The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Is correct-- I HATE avon parties so it's never gonna happen.
< Has missed the Mich bunches n bunches!
v Ate the wrong thing for lunch and is regretting it now.
^yup maybe I gotta go to work today
It's either gunna be busy or slow
<loves their job but needs another it a new one

V is awesome :D
^ Googles, "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts," sings ... badly ... the first verse.
< Sighs and realizes that she left her kitchen a mess last night.
V Wonders if the next poster is going somewhere for Thanksgiving.
^ Is totally right that it was the 13th of last month
< As someone of Nipissing/Ojibwa heritage, I don't celebrate thanksgiving
v Is secretly very clever and tries to hide it
^ migwiich! Aaniish naa ezhiyaayin?
< Lends her coffee creamer to Mich
v thinks far more than they type on here
^ Ouch! And true, my idea of the night shift is coming home from a club after 3:00 a.m.

< had today off.

V skipped the Black Friday crowds.
^ yup stayed up till 4am doing the family laundry so slept the day away
< loves to sleep a lot can sleep the whole day away
V likes to sleep as much as I do?
^ I argue the opposite
< not a single person is even in the same building
v lives in an apartment so doesn't have this problem
^ define strange?

< is actually surprisingly vanilla, made very evident in his writings.

v has never read any of my writings unless you have actually played with me.
^ Is actually a very sweet man
< Is playing with Sirix right now and advises others to do so as well
V Has a good idea for a rp and will share considering I'm looking for new partners. lol
^i am always looking for new Rps but I am a simple man

<is working his night shift >.>

V knows I am awesome >;D
^ Might be awesome. May have to rp with to find out
< Is about to go to bed. Has an early day
V Doesn't have to work today
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