Fallen Moon/Lady

Nov 30, 2010
Anna Nikolaivich Romanov slumped slightly as she stepped out onto the balcony. Bitter russian winter wind blew into her face, bracing her, waking her up even as the heat of the ball room had put her to sleep. The grand duchess was the Tsar's only heir, and in a culture that treasured their male heirs, having only a daughter was threatening everyting she held dear. Staring out into the wintery landscape, she studied the snow wasteland, and thought that it was apporiate. Considering that her court was ready to spill blood to marry her, and become the Tsarvich, the ruler of russia at her father's death.

Yet, anyone who knew her, though truly few did, realized that she was not the normal, weak willed daughter of russia. She was the daughter of kings, she would not let her kingdom slip through her fingers.

Sighing as she shook her head she turned back to go inside, bracing herself to face the flirting courtiers again, and resist the urge to hurt them for being so very fake. The woman was used to fake flattery, to the point that she mistrusted everyone. Soon, if someone didn't reach her heart, the Grand Duchess of all the Russias was going to have a heart as cold as her winter locked kingdom.
Draconis Abraxas Malfoy, was in his element. this Ball was something he was very used to, no matter the strange culture that he had fallen into. everyone saw the pale, beautiful blond man as a threat, mostly because no one was sure where Draco had come from. he had simply appeared one day at the Tsar's side, like a crystal glass. so beautiful, looking so fragile, and yet so sharp he could cut to the bone with a few short words and a tone as icy as Russia's winter. everyone feared that Draco, the foreigner was after the throne, but they needn't have worried. because Draconis Abraxas Malfoy, was dead. oh he hadn't stayed dead, but he had in fact died, he'd sacrificed himself to save his lover, and for that single selfless act in a sea of selfishness he had been given a chance to earn his way into heaven. today was the first day that the Tsar had really been willing to have Draco more than a few feet away from him, only the Tsar knew what Draco was. a Guardian Angel, a creature of light, and peace, sent to stop a bloody war. the beautiful 'Icy Prince' just had to find out how.

He smiled as he spoke to a duchess who was flirting shamelessly with him, hoping to curry favor and a greater position of power. he let her have her fantasies as he sipped a small glass of champagne, his silver eyes on the lookout for any signs of danger. there would be bloody attempts at the Tsar's life before too long. but not tonight, tonight they where all focused on Anna, on winning her hand. the fools. Draco was well aware of how smart, and independent the Grand Duchess was. they would not fool her with empty words and smiles. he smirked a little as he watched her slid back in, only to be swarmed by the men again and he decided to offer her a small break, sliding through the crowds, which parted for him. suspicious though they where, he was the Tsar's favorite, and none would dare insult the Tsar by refusing Draco the reverence and obedience that he deserved.

"My Lady." Draco bowed to her, it had taken him three days to relearn the proper bows. Russians did everything differently than the Pure Bloods of English culture. but he bowed properly now, and then took her hand, laying a gentle, chaste, and proper kiss upon her knuckles, as a gentleman was SUPPOSED to do. many of the men of the evening had attempted much less... proper, kisses upon her hand, and even on her arm. Draco was surprised she hadn't called the guards down upon them. "i noticed you where surrounded by uncultured heathens, and thought to offer you at least one dance where your toes would not be sore in the after." he offered, tossing her a wink as several faces in the crowd turned red as they realized they where being insulted. "would you honor me in such a manner?" again, proper respect. Draco was beneath her, and was asking her for her grace, instead of assuming she would be the one honored, as others in the crowd had done. full of themselves they had simply assumed she would be swept off her feet at the mere sight of them. Draco wanted to laugh in their faces and show them the REAL Grand Duchess, the woman who would rather have them strung, quartered, and then tortured for their assumptions. he wouldn't though, that would cause problems, more for her than for him.
Anna turned her head a little as she entered the ballroom, very aware of the men surrounding her. And even more aware of where her father's favorite was. it was like the man's presence was burned into her mind, a constant awareness,even if she did not trust the man, her father did, and he was more polite then the men she was used to. the men who assumed she wanted them, even while she was envisioning their execution behind her eyes.

Tilting her head she smiled, her smile as soft and true as dawn breaking over the horizon. Which was truly amusing, because of the mask she was wearing for the masked ball was just that, the dress of a sun princess. Where the title of the returner of light usually fell to a sun prince, returning russia to warmth and happiness, Anna had no intention of allowing anyone to think she would give up her crown, and SHE was the true sun princess, dressed in cloth that looked like it was spun of sunlight, with a sunburst mask, the woman was truly the center of the ball.

Smiling as Draco kissed her hand she smiled, "I would, lord malfoy."She smiled taking his hand, letting him lead her into the dance, force once glad for the russian formal dances that kept them pressed close together, "I must say, You do smell better then most of my suitors. Maybe I should allow you to sweep me off my feet."She said dark amusement in her eyes because she'd assumed he was gay, not bisexual, since the man hadn't tried getting in her panties yet, she assumed he wasn't attracted to her.
he smiled at her, his own mask like glittering ice. he was dressed as a Winter Lord. he didn't think it had any cultural references, but he looked like an ice white angel... which he was. the glittering mask of silver and white made his eyes glitter like tiny orbs of molten metal. he even had crystal ornaments in his hair, making him look like he had icicles hanging in his hair, an his white and silver robes looked like the fresh, untouched snow that was all around the palace. he smirked a little as she commented on his scent. "they do not bathe often enough, and simply try to hide their stench with obnoxious perfumes and colognes the heathens." he complained with a sniff. "they insult my sensibilities." he admitted simply. "or that might just be my overly sensitive nose." he admitted with a shrug. "either way they are uncultured and do not show you the proper respect that you deserve." he admitted simply before he smiled at her. "i think i would be dead in a day if i where to actually try to court you, as beautiful as you are i'm not sure i could handle you." he admitted simply. "certainly i could not handle the thousands of greedy men trying for your hand." he admitted with a roll of his eyes.

"i do not see how so many, can be so stupid. how can they not see the danger in your eyes?" he asked her. "am i simply different from them that i can see the strength of your will in the way you walk? even if you do get married, you will never e a meek little thing that they all want and expect. you will eat them alive." he admitted, shaking his head. "i have no wish to die because i underestimated you." he admitted with a smile at her as he pulled her a little tighter to him. "though, now that you mentioned it, you smell very good as well." Draco admitted softly. "your the first woman in a very long time that has swayed me from the men of my preferences." he teased, winking at her, giving her the clue she needed to know that he wasn't as Gay as everyone thought that he was. "can you beleive that some of those suitors of yours, actually beleive i am trying to seduce the Tsar?" he asked, letting her in on the joke of the whispers and the suspicious stares tossed his way. as an Angel, he could hear just as well as he could smell and see, which was much better than any human. "they think i will try to marry the Tsar and claim the kingdom through marriage to the current King." he paused for a moment. "i am unfamiliar with the way Russian politics work, but i am quite certain that if i married the Tsar, i would not be the Tsar when he died, correct?" he asked, pleasant curiosity in his tone. it was easy to see that Draco was still trying to understand the way Russia worked, and that he had no intention of being Tsar in any form. well, he wasn't gunning for it anyway, if he where to marry into love for it, he'd be willing to rule, but he wasn't about so sacrifice his own happiness for it.

he paused as one of the Dukes came forward and whispered in Draco's ear, the blonde's mouth twitching into a smile. one of the reasons why Draco was favored y the Tsar, was because in the month since Draco had arrived, no task was too demeaning for the blond. and Draco was always happy to serve the Tsar. after Voldemort, the rather cruel and selfish Tsar was a godsend. at least the Tsar didn't torture Draco just for fun... or ever. "i apologize My Lady, but the Tsar has need of me." Draco offered her another bow and a light kiss to her hand and then scowled as the Duke simply took her hands and rushed her into another dance without even introducing himself. so rude! Draco had the deep desire to rip the man's teeth out one at a time for his lack of manners, but maybe that was his own proper upbringing. "so uncivilized. i'm beginning to think that Russian men simply have no brains." he stated with a haughty sniff, casting Anna an apologetic grimace for leaving her with the brute of a Duke, and rushed off to find the Tsar, who wanted Draco to play the harp so that the person who was already playing, could get his sprained wrist a rest. Draco was better at playing the harp anyway, and he enjoyed it, his fingers stroking the strings the way only an angelic being could.
Anna smiled looking amused as she looked over the ice angel."You look like one of the ice maidens."She muttered looking amused before flushing slightly at the insult, even if it was something that she agreed with, they were still her people"I think it's your oversensitive nose, foreigner."She growled softly before laughing at the words. Well, at least he understood what she was. "Hmmm but they are easily led astray, evidenced by the fact that they think I am a brainless twit, who would not spill blood."She said and even through the golden edge of her mask, her eyes iced over.

"I will marry for nothing less then love. It has been done before, it can be done again."She muttered flushing little at his words, smiling flustered at his flirting, "No. you would be the dowager king, respected and tolerated because you would be my step father, but not placed above the tsarvich. The only way to the crown is marriage to me, and i will gut the first son of a whore who tries taking my crown."She growled to softly to be heard before looking saddened as he was called away, wincing as she was led into another dress. While she was grand duchess, she was still a woman in a male dominated society, and unless she was willing to kill them, she couldn't do anything else about her status yet.

As theball started winding down Anna smiled softly as she stepped out onto the balcony, closing her eyes. She enjoyed the winter wasteland, despite the bitter cold, she enjoyed her land."You know, lady Anna,"Purred one of the salivating dukes, wrapping a arm around her waist, having known about her habit of disappearing, had just wait for the right moment, ignoring the struggling woman. Who despite being fierce, hadn't been trained in hand to hand fighting, or how to fight in layers of dresses, and in a corset. "There is one more way to get the throne, besides marrying you.Kill you, claim the throne...but first...I think I will enjoy this body..."The duke purred in her ear as he pressed her up against the castle side, careful to stay out of sight of the few remaining party goers, groping her through the dress as he started undoing it, ignoring the struggling woman. Not realizing that there was someone with a supernatural tuning to finding trouble, and stopping a civil war.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i thought it suited me. i am always being told i'm as cold as Ice.' he admitted with a grin. "and i'm prettier than most women." he paused. "well, most English women, i can't really compare to the fair women here. i think the Cold gives them an advantage over other females." he admitted with a nod, smirking at her angry retort. "yes, it must be my foreign nose." he agreed. "and if your a brainless Twit than i'm a sideshow freak." he muttered with a roll of his eyes before smiling at her. "the same with me. i have given up my life for Love, i will not spend the rest of my life without it." he admitted. "these fools who think i seduce their King... er, sorry,. Tsar for Power have no idea." he admitted with a chuckle. "Dowagar hmm? interesting title. i fear i will never understand Russian politics." he admitted with a small sigh. "ah well, it is my duty to serve, not to navigate power hungry politicians, thank all the Realms." he smirked at her. "if you like, i can teach you how to gut a man without getting blood on your dress?" he offered. "i don't know how many outfits i've ruined slitting a throat the wrong way." he complained with a rather feminine pout before he smiled at her, offering her comfort as she was led away.

he smiled as he finished the last song and bowed to the clapping patrons before pausing as he felt a stir of trouble. he loved being an Angel sometimes, the 'strings' that he 'tied' to people always alerted him when they where in trouble. he would always know when the Tsar or the Grand Duchess where in trouble, and she was in trouble now. he leaped to his feet, his eyes flashing dangerously as he rushed out to the balcony. as a Guardian, he did have permission from the 'higher ups' to kill when he needed to, and from the way the 'string' was vibrating, Death was the only answer here. he rushed out to the Balcony, the Dragon's Claw materializing into existence on his hand. the weapon was just like a metal glove, the three inch blades the 'claws', several people shrieking as they saw the weapon, and then the screams started as blood sprayed across the floor... not a drop landed on Draco or Anna, which only made the rest of the party goers understand just how deadly Draco was. the would be Rapist gurgled, clutching his stomach, which had been torn open by the Claws of the Dragon.

Draco didn't say a word as the Claws dematerialized, grabbed the man's hair, and pitched him over the side of the four story high balcony. the Duke uttered a single, shrill scream of terror before he hit the ground in a sickening Crunch that had several of the guests turning green, Draco's icy tone ensuring that no one looked at him the same way again. "would anyone else like to touch the Grand Duchess inappropriately again!?" he demanded, the Tsar rushing to his daughter, ignoring the blood on the floor. as power hungry and bad tempered as the Tsar was, he really did love his daughter. no one moved, spoke, or even breathed as Draco stood guard over the Star and his daughter, the blood soaking into his shoes as it drained out into the ballroom, the guests quickly stepping out of the rivulets way as the Tsar carefully helped his daughter cover back up properly. "Draco, see Anna to her room. i will have the servants clean this room and deal with the body." Draco nodded and bowed to Anna, as was proper, and kissed her hand. "if it pleases you My Lady, i will show you safely to your room." it was almost, frightening that there wasn't even blood on his hands. clearly, he hadn't been lying when he'd told her he could teach her how to slit a throat.
Anna's eyes lightened wiht amuement as she nodded."I would like that."She muttered looking back at him with amusement, her mood lightening even though she was being rushed into a dance.

Startled, yelping as she saw draco she stumbled back a step flushed and scared as she realized that she didn't have blood on her. Trembling slightly as she let her father dress her again, shivering as she accepted his overcoat, swimming in her father's clothes. Looking like a child again, who'd tried dressing up to be a boy, to please her father who wanted a son.Shivering as she nodded, looking at draco."It would please me greatly, lord protector, to get out of here."she said smiling softly as she stared at him, swallowing hard as she fought for compsure, trying so hard to not show how shaken she was. it wouldn't do to show just how scared she was by the attack. Walking with him in silence as they left the room she swallowed hard. "I think I would like some food,draco."She said after a moment pausing in the doorway of her bedroom.
Draco offered her a small comforting smile as she let him led her away, his hand under hers as was proper. even now, he did only what was polite, in his mind, being socially correct was the most important thing, only below protecting the Tsar and his daughter and keeping Russia from descending into a civil war. "allow me to check you room first?" he asked, wanting to make sure that there was no one hiding in her room before he fetched her meal, glancing in every nook and cranny before kissing her knuckles and 'taking her order' before heading tot he kitchens. he would watch it being made himself and deliver it himself. who knew if anyone else would get it into their heads to try and harm the Grand Duchess. he returned only ten minutes later, and knocked on the door. "it's me, with your food Your Majesty." Draco called gently, letting her know it was safe to unlock the door.

"how are you?" he asked as he shut the door behind him, setting the plate of food onto the table in her room, giving her a worried look, his head tilted. "i'm sorry if i frightened you, i suppose i should have just thrown him off the Balcony instead of gutting him but..." he shrugged. "i suppose i was too angry that he would try such a thing right there in front of everyone to really think about how it would affect you." he admitted rather sheepishly. "at least no one will think to do it again." he admitted with a small grimace as he gently took her hands. "your shaking like a leaf... do you want me to get you a calming potion? or one of your ladies in waiting? your father?" he asked, worried about her, honest concern in his eyes. that was another reason the Tsar liked Draco so much, Draco was almost always honest. he was an Angel after all, it was very, very hard for Draco to lie. he could hide things, but an outright lie was pretty much impossible for the Guardian angel.

the Tsar trusted Draco with his daughter because the Tsar knew that Draco was incapable of dishonest sex. Draco could not rape in any form. not through Drug, not through potion, not through brute force. even if she had only gotten drunk and wanted him, he would not be able to sleep with her because she wouldn't be under complete control of herself. and because she was an innocent, he couldn't kill her either. Draco could kill the duke because he was a twisted, vile soul already intended for hell. no innocent would ever feel Draco's wrath. "is there anything at all i can do for you Anna?" Draco asked softly, still very worried about the Grand Duchess as he gently rubbed her hands, trying to work some warmth into them.
Anna swallowed hard as she nodded lettting him into the room first, watching him look around as she hugged the tsar's overcoat against her. Watcing him go before returning, opening the door after a moment of hesitantcy, looking slightly relieved to see that it was indeed him, letting him in she smiled as she saw the plate of cookies and fruit, looking shaken. Letting the cold mask shatter now that they were alone, leaning back in her chair as she sighed. "I was angry to, so I understand the feeling."she muttered her voice shaking a little, wincing as he took her hands, because only in that moment did she realize just how badly she was shaking.

"A potion would be okay."She said after a moment, not ready to see anyone else, not even her father. Because she knew he would be angry, and she wasn't ready to face another man's temper. She'd seen it in the duke's eyes, rage, anger that he had to submit to a female, rage that the only way to rule was through her. Shivering as she stared down at their hands, "Stay with me tonight?"She asked after a moment, sounding so much younger then 21, like a child wanting reassured that the monsters under the bed weren't real, even if she kne they were.
Draco struggled not to be amused by the food choices. he let his own emotionless mask slip away as he watched her's shatter. she didn't need a bodyguard right now, she needed a freind. "well, so long as your not afraid of me i suppose." he teased her, offering her a gentle smile as he pulled a calming drought out of his pocket. he'd suspected she'd need one so he'd gotten one whipped up while the Russian House Elves made up her fresh cookies. he gently settled the potion into her hands and studied her carefully. "if that is what you wish." he promised her. "my duty is to serve." he promised her, bowing his head to her, though his tone was light and joking, teasing her for being the Grand Duchess. hoping to calm her down. "i will stand guard for you tonight." he promised. "no one will get to you with me here." he promised. "that's why i came here after all, to protect you and the Tsar." he admitted, letting her in just a little bit. he doubted he would ever tell her his secretes, even the Tsar did not know who Draco used to be. all the Tsar knew was what everyone else knew. Draco Malfoy was a powerful nobleman involved in the English War with the Dark Lord. that was all anyone in Russia knew, and even the Dark Mark was gone, so no one could tell what side Draco had been on.

"now, drink your potion, eat some cookies, and take a hot bath to calm down." he ordered calmly. "there are no windows or doors into your Bathroom so you'll be safe in there. i'll stay in here." he promised her, his eyes examining the Windows, his eyes narrowed a little as he considered the possibility of anyone being stupid enough to try and kill the Grand Duchess after that show he'd given in the Ballroom. he knew the servants where still scrubbing up the blood, just as he knew several of the other Duke's and Duchesses where calling for Draco to hang or burn for killing a Duke. Draco also knew the Tsar was going to laugh them all out of the Throne room for the audacity to demand such a thing, especially since the Tsar himself had given Draco permission to kill anyone who was deemed a threat to him or his daughter.
"Oh, as if anyone could be scared of just a pounce."She said giggling a watery giggle as she wiped the tears away smiling a little as she sipped the calming draught, sipping it slowly, starting to calm down as she nibbled on her food. Giggling, so emotionally overwrought that she was gettign drunk."You aren't always the dutiful one, you know. I can see through your mask.You don't like serving anymore then I like the idea of being a breeding mare for a husband."She said watching him looking thoughtful before nodding. It would be good to have one person, that she could trust. So very alone in her world, since she couldn't trust the duchesses and dukes around her, the older ones or younger, they all wanted something. Only draco, didn't want anything.

"Good. I'll go do that...there's books in the sitting room if you want some."she offered before disappearing into the bathroom.

In the world between living and the dead, the archangel Gabriel smiled slightly as he walked into the viewing room, pausing slightly, looking at the scene playing, before focusing on the boy hero sitting in his chair watching."She matches him strangely. All blond curls and sharp angles. ice and sunlight indeed."He mused, the older angel walking to the younger recruit, sitting down next to him."You know you can't get involved."He said studying the man.
Draco chuckled a little. "but i'm not 'Just' a Ponce." he pointed out. "these people, they forget who i am. i was a warrior, a man from a viscous bloody war. i have training, and have suffered more than any of them ever will in their entire lives." he admitted simply. "and i don't mind serving you and the Tsar, you are much kinder, and much less demanding than my last master." he admitted simply, smiling a little. "i like you and the Tsar." he admitted. "he is a cruel man, but he cares deeply for you, and others who he honestly cares about. i am happy to serve him, he's an honest man." he admitted before flashing her a smirk. "and the day you become a breeding mare, is the day i willingly cut off 'Little Dragon'..." he teased, patting his own crotch to let her know exactly what he was talking about. no man would willingly part with their cock, gay or not. he watched her go into the bathroom before he settled into the chair with a book, letting himself relax into the words, even though he was very aware of the world around him, ready for any danger or trouble.

Harry sighed as he stroked his wings, pulling out the loose feathers from the two sets of wings. he was a 'general', for lack of a better term. he had four beautiful wings as black as his hair. it was unusual to have black wings, but Harry was an unusual Angel. he was one of the few who had found Heaven to be... not to his tastes. the perfect peaceful world had just been too perfect for the boy who had spent his entire life suffering and struggling to survive. so he had been made into a very unusual Archangel instead. "i know i can't get involved." Harry complained, scowling as he studied Draco, touching the sharp angle of his jaw on the image, wishing he could touch the man who had given his life to keep Harry alive long enough to stop Voldemort. "he died for me... he died to save me and now i can only watch him struggle..." Harry complained softly, bitter jealousy in his voice. "and now some Russian princess is going to steal him from me... stupid heaven." he complained, sulking. Draco had been the only thing that Harry had ever allowed himself. Draco was the only happiness Harry had ever accepted after Sirius. so to lose Draco now was a bitter pill that Harry truly didn't, wouldn't swallow.
Anna studied him, her smirk widening a little."Hmm, I never forget who you are. After all, even when a tiger lets you pet them, it'll still rip your arm off."She muttered knowledge in her eyes, that despite being shaken, she had understood him before tonight. Had understood that his mask hid just as much as hers did. "hmm and it is indeed a little dragon."She said raising a eyebrow, smirking as she disappeared into the bathroom. Though when she did return in a hour, the soft blond hair, that even though wet, was so curly that it curled around her face, looking definately more at ease in the pj bottoms and sweater, moving into her bedroom she watched him read. "If you fall asleep there, you're going to get a kink in your neck."She said smiling.

Gabriel smiled slightly at the sight of the unusual angel. He was unusual himself. A born angel instead of made, the man had very little understanding for humanity, even if he understood the warriors better. Though that only made sense, sense he was the war general of heaven, the being that the vikings had named odin, who'd ruled vahalla and had a hall of valkyries and warriors....after all, there was some truth in all myth. "He's not doing so bad. He's just killed someone to protect her. That's not so much struggling."Gabriel mused watching harry instead of the scene, "And she's not just 'some russian princess', you know that."Gabriel said frowning, because while they hadn't told draco-he could find out on his own, since Anna herself didn't know- being harry, and gabriel's newest second in command, gabriel had allowed the man to find out why Draco was protecting russia, or moreover, the world. Anna Nikolaivich was the Dark Mistress, lady of all night, more then Lord voldemort, who had just tried to claim the title, the world's fate rested on the girl's shoudlers...and she didn't even know it.

Voldemort had claimed the title, Anna had been born to it, and in her actions, her choices, the world would fall or raise as dark balanced light.
Draco offered her a smile, a real one this time. a smile full of bitterness and pain as he chuckled. "i would never rip your arm off." he promised with a smug little grin. "and a 'little Dragon' it might be, but it's still bigger than any 'winter posy' you call the men around here." he teased playfully before turning his attention to his book. "i will not sleep here, don't worry." he promised her, lifting his eyes from the book as he smirked at her. not all that willing to tell her that he wouldn't sleep at all while he was guarding her, fearful that someone else might try to kill her. Draco was one of the most dutiful men a person could find.

Harry scowled at Gabrielle a little and shook his head. "he's still suffering. he died to save me and now he thinks he'll never see me again because he's an idiot! besides, he hates killing, and he shouldn't have to just to protect some pompous woman. she's supposed to be the Dark Queen! make her protect herself!" Harry was sulking like a child. which was a relief to many, considering Harry had never had much of a childhood. to see him acting so... normally was almost shocking really. Harry sighed a little and smiled as he watched Draco settling in to stand guard over the Russian Princess. "still... he does his job well, even if he doesn't really know whats going on." Harry sighed a little and slumped in his chair, sulking again as he stare at his once lover with the obsessiveness that only an Angel could pull off. it didn't happen all that often, but Angels where almost as bad as Veela where when it came to certain people. "i wish i could just talk to him without really getting involved..." Harry muttered softly. "but he'll ask too many questions, the stupid Ponce..."
"good.I would hate to have you stiff before you give me my first fighting lesson in the morning."She said smiling slightly, a sadistic teasing glint in her eyes, that said despite still being shaken, the woman was back to normal. Enjoying her teasing. Truly was amazing that anyone could consider her to be as weak willed as the others in court."Goodnight draco."She said climbing into the monster of a bed, more orgy sized, settling in to sleep.

In the morning Anna smiled as she stirred, forgetting about the blond as she sleepily made her way to the winter, completeing her morning ritual of greeting the dawn, resting her forehead against the window. Sighing as her breath misted the cool glass she braced herself to face yet another day of pretending, yet another day of not being herself. And it would be worse today, because she had to go out into public. Had to visit the peasants that loved her, while working with the nobles that hated her.

Gabriel sighed as he was scowled at, though the man was annoyed with being yelled at, the angel was internally relieved to know that the man could be childish sometimes. "And when she kills to protect herself?When she starts using dark arts before she's ready? A born queen would be worse then your lord voldemort."The angel said refusing to be ruffled, smiling a lttle as he watched harry. it amused him that he could be so obsessive about the blond, though he was ignoring the twisting of his heart to watch the boy he'd come to care for sulk so much."Well, you're the one who likes the stupid ponce you know."
Draco nodded and offered her another smirk as he watched her closely, glad to see she was still herself, and that the attack hadn't affected her too badly. "good night, Your Majesty." he retorted playfully, letting her sleep as he stayed up all night. thankfully as an angel, he really only NEEDED a few hours of sleep a week. anyone else who noticed that he never slept, simply assumed he was an insomniac. he smiled as he watched her wake up, pleased that no one had tried anything and he smirked as he examined her. "Good Morning Princess.. er, sorry Grand Duchess." he corrected himself, offering her a small smile. "you'll be happy to know that the night was peaceful. no disturbances at all." he admitted from where he was lounging in his chair, his finished books next to him on the chair. Draco always had been an avid reader. "your Father asked me to go with you on your trip today, so that nothing else happens. no one would dare try anything with me there, not after my little... display, last night." he sounded almost disgusted with himself, he probobly was. there was a thrill that came with Killing, a pleasure... Draco was quite certain he was never getting into Heaven.

Harry glared at Gabriel again. "i hate it when your right, you know that don't you?" he complained, sighing a little. "Draco is the best one to handle the situation i know." he muttered, sagging into his chair. "i just miss him... and i know he'll forget about me. he thinks i'm in heaven, resting as i 'deserve'. and he thinks he's going to hell because he likes to kill. but who can blame him for such a thing? it's all he's ever known. hell I like killing and i still got into heaven!... for a little while anyway." he admitted with a ferocious grin before he sighed and continued to stare at the image of Draco. "Gabriel? can Angels find true love?" he asked softly. "or am i just feeling echoes of when i was a human? is it really love at all or just an obsession? i've always been rather obsessed with Draco you know..." Harry always told Gabriel things he'd never tell anyone else. for Harry, Gabriel was like the father, or brother that Harry had never had. he had met James and Lily in heaven of course, but... they had not approved of Harry's... life choices. Gabriel was better in Harry's book. "yeah. i do like him." Harry agreed, waving his hand over the image of Draco to make it go blank. he was tired of sulking. "shall we go find something to do? training, flying lessons... something? i'm tired of pining for something that i'll never have..." but Harry would go back tot he images, as he always did. watching over his once lover with the obsession that most angels never encountered.
Anna yelped twisting to look at him with a small smile, tilting her head. Swallowing slightly s she remembered that he was there. Resting back against the window, calming as she remembered just that he was there. "Good morning.Your englishness is showing."She teased rolling her eyes amused."But I could be a princess, as long as you remember not to call me that elesewhere...my people will be very upset at the idea of me marrying a foreigner instead of a russian."She said before sighing quietly. "Hmmm and it was just a little....display."She teased before oving to her closet to choose something to wear.

"I know. Which is why I try to do it so much."He said looking amused as he rolled his eyes before going quiet. "He'll be here when he's ready. And he hasn't forgotten you. He hasn't slept with anyone. Which considering that he's surrounded by some of the more beautiful mortal men I've known, sounds amazing.And of course, the grand duchess."He said looking amused before glancing away, staring at the floor as he thought his heart twisting at the question."They can.I was never human remember and I have. Now.Let us go."He said pushing up out of his chair refusing to answer the question any more then he always did. He had his own reasons for not wanting to talk about love and avoided it like the plague when he could.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "well, i am an Englishman." he pointed out with a roll of his eyes. "and i think the people will forgive me, Princess and Grand duchess mean pretty much the exact same thing. only in England, it's an arranged marriage." he admitted simply before pausing as an Owl flew in the window, dropped a box at Draco's feet and flew off. "ah! my chocolate Frogs!" one of Draco's dirty little secretes. he loved chocolate, it was nearly an addiction. and he loved to collect Chocolate frog cards. he didn't mind Anna knowing, she'd tease him ruthlessly, but she wouldn't tell others about it. he hummed as he pealed one open bit off the head, and promptly choked on it as the face of Harry Potter stared up at him. he let off a strange little keening sound and dropped it, practically throwing it away from himself before grimacing as he realized how stupid he was being and picked it back up. hoping Anna wouldn't ask what that had been about.

Harry snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "yes yes, the All Knowing." he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "your not God you know, you shouldn't act like him." he teased, well aware the other man would take it as a compliment instead of a playful insult. "and Draco just hasn't gotten over his grief yet. he was always an indulging little bastard. if it feels good, he's going to do it." Harry admitted with a shrug. "so long as he sticks to one night stands, i'm sure i can fuck him back into submission once he finally gets here." Harry chirped, amusement i his voice as he glanced at Gabriel, looking worried. "Gabe?" Harry asked softly, his hand settling into the others. "you'll always be here for me, right?" he asked softly, letting the rare childish moment shine through. Gabe was the only person, Angel, or Human, who had seen this insecure, desperate for affection and reassurance, childlike side of Harry. "you won't abandon me, right?" another secrete was that, though Harry knew better, Death was like a betrayal. they had died, and left Harry alone, they had abandoned him. he knew it was wrong to feel that way, but he couldn't help it. "can Angels die Gabe?"
"They might forgive you,but I already have enough problems without them thinking I was considering marrying outside russia."she said turning to look at him startled at his reaction to the chocolate frogs. While she knew he'd loved them, this seemed like a extreme reaction.""you know, hes not that bad looking to be thrown away."she said bending to pick up the card frowning as she looked at it. Not understanding the reaction.

"I am most definately pleased that tou recognize I'm a god among angels."he said looking thoughtful and amused as they walked before pausing looking at him, his eyes shuttering and closing the other out of his thoughts."yes, angels can die,but rarely. And no I'm not going anywehre."he said his voice suggestint there was more to it then he said but juat as much a unwillingness to talk about it
Draco just slumped into his chair and settled his head into his hands. "Harry Potter... savior of the Sorcerers Stone. slayer of Basilisks, protector of the innocent and destroyer of dementors. leader of armies and the ultimate destroyer of one Lord Voldemort..." Draco whispered softly. he didn't even need to look at the back of the card to know that most of Harry's history at Hogwarts was there. "winner of the Tri Wizard Tournament and battler of Dragons... i gave my life for him you know. i let Voldemort kill me, so that Harry would have enough time to find the last Horcrux...." he shuddered. "we where going to get married, and adopt three pretty children, and move out into the middle of nowhere so that no one would bother us..." he bit back a sob, tears trickling through his fingers. "now he's dead, and i'm not... he wasn't supposed to die!"

Harry snickered at the others ego before looking up at him with worried eyes, a flash of terror in those emerald orbs as he sensed a Lie, or at least not all of the truth, which was about as close to lying as Angels could get. "alright." but Harry knew Gabriel would sense the wariness in his reply, the worry. Harry decided to change the subject. "they made a Chocolate Frog card of Me, Hermine, Ron, Remus, and Draco did you know?" Harry asked, looking amused. "i wonder what Draco's going to do when he realizes he has his ow Chocolate Frog Card?"
Anna looked at him, looking worried as she moved to stand next to him, crouching down next to him, her skirts pooling around her legs as she rested her hands on his knees, looking at him worried."It's not your fault, draco.Nor would he want you to blame yourself for living, when he died."she muttered frowning slightly, looking worried about him."I lost someone once, did you know?"

Gabriel made a face sighing softly."I swear, by all that is holy,"He ground out, "that what I'm not telling you wont get me killed or taken away, I'm just not ready to tell you."He growled before laughing, looking relieved at the change of subject. "Hmmm probably buy them all and hide them so no one can see."
he blinked at her, tears in his eyes as he listened to her. "i'm sorry. i know... i just... i haven't.. grieved, yet." Draco whispered softly. "i don't want to admit that he's dead..." he admitted, closing his eyes. "if he was here right now, he'd be yelling at me.." he winced, startled at her next words and he stared, wide eyed at her. he hadn't realized that she'd lost someone. "i'm sorry... i know the hurt." he murmured softly as he gently cupped her face, offering her a small smile. "come on, i'll teach you some fighting moves... i'm not ready to grieve yet." he admitted, urging her to her feet. "now. there are two places that will, without a doubt, always bring a man down. the nose, if you hit it hard enough, and the groin." he informed her. "when you are grabbed from behind, your best bet is to use your head, literally. slam the back of your head as hard as you can into the nose. it will break it, and he'll go down. grabbed from the front, drive your knee as hard as you can into his gut, or groin." Draco ordered calmly. "if you cannot reach these area's, there are ways to bring them lower as needed. stomping hard on a foot with your high heels will certainly cause enough pain to make them double over." quick lesson, probobly because they where already running more than a little late.

Harry winced a little and shook his head. "i'm sorry Gabe. i don't know what's wrong with me today." he admitted with a shrug of his shoulder. that was to be expected really. Harry had only been dead a short while. he' spent barley three days in heaven, and the absolute perfection, and meeting his parents, had left him a bit traumatized. which was kind of funny if you thought about it. Harry had been training his butt off for the last three, four weeks that he'd been dead. he'd only died a day after Draco had. "your probobly right. for all the attention Draco wanted, he's absolutely mortified when he gets GOOD attention." Harry admitted with a snicker as he stepped out into the rolling 'hills' that was his favorite place to fly. some things never changed.
Anna smiled a little watching him, "He died a long time ago, before I was truly old enough to understand what I had lost."she said shrugging a little looking away. Because at 16 she'd been a child, who'd lost her best friend, not realizing she'd also lost her only chance of a peaceful take over from her father. Alexei had been her calvary master as well as a duke, had would have allowed her to be her, and not interferred with her ruling the country. "Well that's easy enough."She said as they walked."We'll talk about this training later. We're running late for the public celebrations. father will be most disappointed."She said sounding anxious, walking quickly as she headed downstairs with him, smiling a little at the sight of her sleigh, climbing up into it, settling the bear skin blanket over them both as they horses started pulling them towards town.

Gabriel snickered a little looking amused.'You've been dead almost all day, it affects someone."He said showing that despite being ancient, the man did like modern movies. Looking amused as he shook his head stretching blue gold wings to their fullest he sighed as he tilted his head back, staring at the hills,trying hard to not visibly react to the scenery that rsembled another time, another place.
Draco grimaced a little and nodded. "i'm sorry to hear that." he murmured softly to her. "most self defense is rather easy. the main goal is to get away, not kill." Draco explained with a smile. "only battle hardened, war mongers like me have to learn how to kill the way i do." he admitted simply. "i learned many things i'm not proud of, but if it means keeping myself, and others safe, i'm certainly going to use the techniques." he admitted with a shake of his head as he used magic to dress himself in the proper attire and freshen up a bit, chuckling at the sight of the sleigh. he wasn't affected by the cold anymore, thank Merlin, or he'd never have survived Russia. he let her keep the bear skin blanket and watched intently as the horse moved, waiting for any attacks. fortunately, no Dukes appeared and the only problem they had was when the Horse got frightened of a stupid bug. they reached the 'Public celebrations' only a few minutes late, and no one seamed to notice thank goodness.

Harry snorted at the other and gave Gabriel a small playful scowl. "i love that movie." Harry admitted with a small laugh as he took to the air. the man who had trained Harry in flight, Ezequiel, had told Gabriel that Harry had been the most natural flier he'd ever seen. Harry had barley needed any instruction at all, he'd just leaped into the sky and taken off, just like now. no Angel would do the reckless flying stunts that Harry pulled off without a care in the world, as reckless in death as he had been in life, yelling into the clear, clean air as he did loop de loops, barrels and dives, simply relaxing in his flight and singing his wings with joy.
A few days later Anna smiled a little as she stepped into the library, nibbling at a chocolate frog."Did you see this?"She said looking amused as she held up the chocolate frog card in her hand, the slender blond man on it scowling out of the picture. "Father also said that he had news for me tonight."She said looking nervous about the idea of whatever caused her father to schedule the ball. Surely someting that required a party, she wasn't going to like.

Gabriel frowned a little as he watched harry fly, shaking his head as he tried to figure out how to tell Harry what had happened over the last few days. This was just ging to be ugly."Potter!Get down here!"He ordered ignoring the twisting feeling in his stomach that said this was just going to be ugly.
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