Discovering Young Love ~ { For Ryuu and Raeona } ~

Hinata blushed nervously and nodded, keeping a hold of his hand. She hurried to follow him, gulping nervously as she glanced around. It wasn't long until they were back in the village, and the closer they got to his home, the more red her face got and the more nervous she felt. Her heart raced as she began to need to focus on taking her steps.
As they approached his home, Naruto felt a slight nervousness overcome him with every step they took. But the climax came as they walked up the stairs and had approached his front door. He slowly put in the key with one hand and turned the door knob as he pushed open his door and he turned to Hinata after leading her inside and smiled affectionately and said "So... Are... Are you ready Hinata-chan?"
Hinata gulped slightly as they arrived at his door, and as he opened it and stepped in, she slowly followed. Looking around the house, she shut the door behind her and heard his question, making her gulp and blush nervously but nod her head "A-As ready as I'll ever be" She said nervously.
Naruto nodded back at Hinata and he walked up to her and placed his right hand on her cheek and smiled saying to her "Hinata-chan... You're beautiful." And as he finished speaking he placed his lips upon Hinata's and gently kissed her, slowly letting it become more and more passionate but pulling away before too much so and he took Hinata's hand and he led her to his bed and standing in front of it he smiled at Hinata and with his left hand on her right cheek he gazed into her eyes and he took his right hand and while looking at her with pure affection he slowly unzipped Hinata's jacket, revealing her perfect figure, and smiled at her lovingly.
Hinata blushed and kissed him back, only for him to pull away shortly after. Soon, she was lead to his bed and gulped nervously as his hand reached for her jacket. She almost moved to stop him, being shy and self conscious, but she didn't. When her jacket was open, it slipped off her arms, leaving her in her bra and net shirt, making her blush and wrap her arms around herself shyly.
Naruto smiled and kissed Hinata and placed his hands on hers and he said "Hinata-chan... Your body is incredible. It's as beautiful as your face is. Please don't worry." As naruto said this he unzipped his own jacket, leaving just his shirt and he took Hinata's hands and placed them against his chest and he said "Do you feel that Hinata-chan? Do you feel my heart racing? I love you Hinata-chan. I'm nervous too. So let's be nervous together so we won't have to be nervous after this... Ok?" And as naruto said this he kissed Hinata's cheek and he smiled at her, still just barely holding Hinata's hands against himself.
Hinata could feel his heart beating against her palms and hesitantly nodded, blushing nervously as she looked up at him. Her hands were shaking slightly, but she tried her best to calm herself down, to convince herself that everything would be alright. "I-I'll try Naruto-kun" She said softly, shyly looking up at him.
Naruto smiled now that he saw Hinata was feeling a little better and he slowly let go of her hands and let his jacket slip down off of him. Naruto gazed at Hinata's incredibly gorgeous body and slowly up to her eyes as he took his hand and placed it on her cheek as he took his other hand to unzip Hinata's pants as he said "Hinata-chan... May I?"
Hinata blushed deeply and took a large breath in before nodding her head, gulping a bit nervously. She felt her knees shaking slightly, but tried to stop them so he wouldn't notice.
Naruto slowly unzipped Hinata's pants as she nodded and he kissed her softly before slowly kneeling down to pull her pants down with both hands. After doing so he stood back up and placed his hands gently on Hinata's hips and said "H-Hinara-chan... Do you think you can unzip mine now? Th-that way we've both done it. Hinata?"
Hinata bit her lip and slowly nodded, her hands leaving him to shakily reach for his pants. Gulping nervously, she followed his lead and unzipped his pants before slowly pulling them down and standing back up. She squirmed in place a bit, shyly glancing at the ground and blushing deeply as she felt her heart race.
Naruto's heart leaped as he felt Hinata unzip his pants, revealing the erection he had attempted to hide until then. He had been nervous all the while, but that made his heart leap into his throat. Naruto looked at Hinata happily and he stepped up to her, his hands placed on her hips and he leaned in slowly and he kissed her passionately, taking in the taste of her sweet lips he had found he loved, letting his body press up against hers, his heart racing, and he slowly pulled his lips away and smiled as he rested his forehead on Hinata's and said "Hey... Hinata-chan. Should we take off each others shirts now?"
Hinata kissed him back, then heard him ask about their shirts. Gulping slightly, she nodded and hesitantly reached over, her fingers gripping the bottom of his black T-shirt. She pulled it up and over his head before gently letting it drop to the floor with their jackets and pants.
As Hinata took off Naruto's shirt he blushed slightly and the reality of what he was doing and who he was with seemed to sink in past his blinding love and his face became nervous and it became obvious and he slowly almost shakily pulled up Hinata's fish net shirt and he gulped as he pulled it all the way off and revealed Hinata's incredible figure, no longer hidden by anything and he looked down closed his eyes and gathered himself and looked up slowly at Hinata still nervous and he slowly held Hinata's right hand with his left hand and placed his right hand gently on her cheek, just barely touching her soft flawless skin with his fingertips and he looked on at her nervously and he spoke trying to keep his composure at seeing Hinata's completely unveiled beauty and said in an almost disbelieving and excited voice "H-Hinata... Y-You're beautiful." He continued speaking as he slowly shook his head side to side in amazement and gazed into her eyes with sheer adoration "You're skin is... So soft. And you're waist is just so delicate. And your body is unlike anything I've ever seen Hinata-chan." After he spoke, Naruto slowly walked backwards still holding Hinata's hand and touching her cheek until he was touching the bed with the back of his legs and said "Are you ready? Hinata-chan?"
Hinata gulped and slowly nodded her head "Y-Yeah, as much as I'll ever be" She said nervously, her eyes gazing up at him as she bit her lip and brushed some hair behind her ear shyly. "I-I'm sorry, I won't know what I'm doing" She said, biting her lip as she looked up at him nervously.
Naruto tried to be reassuring to Hinata as he delicately stroked Hinata's cheek with his thumb while his hand was on her cheek and gave his best to seem sure of himself, but even if he was, he was incredibly nervous about what was happening and even he had the same fears as Hinata. Naruto smiled nervously at Hinata as he continued to slowly stroke her cheek and said "Don't worry Hina-chan. I'm the same as you. So lets find out what to do together ok?" After he spoke he slowly pulled Hinata to him and took his hands and held her soft delicate waist and leaned in to Hinata and he kissed her gently, and slowly became more passionate with every passing moment.
Hinata blushed deeply and kissed him back, slowly bringing her hands up to rest on his chest. She closed her eyes and fell into the kiss, eager to let her worries melt away so she could simply focus on him.
As naruto passionately kissed Hinata he pulled away for an instant as he slowly let himself fall back onto the bed holding Hinata's waist still, making sure not to fell too fast so he didn't hurt Hinata. Once he fell back on the bed he quickly returned to kissing his love and slowly he let his tongue pass Hinata's delicate lips and enter her delicious mouth almost pn pure instinct and let his tongue taste Hinata's own.
Soon, she felt herself pulled down onto the bed, her heart racing faster and faster. Feeling his tongue against her lip, she gulped nervously and slowly parted them. Soon, she felt his tongue then against her own, making her heart skip a beat as she closed her eyes and ran her tongue along his slowly.
Naruto felt a kind of ecstasy as his tongue and Hinata's wrapped around each other, tasting the pleasures of Hinata's tongue. Naruto continued to move his tongue about Hinata's own and sacred her sweet saliva as it blended with his own and he slowly pulled his right hand up along Hinata's back, letting it rub across her skin placed his hand upon the back of Hinata's head and he slowly rolled to the left until he was on top of Hinata continuing to kiss Hinata, wrapping his tongue about her's passionately.
Hinata felt her heart racing quickly, her hand slowly moving up to twist in his hair a bit. She could barely believe this was happening to her, and it was hard to calm down enough to actually focus. She kissed him back slowly, her tongue rubbing against his as she held on to him tightly.
As Naruto kissed Hinata, he placed his right hand on the side of Hinata's hair and played with it softly, then he slowly began to take his left hand and gently grasped Hinata's right breast and began to gently fondle Hinata's still covered breast, not wanting to startle her, but unable to think too much on anything other than Hinata's body. As Naruto did so, he quickly pulled away from Hinata's lips ever so slightly, and just as quickly replanted his mouth onto Hinata's own, all the while keeping his tongue close enough to let his tongue continue to wrap around Hinata's.
A soft gasp came from her lips as she felt him touch her breast, making her blush deeply. She was quickly occupied once more as Naruto continued to kiss her. She gently ran a hand up his chest, resting there as she kissed him back eagerly.
Naturist mind became more and more consumed with Hinata and all of her perfect features as he passionately kissed Hinata and he slowly reached his right hand under Hinata's back and carefully unhooked Hinata's bra and brought his right hand underneath Hinata's head and gently ran his fingers through her soft black hair as he continued to kiss her and slowly pulled away and smiled as he softly said "Can I take that bra off for you Hinata-chan?"
Hinata blushed and slowly nodded her head, gazing up at him and leaning up so that the bra straps could slide off of her arms. Her blush only grew as she shyly looked away.
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