Fallen Moon/Lady

"He does."Ana said looking amused beforoe glancing at him, giggling a little."Start talking like that and I'll think your going to try and sleep with him again."She teased before sighing softly."You're good at it though,even if you do hate it."She said before sighing quietly "i am...i think i will..."she muttered already starting to drift off even if she tried to stay awake."But you wanted me to stay up with you, since your grounded..."

Gabriel sighed softly nodding."It is fate, which one is chosen within a bloodline, not every child of the bloodline is destined to be a dark lady or lord. But she was prophesised to be the last, if russia fell.If she allows it to happen, she will be the last."He muttered snuddering before laughing quietly."He wasn't. He was the right bloodline, but the fate of dark lord didn't fall to him. I think the knowledge of that, drove him insane."He said before smirking."Madness is sometimes all three."he mused before smiling as he allowed harry to pull him away."I do not mope."
Draco smirked a little. "who says i don't? he's as amazing in sex as he is in battle." Draco admitted with a laugh. "and i taught him everything he knows if you can beleive it." he admitted with a smug little grin. "we trade off on being top too, so we never get bored." he admitted, smiling as he watched her stave off sleepiness. "it's alright. i feel better just having you here." Draco promised her softly. "go to sleep." there was power in those words. before she could even think to fidget in protest, Anna was asleep.

Harry considered that for a long moment and then he nodded. "so we do have to save Russia. damn that makes everything a little more complicated." he admitted, biting his lip. "she would be the perfect ruler for Russia. we either need to find her a nice submissive husband who will do whatever she says. or we need to find a way to make HER the Tsar. we could build her an Army..." or she could marry Draco, who would let her Rule without problem, and would even help her when she needed it... "dammit, i have GOT to stop thinking shit like that!" Harry complained, scowling to himself. "Salazar Slytherin was really a Dark Lord wasn't he?" Harry asked curiously. "you do too mope you Depressing Dandy." Harry teased as he shook his head, leading the way to Draco's room to check on the blond before heading to the Library to look for a game or something he ad Gabriel could play. something, anything, Harry would even submit to playing chess!
Anna giggled sleepily at his words as she shifted,snuggling down into the bed as she slept.

Gabriel laughed quietly looking amused at harrys dilemma before nodding."he was. And anna's bloodline comes from her mother, godric gryffindors actually. All the founders, have a strain of dark within their blood."he said following and settling down to play, trying not to think of why.

The next day anna smiled as she looked up from her game of chess she was playing with draci. While shed knew the man was in her home,her mind hadn't made the connection. Ehile the old lines kept the history, her mother had died before telling her why it was important."kinslayer."she whispered pale at the sight of Gabriel walking into the room, looking startled to see the man in flesh, when she'd only seen pictures before.

Gabriel winced paling a little and stepping away from harry. Closing his eyes for a moment before swallowing."I had not thought that the old lines would remember. I should have lnown better."he said wondering if he could indeed avoid speaking of this, not when his presence here could make the difference in how things happened.
Draco was winning, as he played the Game of chess, humming softly as he watched Gabriel and Harry enter the room, blinking at her for a moment. "Kinslayer?" he asked, looking confused, Harry looking just as baffled. "Gabe, are you alright?" Harry asked, worried about his 'best freind'. Ron was in heaven, so he didn't count anymore. "Old Lines? Gabe... what is going on?" Draco demanded, his eyes narrowed. "your keeping important things from Me and Harry, things that we need to know, aren't you?" he demanded, glancing at Anna before glancing at Harry, hesitating. seek answers, or protect Anna? "You will tell me what i need to know, right now!" "alright Draco calm down." Harry ordered. "i'll tell you. we didn't want to tell you while you where upset, but it seams like there's no getting around that... Gabe, you stay here and watch over Anna while i fill Draco in on The Balance." well that was new, Harry was deflecting attention away from Gabriel. was it loyalty to Gabriel, or just the chance to get Draco alone for a while? who knew, it was probobly both really.
Gabriel sighed tilting his head a little."I'm fine. Just remembering there was a reason I didn't visit humans often."He said watching draco before shrugging a little."Nothing that will effect this mission, at least not more then just a history lesson."Gabriel said watching the two move to the other room as he settled into draco's vacated seat, picking up the chess game, the two quietly playing as Gabriel used that other sight to watch the magic shifting around them."You know the old stories, and believe them to be true?"The archangel studied the woman.

"I have no choice but to believe"Anna said softly looking up, for the first time that dark shifting in her eyes, proof that she knew some, of what was being kept for her. "I have slept and walked through the halls of death, and heard the god speak my name and make my head ring from wanting to stay.I know that your true name is Tierce Gabriel, known as the eldest, as the kinslayer, the judge and executioner of the fallen and their beloved heirdra."Anna's eyes grew darker as she watched gabriels eyes mist for a moment before the angel looked away. "I have no knowledge of the stories beyond what was written in blood and soul. My soul knows, even if I do not know what it is."Her smile was dark and a shadow of the woman she would become showing. Showing that the anna of now wouldn't remember some of this, that the split that her mother's death had created, in leaving her untrained, had locked away. It was the split, that the angels had to heal, if they wanted to save them all."I know that the old lines, the dark ladies and their light lords were the children born of fallen angels, a angelic line that you,yourself hid, because no one would believe that god's impartial judge would choose.And so your god's belief in you, allowed you to hide the children you could not kill."Anna slumped a little."And still protect.You have always protected us haven't you Tierce Gabriel?"

Gabriel frowned slightly watching the dark knowledge fade as the more innocent anna returned, glancing up at harry and draco as they came back in."So I did."He muttered answering their question, even if she wouldn't remember the question.
Draco looked a little shaken as he moved back into the room, but determined, and he immidiatly moved back over to Anna, standing guard over her again. clearly Harry had told Draco the right way, or Draco wouldn't have come back. so Draco was startled that Anna was a Dark Lady, but understood that she was necessary for the Natural Balance. after all, there could be no good without bad, and no light without shadow. and just because she was Dark, didn't mean she was Evil. "so you did?" Harry asked, smirking at Gabriel. "trading conquest stories Gabriel?" Harry teased as he watched the tense room, shaking his head as he glanced at Gabriel. "Draco wants to tell her..." he muttered softly to Gabriel. "he says it's not right to keep this from her. i told him he couldn't tell her unless you give the ok, so... he's kind of pissed at us right now." Harry admitted softly. Draco could hear them, but Anna could not, and even if she could, she wouldn't understand the dialect of Angelic that Harry was speaking. Draco offered them another viscous glare and bared his teeth at them before turning to Anna. "Come, Anna. let us leave these backstabbing traitors to their silly games." he ordered with a haughty sniff, Harry wincing. "... make that really pissed..."
Gabriella smiled as he looked up at Harry."Hmm yes. there's a millinea worth of conquest stories to tell."he said beore watching anna and draco, looking amused at how the man was hovering over her. "So he is.He's pretty cute actually when he's feeling pissy."he said looking amused before nodding."Go ahead, tell her."He said before standing, "Come on, we'll let them talk in here,we'll go look around the house."He said walking out with harry before glancing at the other angel."So did you enjoy your alone time with draco?"He teased looking amused, not about to discuss his own past and what anna already knew. At least, some part of her knew, even if the two were split at the moment.

Anna looked up at draco,looking slightly confused."What's wrong?"She said resting a hand on his arm as they settled into her sitting room, concern showing in her dark eyes as she stared at her best friend, and wanted to hurt the two men who'd upset him.
Harry snorted a little. "not particularly. he spent most of it yelling at me." he complained, sulking a little. "i didn't even get a kiss!" he complained, smirking at his best freind. "and he is cute when he's pissed off isn't he? like some cute fluffy kitten trying to rip your face off with itty bitty little claws." Draco would be more than trying to rip Harry's face off if he heard the other talking about him like that. Harry would probobly find himself gutted and cockless as well. Draco was a timid and gentle person but piss him off badly enough and he was worse than Voldemort in a temper tantrum.

Draco sighed a little and settled into the chair, closing his eyes. "there's a reason why your so important Anna, and it is only in part the fate of Russia..." he admitted, closing his eyes. "according to what Harry just told me, Voldemort was not a real dark lord. he was just a madman who was born into the title and twisted it to suit his own desires." he admitted softly. "there's this thing called the Balance, the equality of magic and power in the earthly realms. for every healing spell there is a destructive one, for every light magic there is a dark magic. and that just because someone is a Light, or a dark wizard, they are not good, or evil..." he swallowed thickly. "the Light Lord, keeps the balance of the light magic, making sure it is strong and powerful, as is the Dark Lord supposed to do. but, the Light Lord and the Dark Lord of the last generation did not do that. they waged a war instead, Grindelwald and Dumbledore." he explained softly. "because Dumbledore won, he twisted his own position of the Light Lord to suit his own needs. and all but banished the Dark Magic, rendering the world imbalanced and in great danger." he admitted, biting his lip hard. "this generation has no Light Lord, because it is so imbalanced, there wasn't enough Dark Magic to give birth to him... i know, funny right? Light Magic gives birth to the Dark Lord, and Dark Magic gives birth to the Light Lord... it's a safety precaution i guess..."

"anyway, the Dark Lords job now, is to balance out the Light and the Dark Magics. but it has to be done very carefully or The End of Days will be upon us. i was, actually sent here to help the new Dark Lady find her peace with this world, and come into her power at a slow, easy rate so it wouldn't overwhelm her and drive her mad like it had Voldemort." he glanced at her and looked away. "because, the Dark Lord must be born, not made, so no matter how hard Voldemort tried, he could not be the Dark Lord, ever." he admitted simply. "Anna, you are the Trueborn Dark Lady... you will bring either great misery upon the earth, or great joy." he took her hand gently. "i will do my best to help you, no matter which course you choose. for you are still human, and free will is a powerful thing." he promised her. "your life is your own now, and i will do everything in my power to help you in any way that i can."
Gabriel smirked looking amused at his friend's complaining."Hmm I'm sure you could get a kiss soon."he mused before snickering, "A fluffy kitten huh?I'm telling him you said that. He is sort of like a fluff ball isn't he when he's angry?"He snickered shaking his head in thoughtfulness trying not to be hurt by harry's fascination with draco.He had no right to be jealous or hurt by the made angel's actions.

Anna looked at him, tears filling her eyes looking so very confused at his words. Because it had been something she hadn't known, but sensed.The woman had known there was something wrong, even if she hadn't known what. Staring at the blond she started to cry softly, because she realized so much more then russia was what she had to take care of. And she'd already been struggling to save her home, she couldn't save the world. Shifting she sat down on the floor, resting her head in his lap as she cried. "How can I save the world, when I can't even save my home?"She muttered.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "please don't, he really WILL take my cock off. Draco is calm, and level headed most of the time, but he's..." he paused, trying to think of the best way to describe it. "well it's sort of like Hogwarts Motto. never tickle a sleeping Dragon. right now Draco is a sleeping Dragon. tickle him, and you either get eaten, ripped apart, or you find yourself nothing more than a pile of ashes." he admitted with a grin. "it's almost like a duel personality really, Draco's so in control of himself that once his rage hits a certain point, there's no stopping him until he either passes out, he's taken down, or he exhausts himself. he was aptly named."

Draco watched her closely, and he pulled her into a hug when she started to cry, shaking his head. "you haven't failed to save Russia yet, you haven't even had a chance to try yet." he pointed out, sounding amused. "you have me, and Harry, and Gabriel to help you save Russia now. we won't let you fail, i promise. we'll find a way to help you become who you want to become, and find a way to let you rule Russia, as is right, and proper. and everything else will just fall into place." he promised, smiling at her as he kissed her forehead. "ok? your not alone, you never will be."
Gabriel looked amused before shrugging."While I'd still find that amusing I do enjoy the thought of you with a cock."He teased, a perverted look on his lips looking amused before shrugging."ahh,well that explains some of my earlier interactiosn with him. It was like talking to two different people sometimes."He said looking amused before sighing.Running his fingers through his hair because he had a thought that nothing, nothing was going to be simple.

Anna sighed softly as she clung to him, starting to calm down."You know they wont want me. At least, not without being married, and whoever I marry wont allow me to do things the way they need to be done,because it would mean losing absolute control of everything."She said her voice soft, because it had been a secret dream, a thought that had occurred to her, and the only one that could allow things to come peacefully. Resting her head on his shoulder she smiled a little."Well, then shall we get some food?"
Harry flashed his mentor a smug little smirk. "your just jealous that my dick is better than yours." he teased playfully, shaking his head. "yes, Draco is... we took him to a mind healer once. they said he was two steps away from being MPD for real. something about a personal defense system. Draco locks away all his anger and rage, as he was raised to, and it festered and actually became something... else. so when Draco get's angry enough, it's that long festered rage that comes out, meaning that Draco is aware, but has relatively little control over who gets slaughtered unless their relatively important to him, like you, me, or Anna." he paused. "well, i'm not sure about you and me right now, being that he's angry at us, but normally we'd be on that 'doesn't get hurt' list." Harry admitted with a small smirk. "you should have seen him in the Final Battle. he just let go and in a matter of minutes he had piles of dead bodies. it was almost beautiful to see... scary as hell, but beautiful." there was a pause and then. "your beautiful like that too you know. when you pull out that sword of yours, and set upon the denizens of hell as if you where a Demon yourself... it's amazing." Harry admitted with a small smile as he remembered the only time he had ever seen Gabriel in action, when Demon's had tried to take Harry's soul to hell, tried to drag him away from his rightfully earned Heaven.

Draco snorted. "what 'They' want matters little." he stated with a sniff. "it's what they NEED that counts, and they NEED you." he stated firmly. "you WILL have the Crown and you WILL have the Throne even if i have to slaughter every noble in this thrice damned ice pit!" there was a pause. "er... no offense meant." he offered her a small, sheepish smile and then nodded. "yes, food sounds wonderful. no doubt Harry will be getting into trouble by now and i really don't want to end up involved in that."
"Hmm, you are most definately not better then me."He said rolling his eyes though he looked more amused then annoyed. Looking disturbed a little he nodded slightly."Well, that makes sense, even if it is a little disturbing."He said sighing quietly, looking thoughtful."And we'll have to keep him away from the dukes then. I think as they try to 'woo' anna they're just going to piss him off."He said before smirking, glancing at the other."Well, all demons were, at least the truly good ones I usually fight, were once angels. They just fell."He ran his fingers through his hair. "And I am pretty amazing, thanks for recognizing it."he said trying not to think about WHY he was so good.

"Hmm well, I'll just let you take care of everything."She said giggling a little at his insult."Hmm it is a ice pit, but its home, and it can be beautiful."She muttered slipping her arm through his, so he could be the one escorting her, instead of her willifully leaving by herself. Mustn't let the dukes think she was to indepenant. AT least not yet. "me either. We'll go make him ook for us."She said heading for the library where they'd left hte others.
Harry nodded a little. "it's disturbing, but it seams stable. can Angel's get mental diseases after they turn into angels?" he asked curiously. "and Draco has been dealing with the Dukes for quite a while now, it's only the ones that try to HURT Anna that get killed." he smirked. "honestly, that show with the Dragon Claws was fairly impressive." and then he looked jealous again, and slightly annoyed as well as a bit self conscious. it was easy to see what he was thinking 'would Draco ever protect me like that?' probobly not, considering the fact that he was Harry Potter and he never NEEDED saving. "Gabe?... what did she mean when she called you Kin Slayer?" Harry asked suddenly, glancing at the other. "you where in Russia before?"

Draco snorted a little. "i might be 'good blood' Anna but i'm not high in rank here. the only reason i have any Political clout here at all is because i'm your Fathers Favorite... don't look at me like that you know it's true, your father plays favorites. i think if people where brave enough they'd actually consider the fact that i'm your fathers bed-warmer." he admitted, looking amused. "not the oldest i've ever had, but certainly not the ugliest, your father." he teased, flashing her an amused wink as he let her settle her arm on his as was proper. "Harry is an astonishingly good cook." Draco admitted. "he wanted to open his own little restaurant and Cafe when the Dark Lord was killed... but he died instead." he admitted looking oh so amused.
"no, not...like normal mortals do. if they die with them, they're still affected by the mental problems, but not nearly as badly as they had as mortals."Gabriel said before laughing quietly."well, that's true.Though if we consider it, you have to think that all the dukes ARE going to try to hurt her. They're going to want her broken to their wills, not let her be the ruler russia needs."he pointed out before going quiet, staring out the window before nodding a little."Centuries ago...a millinea ago."She said swallowing, closing his eyes, feeling the headache starting."I once killed angels,fallen angels, I hunted them and their human brides to exinction.For the crimes I committed against my own, they named me kinslayer.For only someone truly cold,could slayer their own like I had."He said going quiet, refusing to look harder at that time in his past.He couldn't, not without going raving mad."I was god's impartial judge, and I past judgement on them all."

"Hmm true,but you do scare them."She said loking amused before making a face, whining ever so softly."Draco!That's disturibng. On both considering my father's love life, and the fact that e's not the oldest or ugliest you'd ever had."She whined flusing as they walked beore smiling. "Hmm well,maybe we should let him open a resturant here. We could always use more bakeries."
harry nodded a little, considering that for a moment before shrugging. "yes, but so long as they don't physically hurt her, he won't touch them. he'll worry about the emotional/mental abuse and control if Anna actually get's married." he admitted simply. "you know, all of this would be much simpler if the Tsar just changed the rules." he admitted simply. "but then people would suspect her of foul play i suppose... stupid freaking Russia." he grouched before grimacing at the other, his eyes wide. "that's why Anna is a Dark Lady isn't it? because she is the child of a Fallen Angel." he whispered, stunned as he wrapped his arms around Gabriel's shoulders, comforting him. "you where what God made you to be, same as i was." he mumbled softly. "i was forged in the fires of battle, turned into a weapon and now denied peace because i simply can't handle it." he smiled. "we're very much alike, you and i."

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "of course it's disturbing, i'm a disturbing fellow." he teased, looking oh so amused as he stepped into the room where Harry and Gabriel where... Jealousy flared through Draco and he hissed softly through his teeth, Harry flinching as he pulled away from Gabriel and turned to look at Draco. there was no guilt on his face, but it was clear he was defensive. "Gabriel needed comfort Draco, that's all I was doing." Draco's eyes narrowed before he nodded sharply, still not happy, but he trusted Harry. "Anna is hungry Potter." another flinch, Draco was still angry. "Make her some food." "of course Draco." Harry chirped, offering Anna a small smile as he offered her his arm. "what shall it be my Lady? i can make almost anything you desire." he assured her, leading her away from the 'battle' he was sure Draco was going to start with Gabriel. but Draco didn't, he just stared at Gabriel for a long moment before turning on his heal and leaving, well aware that he couldn't beat Gabriel in any way.
"Hmm, that or if she just married draco."Gabriel muttered before grimacing, shying away from the thought of a human and angel marrying. That was just to ugly a thought to consider. Shuddering as he nodded,"It is. There were...a few that..."He stopped shuddering as he leaned into the other a little."They were babes...babes in the brides arms...I couldn't..."he stopped, tensing, shuddering when he heard dracom straightening as he pulled away. Shutting out the pain as he turned away from harry to look at draco.

Anna tensed a little at Draco's reaction though it only showed in the quiet sadness in her eyes before she sighed softly. Looking at Harry, she smiled slightly as she slipped a arm into harry's, "I would like a ice treat. And something sweet."She said as they walked, though everything in her wanted to turn around and protect draco from the fight she thought he was going to start with gabriel to. And yet, she let harry lead her down to the kitchens.

Gabriel frowned a little as he watched draco before following after the angel, heading into the room with him as he settled down at the table, he leaned over to look at the man, "I don't want him. At least not the way you're afraid of."He said, the lie coming so very smoothly across his lips that it was amazing he was a angel. And yet, he'd been the kinslayer for so long, that it could be that he truly didn't think he deserved love, and therefore was going to deny himself the chance at happiness.
Harry nodded. "even a Demon could not kill a helpless babe most times." he pointed out, smiling at Gabriel. "it stands to perfect reason that you, as good and bright as you are, wouldn't be able to. even God could not have expected you to kill such an innocent creature." he murmured before smiling at Anna as he led her away. "perhaps a Sorbet? or a few home made Popsicle? i know a freezing charm that works wonders on delectably frozen treats." he admitted with a grin at her, wondering if he was going to have to find a way to heal Draco and Gabriel. Draco just shot Gabriel a dark look and hissed the words in french, a language Harry did not speak. "you lie to me about as well as you lie to yourself Master Angel. you want him, and as much as i hate to admit it he wants you too, but he's the only thing good in my life and i will fight to keep him, no matter how little i deserve him!" Harry turned to scowl at Draco. "Don't speak in french dammit! i hate it when i can't understand what your saying!" he whined petulantly, Draco glaring at Harry who winced and went back to mashing the fruit for the 'smoothie Popsicle'. a Strawberry and banana for him, a Peach and Mango for Draco, and of course Anna and Gabriel's favorites which where whizzed up into being and then flash frozen with a magic spell cast from Harry's fingers instead of a wand.
Anna laughed eyes widening a little."I've never had a popsicle."She said looking eager as she settled onto a stool to watch him make it. "I don't lie. Never had.And you can keep him, fight. He wants you toGabriel said frowning slightly in confusion at the other's words as he switched to french to before sighing quiety as he sat down to watch. "I shall teach you russian harry, then me and you can talk and the idiots can talk in french and feel bad because it is not russian."Anna offered smiling happily as she looked at harry.
Harry chuckled a little and handed her her 'frozen smoothie'. it wasn't actually a Popsicle but it was close enough. he enjoyed his own Popsicle, almost obscenely so, his tongue tracing the length of the frozen stick with happy sounds that made Draco shudder. and dammit if the two men didn't know that Harry was doing it on purpose! Harry smirked at Anna however and much to Draco's shock, Harry told her that he didn't need Russian lessons... speaking in perfect Russian so that Draco couldn't understand him! "...now i know why you hate that so much.l i didn't know you knew another language Harry..." "after you died, Voldemort hired some Russian assassins. with the help of a potion, a spell, and being kidnapped by them, i was able to learn the language in a matter of days." Harry admitted as he sucked the entire Popsicle into his mouth. the length long enough that Harry SHOULD have gagged... there wasn't a sound, and with his mouth full,Harry smirked. Draco's mouth went dry, his pupils dilated, and he shuddered, carefully rearranging his clothes so no one would notice his sudden... problem. "i know Parseltongue too of course, and Gobledegook now as well."
Anna's eyes widened slightly as she heard her own language, giggling a little.It is odd to hear a english accent speaking russian. Most visitors do not bother to learn.[/i[She mused ust to annoy draco as she watched thte two, frowning slightly at draco."Are you cold?"She said the poor girl could be so frighteningly naive sometimes. Gabriel coughed, hiding his laughter as he smirked."Hmmm, well I know more languages then all of you. So I win."He said smirking slightly as he looked at harry, sighing quietly before tilting his head, as if listening to something. And he was he could almost, almost hear it, but his mind wasn't translating wht he was hearing well, and it wasn't on the physical plane, and it wasn't a danger at least not yet, so he'd let it go for now. Not realizing what he was hearing was voldemort's shattering of some of the hell realm wards, allowing even more demons into earth, to wreck even more havoc in russia
Harry smirked at her a little and shrugged. Well i didn't technically learn it to come to Russia. i learned it to save my own ass more than anything. he admitted with a smirk as Draco shook his head and managed to choke out that he was fine. "Gabriel you don't count, you where alive when most languages are dead now." Harry stated simply. "you probobly know all kinds of weird ass tongues, like Atlantian, or ancient Greek, or roman, or weird crap like that." Harry complained with a sulk as Draco smirked. "i know French and Latin." Harry scowled at Draco who snickered and then choked again as Harry resumed playing with his Popsicle, Draco glaring at Harry as he shifted his clothes again. "Gabriel! watch Anna! i have to put Potter in his place!" Draco snarled, Harry yelping gleefully as Harry was dragged out by the ear, looking entirely too smug. even Anna had to know they where about to go shag, right?
Gabriel laughed as he sipped his slushie."I know atlantean. Greek. French. celtic, latin, egyptian...persian..." "Stop!You know everything oh great lord of angels."Anna said rolling her eyes looking amused as she was placed under guard. Biting her lip a little as she watched the two go, her eyes sad even though she kept talking to gabriel.

A few days later Anna smiled a little as she stepped out onto the balcony on her rooms, pointedly ignoring gabriel when he poked his head into her room, and since she had been avoiding draco and harry for a few days, she knew they were all starting to freak a bit. She just...she didn't understand what she was feeling ,so she was willing to not talk about it yet.

Gabriel sighed as he headed back to the library, settling into the chair next to harry watching the other two play chess."She's outside enjoying the weather again. Stop worrying."he said having been made to get up and go check, he was annoyed with being made to move.
Draco sighed as he studied the Chess board, Harry frowning at it. both boys where anxious and upset. when they weren't fucking, they where usually at each others throats, fighting, sniping. it was obvious to everyone, even each other that it was not a relationship that was going to work, but they where stubbornly, blindly clinging to one another because they where certain there would be no one else there for them. both so certain of their self perceived sins that they where just as certain that they would never know love. "fuck this." Harry finally growled, standing up, sweeping the chess pieces to the floor before storming off, his emotions wild as Draco glared at the ruined mess Harry had created, but for once didn't go after his lover. he just glared at Gabriel, silently ordering the other to leave. once he was alone, he cupped his head into his hands and began to sob, forgetting that Anna was just a door away, and had probobly heard, and witnessed the entire thing.

Harry had simply gone to the very highest tower, and was standing on the top, the roof, his wings spread wide as he let the cold, cold air rush around him like some demented calming bane, his eyes closed with silent tears trailing down his face. he desperately wished that Angels could commit suicide, he wondered where Angel's went when they died, and if it was worth it? if he fell, and simply didn't open his wings fast enough... but no, Harry was too noble for a death like that, and he wasn't stupid enough to go looking for fights with demons. the wish for death was a fleeting one, he knew this was his punishment. to know only pain and sorrow for the rest of his days.
Gabriel glared right back at draco,annoyed with them both because they were clinging so desperately to what wasn't working. Looking annoyed as he left the room he headed for the tower, taking his time because he knew better then to think that Harry woud actually try and commit suicide. Spreading his own golden white wings for balance he joined the other,"You know, only you and draco...and probably anna...think this is actually the life you two need."He said.

"Draco?"Anna whispered as she stepped into the room looking anxious and looking around her looking for the other two. She didn't want to be in there, not now, not when it meant seeing the two with each other, happy with each other. Like gabriel said, she was indeed blind to ust how wrong things were."Draco?"She stepped further into the room when she realized he was alone, crouching down in front of him.
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