Lovable pokemon~ (ShoXFancy_Brat)

Espeon could tell that he was going to see this little endeavor through, and Umbreon of course would only be there to watch as her sister went through this humiliating ordeal. But, perhaps this wasn't going to waste, as she wouldn't waste her own energy to prepare for her transformation. The other men were still arguing it seemed, and it probably wouldn't be hard to get away from this one when he was exhausted. Espeon grunted a little as he pushed his cock against her muzzle again, the strong scent making her wince. It wasn't anything like Zack's scent, which the two had gotten so used to. Of course, they obviously preferred him when it came to this sort of thing.
"SO SOFT..." he remarked as he breathed heavily. This continued on for yet another minute as he felt his release about to burst. Rubbing against her tiny mouth, and her soft warm body, he was going to make a mess. "Don't hate me for this...!" he suddenly moaned as he climaxed. The Semen was a lot thicker than expected as it covered half her body and carried a STRONG smell. As it oozed out of him, he let out a nice loud moan that caught the attention of the others.

"What the- WHAT ARE YOU-"


The others were dumbfounded by what he was doing. Yes, he was using one of the pokemon for pleasure as he marked them.
Espeon continued to grunt in discomfort with the whole ordeal, occasionally looking to her sister for help. It wasn't like Umbreon could really do anything if she wanted though. She was just going to have to go along with it for now, but at least he was looking ready to blow his load. Espeon squirmed a little as the thick semen coated her body, with Umbreon looking on rather dumbfounded herself. She could hear the other men catching on to this one's odd behavior, but it didn't seem like they were making an effort to stop him. More than likely, this one probably didn't have too much stamina, and with one little surprise, the other men probably wouldn't expect another so soon. Umbreon figured she might as well put her plan into work.

As she shifted to her humanoid form, it of course would cause the box to collapse from her size, and as she had hoped, the rope on her feet had been broken off, though there were a few notable marks on her wrists and ankles respectively. In the process, she made sure to scoop up her sister, not really planning to clean her off just yet. Luckily, she had gotten a good idea of the room's layout when she was getting carried around, so now it was time for them to leave. She had plenty of energy to let loose if she wanted, but she'd rather get out first. She quickly made her way to the door with Espeon under her arm, not planning to give the other men much time to process this.
However, while Umberon moved VERY fast, the body reactions towards what that one grunt was doing naturally made them shift; they moved a bit in place as Umberon CRUSHED into one and tripped over to the other boxes. "GHAH!J@" the reaction was normally. Especially since the room was tight and difficult to move freely. The man who finished releasing his seed did not even notice until after the loud noise. Turning, all saw a large black humanoid creature on the floor along with the Espeon being dropped. While the damage was not as serious, it was still quite the loud impact as various pokeballs came pouring in that corner. Enough to cover that one grunt and just small enough not to spread as Umberon was covered by it as well but only ever so slightly. "GAHH...." he groaned in pain.

"What is THAT???" one pointed at the current form of Umberon.

"I don't know-"

"Is that a pokemon-"

"Of course not! That's a stupid thing to suggest!"
Even with the element of surprise, the men seemed to gain their wits rather quickly, which had got them to act fast to block Umbreon somehow. With her speed, she had managed to knock him aside, though he had tripped her up in the process, making her drop Espeon as she knocked a few boxes over as well. A good number of pokeballs fell over on top of Umbreon, no doubt holding some of the other captured pokemon. It wasn't enough to cover her though, and she was able to stand up soon enough, finding Espeon not too far from where she was. So, that didn't go exactly as Umbreon had planned, but she still was feeling pretty good. With the other men confused about her capabilities, she was sure she could get by them. Her instincts as a pokemon, along with the training she had gone through would prove useful.

She quickly scooped up Espeon again, sizing up the men around. She couldn't tell exactly how good they were at combat, but they didn't look too adept. She waited to see just what they would do, but the rings on her body were glowing to show she was ready to wail on them if necessary.
While the men were dumbfounded before, they did not expect this. "That thing is..."

"A Umberon-"

They looked at each other and then looked at her. Clearly it WAS the Umberon that they were just fighting over.

"Yet it looks human..."

With that, they SLOWLY walked closer to Umberon. As they knew that they were dealing with a pokemon, they were very careful with the approach as they knew that she would attack. However...


The one who was knocked back by her was now getting a turn. While she was ripped, this man still had a good hold on her. "I don't know WHAT you are, but boy do you have QUITE THE BODY-" he growled. Clearly, he was more obsessed with anger given by her impacting his body. While there was pain, he was wanting to make her pay. "You stupid BITCH!" he yelled as he grasped her breasts.
Umbreon still stood ready for whatever these men had for her, and at this point, it would have been nice if Espeon would change soon as well to help. Even if Espeon wasn't the best of hand-to-hand fighters, Zack's training would surely help her too.

Even while they knew that she was in fact the same Umbreon they kidnapped, it didn't seem like they connected that to Espeon just yet. Umbreon shifted a little as the men slowly started to close in on her, and she was more than ready to fight, but she would be surprised by the person behind her starting to stir. It seemed she hadn't really knocked him out like she had hoped, and that had allowed him to try and get back at her for running into him. Before she could move away, he had already reached her, his hands grabbing at her shapely breasts suddenly. Umbreon paused for a while, wondering if he had even intended to do that to her, but she didn't plan to let him do anything. She quickly backed up on him so push him up against the wall. Once she had done that, she went and gave a firm elbow to his gut, hoping that would be enough to take care of him.
"GH!" While he DID felt it, it was not enough to actually to make him release her. In fact, he actually 'pushed' her forward in order to make her fall on her front. With that, he dropped his weight on her to restrain her entirely. Yes, Umberon was strong but living a body was a different story as he kept her down.

"Hold her!"

Two came to help out with restraining her. "WHAT KIND OF POKEMON TRANSFORMS-"

"STOP YELLING..." one said with annoyance. Then, "Clearly these aren't normal pokemon..." he remarked as he looked to the Espeon that looked the same. "It's not unlikely that this one can transform as well...after all, they WERE together when we caught them..."

"Hey you're right..." One said as he appoarched the defensive Pokemon. He managed to grab her in her current form.
Umbreon was surprised that the man was able to hold onto her still, even with how hard she had hit him. He had put out a surprising bit of effort then to push her forward, making her drop Espeon nearby as she was pushed down on the ground. Even with the bit of surprise then, she figured she'd be able to get him off. That idea would be tossed aside as the other men came to get at her, keeping her down for good despite how much she struggled. For now, she eased on her struggling, as she wouldn't want to waste her energy and revert back so soon.

As for Espeon, she knew better than to try and transform now that their little secret was found out. Since she still had her legs tied, she wouldn't have been able to do too much anyway. Since they expected her to be able to transform, she thought it would best to wait on changing.
While Umberon was held down, the one grunt held Espeon who remained strong.

"You can transform can't you?"

No answer.

"Why don't you be a GOOD pokemon and show us that trick like HER?"

No answer.


No answer.

"Aw you're too cute-"

"Would you STOP getting a pokegasm with cuteness?!" One grunt complained. Looking to the Umberon, he realized something. "Hey wait a minute..." he lowered himself near her body and realized something. "If she is human shaped, she IS actually naked no?" he asked smiling. He lifted her tail.

The others were amazed as they realized it too.

"You're right-"

"That looks tasty~"

"I wonder if she's ever fucked a human before..."
Of course, Espeon wouldn't respond to the man's questions, but even if she did, it's not like he could understand her. If anything, she preferred to keep quiet, acting as though she really had no idea what he was talking about. Hopefully, the man would eventually give up and dismiss the topic, but it seemed that he had a bit more to ask her. In any case, she would not give him what he wanted, though she soon found herself nearly being smothered as he intended to give in to how cute she was. Luckily for her, one of the other grunts had stepped in the way, clearly not amused either.

As for Umbreon, she still had plenty of energy to spare, but she was still being held down effectively. She didn't feel any reason to be too threatened, that was until she felt one of them lift up her tail. Her hips were raised a little, and her bare pussy would be on display for them. The man's words were a bit worrying, especially now that everyone else seemed to gain some interest from her humanoid body. Even while they were disgusted b the grunt from before, it seemed that having a humanoid form was more than enough for them to reconsider. "Umbre...Umbreon! (Let me go right now!)" she growled, really wishing she could just knock them all silly right now.
(I dunno. XD In any case, I'm ready to keep this one going, especially with where this has left off...)
Despite her protests, the men continued to pleasure their eyes by exposing her crotch. The one who lifted her tail used his free hand to grasp one of her buns. "Feels nice..." he remarked as he gave a hard smack before grasping it hard again. He rubbed it some more before releasing her tail using both hands this time to hold on to both of her buns. He rubbed them everso aggressively and pulled them apart to expose her.

"Looks tasty..." another said as he came closer. With curiosity, he moved a finger against her currently closed folds. Then, he moved another finger against it and rubbed up and down. Eventually, he even went as far as to dig his fingers into her.

"Hey give me a turn!" one remarked.

"She has another hole..."

"Oh right..." he remarked after remembering that. He moved closer than the other, and lifted her tail to see the tiny hole under it. Without taking his time, he dug two fingers into this hole without holding back. "Feels nice inside..." he remarked as he wiggled around her insides. All in front of her little sister.
Umbreon couldn't believe that they would go this far now knowing of her humanoid form. She had never intended to have any other human aside from Zack that would know about this, and she definitely didn't plan to carry on with the special 'training' with anyone else either. Unless they just grew bored with this or Espeon managed to interfere, than it seemed unavoidable. From the looks of things, Espeon didn't plan to turn into her humanoid form just yet. With them still being suspicious about her being able to turn into one, they might be more prepared to deal with her, especially when they had managed to take down her older sister.

And so, Umbreon would have to endure this, a low growl residing in her throat as the man groped so roughly at her firm rear. The smack caught her by surprise, and he had gotten her to squirm a little from the lingering sensation. Pretty soon, as before, the men were starting to fight over her, but for different reasons.

As one more pushed his fingers against her slit, she gritted her teeth a little, definitely not wanting to give any sounds that she was pleased. It was a hard task, especially with how Zack would treat her before. She grunted a little as he pushed his fingers into her then, making her struggle a little more then, but it wasn't helping her.

Soon, her tail was raised up again to let them access her puckered asshole, and she hissed softly feeling the fingers push into her right away. This was such a humiliating time for her, letting these men that had kidnapped them finger her sex and ass like this.
"You hear that? She's getting angry..." one remarked. The rest suddenly laughed afterwards as they continued to play with her body. The one fingering her ass stopped after a few seconds. "I wonder how she tastes..."

"Hey, she may not be as 'clean' as you think down there..."

"Pfff, come on; EVERY female- whether pokemon or human- keeps their body clean for the males to enjoy..." he remarked as he opened her buns in that area. When her anus was slightly spread, he pressed his mouth towards the soft winkles. She was not wet nor lubed naturally as it was soft and dry. He took pleasure in moisting her anus since he had an anal fetish (like Zack). "She tastes clean to me..."

"Well I want to taste her flower a bit..." the one fingering her remarked. He dug and wiggled some more before becoming pleased with the juices that left her body. He pulled them out and had a quick lick. "Hmmm...not bad...not bad at all..." With that, he moved his fingers again but in a more wild pattern.

The one holding Espeon simply chuckled. "See that? Your friend or 'sister' is having a hell of a time..." he gently poked her stomach. "You can get some of that too if you show us that trick that your sister did..."
And of top of it, they were mocking her! She knew if they weren't holding her down right now, she'd be able to take them all down. It was lucky how the one grunt had managed to keep his hold on her when she transformed. Now that they had started with this, it was clear that they intended to go all the way with this.

Umbreon was a bit annoyed that the man planned to taste her down there, especially with her master being the one so interested in her there. As the man said though, she was in fact clean down there, which he would soon confirm. She was just surprised that they had even thought to go through with this considering she was the first of their kind that they had seen. Since she had the body of a woman, they just couldn't resist, could they? She was also a little annoyed that he would think she was clean just for his pleasure. Her lower cheeks were spread again to give the man access, and upon feeling his tongue there, she let out a soft whine, surprised with how skilled he seemed to be in teasing her there. It didn't help that with the other man fingering her slit, she was getting a little wet.

He had kept going until his fingers were coated with her sweet nectar, and she was just glad he had finally pulled his fingers from her, even if it might not be for long. After he had voiced his pleasure, he had gone right back to fingering her, being a bit rougher and wild though, which got another little gasp from the dark-type.

Of course, Espeon was simply an observer here. Like her sister, she didn't feel any desire to have these men touch her in this manner. She wanted really to change forms and somehow get the both of them out of there, but that was probably what the man wanted from her so they could restrain her already.
Meanwhile, the man who originally 'marked' Espeon with his semen in her current form, was squatting near her face, with his penis still out. The scent was semen was still present, but his penis was pretty much clean. Of course, it was reddish on the tip due to the recent orgasm he experienced. "Hey, I could use some relaxation..." he told Umberon as he lifted her chin gently. Now while he WAS big compared to their original small bodies, his penis was still pretty big even for her in this current form. When he managed to open her mouth (thanks in part to her sounds), he took the chance to move his penis into it. His first impression was how good it felt by the 'fangs' of her teeth just 'clutching' down on it without actually applying the needed force to rip him off or even hurt him. "OHhhhh...fuck...oh...."

As for the one who continued to lick her anus, he simply did not change. Same with the other one who was fingering her insides without mercy.

"Huh, so she CAN take a penis in her mouth..." the one holding Espeon remarked.
Umbreon of course recognized the man right away as he positioned himself in front of her. Seeing as he had his penis out still, she had an idea of what he wanted, and while she didn't want to give it to him, it was hard to keep her mouth shut when the other two were doing surprisingly well on her pussy and ass. She wasn't used to having so many partners tease her body at once, and while her sister might get involved while she was with Zack, it wasn't quite like this. She tried to turn her head away as he lifted her chin, but it was easy to line his cock at her mouth while she was held down, and she was forced to take it inside. She felt a little uncomfortable with how big it was in her mouth, especially since it was hard for her to really hurt him like this. She whined helplessly over his cock at the other two men did not slow in their treatment, making sure that her ass and pussy would get constant attention.

Espeon of course would say nothing to the man's response. She was constantly at a crossroads about whether she would get involved or not, especially when her sister sounded a bit confused on whether she should enjoy this or not.
"NHhh...come on...start sucking...PLEASE?" the man in front of her asked.

"Why are you asking her? Just make her suck you off!" said the one who had his weight on her body and kept her down.

"It's hotter if she's more willing..."

"He has a point..." said the one who was fingering her. As for the one rimming her, he simply continued on. "Then again, you could 'break' her; make her obsessed despite not willing."

"There's a idea..." said the one who held Espeon without effort. Smirking, he said, "Hey, you and ME could do it..." he remarked as he slightly moved to the corner where she was first 'violated' by the one inside her sister's mouth. "Will you remain like this? Or should I get your coat dirty again?"
Seeing as he had already forced his cock into her mouth, Umbreon was surprised that he would try and ask her nicely about sucking him off. He was pretty much forcing her to do this after all, so it wasn't like she wanted to go along with all this. She was actually a little worried hearing one man suggest that they break her. With how far they had gone already, she figured they might be serious about trying that as they were in agreement about humiliating her in his manner already.

They would notice how her struggling was dying down a little, with only her hips rolling every now and then from the treatment she was getting. She was actually really enjoying how the man was stimulating her anus, not taking a break at all yet.

While those men were still focused on Umbreon, Espeon was being taunted by this one man to change forms so they could get into it together. It was a somewhat tempting proposal, especially when she could see that her sister was starting to resist less. She still didn't change forms, but it did look as though she were considering it.
"Eh I'll just thrust..." the man inside her mouth stated.

"Good idea..." He pulled from her anus and licked his lips. "I'll have a shot with her ass..."

"Wait, at least change the position since she has her flower..." the other protested from behind as he wanted to be inside of her as well.

"Just wait for your turn; I never got to try anal with a girl before..." he remarked as he began to unzip his pants. The guy who was holding Umberon noticed that she stopped struggling. Thus, he slowly lifting off of her but was on high alert if she tried anything. Despite this, the one who was now exposing his penis, moved into the hole that he was lubricating for the last 10 minutes. The tightness was really something as he moved into her without trouble but gave a reaction that told one just how tight she really was. "Ah...ahh...AH!"

"Wow, your sister can really take it in no? Look at her!" the one holding Espeon remarked. "Kinda makes you want to get like that no?" he asked smirking as he continued to play mind games. Yes, he REALLY wanted some pokepussy by this point, but Umberon was too crowded by men by this point.
Umbreon grunted a bit in discomfort as the man in her mouth thrust suddenly, nearly pushing his thick meat into her throat. While she had done this sort of thing with Zack, it did feel different considering how many men were touching her now. And at this rate, it wouldn't be long until all of her holes would be stuffed with human cock, a first for her.

For the moment, it didn't look like they would move her from her belly just yet, per the request of the man teasing her ass. While the man using her mouth was still thrusting inside, Umbreon could in fact hear that the one behind her was unzipping his pants. She was surprised that he would let off on her, but with them on high alert about her reaction, it was probably not a good idea to try and get away now. The other grunt still had Espeon too. When the man finally pushed his cock into her slippery rear, Umbreon's eyes went wide, a low groan washing over the cock in her mouth as she was spread out. It was quite a sensation for both of them, especially since he had pushed in so easily with how much he prepared her.

Back where Espeon was, the two were still separate from the rest, and he had not stopped in trying to coerce her to changing her form to let him have his fun. Oddly enough, Espeon did find herself getting a bit aroused, especially since her sister seemed to be giving in slowly. She was so close to just changing to satisfy her own needs, but she couldn't help but feel she wouldn't be able to get away once that happened.
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