Discovering Young Love ~ { For Ryuu and Raeona } ~

Naruto frowned slightly at Hinata, however when she stopped he looked at her almost worried and in an instant, before he thought of what to do or even realized he had done it, naruto hand stepped forward and wrapped both his arms around Hinata and gently tightened them around her delicate body, feeling the warmth of her chest against his, her supple breasts pressing against the bottom of his hard chest, her soft, beautiful hair touching his cheek,his underarms resting on her shoulders as his arms wrapped around her, sliding around her neck, and his forearms crossing on her back, and his hands resting right above her sweet little waist. naruto spoke softly and with pure unadaultered affection said "Hinata... I dont want sakura though... I want you. And besides... youre the strongest person I know hinata. You endured your love for my sake, and then risked your life to save me... I only want you Hinata-chan."
Hinata jumped a bit in surprise when he suddenly had his arms around her. Her face turned a deep red as she listened to him, gulping nervously. She'd been dreaming of this moment for so long, and now that it was happening, she couldn't believe it. Was it a dream? She bit her lip as she gazed up at him, his words running through her mind over and over. "B-But I'm not strong. I-I was just being a good friend" She said, her voice shaking a bit nervously as she gazed up at him.
Naruto looked on, as if gazing at the horizon, or some mystical image in far off distance, and slowly he looked down at Hinata and still looking at her with pure affection, just barely letting a loving smiling he spoke to her blushing face and said "Hinata-chan... You're stronger than you could ever know. And I think that's why... I love too Hinata-chan... So please don't be mad at me for what I'm about to do Hinata... Chan" as naruto spoke he face tilted to his left slightly and when he finished speaking he lowered his lips slowly to Hinata's, and he gently pressed his lips against her own, gently letting his lips rest on her soft, innocent mouth and he slowly pulled up, as his lips left hers almost begrudgingly, his lips pull away slowly after seemingly attaching themselves to Hinata's own and he smiled lovingly and quietly, almost in a whisper, with absolute adoration for her in his voice said to Hinata "you're very strong... I love you Hinata-chan, nothing will ever change that. I know that now... So please don't say such things about yourself."
Hinata stared at him nervously as she saw him leaning closer. Nope, now it really had to be a dream. He couldn't possibly be moving in to kiss her... Could he? She gulped nervously, but sooner than later, his lips made contact with hers, making her heart skip a beat. She stood stunned after he pulled away, staring at him for a while. Eventually, she snapped out of it and felt a few tears jump to her eyes before she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, completely lost for words.
Naruto hugged Hinata back and smiled, simply letting her cry and hold him. Naruto had finally found the feeling that had been eluding him those past few days as he stood there holding Hinata. He had realized it was love and never planned on letting it go. Naruto simply smiled and closed his eyes as he rested his head on Hinata's and in a soft loving voice said "Hey... Hina-chan. Thank you... For being my first kiss. I could never imagine it being anyone other than you Hinata-chan. So... Do you mind if we just stand here a while? I'd like to just hold you for a little bit. If that's alright with you"
Hinata nodded her head, still holding him close. She had her face buried in his shoulder, still crying a bit, though they were of course joyful tears. She couldn't believe this was happening, she'd been dreaming of it for so long, and now it was finally coming to life. She didn't care anymore about the fact she was sore, or that her parents had always warned her about him, having the demon inside of him and all, she just cared about him. Her only worry now, was whether or not she could continue being enough for him.
Naruto stood there, holding Hinata in warm embrace, with his head resting gently on hers, and thought on all the times he had spoken to her before and never realized she was the one he truly loved. As naruto continued to hold Hinata and thought of such things, a small tear of joy formed in the pit of his eye and it it fell, and with it, all doubts of who he was in love with. Naruto squeezed Hinata as his tear fell and only held her for a period of time unknown to him until he finally said "Hey Hina-chan... I know I said we would go to the training grounds but... Do you want to just stop here and... And just hold each other a while? It's really nice here, so we could be together and enjoy this moment together without any worries at all. Hina-chan?"
Hinata pulled back enough to wipe her tears from her eyes, listening to his words. Slowly, she nodded her head and smiled up at him, her eyes still a bit red from the tears. She couldn''t believe she was crying in front of him, she just hoped he didn't think she was weak because of it. It was simply a dream come true, and one that she'd never though would have come true to begin with.
Naruto smiled softly at Hinata's tear stained eyes, as if she were the last thing in his world. He had never felt honest love before, and he felt it now, and the intense power the comes over someone who has just discovered love was coursing through him. Naruto smiled greater after a moment had passed and he had genuine happiness in his face as he leaned in once again and kissed her gently, savoring her taste, and his hands rose to her face and gently fell upon her cheeks as naruto pulled away and laughed quietly as a tear formed yet again in the pit of his eye and he said "Haha... Y-You're incredible, simply incredible Hinata-chan. I-I wanna be with you, for as long as you'll let me" as he spoke his smile became much more tender and he continued "So... So don't worry about anything anymore Hinata-chan. Let me handle everything for you. Just promise me this isn't a dream"
"I-I was going to ask you to promise me the same thing" She said, rubbing her eyes again and giving a short laugh. "I've been wanting this for so long, it's hard to believe it's real" She said, blushing deeply and glancing up at him, her eyes scanning his own once more. The softness was enough to nearly make her heart melt and now, nothing else mattered. Smiling, she shyly took his hands in hers and swayed them back and forth a bit, a happy smile on her lips.
Naruto tilted his head sideways slightly and smiled at Hinata's cute little smile, enchanted by her pure innocence and he spoke to her, saying "Hey...Hinata-chan... You know what? Your smile is just. Too. Cute." Getting closer with every word until he finally approached her perfect lips and gently kissed her, letting his lips savor the moment, until his kissing slowly but surely became more passionate, he began kissing her more and more, his lips becoming more and more excited as they kissed Hinata's soft, delicate lips. Naruto slowly brought Hinata's own hands with his fingers intertwined in her up to their shoulders and he stood there savoring Hinata's delicious lips.
Hinata blushed at his words, but when she felt his lips on hers again, it only grew. This was different though, his other kisses had been short and sweet, but this one had more passion in it. Her heart practically melted as she slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back. She held on to his hands tightly as she enjoyed the moment, a permanent blush colouring her cheeks. Her heart raced nervously, her mind simply replaying simple disbeliefs over and over.
As naruto passionately kissed Hinata he slowly moved towards a tree behind Hinata and pressed her back gently against it as he slowly let his own body push against Hinata's and he started to kiss her with more excitement every second that passed. His new found love appeared to almost consume his thoughts as he simply kissed Hinata, letting all else fade away as he slowly pressed himself against her.
Hinata almost stumbled when he began to urge her backwards. Soon, she felt herself pressed up against a tree with his body tight against hers. She blushed deeply and felt her heart skip a beat nervously. She held on to the kiss a bit longer before hesitantly pulling back, resting her forehead on his as she shyly tried to compose herself, unsure is she was ready for anything more. She'd never kissed someone, and she was even nervous she couldn't do something as simple as THAT well.
Naruto smiled at Hinata's blushing face and simply gazed at her for a while and his face became filled with affection and adoration for Hinata as he spoke in a soft warm voice and said "Hey... Hinata... A-are you alright? Heh your face is so perfect, I don't know how a girl as amazing as you decided to confess to me... But I've never been happier about anything before this Hinata-chan. Thank you for that." As he spoke Naruto slowly let his fingers slide from Hinata's and he raised them to her face and gently touched her cheeks with the tips of his fingers and he said "Hinata-chan..." As he continued he let his hands hold her soft cheeks, going from his fingertips to his hand and said "I love you. I know that I always will." And he laid his lips against Hinata's very softly and gently kissed her and let his lips pull away from hers as he smiled lovingly at her.
Hinata blushed softly and felt her heart jump as he said he loved her. She gulped slightly and looked up at him "I-I love you too" She said nervously, blushing shyly as she glanced away and to the side "I-I'm just nervous I won't be enough for you th-that you'll get bored of me and not want me anymore" She said, her voice shaking a bit.
Naruto smiled at Hinata's innocent face and smiled lovingly as he let his hand slide down from Hinata's cheek and held Hinata's chin with his fingers, placing his index finger's side against the back of her chin, and his thumb vertically against the front of Hinata's delicate little chin and he said "Hinata... I will never... Never get bored with you. I love you with all my heart, and on top of all that you have such a perfect, flawless body. Even if you looked a tenth as beautiful as you do now guys would still be dying to be able to say you love them. So Hinata-chan... Don't ever worry about something like that. Because I will ALWAYS love you." Naruto simply smiled at Hinata as he finished and once again let a gentle kiss fall upon her sweet lips.
Hinata squirmed shyly as he spoke, her eyes glancing from his down to his chest, trying to hide her blush, even though such a thing was nearly impossible. She bit her lip slightly before she felt his lips on them once more, making her nervously close her eyes and return the kiss. Hesitantly, she moved and wrapped her arms around him, her heart beating furiously against her chest.
Naruto seemed almost shocked at Hinata's approach and he suddenly blushed lightly on his cheeks and he slowly placed his arms around her as well, feeling her warm chest against his, he could actually feel Hinata's pounding heart as he held her close to him and he could only think if how wonderful Hinata was and he smiled and rested his head on hers and he simply said "Hinata-chan..." As he held on to her and let his right hand move up to Hinata's head and rest on it and let his left hang down to her perfect waist.
Hinata leaned her head slightly into his hand, a smile on her lips as she let out a soft sigh. She put her forehead against his, eyes closed as he said her name, making her blush a bit. "Yeah?" She asked, slowly opening her eyes to look at him, blushing more and more as she stared at him.
Naruto smiled warmly as he gazed into Hinata's curious eyes and he said "Hinata-chan... Tonight... Will you be with me? W-... Will you let me prove my love to you?" As naruto said this his cheeks blushed a light rosy red and he looked at Hinata with a love unlike that of moments earlier. He realized just what he was asking. And he prayed she would feel the same as him, and that on that night... He would prove just how much he meant it each time he told Hinata he loved her. In a matter of days she had become his dream, and the center of his universe. She was all that was in his heart and he wanted her to know that.
Hinata blinked in surprise and felt her face turn red. Did she hear that right? Her heart began to race nervously and she had to gulp and take a deep breath before she could come up with an answer. "I-I... A-" She started, unsure of how to answer him. "I-I'm not sure" She said, squirming nervously as she looked at the ground. "I-I don't know w-what I'd be doing, I-I'll probably mess up somehow"
Naruto placed his right hand back on her chin and tilted her head up to face his and he looked at her a moment, just admiring her with pure love and said "Hinata-chan... I already told you... You're incredible. I don't care about anything other than being with you. I'm not exactly an expert either." Naruto chuckled softly and continued "I've been saving myself for the right girl Hinata. And I've finally found you. I want you to be my first time Hinata-chan. I want you to be the first and only girl I ever prove my love to. You don't ever need to worry about that kind of stuff. Ok?" As Naruto finished he leaned in and gently kissed her lips yet again and he pulled away just as gently and smiled at her and said only "I love you Hinata-chan"
Hinata squirmed a bit in place and hesitantly nodded until he kissed her. When he pulled back once more, she took a deep breath and smiled a bit "I-I love you too" She said nervously before she hugged him and buried her face in his neck. "O-Okay. Tonight. B-But I should probably go to your place." She said, blushing slightly. She knew her father would probably flip, so being at his house was safer scenario.
Naruto placed his hand on the back of Hinata's head as she rested against his neck and he said "Wherever you want Hinata-chan. Anything you want I'll do if it's to show you how much I love you" naruto slowly pulled away after letting Hinata rest against him a few moments and gently took her hand with his right and said "So let's go Hinata-chan. I'll take you to my place now. They fixed it for the most part, but it's just an apartment with a bed... But I think that's really all we need" naruto chuckled a little at his own comment and he slowly turned and guided Hinata to his simple home.
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