Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

Nov 30, 2010
Gabrielle potter smiled slightly as she glanced in the mirror, looking over her appearance. Dark grey eyes stared back at her, soft red hair curling around her shoulders. Pale skin that made the spattering of freckles across her nose stand out even more. Even though she was 29, she could easily pass for younger, but there was a world weary look to her. A war torn pureblood who'd suffered through a war of voldemort, only to be rescued by her husband. Who had claimed her heart that day in malfoy manor, when he'd gotten her out when she asked to be freed from voldemort's keeping.

Stepping back into the bedroom she smiled as she slid the black cocktail dress on, frowning slightly when she didn't see her husband right away. Smiling when she realized he was standing in the closet trying to decide what to wear. Walking up behind him, she rested her chin on the slightly shorter man's shoulder, nuzzling him a little as she wrapped her arms around his waist."You know, you could go bare assed naked, and make all the women swoon."She muttered.


Astoria Malfoy studied her husband as he walked in from his day at st. mungo's, shaking his head as she finished doing up her hair."You know if you didn't want to go to the class reunion, you could have just refused to go instead of almost missing it."She said frowning at him as she slid on her heels, getting ready for what wasmost likely going to be praising potter night, and not looking forward to it. While she had married her husband for his money, she did care for him, and had loved him enough to have his son and heir. So it bothered her to see him upset and she was sure seeing the golden couple of gryffindor would do exactly that.
Harry was nervous, he didn't particularly want to go to the graduation. people where going to make a mockery of it, just like last time. instead of old freinds getting together, the stupid school and the stupid government turned it into 'lets suck up to potter day'. it particularly pissed him off but... he had promised Ron and Hermione, and he wasn't so sure that Gabriella wouldn't gut him if he decided to back out now. but he was feeling sick today, and his insides hurt, was it stress? or the disease? it was getting harder to hide things from his loving wife. he jumped when she wrapped her arms around him and he smiled as he looked at her. "mmm no, i couldn't do that to Malfoy." he teased, smirking. apparently Draco Malfoy was the one who was paying for the entire thing, and he had spend an exorbitant amount, just to have special wards put up that would keep reporters... and bugs, out of the castle. much to everyone's surprise, Harry did not go on to be an Auror like Ron had. nor had he gone on to be a professional quidditch player. no, Harry was the head of the unspeakables. mysterious, and powerful, it was still a complete mystery, even to Gabriella, what that department did. "i suppose i'll just wear the traditional?" he asked Gabriella, as always, dependent on her fashion sense... Harry had none.

Draco shrugged a little. "Weasley came in last minute just as i was finishing shift." Draco admitted. "he'd nearly been gutted." Draco admitted, shaking his head. as expected, Ronald Weasley had gone on to be one of the best Auror's in the feild. Ron was a very dedicated man, and had nearly wiped out anyone, and anything still loyal to the once Dark Lord Voldemort. just last year, Ron had single handedly taken down a hundred plus man, Dark Uprising. Draco even had to admit, he was impressed, and had been the first to complain when Ron, instead of getting rewarded, was put on a three month paid suspension.... granted, Ron HAD needed a vacation... Draco himself was the Head Healer at Saint Mungoes, so he got most of the interesting, and the most severe cases. he was often called away at all hours of the night or day, but it had an added bonus. no one cared that Draco had been a dark wizard... no one cared that he still hard the mark, burned into his arm.

"just give me a few moments to get ready... besides, i paid for this thing." Draco admitted with a smug little grin. "in fact, i even bought tickets for most of the people who had thought they wouldn't be able to make it. even Longbottom, Lovegood, and Zabini are going to be there." the three of them made a strange pair. they lived in Africa, Neville with massive gardens that supplied half the worlds potions ingredients, Luna with animals that did the same, and Zabini who took care of the deals and managed the money. "even Weasley will make it, now that i put his innards back inside him. he'll have to be congratulated, he's finally been promoted to Head." he admitted with a grin. "Gran... er, Miss Weasley..." he corrected himself. "is over the moon." he walked back out of his closet, as pale and perfect as always, hiding his nerves, and the sick feeling he got at the thought of seeing Gabriella again. well aware that Astoria knew what was bothering him. she knew very well Draco's adoration for the young french girl, Draco had loved her ever since he set eyes on her during the Tri-Wizard tournament. but he'd never once pursued her, because she had been all too happy with Harry fucking Potter.
Gabriella snorted luahging as she smirked, "Hmm but even draco malfoy has to apperciate how good looking you are."She muttered her lips brushing over his skin, distrted from the idea of leaving, and actually getting her husband out of the house in favor of feeling up her beautiful husband."Hmmm..."She hummed a little thinking as she looked over his clothes before smirking."No. If we can't dress you naked. We're going to give Dray a heart attack in another way."She smirked because she loved goading the blond sometimes, even if she didn't understand the perverse desire, she liked giving the coolly polished man a hard time. Unlike his wife, Gabriella had never been able to see behind the mask draco put up, hadn't been able to see what he was really feeling. Moving away from him she chose his clothes holding out to him the form fitting dark grey suit, helping him dress and do up his tie before stealing a kiss. Concern showing in her eyes."It'll be fine. And we don't have to stay all night."She muttered knowing it made him uncomfortable, before wrapping her arms and apparating them to the school, leaning into him for a moment to find her balance.

"You should just set up a room just for him. Leave it empty just for him to spend the evening in."Astoria said, though her words sounded cold, she did like the auror when she had talked to him. But making fun of her husband was to amusing to pass up the chance of wathing him deal with weasley."Well aren't we feeling important today, even if its no different then any other party you've ever thrown."Astoria rolled her eyes a little."Except you had to invite the potters."She said poking him hard, intending to get him annoyed because she knew his nerves would make him anxious, and having her husband angry was easier then that. When he was done dressing she rested a hand on his arm and apparated to the school,cursing their luck when she saw the couple they were standing behind.
Harry smirked and shook his head a little. "flatterer." he teased, tipping his head down so he could give her a happy kiss. "oh! i almost forgot to ask. how is your new book coming along? i heard you cursing last night at... what, three in the morning?" he teased, looking amused. "is Anthony Badrick giving you troubles again? not dying an early death again is he?" he loved her books, and he loved watching her curse her main character even more. "why do we have to pay attention to Malfoy anyway? he's nothing but a nuisance. he's done good in the world, sure..." even Harry had to admit, the best thing that had ever happened to Saint Mungoes, was Draco Malfoy. "but he'll never be anything better than a poncey git." he pointed out, smirking at her before sighing a little. "i kind of just want to see the freinds i had. not deal with all the sycophants who want to kiss my ass... i'm tired of people trying to take my picture anytime i go anywhere." he admitted as he straightened a button on his shirt. he wrapped his arm around her waist and let her apparate them, pausing when he wasn't immediately swarmed by reporters, breathing a low sigh of relief. "well, at least that's one thing that was true..."

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "no thank you, if anyone's getting a private room it's me." he stated with a superior sniff before offering her a small glare at the poking and the taunting. "my dear, i do beleive you are trying to annoy me in yet another ploy of something that you think is 'for my own good'." he grumbled, refusing to remember that Lucius had made him get marked 'for his own good'. thank god the old man was dead. he scowled even more when he apparated right behind Harry who nearly winced at the sight of Draco. "good evening Lord Malfoy. a wonderful party, i must thank you for your wards this time. it's nice to not have to worry about being trampled by bloodthirsty reporters." Draco smirked a little. "yes well, last time thirteen people where in the way of you and them and i don't particularly like working on my days off." Draco admitted simply before he took Astoria's arm and swept off, releasing a short breath. "there... that wasn't so hard... i was polite and cultured. i didn't even mention his mother."... Harry had also released a soft breath. "well, that wasn't hard... god he's such a pompous ass... but at least he didn't insult my mother." sometimes, those two where just a little too alike.

sorry it took so long. emergency babysitting.)
Gabriella grinned at her husband, shaking her head a little."more like he wants to kiss the leading lady at the wrong time."she sulked a little before shruggipng." Well let me deal with them. Ill make them go talk to draco."she snickered though her eyes where sad at the though of her once friend.

"I always deal better if your annoyed."astoria pointed out rolling her eyes.tilting her head slightly at the other couple she nodded goodbye as she walked with draco."you're growing up. Finally."she teased."will you get me a drink love?"

Gabriella smiled ignoeing the pain in her chest at the sight of draco watching him walk away before nodding towards the balcony."there's hermione and ron. Go on out and ill get us drinks."she smiled heading for the refrehment tablenot seeing the blind also heading there
he snorted at her, looking oh so amused. "he's a guy. of course he wants to kiss the leading lady." he teased, giving her a kiss to accentuate his point, offering her his best roguish smile. "yes, we could send them to Malfoy." he agreed before hesitating as he 'ran into' said man. at least no one was trying to kiss his ass yet, he was SO tired of that, really. he smiled and nodded as she offered to get punch, kissing her forehead. she was better at crowds than he was. she could slip through them unseen if she wanted to, he couldn't. he hadn't perfected that Art yet. so he moved over to Ron and Hermione. Ron, the new 'Top Man in the Auror division, only having to answer to Minister Percy Weasley, and Hermione Granger, the greatest Headmistress Hogwarts had seen since the founders. she'd completely gutted the curriculum, and put in a new one, there where never less than thirty teachers at Hogwarts. and they where JUST teachers. there where two heads of houses now, who where ONLY heads of house. there was even a school counselor as well as THREE nurses, since Madam Pomfery had nearly driven herself insane with all the work that she had to do. every year had a prefect assigned to them, save for the seventh years, which meant there where six prefects running around for every House. fifth,. sixth, and seventh years each had two. and then they had the four head boy and girls. one for each house, the most responsible and with the highest marks. yes, Hogwarts really was the highest learning center available now. not to mention that the students didn't outnumber the positions of authority so blatantly now.

Draco smiled at Astoria and gave her a small kiss. "thanks love." he murmured. "your faith in me makes me feel ever so loved." he mused with a roll of his eyes as he headed for the Punch Bowl to get himself and Astoria something to drink. being that she was pregnant with his heir, he knew better than to offer her champagne or anything alcoholic. she'd strangle him. thankfully she wasn't pregnant enough to show yet, he had a feeling shed murder someone if they tried to rub her belly. he froze as he suddenly realized who he was standing next to, an he examined her cautiously. "Mrs. Potter. a pleasure to see you again." he finally managed to choke out. he hadn't wanted to have to interact with her, not in the least. he had planned to congratulate Hermione for outsmarting the school board, he wanted to congratulate Ron for his raise and promotion, he had planned to congratulate Luna, Neville, and Blaise for their success. but he hadn't wanted to see her of all people. "i hear your latest book has made it to the top seller list again, congratulations."
Hermione smiled at her best friend, leaning over to kiss harrys cheek, amusement and pride in her face. Not only for herself, but because everyone was congradulating ron for his achievement to."did you leave gabriella at yome with her book again?harry you have to drag her away sometime."she teased knowing better. Harry would never brave the crowd without his dragon of a wife around to guard him. While she wasn't overly fond of the woman, harry loved her, and that was enouh for her to be nice.

Gabriella smiled a little,looking just as startled to be standing next to him. In the years since the war she'd drawn away from trying to talk to him because it usually left her feeling bruised and tired. But she missed him, even if she didn't usually show it."thank you, malfoy."she offered him a small almost pained smile."its always nice to know people are aware of the books and I'm not just writong for myself,or that they're selling because of harry."she shrugged a little looking away a pained flicker in her eyes because it was one of her biggest fears. That her books where selling because of her husband, not because of her writing. Nodding towards the drink scoop he was holding she held out a glass."would you pour me some to?"she smiled,like hom she was already holding a champagne glass, so why was she getting punch?could it be? Poor draco
Harry grinned as he gave Hermione a hug. "congratulations Ron! it's about time you know? you should have gotten that promotion last year when you took out that den of.... what where they calling themselves?" "Death Dealers." Ron grumbled, rolling his eyes. "original wasn't it?" they both snickered at the idiocy of would be Dark Lords and they shook their heads. "Malfoy actually had to put my innards back inside before we got here. what's your excuse for being late?" Ron asked, teasing Harry who grimaced. "didn't particularly want to come, but when i found out Luna and Neville would be here..." Ron looked startled. "they ARE!? damn, it's been what, three years?" Ron nodded, looking around for their wayward freinds who had not yet arrived.

Draco swallowed thickly as he struggled not to smile at her, or show any sort of real kindness or affection. not only because he didn't want to have to talk to her more than he had to, but because he was still feeling a little... a lot guilty about her being trapped in his house for a half a year before Harry managed to rescue her. the torture she'd suffered at his own fathers hands... granted he'd usually been tortured right next to her, but that mattered little to him. "certainly." he muttered, pouring her some Punch, swallowing thickly as he glanced down at her flat belly. nothing there... maybe she just... lost her taste for champagne? he doubted that... he swallowed thickly, offered her a polite nod, and fled, calmly heading back to Astoria with her punch in hand. he'd checked to make sure it wasn't spiked. he'd warded it against alcohol, since Astoria wasn't the only one pregnant... the young Miss's Patil where so swollen with belly that they HAD to be carrying Twins for both their husbands. both Patil Twins had married one of the Weasley Twins. it was Draco's personal belief that the twins themselves couldn't tell who was who, and ended up just trading husbands and wives indiscriminately. but both where pregnant, and happily telling anyone who asked that they where both carrying Twins. again. they already had one set of twins each. stupid Weasley families just spread like wildfire.
Hermione smiled a little as she watched her husband,"they're not here yet. If they were you eould have heard malfoy going on about how he paid for thrm"she said rolling her eyes a little. It wasn't that she didn't want to see her friends, or that she thought draco was doing a bad job, she just didn't like thr git. Gabriella frowned a little as she watched draco flee before making her way over to her friends, her smile a touch sad as she handed harry his drink."congratulation ron,hermione."she smiled hugging the auror and headmistress, wrapping her arm around harrys waist and leaning against him a little.

Astoris raised a eyebro as she watched her husband flee as quickly as he could without being obvious. Raising a eyebrow as she took her drink."when did luna and the others say they'd be here?"she muttered trying to distract him
Ron sighed a little and shook his head. "Malfoy bitches about everything." he pointed out. "if you'll recall, he was calling me a suicidal idiot who couldn't even die properly when he was putting me back together." Harry snorted, tried to hide it, and ended up choking on the small sip of Champagne he'd taken. nothing about Malfoy was funny EVER... although, Harry did have to feel bad for the guy. "you know what i just realized?" Ron asked, looking smug. "Harry's not being swarmed!" Harry paused, looking shocked and then. "...your right...." "it's probobly because, for once, your famous for something you actually did, and there are other people here just as famous now..." Ron mused, glancing around, a famous Potions master, having found the cure to Lycanthropy. over there a Runes expert who was now a millionaire after warding most of Gringotts. Harry grinned. "oh my god i'm finally NORMAL!" he cheered happily, Ron laughing as Harry did a small little 'happy dance'. only Harry could act like a moron in such a setting and not get smacked or chased out for it.

Draco offered her a grateful smile at Astoria's 'change of topic'. "in about ten minutes." Draco admitted glancing at a clock with a small grin as he watched Harry declare that he was 'normal' and started doing his stupid happy dance. "...well... Potter's as insane as ever." he mused shaking his head as he handed Astoria her punch, hesitating and then. "...Gabriella didn't drink the Champagne..." he muttered softly, biting his lip. he cared very deeply for Astoria, she was his best freind, she knew exactly how much 'in love' Draco was with Gabriella... and she'd know just what it meant to Draco's Ego... and Gabriella's growing waistline.
"Well if you would stop needing put together, he'd stop being a git."Hermione pointed out amusement in her eyes though. "Was that funny harry?Are you laughing at something draco said?"Gabriella said snickering a little, surely her husband hadn't found draco amusing, even if the blond could be, in a completely snarky way. "ahh, its so good to not be mobbed.Between him catching a snitch, and me writing, there's no peace when we go out."Gabriella laughed before rolling her eyes at her husband's dance."You will never be normal,love."She muttered before stepping away."I'm hungry. You guys want anything?"

Astoria smiled slightly at his smile, looking amused as she watched harry dance, shaking her head."Well, did you ever expect him to not be?"She pointed out before growing serious, sipping the punch as she studied her husband."She might just have not wanted some.I could go find out...if you want to know."She said resting a hand on his arm lightly, studying his face, trying to decide how exactly he was feeling about the idea of gabriella round with potter's kid. While it would hurt to see a child potter, it would also be their mother's child, and he might like seeing a small verison of gabriella.Glancing towards the potters she smirked a little."....ten galleons says he doesnt know. No one else's heard, which means harry doesn't."She muttered completely confident in harry's inablilty to keep a secret
Harry just shook his head. "Draco is NEVER funny." he stated with a sniff. thought hat was a lie. after the war, Harry found many of the things Draco said funny. they had very similar humors now that they'd both been tortured to near insanity, and they'd always been very alike. part of why they hated each other so much. "hey! let me have my moments of pretend normalcy!" he complained, sulking at Gabriella with a small sigh before frowning. "hey... why are you not drinking Champagne?" he asked, suddenly realizing that she had passed up one of her favorites. "are you feeling alright?" he asked, following her and Ron to the food tables.

he rolled his eyes. "he's about as normal as i am." Draco admitted with a smug little grin. "we got drunk after the war and cleared the air you know..." he admitted. "we found out how similar we really are." he admitted, shaking his head. "no, neither of us will ever be normal." he admitted, glancing at her, swallowing thickly as he gently set a hand on her belly. "are you upset that i'm not telling everyone?" he asked, worried. he was excited, so excited to have a tiny baby. so excited that he didn't even care if it was a boy or a girl, he just wanted it to be happy and healthy. "and that's no bet. if Harry wasn't running around telling everyone, the Weasley's would be." he admitted with a smirk as the apparation point appeared one Luna Lovegood, who smiled serenely at Draco and Astoria. "good evening. oh Astoria! congratulations!" Luna chirped, setting her hands on the girls belly. "mmm they are very healthy and happy. you should be proud." Draco swore he could hear the ocean. "...Them?" "Draco!!!" Blaise was there, and he slung an arm around Draco's shoulders. "good to see you mate! Luna stop touching Tori's belly and go see to Harry." Luna just smiled and skipped away. so far Blaise was the only person who could get away with calling Astoria 'Tori' without being Neutered. Neville didn't even bother greeting them, he just raced off to rescue Fred and George from the twice as spacey Luna. whose fragile sanity had been shattered at her own torture, it was easier to just nod and smile at her. so far only Blaise and Neville knew how to really handle, understand, or talk to her.
Gabriella smiled at his words,"Hmm I'll tell draco you said that. He'll snark you to death."She snickered before flushing at his question, "I'm fine."She said smiling at her husband as she started getting food, not her normal favorites, but the odd things draco had also bought for himself, feeling a craving for the rich foods,even if she was piling on some of the sweets to."I'm fine."She reassured her husband, smiling as she squeezed his hand, carefully avoiding answering why she wasn't drinking the alcohol."There's Luna and the boys."Gabriella said smiling a little as she nodded towards where the twins were with luna.

Astoria snorted a little."That's a disturbing thought you know,dray."She said rolling her eyes a little before smiling resting her hand over his before shrugging."No. I'd probably think something was wrong if you were running around like potter."She muttered shifting, stepping into his arms, leaning against his chest for a moment. Smiling at Luna as she nodded."Thanks,Luna. You look good."She said before looking startled at the thought of twins, looking up at draco."Did you know?"She muttered before smiling at blaise, rolling her eyes though she didn't snap at him for calling her 'tori'. "Know what?"Hermione said smiling a little as she moved to stand next to the two malfoys, smiling up at the blond man."I had to come thank you, for fixing my husband. Again. It seems he likes your company."She teased a little.Even if they'd never be truly easy with each other, they got along.
Harry snorted a little. "please, Draco's got nothing on Hermione's Snark." he admitted with a smile at her, his head tilted a little as he studied her food choices, frowning, concerned. she was probobly coming down with another Flu, he made a mental note to keep a close eye on her for the next couple of days and gave it up as her not wanting to ruin the evening. Harry's face broke into a wide grin as he raced across the floor, Ron snickering as Harry gathered both Neville and Luna into a tight, happy hug. Neville laughing as he greeted Harry back just as enthusiastically. they where about as close as brothers now. Ron would always be Harry's very best freind, but Neville was brother to Harry in every way but blood.

Draco smirked at her. "i enjoy being disturbing." he admitted with a small snicker before looking at her, stunned, and shaking his head. "i'd like to use the old excuse "it's just Loony... but... i know better by now." Luna, had apparently been blessed with some very strong Animal Magic. many of the creatures that she'd seen and talked about had turned out to be very real Fairy folk creatures. he nearly crawled out of his skin when Hermione appeared and he offered her a tight smile. "know that Neville and Blaise where planning on marrying Luna while they where in town." Blaise glared at Draco. that had been a SECRETE! but, it was a good cover. "Draco! we're not TELLING people!" he complained, Draco shrugging a shoulder. "then you shouldn't have told me." Blaise just glared at him and wandered over to Neville and Luna as Draco smirked, looking at Hermione. "next time i have to patch your husband up, i might have to give him a discount for such repeat business."
"very true."gabriella said smiling a little as she picked out her foods looking amused as she watched harry hug the others, nearly crawling out of her skin when astoria appeared at her side."you look well gabriella."the malfoy woman said looking her over, looking amused at her food choices. While the two women didnt move in the same circles, they both loved books, gabriellas in particular...not that astoria would ever let her husband catch her reading one."thanks. So do champagne tonight?"the red head smiled tilting her head curiosity in her eyes."hmm, same reason your not having any."astoria said rearing back as gabriellas glass exploded in her hand, looking as surprised as the other woman at the magical attack. Turning her head trying to figure out who had been responsible before realizing something."draco!"she yelled a slught panic to her words as she looked at the gash over the womans eye, but not able to see if it cut her eye actucally or just her eyebrow.

Hermione laughed at blaise's reaction."well, at least you three coming home makes more sense now. Not just for the runion."she said looking amused before nodding."you might just-"she started her words cut off by astoria's yell for her husband, already moving towards the two.
Harry paused as he heard the yell and gasped as he raced over to his bleeding wife, Draco right next to her, Luna already taking hold of the man responsible, a shocked looking Theodore Nott gaping at his would be fiance/husband who had done the attack. Luna was swift in taking the man down, Blaise and Neville assisting her as Theo simply moved out of the way, too stunned to do anything else. Ron was over there already as well, placing stunners on the would be assassin while Draco raced to where he was needed. thankfully, all a healer of his skill needed was a wand in trauma cases like this one. "Lay her down on her back, rest her head on your knees potter and stay out of my light! Gabriella, can you understand the words that i'm saying?" Draco ordered, casting a careful cleaning and clotting spell so that he could assess the damage, examining it intently. "can you see anything from this eye Gabriella?" he asked, gently tapping the eyebrow of the eye that had been damaged as Ron made an arrest in the background, Theo collapsed and sobbing in misery as he realized his Fiance had never loved him, had only used him to get close to his target. Astoria and Draco Malfoy.
hermione cursed quietly, hovering near the two, even though they had caught the man she was areful to make sure all three were guarded, looking slightly amused that astoria was also standing guard, though over Theo, gently holding the man, and looking ready to murder whoever approached. Gabriella whined quietly as she was laid down, slipping her fingers into Harry's, holding his hand as she blinked a little at draco."Your being bossy draco.of course I can hear you."She growled, hurt and grouchy at it, whimpering quietly as he touched her eye, blinking."I-I can."She stuttered a little turning her head to try to see astoria."Is tori okay?"She said trying to sit up. Like her husband, she always worried about others before herself.
Draco smiled and nodded. "good, the glass missed your eye then. you'll have some soreness and irritation in this eye for a while. if it persists for more than a few days, go to the Hospital and have them check for shards in your eye. i've already healed the muscles and the damages so you'll be fine." he promised, offering her a cheeky smirk, forgetting himself in his doctorly duties. "shall i give you a lollypop for being such a good patient?" Harry barked out a laugh and immediately smacked his hand over his mouth. half afraid for laughing at something Draco said, and half afraid that Gabriella would make him pay for laughing at her expense. "Astoria is fine, she wasn't even hurt. of all the people here you and Theo are the most in danger." Draco admitted, helping Gabriella sit up as Ron called his Aurors and watched them drag the would be assassin away. "the guy was an old Death Eater." Ron explained. "Theo knew this of course but the bastard fed the guy some sob story about being under the Imperio." Ron explained to the small group hovering over Gabriella. "Theo feels god aweful about letting that man in here, so Gab, you, Harry, and Draco are going to have to go comfort him at some point." Ron suggested, shaking his head. "he was working alone, and wanted revenge for Draco's betrayal at the last battle... apparently he holds Draco personally responsible for the death of Voldemort." Draco went pink and mumbled, Harry smirking. "he was." he admitted quietly. "i and he never told anyone because he didn't want anyone to know." he shrugged his shoulder, refusing to say anything more on the matter. "yes well... i think the party is over." Draco muttered with a cough. "please take whatever leftovers you please. Mrs. Potter, you should go home and rest. while healed, you will be very tired."
Gabriella relaxed nodding a little, eyes widening slightly at the cheeky smirk, it'd been so long since she'd seen it."Don't treat me like a child."She grumbled tilting her head back to look at her usband before smirking,"See I told you the apocolpse was coming, you laughed at something he said."She muttered before sighing as she was sat up, glancing at ron."I'll talk to him, tomorrow."She muttered like draco had said the woman was bone tired.Though she was looking at draco with curiousity she wasn't going to ask him about his war effort without him bringing it up first."You look good draco."She muttered forgetting herself, and calling him by his first name, before looking like she'd been slapped when he reverted to her last name. Swallowing hard she nodded."goodnight everyone."She sighed softly as she leaned against harry, turning to look up at him."We better be going.You have a game tomorrow, and I have writing to do."She smiled a little.

Astoria sighed quietly as she made her way over to draco's side "I told theo he can stay with us tonight. I don't want him to stay alone."She said looking up at him, her voie saying she wouldn't take any arguing from her husband, even if she was sure he wouldn't. "So bossy."Gabriella muttered sounding a little punch drunk from blood loss.
Harry shook his head. "hush you Minx!" Harry demanded with a roll of his eyes before glaring at Draco who didn't seam to care in the least that he was being rather rude to an old freind. though Harry said nothing, Harry could understand the guilt that was plaguing the blond... and honestly, Harry knew Draco had deep feelings for Gabriella. Harry scowled at Gabby and shook his head. "you will be going straight to sleep when we get home. leave your couple kissing for the morning." he ordered firmly, kissing her forehead gently. "if your not feeling well in the morning, we DO have a Replacement Seeker who needs some real game time." Harry admitted. "i can easily call in if your not feeling well tomorrow." it would be made easier by the fact that Harry had never had to call in before.

Draco nodded. "i don't blame you... after the last boyfriend Theo had..." Draco had to patch poor Theo up after a two year heavily abusive relationship. Theo had never left his boyfriend... the man had met an 'unfortunate accident'. after that, Theo had been very afraid to date anyone again, so Richard had been a god send. sweet and loving and perfect, even Draco had liked the manipulative bastard. "let's get home." Draco decided with a sigh. "Theo's never going to trust anyone again... maybe we can get him in that three way with the Luna Girl?"
Gabriella sighed softly as she leaned into her husband, shoving away the hurt feelings draco had caused. She didn't understand what she had done to cause the bad feelings between them, besides having been tortured along with him, she didn't blame him, so she didn't understand why he was shoving her away. Smiling in goodbye she looked up at harry as she apparated them home, snickering softly."What if I don't want to go to bed?"She smiled a little even though she was already starting to undress, "Hmm but you look so good on a broom.I love watching you."She said smiling a little as she kissed him, teasing him. Knowing there was no chance he'd let her out of bed if she was still tired. Rubbing a hand over her stomach she bit her lip as she tugged on her pj's, before turning to look at her husband,"Hey harry?"She said, having planned on telling him tonight, and figured she might as well still do, so he'd stop worrying so much.

Astoria nodded a little."Hmm we'll set him up. But I think there's already enough people in that relationship."He snickered a little shaking her head, resting her fingertips on his arm she apparated them home, heading into the bedroom to get ready for bed,"Draco?DId you want to know what I found out?"She said returning to the main room to look up at him. She was worried about him, she always worried about him when he saw gabriella, and he'd interacted with her more then normal this time, so she was even more worried then normal. Most wives would be jealous if their husbands were looking at others, but astoria had walked into the marriage knowing draco'd never love her like he did gabriella.
he chuckled a little and shook his head, examining her carefully. "are you alright love?" he asked, worried about the other. "you know Draco's only pushing you away to protect himself, don't you?" Harry asked suddenly. "it's the same thing i do you know... especially back in school. i blamed myself for every death and torture... Draco is afraid your going to hate him for letting Voldemort torture you in front of him. so he pushes you away so he doesn't have to face, or handle his guilt." Harry admitted, blinking at her as he helped her into bed and ran a brush through her hair. "he's being stupid, but he can't help it. i'm sure things will settle down." he promised, smiling at her before looking curious. "what is it? you really ARE sick, aren't you?" he asked, frowning as he noticed her holding her belly. "do you need me to go down and get some Anti-Nausia?"

Draco chuckled a little as he watched a Malfoy House Elf pop Theo safely away. the poor boy would get drunk, pass out, and then wake in a fit of depression. thankfully, Draco had mippy on suicide watch. he winced at Astoria's question and shook his head hard, determined to push today out of his mind before he sighed and sat on the bed, his eyes closed. "i can't keep doing this..." he whispered, hiding his hands in his face. "i can't hardly even talk to her anymore Star..." he complained softly, using his pet name for his wife. 'because she was as bright and beautiful as the north Star.' well, that was what he'd said in their wedding Vows anyway. "i'm giving up parts of my life... just to avoid being seen by her..." he shook his head and uttered a short sob. "i thought i was going to die when i saw all of that blood...."
Gabriella frowned thinking over his words before a stubborn look enter her eyes. She and harry were well matched in the stubborn department."ill go talk to him after the gave then. I...I would have him feeling guilty about something that wasn't his fault."she scowled a little before grinning,"I'm sick,but not bad sick."she grinned climbing up on the bed with him, starting to feel tired now like draco had said."I'm pregnant. A couple weeks along actually."she said smirking a little.

Astoria sighed softly as she sat on the edge of the bed,wrapping her arms around him. Smiling sadly at the pet name she pressed a kiss to his hair."then reclaim the parts of your life draco. You will never be able to let her go, if you keep giving her so much. She doesn't see it, she nsver has, and you're hurting you both more then talking to her."she said before smiling a little."I know you did. You should have seen your face when you realized she was hurt. So scared...draco you need to decide what you're going to do. Either way, I will always love you."
he smiled at her a little and nodded. "yes, we'll talk to him and his wife." Harry agreed, smiling a little as he shook his head a little. "it might be nice to talk to Draco when he doesn't have a stick shoved up his ass." he murmured before he froze and stared at her with wide, astonished eyes. "p..p...ppp...p.." and promptly passed out. she'd probobly expected that reaction though, he had a tendency to get overly excited about things like that. he'd passed out after their first kiss too, and during their wedding, and after he won the Quidditch World Cup and his freinds proposed for him because he was too scared to ask her to marry him himself. well, over excitement was the excuse, only Harry and Hermione knew the REAL reason why Harry passed out like that when he got 'too excited'.

Draco blinked at her, his eyes wet and confused. "i don't know how... and i don't deserve your love." he admitted simply, resting back against her. "you don't deserve the heartaches i give you." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. he knew Astoria didn't 'mind' that he was in love with Gabriella, but he felt guilty about it anyway. Astoria was pregnant with his Heirs... he was married to her. he couldn't be sitting around pining for another woman. " you really think it's Twins?" he asked, setting a hand on her belly, feeling honest affection and love for her and her babes. he loved her, but it wasn't like he should love a wife... she was more, a very close freind, or a sister.
"Yes it would."gabriella smiled a littke watching her husband shaking her head at his reaction. Shifting till they were both in bed she snuggled her husband and went to sleep. In the morning she yawned rubbing a hand over her face before getting one of the elves ro make them breakfast she leaned over and kissed him slowly."love, time to get up."she purred kissing him slowly before getting up to get his qudditch stuff for him.

"I know, but I've love you,and you being happy is what matters.and i think luna is very rarely wrong about thse"he smirked before casting a sleeping charm,knowing he'd hate her for it but it was the only wy that he'd get any sleep. Getting up the next morning the woman got ready foe thr day,having every intention of goin to work with him so he wouldn't hurt himself."draco?time to get up."she called when she felt the aleeping hex fade
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