Lovable pokemon~ (ShoXFancy_Brat)

Espeon was crying out just as loudly as he was with how roughly he thrust up into her pussy. Her hands tightened up into little fists as she was getting closer to her orgasm, knowing she couldn't hold off for much longer. With the new angles he thrust up into her, she quickly reached her limit, letting out a loud cry as she came, her pussy gripping his cock like a vice.

Umbreon didn't have any intentions to give in to these men, even after what they did to her. Even with that in mind, it seemed they did know one way of subduing her if they needed to. She gasped as the man tugged at her tail, her body tensing up immediately as she fell over, her body going limp for a moment there.
"Whoah!" the guy remarked as he felt her tightening around him even more. He felt fluids of different texture leaving her and so he naturally guessed that she was having a orgasm. "Heh, you came? That's not nice of you to cum before me..." he remarked as he stroked her neck gently. He nuzzled her a bit before kissing her neck.

"Look at her..." one remarked smirking at the same time. He held her tail and tugged it playfully. "Just like any pokemon, you can't handle being poke-handled in such a matter..." He tugged her tail again.

"She's kinda cute like this..." Another had moved closer and lifted her chin. "Awww, you're that sensitive?"
Espeon's groans and whimpers continued to flow from her with the man's teasing after her orgasm. While she was used to having Zack treat her kind of like this, his actions were more on lust than intimacy. The way this man treated her was more on the intimate side, so she found herself almost melting from his touch. Feeling him nuzzle against her neck and give those gentle kisses sent such pleasant sensations through her body, and it was easy to tell that she was pretty much giving in.

Umbreon glared up at the men as they continued to amuse themselves with her little weakness. Every little tug at her tail made her whine out softly, making her remain on the ground as her body went weak. While her expression was still one of anger, it had lightened up a little due to her vulnerability just now. As the man lifted her chin to look at him, she gave him a rather fierce look, though he might be able to tell she looked to be begging for them to stop.
Pulling out of her, he said, "Well I need to have an easier time moving in and out of you...let's try something new..." It took him a moment before he managed to lay her on her back. While on the ground floor, the grunt re-positioned himself. "Ok, this time I AM going to cum...inside of you." he remarked as he re-entered her and began to thrust.

"Aw, is someone angry?" he asked with the cockiest of smiles. He held her cheeks so that he could get a good view of her mouth. It looked cleaned and yet 'dry'; she must have been breathing too hard and fast this entire time. While he expected semen to be left over, she apparently did THAT good of a job to clean herself. Thus, he moved his mouth against her's and dug his tongue around the inside of her mouth.
Espeon groaned softly as the grunt pulled out of her, but with him being such a fanatic when it came to her, it wasn't surprising that he wasn't finished with her just yet. She didn't do anything to stop him as she was moved onto her back, her legs spread a little and her pussy still exposed. She let out a cute little cry as he pushed back into her, working her toward another orgasm as he thrust roughly into her. She had to wonder just how much energy this man had, though part of her was rather enjoying this...

Umbreon grunted a little as the man held her cheeks, seeing just how thorough her cleaning was. She wasn't sure just what he intended to do with her, and she definitely was not expecting him to suddenly lean in to kiss her and slip his tongue inside. She couldn't push his tongue away, and she couldn't close her mouth either with how he was holding her cheeks. She could only push against his chest a little in hopes of getting him away from her.
The grunt grunted as he thrust in and out of her wildly. He was close to cumming and he wanted to make it count. His flesh slapped against hers as the build up was almost over. "Fuck I am so going to love cumming inside of you...!" he grunted as he thrust in and out of the pokemon. With his head looking up, he saw one of the grunts kissing her sister. Smiling at the thought, he looked at the one under her, and dug his mouth against her's.

As for the one who was kissing Umberon, his tongue was digging around her. While he originally had his grasps on her back, he shifted positions where he was instead grasping her rear, indicating that he was going to have another round with the dark type.
Espeon's cries grew louder and more lewder as the grunt continued to ravage her pussy from behind, his hips smacking loudly against her firm ass cheeks. The grunt sure seemed eager to cum inside her, considering he hadn't been able to do that before when she was in her regular form. With her mouth wide open and her moans flowing out, it was easy for the grunt to steal a kiss from her, much to her surprise. This along with the fierce fucking the man gave her quickly brought her to another orgasm, making her tremble and whine out under him as her fluids coated his cock.

Umbreon grunted a bit in annoyance as she wanted to move from the man kissing her, but he had made it clear he he wouldn't let her go. She felt him gripping her rear, and she could tell he certainly had enough energy to keep going if he wanted to.
He took deep breathes as he pulled away slightly from Espeon's mouth. With that pleasurable rush he was experiencing, the grunt decided that now would be a good time to release his seed into her. Thus, he started to pick up even more speed to increase the buildup. After a few more minutes, he grunted very loudly before releasing his seed into the womb of the pokemon under him. The tightness was intense to say the least, as he pressed as deeply as possible as his hot liquid goodness filled her womb up.

Umberon's 'partner' made sure that her fighting had ceased before he pulled away. Knowing that she was seemly tired, he smirked. "Well then, why don't you turn around..." he ordered. While he still had his hand on her rear, he pulled his hand away and waited for her to get on her front. He was confident that she would do what he ordered from this point on.
Espeon had such a dazed expression throughout the whole ordeal. Of course, she was used to doing this sort of stuff with her sister and their master, but it felt a lot different this time around. She felt a bit guilty that her body was responding so nicely to the man's treatment, even while he was doing this against her will. Her eyes widened a little and she let out such sweet sounds as the man flooded her womb with his seed, easily filling her up with a bit spilling out of her as well.

Umbreon didn't enjoy the fact that her body was getting so heavy from exhaustion, and perhaps all those times they had done this with their master had them longing for similar attention, no matter who gave it to them. Hearing the man's order, she slowly and reluctantly moved so that she was on her front, with her rear presented to him.
Grunting, the man inside of Espeon groaned for a few seconds before doing a few slow thrusts, inducing the pleasure that still existed between them. He then pulled off of her slowly and stoked his drenched penis in pleasure. "Oh fuck man...."

"Isn't she cute?" he asked, as he repositioned himself and slowly entered her.

The next 12 hours were pretty quiet, as the two pokemon were only 'abused' for another hour before being locked in a cage made for their sizes. Thus, they really couldn't transform back into their human forms. More and more did the grunts mock them and simply got back to work. They would then come back with more bags filled with pokeballs while paying no mind to their 'sex slaves' for the time being. They smiled as their work was going their way.

As for Zack,

"Please officer Jenny; there has to be SOME way you can find them!" Zack said, as he stood amongst a group of concerned trainers. He was restless, having concern for Espeon and Umberon. NOT in the sense where their human forms could be possibly be exposed, as he SERIOUSLY doubted that they would be exposed. Regardless, he did not want to lose the pokemon that he bonded for so long.

"I know that you locked the city borders and no one can get in or out, but surely you would have an easier time locating them!" he added, as distain was across his face. His pokemon could be hurt....
Espeon whimpered softly as he pulled out of her, her body trembling from the afterglow while his seed dripped from her. As for Umbreon, she was getting well-acquainted with the man taking her from behind, and they would both be in for a rather long session. The two of them were very much spent by the end of it all, leaving them to return to their regular forms while they were locked up in cages. The two of them would hardly be able to figure out what sort of plans they had for them. It was pretty obvious that these two in particular were their greatest catches, seeing as none of the other caught pokemon could transform like them. Surely they'd find a way to use them for their own gan...


Officer Jenny did her best to calm the group of trainers surrounding her, knowing how dire the situation was. "Everyone, please listen to me! We'll be able to locate the ones who took your pokemon soon! Just please allows us some time to narrow in on their location. We're ddoing our best to look over every inch of the city as quickly as we can. I can assure you that we will find them!"
Zack was not convinced, but he nodded as he needed to trust her on this. (I hope that they're ok...) he prayed.


"So we did a good run, but we still need to do something about our other problem..."

"What- did we already use up all of our funds?"

"Should have taken a break from the Chinese..."

The grunts looked at one another and sighed as they placed their chopsticks down. Despite this only being the 3rd day of their stealing, they were completely careless in the amount of money that they had. After the fucking they did with those exotic pokemon that they caught only a few hours ago, they were pretty much starving by this point and they spoiled themselves. However, that was not the end of it as they realized something else.

"Hey, did anyone feed those two?" one asked, gesturing at the two sisters in their cage.

One shook his head. "We never got any pokemon food after we fucked them..."

Another frowned. "Maybe we should have saved some of our dinner for them..."
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When it came to building up their energy, getting some food to Espeon and Umbreon definitely was the quickest way. A good bit of rest would do, but they were a bit hungry as well. Having gone so long as the men's sluts did burn some calories. It was Espeon that awoke from her bit of rest first, the smell of food getting a little growl in her belly as she saw them eating. Of course, this would have been an opportune time to play the cute and hungry pleading, but she soon noticed that they had finished every last drop of their meals. She settled down in her cage again, not sure she'd get back to sleep as easily now that she was hungry. She would have liked to have been placed in the same cage as her sister, but at least she was still pretty close that they could communicate. This wasn't exactly the best of situations though. They weren't going to escape at this rate, especially now that the men knew of their special forms.


Meanwhile, Officer Jenny had managed to get away from the large crowd to take a quick break inside her office. They had already sent out officers in numerous parts of the area, but she would cover the others in the center of the city. She knew they had to get the pokemon back soon, though they had a lot of ground to cover.
The men talked for a few more minutes before deciding on something erotic. "Well, we could always...you know."

"Do what?

"Feed them."


Rolling his eyes, he stood up and said, "With our semen."

Raising an eyebrow. "Um, I am sure that it's not something of a meal-"

"Actually, semen in any male species is VERY nutritious ; I saw it on TV one time." One interrupted.

The other grunts looked at the two and were surprised, clearly unaware of that fact.

"Well then...who is going to do it? I am pretty spent...."

"I am good."

"Fine..." The one who informed them of that fact rolled his eyes as he made his way to the cage. "Hey there girls...you hungry? Don't worry; DADDY has something that will fill you up...." Feeling horny again, he smiled as he pulled down his zipper. "Oh and you'll have to share..." he added, as he stroked his penis and pressed through the cage bars. Even he didn't mind 'feeding' them in their current forms.
Perhaps because of her exhaustion, Espeon wasn't exactly able to listen in on their conversation all that well. She noticed in the cage next to hers, her sister was starting to stir from her rest. It wasn't hard to tell that she was in need of something to eat as well. It did seem like they had an idea judging from how they kept looking back at them, but with what they had gone through so far, they probably wouldn't enjoy what they had planned. One of the men had stepped up from the group, approaching their cages. They were both a little skeptical about what he wanted, though they saw him pull down the zipper of his pants, pulling out his hardened cock. While he had pushed it through the bars of Espeon's cage, Umbreon would still be able to reach it as well, though she'd have to reach a little further. This wasn't exactly the kind of 'meal' they intended to have, though their growling stomachs quickly reminded them that anything would do at this point.

Espeon approached first, her soft face rubbing against his length a little before she came to the head, already starting to lick at the head and nuzzle against it to tease him. Umbreon was a little surprised she had gone with it, though she soon felt the need to join in. Regardless of the meal, she needed something. She stuck her head out to try and reach for him, running her tongue over the head as well.
"Good girl...." he remarked, watching them lick for their meals. "That's it." he added, as he smiled even more. Now he understood why that other guy was crazy over them in this form. Very erotic, he got hard within seconds and increased after each lick they performed on him. Smooth and relaxing, it settled his nerves almost entirely, and made all of his recent problems melt away.
Neither of them were necessarily pleased with this, but they had to have some kind of meal, and since he was offering...

With all the time they had done this with Zack, they obviously knew the right way to please a male like this, easily finding spots that made them react the best. And of course, if the tip was leaking out precum, they found themselves even competing a little to get some of it already.
Watching them become a bit completive, he moaned softly before stating, "Hey now girls...there's plenty for both of you two, so long as you share properly..." With that, he moved his hands into their cages and stroked their backs with his hands. Petting them, he rewarded them for doing such a good/pleasurable job. The tip of his penis was very sensitive, as the grunt had to prevent himself from making loud noises.
The to sisters still found themselves competing as usual. Even while it wasn't the sort of partner they'd prefer, they both were looking for some nutrition. They did seem to ease up a little as he reached in to stroke their backs as a reward, and in return they kept lapping at the head of his cock eagerly, sampling more of his precum in the process. They could tell he was pretty sensitive in certain spots, and to make him cum sooner, they started focusing on those specific spots.
It worked in the long run as his release was occurring within seconds. He buckled his hips forward and felt everything tighten within his body. A few seconds later, he gasped sweetly as his release coated their faces, as he grasped his penis and stroked it repeatedly against their mouths/noses and allowed a small amount to drip.

"Man, can you imagine if women were as willing as them?"

"Well no shit dumbass; we CAPTURED THEM and raped them? Like they have a choice..." One remarked, rolling his eyes as he looked over to see the other guy stroking his penis some more against their bodies. "But I wish that they could somehow make us money."

"Yeah, that would be- Wait, I have an idea?"

Everyone looked at him.

"What if we pimp them to a couple of guys looking for a good time tonight? We could charge them with THOSE types of lovers...." he suggested, smiling at the thought.

One didn't agree as he stood up. "Are you stupid? How are we going to pass them out without attracting attention?; they're POKEMON!"

However, he shook his head in response. "But what if we say that they're convincing cosplayers? You know that there's a lot of people out there into that kinky shit!"
The two pokemon continued to eagerly tend to the man's cock, their growling stomachs serving as a constant reminder of their need for some form of nutrition. This definitely wasn't something one would normally add to a pokemon's diet though. They were soon rewarded for their efforts as the man soon sprayed his load over their faces. They got right to lapping up what they could off of themselves before they went about cleaning off each other. And they ended up cleaning off the man's cock of anything that remained for them.

While they went about cleaning up at they could, the men were going on about some sort of plan for the sisters. While they didn't understand some of the terms the men used, they had a pretty good idea of what they might do. They definitely didn't expect to have so many human lovers aside from their own trainer, but while they were in captivity, they didn't really have much choice in the matter. Of course, if the men intended for their plan to work, they had to make sure that these two had plenty of energy to maintain their other forms.
It took another 10 minutes of non-stop argument. Finally, one stood up.

"Actually, what IF this could work? And if so, WHERE can we do this? I mean, this place here is not exactly discreet if we started to 'pimp' those two." he said, gesturing at the two furries in their cages.

Silence came once more for a minute, as they were pretty 'interested' but also concern about location. Since it was an important thing to consider, they needed to think this right. Finally,

"I have a cousin named Jess who can help us."

They looked at him with a raised eyebrow.


It was nearly midnight as the city was light up with non-stop entertainment. Various pubs and restaurants were available for the curious traveler that came by, or a local who just wanted some stress-free fun. Then, there were the strip-bars for the naughty type of fun. Named "J-Fun", it was pretty high in quality entertainment, with the 'legal' entertainment up front, and the 'illegal' entertainment up back.

"There we go...ok, now unhook their collars..."

It took them a while, but the grunts managed to convince their prized captured pokemon into transforming again. This time, they HAD to give them legit meals and not tempt them with sexual offers, as they even had their own limits to consider. Once they took their end of the deal, they had to position these pokemon into these 'glory walls' for the fun that they were planning. With everything below their waist on one side, the other held everything above their waists, yes that counted for their arms as well.

"Man, these positions CAN be stressful..." one commented, as he got to work moving their arms behind their backs and tying them; they couldn't chance the fact that they would be hostile for their clients. "Good thing they have these for support." he said, gesturing at a small flat board on this side; it was made so that their stomach sand weight could be balanced, as their breasts and heads had nothing to lean on.

"Not as stressful as getting them to transform...damnit it had to be sushi what they wanted?"

"At least they have good taste..." one said from the other side, as he made sure that their rears/tails were properly presented. "ALthough, I think that they'll need a bath after this..." he stroked their tails calmly before rubbing their rears. "Hell, I wish that we could record this when it starts..."
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