Fallen Moon/Lady

Harry turned and looked at Gabriel, his emerald eyes like pieces of shattered glass. "but what else do i have Gabriel?" Harry asked softly. "what else is left? Draco is the only good thing i've ever had in my life and now i've completely ruined it the way i ruin everything i touch!" he wailed that last part, and buried his head into his knees and began to sob, shaking from the force of his tears and his pain. hoe could he have lost the one reason he had lived?

Draco jerked, shocked when she crouched in front of him, his lips trembling as he struggled to pull his emotions back in, he didn't want her to see him crying. he didn't want her to see his weakness but the words tumbled out of his mouth anyway. "Harry and i aren't working... i broke it. i know i broke it. i break everything. i don't deserve to be loved. i'm just a filthy murderer whose never going to get into heaven. i might as well just tear my wings off and go to hell where i belong!" he wailed, sobbing into his hands once more, shuddering just as Harry did. "i've lost the only reason i had for living and now i can't even die because i'm an Angel and we can't kill ourselves or let ourselves die on purpose because God is a sadistic bastard who is PUNISHING ME!"
Gabriel beared his teeth in a snarl, annoyance tightening his shoulders."You-You-"He sputtered so angry with the man that he couldn't even get the words out. "Urgh!"He screamed, and the sound was like a sword clash, metal screaming. "Well if you are so determne that you're life is over. I'll help you.After all I am the kinslayer."He snarled wrapping his hand in the back of the other's shirt and effortlessly lifting him.

And threw him off the building.

Pausing only long enough to make sure he scared the shit out of harry he dove after him, wide wings spreading as he stopped the free fall he settled them onto the ground, barely disturbing the snow."Now, are you done with the mopey, motherfucking stupid shit?"


Anna sighed quietly as she looked up at him. Loooking startled as she wrapped her arms around him,holding onto him tightly as she buried her face against his hair, breathing deeply. "Is he the only reason you have to live?"She said her voice soft, but the sadness there was so profound you would have thought he'd ust declared he hated her.
Harry gasped, his eyes wide, stunned as he was pitched off the roof. he was nearly at the bottom of the tower before he got over his shock to shriek in terror and twist to try and stop himself, his wings tangling as panic slammed into him. he'd never hear Gabriel laugh again!... what a strange thought... he squeaked as he was caught, trembled once, and then went limp in his wing brothers arms. he'd been so stunned and terrified that he'd actually passed out! well wasn't that a kick in Gabriel's ass. it only lasted a moment before he was awake and completely pissed off. his fist flashed out, once, twice, striking Gabriel in the face before he spit at the other in Parseltongue, wrestled his way free, kicked at the others groin, and then stalked into the house, so pissed off that he wasn't even considering thinking about his emotions or feelings.


Draco shook his head a little. "i don't know!" Draco admitted, his breath hitching. "i don't understand myself anymore!" he whimpered, shaking his head again. "maybe i just don't know what love is... maybe i just don't know how to live!?" he pulled her into a hug so suddenly. "it's like your the only link i have left to myself... the only thing that makes sense but you hate me just like everyone else does... but your still the only freind i've ever had." he buried his face into her shoulder. "and you always smell so GOOD and then i get distracted and then Harry get's angry and jealous and then we fight... and then he flirts with Gabriel and the whole things starts all over again and i just... don't understand!" poor Draco, he had no idea what he was feeling, of course, he'd never had a chance to experience love like Harry had. Harry had loved so many people, Draco was only just experiencing Love for the first time. of course he was confused.
Gabriel gasped wincing as he was punched, wincing as he went to his knees, his wings the only reason he was staying up as he stuggled to breath. Swallowing as he stood following after the other, but leaving him alone for awhile before searching him out. Looking thoughtful blank as he studied him. "Are you done being mad at me now?"


Anna leaned back to look at him, looking pained."I am sorry draco.I did not mean to make you seem lost."She muttered yelping as she was hugged, shaking her head as she rested her head on his shoulder."No,no I don't hate you lovely. I...I thought you would not want to be distracted now that you had harry back..."She muttered stroking his hair because like him, she was confused by the pain she felt at not being with him, of seeing him so torn up."We'll figure it out draco..."She muttered trying to calm him.
Harry was sitting in a windowsill. it was his favorite place to think, sitting in a windowsill, staring out at the world. he had often curled up int he Hogwarts windows, the drapes pulled closed so no one would bother him. it was such a silly hiding place that no one ever thought to look there. Harry wasn't hidden this time, he was just staring out at the frozen world. "i never knew love you know." Harry muttered, glancing at Gabriel and then back out at the world. "until i met Ron and Hermione, i didn't even know how to be a freind... Draco... i thought he was my one shot at love." he admitted softly. "i don't know why i thought that, but i was always an oblivious little bastard..." he admitted softly. "i clung so desperatly to my blond, because he was the only thing that seamed to make any sense. but, now i understand, i think i do anyway. me and Draco, we where never meant to be together. we have way too much history, and most of that was hating each others guts..." he sighed and held a hand out to Gabriel. "come here... i promise not to hit you again, i want to see something."


Draco sniffled a little as he snuggled into her, already feeling better just for having her so close to him. "i thought you where mad at me." he admitted, slowly pulling away. "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to break down like that. i guess it was bound to happen though, both my breakdown and my breakup with Harry... i was just... he's the only person i knew loved me." he admitted softly. "i've never... felt loved before and i was clinging so desperately to that that i didn't realize that there is more than one kind of love..." he admitted softly, running his hand through his hair. "Anna?... may i... may i kiss you?"
Gabriel sighed quietly watching him, leaning against the door jab as he studied the other angel."Hm, I know. When I found out, I had a few words with your family, but was not allowed to harm them."He sighed a little before smiling sadly. "Well, it takes great passion to hate as much as you two did. Of course you fell in love with him."He shrugged before pushing away from the door and walking over, "If you punch me again, I'm going to injure you."he muttered smiling ever so slightly.


Anna smiled a little holding him, closing her eyes before looking up at him."I...I was..It was just hard seeing you two so happy together...I didnt want to get in the way."She said rubbing her eyes before looking up at him, eyes widening slightly looking startled. "Y-yes. Yes you can."She said gently stroking his hair.
Harry sneered a little and shook his head. "they're not worth the effort really." he admitted simply. "though i wouldn't mind popping in on them from time to time and scaring the crap out of them." he admitted with a small snicker. "they do know i'm dead after all." it would be a lot of fun to pretend to be haunting them, but he decided it wasn't worth the effort. "i'm not going to punch you, don't be a baby." Harry demanded, gripping the front of Gabriel's shirt and pulling him down, pressing his mouth tightly to the others as he enjoyed the kiss. a lot more than he'd ever enjoyed Draco's for that matter. he pulled away for a moment, considering before nodding and leaning up for another kiss. "yeah, i thought so." Harry murmured. "i was always a dense little bastard."


Draco nodded a little. "we weren't exactly happy... we've tried to kill each other twice now i think." he admitted softly as he smiled at her and gently tipped his head down and kissed her, deep and passionate and yet hesitant and nervous at the same time. he was uncertain his feelings towards her, but he knew they weren't just of that of a freind. he pulled away, swallowing thickly as he stared at her. "...yeah, i liked that way better than any Harry Kiss." he admitted, sounding stunned. "i don't know exactly my emotions, but i think i love you in some way that isn't family or freind..."
"Hm, that would be entertaining to do."Gabriel said looking thoughtful before growling at the other. "St-"He growled yelping a little as he was kissed, sighing softly as he tangled his fingers into the other's hair before pulling away, looking down at the other, flushed and amused."Yes, well you have always been a little dense."He said looking amused


"Oh.."She said, flushing a little because she had been so wrapped up in being angry with them, she hadn't realized that. Blushing as she kissed him back harder she pulled away, flushed as she leaned against his chest."Oh.Wow."She muttered resting her head against his shoulder,giggling a little."Yes, I would hope you don't treat all your family and friends with kisses like that."She said giggling more.
Harry smiled as he leaned his head on Gabriel's shoulder, closing his eyes. "can Angel men get pregnant?" Harry asked suddenly. "because i really don't want to be all fat and round just yet." he admitted simply, teasing Gabriel with the fact that Harry was more of a sub than anyone thought he was. "although, you'd be cute all round and glowing with a baby kicking your spleen." he admitted, a smirk on his lips as he leaned up and kissed Gabriel again before he could complain.


Draco smiled a little as he blinked at her. "no... my family wasn't much for affection so the most i ever got as a child was a handshake or a smack upside the head." he admitted simply as he held her. "it's amazing that i'm as sane as i am." he mused, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "will you... share my bed tonight? we won't do anything but sleep, i promise... i just, don't want to be alone tonight..."
Gabriel nodded a little pressing a kiss to harry's hair."They can, though its fairly rare."He mused before poking the man hard in the ribs."That's not funny. I do not do pregnant, in any shape or form."He growled as he pulled out of the kiss glaring down at the brunette in front of him.


"That's sad. Truly."She said her eyes filling up with tears at the thought of that before nodding, flushing ever so slightly."I would.Come on draco. You look ready to fall over.We better go lay down."She said tugging him towards his bedroom.
Harry chuckled a little as he was poked, his eyes glittering with amusement. "oh i don't know, you're already halfway to being my bitch, you'd look better carrying." he teased, already running for the doorway before Gabriel could properly retaliate such an untrue statement, Harry laughing his wild little head off.


Draco kissed her gently and smiled as he took her hand, Draco rolling his eyes as Harry ran past them, laughing wildly. "Harry's tormenting Gabriel." he muttered, sounding amused. "Gabriel probobly took the short cut." he mused as he headed into her bedroom and laid down on the bed, yawning a little.
"What!?I would not!"Gabriel howled snarling as he jogged out the door smirking as he turned down a hallway, laughing in delight when he appeared in front of the other, smirking when the man ran into him."Now.What is this about me being pregnant?"He asked lifting the man up and looking ready to shake him...looking deadly...if he hadn't been holding back laughter.

Anna smiled watching the man run by nodding at the sound of flesh hitting flesh."He has always been intelligent. No doubt he knows all the shortcuts in the house."he said looking amused as they walked into the room, sighing as she laid down in the bed hesitating for a moment befor snuggling into him.
Harry squeaked as he bounced off of Gabriel, looking stunned for a moment before laughing at the mock rage. "you would! you'd be all cute and cuddly like an over stuffed teddy bear!" and with that he pulled the other in for a kiss to negate any insult that might, or might not have been implied.

Draco chuckled a little, amused by Harry. "it's nice to hear him laughing again." Draco admitted with a yawn. "i never thought Harry could be so carefree. it's a little unnerving." he admitted as he wrapped his arms around her. "i think i understand now, why i thought i had to love him." he admitted softly as he kissed the back of her neck. "but now i know what love really feels like..." he smiled. "goodnight Anna."
Gabriel gave him a look rolling his eyes as he hugged the other. "Whatever."He muttered.

Anna smiled shivring a little as he kissed her neck, cuddling down into him."Goodnight."

In the morning Gabriel smirked as he slid a arm around harry's shoulder and pushed open anna's door, "Think they're still sleeping?"He said looking amused as he walked in, snickering slightly at the sight of the two cuddled up under the mountain of pillows on the bed
Harry snickered a little as he nodded. "Draco loves to cling to sleep when he can." he admitted. "he's lazy." he poked his head in and nearly felt jealous when he saw the two cuddling before he realized just how peaceful Draco looked. even when sleeping alone, or with Harry, Draco never lost those worry lines and a little bit of tenseness in his body. now he was completely relaxed and looked so peaceful that Harry realized just how much the blond really needed Anna. "...i think we're going to have to revise out plans... there's no way Anna will marry anyone but Draco now..." he sighed a little. "what would happen if Draco was revealed as an Angel?" Harry asked, getting that devious 'marauder' look in his eyes.
Gabriel snickered.”I could believe that. Lazy bastard.”he said smirking as he glanced over at harry, looking slightly worried about him before he realized harry was accepting how things were. Wincing a little before sighing.”Well...they might try to kill him. Or kill her. If they can’t have the throne through her bed, they’ll toss the world into chaos for it.”
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "no no that's not what i mean. if we both, and Draco reveal ourselves as 'Angels of Heave' then we can easily declare Anna as 'Chosen by God'. and if she's 'Chosen by God' then no one would dare dispute her claim to the throne." he mused. "especially if her father backs the decision to make her, and only her, the ruler of Russia, no wedding needed. it could work, very well in fact." Harry admitted, letting his wings spread outward from where they'd been hidden, brushing his feathers along Gabriel's arm. "what do you think? it's worth a shot isn't it?"
Gabriel nodded slightly looking thoughtful as he stared at the two. “It might work. It truly could. Espcially if, as you suspect, and she wont marry anyone else, then she’s going to need some excuse to not be forced to marry a mortal.”He said sighing a little shivering as the other’s wings brushed over him.”Go wake them up.We better get things going.”
Harry smirked a little and nodded. "exactly." he murmured. "this could give her the chance that she needs. we'll have to plan it properly, nice and dramatic so it catches a LOT of attention." he muttered. "i wonder if we could get Methuselah's help?" Methuselah was by far one of the prettiest Angels to ever have been made, he was literally 'the voice of God' and was one of the only angels that had ever revealed themselves AS angel to humans. back in biblical times it was Methuselah who had told Mary her son's name, along with other times where 'god' had spoken to humans. with Methuselah's help, it would be a piece of cake to convince the world that Anna was God Chosen. he shook his head and moved into the room, prodding Draco in the shoulder. "alright Lazy butts. lets wake up now. up and at em, big day today, we have a world to conquer you know."
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