The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ is right. I'm at the opposite end with early morning shifts, not night shifts.

< got a nasty cold/flu I can't get rid of

V has a good suggestion for cold/flu
^ Hot tea with eucalyptus, alkaseltzer plus, and lots of rest

<Get very sick easily as well

v One dirty little secret about themselves
^ Good advice with the eucalyptus oil, thanks!

< Secret hm? I got a red satin corset with black lacing at a ren fair and wore it for Valentine's night. And that was all that I wore.

V Is enjoying a very spicy RP when they should be working or sleeping.
^is at work watching the restaurnt

<is looking for a rather pure smut rp

V been to a Christmas party yet?
^crackers and pranutbutter way to go

<is at work but still trying to find a smutty rp xD

V will be heading to work or school soon
^ I've actually just gotten home from work
< Is dressing my cat in a Santa suit whilst listening to extremely morbid black metal songs, festive!
v Has a really cute pet and I must know the name!
^ Maltese Shitzu named Memphis you can check Instagram manada89 and see him

<needs to upload my Star Trek collection to Instagram

V has any sort of collections ?
^A slowly growing collection of cookbooks. Just got a Hemingway cocktail book for my bday

<Needs to get back in to yoga

V Has a crazy idea and is going to share.
^ I love Yoga. What a calming way to stretch and strengthen my muscles!

< Crazy idea, you say? Well, I have to go to the mall. Less than two weeks before Christmas, I'd call that CRAZY! (I am ANTI-mall.) Unfortunately, it's the only place I can purchase the gift certificate I need. If I don't make it back by nightfall, call the authorities!

V Will be making Christmas cookies today. (If not baking them, eating them!)
^ Can't you just use sites like eBay or Amazon to buy some presents? Also, I use the strategy of buying presents over the whole year whenever I see something that might be interesting for my family and friends. That way it's not so stressy.

< Made cookies and is eating them right now.

V Wants to eat some self-made cookies too?
^ is totally right
< steals all the cookies and eats them up
v will make/buy more cookies to replace them
^Yes! Replaces said cookies, but also eats them all.

<Is really tired and wants to sleep.

V will sing me to sleep. Or knock me out.
^ If I have to, you have too

< isn't much of a dancer myself but gets dragged into it all the time

v loves to dance
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