining after hearing the Raider's 'Special Broadcast' on Emperor Mengsk. She had yet to see action and felt very out of her element on a spaceship.
(Woops my bad. lol. And can you use a different name than Justine...? My real life name is Justin so its a bit awkward lol)

"Good...Everyone is here except for Darian. Where is he?" Nathan murmured as he took out his com link to see if Darian was within a signal to call, but it seemed he was off of the ship. "Where the hell could he have gone...Maybe Raynor sent him somewhere without my notice. Again." He murmured in annoyance as he pocketed the com link once more and looked to them. "Anyway. He's probably gone to Mar Sara early. Darian never was one to stay in the ship if there was a mission to be had. Something to do with the Zerg. Don't bring it up, alright Newbie? He's lost some good men when he was the leader of Zeta Squad on Auir." Nathan stretched some more and looked to the others. "Lets see...Newbie was the last one here so she'll have to pay for the drinks." He said with a grin and moved over to pat her on the head. "Drinks all around on Newbie's tab! For everyone!" Nathan loved to tease the new people to Wolfgang squad. Maurry was the newest before she came along so Maurry knew what it was like especially. "Anyway. Drink to your hearts content and get some rest. I need to go talk to Raynor concerning the mission. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my chambers at 1600. Dismissed." He said before turning to leave out of the bar to go and speak to Raynor concerning the mission...and to figure out what he decided to do with Darian without his notice.
"Awyeah! Hook me up with sommuh-dat booze!" Maurry pounded the table. Chandra chuckled, content to smoke. Julie shrunk in her seat and nodded, getting ready to shell out some serious cash for her teammates.

-Incoming Transmission from Jackson's Revenge-
"This is Jimmy. Who'm I talkin' to?" Raynor asked, taking his feet off the desk and moving closer to the monitor, "There a problem, Nathan?" He asked, pouring himself some scotch.
"Dammit Jim. What'd you do with Darian? Don't tell me you sent him to Mar Sara two days early without his squad!" Nathan said as he held his head up with an arm propped up. He glared at Raynor and soon sighed. "Look. I don't mind you sending my soldiers out to outposts if you REALLY need to, Jim. But what I find annoying as hell is when you send them there without telling me you've done so. Darian was supposed to have this time off. Don't you know what tomorrow is? It'll be two years since the Auir massacre. Darian needs rest, not work, Jim. Especially now of all times." He sighed and rubbed his temples. "How many other soldiers are on the Mar Sara outpost, so I know my boy is well protected with other soldiers."
"I think you really ought to check your attitude, Nathan." James took a swing of his scotch and began pouring another, "I'd be a lot quicker to deal harshly to a tone like that if you boys hadn't been sticking with me through some real tough times. Relax, there isn't much more resting your pal could do on the Jackson's than he could do on the surface of Mar Sara. What Zerg are left on the planet since the swarm left it are mindless animals, the base isn't going to be attacked. If you want you can just put him back on the ship, otherwise go down yourself to keep him company."
Jim rolled his shoulders, then set to answering Nathan's question, "Two squads are manning the outpost, along with a black ops working with some professors or something, apparently they have something they want to check out on the planet, otherwise we wouldn't set up an outpost on the damn rock."
"We're there to play baby sitter? Thats the mission? Dammit. I thought this was an extermination mission of the Dominion and the zerg. Fine. Nathan out." He said before cutting the video call. He stood up and balled his hand into a fist in annoyance. Raynor had always took initiative before consulting those affected by it. At least on the Jackson, there was a friendly environment rather than Darian being surrounded by the eggheads and other soldiers that would probably just cause more trouble for him. He left for his chambers and began to write down some memos of Mar Sara and began to research history logs that Raynor kept about his time on Mar Sara and everything that had went on on that planet.
Adjutant Online---Good Morning Nathan.
Mar Sara, processing_Information Available, please select topic of interest.

///Mar Sara+Significant Details
--Confederate Psi Testing
---Sons of Korhal Rescue Mission
Nathan looked at the listings of the Mar Sara details. "Adjutant...Tell me more about the Sons of Korhal Rescue Mission." He request and stood up. He could hear the video message from his entire room given the surround sound. He just needed to walk, rather than sit down while listening. All the while listening to Adjutant begin to speak about Mar Sara, Nathan got to wondering exactly where Raynor's Raiders would be going after all of this was over. Once the zerg and the dominion were gone. He sighed...and once the recording ended, he looked to the computer. "Thats all, Adjutant. Thanks. Call in Maurry...I'm interested in a little company tonight. Ask her if she's interested." With that, he went to his own little minibar and began to pour a shot of vodka before downing it.
Maurry's wrist gave a couple beeps,
-Incoming Transmission from Nathan's Quarters-
Maurry slapped her wrist, "Goosh ahead, Adjutant." She mumbled, peeling her face off the table.
-/Nathan requests you visit him for the night, if you are interested.\-
"Oooooooh!" Maurry laughed, stretching her legs and snagging a half empty beer from the bar, "Booty call!" She shouted and laughed, then coughed. The bar was full of Chandra's smoke now. Julie was covering her nose and mouth, her eyes watering.
"I'm going to turn in, see you guys later!" Julie said and left. Maurry stood and stumbled out, "HeeheeheeHIC!" She rolled her shoulders and got herself oriented, strutting drunkenly to Nathan's quarters. She slammed his door with her fist, "Heeeeey! Pretty boy! Lemme innnnn." She said, leaning herself against the door.
Nathan had been reviewing written documents about Mar Sara and moreover written documents concerning Auir and the slaughter of Darian's platoon from the Protoss and Zerg. Apparently the Protoss assumed that the Terran there were infected due to their heavy contact with Zerg forces. There had been reports that small human colonies on Auir had been infected and turned into creatures similar to the zerg, though unlike the suicide bombers, these used guns or shot out thorn-like projectiles. The protoss slaughtered every Terran on the planet that was near Darian's outpost...Darian was the only survivor and he lost an arm in the process due to a zealot's plasma blade cutting it off. He had to get a robotic replacement in order to stay a soldier in Raynor's Raiders.

Upon hearing the pounding on his door, he put the docs on the desk he was at and moved over to see Chaundra. He opened the door and helped her in, laughing a bit as he saw her condition. "It seems you really took advantage of Julie's tab. You smell heavily of alcohol."
((There are no human colonies on Auir, it is the Protoss Homeworld and just about every inch of it was covered in Protoss city. The Protoss would not have even thought about touching Raynor's Raiders. Raynor is extremely well connected to them and is almost a hero to a lot of them.))

((Chandra is the one smoking, Maurry is the drunk one at the door.))

"Pfff, an you schmell liek...dumb!" Maurry got out cleverly, sauntering in then throwing her arms around Nathan, her legs limp and she hung onto him, "You called to see me?" She asked, waggling her eyebrows.
(So sorry. Its gonna take me a bit to get used to the names lol. And Darian wasn't part of Raynor's Raiders back then. He was drafted after hearing of his feats. I was going to get into it saying that due to his disability, Darian was cast out of the Dominion since he would be nothing more than a meat shield and a waste of food and resources. Raynor's Raiders would have drafted him and fitted him with a mechanical arm that Darian constantly would have tinkered with to make it eventually just as good as if he had a real arm again. The human colonies on Auir was actually a slip up on my part though but I'll fix it through the story as time goes on.)

When he saw the drunked fool come into the room and hang herself on him. He laughed as he held her up and looked her in the eyes. "Yes. I called for you, Maurry. You've been a drunken bad girl and its time for you to be punished for abusing Julie's tab." He said with a grin and moved over to the bed, falling onto it and bringing her down to lay on top of him. The door closed on its own and Nathan looked to Maurry with a grin. "So...What shall we be doing tonight, Maurry? Shall we just rest together or should we get a bit more...intimate." His finger had been playing with the strap of her bra for the past few minutes, but he didn't unhook it.
((The Terran Dominion or the Confderacy of Man have never been to Aiur.))

Maurry pouted, "It's your fault, you're the one who put it on her taaaAAB!" She squealed when he moved her. Her hair fell of his face and she giggled, "How about a game of hide the salami?" She suggested, "I know the perfect place..." She murmured into his ear and moaned encouragingly as he toyed with her bra, "Come on babe, I know what you want."
(This is AU though so there could have been a small splinter faction maybe. Then nevermind I'll change it to a different planet that had both Protoss and Zerg influences. Any planet in particular? I remember several missions where there were Zerg and Protoss involved at the same time but I don't remember what planets they were on. Sorry)

"You know I want it? Do you know just how badly I want it, Country Gal?" He said with a grin as he reached over and dimmed the lights with the dimmer switch. His lips went to her own, kissing her fiercely and passionately as his hands began to remove all articles of clothing that she had wore. First her shirt...Revealing her breasts to the exposure of the air in the room...then he undid her pants and slowly slipped them down as they still laid there. He kept her panties on...Letting her feel his erection through his pants against the fabric of her panties. He grinned and looked down, and started to lightly thrust, letting her feel the side of his shaft rub and push against her panties, teasing her ever so much.
((The invasion of Tarsonis.))

"Eager boy, yer just so darn cute." She giggled. She began sliding down until her breasts were lying on his cock, "Mmm, I think this cow needs milkin'!" She grazed her hands down to his hips, one of them feeling up his balls and with her other hand she put his cock between her breasts.
(Tarsonis it is then. Sorry again. :[ )

"Heh...Then milk away until you get all the milk. Just make sure you don't waste a single drop. It's gonna make you nice and strong, Maurry." He said teasingly. He could feel his cock throb between her breasts, the blood rushing through it made it nice and warm against her bare flesh. His balls were being fondled and it only caused him to enjoy it much more. "Milk me dry, Country Girl."
((No problem! Don't be afraid to use me as an encyclopedia for this stuff.))

She gingerly put her hands on the sides of her boobs and smiled up at him, "Mmmm, sounds good..." She licked her lips and smashed them together around his cock, moving them up and down and squeezing his dick with her milksacks. His cock being nice and long enough she lowered her head and began sucking the tip, swirling her tongue around it and sucking greedily like it was a lollypop.
(K. I'll keep that in mind. :] )

"Good job cowgirl...but lets give you a nice rodeo later...See how long you can last on the bull." He winked to her and watched as she began to start massaging his cock with her breasts. He felt her begin to start sucking on his cock, and licking it in swirls. The sensitive sensation sent chills throughout his body as he sat there, enjoying the treatment she gave him. "Go on and get the easy rub out...Get it wherever you want. On you or in your mouth. Then we'll move onto something much harder...that way I last much longer with you." He put a hand on her head and just left it there, moaning as he felt her continue on with her blowjob and tit fuck combo. He loved doing this with Maurry.
After giving him a nice long work over she dropped her breasts and sunk her mouth onto his dick, deep throating him and holding it there, awaiting his first burst of cum. Like he said, not a single drop is to be wasted. With one hand she continued to play with his balls as she slapped and rubbed her tongue on the underside of his cock, the whole length past her lips.
He felt her take in his entire cock and just kept it there. That took skill, he thought. He felt her tongue continue to pleasure the underside of his cock, and he could feel every piece of skin on his cock being pleasured somehow just from being deepthroated by her. Eventually, he came hard. His seed shot down her throat and he moaned out, not even bothering to pull out once he was done. He was going to let her keep it in his mouth until she was ready to move onto something a bit more...rough.
Once he came she moved her mouth to the tip so she could guzzle his cum properly, taste it roll down her tongue then throat, filling her up with the warm, thick liquid. She popped her mouth off with a satisfied 'ahhh!' Then got up, sliding her panties down, "Mmmmm, come on baby, fuck my ass and fuck it hard!" She demanded, putting her hands up on the opposite wall to brace herself, she wagged her ass at him, waiting for him to get up and take her.
"My oh my...My drunked country girl is quite horny tonight." Nathan said teasingly as he moved over and slapped her ass once, keeping his hand there as he rubbed her asshole with his thumb gently against her ass, letting her feel the sensations before he began to prod her with his erect cock. He grinned, and reached forward, leaning over her to grab her breasts as he slowly pushed his cock deep into her ass. "How does that feel, country girl? A man's cock in your ass again? Ready for the pistons or do you need time to adjust?" His fingers played with her nipples as he waited for an answer. When he'd actually start, he would move so he was holding her hips whilst thrusting his cock deep into her.
Maurry's hands left the wall immediately and the side of her face hit it, her hands going over his, not wanting him to move them from her breasts, "Fuuuuck me noooow!" She moaned, rocking her hips against him, moving his member inside of her.
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