Reunited Discord ~{ For Raeona and Ryuu}~


Jan 10, 2013

Saiyuri smiled as her brown eyes caught sight of the village up ahead. It had been so long since she'd been home, and now she was eager to see what was different and to see her parents again. Normally you would think she would be eager to see her sister too, considering it had been so long, but Sakura and Saiyuri had never gotten along. In the end it wasn't really Saiyuri's fault either, she didn't ask for the gift that caused her sisters jealousy, she was born with it. However, since there was nothing she could do to stop the feelings Sakura had, she made it her duty to annoy her when possible and simply state to her parents that it's a 'sibling' thing.

Walking through the large gates, she smiled to herself as she looked around, seeing a lot of familiar places and buildings. It wasn't long until her stomach growled, telling her that she was hungry and when she tried to recall the last time she'd eaten, the only thing she could remember was from the day before. I need to go to the Hokage first She thought to herself, knowing she was supposed to check in before she did anything else.

She set towards the Hokage's building at a light jog, reaching the building in no time and then proceeding to go in, report her arrival and then head out again. Tsunade had said she would likely have a mission for her today so Saiyuri was planning on just kicking around town, not wanting to really settle in before having to take off again.

The rumbling in her stomach made her frown and she came across the ramen shop, somewhere her family used to go to now and then for a treat. Smiling, she walked in and slipped up onto a stool, ordering the largest bowl that they had of ramen. As she waited, she gazed around curiously, seeing that things hadn't changed as much as she'd expected.
Today was as normal and average as could possibly be for Naruto. He had woken to the sound of birds and the light of the sun. He got up in a slight fog, but got up nonetheless, and let out a great and elongated yawn as he stretched his arms out and stretched his chest, pulling his shoulders back. After a few moments the great yawn had ended and naruto let his hands fall to his sides and slowly pushed up off of his bed and headed to his closet. Pulling off his shirt as he walked, it got caught on his head and he gave a good strong pull, and it came off his head and left his hair a mess. He then pulled out a shirt and pulled it on himself, putting one arm in one sleeve and one in the other, then pulled his head through. He then proceeded to put on his pants and then grabbed his jacket and put it on quickly as he walked over to his disastrous kitchen and thought to himself 'Hmmm how long has that green stuff been in the sink? Eeeeh I think I'll go ahead and eat out for breakfast' naruto turned from the unsightly mess and walked out of his home and closed the door behind him thinking 'I have GOT to clean that kitchen today.'

Naruto walked out of his complex and began to walk to his home away from home as he looked up at the beautiful sky letting out another great stretch as when he woke up and admired the clear blue skies above him. He then refocused his attention to the street ahead of him and he watched as the few people who were awake along with him strolled along to there own personal destinations. He always found something about these types of mornings strange and almost a combination of happiness and loneliness. But after everything that had happened, he began to feel only happiness as he now received looks of admiration, and no longer felt the cold stares of hatred. Naruto walked along proudly now, but strangely enough he managed to let it not go to his head. Naruto walked on and soon saw his favorite place in the whole village. Ichiraku Ramen.

As Naruto walked up he saw a girls feet and thought little of it and entered with a great smile on his face, pushed the entry "flaps" aside with one hand and peaked his head through as he said "OOOOOY!! Good morning old man! I'll have a large ramen!!" The old man laughed at the young boy he had watched grow into a strong young man and smiled saying "Sure thing Naruto-kun! And I'm not old!" Naruto chuckled as he slowly entered when the beautiful pink haired girl caught his eye and to his surprise thought he was looking at Sakura, and his face lit up, feeling like the morning couldn't get any better and admired the girls slender body, he found the sash on her waist odd but found it complimented her more than one would think and felt compelled to tell her that her boots looked great on her, but instead plopped a hand on her shoulder and he said "Ooooh Sakura-chan! Your hair looks WAY better than usual! You should put it in a pony tail more often!" Naruto laughed as he said this with closed eyes.
"I haven't been mistaken for Sakura in a long time" Saiyuri's soft voice rang out, accompanied with a soft giggle as she turned her head to see a blond boy behind her. He was pretty cute, now that she was looking at him, and she couldn't help but smile a bit. "You must be... Naruto? I've heard about you through my families letters." She said, smirking a bit as she tilted her head to one side.

Her family sent her constant updates on who was who and what was what. So, naturally she heard plenty about him. Saiyuri got to her feet and turned to face him, putting a hand out. "My name is Saiyuri Haruno, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sakura's younger sister" She stated "By a year"
As naruto let his hand rest on the girl's shoulder he jumped slightly when he heard the beautiful, soft voice of a girl who just said she wasn't Sakura. As he comprehended what she was saying and heard she was Sakura's sister he panicked and rapidly pulled his hand off her and jumped away and covered his face in fear of the incoming fist to the face he was sure was coming being hidden by a sweet, gentle voice, as Sakura often did. He waited a moment and slowly looked up as he realized he had yet to be struck and looked up at the delicate girl a little befuddled and said nervously "Y-You're definitely not Sakura-chan are you?"

Naruto smiled a little embarrassed and stood up slowly and looked at the gentle girl before him, amazed at how different she looked now that he saw her soft features on her face. Naruto walked a little closer to her and said as he saw her make that cute little face and tilt her head and couldn't help but stare at her a moment and then said "U-Uh yeah. Haha! Yeah I'm naruto uzumaki! Future hokage!" He chuckled a bit with a huge grin on his face and said "You know? I've never heard Sakura-chan mention a sister before. You actually look pretty different now that I see your face. You're a lot nicer than her and way more patient for sure! Haha she would have knocked me through the wall!" He looked at saiyuri and said "Well... Nice to meet ya Saiyuri!!" Naruto placed a hand out in front of in a gesture to shake hands as he smiled at Saiyuri's soft features.
Saiyuri chuckled softly and shook her head"I wouldn't imagine she would talk about me" She said, taking his hand and shaking it before she grinned and put her hand back to her side, resting it on her hip. "She doesn't really like me." She said before she scrunched her face up, as if confused. "Wait a second... She'd punch you?" She asked, tilting her head to one side and wrinkling her eyebrows in confusion. "Why? Wait, and you were excited when you thought I was her? I see she's still as stubborn and mean as usual" She said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in front of her.

"Either way, it's nice to meet you. Want to join me?" She asked, motioning over to the food as she sat down, a large bowl in front of her as she began to eat. She smiled happily, slurping up the noodles in delight. It had been so long since she'd been able to eat something like this, it had been rice most of the time when she was training, rice and tea.
Naruto chuckled at Saiyuri's rather blunt comments about Sakura and said "Haha yeah. She kinda thinks I'm a huge pain. I was a bit of a perv when I was younger and Sakura was always pretty defense about people touching her in just about any way" naruto chuckled a little nervously and said "But yeah you hit the nail on the head" naruto then sat down and said "And I'd love to join you!" Naruto turned to face Saiyuri and was about to say something when the old man said "Naruto-kun! Your ramen is ready." He placed the food in front of Naruto then leaned in and whispered "Aaaaah youth. Naruto, you should pay for the young lady. Girls like it when their boyfriends pay for them"

Naruto startled and flailed his arms about and said "W-w-w-wait! N-no way! You've got it all wrong! You've been right here anyway! You know there's no way we could be going out!". The old man grew a sly smile and he said "Hahahahaha! I'm joking naruto! But I see where your young mind is" the old man looked up almost as if he were dreaming and said "Aaah to be young. Well you two enjoy your little date! I'll be in the back.". The old man left chuckling softly leaving Naruto in a painfully awkward situation as he stood frozen, his arms frozen where he left them where they were when he was trying to explain himself. Naruto let his forehead slam down onto the table right in front of his bowl and pulled it back up with a red forehead and said "Hehe... That was terrible. I'm so sorry" naruto chuckled softly and looked at Saiyuri's face and said while his face had turned a light red at the old man's cruel joke "Hehe well, let's eat!" He then began to slurp up his ramen at his usual rapid pace
Saiyuri looked to the owner curiously before she burst into laughter as Naruto tried to explain himself. Eventually, she stopped laughing and rubbed her eyes, getting the tears from her eyes. "It's alright, I don't mind" She said, adding a little giggle at the end before she began to eat again, smiling happily to herself the whole time. It was then that Sakura came in and paused, frowning at them. "So... You're back" Sakura said, narrowing her eyes. Saiyuri turned around, still holding her chopsticks in her mouth curiously. Upon seeing her sister, she chuckled and put them down. "Yep! Nice to see you too!" She said, giggling a bit and sticking her tongue out to her.

Sakura scowled and glanced to the huge bowl of ramen. "You know, you shouldn't eat so much, you won't be skinny forever" She said simply. Saiyuri narrowed her eyes slightly before finishing the last of her food and called to the back "Another please!" She called out before looking back to Sakura "Just because you have the stomach of a five year old, doesn't mean I do too" She said simply.
As Sakura entered, Naruto felt a change in the air of the shop. Suddenly Naruto became aware of at least one reason why Sakura had never mentioned Saiyuri before. He was confident this was slightly more than sibling rivalry. Naruto looked at Sakura with a bit of sadness in his face over how cold she just acted towards her own younger sister "Come on Sakura-chan, She's you're little sister, cut her some slack." Naruto chuckled in an attempt to lighten the air "By the way Saiyuri-chan, nice comeback, Hahahaha. The only person I've seen talk to her like that was Ino!" Naruto felt a little nervous at the moment and his face definitely showed it.

Naruto quickly turned to his ramen, downed the last of it, picked up the bowl and gulped down the broth. He held the bowl up high and shouted "Me too!" He turned to Saiyuri and grinned widely and said to her "No way someone's gonna out do me in eating ramen!" He looked at Sakura then at Saiyuri and could only admire their beautiful features, but there was something about Saiyuri that he couldn't grasp, from her toes to her hair he couldn't help but feel she was slightly... Brighter than Sakura. Something about her fascinated Naruto and something about Sakura seemed way different than normal, he had never seen her like this before, and didn't know what to make of it.
Saiyuri chuckled when he suddenly presented a challenge. "Oh, we'll see about that" She said, smirking and ignoring Sakura for now as she ate her food. Sakura rolled her eyes, huffed and spun on her heel, leaving the shop. She couldn't believe her sister was back already, now she had to be stuck with her again. Saiyuri hardly noticed her sister leave and simply continued to eat. She managed to down that bowl and half of another before she got too full and put her hands up into the wait.

"I surrendeeer!" She cried out before glancing to Naruto to see if he was still eating or not. She didn't understand why Sakura was so mean to him. He was nice, light hearted, and didn't seem as if he was that bad of a guy to hang around with.
Naruto drowned himself in his eating, and ignored everything else as a but of a defense mechanism and couldn't help but feel a little nervous that he just infuriated Sakura, but he let that thought go for the time being as he continued to scarf die what was not his third bowl and shouted "Mooore!" He turned to Saiyuri with a massive grin and said "Hahahaha I win!!" The old man chuckled as he handed naruto another bowl of ramen and Naruto proceeded to eat once again. The old man leaned in towards Saiyuri and whispered "hehehe, don't worry, he'll stop eating eventually. But for now, since its been so long I'm gonna do you a little favor" the old man snickered suspiciously and waited till naruto had downed his sixth bowl.

The old man took the ladle normally for the ramen and pointed it at naruto aggressively and said "Ooooh, you win? Well then Naruto-kun, if you want to come back here you should pay a little respect to the girl you just embarrassed" he raised one eyebrow looking at naruto and said happily "You just beat her without mercy, I think the least you can do is pay for her breakfast" Naruto shouted "Huuuuh?! Come on! I won! Whenever you win the other person buys for you!" The old man smacked the ladle onto Naruto's head painfully and said with a massive smile "OOOOK! Thank you for choosing such a nice day to never come back! Such a perfect day to mark the occasion! Ok miss, that'll be-" naruto panicked and jumped in, and literally jumped in front of Saiyuri shouting and flailing his arms "No no no no no no! Ahahahahaha I was- I was just joking!!"

Naruto's face was filled with a fake smile from the fear the old man just placed in him and the old man grinned at Naruto's reaction and said "very well! Here is your collective bill" then very sinisterly "You'd better not try and cheap out naruto-kun" naruto chuckled "Eheheh no waaay" as he shed a tear when he realized how much he had eaten "H-here you go old man" as the old man grabbed the money he smacked Naruto's head as naruto tightened his grip on the money and pulled it away and smiled at Saiyuri "Enjoy the rest of your day miss" naruto walked out with a crushed heart and empty wallet and looked to Saiyuri with a strange cheerfulness after his moment of panics and laughed saying "So where did you just get back from? Sakura-chan made it sound like you've been gone for a while. Oh by the way ummm should I have stayed silent haha. She normally doesn't look so scary when she's mad at me heheh" naruto continued with his large grin as he stared at Saiyuri.
Saiyuri blinked curiously as she old man told her not to worry. What he did next, made her chuckle. Sure, she felt bad, but it was all in good fun and she'd pay him back somehow later. She smiled a bit and put some of her money on the table as they got up to leave. She heard Naruto ask about where she'd been and she shrugged as she stepped out into the bright sun. It wasn't a big secret, though she wasn't meant to reveal her power, so she saw no reason in explaining it to him.

"Well, I was off training" She said, shrugging her shoulders. "I have a special ability, so in order to learn how to control it a bit better, I was sent off to a special sensei who could help me. I've been there for most of my life, I would visit now and then, but it was never for very long and I didn't really leave the house all too much" She said softly as she wandered through the town with him, not really knowing where she was walking to.
Naruto listened to the little tale Saiyuri told him with open ears and when she was finished naruto looked at her in a bit of surprise and admiration as he said "Really?! Hahaha awesome, so what type of ability is it? I didn't think sakura's family had any special techniques or anything. Did you learn it somewhere?" Naruto felt a little odd after getting so suddenly interested and said "Heheh sorry to ask so many questions. You don't have to tell me if you don't wanna talk right now. Where do you wanna go right now?"

Naruto smiled at Saiyuri and said "I figure you've been gone for a while and you probably have at least one thing you wanna see" naruto smiled and laughed "Hahahaha! I know! Let's go to the hokages' mountain! We can go up there and just see the whole village all at once! I may have hurt it pretty badly but it looks brand new now!" Naruto then grabbed Saiyuri's hand and started running over in the direction of the mountainside.
"I can't tell you, my sensei told me to hide it for as long as possible" She said simply, shrugging a bit "And it's not a family thing, for some reason I was just... born with it" She said, biting her lip a little as she thought it over. Her thoughts were stopped when she heard him ask where she wanted to go, but before she could really answer, he had her by the wrist and was running towards the mountain. Chuckling softly, she ran to keep up, them managing to draw the attention from others who watched them run by.

It wasn't long until they were there and got to the top. Smiling, she walked over and sat down on one of the hokage's heads, smiling to herself as she looked out at the village for the first time in so long. She'd missed it, sure, she had only seen it as a child, but she still remembered it all.
As naruto stood on the top of the great heads he couldn't help but smile as he looked out at the village he had spent his whole life. After a few moments of enjoying the crisp clear air Naruto plopped himself right next to Saiyuri and then turned his head slightly to enjoy the new view which had just appeared in the village. As he glanced over at Saiyuri, Naruto found himself rather intrigued by the girl who had entered his life in the village who seems so similar to Sakura in appearance but at the same time had managed to look almost completely different, in appearance and in attitude.

Naruto let himself continue to admire Saiyuri for a moment, until he fell back and let himself lay sprawled out on the ground and began to laugh with little end in sight until he said "You know what Saiyuri? The whole time since you said you were Sakura-chan's younger sister I've been trying to see it, but the only thing I can actually see is your hair, and you even do that differently!" Naruto turned his head to Saiyuri and smiled as he said "Huh, I just realized it, but the last time I was up here, I had managed to graffiti the entire mountainside in paint. Haha it looked hilarious, but man it pissed some people off" naruto chuckled lightly as he said this and looked up at the clear morning sky above them.
Saiyuri chuckled and shrugged "Yes well, we're very different. She's more... reserved, she cares what others think about her, I don't" She said before hearing him talk about his little prank, making her roll her eyes "Seems fun" she said, smirking a bit at the thought. She used to prank Sakura all the time, probably part of the reason she disliked her so much.

She flopped back on the ground as well, putting her hands behind her back and sighing softly as she gazed up at the sky. "Thanks, for bringing me up here." She said, turning her head to the side to look at him.
Naruto laughed a little at the thought of someone prancing Sakura even once and turned to Saiyuri as he said "No problem" giving her a thumbs up even though it was sideways due to his be on the ground. Naruto was really enjoying himself for the first time in a while. He wasn't sad or lonely before but he just wasn't particularly enjoying anything.

Naruto continued to look over at Saiyuri for a little while and said "So what're your plans for the rest of the day? We can stop by my place and you can give me a chance to win back some of that breakfast money if you're not doing anything. I've got some cards so we could kick back for a while if you want." As Naruto said this the sound of feet landing were heard and an anbu was kneeling right in front of Naruto's head. The anbu quickly and matter of factory said "Naruto Uzumaki, Saiyuri Haruno. You are wanted by the hokage. Report to her office immediately." The anbu vanished as quickly as he had appeared and Naruto chuckled as he said "I guess we'll have to get a rain check on relaxing huh?" He slowly rose up and offered a helping hand to Saiyuri to get up.
Saiyuri was about to accept the challenge when the anbu appeared. She blinked in surprise as she looked up at him before she got to her feet. "Well then" She said, smirking a bit "I'll race ya" She said, sticking her tongue out at him before she took off running, heading towards the hokage's tower. It wasn't too long until she got there, smiling as she stood by the door, staring up at the tower she hadn't seen in such a long time

Sorry it's short.
Naruto laughed as Saiyuri gave herself a nice head start and started racing her to the hokage's office as he shouted "Hey! No fair!". Naruto raced after Saiyuri jokingly and finished a close second and laughed saying "No fair, you totally got a head start! Haha well whatever, let's go inside and see what granny Tsunade want from us anyway. Naruto was actually a little curious as to why Tsunade had called both him AND Saiyuri, especially considering she had just gotten back, but he simply assumed it was to see how she was doing or something to that extent. As he walked past Saiyuri's nostalgic staring he laughed as he walked inside and he said "Hahahaha what're you waiting for Saiyuri? If we take too long I'm really gonna get it from granny Tsunade, and trust me, she's worse than Sakura when she gets mad" Naruto laughed as he turned around and walked further inside towards tsunade's office.

No worries. Sometimes there's not a lot to write is all. Don't worry too much about your post length :)
Saiyuri chuckled and nodded, following him inside before seeing Tsunade going through some papers on her desk. Upon their entrance, she smiled and stood "There you are, there's a mission for you. You two are to go get Sakura, you'll all be going to a small village about a day away. Girls have been disappearing. I want you guys to investigate, and figure out where they are, then bring them back safely if possible" She said, smiling a bit before giving them a scroll with a map and more information.

Saiyuri read over it and smiled, nodding "got it, I'll go get things ready and we can leave in the morning" She said before nodding to Naruto and running off.
Naruto listened to the mission briefing curiously, mostly because he didn't think Tsunade would actually give Saiyuri a mission the day she got back. After the briefing Naruto smiled at Saiyuri as he said "See you in the morning Saiyuri!" He then turned to Tsunade and put up one clenched fist and said "Alright granny Tsunade! You just leave this to us! We'll be back in no time! With all those girls rescued safe and sound" naruto then proceeded to run out of the building to hurry up and prep for the mission in the morning.

As naruto made it to his apartment he walked inside and realized he was glad Saiyuri couldn't come over because there was no way he could've cleaned it before she saw his disaster zone of a kitchen. He wasn't entirely sure why it mattered when it never did before but he shrugged it off, summoned a few clones and set them off to clean his house and began packing his gear. After a few hours the house looked fine and the odd green stuff was finally gone. After naruto had finished cleaning and packing he decided to get some dinner, so he headed over to ichiraku ramen and gave his usual greeting and got himself a nice large bowl of ramen to finish off the night.
Saiyuri showed Sakura the scroll and after reading it over, she sighed and shook her head, clearly not happy about going on a mission with her sister. Saiyuri smirked a bit and walked passed him, smiling back to her as she went to her room and packed some things to leave.

Once the was finished packing, she got some sleep to wake in the morning, eat breakfast, and leave with her sister. Soon, they were at the front gates, waiting for Naruto.
Naruto woke up right on time the next morning, then fell asleep. When he woke up 15 minutes later he made a quick rush that morning and dashed to and from his bed, his closet, his kitchen, his bathroom, and the pack on his table. He rushed out of the house running a little late and headed to the village gates. When he was almost there he could see Sakura and Saiyuri and jogged the last portion to the gate.

Naruto ran up to the two girls waving his arm hello as he shouted to the two sisters "Oooooy! Good morning!" When Naruto was right in front of the sisters he smiled and said "Morning Sakura-chan, morning Saiyuri. Are you two ready to head off?" As naruto finished saying this he found himself almost staring at Saiyuri, he wasn't gazing intently though, just looking. He didn't know why, but she definitely had something about her that just grabbed his attention whenever he was around her.
"Yeah, let's go!" Saiyuri cried enthusiastically, thrusting a fist into the air. "This'll be fun" She said, nudging Sakura who narrowed her eyes a bit. Smirking, Saiyuri began to walk off towards the village, eager to get there as soon as possible. Looking over to Naruto, she smiled a bit "So, why were you so late?" She asked, raising en eyebrow and tilting her head to the side slightly.

Sakura followed behind, arms crossed as she looked to the ground. She was dreading this, but knew she had to just go through with it.
Naruto laughed at Saiyuri's enthusiasm that almost seemed to challenge his. He laughed nervously as he said "Ahaha yeah I woke up right on time but then I fell asleep right afterwards and woke up a little later. Haha sorry to have kept you both waiting." Naruto found himself rather enjoying the thought of getting to know Saiyuri even better by going on this mission with her, but felt a little sad that Sakura was so upset looking over it. He decided he'd try and see if he couldn't help her feel a little better as he said "Hey Sakura-chan! Why are you all the way back there? Come on up here! I don't bite that often! hehe come on" naruto smiled hopefully as he gazed a little longer at the obviously upset Sakura and said turned slightly to Saiyuri and said "C'mon. Help me out here Saiyuri, it's never good to go on a mission when the team isn't happy." He gave Saiyuri a hopeful glance as he said this.
Sakura shrugged "I'm fine where I am" she said stubbornly, looking away as she continued to walk. Saiyuri sighed a bit. "Come on, don't mope around" she said, waving a hand in the air. "Get up here and make nice" She said, smiling back to her. "Besides, that frown doesn't do well for your face, makes you look old" She teased, making Sakura roll her eyes.
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