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Guilty or Not Guilty

nope not guilty

.... out of ideas..... is thinking im not very creative right now
not guilty

i have almost shot myself though it wasnt an accendent but i was to scared to pull the trigger or even load it

is wondering in what the hell is wrong with me
Absolutely. In the words of Chris Rock: "You've never been in love until you're ready to kill somebody."

Ever role play (in real life) in the bedroom with weapons?
Not guilty, but is thinking you should keep the paramedics on speed dial.

Have you ever had to explain a sexual injury (bite marks, scratch marks, muscle pull, et cetera)?
sooooo guilty then i ran away and right into a wall i got sleep then :)

Agreeing with Nennius about keeping the paramedics on speed dial
Sometimes that flight the next morning has to be taken...
Or those long hours behind the wheel.
Or even further more....
Do I regret it... hell yeah... who doesn't?!

Have you ever been in the heat of the moment and pause to make a mental note of something in the room?
Where talking about to hit that climax, pop, cum, etc. Then notice ' hey I have the same lamp...' OR ' I should do laundry tomorrow...'
:angel:not guilty
Have u everkicked ur boyfriend in the face?
Silver117 said:
I don't know if I over looked it, but if I did, I'm sorry.

Anyways on the game at hand:
The objective is to answer a question that requires a 'guilty' or 'not guilty' answer... Then leave a new question for the next player...

First question...

Ever tied someone up just for fun...or somethine else?

has a secert side most people in real life dont know about
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