Fallen Moon/Lady

Draco looked up at her from where he had been reading his book. in the last two days, he'd killed four people, two who had tried to sneak into Anna's room in the night, and two who had tried to prematurely end the Tsar's life. the Tsar knew about the attempts, Anna did not. neither man had wanted to worry the young Grand Duchess. "see what... oh bloody hell!" Draco cursed, coloring with embarrassment. "i have a chocolate Frog Card..." he grumbled as he read the stats on the back. "youngest Potions master in recorded history... well that's nice at least. spy for the Order of the Phoenix... not exactly right but close enough. sacrificed my life to stop Voldemort. again, not exactly right but close enough." he shook his head a little. "in any case, whatever your Father has to say, i'm sure it's good news of some kind." Draco wasn't sure what he'd do if it was an arranged marriage. something told him that was the quickest way to a civil war breaking out in Russia. he might have to arrange an... accident, if it was an arranged marriage... did Russia even have those? he didn't know.

Harry grinned as he caught sight of Gabriel. he was rather proud of himself, he'd gone an entire two days without spying on Draco... granted, that was because Ezequiel had been kicking his ass up and down Valkyrie but that was besides the point. he dropped from the sky like a stone as he heard Gabriel calling for him, flaring his wings barely a body length from the ground, landing as daintily as a butterfly. he was showing off, just showing off. "Gabe? what's wrong?" he demanded, noticing the look on the others face. "what's happened?"
Anna giggled at his reaction to the card, smirking as she leaned over to read the rest of the card, the corsetted dress showing off that slender body even better just her dressed up. She looked beautiful, slender and happy. "I'm sure it is."she said frowning slightly because she had a feeling whatever she was going to be told, was going to be unpleasant, but she could do this. "i came to get you for lunch really. Then I thought we could go for a ride before the ball. it's nice enough for the horses to be happy at being out."She said looking excited about the first day of spring.

Gabriel smiled a little as he watched harry growling in annoyance that the other's landing. "Show off."He growled before rubbing a hand over his face."we have a problem. There's been a....problem in hell."he said almost squirming in place because he so didn't want to admit to what his men had done, had messed up protecting. Holding himself accountable for his men's mess up, even if he'd been here, training the newest recruits instead of there.
Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head a little as he handed her the card back. "i'll sign it for you if you like. considering everyone in England thinks i'm dead, it could be worth a lot of money." he teased, smirking a little as he studied her for a moment, feeling aroused before feeling guilty for feeling aroused. "i'd enjoy going for a horse ride." he agreed, following her to the dining hall for a nice lunch, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on edge. as if someone was watching him. he spun on his heal, his eyes scanning the empty halls, he restrained a shudder as he turned and followed her once more, summoning his Angelic Dagger, holding it in his hand, it was much harder to see than his Dragon Claws, and he needed to feel protected.

Harry blinked at the other, tensing with every word as a low growl issued from his throat. "a problem?" he demanded, his eyes narrowed. there was only one person in Hell that Harry would bother being concerned about. Voldemort. "Gabriel. what is wrong?" Harry demanded again, his voice ordering no hesitations. Harry wanted an answer and he wanted it immediately, because f it was what Harry suspected it was, then there was no way in heaven or hell anyone was keeping him from Earth. if Voldemort had escaped from Hel, then it was Harry's sworn duty to hunt him down, and take him back. because even in death, their fates where linked, and every Angel, Demon, and higher being in all the realms knew that for a fact.
"Hmm well, there is that. Maybe I should have you sign it. That would be interesting to sell."She said snickering a little as they walked, turning her head a little to look at him. Even if she couldn't see the dagger, she sensed something was wrong. The former dark lord's presence in her home starting to draw her attention even if she wasn't aware of what was going on."What's wrong?"She muttered as she paused outside the dining hall,frowning at him.

"A big problem."Gabriel swallowed sighing quietly before nodding."Voldemort escaped hell. Is heading to earth as a demon to sacrifice the dark queen in a effort to bring himself back."He said looking a little sick at the idea, because if he spilled the dark queen's blood, there was no going back, nothing could stop him if Anna wasn't alive to stand against him."We're being sent to stand guard, since it is my fault he escaped the first time, I have been given the duty of dragging him back."he said though he was having a feeling that it wasn't going to be that easy
Draco chuckled at her joke and he shook his head. "i'd rather not have England knowing i'm alive, thanks." he admitted simply. "half of them will hate me, half of them will love me, and i'll never get any peace." and it would make his job at protecting Anna and the Tsar all the more difficult. he shuddered as he glanced at Anna, shaking his head. "something is here. something... bad." Draco explained softly. "something that's supposed to be dead. we need to get to your father. now." Draco ordered, the Dragon Claws shimmering into existence, unwilling to take the risk that whatever it was stalking them, Ghoul, demon, vampire, Draco didn't know, but it sure as hell wasn't human. he took her hand, pressed the blade into it and muttered soft instructions. "aim for the eyes, the throat, or the gut." he ordered softly. "if i tell you to Run, find your way into the nearest windowless, door-less room and lock yourself in and do NOT come out unless i tell you, or your father comes to find you. understand?"

Harry stared at Gabriel for a long moment before he hissed. Harry very rarely made that savage sound, mostly because it upset the other Angels when he spoke that harsh Parseltongue. too close to demonic Harry supposed. he'd only uttered the sound once before in Heaven, when he'd found out Draco had been denied Heaven. now he made it because the one creature he'd hoped to be done with, was escaped. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S A DEMON!?" Harry roared, spreading his wings wide in his fury. "You will not be the one dragging him back Gabriel!" Harry hissed, his eyes narrowed as he advanced on his 'brother' too angry to care that it wasn't Gabriel's fault. "You will take me to Earth this instant! i will make Voldemort suffer a thousand deaths for his stupidity! he escaped my Wrath with his first death, he won't escape it a second time!"
"That's true. i cn understand why you wouldn't want them to know. I live a life very much like that."She said looking thoughtful before shuddering. Her fingers closing around the hilt of the knife, eyes wide, terrified by composed. The woman was keeping it together remarkably well."I understand."She said softly her words holding that soft russian accent that was so rarely tinged her words, she'd practiced long and hard ot not let the words sling together like most russian, but her compsure was cracking in the face of everything."do we go in, or go looking for what it is?"She muttered looking towards the dining hall.

Gabriel snarled back at him, so very annoyed."Did you think that he would become anything else, but a demon?"the archangel general snarled, fury in his own eyes, refusing to be backed down rom the younger angel in his presence,"I will be staying with you.I wont let you get killed,fledgling."He growled the thought of the younger angel dying,physcially painful for him as he moved them both to earth, pausing to get his barings in the palace grounds.
Draco's eyes narrowed as he studied the halllway. "we don't do either." he whispered softly. "we find your father. whatever this thing is. it's either after you, or the Tsar, and i can't protect you both if your in different locations." Draco muttered softly, swallowing thickly as he urged her past the dining hall and into the Ballroom where the Tsar was overseeing the decorations for the nights Ball. Draco shuddered again before hissing as he shoved her forward. "RUN!" he ordered, twisting in place, his Clawed hand catching a massive Wolf looking creature across the Maw. it was skinny, and looked like it was rotting, Draco knew instantly that it was a Hell Hound, a creature that wasn't even supposed to be able to survive on the earthly plains. he snarled, summoning another Dagger from the Heavens, slamming the blade into the creatures guts. but unlike mortal creatures, that didn't slow the Hellhound down, let alone stop it. he twisted again, his wing catching a second hound hard, slamming it's head into the wall. he was glad that he could decide who could see his wings once they where 'out'. Anna wouldn't see anything but Draco fighting with creatures of no name.

Harry snarled viciously at Gabriel, bristling at his elder. "i don't give a damn what you do so long as you stay out of my way!" Harry snarled. "you know just as well as i do that no one else can kill Voldemort! Demon or human i am always the only one who can defeat him!" Harry hissed before pausing as they where moved, tensing with fury as he heard Draco screaming. Voldemort was attacking Draco! Harry's rage doubled, and in an instant, Harry's trusty sword Nifhelm was in his hands, the ink black blade seamed to suck all of the light right out of the air as Harry raced through the halls, leaping onto the first Hellhound he saw, which had Draco's shoulder in it's maw. wherever Voldemort was, it was clear he wasn't going to get involved personally, same as always the damn coward. Nifhelm bit through the flesh of the second Hell hound, which was trying to get through Draco to attack Anna, the head flying through the air to land at the woman's feet as Harry grabbed the scruff of the first, ripping it off of Draco who was struggling to heal the bleeding before the thing attacked again. Harry had the thing beheaded as well before Gabriel even got there and Draco froze, staring at the blood soaked Harry Potter. "H...Harry!?"
Anna nodded as she listened to him letting him urge her past the room before freezing, frozen at the sight of the wolves even as she stumbled, the high heels and long dress, plus the corset, making for difficult running as she tried to get away. Yet even as tehy fought she fell, the dress twisting around her heels as she stared up at the two men standing in front of her,the angelic blade still gripped tightly in her hand, as if preparing to attack the men in front of her.

"Good lady, it is alright."Gabriel muttered soothingly as he spared a glance for the two young angels,crouching down next to Anna and gently helping her to her feet before looking at Draco."Take her. I will clean up...these things."His lip lifted in a snarl, the playful archangel slipping away and the ancient warrior taking its place. This was the warrior people saw on the battlefield,cold and vicious, and nothing angelic about the angel who had one foot in hell.
Draco hissed in pain as Harry gently touched the teeth marks that had dug into Draco's flesh. thankfully, it took a lot worse than that to scar a creature of Heaven, unfortunately, Harry wasn't too good at healing. he was a battle angel, not a healing one. Draco was the one who was good at healing. Harry helped the stunned Draco to stand, promising the Blond that they would speak as soon as he'd finished helping his 'bossy Brother in Arms'. being able to touch, and talk to Draco again had put Harry in a very good mood... or maybe it was being able to behead the wolves. whichever it was, Harry was all smiles as he walked over to Gabriel as Draco rushed Anna into the ballroom. the others gaped in horror as Draco entered, drenched in blood and wincing anytime e tried to use his right arm. he spoke quickly tot he Tsar, and without another word, the three of them headed for the Tsar's bedroom to wait for Harry and Gabriel, as well as tend to Draco's wound.

"he needs more training." Harry muttered as he grabbed the leg of one of the dead beasts. "i can't beleive he let that thing get a bite on him." he paused. "can Angels get infections?" no, thank goodness or Draco would probobly have been in trouble. "so what do we do with these things anyway?" Harry asked, examining it with a disgusted look. "god but these things are nasty." he glanced at Gabriel. "how much are we going to tell Draco? we can't exactly lie you know..."
Anna fussed over draco when they got to her father's bedroom, ignoring the bemused look her father was giving her as she worked on draco's shoulder. Getting some thread and needle she settled on the bed next to draco, gently tugging the ragged ends of draco's shirt away before starting to sew it together. Despite having never been in battle before, obviously since her hands were shaking ever so slightly, she was calm as she worked."Draco, I think we need to retire to the winter palace....we've been putting it off, since the wars coming,but father...draco...it's easier to defend."She muttered looking at both men.

"He does.And we'll train him."Gabriel said sighing softly trying not to let the fact that harry was so happy with being with draco again bother him.Even if it did. "No. Otherwise I would have been dead years ago.Damned hounds fucking bite me all the time."He growled annoyed because of who he was, and what he had done, the hell hounds had a particular fondess for trying to kill him. Wrinkling his nose as he crouched down, letting his hand brush over the wolf's side, disgust on his face as he let soulfire take the bodies, watching them burn without harming the floor they were on."we're going to have to tell him everything...otherwise, voldemort's attack on Anna wont make sense, and he'll know we're hiding something.We'll just have to make sure Anna's not around."
Draco looked a little amused as he was fussed over, letting her stitch him up. he couldn't just use his Angel Fires to heal himself, or she'd realize he wasn't entirely human. "The Winter Palace? i doubt that will do much better Anna. i can't be certain, but this could just as easily be the work of a Duke, trying to get you out of the way so he can inherit the throne, the greedy bastards... plenty of people would be willing to sell their souls to the devil for a few years of absolute power." but even to Draco's ears, it was a far fetched idea. and Harry would not have returned to earth for just a common Soul. no, this was big. "it would be good to relocate though. i just have to check in with Gabriel, he was the other man out in the hall. he's my Superior of a sort." Draco admitted, biting his lip hard. "i never thought i'd ever see Harry again... i was certain he was dead. everyone said he was dead..." or rather, everyone said that Harry was in Heaven with his mother and father. Harry hadn't moved to Valkyrie until after Draco had started his 'job'.

"You'll train him you mean. i'm talented, but i'm not good enough myself to try and train someone else." Harry corrected, looking amused. "besides, i don't know if i could willingly hurt Draco." Harry admitted, shaking his head. "Draco doesn't know it's Voldemort yet." he pointed out before sighing. "he's not going to react well to the news that Anna is a Dark Lady you know." he pointed out. "he doesn't understand about The Balance yet. stupid Blond." he complained. it had taken a while for Harry to understand why Draco had been denied Heaven. it wasn't until he'd spoken to the Guardian of the Gates that he understood. Draco had denied HIMSELF Heaven. he had felt the need to repent for past sins, no matter that God had forgiven the blond, Draco hadn't forgiven himself for the actions he had done, and caused under the food of a Dark Lord. no, Draco was not going to handle working for a Dark Lady well at all. "we'll have to be careful how we tell him... perhaps i should tell him about the Balance first, and then tell him that Anna is a Dark Lady?"

(i...love...this...game!!!! it's sooo addicting!)
Anna frowned wincing at that, slumping a little as she finished. Looking so defeated at having her idea shot down right away. She was young, young and used to being talked over despite being the tsarvich, so even the gentle words from draco made her feel.... like less. "We'll ask when they come down."she muttered looking at the floor before sighing softly. "Well, you'll just have to be happy to see him now."She said her voice soft and sad, so very certain that now his lover was back, she was going to lose the one friend she had in the world....she was so not going to handle the discovery he had been lying to her well.

"Hm,well I guess I can demean myself by training a novice."Gabriel said the arrogant amused jackass back now that he was sure the danger was over for the moment before smirking."Oh, I'm sure you've hurt him before, just not outside the bedroom."he said with a perverted snicker before sighing quietly."I know. But he was the angel that needed to be here, because he was probably the only person that could shatter the mask she hid herself behind,and make sure she didn't completely close herself off from the world."Gabriel said because he had chosen draco for this, because he understood what it meant to be closed off to those around him,even if he'd let them close. Chosen because he would be able to keep Anna in touch with the world."We'll tell him about the balance, then carefully tell him about anna."He said as he headed for the tsar's bedroom.'anna isn't the dark lady. Not yet. she was deemed at birth to be the one, but...depending on how things go, she could be what the world needs, or the one who plunges it into endless dark.When...when draco arrived in heaven and refused...there was a prophetess, that said he was the one the world needed to keep her from losing herself."He said explaining more then he had ever before, since they had to explain to draco.
Draco winced at the look on her face and he gently took her hand. "yes, we'll have to." he agreed softly, watching her stitch up his arm. "your very good at this." he admitted with a smile s he watched her shaking hands. "you handled yourself very well today Anna. not many people can keep such a cool head when their being attacked." he admitted softly. "you didn't even scream. i screamed the first time you know." he admitted. "i completely lost my head, freaked out so badly that my mother had to slap me just to make me stop screaming." he smiled at her. "we're going to have to work on your attire though. those high heals are nice for fancy dances, but their no good for every day things."

Harry snorted a little. "he's a lot less of a Novice than you usually train. he knows how to fight, just not as well as the rest of us. he never had his training remember." he pointed out. "no one thought he would need it." he shook his head. "Draco is the best for this..." he agreed. "he's more sensitive to others than most people are..." he worried his lip a little as he shook his head. "i suppose tat makes sense. i'll make sure and tell Draco that too, Anna is a good woman, a kind woman. being Dark doesn't mean being Evil, no matter what assholes like Voldemort and Dumbledore say." he sighed as he watched the last of the flames disappear and then turned to follow Gabriel. "i hate prophecies." he complained shaking his head again as he knocked on the door before walking in, smirking as he saw the Blade waiting in Draco's hand. "very good Dray. you CAN learn." he examined the little group. "there has been a problem with your assignment." "...you know about my assignment?" Draco asked, looking startled, Harry rolling his eyes. "Heaven didn't... agree with me." Harry admitted. "i went to Valkyrie instead, i'm a Guardian too, though a different sort than you are... are you alright? why are you so pale all of a sudden?" "i...er, haven't gotten around to telling Anna that i'm an Angel yet..." "...oops."
Anna jumped a little as he took her hands, smiling slightly."Thank you...I was trying to pretend it was fabric, but fabric doesn't bleed.."She muttered trying to calm as she settled onto the bed, "Well,its not the first time I've been attacked, just the weirdest."She muttered but looked better at the knowledge that he had freaked out. She didn't feel quite so bad about being shaken now. "we'll find something."She said sighing quietly as she relaxed.

"That's good. I'd hate to have to hurt the idiot like I do the others.Espcially since you like him."Gabriel said swallowing as he tried to not let his bad mood show before laughing quietly. "I know, I hate prophecies to,but I tend to believe heaven's ones when they predict that one of the dark queens need someone."He uttered before following harry into the room, looking amused at Harry's assesment of heaven."He got bored."He said before looking startled at draco's words, his eyes moving to the woman sitting on the bed, watching the look of betrayal flitter through her eyes before they iced over.

"Since you men have something discuss, I shall be going back to my rooms"Anna said standing, the warmth from moments before gone, replaced with a cold to rival the russian winter outside. Straightening her clothes for a moment before she headed for the door to leave.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i used to be sick at the sight of Blood." Draco admitted. "i till do sometimes. i was never much of a warrior really, but i had to learn. i'm glad i was able to save you at least, imagine if i'd been a bard!" he teased, grinning as Harry walked in. "Draco your voice could shatter glass, you are SO not a bard." the Brunette stated with a roll of his eyes. "and i did not! it was creepy!" Harry complained, shaking his head. "it was just... too happy, too perfect... it was wrong somehow... not natural." he swallowed thickly as he watched the betrayal on Anna's face and Draco cringed, glaring at Harry who smiled sheepishly. "sorry..." "Dammit!" Draco complained softly as he stood up, the wound on his arm flashing as it healed completely, though he left the stitches in for now. he's take them out later. he didn't even look at the others in the room, he just went after Anna.

"Anna?" Draco asked softly as he knocked on the door. "may i please explain?" he asked, walking in and slowly closing the door before sitting down on the floor, his hands folded, his head bowed i a sign of submission. "have you ever gone out into the city, disguised, and pretended that you weren't the Grand Duchess?" Draco asked softly, closing his eyes. "that's what i was doing. i know i should have told you, but for the first time in my life, i was a nobody... i wasn't the Heir to the Malfoy Line... i wasn't a pampered prince of England. i wasn't a war Hero, i wasn't a celestial being. i was just Draco. no one stared at me with awe, or hatred, no one treated me like i was special. i was just normal..." he wrapped his arms tightly around himself. "and i was afraid, that if i told you, you'd stop seeing Draco, and you'd start seeing the Celestial being instead, and you'd fawn on me like the Tsar does, and you'd stop being my freind..." Draco admitted softly. "i was sent here by Gabriel, Arch-Angel of the Heavens to protect you and the Tsar, because your fate, directly ties into Russia's survival, or destruction. i never imagined i'd like you as much as i do... to the point that your happiness almost matters more to me than the fate of Russia..."
Anna giggled a little at that."You would have been a very good bard I'm sure."She muttered looking amused and defensive at harry's words.Gbriel sighed quietly as he watched the two leave turning to look at harry."You know, you just have a way of messing up even if you're not aware of things.'He teased.

Anna was curled up in the window seat, refusing to look at the man kneeling at her feet. Swallowing hard."I have."She muttered in answer to his question, tense and losed off as she listened.Feeling even more defesinve as she realized he'd sent her to save her. To make sure that she didn't ruin things. Feeling out of sorts and betrayed, not because not only had he not told her, but because he had come here for russia,"Get out."She whispered tears filling her eyes as she curled up in the seat, crying at the loss of the only man who'd never cared she was the grand duchess. It pained her so much, that she culdn't see he was truly her friend, couldn't see through the pain of knowing all that matter as she held russia's fate in her hands. that that was all she could be.
Draco cringed as she spoke to him, and he closed his eyes as he stood up. "i'm sorry Anna." he whispered softly. "i never meant to hurt you..." he admitted softly, watching her with tears flowing down his cheeks. "you will always be my dearest freind." he promised her before turning and leaving the room, Harry there in an instant to carefully hold Draco as the blond burst into sobs. Draco was settled into bed before he could ask Gabriel to be reassigned, and against Harry's better judgment, he went into Anna's room an hour later and settled down into a chair next to her bed. "did you know that Draco never had a freind before me?" Harry asked her softly. "you and him, are very alike. both of you have always had to hide who you really where. both of you have been betrayed and abandoned." he looked at her. "did you know that Draco's mother ad father, used to torture him anytime he did something they where displeased with? even if it was out of his control. like not getting higher marks thana 'mud-blood'. Draco's freinds and classmates, turned on him as soon as they foud out he wasn't going to join the Death Eaters. they beat him in his own bed. turned on him like a pack of rabid wolves." Harry looked up at the ceiling.

"you've abandoned him now too. though he's done everything he can to make sure you are safe, so you can live the life you want to live. Draco doesn't give a damn about Russia. he never did no matter what his mission says. he cares about you a great deal. so much so, that i'm jealous, and afraid you might take him from me." Harry admitted simply as he stared at her. "yes, Draco kept a secrete, but can you blame him? what would you have done, if he had told you right away that he was an Angel? you would have hated him for interfering in your life, or you would have looked at him with that disgusting Hero Worship that he hates so much." Harry shrugged. "but what do i know? i certainly don't know you as well as i thought i did. i would have thought you'd know better than to cast judgement on another person, after the way everyone judges you." he stood up without giving her a chance to defend herself and left the room, glancing at Gabriel. "...why did i do that, do you think?" Harry asked softly. "i should be glad she abandoned Draco like that... then i won't have competition... and yet..." he closed his eyes. "i can't stand to see him in such pain. he'll want to leave now, thinking he failed. he'll ask you for a different assignment, or simply accept the fact that he'll never get into heaven... neither are good options..."
Anna turned to stare at the man in front of her, staring at harry. Having lashed out at draco before she could think better of it. So twisted up she didn't know what to say. But she wanted her friend back.she needed draco.Stepping out of the room once she was sure gabriel and harry were away from the door she went looking for draco, looking so upset and torn up. She couldn't consider what she'd done to her best friend, when she really did know better. Knocking on the door she whimpered quietly."draco?Draco?"She said sounding so very scared hat he'd already let.

Gabriel nodded as they walked down the hall, already knowing."You did it because he likes her, and thinks he failed, when all he really did was make her think about things. This will do them both good."Gabriel mused shaking his head a little."You are to good for your own good. A normal person in love wouldn't have given her another chance to get him."he said before smirking."Hm, I ordered him to his rooms, and to stay there under pain of death."He smirked."I know the grand duchess, she would have eventually hought better of it, but you just hurried her idea over it. She'll go see him now."He said smirking as he turned to watch Anna rush out of her room towards draco's."Are you jealous of this?"He asked curious.
Draco was laying in his bed, curled up and hating himself for screwing everything up. he would never get to heaven at this rate, he should just give up. how could he ever atone for his sins, when they just kept piling up? he winced as the door was knocked on and he dragged the blanket over his head. he didn't want to talk to anyone, least of all Harry. Harry would try to make him feel better and Draco didn't want to feel better. he cringed again when he realized it was Anna, for a moment he considered being quiet and hoping she'd leave... but part of him wanted to let her yell at him some more, to suffer just a bit more for his failure. "come in..." the self depreciating tone was evident, even through the door.

Harry grimaced a little and shook his head. "a normal person wouldn't be in situations like this." he reminded the other. "i guess it's like that old saying... if you love something, set it free. if it comes back, it's yours to keep..." he smirked a little at Gabriel. "well, so long as he feels like he's being punished he won't do anything stupid. he's like me in that regards. he has to punish himself when he does bad things." he admitted. "and i know her too. it would have taken her days to admit that she was wrong and we both know it." he admitted simply as he watched her run off. "...i'm very jealous." Harry admitted softly. "Draco was the only good thing i ever had and now... i don't know anymore. Anna is... connected to him in a way i never could be. Draco and i where together because we where all each other had. that's not a very good basis for a relationship. and yet, every inch of me wants to keep him. i just don't understand myself anymore." he admitted simply, turning to look at Gabriel. "Anna is... right for him, but i don't know if he can keep her any more than i can keep him. can Angels have human lovers Gabriel?"
Anna swallowed hard easing into the bedroom and looking torn up as she stepped into the room. Looking around she whimpered nearly, distressed enough to not even try acting like a grand duchess. moving to sit on the bed she gently tugged on the blanket."Draco?I'm sorry...I didn't mean it...I was scared and I didn't consider what you were going through...I didn't think logically...I should have...."She muttered blaming herself for what was understandably a very emotional reaction.

"That's true.But I do enjoy seeing you get into spots like this."He mutered watching harry before smiling a little."Hmmm he's definately feeling like he's being punished. Like you said, I figured he wouldn't do something stupid while punished."He said before studying him before nodding."She is. She of all people, understands what it means to never be allowed to be yourself, and know there's no way she ever can be, without watching her kingdom go down in flames."Gabriel said because it scared him to consider draco and anna together,even if she didn't understand it. Swallowing the fear he nodded slightly looking away, avoiding the other's eyes as claws tore his heart to shreds."They can. But it never turns out well. At least, not for the human."he said, his voice that careful blank voice that gave nothing away, except that he was hiding so much to know that there was something more
Draco turned as soon as he heard the whimper, pulling the blanket out of the way so he could see her. "of course you meant it, and you had every right to mean it." Draco muttered, gently settling his hand to her face. "i should have told you. i was a coward, i usually am." he admitted with a sheepish smile as he shook his head. "i think we both might have overreacted to all of this. between the attack, and you finding out something i should have told you. i can't blame you for reacting the way you did." he assured her. "Gabriel sent me to my room." he complained, pouting at her. "so you have to stay and keep me company, alright?" he'd forgiven her before she'd even come in the room, and since she'd apologized, he assumed she'd forgiven him.

Harry scowled at Gabriel and shook his head, his hands tightening into fists as he closed his eyes tightly. "Draco would rather watch Russia go down in flames than to see her unhappy... i hate to say this but... we might have to reassign him after all. I don't know if he can handle this assignment anymore." Harry admitted softly, agony in every word as he stared at the other. "Draco would rather go to hell, than to hurt Anna in any way." Harry admitted softly, biting his lip. "he loves her." and wasn't that a bitter pill to swallow. "he loves her more than he loves me at any rate..." honestly, Harry wasn't ready to really admit that. he would fight to the bitter end to keep Draco, because Harry didn't realize that there was someone else for him. part of him suggesting Draco be given another assignment, was Harry trying to get Draco away from Anna. he also knew Gabriel would know that. honestly, Harry wasn't sure what he was doing anymore.
Anna sniffled a little as she leaned into his hand, tears filling her eyes."Well, we can just chalk our reactions up to to much drama."She said rubbing her eyes before smiling, giggling a little."WEll, since you got in trouble because of me, I guess its the least I can do to keep you company."She said shifting to lay down on the bed next to him, the full skirts of her chest making her look so much bigger then she really was. She really was just a small fragile girl. "...harry's scary you know.And protective.""She muttered yawning, the dama making her tired.

Gabriel studied his friend sighing softly. "Well, that was part of the thoughts going on... that this kingdom, would go down in flames."he muttered before nodding."We'll stay. We'll be the balance for draco's more...mallable idea that her happiness is better then saving the country."He said smiling, because he was in love with his young angel, so he had to let him go. "Besides, you'll get o spend time with draco, and win him back like you want.I'll help. He wont be able to resist us both."He said, willing to do whatever harry wanted, even if he knew better then to get involved in a dark lady's love life. Because he knew just as well that russia couldn't survive if angel and human loved each other, they were already standing on the edge of a civil war, he couldn't let them actually be together.
he chuckled a little and nodded as he wrapped his arms around her, enjoying her comfort, as well as feeling guilty for enjoying it. Harry was here, right in the other room and here he was laying with another person in his arms. was he really so fickle? "Harry is a warrior... he always has been, ever since he was a year old all he's ever done is struggle to survive." Draco admitted. "it makes him harder than most people are. it's probobly why he couldn't handle heaven. Harry's never had anything but danger and chaos. that much peace and tranquility no doubt troubled him at a very deep level." Draco sighed a little. "and he's always cared more about others than he has himself. he'll cut himself to ribbons, just to make sure you don't get a papercut."

Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "what would happen if Russia did burn? would it effect The Balance?" Harry asked, glancing at Gabriel. "we still have to tell Draco too..." he muttered softly, worrying his lip as he smiled at Gabriel. "thanks. but if i'm going to keep Draco, i have to be worthy of him." Harry admitted. "it would be cheating to use your skills to win Draco." he admitted with a shake of his head. "besides, as you said. She's not a Dark Lady yet." he frowned a little and then. "Draco would make a good Tsar though. he's spent his entire life learning how to 'rule' and the politics are all mostly the same... he could make everyone happy, i think... there would be a few uprisings, but i think once they realize that Draco's not about to hand them over to England, they'd settle down..." poor Harry, his heart was demanding one thing, and his common sense was demanding another.
Anna smiled softly leaning into him, looking so small and breakable in his arms, but she was strong, so much stronger then anyone gave her credit for. "Well, it seems he has found something that works for him.A immortal warrior life.."She muttered going quiet because she thought about their relationship. already mentally stepping back from him. Wanting him as a friend, but denying herself the idea of having him as more, since his immortal love was just in the other room."You should get some rest draco..."

Gabriel moved to stare out the window, watching the snow fall."yes.And no. No, as a whole, if this country fell, it would not matter. But if it falls because of anna's choices, anna's pain...she is the last in her line, harry. The last woman prophesied to be able to become the dark lady. If she chooses love over duty...the balance may forever be altered, or she might become what the world needs. There is no longer any way to tell, the future has become to tangled, for even a archangel to tell."Gabriel said turnning his head to look at harry, smiling slightly."You sound confused young one, wanting him and wanting to hand him over."He muttered sighing as he looked out the window his thoughts on another time, another place, where he'd been standing at this same castle, at the pennicle of watching the world plunge into darkness, only that time he hadn't been fighting to save the dark. He'd been the one to plunge the blade through the lord's last hope. There were reasons gabriel didn't talk about person things, and the existance of the kinslayer, and his own history with the lords and ladies of the dark was just one of them.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "He makes a Good Guardian doesn't he? the way he battles... it makes me tingle all over." Draco admitted, voice more filled with Awe than lust. "i don't know if i could live that kind of life though. i always hated being a warrior, going to battle, hurting others..." he shrugged a little. "i should sleep, but i don't know if i can. Angels don't need much sleep. any sleeping we do is more for our own amusement than anything else." he admitted with a small grin. "we don't dream all that well either so even then sleeping isn't all that amusing. you can sleep though." he assured her. "you must be exaughsted, it was a hell of a long day."

Harry moved forward to stand next to Gabriel, watching the snow flutter down around the world, so peaceful. "The very last? i thought it was a 'born of chance and fate' thing, not a bloodline thing..." he admitted, blinking at Gabriel. "...so Tom really wasn't a Dark Lord at all, he just wanted to be... sick bastard. he'll never succeed anyway. i killed him once, i can certainly do it again." Harry admitted with a nod. "i am confused i suppose. half of me constantly wants one thing, while the other half constantly wants the opposite." he admitted with a sigh. "is that Love, Obsession, or madness i wonder?" Harry mused before turning to Gabriel. "your thinking too hard about bad things. come on, lets go find something to do, i hate it when you start to mope like this."
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