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The Magic Cure for Lonliness...(cheerio/fandom)

After an hour or so, Hermione turned to look to the other girl, stopping her explanation. "'s starting to get a little late and you really should take some time to re-read your notes so you get it" Hermione marked the page they were at, then closed the book before starting to stand up. "Now, I need to go take a bath and then do some of my own homework k?" She smiled slightly, trying to reassure Ginny that she wasn't leaving, she simply had something that she needed to do.
"Okay." The agreement was soft and showed her reluctance. She sighed softly and piled the books up, settling further back on the bed before she read the notebook over again, sighing softly. A part of her wanted to scream and the rest of her wanted to tackle Hermione and pin her down. She decided against it.
Hermione felt a slight sting of guilt at Ginny's reaction....but she couldn't spend every waking moment with the girl. Hermione just smiled, then turned to go, leaving Ginny's bedroom door open, perhaps as a symbol that she wasn't leaving for any bad reason, she just needed to go.
Once she was in the bathroom, Hermione sighed, kicking the door shut and heading over to the tub, starting to fill it with water, before strating to undress slowly. She didn't even notice that her kick hadn't quite been hard enough, that the bathroom door was still open just enough to peek through.

Once the tub was full, Hermione slowly slipped into the water, sighing in relief as the hot water rushed over her naked body, her skin covered in gosebumps as the hot water contrasted with the cool winter air from outside, coming through tiny gaps in the window. "Mmmmm...." Slowly, the girl relaxed fully into the water, closing her eyes as she tried to relax, tried to forget about Harry and Ron, if only for a short while.
The sound of Hermione giving a small moan had drawn Ginny out of her bedroom, she had slipped down the hallway, pausing before the door but not far enough that she couldn't see. What she could see was Hermione in the bath, a sight that made her want to pant. She had sighed and tucked hair behind her ear before sneaking back to her bed.
Hermione didn't even notice when someone looked in through the small gap in the bathroom door, she was just relaxing and staring up at the ceiling, occasionally dipping her hair in the water.
After about half an hour, Hermione slowly stood, water dripping from her naked form as she climbed out of the tub, going to grab a towel and begin drying herself off, her clothes now in the laundry basket. Once she was dry, Hermione wrapped the towel around herself, then left the bathroom, only the towel now to cover her up.

Before heading to her own room, she stopped by Ginny's, deciding it would be a good idea to check on the girl before heading to bed. She knocked on the door gently, before starting to open it slowly, peeking inside. "Hey Ginny, you ok...?"
Ginny had been fortunate enough to hide her blush under the dim light, her hair falling into her eyes before she spoke, her voice soft but a little husky. "Yeah... I'm fine." It was a lie if she was honest, she was far more than alright but she didn't want to admit to what she had been doing. That would most likely ruin their friendship.
"Well...alright then" Hermione thought the girls voice was a tad odd, but figured it might've just been tiredness. "But if you need anything, just come and knock on my door ok? And don't worry about waking me up" She smiled through the darkness, then turned to go, heading for the room she was staying in. Normally she and Ginny shared a room when Hermione stayed with the Weasley's, but with all the extra space now there was a room for everyone.
Hermione waved as she left, then went to return to her room, closing the door most of the way behind her, but not entirely. She dropped the towel to the floor, once more revealing herself, her body glistening in the moonlight as it shone through the windows, before she grabbed her nightgown, pulling it on before she moved towards the large, comfortable bed, climbing under the blankets with a content sigh. She hadn't got any of her own work done this evening, too busy helping Ginny....but she'd just make up for it tomorrow.
Ginny had planned to see her but she didn't dare move, her fingers finding her dampness before she settled to please herself, trying to get herself off so that she could begin to plan what else she needed to do. She was a little worried about her feelings but wanted to help herself out for the time being. She could panic in the morning.
Hermione moved around in bed, yawning slightly, pushing the blankets off herself a little. It was a hot summer night, and the blanket was so thick it was boiling her. She sighed, rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling. It was too hot and uncomfortable to sleep, so she just lay there staring at the ceiling, blowing some of her hair from her face. "Geez.....why is it so damn hot....?" The girl was even considering sleeping naked. Sure her night gown was thin, but it was still making her warmer. Still, she decided against it for the moment, closing her eyes once more in an effort to try and get some sleep.
Temptation kept Ginny awake and she moved to rest on her side. "Dammit." She sounded almost frustrated but she spoke quietly. The rest of the house was quiet. She half wondered if Hermione was still awake before she forced herself to try to sleep again. After another few moments she had sighed and stretched herself out.
After another half an hour Hermione let out a frustrated groan, sitting up and reaching down to grab her night robe, lifting it up above her head and tossing it in a random direction, ending up throwing it at the door, part of the robe flopping out into the hallway. "Feh...still too damn hot...." She lay back down, now laying naked on the bed, still staring up at the ceiling. "Geez....stupid heatwave...."
The sound of something hitting the floor drew Ginny to the door of her room, she had seen the girls robe half peeking out of the door and moved cautiously to look at her, finding the girl naked and retreating enough to not be seen.
Hermione didn't even hear someone moving around out in the hall, she was just too busy tossing and turning, before standing up, walking over to the window to try and open it further or try to find a way to get some breeze through the room. "'s too hot and I can't sleep even if I am so tired..." She sighed once again, not even realising that she was being watched from the hallway.
Ginny had continued to watch before she moved away, aware she was likely to get caught and not wanting to be. Of course as she turned to tiptoe away Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, decided to howl loudly. She guessed she'd trodden on him and bolted for her room, throwing herself headlong onto the bed.
Hermione looked towards the door suddenly when she heard Crookshanks howl, then heard someone moving quickly down the hallway. "Wh-what?" She moved towards the door slowly, scooping her robe off the floor and quickly pulling it on, before heading out of the bedroom. She frowned, then made her way down the hall, knocking on Ginny's bedroom door. "....Ginny.....? Were you....having a walk...?"
Ginny had faked waking, cursing silently inside herself. "No... why?" The question was slight and she looked over at the girl, looking bemused.
Hermione was....suspiscious of the answer at best. The way Ginny had answered she was clearly rather flustered, and the way she had woken up wasn't exactly natural. "Are you sure....? You weren't sleep walking or anything were you....?"
The way Ginny was evading the question like that...Hermione was now sure it had been her in the hallway, and that she most certainly hadn't been sleepwalking. Still, perhaps it would be best not to push the issue. "Hm....maybe he just saw something.....I'm sure it was nothing...." Hermione took a step back into the hallway, turning to go. "Good night Ginny, hope you can get some sleep...." The girl turned to head back towards her room, sighing silently and shaking her head. Ginny had been watching her.....standing in the hallway and watching her while she was naked. This was starting to go too far.....with another sigh Hermione closed her bedroom door, completely this time, before returning to her bed and sitting down, rubbing her face and laying down on her back, once more trying uselessly to get some sleep.
Ginny had hidden her face in the pillow before letting out a raw scream of frustration. She hadn't wanted the girl to know and if that damned cat hadn't yelled she could have hidden it. She'd have to face her tomorrow and try to explain it. She wasn't sure she could.

When she'd been woken up the next day she had headed directly to the kitchen, getting her breakfast and settling at the table alone to eat it. She had finished it quickly and headed back to her room to get dressed, leaving the room exactly as her mother entered, not giving a sign of happiness. She had moved on swiftly, coming back down when she was dressed and heading into the other room, not wanting to see Hermione. Not yet.
Unfortunately for Ginny, it wasn't going to be that easy. In the time that Ginny had gone upstairs to get dressed, Hermione had come downstairs unnoticed, now sitting in the room Ginny was walking into, book on her lap and a quill in her hand. For a moment, it seemed like Ginny might be able to turn around and leave without being noticed, but before she could, Hermione slowly looked up. "Morning Ginny, get much sleep last night?"
"I..." Ginny sighed and settled her books down on a seperate table. "Why... do you ask?" She took a deep breath, straightening her clothes nervously. It wasn't that much of a good idea for her to answer and she moved to sit down, opening her book to the page she was on, picking up a quill and copying up notes. She was watching Hermione every now and again but she'd decided against letting Hermione know she knew she was busted.
"Hm? Well I was just asking that's all" It had been an innocent enough question, the kind that most friends would ask to someone first thing on a morning. "How're you feeling today? I was worried about you last were pretty upset...I hope you're feeling better" Hermione glanced up, a sincere smile on her face. She was honestly concerned for Ginny's well being after seeing how upset the girl had been.....she just....didn't want the girl being so clingy.
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