Shattered Minds(Harry Potter)-Lady_Squall_Lionheart


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Snape was trembling, Snape never trembled... at least not unless he planned on sharing the memory with Dumbledore... as it was, it wasn't a fear tremble, it was more of a pain on top of exhaustion tremble, something he couldn't stop, or control. “ L...Lord...” stuttering too, something had Snape shaken to his core, Voldemort was fascinated. He'd never seen Snape in such a state, he'd seen the man faking it of course, but never honestly in such a fret. “i have n..News of the.. the potter Brat...” now THAT had Voldemort's attention, his eyes narrowing intently as he wondered if the stupid boy had managed to kill himself after all these years.

“Severus, sit down in a chair before you collapse. What is wrong with you?” Voldemort demanded, studying his potions master as he waved a hand, bringing up a straight backed chair, that Severus happily settled into. “i'm s..sorry my lord I'm...” he shook his head. “i was giving the Potter brat Occlumency lessons... stretching his mind open like you wanted when I... hit something... something hard.” Snape admitted, still trembling, but at least he wasn't stuttering anymore. “i hit it hard enough to crack it, and something on the other side hit it after, shattering the barrier... it...” he swallowed thickly. “Potter was on his feet in an instant, pounding at my walls, shattering my barriers... ALL of them!” it was no secrete that Snape was one of the few 'Occlu/Leggilemency' Master's there where. Even Voldemort could not break all of Snape's walls. “he stated yelling at me, and before my very eyes he... changed!” Snape hesitated again. “He said his name was Evan... Evan Serpins, he said that he'd been trapped in the darkness for too long, and that he wasn't giving his body back to that 'sniveling potter brat' and proceeded to torture me with the Crucio... the wards of Hogwarts never went off at the Dark magic...” he shuddered again and Voldemort stared at Snape, stunned.

“is the Potter boy being possessed?” he asked, shocked at such a development as he ordered a house elf to bring him, his two favorites and Snape a good strong glass of their favorite alcohols. The Two favorites where a pair of Twins, who always sat next to Voldemort, the male on his right, as his 'commander' the woman on his left as his 'adviser'. They where always there when Voldemort was taking Audiences. Snape happily accepted his drink and took two good strong swallows, shuddered again, and continued. “no my lord, not possessed. I think this Evan has always been there... he has a different set of memories than Potter does. Potter shows signs of neglect and emotional abuse in his memories... Evan shows heavy physical abuse in his memories... I think their two halves of the same mind...” “Multiple Personality Syndrome?!” Voldemort asked, stunned and Snape nodded. “yes My Lord.. I believe so. I want to test to be sure but Evan won't let me anywhere near his mind. He says I did a good enough job as it was and that if I tried anything like that again he'd torture me to death... the muggle way.” he closed his eyes. “Serpins is also claiming that he's the TRUE Heir of Slytherin...” this was said in a whisper, wary of the Dark Lords reaction to such lies. “he's... also here, my lord... I made him wait in the gathering room... he was... very unhappy with that, but I don't think he'll kill anyone in there at least...” “go and fetch him Severus.” Voldemort demanded before turning to the twins. “...could this be a Potter Trick do you think?”
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Cassandra and Alesander Skargard looked thoughtful as they settled into their chairs. Listening to Snape talk, the two twins looked thoughtful and slightly curious. While they were the oddities of the wizarding world, the only two opposite sex twins in existance, the two had odd talents that continually complimented the others.

Tilting her head cassandra glanced at her brother, the look on the twin's face showing that they were holding a private conversation before shaking their heads."No my lord, all evidence points to it being real."Cassandra said, the woman was a strong empath, able to read the emotions in a room just by walking through, but she had her weaknesses, and oddly enough, draco malfoy was a complete blank slate to her. "He is still attending school is he not?Well, this is a simple answer.Send him back, and we will enroll to classes. The malfoy brat will be able to help make us fit in better."Alesander said looking bemused and pleased at the idea of being able to go out.

The twins were tall and dark, like night given life, their hair the color of midnight skies, blue black, their eyes a dark silver, close to the malfoy grey but brighter. They knew they were beautiful and had long uesd that beauty to get what they wanted.This newest project snape had brought them, was just something new to snag their obsessive attention
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Voldemort let them have their conversation, pondering the best way to handle the 'heir of slytherin claim... how did he deal with that? Harry Potter, Evan Serpins, neither where related to Salazar in any way as far as he'd ever been able to tell... so why try to claim the title? "so... Harry Potter has MPD, how fascinating..." Voldemort mused, his eyes narrowed before he tensed at the thought of the Twins leaving the safety of the Manor... but it was a good plan, and they needed their freedom as well. Voldemort was a power hungry bastard, but he cared very deeply for his precious Twins. "a good plan. i will allow it. you will go as Draco's cousins... perhaps second cousins. your eyes will be a good selling point." Voldemort mused as the doors swung open, Snape barely able to walk after a new round of Crucio, Harry Potter striding far more elegantly into the room, no potter had such grace.

"Potter..." Voldemort hissed, said boy snarling in fury. "do not call me that! i am not, nor will i ever be that snot nosed little pimple! i am Evan Serpins! you may call me Lord Serpins, i will accept no less from a fraud such as yourself." the room tensed, Voldemort stared at Evan, his eyes wide, stunned at such a display of arrogance... and then he was laughing. oh he LIKED this Serpins! he was arrogant like a Malfoy, but he, unlike the Malfoy's, had the power, and the blackmail to back it up. a TRUE Slytherin. "i am beginning to think your claims of being the Heir of Slytherin are true." Voldemort hissed, amused. "Evan Serpins... tell me, how is Harry reacting to all of this?" "he doesn't know. the stupid little moron. and i plan on keeping it that way. if he finds out, he will try to lock me into the darkness again, and that i simply cannot allow." Evan hissed, his eyes flashing red with fury before he examined the twins, looking stunned. "fascinating. i thought that Wizards could not give birth to multi-gendered twins?" "they are the only ones that i know of." Voldemort admitted, with a smirk. "they are rare gems, perfect for my collection." he bragged, Evan smirking as he examined the twins, leering at Alesander. "indeed... rare gems."

"you will of course, have to remain at Hogwarts... why did you come here anyway?" Voldemort demanded. "what purpose is there to coming here?" "my own morbid curiosity mostly. when Snape shattered the walls that held me, i wondered if you where really as insane as Harry thought you where... i'm very angry that you tortured me by the way... i'm even more angry that Lucius got my Basilisk killed." Evan complained, scowling darkly. "now i have to find a new one..." "YOUR Basilisk!?" "well of course, MY Basilisk... considering you left the school and never got her... and you could have and we both know it... then she would have been MINE. at least i take proper care of my things." Evan stated with a sniff, Voldemort laughing again, accepting that Evan DID have a point. "go back to Hogwarts, fool boy. Severus will be keeping a close eye on you, as well as my spies in Hogwarts." "yeah yeah, so long as the potter brat doesn't find out about me, there's not much that you can do." he admitted, stalking back out, pausing to throw another Crucio at Snape, who screamed and writhed, collapsing into sobs once Evan broke the spell, Voldemort shaking his head as he ordered a house elf to get Snape medical attention. by morning, Snape would be able to walk again, and at breakfast in Hogwarts, Dumbledore announced two brand new transfer students. Harry, back to being Harry, was too tired to care.

(i'm enjoying torturing snape XDD it's fun, you should try it!^^)
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Cassandra looked thoughtful and amused as she watched voldemort ponder the question of harry potter. "We will be safe you know. You taught us well."She muttered picking up his emotions even as she watched the scene, always the quieter of the two.

"Ohhhh I like him.He's amusing my lord."Alesander smirked a little, looking over the man. His mouth watering with just the thought of that toned body. Responding to evan's hint even if the man hadn't come right out and say it. Oh yes, evan was well matched in alesander, who thougt no one was never good enough for him.

In the morning both twins looked as amused as always as they entered the room at command, though the sneer on their faces, as cold and dark as lucius', but with the cold intelligence that said they were well trained, and had learned at a young age at voldemort's knee. The twins had grown up with him as their only father figure, and had learned their lessons well. Sharing a look, the two bowed their head a little, holding a private conversation with each other before moving to sit at the tables that they had deemed they wanted to. They wouldn't give dumbledore the satisfaction of ordering them around more then they had to. After all, they knew that they were rare, and that it was as much as their rarity as it was them that voldemort was drawn to, and as such, dumbledore would be to.

Slipping into the seat next to Draco, Cassandra smirked a little."Good morning."She muttered wondering how long it would take the malfoy heir to connect the older, beautiful mixed gender twins at hogwarts, with the ones his father always ranted over.

"You look like your going to throw up."Alesander smirked as he sank down into the gryffindor bench, ignoring the looks he was getting for shoving into the spot right next to harry.
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Evan smirked at Alesander, his eyes flashing with amusement as he studied the man but left without any other indication that he wanted to do things to Alesander... probobly some very illegal things. in the morning, Dumbledore was stammering that they needed to be sorted before they could choose where to sit, but seeing as how he was being ignored, he finally gave up, watching with pride as one of the two at least went to Gryffindor... maybe the two of them could fix the house rivalry? as Alesander sat, Draco and Hermione both scowled, but Harry lifted his head to blink sluggishly at Alesander. "just a little..." he admitted simply. "i think i ate something bad, that's all." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "i'm sorry... i don't know your name..." "honestly Harry." Hermione complained. "don't you ever pay attention? this is Alesander Skargard from France... Dumbledore JUST said..." "well excuse me for not listening to anything that insufferable Windbag says!" Harry snapped testily, Hermione gaping at Harry who paused, blinking. "...sorry... i'm just tired..." Harry muttered, glancing at Alesander. "i'm Harry..."

Draco was in the process of trying to use a heavy Compulsion hex on a cockroach so it would crawl up Dumbledore's pants leg, but it wasn't going well. he turned to Cassandra, blinking in shock for a moment before his eyes flicked from her to Alesander. clearly, he was smarter than Voldemort gave him credit for. "good morning Lady Skargard... Cousin." his lip twitched, hiding his amusement at the letter his Father had sent him. "it is an honor to have you seated at the Slytherin table. would you care for a tour?" he asked, his head tilted at her. she was gorgeous... and she was the Key to Draco's power. Lucius was swiftly losing the Dark Lords Favor, as was Severus. Draco needed a way to gain his own Favor with the dark lord... and dating his... precious daughter, was only one way of getting the power that Draco sought.
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Alesander smiled a litle as he looked at the other, "Listening to dumbledore would put even the most die hard fan to sleep, I don't blame him for not knowing my name."He snickered a little smiling at the man, "I'm alesander."he said raising a eyebrow, as if curious about the other man. Trying to figure out if the gryffindor was as disillusioned to dumbledore as evan was.

Cassandra smired a little watching draco trying to hex the cockroach,"I don't think it's going to work."She muttered before laughing, amused at his reaction to her presence."Cousin, it is good to see you."She muttered watching the other slyhterins, looking calm and collected, even if she leaned towards draco a little. So, she'd been right, like lucius, she couldn't read draco's emotions, and he was the one oasis of silence in cassandra's world. So....she was completely oblivious to draco's true intentions, more naive then her brother and that innocence was fiercely protected by both her twin and voldemort. Smiling a little she nodded, "I would. I've never been here, I do not like the idea of being lost here."
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Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little. "Dumbledore's a good man... he just... needs to shut up once and a while." Harry grumbled, Hermione tossing Harry an annoyed scowl, but didn't say anything. Harry always got like this when he was tired or sick... especially after an Occlumency lesson or a... 'detention' with Umbridge, which was nearly every day now. Draco had been instructed to woo Umbridge away from giving Harry detentions, Voldemort's orders of course. no need to antagonize Evan, who had already proven to take great delight in torturing people. "Harry... does your hand still hurt Mate?" Draco asked softly as Harry rubbed the back of his hand. "just a little..." Harry muttered, tossing a dark glare up at Umbridge. from the angle, Alesander could easily see the scars 'i must not tell lies'... it must have taken hours of writing, several days a week to etch the words that deeply. "well, would you like a tour Alesander?" Harry asked, forcing himself into a better mood. "i know all the secrete tunnels and short cuts." Ron had to snicker at that. Harry loved to vanish, and then pop up out of no where... he'd scared almost every single first year in Hogwarts doing that.

Draco huffed. "i need something a little more intelligent." Draco agreed. "i wonder if i can find a Rat... a rat would be much more satisfying." he agreed with himself, nodding as he examined her, smirking. he knew she was an empath, he also knew that he was immune to her powers. she would never know that he was playing her, conning her, using her. "come on, i'll show you to the Slytherin Dorms first, show you where you'll be sleeping and such. then we'll go visit the kitchens, the library, the grounds and the classrooms. your in the same year as we are, i think, so all you'll have to do is follow me or Mellicent to all of your classes. depending on which ones you have."
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"A windbag sometimes?"Alesander offered when harry seemed to not know what to call dumbledore before smiling a little. Frowning at the scar he looked thoughtful. "I would.I love scaring Cassandra, and disappearing on her would be awesome."He grinned nudging the other as he ate quickly filing the torture of umbridge away to look at another day. He wondered if he could convince cassandra to put her own skin at risk with the woman, get herself detention...he knew his sister's vicious dealing with someone who enjoyed torture that much would take care of that problem."Do you want to go now, or do we have class?"He asked .

"Well, Alesander is here to you know, he's slightly more intelligent then a cockroach."He said looking more amused, poking fun at her twin even if he wasn't there. Smiling a little as she stood,"I have your class schedule, seeing as we're 'cousins' father thought it best to make sure I was with someone that knew the whole story."she uttered as she walked out of the great hall with her, looking amused as she looked around the grand castle. "The dorms huh?Are you sure you just don't want to show me your bedroom?"She teased the blond. Used to death eaters coming onto her, but she wanted to be loved, so if he wooed her right, she'd hand him the world
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Harry grimaced. "i don't know if i'd call him a windbag..." he admitted, fidgeting nervously. "he just... never listens, that's all." Hermione nodded a little. "yeah, i've noticed that too... actually, none of the teachers really seam to listen. at least, not to harry..." she admitted, looking a little concerned before relaxing as Harry laughed. "Cassandra, that's your sister right? Ron has a set of twin brothers, is it true that Twins can speak in each others minds?" Harry asked curiously as he grabbed his back and stood up, refusing to rub his aching hand again. "let me see your scheduled?" he asked, taking the paper from Alesander. "ah, History of magic... you have the same scheduled as me. we can skip that. Binns does the same exact lecture every year." Hermione made a face, but for once didn't protest. Harry had a fascination for history, and never went to Binn's classes. he studied on his own instead. "come on, i'll show you the secrete passage that lets out right in front of the Slytherin Dorms."

Draco snickered. "yes but he's MUCH too large to try and crawl up Dumbledore's leg... though it might be amusing to see if i can't make him dry hump the old bastard." he teased with a small little smirk. "maybe i'll use a house elf?" he mused, snickering a little as he glanced at her. "so what's with the order to not torment Potter anymore? Father said we where supposed to try and break him... and all of a sudden Potter's completely off limits. whats the deal with that?" Draco complained, scowling darkly as he watched Harry lead Alisander away before flashing her a smirk. "if you want to see my room i suppose i could show you." he agreed calmly as he led the way tot he Slytherin common rooms. "have you ever taken Runes or Arithmacy before? if you need a tutor, i'm the best in those classes... save for that mud-blood bitch Granger... she always gets better scores than me." he complained with a dark scowl before nearly keeling over, dead from fight as Alisander suddenly appeared, apparently out of thin air. "Dammit! first it's potter and now it's YOU!" Draco complained. "i'm going to HEX the next person who appears out of nowhere dammit!" "ah, but as i just heard... i'm not supposed to be attacked anymore." Draco would deny it to his death day, but he squealed like a little girl when Harry fucking Potter 'materialized' right next to him. those secrete passages where amazing.
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"Well, they're morons. Everyone should listen."He snorted looking amused as he handed over his schedule.Following harry out of the room he nodded,"Well, I was actually considering rooming in gryffindor. Since me and cassandra don't have to be in the same room to be in contact."He shrugged answering his question about talking to each other."now, we couldn't go telling you all our secrets should we?" Laughing amused at draco's squeal he raised a eyebrow looking his sister over."You wouldn't be considering seeing his room would you, dear sister?" "Shut up. I'll do what I want."Cassandra sulked before looking at draoc."And no, I've studied a little bit, but not really.I could use a tutor."She said smiling at the blond.

Cassandra sighed softly looking at harry, "Wel, it doesn't mean we wont attack you.We just can't harm you.Alot."Cassandra said looking thoughtful as she shrugged before looking at draco."Shall we continue our tour?Leave these two to their childish games?"

Alesander frowned at his sister,Just because he's pretty and you can't feel him cassy, doesn't mean anything." "Shut up Ali. I'll do what I want." "But you wont be doing malfoy. Remember his father has his wedding already planned for him." "Oh.yea...." Cassandra wilted a little at the mental conversation, remembering the conversation she'd been asked to sit in on between the two death eaters as they worked out their children's wedding, all without telling the said children. Poor draco was going to be so depressed to know he was to be married over christmas break, and she couldn't tell him, since she'd been sworn to secrecy.
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Harry shrugged. "no adult has ever listened to me. that's why i have to do everything myself." Harry admitted simply, once they where out of his freinds Earshot. they didn't listen either before he laughed at Alisander. "i don't know if you'll like Griffindor all that much." he admitted with a smug little smirk. "we don't get our own rooms like the pampered Slytherins do." he admitted simply as he led the way to 'ambushing' the Cassandra and the blond bastard. Draco himself looked quite happy to be Cassandra's tutor as Harry smirked. "no, seriously. Draco and i have been enemies for years and Lucius hates me to death... why suddenly stop now, hmm Malfoy?" there was a flash of red in those eyes, letting both Cassandra and Alisander know that it wasn't particularly Harry that was in control. "branded little slave are we?" he asked, gripping Draco's arm, the blond frozen in shock, yelping in pain as the hand closed over still sensitive skin.

"you pure blood idealists are all the same. you say your better than everyone, and yet you crawl like dogs and lick your masters boots." Evan smirked viciously, Draco looking stunned, horrified, confused. he'd never seen Harry like this, ever... was the boy mad? possessed? sick!? "let me go!" Draco finally demanded, Evan laughing as he released Draco's arm. "poor Baby Malfoy, did i hurt you? did i break your nail? mess up your hair? such a pretty little Poofer!" Draco went red with rage, and he swept his Wand out, but Evan was already gone, vanished, his sadistic laughter lingering in the hall, Draco's hand trembling as he swallowed thickly. "...well... now i know why Father told me to leave potter alone... he's gone completely mad! he's never reacted like that before! never!" well wasn't that just peachy keen? the twins where going to have to act fast to keep Draco from running off and telling everyone what just happened. luckily the blond Prat was too shaken still to actually run off.
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"I'm sure I'd be fine sharing a room.I have to share at home so its okay."Alesander said looking amused and tilting his head even as he turned to look at Harry."We all have our orders."He muttered his hand snapping out and closing over harry's wrist, squeezing. "Stop."He growled annoyed with the man before looking at cassandra,nodding absently towards the blond even as he took off after harry.

Cassandra turned to draco raising her hands, cradling his face in her hands to get his attention, "he's not mad, just being compelled."she growled softly, looking around before pulling him into the slytherin dorm rooms, showing that she had a little bit of knowledge of the school, "Snape's been teaching him occumlacy on dumbledore's orders, and we found out some things that are...beneficial to our side.That's why the no attacking rule, we want to figure out how to use it."She said looking at him,"That's why me and alesander are here, to keep a eye on things."
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Evan snarled at Alisander, his eyes narrowing in rage at being told what to do. no one told him what to do, he had taken orders for FAR too long... by the time Alisander caught up to Evan, he was Harry again, sitting in the hallway and looking like he was going to be so very, very sick, his head between his knees. "sorry Alisander. didn't mean to lose you there... i just got Dizzy all of a sudden and i had to sit down... i'll show you the Slytherin passages in a moment, but i don't think we'll be in time to scare Malfoy or your sister." he admitted, shaking his head. "help me up, won't you? did you ever find out where you where rooming?" he asked, feeling so sluggish but the nausea was passing, and so was the headache. "Alisander? are you alright? you look like someone stepped on your cat..."

Draco blinked at her, looking shocked still but let her drag him off. "so... Uncle Sev does know then?" he asked, hesitating before relaxing. "as long as Uncle Sev knows, i guess it's alright... but Father doesn't know... that's annoying." he complained, frowning just a little. "it would have been nice to have a warning... so someone is compelling Potter... how interesting. it's clearly not the Dark lord... he wouldn't compare us to cattle... so who?" he mused, sensing a delightful mystery, and even more important...a chance at blackmail. "well, come on then, let's go to the Common room, i'm very certain Potter can't get in there. and if he can, he's never done it before, so at least i won't be attacked again." he complained, clearly sulking. Draco didn't like being caught off guard and humiliated. "i'm not a poof either! you know that right?"
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Alisander looked startled as he looked down at the other, swallowing hard as he absently stroked the other's hair,"Don't worry about scaring them.Draco's flirting with cassandra, we'll scare them lter."He said helping the other up, before laughing a little."Gryffindor. And I'm fine, just thinking about draco and cassy getting nasty and naked together. Just weird."He muttered looking amused as he nudged him."Come on, lets get up to the common room and get rest."

Cassandra nodded."he does. And considering it concerned potter, we thought it was safer the less people that knew everything, the better.And since severus is here, and your father isn;t..."She shrugged a little before smirking slightly."My money's on granger or dumbledore."She shrugged a little before nodding as she stepped back from him."Don't sulk, pretty boy. You're to pretty to pout."She snickered a little as she followed him towards the common room.
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Harry smiled a little. "great, Gryffindor is awesome. we don't get our own rooms, because we have too many people there... just more proof that we're better, but the guys there are real co..." he paused staring at Alisander with utter horror. "Alisander that's disgusting! besides, we ALL know that Draco's gay! he spends WAY too much time on his appearance to be otherwise..." there was a pause. "there was a theory about him actually being a woman, but we spied on him in the shower room after a quidditch game that disproved that particular theory." there was laughter in Harry's voice. apparently picking on Draco wasn't just an Evan thing, but Harry was much, much nicer about it. "come on, the Griffindor common room is this way i... oh no..." "Mister Potter! Skipping Class again!?" Umbridge demanded with a sniff. "another Detention! you know the time!" she snapped before glancing at Alisander, her face breaking into a wide smile. "Mister Skargard! welcome to Hogwarts. young Draco has just been singing your praises!" she admitted happily. "enjoy your day!" Harry was grumbling under his breath once she was gone, calling her a toad... well, that was one of the nicer things anyway.

Draco snorted a little and nodded. "this is true, Father can't keep a secrete from mother anyway. and mother can't keep a secrete at all. it's better that they don't know..." there was a pause and then. "it's definitely not Granger. she wouldn't have the guts for it, or the ability to say such spiteful things... Weasley maybe, or it might even be someone not at the school at all. it could be some random person who wanted to be a death eater but got denied or something." he shrugged. "whatever the case, i'm sure Uncle Sev is handling it... i am NOT pretty!" he protested, sounding horrified. "i am handsome! sexy! manly! certainly not pretty!" "and conceited too." Blaise Zabini stated simply as he walked up behind them. "are you going to stand in front of the entrance all day draco? some of us have places to be." Draco sneered at Blaise, but finally moved to the side. "poof." Blaise teased, Draco choking in rage. "i Am NOT!!!!"
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"Its not so disgusting. Better then any of the others. At least malfoy's her age."Alisander said looking amused, because he had no idea how to consider how the man could be gay or not. "A woman, I could believe that. Heis pretty."He said snickering because the teasing was so much nicer then evan's. Raising a eyebrow at the woman he tilted his head."Whyever did you get detention, and I didn't?"He asked looking amused as they headed for the common room.

Cassandra laughed a little."Exactly. We didn't want everyone to know we know."She said looking amused before laughing at blaise's words, smirking slightly."You are most definately pretty.And a poof."She said snickering a little because he got so wound up, and she wanted to see what he would do. After all, the woman had never been in a serious relationship, or close to anyone except alisander, so draco's con job was going to do a number on the empath."Come on malfoy, you promised to show me my room."She said stepping inside and heading for the rooms.
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Harry sighed a little as he shook his head. "because she's a lapdog of that pompous arse fudge. their trying to break me, so that i'll stop saying Voldemort is back. it won't work of course. they have nothing on me. i can take a little pain." there was a tone to Harry's voice. it was serious, and strong, and it was instantly understandable why the gryffindors, and most of the hufflepuffs and Ravelclaws looked at Harry with such reverence. Voldemort knew about the DA of course, and had told Alisander and Cassandra as much about it as he knew. Voldemort had even admitted a certain awe about the power Harry held, over himself and others. Voldemort had then complained about Harry leading the wrong people and using his powers the wrong way, but he'd still gotten a compliment from the Dark Lord... not an easy feet. "that bitch will never break me." Harry stated, his head held high. "i will never let anyone break me ever again." he admitted stopping in front of the Fat Lady. "Pumpkin Turnovers." "right in one dear." she flirted, Harry flashing her an amused grin as he led the way inside. "welcome to the Gryffindor Common room. also much better than the Slytherins. all that dank stone and ugly green." he flashed Alisander a wink. "but don't let them know that i know that."

Draco scowled at her. "i am NOT! that is a horrible rumor spread by Potter! i'll have you know that i never have, an never will, ever, EVER be attracted to ANYTHING even REMOTELY resembling a male!" he complained, Nott smirking as he looked up. "so how about female goats?" Draco sputtered in horror and Blaise snickered. "you know, he is strangely attached to that woman owl of his." "The lot of you can go drown in the lake!" Draco complained, scowling at Cassandra. "now look what you've done! they'll go on for WEEKS!" he complained, leading the way up a spiral staircase, a door every few feet. "this one will be your room, it's the only empty one." he admitted simply, opening the door and letting her walk in. it was beautiful, all dark greens and shining silver. it was certainly better than anything any Gryffindor would ever have.
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"Huh. Well...she is dealt with easily enough.I'll just go to detention with you."He decided looking amused and remembering what voldemort had said. The man had complained for HOURS about it, but in the end, a compliment was a compliment. Surely he would be able to talk his way into the DA. Looking pleased as he stepped into the common room he smirked a little, "oh yes. This is definately muh better. Probably warmer to."She said looking amused."So where will I be staying?"

Cassandra giggled a little, looking so much younger when she laughed, not like the woman voldemort had adopted as his own."Ohhh a owl huh?"She smirked looking amused as as she followed him upstairs, walking into teh room as she looked around smiling sotly as she turned to look at him."It's beautiful."She said biting her lip, rubbing her arms a little, as if chilled, and she was. Despite being 18, the twins had never roomed this far away from each other, or even been apart for long periods of time. Which would make her even more vulnerble to draco."You know, I like being with you. It makes the world quiet."She said smiling t him.
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry shook his head. "nah, i won't hide behind you. i'm proving a point by now. after McGonagall told me to just toe the line and keep my head down, it's a matter of pride to serve these detentions... i'm proving something by ths point. proving my strength and my resolve if nothing else." he shook his head. "that bitch can't do anything to me, that hasn't already been done." he admitted simply. "it's just a new form of pain, that's all." he admitted, smirking at the other. "it's definitely warmer." he admitted with a laugh. "come on, you'll be rooming with us. Dean and Seam don't sleep here anymore because they kept waking us up in the middle of the night. horny bastards." he complained rather affectionately. "Ron used to get so freaked out." he admitted with a snicker. "course, it never helped that they where constantly flirting with him." he admitted with a laugh as he led the way up to the dorm room. "you can have that bed, or that bed. that's my bed, that's Ron's bed, and that's Neville's bed. you'll meet Neville later."

he scowled at her teasing before smiling at her comment on the room, glancing at her. a chance! he slipped his warmed cloak off, and gently settled it around her shoulders, the warming charm was perfect for cold, dark dungeons. "i like being with you too." he admitted, offering her a smile. "come on, i'll show you my room, and then we'll go to the kitchens." he offered. "i'll show you how to get the elves to give us alcohol." he promised with a small chuckle as he led the way to his room. which was all dark greens and black, showing off his pale, perfect complexion even more... he was so vain.
RE: Shattered Minds

Alisander looked thoughtful at the others words, having every intention of writing voldemort later, and see what he thought about this. Surely a insight into that strength of will, would useful in dealing with both harry and evan. "Awww you mean, I can't flirt with him?That's just sad."he pouted a little looking amused as he looked around the room, pouting slightly."Ohhh you mean I can't share your bed?"He said with a slight smirk.

Cassandra smiled a little as the cloak was settled around her shoulders, pulling it closer as she smiled back at him."Yes, but I bet you don't have every emotion everyone feels bombarding're just so quiet.Closed off."She smiled before nodding "Alcohol?Really?"She said looking startled at the idea as she looked around the other's room, laughing softly at the room that made him look even better."It's bigger then mine. This seems wrong somehow."She pouted a little looking amused before shifting,"Do you want your cloak back?I have my own things..."
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry snickered a little and nodded. "you can flirt with him, but it certainly won't end well." he admitted with a snicker before he jerked, shocked and stared at Alisander before a deep blush crawled up his neck and across his cheeks. "i...uh...i..." clearly, Harry had never been flirted with before. "i... uhm... j..just pick a bed." he finally ordered, struggling to maintain his composure. "i have a meeting to go to tonight..." he admitted, hesitating. "will you be alright alone for a few hours?" he asked nervously. he wanted to trust Alisander... but he knew better. after all, the other was a stranger, and so far, strangers at school, especially new teachers, meant bad things. besides, Alisander was Malfoy's cousin... and that would CERTAINLY never end well...

Malfoy blinked at her, his head tilted. "emotions... oh... your an Empath!" he stated, looking shocked and amazed. inside he was leering with glee. she was so easy to manipulate! "closed off? i'm not that closed off am i?" he asked, looking a little worried before he smirked. "of course y room is bigger. there's several reasons. one of which is that i am a Malfoy, and Malfoy's always get the best. the second is that i'm the prince of Slytherin, so i get the best. and the last is that this is the best room IN slytherin, and i gave the bloody bastard who TRIED to take it, a weeks detention for TRYING to take it." he admitted, his nose in the air. "i'm the head boy, so i deserve the best. so there." he teased, smirking at her. "but, if it makes you feel better, when i found out you where coing, i made the snot nosed brat who WAS in your room, move, so you could have the second best room." he admitted with a grin. "and i'm alright, i'll just grab my spare cloak..." he went inside, grabbed a cloak that was hanging from a coat rack, tugged it on, and led the way to the portrait, and tickled the pear, letting her see the massive 'army' of Elves.
RE: Shattered Minds

"Ohhh well, I'll just enjoy flirting with him still."he said laughing a little, tilting his head at harry's reaction .Smirking a little as he collapsed back onto the bed."Okay, I'll take this one."he said collapsing on one of the empty beds, looking amused as he nodded."I'm perfetly capable of being alone for a few hours. I'll probably write uncle, let him know we got to school without killing anyone or anything, he'll be so relieved."He said looking amused, and wondering what he other was up to.

"I am."She said shrugging a little, not realizing what he was feeling. After all alisander was the more world aware side of them, the woman was naive to the point that she really didn't understand relationships or maniuplation. Despite who had raised her, the two men in her live had protected her so much that she could ome off a little dumb."You are.But its nice. I can feel my own thoughts and feelings wihtout having someone's thoughts hitting me."She shrugged a little before sighing softly. "ohhh, but you know who my adopted father is, shouldn't that mean I get the best room?"She said sounding thoughtful as they headed for the kitchen, looking shocked at so many elves, moving closer to draco,feeling slightly overwhelmed at them all turning to look at them
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry laughed a little. "well, just don't torment him ok? he's my best freind. if it comes down to it, i'd be more likely to punch you in the nose than him." he admitted with a smirk before nodding. "your uncle is Lucius isn't he?" there was a heartbeat of a pause. "nah, maybe i'd better not tell you about the Dobby incident." he mused playfully. "wouldn't want to humiliate your dear sweet, arsehole of an uncle." he mused with a smirk as he shook his head a little. "come on, we have Transfiguration in ten minutes, and i don't want any more detentions." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Transfiguration is with the Slytherin's, so you'll be able to sit with your sister."

Draco scoffed a little and shook his head a little. "of course not! he might be the most impressive Wizard in all of history, but he hasn't taken over Hogwarts yet!" he admitted with a smug little grin before wrapping his arm around her, comforting her as a bell went off. "damn... i forgot about classes. we have to get to Transfiguration. nosy old busy body teacher wouldn't hesitate to give us a detention for being late." he admitted, settling his hand into hers and leading her to the transfiguration room, Harry moving to sit with Ron and Hermione, letting Alisander and Cassandra sit next to one another. it was clear that Draco's reports about Harry being a poor student in class, weren't his just hating potter. even when everyone else was able to transform a tea cup into a Turtle, the only thing he'd managed was to make his teacup shake. "honestly..." Draco complained softly. "it's really frustrating. he can hold off Voldemort himself, but he can't turn a teacup... it's pathetic!"
RE: Shattered Minds

"Awww but thats no fun.Come on, he needs to be more open minded."Alisander snickered a little before smirking,"Ohhh, don't worry. I'm well aware of the incident. Uncle raved for days after that."He smirked."And he really is a arsehole isn't he?Though draco's worse."he said thoughtfully before heading to class with the other.

"Yes, but I am here, and everyone loves me, so he has taken over."cassandra said looking amused at draco's protest before heading to class. Looking thoughtful as both her and alisander absently changed things into other things, soon enough both twins were trying to outdo each other with the complexity of the desgins on teacups. "Sometimes, talents don't follow normal things. Take me, I'm good at complusion spells, and emotional things but I totally fail at torture. Alisander is amazing at potions and transfiguration,but can't fly. Talents."She said though she looked curious about harry's failing, looking at draco."Change my teacup for me, I'm going to see whats going on."She muttered before turning her attention inward, closing her eyes as she tried to figure out why indeed potter was failing.
RE: Shattered Minds

Harry snickered, looking very pleased with himself before he sighed. "i never should have killed the Basilisk." he complained under his breath. "maybe i could have asked it to petrify that pink kitten obsessed bitch..." he mused, enjoying his little fantasy Draco lifting an eyebrow at Cassandra. "yes. but literally the only thing that Harry can do is DADA and Quidditch." he admitted simply. "he's terrible at potions, he can't do charms, he barley passes history, despite his love of it, he can't do herbology, the only reason why he hasn't been mauled to death yet is because that Oaf Hagrid protects him. he can't even 'divinate' his own death properly." he pointed out. "and in school, his dueling skills are... not on par. it's like something's making him stupid here in... Hogwarts.." understanding flashed in his eyes. "that's it... isn't it. someone in Hogwarts is repressing his intelligence. there are spells and potions to do such things..." he glanced at Cassandra and sighed as he obediently changed his teacup into a Dragon motif, filled it with tea, and took a happy little sip. when Cassandra touched on Harry's emotions... she felt deep frustration. rage, fury, confusion. he understood how to do it, he knew the incantation, how to focus his mind, he could feel his magic... what the hell was going wrong!? he didn't understand and the more everyone else advanced, the more desperate he became until he finally just gave up. he wasn't even trying now, he was just prodding it with his wand and sulking. "well?" Draco asked, blinking at her. "did you find anything?" he was curious. he'd been watching, studying Potter for a very long time, he was just as curious about the Boy who Lived as Voldemort and Alisander where about Evan.
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