^ I'm trying to eat and drink as healthy as I can. The keyword is trying, but I don't smoke and don't take any addictive drugs. Not to forget that most alcohol tastes bad for me which is a good reason to not consume it. I alwayssay that I could swallow pure oil instead, it doesn't taste good but people are drinking alcoholic drinks or smoke cigaretes despite the bad taste so why aren't they chugging down barrels filled with oil? The answer should be as simple as it is why you shouldn't drink any pure oil: Because it's unhealthy. So if you can't drink in moderation then you shouldn't do it. That's just an opinion, people can still drink as much alcoholic drinks as they want as nobody else gets harmed. The same goes for smoking cigarettes or something else.
< Had to get that rant out of his system.
V Rants from time to time about things too?