Lovable pokemon~ (ShoXFancy_Brat)

Umbreon tried to move her hips to help him along so he wouldn't need to put in as much effort. She let him take a break as he pulled his cock out, knowing he needed some time to rest up. As he put it back in her, she made sure that she put a little more effort in moving against him, wanting to make this more pleasing for him.
Zack continued to thrust in and out of her anus for a few more minutes. Of course, it got very tiring and so he needed to make her do some of the work. "Hey girl..." he moved out of her. "Think you can move for me? I've screwed you and your sister so I need you to move for me again..." he said as he laid on his back and sighed. "Oh fuck..." he moaned as he was becoming very tired.
Umbreon had expected him to ask her about this eventually, seeing as he had reached his limit for now. She watched as he moved onto his back, and she was more than happy to do all the work for him. She moved so she was facing away from him, and she positioned his cock at her anus again. She quickly lowered herself, letting out a pleased groan as she got right to riding his cock. Hopefully he was feeling good from this, and to bring him to his orgasm sooner, she started to roll her hips as she fell down on his cock.
While it was feeling good with how her anus was sucking him dry, it felt better knowing that he could relax and watch with enjoyment. "Oh yeah..." he moaned softly. Looking to his left, Espeon was causally laying next to him. "What, you want to go again after this?" he asked frowning. Then again, it was hot to watch others do it. So, "If you want to go at it again, get on..." he said as he gestured to his face.
Umbreon was pleased to hear that Zack was enjoying himself, but she didn't want to go too hard on him while he was catching his breath. Espeon had more or less recovered from her round with him, but he had asked her if she was up for a bit more. She didn't want to push it too much, but if he was offering, she'd gladly take any attention she could get. She moved to hover above his face before she lowered herself, gently pushing her pussy up against his face.
With Espeon sitting on his face, he started to get to work. He sucked and licked as much as possible. He moved side to side, trying to make her as wet as possible, in order to led to her orgasm. In order for him to have a easier time 'eating' her, he held onto her waist, and dug in. Umberon was really making it pleasurable for his penis for the final round. He couldn't wait to sleep as sex was his normal exercise and took a lot out of him.
Espeon lowered herself onto her knees, making it easier for Zack so he wouldn't have to lean up too much. Despite how tired he was, she was surprised with how well his tongue was wiggling about inside her, trying to make her cum as soon as he could. Even while she had recovered, he would probably be able to do that in no time. Of course, he still had Umbreon riding his cock as it slipped into her tight asshole. She sure seemed to be enjoying herself on her end, and she was hoping that Zack was getting the most out of it.
Zack groaned as he was getting worn out from this. Yes it was great but too much of this will kill him. Of course, he was young and he was going to sleep in tonight with his two pokemon with no rush to leave in the morning. This of course made him happy knowing that he was in control of the situation since he was pleasuring both of them. When he moved side to side with his mouth, he felt a tremble from Espeon. As for Umberon,

"Shit I am gonna cum soon..." he told her as he closed his eyes tightly. "Gah...."
Despite how tired he seemed, it looked like Zack was still able to do a good job tending to both of the girls at once. Espeon knew how tired Zack was, though she was very pleased with how amazing his tongue work was. Her hips bucked against his face a little more, her hands gripping at the sheets as it was clear she would cum soon. She didn't bother to try and hold off when she was a bit exhausted herself, and she soon let out a sweet cry as she came, letting her fluids flow into Zack's mouth.

As for Umbreon, she kept rolling her hips as she came down on his cock, hoping that he would cum already to fill her up.
Zack couldn't hold it in. Especially after tasting the fresher amount of liquid that came from Espeon, he needed to release now. He felt his body tightening as he groaned loudly. His penis pumped a nice batch into Umberon's rectum. It felt so good but it took the last out of him as he sighed in relief and knew that his dark pokemon would like it as well.
Espeon groaned lovingly as Zack lapped up the rest of her fluids, and she fell off on her side as she slowly started to shift back to her regular form. As for Umbreon, she definitely enjoyed the hot load of seed flooding her anus, and she was sure she could feel it settling in her belly. She had kept her hips down so she could take every last drop before she lifted off of him, falling to the other side of him as she shifted back as well, leaving them both in their regular pokemon forms. They were both coated in sweat and panting for air, but they sure seemed satisfied, and it looked to them that Zack had really enjoyed himself as well.
Just follow my lead))

The following day seemed pretty normal between Zack and his two sex pokemon. Walking through the city seemed like nothing but this was the first that Espeon and Umberon would see given by the fact that they traveled to various small towns and the country side. "Just stay close to me girls..." he told them as they walked. It was easy to get LOST and fall into the wrong hands if you were a valuable pokemon.
(Uh oh...)

Being in the big city certainly was a different experience for the two pokemon, as there were plenty more people walking around. They could always sense where Zack was, though they were still encouraged to stay as close as they could. They had been stingy about getting back in their pokeballs lately, but they were sure they could hang around Zack until the crowds died down.
Zack looked at his watch. "Well we need to keep moving; we're going to miss the fiery into another city." he told them. "So let's-"

Zack didn't finish his sentence, as it was replaced by coughing. In fact, he wasn't the only one; everyone around them was coughing nonstop thanks to the black smoke that surrounded them and messed up their vision.

"GaH!" Zack yelled as it left a BAD taste in his mouth. He waved his arms widely in a attempt to clear the smoke.

"Maybe this one will-" he started as he reached for one of his pokemon that would help. But he couldn't find the pokeball. "What-"

All of his pokemon were gone! "Girls-" he started but realized that they were also gone. Horrified, "SOMEONE STOLE MY POKEMON!"



Choas surrounded the streets as the smoke cleared....

"Nice collection huh?" A thug said smiling as he poured a bag over. Countless pokeballs hit the floor and boy was it COUNTLESS.

"Gentleman, I smell a promotion~" another said.

A total of 8, the team rocket grunts smiled after seeing their hard work give them the fruits of their labor. It was pretty impressive as they were in a unknown location: a storage room with a single light hanging above. It was bright and high enough to show everything around them. May boxes were stacked and the only way out was a garage doorway that was locked tightly.

"Of course, THESE TWO were a pain..."


One of the 8 grunts held up a bag of his own. It moved and made loud noises until he poured them out, revealing the two sisters who were tied by all four of their tiny paws. If the situation wasn't bad like this, it be CUTE.
The two had looked up to Zack as they were listening for his direction, though he had not been able to finish his sentence then as he started to cough. They had picked up quickly on the smoke as their senses were sharper, but it was spreading quickly, spreading over a good deal of the people around them. It wasn't long before Zack and the two sisters were engulfed in the smoke as well. The two sisters had huddled together near Zack in hopes that he would notice them and return them to their pokeballs. They both felt a hand reach out to cup them under their bellies, but they both felt suspicious as their grip was a bit tighter than what Zack would do. Even with the smoke hindering their sight a little, they could make out a faint scent of the one holding them, and it definitely wasn't Zack. Umbreon bit into the hand that held her, getting a pained cry from her captor. Espeon had picked up on the situation, realizing that she wasn't in her trainer's hand. She had managed to slip away as Umbreon created a bit of a diversion. But even as she managed to get away, she couldn't make heads or tails of her surroundings. The smoke was too thick and she could feel herself getting weaker. As her vision started to fade, she felt another pair of hands reach to scoop her up, but she wouldn't be able to tell who it was before she blacked out. As for Umbreon, her attempts to escape her captor had failed as he kept a firm grip on her, making sure she would take in the smoke as well. She soon blacked out as well, and they were already being taken away from the scene.


When the two would wake up again, they found themselves crammed together in a sack of some sort. It took a bit of struggling to make themselves somewhat comfortable, but it wasn't easy with their paws tied together. A few minutes had passed and their struggling had not ceased, and soon they were being toppled over for their captors to see. Umbreon growled up at them, with Espeon simply struggling to get out of her bindings. "Umbreon! Umbre! [Bastards! Who are you?!]" Umbreon growled, baring her fangs at them. She couldn't do anything like this though. She still felt a little woozy from the smoke, and she could only wonder if Zack would be able to find them. If that wasn't the case, they'd just have to get out of here themselves and get back to him.
"Huh, you were lucky." one said as he looked over the two. They squirmed and continued to protest. "Aww, the Umberon is trying to be brave..." he said he poked her stomach from the side. Of course, he was quick enough to pull away when she reacted naturally with a wild movement.

"Easy now, that Umberon looks like it'll rip your finger off..." the first said. They looked over and he added, "Huh, FEMALE..." he looked between her legs since she was on her back.

"This one too?" Another lifted Espeon by her tail, and saw no balls. "Yup, female as well..." he was actually decent enough to gently put her down. As the pokemon continued to try to free themselves, the conversation moved to, "So you think that the boss would accept these two as his personal?"

"Moron, they're ALL for the boss!"

"He said that he would leave us the rest after he takes 10 out of what is possibility 100!"

"No promises there..."
Come to think of it, the attire that these people wore looked somewhat familiar. Perhaps they had tried before to snatch up the two sisters before? As the man reached out to poke at Umbreon's stomach, she quickly went to snap at him, but even if he left his finger there, she would have probably grazed him at the most. Umbreon would probably do more than just bite his finger off if she got the chance. She was quite furious, even more so than when Zack had captured them while they were sleeping.

As another one lifted up Espeon by her tail, she growled helplessly as it was uncomfortable for her like that. They seemed to be checking on her gender, but she wasn't even sure why that was necessary. And who was this boss that they were talking about? Neither of the sisters really knew what it would be to be someone's 'personal'.

Whoever this boss was though, he obviously had told these men to capture all these pokemon, including them. Seeing as they were a right sight, it was very likely he would take interest in the two sisters. Umbreon and Espeon continued to struggle with their shackles, but to no avail. They would probably even have trouble if they weren't feeling odd from the smoke. They wouldn't be able to transform like this either, but that would probably help them out if they were still shackled up.
"Ok but we'll have to report to him about this..." he pulled out a device and started to press some touch-screen buttons. "Ok...he said that we can have that Umberon and/or Espeon since he's apparently not interested in them." he said a bit surprised.

"Sweet!" the one said who just placed Espeon on the ground. "Then I'll take this one! :heart:" he said happily as he lifted her. When he did that, he nuzzled his cheek against her head. Much to her annoyance as he was just becoming similar to those 'fan-boys' that can't stop making contact with something cute.

"Hey no fair!" another said. Somehow, he managed to snatch Espeon from his friend's hands without harming her. "I want her!"

"You guys can fight over that one; I prefer dark types~" another said as he lifted Umberon everso gently. He even petted her head as if she was his.

"Like hell you will!" another stepped forward and glared at him.

"Fellas, fellas, fellas, we can settle this like men- I AM TAKING THEM BOTH!" With that, he was somehow able to snatch both sisters and hold them right under his shoulders and into his arms. The others weren't pleased but somehow, the sisters weren't getting harmed.
The two sisters could only really listen as those men discussed everything. The only reasonable plan for them to take was to wait until their strength would build up again so they could break out of these silly shackles. Surely that would be a simple task after all the training they had done with Zack.

Speaking of Zack, the sudden bit of joyful affection from the men had caught the two off-guard, kind of like how Zack had when he had first let them out of the pokeballs. Even so, this felt a bit more irritating as it wasn't so much out of affection but obsession. The two of them certainly didn't expect that they'd be getting tossed between them like this, but even they were surprised that they weren't getting harmed in any way, perhaps except for their pride. Espeon obviously didn't look too pleased, but compared to her sister, she seemed a bit more worried about how things might end up. Umbreon obviously tried to just struggle away or bite at the men that took hold of her, but she was being passed along just as quickly.

Pretty soon though, they both found themselves under the arm one one of the men. Umbreon had been thinking that they might be able to get an opening if these men kept fighting amongst themselves, but in that case that didn't happen, they'd have a better chance of dispatching them in their humanoid forms. Umbreon would probably end up doing most of the physical work, but Espeon would be able to at least outmaneuver them. The effect from the smoke was starting to wear off and it would only be a little bit of time before they could put that idea to work. Umbreon had been relaying the idea to her sister, and it was definitely worth a shot. If they could take out these guys, they could save energy and revert back to move around quicker.
After a few minutes,


Everyone stopped.

"Yes, we ALL these two but we're going to have to do something to settle it without argument..." the man said as he placed the two sisters on a box, still tied up. "Now listen..."

Another minute was spent as he tried to give a suggestion that would help decide who got who. It failed as arguments broke and the sisters were left unnoticed... except for one.

"Heh...heh..." he looked at the group that was arguing and looked at the two sisters. "While THEY'RE busy, how bout I meet my sexual fantasy?" What he meant by that couldn't be more obvious; he unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis before stroking it gently. It became hard and thick, nice and juicy for them. He probed the tip against the lips of Espeon. "Cold nose..." he breathed as he was becoming more aroused. "I always wanted to 'play' with a evolved form of a Evee..." he confessed as he had a sexual fetish for beast. He continued to prob against Espeon while loving her reaction. He even stroked and rubbed his penis against her soft furry body, similar to what Zack did to them a while ago.
It was a good thing that there were some reasonable ones among the men, even though it seemed that the two sisters were still going to end up being shared among them. They soon found themselves placed on a box, still tied up of course, and this actually seemed like it would be a good time to try and change to their humanoid forms while they were distracted. That plan may have worked if it wasn't for the one man that had not been participating in the little argument. The others must have been extremely engrossed in their argument, as they didn't seem to notice how this lone member was reaching the sisters already. Espeon and Umbreon could already tell that this one seemed a bit odd, but they wouldn't be able to figure out how odd until they heard that little bit from him. His intentions were only made more obvious by the fact he had unzipped his pants, starting to stroke himself off. The two girls were definitely surprised at this, even though they had done some sexual acts with Zack many times now. Of course, he mainly participated knowing of their humanoid form, but this man wanted to indulge despite not knowing that they could switch to a more compatible form. Espeon winced a little as he pushed his cock against her muzzle, brushing it against her cold nose. And to follow up, he had started rubbing his cock against her body, which Zack had fond out they weren't all too fond of even with all they had done together. She did her best to move away somewhat, letting out soft growls in hopes of discouraging him.
However, it only increased his attempt to get off from this. He rubbed more and more against the tiny furry body as it felt extremely soft. He then continued to move it against her muzzle as he was close to releasing. Premature, it was going to be a big load that was waiting to come out and play. "I love your face..." he remarked as he got even more excited. He pressed against her cold nose again and the nerves drove him crazy.
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