Slender Hope(blair/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Feyn Morgan Cerelina sighed as she stared at the book in front of her, ignoring the ruckus of the returning students. Despite just returning to school, the woman was already buried in her books. While Scorpius was as talktive as a carnary on crack, Feyn was quiet and withdrawn, despite being the social butterfly when the mood took her. Bipolar-even if wizards had no idea what that meant- the woman went through extreme mood swings, only regulated by her extreme control on everything. Which, her uncle draco, who had adopted her after her parents died, approved of. If there was anything that draco hated it was emotional outbursts and not being able to control anything.

"Fey, you should stop-"Scorpius malfoy smiled as he slipped into the seat next to his cousin, already reaching for the book she had propped up against her goblet. The slender blond man was beautiful, in the same way his father was beautiful, and just as arrogant. While he gave the appearance of being nicer then he'd been told his father had been at his age, there was a quiet cold viciousness that said he would do exactly whatever was needed to be done for his father or the dark order.

"Scorpius, if you touch my book, I'm going to cut off your favorite body part and feed it to you."Feyn said, her voice cold and calm, the epitome of elegance and grace, even as she casually moved the book away from him, setting the closed book on the seat next to her before looking at her coldly beautiful cousin, before her eyes went to the rest of the great hall as she surveyed the rest of the students coming in.

Unlike in the old years when you had to wait till the first day of school to come and get arranged in the dorms, Headmaster snape had allowed the more....slytherin loyal of the students to come early, while the more rebellious students or ones that were not decidely against the current dark order in charge had to wait till the evening before classes started to arrive. So, Scorpius and Feyn were already well arranged in the places in the dorms, once again claiming the best rooms in the dorm rooms before anyone else had a chance, and the rest would be left to defend for themselves.

"Well, It looks like the animals have returned to the zoo."She muttered watching the students filtering into the room, looking bemused and interested. Because she enjoyed school, and no matter how much she hated to admit it, she liked having to fight Hugo Weasley for the best student award. The fact that she had lost every year, was still a bitter pill to swallow for the 17 year old.

Scorpius Malfoy


Feyn Cerelina


Hugo Weasley threw hid old hand-me-down trunk on his bed, trying his best not to give in to his anger about getting the worst fucking room in the castle. Might as well sleep in the basement. Oh! Wait! He was sleeping in the basement. Or at least what seemed like a basement. His father said that the tunnel like dorm was where the Hufflepuff house used to stay in. Typical. All the Death Eaters' kids got to come in early and get the best rooms, most of them taking what used to be the Gryffindor Tower; Everyone knew the Gryffindor Tower (or what used to be Gryffindor Tower) was the best dormitory. It had a great view...

Unpacking, Hugo pulled out his books and stacked them on his desk. Like every summer, he did all the reading in advance and his mother walked him through most of the spells. Because of this, he always came to school way ahead of the other students. Hell, he could do most of the Seventh Year spells by his Third Year. And that's how he liked it. Because no matter how privledged and pure-blooded those Death Eater kids were, they always had to know that it was Hugo Weasley that took home Top Student every year. In the back of their minds, they had to remember that they were inferior to him no matter how dark and pure they were. That always eased the bitterness he had about the shitty dorm.

One unpacked, Hugo made his way to the Dining Hall. He was quite excited about the Welcome Feast, even if it was going to be the first one he would be attending without Rose.


Evangeline "Evan" Prince walked through the Dining Hall, ignoring the stares she was receiving. Her head was tilted in a way that left her nose in the air; something common among most of the Death Eater students. However, she was far from that. No, her snobbiness was a defense tactic, not arrogance. She was scared to be at Hogwarts, because unlike Beauxbatons (before it was taken over), Hogwarts seemed to revolve most of it's socializing based on the purity of one's blood. Evan only had a quarter of wizard blood, to be exact, and that's exactly why her father had instructed her to stay out of the way. He wasn't trying to be rude, but trying to protect her. If she got to close to one of them, they might ask questions, and if they asked questions... Well, she might not be dead, but she would be without the only person who ever truly cared about her - her father.

Like instructed, Evangeline did not make eye-contact with her father as she took a seat alone at the end of the Seventh Year table. Luckily, with him being Head Master, it wasn't hard for Evan to transfer, but it was going to be hard for her to fit in. After all, it was extremely rare for a student to transfer form another country's school, especially during Seventh Year... Sighing, she looked down at her class schedule, her dark eyebrows arched with a serious expression. There was no doubt that Evangeline had similar features as her father. Her hair was raven black, her skin was a very fair shade of ivory, and her eyes were a mysterious shade of dark brown. However, she had a beauty about her. Like her mother (whom she's never met) she had soft features and a sunny smile; a smile that had warmed her father's heart, whether he liked to admit it or not. She was a curvy girl, like her prostitute mother, with large breasts, wide hips, and a slender waist. Her hair went down her back, black as the feathers on a raven...
Scorpius looked amused at his cousin, sureying everyone coming in. Like her, he didn't really enjoy the company of anyone, but unlike Feyn, he enjoyed sex. Alot. Which meant spending alot of time with both sexes, in and out of school. And despite the talks his father had had with him for not having sex on school, the man was always having sex if he wasn't in class.

"You do realize, that you come to school early, to get the best room. Why are you staying in the best the former slyhterin dorms?"He asked barely acknowledging Hugo's appearance at the 7th year table, but even if he wanted to know, his attention was drawn to the new girl. Who...smirking to himself he shifted to stand, gallently offering her his seat before moving around to sit closer to feyn so evan could sit down next to him."Hello."He said looking at Evan, a eager puppy look on his face, that was the biggest con that ever walked hogwart's halls. He was so not that eager to please, he was just eager to get near the new girl before anyone else found her.

"I like being in the basements. It's quiet. And calm."Feyn said answering as she ate, not even realizing her cousin's attention had moved away until after she answered. Rolling her eyes a little she returned her attention to her food, she tried to shut away the questions that her own mind shouted at her in response to scorpius' question. Despite the past 6 years of staying upstairs in the gryffindor tower, after the very public meltdown that she was sure everyone knew about, because her uncle made sure she never forgot she'd embarassed him in diagon alley, she found solace in the quiet and dark of both the manor and the lower levels of the school.
Evan looked over at Scorpius with a completely and totally unamused expression. "Do I know you?" she asked, her mostly english accent being lifted by a slight french accent. She tilted her head to the side, her black hair falling over her shoulder. In all honesty, she didn't know who he was, even if she had a pretty good guess. Her father kept her informed about most, and she knew what Draco Malfoy; this had to be his son... However, she was told to play dumb, and that's exactly what she would do. Her dark eyebrows raised up, as if she were waiting on some stupid person to get on with it. She definitely got that from her father.

Hugo looked up at Feyn from the corner of his eye, curiosity running deep within his navy blue eyes. She continuously irritated him year after year, mainly because she always got so close to knocking him off of the top of the class. However, she looked a little different than the past years, and on his way up to the dining hall, he heard talk about how she took a dorm in the Slytherin dungeons instead of the Gryffindor tower. It may have been information that was no use to Hugo, but that didn't mean it didn't make him wonder...
"No,but I would be glad to get to know you."Scorpius said, amusement darkening his mostly grey laced blue eyes. Unlike his father who looked like a ice prince, all cool hues and untouchable, Astoria's contribution to her son was a slight tan, sandy blond hair and those eyes. And well...a eagerness to please, at least in bed, a eagerness to please himself. "I'm Scorpius. And you are?"he said studying her, pale eyes waching her face before looking around the room to not stare at her. But it was so hard to not stare at the beautiful girl.

Feyn sighed tilting her head a little as she listened to scorpius flirt. Despite the public meltdown that had nearly got her comitted to st. mungo's on a sucide watch, the girl appeared to be the same. Coolly distant and aloof, but there was something.... something in her eyes that said she had been changed. That nearly killing herself had made her look at the world around her again. Eyes flickering up to look at the man catty corner from her, she sighed a little as she put her book back up on the table, starting to read."You better be ready to write your mother, weasley, and tell her I finally proved what I always knew. That I'm better then you."She said from behind her book when she felt his eyes glancing at her, the emotional tormoil and scenes had made her even more sensitive then normal to people watching her. But even without lowering the book she talked to him, before letting herself be absourbed in the words, only eating a bite or two here and there, when she actually remembered to eat
Ah. Evan was right. He was Scorpius Malfoy... The exact person that her father told her to stay away from. Her face paled a bit, and she looked away from him with a flip of her long, raven black hair. Her eyes glanced up at the middle of the professor's table where her father was sitting, and by the look he was giving her, he wanted her to get away from Scorpius. Now. "Evangeline Prince," she murmured, the name rolling off of her tongue. No one would ever know that it was not her real last name. "And I'm not feeling well. I should just skip dinner and go get unpacked, "she murmured quickly, not looking at him in the eye, even if she desperately wanted to. His family may be full of snakes, but he was definitely attractive... Evan quickly stood up, moving to leave the Dining Hall in a hurry. No need for a feast, even if she was starving. She'd just have her father send something up to her room in the Gryffindor tower... Anything to make sure she stayed away from the Malfoy boy.

Hugo tilted his head to the side. "Oh, really? I'd think after six years of proving your theory wrong, you'd realize that I was right; that your "pure" blood doesn't make you better than me. But, hey. Maybe the seventh time is the charm?" He rolled his eyes and snorted, an amused smirk on his lips. He was not worried. Not at all. Because he was sure that she'd spent her summer at parties, death eater meetings, and get togethers while he spent his summer studying his ass off.
Scorpius frowned looking startled as she left. Most of the time people were demanding his attention, not running awy frm him.So he had no idea what to think about this girl running away from him, only that it made things even more interesting.

Feyn sighed a little, cringing a little at his words though the only sign that his words had struck deeper then normal was the slight flinching around her eyes. Even just a year before she would have had something scatching and cold to say back to him. But something had changed, even if no one knew what. Fishing her ood she sighed as she stood, heading back towards the basement rooms, wandering as she thought. Because the woman was more sensitive and fragile then she let on, feyn had a truly poor sense of direction, and without specfic instructions, or someone helping her, she became hopelessly lost. Which explained why she was trying to get into the hufflepuff basement rooms instead of the slytherin dorms without much luck. she didn't even realize she was lost, onsidering so much of the castle looked the same to her.

AFter dinner Scorpius smirked, a small tray of fod in his hands as he stepped int othe gryffindor tower, swallowing hard as he stepped through the doors to the girls dorm, pausing in the doorway, waiting for something to tell him to get out since he was male, before dedciding it was okay and moving to the only closed door, assuming that Evan was in there."I brought you some food."He said pleasantly ,as if he didn't have a million reasons for doing anything he did.
Hugo looked at her with deep confusion as she stood up and headed out, a little surprised at her lack of comebacks. Wow. Maybe she really was changing... No. The Malfoy lot would never change, and his parents would scold him if he ever thought of feeling sorry for one of them. According to his mother, they had it coming in more ways than one... Hugo finished his dinner, visited with a few of his more enjoyable classmates, and headed back to his dorm in order to get some sleep before the first day of classes. When he got there was saw Feyn trying to get into the Hufflepuff dorm, he raised his eyebrows and moved behind her. Like his father, he was tall and slender, easily towering her. "You do realize that the Tower is on the other side of the castle right?" he asked, confusion obvious in his voice. He simply assumed she was staying in the dorm she always stayed in...

Evan opened the door, looking a little started at his... Well, his blunt behavior. "If I was hungry, I would have stayed in the Dining Hall," she murmured, raising her eyebrows. She looked into those steel grey eyes, and she saw that sexual hunger he had. She knew why he was here, and for some reason, she chose to be naive about it. As if not wanting to be too rude (Surly being too mean would raise a red flag?) she stepped aside and let him come in to her private room. She the best female room there was, considering she had been at Hogwarts for a few weeks before the other students came. It's not like there was any where else to stay. Not when her father came in to start getting things read for the school year. "Come in," she sighed, then went back to unpacking her trunk; something she had procrastinated for far too long.
Feyn nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned to look up at him, a soft flush spreading across her face as she looked up at him,so much shorter then hugo, that even with him thin and slender, the woman looked fragile and so very breakable next to him. Anger showed in her eyes at his question,"I'm not rooming in the tower this year... isn't this the slytherin dorms?" "No, genius. Go away, I'm sure you have other rooms to try and break into."One of the girls with hugo, stepping around him and shoving the slytherin brat towards the dorms, laughing a little when she stumbled."Go away, cerelina."the girl said looking amused as they headed into the dorms, feyn's presence quickly forgotten, even as the girl tried to figure out how to get back to the slytherin dorms. Feyn swallowed a little looking confused as she frowned down the hallway, hugo's presence forgotten for the moment as she tried to figure out how to get back to her dorm.

"You would have,but since it's been a little while, I thought you still would like some food."He said smirking, lust shimmering in his eyes as he stepped into the room, looking amused as he looked around."This room looks so different when Feyn stayys in here. So very neat and tidy."He teased her a little looking at the middle of the unpacking mess, before sighing as he sat on the edge, having no intenetion of leaving her until she told him to, or he got laid, whichever came first.Despite her just meeting him, he had no doubt that he was pleasing to the female sex, so he had no doubt that they would have sex, the only question was when.
Hugo watched the girl push Feyn away,making her stumble. Any other day, Hugo would have smirked a little at it. After all, Feyn had been a pain in his ass since he was twelve years old. She was always calling his name, always trying to prove she was better than him. And when he always got top student, she didn't have a problem reminding him that she was better than him in every other way. However, something made him start to follow her down the dark, deserted hall way. He supposed it was the odd instance that she seemed so lost and confused, or the fact that he found it so weird that she chose to not stay in the Tower this year... "Hey!" he called, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You okay?"

Evan was pulling clothes out of her suitcase and folding them neatly before placing them in the dresser to the left of her bed. "And who is Feyn?" she asked, looking a little curious. She felt nervous with him so close. Not only was she a virgin, but she was not used to being around men at all. Not when she'd spent most of her life in all girl schools, then moved on the Beauxbatons - another all female school. And now she had a Malfoy in all of his blond, sexy glory sitting on the edge of her bed. Bloody Hell. "I'm sorry, but do you need something? You're the first person I've met here who seems insistent on talking to me and... Well, you followed me to my room. Should I be worried for my well being?" With that, she arched her eyebrow.
Feyn was quiet as she walked down the hall, nearly jumping out of her skin at his words, twisting to look up at him, se sighed softly."I'm fine."Seh snapped before pausing, trying to figure out exactly where the dorms were. It wasn't so much she was confused, it was that her attention span didn't allow her to remember directions well,so she was usually lost and trying to ind her way. But she wasn't about to tell Hugo that she was lost and so very confused.. The emotional mood swings could knnck her feet out from under her for days, so the woman was also worried about having another meltdown, and what her uncle would do if she did, along with the pressure to beat weasley in this final year.rubbing a weary hand over her face she paused before looking up at him,"why are you following me? Want to make sure I'm human like the rest of you, and make mistakes sometimes?"she muttered as if it was a ñormal mistake for a 7th year to get so turned around in the castle that she forgets what dorm shes trying to get into

Scorpius smiled a little as he watched her, "Feyn's my cousin. She usually stays in this room,but she chose a downstairs rom instead."he said for a moment a look of worry on his face. Looking up at her question he shrugged, getting up."No, I don't need anything, but I thought you would like the company since you didn't now anyone."He said smiling slightly before moving towards the door."I could go if you like?"he said smiling charmingly, as if it was every day a woman would be kicking him out of her room.
Hugo's eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, I know you're human. It's you that thinks you some kind of god like the rest of your family," he snapped, then shook his head and started to turn away. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I don't even know why I followed you. I guess because for a second, I thought you might have come to your senses. I mean, with you not stay in the Tower this year. Obviously I was wrong." He clenched his jaw and started to walk away, moving back toward his dorms before he said something he truly regretted.

Evangeline looked at him with creased eyebrows. Her father had warned her about Scorpius; he said that the boy would be charming and persistent. However, it was so hard to turn away someone who could possibly be a friend. She didn't have any friends, atleast not here. It was lonely, especially since she could only see her father in secret. But Scorpius didn't want to be here friend. She wasn't stupid. He wanted to get laid. Sighing, she reached up and rubbed her temples. "You have to go," she murmured, then turned away from him. She hated how she had to turn him away so rudely and not give anyone the time of day, but if he found out about her situation, the Dark Lord would have her father executed. And considering the rumors she'd been hearing, she'd be lucky if they didn't turn her into some kind of sex slave after her father died.
Feyn frowned slightly as she watched him go, the odd twisting of her heart making her feel bad for being rude to him. But after a lifetime of bring nasty to him, and her need to be socially removed from people this year, she coudnt help it. As she let herself into her dorm, she tried to not think to hard over the loneliness that made her regret his leaving.

Scorpius studied the woman for a long moment before he noddd a little, looking amused."goodnight Evangeline."he said smiling as he walked towards the door."and sweet dreams."he said as he disappeared down the hall towards his own dorm.

The next morning feyn smiled tiredly as she filled her plate with breakfast food, looking across the table at the other woman as she sat down."good morning."the redhead smiled looking at evangeline, biting her lip a little. She always felt slightly awkward talking to the women scorpius set his sights on, and even more so when she didnt know the girl."are you ready for class?"she said after a moment, because despite being one of the most popular girls in school, she was slightly awkward at talking to anyone, even more so with the opposite sex.

Scorpius frowned at the rrdhead walking into the great hall before him, elbowing past him."you're getting in the way weasley. Move."the blond said in that coolly arrogant voice that said the man knee he was so much better then the other. At least thought he was.
Evangeline sat down, looking up at the new face. She sighed and moved to fill her plate. Breakfast was her favorite meal, and she certainly wasn't shy about her love of her it. "Oh, I guess," Evan murmured, shrugging a bit. "It's odd starting your last year of school in a strange place, so I'm a little nervous. I have..." She pulled her schedule out of her robes. "Transfiguration." Her nose wrinkled up a bit. That was her worst subject back at Beauxbatons. She gave the other female a smile, deciding that friends would be okay as long as they were held at distance. "My names Evangeline S- Prince," she murmured, blushing a bit. Shit. She needed to be more careful...

Hugo growled a bit at Scorpius, reaching up to rub his arm. "Watch your pointy elbow, Malfoy," he snapped, rolling his eyes. He moved to sit at the end of the table next to a couple friends from Quidditch. He began to talk and laugh joyfully with them, talking about the game that was coming up at the end of the week. He loved Quidditch; In fact, he'd gotten in to it because of his Aunt Ginny.
Feyn perked up at that, laughing quietly at the other woman's reaction to class."i have transfiguration, and while I cant seem to claim the title of best student, i can help you. If you want.."she said not only because her uncle and the other death eaters would expect her to be good to the newest pureblood in school, but because given the chance, the head girl was most people anyways. Hugo didn't count, because he just pissed her off. "I'm Feyn Cerelina by the way...You met my playboy of a cousin last night." she muttered blushing a little, embarassed on scorpius' behalf

"cousin, its not kind to talk about me behind my back." the blond man smirked as he sank doen into the seat next feyn. "not when its the truth, scor."feyn said rolling her eyes a little as she ate, though she kept glancing down the table towards hugo, drawn towards just how happy he seemed to be.
Evangeline paled a little at the sight of Scorpius and finding out he was Feyn's cousin. She still felt bad about being rude to him, even if she knew it was for the best. "Oh, I didn't realize you were so popular," Evan quipped arching her eyebrow at the blond man. She looked down at her food, eating and enjoying some pancakes. She noticed her father sitting at the head of the room, and she made eye-contact with him for a split second. Looking away again, she let out a sigh. Maybe she could go down to his office before class for a bit and see how he was doing. Ever since she came to Hogwarts, he looked pretty stressed.

Hugo laughed a bit, throwing his head back before taking another sip of his pumpkin juice. As he looked to his right, he caught the eyes of Feyn Cerelina. He arched his eyebrow at her, looking amused, then looked away. She made him curious, even if he hated it. She was one of those girls that you would always want, even if you knew that she was deadly.
"I'm very popular"scorpius smiled."yea so popular Im surprised you havent caught herpes yet."feyn said sounding completely serious thiugh the wicked glint in her eyes said that she loved giving her cousin a hard time."oh shut up, ice queen."scorpius growled at his cousin, knowing she foundnthe name annoying. Before this year the woman had been totally unruffled and completely capable of being ice cold. But even since the summer she'd been off...and annoying her was the only way he knew to make her act like herself.

Snape smiled slightly as he looked at his daughter, despite the worry lines at the corner of his eyes the man tried to appear calm, because he didnt need anyone to realize just how disturbed he was at having his daughter talking to feyn cerelina and scorpius malfoy.

Feyn blushed as she caught hugo's eyes, looking away as she focused on her food before glaring at her cousin with annoyance before smiling at Enangrline."would you like to go up to the class now? We have a few minutes before the lecture starts, I can go over what we finished with last year."she offered
Evangeline snapped out of her thoughts, looking over at Feyn. "Oh, um, can I get a rain check for that? Maybe meet up in the library tonight? I was asked to see the Head Master in his office after breakfast." She gave the girl a soft, warm smile (well, as warm as she could make it) and turned to Scorpius. Her dark eyes lit up with amusement. As she gathered her things, a smirk curled up at the corners of her lips. "Oh, if you're that popular, then I'm sure you have better things to do than talk to me," she murmured with amusement, giving a little shrug. She waited until she saw her father leave the breakfast room before leaving and heading to his office, knocking on the door. She was careful to not look suspicious while standing outside of his office.
Feyn smiled before shrugging, though she looked curious about whst the new girl could be talking to the headmaster about."yea, we could do that after dinner. I'll see you in class."she said watching thr girl go before rolling her eyes as she watchd scorpius look startled before, doing the typical scorpius thing, and turning to flirt with the girl next to him. Rolling her eyes she stood heading for the classroom, not looking surprised to see that her and hugo were the first show up"you know, you don't have to show up early everywhere. The world wont come crashing down because you're a minute late."she teased, humor lighting her usual dark and serious eyes.

Snape opened the door after a open giving a casual glance around before stepping back to let her in."hello ms.prince. Whatever can I do fir you?"the headmaster said seriously, even as he closed his door he visibly relaxed once they were in private
Hugo leaned against the wall outside of the classroom, for the professor had not unlocked the door yet. "What makes you think I got here early for myself? Maybe I came early to make sure you weren't trying to get into the Potions class instead of the Transfiguration class," he quipped, giving a shrug. "Judging by last night, you've lost your sense of direction." He smirked and looked at his watch. Damn. They were early. Reaching up, he ran a hand through his messy dark red hair. "So, was it your bright idea for that dance thing we are having this year? The masque? Seems a little cliche to me."

Evangeline waited for the door to shut before she through herself into his arms, hugging him close. "I can already tell I'm going to hate it here," she whined, pouting a bit. "I'm not going to make any friends here if I have to constantly watch what I say, which I'm used to, but it's hard. Especially when I'm scared of what's going to happen..." She sighed a little. She loved her father, and he was literally all she had... And she had to admit, she was a little damaged by her mother's abandonment. It hurt to think her mother just didn't want her. And then her father kept his distance, which she knew was protection, but it made her feel lonely. All of the time.
Feyn's mouth fell open a little at his quip, for a moment a loss for words as she glared at him before leaning against the wall next to him."All those who wander are not lost."She quipped smirking a little resting her head back against the door, the fact that she'd read the lord of the rings over the summer, had impacted her, even if she totally didn't know how much yet.But some of the qoutes stuck with her, like always, the girl used qoutes to keep away others from getting to lose. Before smirking she shrugged a little."Some. Aunt Cissy decided that it would be good for the 7th years to be able to celebrate....or something like that."She said wrinkling her nose a little.She liked dances, she just didn't like the idea of not knowing who she was dancing with.

Snape swallowed hard, trying not to laugh as she pressed a kiss to her hair. While he knew it was safer for her to be here, he didn't want her to be unhappy either."Well, Scorpius malfoy could make you love it here."He teased his daughter, even if he didn't want her near him, he knew it was probably the safest place for her to be. Friends with Feyn and Scorpius, they had a tendancy to not be to nosy, because they had their own secrets they didn't want anyone to know."It'll be fine. We have just a year Evangeline."He muttered pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Hugo looked at her through his longish bangs, his eyebrow arched. "Lord of the Rings? Wow. Who would have known," he mumbled under his breath. He sighed a little and shook his head. "Celebrate? There's no reason to celebrate anything anymore. We can't be what we want to be when we graduate, so who really cares? We will be whatever society allows us to be." He gritted his teeth together, bitterness in his voice. He hated it, but it was the truth, and it was mostly her family who made it that way. He'd never get to be an auror like he originally dreamt of being. No, he'd have to be whatever the Death Eaters approved, which probably meant something meaningless.

Evangeline frowned a little and sat on the edge of her father's desk, her face paling a little. She let out a shaky sigh like she always did before she started to cry. Everything was crumbling right now. She didn't even have Beauxbatons and her Nanny to comfort her. In fact, she heard that Miss Cromwell (the nanny who helped raise her all these years) was murdered already, even if her father hadn't been able to tell her himself. She was a muggleborn, elderly lady... Of course she was murdered. "Daddy," she murmured, reached up to rub her eyes. She only called him that when she was upset, mainly because it always made the usually guarded, cold man bring down his walls for her. Evangeline was a lucky girl, because she knew a side of Severus Snape that no one knew existed. "What happens after a year? Where will I go? It's not like I can't go run to my mother and stay at her house..." She winced a little, because she knew it was never good to bring her mother up to her father.
"What was once broken, can be remade, and the world awaits the return of a king.If we are allowed to be it once, there is a chance for return."She muttered her voice soft and broken, finishing the qoute, before she tensed again, as if realizing what she'd said for the first time. Closing her eyes she rested her head back against the wall, looking pale and lovely, as any apporiate death eater woman should, looking so very fragile and weak willed, just how the death eaters enjoyed their women, they were just someone else to control. But there was a deeper flaw, and a deeper strength then she knew. She'd just need help finding it."Society has always shaped what we were to be, even your parents, before we ruled. We are shaped by a war that isn't ours, but it is becoming ours."She said sighing softly, for once sounding just as bitter as he was, because she knew just how bad things could be. And even her pretty life, with everything she wanted, and all that there was....was just all glass.

Snape sighed softly looking at her worriedly, pain in his eyes because he had known about the nanny, but he had no idea on how to tell her, so he had put off tellling her. "Evan."He said his eyes softening as he reached out to her, gently stroking her hair. Looking so worried about her before swallowing hard at the mention of her mother, both pain and anger showing through his eyes."Can we get through this year first, then I will decide what to do next?"he growled worry and ear becoming anger, beause he knew just how hard it was going to be to just make it through this year.
Hugo shook his head. "We are shaped by the sick theory that I am not as worthy as you are because I don't have years of inbreeding of pure wizards in my heritage," he snapped, "And you and I both know, this theory isn't true, Feyn." He looked at her with fierce eyes; there was nothing in his expression that said he was intimidated by anything she or her parents could do to him for uttering those forbidden words. He huffed and stepped aside so Professor McGonagall could unlocked the door, then followed her inside. He took a seat in the front of the classroom, like usual, and tried to calm down the temper within in that threatened to snap.

Evangeline looked up at her father when he called her by her shortened name. She swallowed hard, feeling guilty for bringing up her mother. She knew that he didn't know her mother anymore than she did, but it didn't matter. She knew her mother gave her up because she could sense the magic inside of her - the thing that made her unwanted child a freak. "I just... I'm scared for you," she murmured, standing up and frowning. "If something happens to you, what will happen to me? And I may be closer to you at the moment, but all of these people... They have parents who would love to know my secrets, even if their kids don't. That's scary." She swallowed hard and wiped her eyes, moving over to her father. She got on her tip toes and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to be late... Can I come by later?"
Feyn frowned as she turned her head to look at him, anger in her eyes because she knew what he said was true. Knew it, because she'd researched it more throughtfully then even hermione weasley, the purebloodist daughter who knew just why muggleborns were spontanously created, like hermione granger, or lily evans. But it was the one secret that could get her killed, not to mention just the research would get her beaten. Which made her even more neurotic then normal. Walking into the classroom she smirked a little, but unlike normal she bypassed her seat in the back and sat down next to hugo. Because....something bout him made the rough edges of her out of control emotions settle enough that she could think."So...are you just going to give in, and let me claim top student, like I deserve?"She muttered at hugo as she settled in her seat, smiling slightly as McGonagll started to get ready for her lecture as the rest of her students started coming in.

Snape ighed a little smiling at his daughter, though it was strained and worried as he ran a hand through his hair."If something happens to me, run to the US. Run to Siberia, Get somewhere so remote, that no one cares."e muttered kissing her cheek before nodding."Yes. Always. You're always welcome here Evangeline."he muttered hugging her before stepping back, smirking slightly. "Now. Behave, and leave Scorpius and Feyn to their own devices, they had enough amusements to entertain themselves with, without giving them something else to work on."He said wondering if he should warn her."And while it might be scorpius who wants in your pants-"He gave her a wicked smile as he moved to open the door for her."It's feyn you need to be careful of. She's extremely OCD and obsessive about research, if she figures out your hiding something, she'll want to know, not because she really belives, but because its something hidden."Snape said, showing more insight to Feyn's personally then her own uncle did. Despite Draco and Astoria's raising their niece, they really didn't understand her."Now go."he said opening the door for her.
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