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Awkward Rooming Situation(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)

Mira moaned as he went further into her, and continued moaning as she kissed him roughly. Then he bit her neck and she gasped a loud moan, bucking against him and continuing to buck and rock in pace with him, her nails running down his chest as she did so. She tightened a bit, enjoying the feeling of him fucking her so hard.
Kuren sped up as fast as he could do to fuck her. He wasn't going to last much longer though. Her insides were hot and the walls of her pussy were tightening with every thrust. It was getting harder to not cum in her. Kuren ran his tongue up her neck roughly, then back down to her shoulder, biting there too. Each bite leaving a mark. "Too tasty..." He said in her ear, then he nibbled there too. Kuren ran a hand down to her pussy, and as he fucked her, he teased her clit.
Mira wasn't going to last much longer either with the way he was fucking her. She tightened more, growling as he bit her, digging her nails in a bit more. She flushed slightly as he spoke into her ear, moaning as he teased her clit and rocking against him more. She was getting close to a release and she wanted it.
Kuren pushed up against her again as he pushed a few more times into her. He could feel her tightening up more and more, and it finally was too much for him to handle. It one last thrust, he came really hard into her. Kuren brought his lips back to hers as he did, feeling her tighten up for her orgasm too. Her nails were leaving marks on his chest, but they wouldn't stay there for long. Vampires heal very quickly, even if they were just scratches. He grinned and broke it off. His face was a little red, but it wasn't from the water. The water had actually gone to room temperature. Kuren chuckled lightly and looked at her. "Happy to be satisfied now?"
Mira tightened considerably, feeling him as he came inside of her. She shivered a bit going into her own orgasm, kissing him hard. She grinned back at him when he broke it off. "Of course...Since I had to wait so long.." she said, smirking and then leaning against him lightly.
Kuren grinned and licked her cheek. "Sorry about all the teasing...But you did get to have your fun at least. And in a bath no doubt." He said with a grin. Mira leaned back so that she was facing him. Kuren stretched lightly, a few of his joints cracking here and there. The scratches already disappearing. He was totally wiped out now. He doubted that he would have a good amount of semen in him for the rest of the day. Probably on to the next as well. Most of it was already squeezed out of him.

Kuren stood up and grabbed a towel. He dried himself off and looked back at Mira. "Well, now what are you going to do?" He asked her as he got a pair of pants on after his boxers.
Mira smirked. "Exactly." she said, leaning back and watching as he stood up. She did as well, wrapping a towel around herself and shrugging. "I dunno..." She said. "I really need to get some different clothes on.." she said, going to the door and unlocking it, peeping out to see Harley gone. She wondered if the girl had heard them and took off. She shrugged it off though, and walked on out, taking the towel from around herself and grabbing panties and a bra out, then throwing on shorts and a tank top.
Kuren got changed and nodded. He walked out after Mira did and noticed that Harley wasn't there, but then he smelled something. It was smoke from a cigarette, and it was coming from outside. He looked over to Mira. "I'll be back in a second." He said as he left the room. Kuren went outside to find Harley leaning on a wall smoking. He came up beside her and intertwined his hand with her free one. "Found you." He said gently, not trying to scare her.
Harley felt a hand intertwine with hers and already knew it was Kuren. She looked over at him. " did." she said, finishing the last of the cigarette and putting it out. "Sorry...just...I had quit but I couldn't help but crave one.." she said, a bit embarrassed that he had caught her smoking. It was a nasty habit, and she could have just killed her chance with him. She hoped that wasn't true, but she didn't know how he would feel about the matter.
Kuren put a hand on her cheek, moved her head slightly, and kissed her in public, in plain view of everyone. He didn't care. He grinned as he broke the kiss off. "I'm not one to judge by what someone does. If you wish to smoke, I really don't care. I would rather you didn't since I know what smoking does to someone, but that's not my my call. If you wish to smoke, as long as it's only a cigarette, we're good." He said, a small emphasis on the word only. He grinned and held her hand tightly as they leaned against the wall.
Harley felt his hand on her cheek, kissing him back as he kissed her. She listened to him, then nodded. "Trust me, this is all I've ever done." she told him. She raised up a bit, shifting so she could lean against him. "I just....needed something to calm my nerves..." she admitted.
Kuren leaned his head against hers. "Sorry about that. I got trapped." He said lightly in an apologetic tone. "The truce is called off pretty quickly huh?" He asked her. He put an arm around her waist at the front and kept her close. "I would've liked not being attacked for a little while longer...Except We did have a nice time last night...So I can't blame her." Kuren said with a grin. He kissed her neck gently.
Harley listened to him, nodded slightly. "Yeah, it is. We only did it for the dinner. After that it was called off." she said. Hearing what he said next, she started to stiffen a bit, but relaxed quickly as soon as she felt it coming on, not wanting him to feel bad about it. She didn't need to act out about it, that wasn't how she fought for him. She'd rather him leave her for Mira than choose her because he felt sorry for her.
Kuren felt her stiffen up and knew that he said something wrong. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that at all." He said gently, his grip loosening on her waist. For a reason not to his knowledge, if he made Harley feel bad, he felt really bad. He never had these feelings so it wasn't clear to him completely yet. Kuren put his head on her shoulder and brought her close again.
Harley shook her head slightly, feeling his grip loosen. "It's alright..." she said, then felt his head on her shoulder, and him bringing her close again. She stayed close to him. "I just....don't like thinking about being with her..." she said, and laughed slightly. "Silly right? I agreed to this yet I'm beginning to wonder if I can handle it..."
Kuren shook his head and turned her around. "Then I won't talk about her when I'm with you..." He said gently and quietly. He put his arms around her waist and brought her in to kiss her gently again. Things were different with Harley. Good different too. He would have to talk to someone about these feelings, but knew not to go to his parents about this. He just needed to vent a little bit, but didn't know who to go to. He broke off the kiss after the thoughts stopped flowing through his head. He smiled down at her and just hugged her.
Harley kissed him back gently, wishing they could just stay like this. Mira was disappearing from her mind. There was only her and Kuren at the moment, how she wanted it. She looking up at him as he broke the kiss off, her cheeks slightly flushed and a smile on her face.
Kuren looked down at Harley and noticed that her face flushed slightly. He smiled lightly and kissed her nose lightly. "Better now?" He asked her with a small grin. "What do you want to do today?" He asked her once more. His mind was set on having the day with her. Mira was out of mind and Harley was his focus.
Kuren took both of her hands and brought one up to kiss it gently. Then he leaned in and bit her neck gently, leaving a small mark. He grinned and looked at her. "So, now that we have that accomplished, wanna answer my question now?" He asked lightly, a small laugh coming out of him. "What does my princess want to do today?"
Kuren grinned. "Well, that's not very helpful...That's already a given." He said gently as he pulled her forwards a bit. He was getting a little intimate in public, but he couldn't help it. Harley just made him that way. "How about we go grab something to eat? I'm a little hungry."
Harley smiled as he pulled her forward. She was happy he could be a little intimate with her in public. She wanted people to know she was his. "Yeah, that sounds good.." she said, leaning forward and kissing him gently. She couldn't help but show affection to him.
Kuren grinned but then felt her lips on his. He kissed her back passionately and lovingly. Kuren broke off the kiss after a minute or so and made sure their hands were still intertwined. He smiled lightly. "Let's go then." Kuren said as he pulled her along. After she noticed that they were going, she caught up and walked next to him. He pulled her close to make sure she didn't go anywhere. "Anywhere you think of wanting to go?" He asked, looking over to her.
Harley kept kissing him until he broke off and nodded, letting him pull her along until she caught up and was next to him. He pulled her close, which made her smile. "How about..Chinese, or Japanese maybe?" she asked him, wondering if that was okay. She'd had a craving for it for a while now. Harley and Natalia practically lived on Chinese takeout for a while.
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