The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)


<is a picky eater

V gets in a sad / depressed state of mind for no reason. And doesn't want to see a doctor
^ Nope! I got into a depressed state for two whole years, but luckily that was only a phase of my life.

< I screams sometimes in my sleep thanks to that, but I can't remember anything in the morning.

V Doesn't have that kind of problem.
^ True, I once dated a girl who would do that, though. Well, so she said, but she said I made her feel calm and content, so... she never did when we slept together.
< Is wearing a hat indoors.
v Wants to get some anal sex soon.
^ Damn you're good. Yes I do... and everything else about the cosmos that is heavenly.

< Inner space to me is so much more interesting than outer space.

v Feels the need to openly give displays of affection in public
^ At least it isn't autumn right now...I hate it when my allergies make me sneeze and my eyes itch. Having to follow my running nose around the whole world when it is winter should be enough each year!

< Has allergic asthma too, but coughs only when I'm running which is the reason why I'm running to prevent getting chronic asthma.

V Is an allergic person too?
^ False - I kinda dislike everything but the look about pumpkins. Well, I like the word too. ....pumpkin *Grin*
< Has a headache, but is back after a long month!
v is pleased over my return.
^ Nope. I don't believe in karma.
< Dammit, Arizona, it's OCTOBER!!!! Cool down already!!!
V Hopefully lives somewhere cooler than a desert?
^Never been a big fan of horror movies, not sure about plain scary though. Never thought about it. Don't like spiders, afraid of most of them.

< Has work in two hours, yippee.....

V agrees with the fact, Mushi shi is an unforgettable adventure within the anime genre....
^ Nope, I prefer to watch soccer which I watch very barely.

< Is a little bit pissed for some reason I don't want to tell.

V Is pissed too?
^ Probably not! Getting tired of the same ol' same ol' and wanting to avoid becoming a pervy predator tonight! lol

< Looking forward to a couple of good football games today.

v Probably hates football, but I'll forgive them for that.
^ I wouldn't say hate, but I dislike it.

< Is having a long weekend next weekend~

v Haven't seen me for a while but is kinda excited to see a fresh post from me.
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