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Why did you choose the avatar you did?

Yuffie was my first crush ever and I remember having a crush on Rikku too at a later age despite having not played the games I only saw her in trailers for FF X-2 xD

This was my discord pfp for all of June but I just really love the pic. Who doesn't like a punk rainbow nonbinary chameleon god? They were a commission.
Apart from the fact that he's a tattooed biker and kinda fits the name well, it's black and white and I've always had a thing for B&W photos. There's a dirty, raw elegance about them.
A friend of mine sent me mine, and I just really loved it. Not the most interesting of stories, but I'm very happy with this avatar.
I just joined recently and I didn't have an avatar. I said someone else could pick one for me - just pick something sexy. They went through a bunch are verrrry aritistic pictures. This is the most sexual one they offered me (not very).

I let my other forum members pick avatars for me, basically.
^ I'd be down for that.

I just liked the one I have on a bit of a whim. But I tend not to commit to pfp's too strongly.
Huh, that is actually a fun idea. :)

Mine is Jean of Arc, by Anato Finnstark. I just think it looked good. His other works, like the LotR ones and the Elden Ring ones, don't all fit the small square profile picture area, so this one simply fit back.

It has the unfortunate side effect of making some people think I am a woman, but ah well.
Honestly, I kinda just picked whatever came to mind. I do enjoy Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, and Q is one of the characters I play in the game.

Nothing elaborate there!
Not only does it have a smexy gal in lingerie, but it has a kitty in it! 🥰
I love this band, and adore the singers voice and outfit. Along with everything pagan. It just rouses a spark inside me like nothing else can. I wish I was born with antlers or horns! Even though I'll have to have hats specially made. lol
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