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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ I love astrology! I always wanted to take a closer look at the stars in the solar system.

< Went to an observatorium once and took a close look at the moon.

V Did something like that too?
^ I have indeed! I actually went with a group of friends to an event not too long ago when there was a solar eclipse.
< My first date with my ex girlfriend was actually in an observatory... She didn't like it, but she turned out crazy anyway.
V Took somebody somewhere out of the ordinary for a first date, and they're going to tell us a great story all about it?
^ Yes so very's raining, which means no going out tonight.

< Doesn't want to be getting up early tomorrow morning

v Has the pleasure of staying in and enjoying a fun-filled Saturday #jealous!
^ Yes, yes I have.

< Got an internet restiction and can only be online via pc from noon to midnight. I'm online on my phone right now...

V Has found a loophole in the past/present too?
^ Yeah, I don't get a signal from the internet router from midnight to noon. I can only be online via my laptop from noon to midnight.

< Would love to have a shapeshifting blob as a pet.

V Knows how to program flash.
^ Yup! Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. Not to forget that you never can have too much luck :p

< Wants to see a cute and sexy woman with a white shirt having a wet T-shirt contest...

V Wants to see that kind of contest too?
^ I'm trying to eat and drink as healthy as I can. The keyword is trying, but I don't smoke and don't take any addictive drugs. Not to forget that most alcohol tastes bad for me which is a good reason to not consume it. I alwayssay that I could swallow pure oil instead, it doesn't taste good but people are drinking alcoholic drinks or smoke cigaretes despite the bad taste so why aren't they chugging down barrels filled with oil? The answer should be as simple as it is why you shouldn't drink any pure oil: Because it's unhealthy. So if you can't drink in moderation then you shouldn't do it. That's just an opinion, people can still drink as much alcoholic drinks as they want as nobody else gets harmed. The same goes for smoking cigarettes or something else.

< Had to get that rant out of his system.

V Rants from time to time about things too?
^ Chaos? This isn't chaos, I have a system and it works!

< Organises stuff in a chaotic yet neatly way. It might appear chaotic to others, but that's only the cover of an organised book...

V Knows what I'm talking about?
^ Well...let's say that I'm kinda an introvert and prefer it to stay inside, but I like to go out from time to time too...does work/school count as leaving your home when you are an introvert?

< Wonders if there are rules to being an introvert/outrovert.

V Knows the answer?
^ Oh god .. is that the time? I must get dressed and go out.

< The answer is 42.

V will put better responses than me.
^ That depends...I could give a vague answer or put it in form of a riddle...

< Wanted to know whether there are rules how to introvert/outrovert or not and wasn't asking for the answer to life, the universe and everything.

V Can enlighten me a little bit?
^ Rules are overrated, you do you!

< Is in dire need of some sex and a smoke.

v Would perhaps like to join me in one or both of the above?
^ So you mean I should do the usual then and do my own thing? Got it.

< I would love to do both, but only when we smoke weed after hours of sex. I don't smoke except joints from time to time.

V Consumes weed and alcohol in a very moderate way too? I'm drinking over a whole year as much alcohol as some people drink alcohol in one single day. The same counts for smoking joints because I don't want to worsen my alergic asthma and risk getting normal asthma.
^Actually I don't do either - no alcohol and no drugs :p
< Should be asleep...but is somehow awake. Defo, going to wake up late in the morning.
v Has a full-free day with no plans, except to enjoy the sun?
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