Time and Time Again (Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a new year, September first was always an exciting time. Albus Dumbledore watched all the seats filling up and he smiled a little, his head tilted as he watched the students interacting as they waited for the first years. One by one the first years where sorted, and he stood to address the students. “Welcome one and all to a new year at Hogwarts! I have a few start of the term announcements. I would like to introduce everyone to your new Potions Mistress and Teacher, Morgan Snow, and our new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher Tom Riddle!” there was a scattering of applause and Dumbledore bit back the urge to sneer at Tom Riddle, who was sitting at the end of the table with Ruby eyes. Dumbledore knew the man couldn't be trusted, but Morgan had insisted, and he'd had little choice.

“I would also like to introduce you all to Jamie Incaster, who will be joining the Sixth year Gryffindors!” because they where the only ones with an extra bed. Said sixth year Gryffindor's where none other than the famous Marauders. James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius where watching Jamie intently, curiously as they tried to figure out where he might have come from before Sirius broke the ice, reaching across the table to Jamie and Introducing himself, shaking the newcomers hand happily. Being that it was Sirius, he was probably hoping to get laid. Dumbledore watched the two newcomers with suspicion, he already knew Tom was Evil, bad, dangerous. But he wasn't sure about Morgan or Jamie. They had come from almost nowhere, they had good stories, but little paper trail to prove it. Dumbledore had only let them in to keep an eye on them. Morgan was, he was certain, in league with the Dark, on 'toms' side of the War that was just getting started. Dumbledore wasn't sure about Jamie, he was desperately hoping to sway the sixth year to his side of things. Him rooming with the Marauders would help with that, there was no one more Light, than James Potter.

He watched as Remus, the werewolves hair flowing down to the man's lower back, pulled back into a tight, neat braid, reached across the table, introducing himself as well. With the others helping him through the full moons, Remus looked handsome and clean in a way he would never look as an adult, Remus almost looked feminine, which was a shock compared to his future self, who had always looked sickly and haggard. James looked as handsome as ever, his messy hair styled as his eyes flashed over to Lily, trying to catch her attention as James shook Jamie's hand, introducing himself as well, Sirius snickering as he teased James about his 'Lily Obsession.' Tom, up at the Teachers Table, watched as well, his eyes scanning every house intently, looking for the trouble students and promise students alike, tilting his head to the teacher at his side. Morgan... the reason he had a job in the first place, not for the first time, Tom cursed himself for being unsocial. Was he supposed to thank her? Ignore her? He had no damn clue.
Morgan Snow smiled slightly as she watched the students, leaning back into her chair. Soft red hair fell in becoming curls around her shoulders, dark blue eyes studying everyone. While Dumbledore was right about her alligence, he was also wrong. The woman was a unseelie sidhe, one of the darkling throng, a dark creature who answered to magic's dark lord.Thankfully though, the woman could pass as a dark witch, nothing more, her sidhe heritage easily hidden. That things had devolved so far in the future to force Morgan's queen, the lady mab, to step in and ask her to come back to change it, said that whatever happened in their future, was something none of them wanted, not even tom riddle. Though she didn't realize she wasn't the only one who had had the idea, and that he was going to be her student. This was going to be interesting...she just didn't know how much.

Jamie smiled a little as he looked at the group of gryffindor's he was sitting with, blinking hard for a moment because it was overwhelming that despite his need to fix things, and knowing that he would be seeing these men, he hadn't been prepared enough to suddenly find himself faced with them. Smiling as he listened to the introductions he nodded."I'm jamie."He said shaking James' hand, looking amused at the teasing. "Lily?"he said tilting his head to look or who they were talking about. He'd heard the woman was beautiful he wanted to know what she looked like. Flushing a little at the sight of lily evans, even as it felt like he'd been kicked in the stomach. Despite everyone saying harry potter had looked like his father, when he looked at lily, all he saw was her son.

Morgan tilted her head a little as she ate, stealing a glance at the dark wizard sitting next to her. "You look confused, riddle."she teased sounding bemused. Swallowing hard, because in her life, she'd only ever known the serpent version of this man. Even Queen Mab's warning that he had been once as handsome as he was charsamatic, hadn't prepared her to meet him.
James grinned a little as Jamie asked about Lily. "only the most amazing woman you will ever meet! she and i are going to get married someday!" "...if she ever agrees to TALK to him without feeling the urge to hex his balls off." Remus admitted simply, not even looking up from his book. "she HATES James." Sirius snorted. "she just hasn't gotten over her 'boys are icky' stage yet." Sirius stated. "she'll realize that James is Gods gift to women sooner or later." Remus scoffed, shook his head and turned a page in his book, looking amused as he flicked his long braid back over his shoulder. "be careful how you look at her though." Remus warned Jamie. "James Swings first, and apologizes only if your not dead." "I DO NOT!" James roared in protest, going bright red. Remus just snorted his disbelief and Sirius snickered in amusement. "Remus! eat something!" Sirius finally ordered, snatching the book out of the werewolf hands and shoving a platter of chicken in front of Remus who glared at Sirius. "if i was hungry, i would have eaten, give me back my book." "no. socialize a little Remy. it's the first of the year for Merlin's sake!" "..."

Riddle tossed her a glance, lifting a slow eyebrow, a slight smirk gracing his soft lips. "just wondering why you would advocate for me." he admitted simply. "it is no secrete that Dumbledore rather... dislikes me. he has ever since i was a child, so how did you manage to get me a dream job?" he asked curiously. his voice rich, cultured, smooth in ways his serpentine version could never hope to even mimic. "so tell me, are you up to something, or are you just trying to piss off all the right people?"
Jamie raised a eyebrow looking amused at James' description of the girl. "Though she has stopped hexing him from walking with her to class. Even if she doesn't talk to him."Peter said after a moment, flushing slightly. While not the man he would become later, the rat animagi was still shier then his friends and less likely to talk out. Jamie laughed raising a eyebrow."Isn't it a little late in life to still be in the 'boys are icky' stage?"He said sounding amused."ARe we sure it's just not 'james is icky' stage?"He teased before grinning wider as he shook his head at sirius and remus. "If he wants to read, let him. Maybe he'll find a spell or something that will help james in his wooing of lily."

Morgan smiled a little as she looked over at him, leaning back in her seat as she ate a bite of apple, red lips wrapping around it and chewing slowly as she thought. Wondering how to answer, her eyes fluttering slightly at the sound of his voice. Where the serpentine version made her want to cover her ears and scream to not hear him, the sound of his voice now made her want to listen, that same hypnotizing sound that Mab's had. "Can't I just be interested in having a better defense teacher then the one Dumbledore hired?"She said sidestepping the question before looking down the table at the headmaster who did not look happy, though it was well hidden. Looking back at the dark lord sitting next to her she smiled slightly."I do so enjoy annoying people."She said before starting to eat again.
Remus chuckled a little and offered Peter an encouraging smile before rolling his eyes. "there is no spell, potion, or curse on earth that will make Lily Evans love James." James just sulked, crossing his arms and huffing at being tormented as Sirius laughed, letting Remus reclaim his book. "Remus is just grumpy because he didn't get any sleep last night, that's all." last night HAD been a full moon after all. "if your going to make 'time of the month' jokes, i'm going to go to the Library." Remus stated simply, huffing as he gathered up his stuff and stalked off, Sirius smirking a little. "it was more amusing when he cursed us for our 'bad taste in humor'... he's so BORING now James, we have to DO something!" James snorted. "what do you want me to do? prank him? you KNOW he's the brains of all our best pranks!"

Tom smirked a little as he watched her eat the apple, a flash of something in his eyes as he examined her, glancing at the Headmaster with an even deeper smirk. "well... as long as you have some motive." he teased her, poking his food around with a small sneer. "i always did hate the food here at Hogwarts." he admitted with a sniff as he watched the students milling about with each other. "there's a fight starting." he muttered suddenly, as Remus ran into Lucius Malfoy. James hated Severus to no end, as Harry had hated Draco Malfoy. but a less known fact, was the hatred between Remus Lupin and Lucius Malfoy. their hatred overshadowed even the loathing between Dumbledore and Tom, and in an instant, both men grumpy, Remus and Lucius where on the floor, wrestling, fighting, and just all around trying to beat the crap out of each other and cause as much damage to the other as they could before the teachers broke them up. the fight even took Remus and James by surprise, and they raced over to Remus to try and drag the two apart, managing to separate them before Professor McGonagall got there, and Tom, being that he was the new Head of Slytherin.
Jamie raised a eyebrow at the mention of no sleep, easily masking that he knew the other was a werewolf, snickering slightly."Well, if it isn't that time of the month, you are doing a amazing impre-"He whined looking amused as he watched the werewolf go before sighing. "Well, I've always been good at pranks. We could prank him."He volunteered ignoring the look peter was giving him. Jamie was just looking amused, and wanted to befriend the gang.

"Oh, I always have a motive. Such a slytherin, really."She said glancing at him, amusement shining in her dark eyes, before wrinkling her nose."Yes, well I think they're trying to punish us for wanting to be here."she said before looking startled at the fight breaking out. For a moment to startled to see a man, who she knew to be coldly reserved as a adult, wrestling. Watching the fight before she sneered at the headmaster for not doing anything as she moved down to the fighting teens, easing between sirius and james, looking momentarily startled at jamie's presence, as if she almost knew him but not sure. Shaking her head as she looked at the fighting teens she sighed, glancing at Tom."You know, I haven't had a chance to clean out my classroom yet. And I'm sure yours isn't either. We could make them do it. The muggle way, a toothbrush and all."She said buting in, just because she could, ignoring McGonagall's startled noise. "Now, Ms. Snow, there is no reason for you to be involved in this. They are in my house."The transfiguration teacher gave her a look, disliking the dark witch for being a dark witch before looking at the gryffindor's."Your rooms. Now."
Tom snorted a little. "Slytherin's have really fallen a long way." he admitted simply. "take Severus Snape for example. he's a genius, in both the DADA and Potions, but he is shunned in his own house simply because he's not 'Pure' Enough... little bigoted idiots." he admitted. a strange statement coming from Tom Riddle of all people. he scowled at McGonagall and shook his head when she complained. "so you will let your Precious Golden Boys go without even a tongue lashing... and people wonder why Griffindor's get into so much trouble." he sneered before glaring at Lucius. "You will not have the good fortune of having a Head of House who so favors their students. you will be serving a full detention scrubbing Miss Snow's Cauldrons. i would take point, but we haven't earned any to take away." he glared at Lucius again who cringed. "i would expect better from a man of high standing such as you Mister Malfoy. now get out of my sight." Lucius fled and Tom narrowed his eyes at Minerva, not telling her what he desperately wanted to tell her. after all, she herself had seen first hand the cruelties of her Gryffindors in James and Sirius's torment of Severus Snape. and in the bullying of a small first year, himself, before he managed to collect his 'following'. he didn't have the chance to assign Remus Lupin a detention, as he had been dragged off by James and Sirius.

"what was THAT Remus!?" James demanded, once they where out of earshot of the teachers, the werewolf grimacing a little as he put weight on his sprained ankle. "i don't know. he just bumped into me, i said something, he said something and then we where on the floor." "damn, i never thought i'd see the day when Remus Lupin of all people got into a FIST fight!" Remus snorted a little, looking a little too pleased with himself as he licked the split in his lip. "well... i do think i managed to break his nose." Lupin admitted with a small chuckle. "i'll be reporting to Professor Riddle for detention though." "what!? WHY!?" James demanded, looking horrified. "oh never mind i know why. your such a...a.. stickler!" Remus snorted a little and glanced at Jamie, lifting an eyebrow. "you'll find, that in Hogwarts there are two main rivalries. James and snape, me and Lucius..." he shrugged. "it's not usually so... volatile though. thank Merlin Lucius Graduates this year. won't have to deal with him next year." "shame Snivelus won't leave." Sirius complained with a sniff. "come on Moony, let's see if Evan's will heal that fat lip of yours."
Morgan looked at Tom thoughtfully as she considered what she knew of the man she'd left in the future, and the man in front of her. Tilting her head at Tom's words she looked amused as McGongall left them, smirking at lucius before looking at Tom as Lucius fled. "You know, I might have to make someting disgusting and weird just so he has to clean it up."She said nudging the slytherin head of house slightly, drawing his attention back to her, not wanting him to get in a fight with the deputy headmistress as she walked away."Come on. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. We better head to bed and try to get some sleep."She said though the woman flushed slightly at the words and how her mind took them as perverted. Waiting until they were alone and walking she looked thougtful."Its saddening when a school becomes a battleground. Shouldn't there be more....I don't know...more balance between all the houses?"She asked looking annoyed because she could see even now, just how badly things were going to be. Because she wouldn't treat the houses different from each other, and she had a feeling mcgonagal at least would have a problem with it. After all, she remembered the name snape had gotten for treating them all like that, and she just knew this was going to be bad.

Jamie frowned looking annoyed,"Well, it is lucius malfoy. Man could make a pacifist fight."Jamie snickered a little looking amused, and knowing he was safe. Since the malfoys had dealing with the wizarding world across the world he knew that it wouldn't be odd for him to know the malfoy heir, even if he was more accustomed to dealing with him as a adult then a student. Peter laughed softly at Remus words, shaking his head as he followed them."He didn't actually give you detention REmus. Don't show up.Its not worth it."He whined a little. Jamie tilte his head looking amused before looking at Sirius, trying to figure out this year in school without thinking to hard about the men they would become, was going to be hard.

Lily frowned looking up from her book she was reading in the common room, frowning at the two before shaking her head."No. You got into a fight on your own. You should just have to deal with it."She said the teen looking annoyed with them all even if her fingers twitched a little, wanting to heal the werewolf, not because she knew james would apperciate it, but because she hated seeing anyone hurt.
Tom hissed in displeasure and shook his head a little. "vindictive bitch." he growled as soon as he was out of McGonagall's earshot. "you know, she was a teacher when i was a child." he admitted. "she watched what those Gryffindor bastards did to me." he admitted, his eyes narrowed hatefully before he flashed her an amused grin. "something tells me that it's not sleeping that's on your mind." he teased with a small chuckle. "and no, there won't ever be balance in the houses. not with Dumbledore in the Headmasters Chair, and people like McGonagall, and Binn's as teachers." he sneered. "they make certain that the other houses hate the Slytherin house. the Slytherins are always ganged up on, always hated." he admitted, his eyes narrowed. "they are so close minded, they can't see that they are hurting already damaged students."

Remus huffed. "well if he hadn't called me a whore, i wouldn't have punched him." Remus admitted, licking his fat lip again as he glanced at Lily, well aware she would have heard that. "i had to defend my reputation!" he complained, James lifting an eyebrow. "you have a reputation?" "of course i do!... everyone does... and while i'm no blushing virgin, i'm sure as hell no whore!" Remus complained as he flopped into a chair and prodded the growing black eye. "ouch! damn he clocked me good... at least i know for a fact i hurt him worse this once." he admitted with a shake of his head. "at least this time he didn't have those bastards at his back." Crabbe and Goyle of course, Lucius rarely went anywhere without them, and they always took care of Lucius's dirty work. if he wanted Remus beaten, he sent in the muscle. this was the first time, in a long time since Remus had actually been able to hit Lucius. not that many people knew how many times Remus had his ass kicked at the hands of Malfoy. "come on Lily." James pleaded. "he has a sprained ankle at least, and you know he wouldn't just get into a fight... it's Remus!"

(due to a massive headache, i'm just going to reply to this RP for a while.)
(lol fine by me, since this is the newest one. :) )

Morgan glanced at him, tilting her head slightly as she studied him. Wondering exactly, what kind of damage the gryffindors had done to a boy, and how much it had affected the shaping of the man. Flushing harder at his words she made a face, her nose wrinkling a little."I'm 23, of course I'm not thinking of sleeping, though there's not that many interesting people here to day dream about. Might have to read a book or something."She said lashing him a amused grin before sobering up. "Slytherin has always shown more...damaged students, considering just how the purebloods tend to treat their children in their need for perfection."She said frowning slightly, because even in her original timeline, when she'd only known the slytherins who'd sided with the death eaters, there had been a shocking damage to its students. Looking at tom as they reached their rooms, she nodded towards her door."Want to come in for a drink?I have a bottle of firewhiskey and even better, a thing of food from diagaon alley. You have to admit, anything I brought is better then the food here.And dinner was interrupted."She said wrinkling her nose at the thought of the fight as she walked into her room, leaving it up to him if he was going to come in or not. Despite her disgust with the riddle when he was older, there was something about this younger one that she didn't want to leave his company yet.

Lily winced at his words before getting up and letting remus sit down, ignoring james, pretending that it was remus that got her up and moving. She just felt so tongue tied and out of sorts around the potter, that she found it easier to ignore him. "Sit Remus."She said wincing a little as she saw just how messed up his ankle was, healing it with a wave of the wand, sitting back on her heels."You should still stay off of it for the rest of the night though." Peter shook his head looking at his friends, thinking about lucius. "Which seems odd. Lucius never goes anywhere without his goons."Peter said wondering just what the blond had been up to.
Tom shook his head a little. "so old." he teased, tossing her a wink. he was so much older than her, twice her age even. but when wizards could live upwards of two hundred years, a twenty year age gape wasn't much. "there are plenty of people to Day dream about." he purred, flashing her an impish grin. "there's that James Potter, Remus Lupin is also a very fine specimen, so is Lucius Malfoy, if you care for the egotistical type. even Severus Snape can be beautiful in his own way." he admitted with a grin. "i would love a drink however. i have enough of a headache to kill a dragon." he admitted, shaking his head. "that damn Malfoy. i know he started that fight." Tom admitted with a scowl. "Remus Lupin is usually too even tempered to react to a taunt however. i wonder what Malfoy may have said to him?" he mused as he settled himself into a chair, frowning a little as he examined her. "you know, it's times like these that i think Dumbledore just ignores the fact that i'm a Vegetarian." he admitted with a sigh. who would have thought it, Voldemort, purge of evil, was a vegetarian.

Remus offered Lily a small smile. "thanks Lily." he muttered before frowning. "stay off it!? i can't! i'm a Prefect! i have to do my rounds tonight..." "Remus, i'm sure Harvey will switch with you." Sirius stated with a roll of his eyes. Harvey Adams from Ravenclaw was fairly laid back, and almost always switched rounds, or even covered for Remus when he couldn't manage the rounds o his own. most people felt bad for Remus, because the 'poor guy was always sick, or had family who was sick'. "you know, i didn't really think about it, but if the Goons weren't with Lucius, then they where probobly doing something for Lucius that he didn't want to be involved in." Remus muttered with a dark scowl. "i'd say we should tell a teacher, but they never do anything." Remus grumbled as he flexed his foot carefully, checking his mobility.
Morgan laughed at him, looking amused."Well, how old are you?Seriously. if you think I'm old, you must be ancient by now."She teased before flushing hard at his listing nodding a little."Lucius is pretty isn't he?I rather like his hair."She mused because she just loved that soft wintery white hair, even though he did annoy her most of the time. Pale skin flushed hard as she considered the dark lord sitting with her, not about to admit to the day dream that was playing out behind her eyes at the moment as she busied herself with pouring them drinks. "Probably something apporiately annoying and vicious."She mused before handing him his drink as she got out her food, looking starlted at his words."You know.i'm so glad I'm not the only vegetarian in the school. Though I do think Dumbledore ignored me, since I did ask if he could make sure I had fruit and stuff."She said handing him a plate of sweet fruits and berries, being fae, she couldn't eat meat, at least not in human form. She'd get sick if she did.

"Your welcome. And yes, stay off it."Lily scowled a little at the man shaking her head. "For once, listen to Siri. He has a good idea once in awhile." "Only once in awhile."Jamie snickered a little at the girl's backbone, finding her teasing amusing before looking at Remus with a small frown as he tried to think about what lucius could be up to. "You could always tell his head of house. Riddle seemed less inclined to play favorites...."He said slowly, as i unsure because he was. Not that he thought Tom wouldn't do something, he'd always punished everyone the same way, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to know waht lucius was up to.
he chuckled a little. "i graduated with Abraxas Malfoy." he admitted simply. "who had his son at the tender age of eighteen. what is eighteen plus seventeen?" he asked, looking oh so amused. "that is about how old i am." he admitted with a shake of his head. "if you think Lucius is pretty, you should see his father. could turn a straight man gay, i tell you." he admitted as he took a sip of his drink. he smiled at her, looking amused as he examined her. "i would not have taken you for a vegetarian." he admitted simply. "but then, no one ever things me to be one either. though i do eat some chicken once and a while, and the occasional fish, red meat makes me sick to my stomach." well that was interesting. perhaps Voldemort wasn't as human as they thought? "perhaps we will have to make an appeal to the House elves themselves. they where always very kind to me, especially since i often hid in the kitchens where the other students could not find me." he examined the selection, picked out a sweet mango, and pealed it with magic.

Remus sighed a little and nodded. "fine, i'll stay off it." he grumbled, annoyed. "i don't know if i want to trust Riddle. did you see his red eyes? those are the first signs of Soul Magic gone wrong. Soul magic is even worse than Blood magic, it's right up there with Necromancy." Lupin admitted with a shudder. "and he has all this Dark Magic." he shuddered again, rubbing his arms as goosebumps crawled along his flesh. "him and that new Potions Professor give me the creeps... but... i suppose i could ask him, when i go for my detention. if Lucius has one, it's only fair that i have one too. he might have started the fight, but i DID throw the first punch. and he's right, Professor McGonagall coddles and favors us FAR too much... no offense to you guys, but James and Sirius get away with FAR too many potentially deadly pranks." like the werewolf debacle in their last year... where Snape had almost died.
"35.Huh. You look younger."She said looking thoughtful before snickering. "Maybe I should introduce myself?A man prettier then lucius. That would be something to see."She said sounding thoughtful and interested, though she was more interested in the 35 year old in front of her, instead of introducing herself to malfoy. Glancing over at him as she ate a orange she shrugged a little thoughtful at his words. Wondering why he would be sick before smiling slightly. Usually it was only the fae that got violently sick at eating meat, but maybe not."I get sick to. Wicked headache if I do eat meat."She said before biting her lip, trying to decide what to do. that would work, but a house elf would recognize what she was, and she didn't know if she would chance it...but she couldn't go a whole year of having the dinners dumbledore had given them. Snapping her fingers she summoned a elf, tilting her head."Hello. I was wondering if it was possible since we are both vegatarians if we could have good meals instead of the normal fair."She said smiling sweetly at the elf.

Lily noddedrowning slightly."REally?"She said looking startled, having not realized what color the new teacher's eyes were, but she trusted Remus' instincts, of everyone she knew, Remus was better at telling the truth about a person. "Yea, the potions mistress is interesting. And dark. What in the world are we doing with two dark magicians in school?"Jamie said looking annoyed at the idea as he looked at the others, because it worried him that they were there. Things were already changing, and he couldn't tell just how badly the two dark magican's presence was going to screw things up, because he couldnt' see it making things better. Peter nodded, "The only thing they got for that was detention."Peter pointed out before sighing, moving to get up."But we should get some sleep. We have potions and defense first thing in the morning."He pointed out.
Tom snorted a little. "unless you want to be tortured into insanity, i wouldn't 'bother Abraxas with such Trivial things'... he's such a ponce." Tom admitted with a roll of his eyes. "he might be my freind... but he's a ponce." he admitted, shaking his head as he savored thin slices of Mango and strawberries, humming a little to himself as he pondered smirking as the Head House Elf appeared, the creature stammering eagerly at the chance to make 'proper meals for proper peoples'. "huh, and here i thought i was the only person they truly liked." Tom admitted with a laugh, looking stunned as 'Elven' food appeared, or what he THOUGHT was elven food. there was fruit and berries from the Fea Realms. where the House Elves, bastardized and banished forms of High Elves, got most of their food. "what in the world are these?" Tom asked, prodding a spiral shaped fruit that was so red, it seamed to suck the color right out of the air. it was a very special kind of fruit, that could make a person very happy, and was as sweet as the rarest of spun sugars. fortunately, the elves ha brought only foods that where safe for both Fea and Humans to eat, so there was nothing to worry about as Tom took a small nibble, his eyes widening. "oh i LIKE these! what ARE they?" the Joyfruit, or the closest translation to it.

Lupin nodded. "i saw them when he came to pull me and Malfoy apart." Lupin admitted with another shake of his head. "Sirius you know better than anyone that just because someone is dark, means that their bad." Sirius complained, offering his best freind a small glare. because no matter how he hated his family, Sirius was still more capable with the Dark Magic's than with the Light ones. "but these ones aren't just bad Sirius... the DA professor... he's murdered. i can almost smell the blood on his hands... and i don't think either of them are fully human..." he admitted softly, shuddering as James cringed. "come on Moony... lets get you to bed..." James muttered, helping the almost frantic werewolf up the stairs. as a werewolf, Lupin knew instinctively that Tom and Morgan where... BETTER, than him. above him. masters in their own right, and that disturbed his very Alpha beast, very much. "well Jamie. shall i entertain you before bed, or do you just want to go crawl into the dorm and go to sleep?"
morgan snickered a little at his description of Abraxus, that was just amusing. Looking starlted at the sight of elven ood, she smiled a little."Hmm I've always gotten along with house elves. All you have to do is be nice to them."She said humming slightly in pleasure at the sight of such good food, avoiding discussing why she really got along with the elves.Looking even more startled at the sight of joy fruit she bit her lip a littlemm wondering just how the joyfruit would effect him. While it made alot of people happy, it had different effects on diferent people. Reaching out she nibbled on her own bite of joy fruit,closing her eyes as she basked in the feelings it inspired."It's Elven Joyfruit."She said glancing up at him. "I'm surprised you haven't tasted it before. I understand you traveled alot before coming back to england."

Jamie frowned a little because he wanted to complain about the man, but he couldn't not now when it meant it might show that he wasn't suppposed to be here. Listening to them talk he frowned a little watching Remus head upstairs before glancing at sirius, smirking in amusement as peter headed up to bed to. "Hmm well, you know entertainment and bed don't have to be mutually exclusive you know."He said smirking at the dark wizard, wondering about him. and he had to admit sirius was handsome, and it had been a very long time for him, since at home he'd been losing a war, and it had been no time to date or anything.
Tom nodded a little. "the elves have always liked me as well. they even taught me a bit of their magic. most of it's for cleaning and such things, but it makes keeping my rooms clean so much easier." Tom admitted, looking a little amused as he savored the joy fruit, feeling happier than he'd ever felt in his life. he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his lips as he savored the wonderfully warm, full feeling in his soul as he enjoyed another nibble. "it's like a power packed cheering charm." he mumbled softly. "i've never come across anything Elven. or demonic. or Fae in my travels unless it was long dead." he admitted, leaning back and simply basking in the sensations he was getting from the fruit. "i did come across some creature claiming to be a god in the Egyptian desert however." he admitted with a small grin. "it was easy enough to kill for being a god." he admitted as he stretched in his seat, his long long legs straining against the leather of his trousers. "i should go to bed." he muttered, still smiling, still happy. he almost acted drugged. at least he wasn't hyper, a hyper Tom was more than anyone could handle in any timeline.

Sirius chuckled a little and nodded before pausing, looking wide eyed at Jamie. "... so... you wanna go have sex then?" he asked hopefully. it was well known that Sirius was eager to bed anything that was 'prettier' than him. though Prettier for Sirius meant a lot of things. "come on, we'll head up to the dorm and if your serious about the sex, i'll show you some pretty nifty silencing charms." he teased, winking at Jamie as he followed his freinds up the stairs, ignoring the annoyed looks he was getting from Lily. he was well aware that he wasn't supposed to be having sex, but he'd never been one for rules. he was even worse now that he was perpetually horny.
"It really is.Just eat some before class, it'll keep us from causing harm to the annoying gryffindors."She said thoughtfully looking amused at his words."Well god killer, there is a bed in my room"she teased, the words out of her mouth before she could stop them, as she watched muscled legs pressing against the snug leather of his pants. Curled up in her seat she was happy, and easy in his company. Which was a odd feeling for being in voldemort's company, but the woman was happy, to much influenced by her fruit, and well he was indeed very good looking.

Jamie smirked a little looking amused as he stood."Maybe later."He said ignoring lily's annoyed look as he leaned down to kiss sirius lightly."Cant be giving in so soon. Where's the fun in that?"He said snickering as he headed upstairs to go to bed, having every intention of drawing out this seduction.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "no i... i think.. i think i'm drunk." he admitted slowly, looking confused for a moment before the happiness swept it away as his ruby red eyes blinked at her for a moment. "is there enough room in your bed for both of us? i don't want to sleep in your bed if it means you wont have a place to sleep." oh good gods he clearly had no idea what she was inviting him to... how could that be!? he was so handsome and smooth and clever... and, if one thought about it... he had never really been around many females. in fact, about the only person he had ever had more than a brief interaction with was Abraxas. he wouldn't start gathering his followers until he turned forty, just in time for Lucius to give Sire to a healthy baby boy. it wasn't until then that he had ever been reported to have any interaction that was more than orders. not to mention the fact that he was antisocial in the first place.

Sirius looked confused for a moment. "what?" he asked, startled before sulking. "it's lots of fun giving in so soon!... Jamie! your not serious are you!?" Sirius demanded, looking almost horrified, the few still in the common room snickering at Sirius basically being cock blocked by his own would be lay. "dammit! that's not nice!" Sirius complained as he followed Jamie up the stairs. "just for that, i'm not silencing my drapes when i wank off tonight." "you'd better!" Lupin snarled, his eyes flashing the golden Amber of the wolf. "or you'll find yourself nursing more than just a few bruises!" Sirius held his hands up in submission, knowing better than to upset Remus so soon after the full moon, when the man was already achy and tired, especially when he was even more sore from a fight.
"Well, it is amusing to see you drunk."She teased, a little tipsy herself, flushing as she realized he didn't know what she had hinted at. Tilting her head a little she smirked, a teasing light in her eyes as she nodded."oh, there is room for both of us."She said leaving off that while her bed was big enough for them both, it would be a cozy fit. Smirking as she crossed the room to stand in front of him, she reached out, gently tucking his brown hair behind his ears, leaning down to kiss him on a whim, lowering herself to sit in his lap, legs resting on the outside of his, before leaning back."...well. You looked to cute there not to kiss..."She flushed glancing down before moving to get up, nervous about it now, even through her drunken happiness, she couldn't help wondering how he'd reaction.

Jamie smirked looking amused."Well not as much fun as it making you wait."The dark haired man smirked as he looked at sirius, smirking as he dressed for bed and slumping into his bed, stretching out."See, I don't even have to do anything to make sure you don't get to harass me for saying no. This was a good night."Jamie smirked amused that remus was stopping sirius from torturing him. Peter rolled his eyes annoyed with his friends, well sirius, since the man seemed to piss of remus so easily when he was already tired and achy.
Tom grinned a little. "i've never shared a bed with someone before. it could be f..." he paused as she tucked his hair, looking confused, his eyes widening as he was kissed. he didn't tense, but he didn't return the kiss either, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking. when she pulled away, he blinked at her for a moment, dazed and startled before he licked his lips. "how strange. i've been kissed many times." he admitted. "but that's the first time i've ever enjoyed it." he admitted, licking his lips. as cute, handsome, and charismatic as he was, he was probobly getting a lot of 'No-Warning' Kisses from people who fancied themselves in love with him. he gripped the front of her shirt, pulled her back down, and matched their lips again, kissing her back properly now, his eyes closing as a shudder traveled down the back of his spine.

Sirius whined a little but settled into his own bed, not about to risk Moony's wrath since the man was already annoyed at having to miss his rounds. Remus loved to wander the empty halls of Hogwarts, it soothed his beast to wander in the darkness. ah well, he could handle it. he was asleep in mere moments, breathing softly and the other boys breathed a sigh of relief. they could talk now without having their heads bit off, so long as they where quiet. "so, Jamie... you do pranks?" James asked, looking curious. "care to expand our font of knowledge?" Sirius asked eagerly. "it's Fount you idiot." James muttered with a roll of his eyes. "you know, like Fountain?" "...says who!?" "says everyone and keep your voice down you idiot, unless you WANT angry Remus to wake up!?"
Morgan laughed looking amused at his words,"well, you just weren't being kissed-"she yelped a little as he grabbed the feont od her shirt, eyes fluttering shut as his fingers brushed over her nipples. Making small encouraging noises in the back of her throat as she kissed him back she settled tighter against him in his lap, hips rocking a little into his as she settled there, hands going up to his hair, tangling in the dark locks as she kissed him.

Jamie looked amused at the friends arguing, rolling his eyes a little at sirius."you know, I'm starting to think you just can't shut up."he said sounding amused. Amussd that even beford azkaban the man couldnt do anything good for him. Like being quiet around a werewolf."I do. Though I haven't really had many people to prank lately."he sighed remembering hi story."I was homeschooled until recently when my aunt died. So I didn't have anyone arouns."he looked amused though
he groaned as he felt her, pressing his hips up so that they where pressed together just perfectly, kissing her deeply as his hands settled around her, pulling her in even closer, locking her tight to him so that her breasts where pressing against his chest, his groin pressed into hers as his tongue probed her mouth, begging for entrance as he shuddered again, kissing, tasting, feeling, and then he stood up, his hands on her ass to keep her from falling, and headed for the bedroom, kicking the door shut as he carefully dumped her onto the bed, settling on top of her, pressing their groins together again, and resuming the kiss.

Sirius just shrugged. "i can't. it's a flaw." he admitted, though he had gone quieter so that he didn't get a rampaging werewolf on his ass again. "home schooled, ouch." James muttered sympathetically. "that's gotta suck. well, we've got plenty pf people here to prank. many of them even deserve it!" he admitted with a bright, impish grin. "we'll show you tomorrow if you like, there's this fourth year whose trying to pull rank on everyone, he could use a good dose of reality. just make sure that you never prank the first years or we'll actually get in trouble." James admitted, looking rather amused. "apparently now that we're 'responsible adults' we have to leave the younger years out of it."
Morgan whimpered in nesd as he pressed against her squirming, needing more. Yslping slightly a he stood she laughed quietly as he dumped her on the bed, looking up at him,amusement and lust bright on her face."for a man who's never enjoyed a kiss,you sesm to know what your doing."she teased running her hands throufh his hair.

Jamie looked amused snickering quietly."I haven't knosn you for a full day, and I'm pretty aure you xouls never be. Responsibls adult sisi."he said quietly closing his eyes as he lst his thoughts wander,enjoying the company that had been so lacking in a war torn england for hi
he chuckled as she yelped, enjoying her surprise as he studied her. "just because i have never done it, doesn't mean i don't know how. i studied the female anatomy just as i studied everything else." he admitted, looking amused as he ran his hands along her sides, lowering his head and kissing her again as he slipped his wand out of it's wrist holder and set it on the end table before straightening up and slowly slipping his shirt off, his eyes burning with desire and lust as he licked his lips. "i want you."

James and Sirius snickered a little and shrugged. "well, i can be responsible, if i have to be." James admitted, looking amused as he relaxed in bed, sighing softly. "goodnight guys... oh and Jamie? if you snore, please silence your curtains." he mumbled, Sirius snickering. "i doubt Jamie snores James, he's too pretty to make such god awful noises." "if you lot don't shut up YOU'LL be making 'God Awful Noises'." Lupin had woken up,of course, but he sounded more amused than pissed off. "and whoever cast that pain relieving charm... thank you." that had probobly been Peter, since he was the more thoughtful of the bunch. with those final words, the Boys dorm faded to sleep.
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