The Forbidden Child (me x shani)


The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void

Shawn Zabini sat out side the main entrance to Hogwarts talking to grabbe sr, goyle and lucius.
"can you be that daft crabbe even lucius and I know that's stupid" shawn growled and inhaled on the long pipe sticking out of his mouth. he exhaled through his nose
"you wouldn't last one night in that forest even if your balls depend on it you be there for five minutes and come screaming and running out like old lucius here when his greasy hair got caught on fire in third year" goyle snickered, lucius gave goyle a look then looked at shawn
"as I recall you ran to"
"but I wasn't the one that ran like a little girl" shawn made a impression of malfoy screaming like a girl. goyle and crabbe bothed laughed several other students looked at shawn. he stopped
"what are you looking. at potter?" shawn snapped at him. potter turned around and began talking again to Sirius.
shawn spat at the ground "stupid potter" he sat back down and looked at the pocket watch "where is she?" he mumbled him and and bellatrix where supposed to go to hogsmeade together.
"oh you waiting on your lover shawn?" lucius teased
"shut up malfoy before I turn you hair premently pink" grabbe and goyle made kissing noises
"watch it you two before I tell dumbldore that you two cheated on the exam" grabbe and goyle stopped laughing.
Bellatrix had awoken like everyday, changing from her pj's into normal clothes, a long form fitting black dress with a corset, and her boots, then dawned her robes grabbing her endless bags going to her classes. A boring morning she couldn't wait till it was over, continuously checking the time. When not at class her sisters were driving her up the wall, she loved them both up having them around nearly 24/7 was driving her mad. 'Bella why have you been so anxious today?" Andromeda asked her sister being the middle child, of the three. "It's none of you business Dromeda." Bella hissed and looked at her watch again.
Bella was in her last class of the day and it seemed to go by so slow it drove her mad. The class was running over it's normal time, making her late to meet up with Shawn Zabini. Bella bit her lip, 'come on...come on." As soon as it was over she headed straight for the main entrance. Her youngest sister spotted her. 'Hey Bella where you off to so quickly?' Narcissa asked curiously following her sister, keeping up. "No where Cissy..I'm running late go see Dromeda awhile." Bellatrix said a little kinder than when she spoke to Andromeda, knowing Narcissa looked up to her. 'But Bella I wanna go with you!' Narcissa exclaimed, "Fine! Follow me keep up, I'll let you say Hello, then you have to go, and I promise I'll hang out with you later okay?" Bellatrix set the rules, Narcissa agreed and followed her sister to the gate.
Bellatrix saw the group then stopped turning to look at her sister who was behind her. "Do I look okay?" Bellatrix asked not having time to look or adjust herself. Narcissa smiled at Bellatrix, 'You look great Bella.' Bella smiled back at her sister, "So do you Cissy. Come on." She stated walking up to the group. "Sorry I'm late Slughorn went on and on today." She stated mainly talking to Shawn.
Shawn smiled its alright "its alright bell...hello cis" shawn knew the black sister's before Hogwarts but he mostly hung out with bellatrix. Though he did acknowledge the other two. Lucius smiled at narcissa "good afternoon narcissa" he said. goyle and grabbe both made kissing noises at lucius because he really was not the type to talk to any women but he liked talking to narcissa.
"both you enough!before I turn both of you into balls and give you to a dog" shawn growled "besides its not Lucius fault he never grew any balls" shawn grinned then looked at bellatrix
"ready to go bell?" shawn of course was the slytherin prefect since 5th year and had permission to go to hogsmeade when he wanted
'Hello Shawn,' She stated smiling, knowing him from when he'd hang out with Bellatrix. Cissy smiled a little bashfully, turning her attention to Lucius, 'Good afternoon...Lucius.' Narcissa returned, it was fairly obvious that Narcissa liked him, she enjoyed talking to him and spending time with him. Narcissa blushed and tilted her head down almost as it she was trying to hide. Bella knew her sister well, she felt embarrassed while the boys made kissing sounds. Bellatrix shoot the boys a death glare "You two watch it if you know what's good for you!" she hissed. "Cissy remember what you promised me." Bella said, in return Narcissa nodded her head. "Good...Yes Shawn let's go." She stated with a soft smile.
lucius stood up and held out his hand to narcissa "would you guve me the pleasure of hanging out with me this evening?" he asked her. shawn rolled his eyes "we better get going bell I have a afternoon planned for us" he saud and offered his arm ti bellatrix. his eye flicked over when he heard.a laugh his eye caught potter laughing at the site of hin and bella. shawn took a long inhale of his pipe abd exhaled through his nose the smoke drifted to Potter and grasped him by the ankles and fluipped him upside down and susspended him several feet above the air.
"release hum" he hward Sirius yell at him,"or what you'll tell on dear Sirius thars not the way of the blacks and besides I don't want to kick your ass in front of your cousins"
Narcissa looked up to Lucius, then to his hand then back up to him. She smiled and placed her hand in his, "Of course I'd be honored." Narcissa stated.
Bellatrix thought the two were cute she loved seeing her sister happy. She turned her attention back to Shawn, "Yes alright Shaun let's go." Bellatrix agreed. About to take his arm. Until she heard a laugh she was about ignore it until Shawn acted upon it. Bellatrix rolled her eyes, having her dress on under her robes she removed her robes to give her more freedom putting them into her nearly endless bag. Her head shot to the boys, wand in hand. "Shawn go ahead, if you so wish to beat him up, that blood traitor is not a Black." She hissed having her wand raised so Sirius couldn't mess with Shawn while Shawn messed with Potter. Bellatrix was still pissed and betrayed that Sirius was a Griffindor a blood traitor to his family. Sirius was once Bella's favorite cousin she loved him like a brother, it hurt her when he was burned off of her family tree.
shawn let out a laugh "you here that Sirius she don't care" shawn flicked the pipe. the pipe head came off and his wand silver in color appeared. "so I can do anything against you sirus black or should I call you Sirius potter." shawn flicked his wand and sirius was suspended above the ground like potter. slowly both james and sirius floated towards the lake. "you know Sirius you smell like a mutt and you potter did you even bath today?" he asked as he dropped both of them into the lake. shawn grinned as his father called his bad news grin he looked at bellatrix his silver eyes seemed to gleam with bad news "lets go bell before I let them on a swimming trip"
Bellatrix watched and waited for Shawn to stop playing with the blood traitors, her wand raised just in case. Bellatrix smiled and laughed as he dropped them into the lake. "Alright Hun let's get going then." Bellatrix stated holding his arm.
shawn nodded and led her to the road leading to hogsmeade. he smiled at her "I'm glad you showed up bell I probably would look stupid goung into honeydukes by myself"
Bellatrix smiled as they walked heading to Hogsmeade. She looked at him, "You could never look stupid Shawn, it's only honeydukes anyone could go without looking stupid, it's a candy store. If anything it may make you look sweet." Bella teased softly walking with him. "Thanks for asking me to go, if I stayed in the building with my sisters I'd go insane." She stated, Bella loved her sister having helped raise them but sometimes they were too much.
"daw you called me sweet " he saud teasingly to her. he smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek "and you ill help you out bella" he said and wrapped a arm around her
"Me!? Call you sweet? No, you musta hear me wrong." Bellatrix said in a playful scarcastic tone, still smiling. Bella smiled brightly as he kissed her cheek, when they were alone they seemed completely different from what others knew them as, brutes and bullies. Bellatrix rested her hand on his back as he wrapped his arm around her. "I know you wil, you always do," Bella replied then leaned to kiss his cheek
he grinned at her and brushed some of her haur behind her ear. "bell I missed you terably" he said before leading her behund a tree and kissed her lips
Bellatrix smiled softly as he moved the hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "I've missed you so much Shawn,"Bella replied following him behind the tree, leaning up against it feeling his lips on her's she closed her eyes and kissed him back.
shawn ran hus hand up her waist and brought her in closer he broke rhe kiss abd pulled out a small box out of his robes he opened it. inside it held a silver braclet with a moon charm, star, horse, and a black rose as the largest and main charm.
Bellatrix wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer and kissed. Bellatrix opened her eyes curious to why he stopped, feeling him search in robes for something. Seeing the little black box, Bella smiled and became excited. Upon seeing it her jaw dropped,"Shawn it's beautiful!"
"I made it myself bell I know how much family is to you so I made the moon abd the stars fir them the sword represents me as the person whom always defend you and the black rose represent the first time we met and how much our friendship grew into us dating for almost two years" he said and grasped her left hand and clipped the bracelet around her wrist.
Bellatrix was in amazement she couldn't believe he made her this bracelet. "Oh Shawn! I love it! I love you, it's beautiful." Bellatrix said she couldn't help it, she loved him so much. He was always so good to her and knew her so well. Family and blood purity were big for Bellatrix and her family, it was installed into her. She would indeed get the moon and the stars for her sisters if she had to or if they asked her too. Bella knew Shawn would defend and protect her, she had no doubt about that. There friendship had bloomed so beautifully over the years then dating for two of them and been the best two years of her life.
shawn smiled "I love you to bell...your beautiful to me" he said and kissed her again. his arks wrapped around her waist compared to his 6 foot fram she seemed like a doll in his arms, he wasn't fat but covered in muscle l. shawn worked out daily, his work out routine concsisted of running three laps around the lake doing pushups and situps for a hour and weightlifting about twice his weight and all before class started. he smiled at her and nibbled slightly on her ear and neck. he stopped. and backef away somewhat "sorry my wolf side was trying to come through" besided his family he only told bellatrix he was of werewolf blood but unlike most he was born like that. he stilll rembers the night she came across him in his werewolf. form ajd who he wanted too hurt hern he bite his lower lip and started breathing. a little. bit
Bellatrix admired the bracelet, listening to him speak, she smiled brightly when he called her beautiful. Bellatrix accepted his kiss, kissing him back wrapping her arms around his neck. Bellatrix was about 5'6" but in her boots she was about a 5'8" making her taller so she wasn't too short standing with him. Bellatrix always felt safe in his strong arms. When the kiss broke and upon seeing him smile she smiled back, feeling him nibble on her ears, she smiled more so. Bella giggled softly as he nibbled her neck. She looked at him when he stopped and backed away confused to why he did. "Oh, I's alright love nothing to worry about. really." she stated softly she just watched him a moment waiting for him to calm a bit, unsure of what to do.
shawn ihaled on the pipe which calmed him down. "sorry. about that bell" he said and wrapped a arm around. her "its a third moon tonight and my wolf is anxious to come out" he said to her then kissed her lips again "I'm just afraid of hurting you bell"
Bella watched him take out his pipe knowing it helped him calm down. "It's alright dear." Bella stated smiling softly. Bella got comfortable in his arm, as he wrapped it around her, accepting his kiss. "I didn't realize it was coming up so soon. Sometimes I forget, I'm sorry."Bella stated cuddling with him a bit. "I know darling, I know you'd never hurt me, on purpose, it's okay." She smiled at him resting her head on his shoulder.
shawn smiled at her "lets get going or will be late" he said to her and led her out from behind the tree. he led her into honeydukes first he looked around for a particular item. he smiled finding it and picked up a couple more sweet items before paying
Bella smiled, "Alright, let's go." She agreed and followed him out as he led the way. Walking into honeydukes she figured he wanted to get something special so she let him shop and did her own shopping getting various sweets like chocolate frogs and such. Once she had paid and was finished she waited for Shawn to be done, to see what else he had planned.
shawn smiled at het and led her out of honeydukes and into the new restaurant called the howling. shawn opened the door for her once it he saw the waitor and told him he had.a reservation. the waitor nodded and led them to there own private table. shawn pulled out a chair for bellatrix and pushed her in once she sat down. shawn sat opposite of her. he smiled "I bet your wondering how I'm able to get us in here...well dad opened up this place and he wanted me and you to come here and try the food free of charge "
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