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The Trouble with Treaties

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"I still desire to unguent. I will come to you early in the morning, if you desire," Gavin said. "I tend to rise early in the morning and have breakfast here in the gardens. If you are up that early, I'd love for you to join me." The mornings were normally his alone time. Diane ate in her rooms, prefering to be alone.

They barely made it to the door to the women's quarters when Diane came walking out. She nearly collided with her brother and Honore. Stopping, she looked at them, surprised.

"Diane, why are you wandering around after dark," Gavin asked.

"I was just getting some fresh air," Diane said, not wanting to let her brother know she just had a run in with the baroness. If Masako was ever going to be seen in favor with Gavin, it wouldn't do to tattle on her just yet.

"It's late, Diane. You should be going to bed. You," Gavin said, looking her over, "are in your nightgown."

Diane looked down and sighed. "I forgot about that."

"Something bothering you?"

"Nothing much," diane said. She got a good look at her brother, pointing to the braid. "What is that?"

"Nothing," Gavin said, looking at Honore. He had promised to keep it a secret, for now. "Honore...I mean the comtess and I were talking about traditions, that's all."

Diane smiled. "Well, I'd love to talk to the Comtess more about traditions tomorrow." She turned to the comtess. "We are still on for lunch tomorrow?"

Before Honore could answer, Gavin said, "No, you're not. You're having lunch with Lord Martinez tomorrow, Diane."

"When were you planning on telling me?"


Diane sighed. "Can I at least go get a book from the library? Please?"

Gavin looked uncomfortable. He didn't want to seem cruel to his sister in front of Honore, but she was in her nightgown! "I'll go get you a book. Please take the comtess to her rooms for me."
"I'm sorry, my dear. Perhaps at some other point. Before dinner?" she turned and looked at Gavin, she had no issues deferring to him, at least on matters concerning his sister. "I did promise her we'd speak." She hated to disappoint the girl, but she thought her discussion with Gavin had gotten fairly well along in terms of his views on women. Smiling, she laid a hand on Gavin's arm. "Thank you, your highness. It was a most enlightening discussion. I look forward to continuing it." And with that, she moved away to hook arms with the princess.

"Come my dear, it isn't done to wander around in your night clothes. Not even in my barbaric country."
Deston put his hood over his head hoping the guards would mistake him for his elder brother. Moving down the halls he made his way past the library, taking a quick look in the library for a book on the history of Anstaria. Finding one, he went back to roaming the halls, he made his way into the women's quarters attempting to steer clear of the men's. He saw the figures in the distance in the hall speaking. Deciding it would be safe from the Ritter Hex if he approached them he did.

He bowed to the group, pulling down his hood down as he did so. He came up a grin upon his face, "How are you this fine eve, ladies; Prince?" He looked at the group. The prince and Lady Honere he figured where out for a walk this night, seeing how they were acting at dinner. Diane he smiled to while he noticed she stood in her night gown, he wondered if she knew about her marriage yet.
Gavin smiled. "I'm sure my sister will have time after lunch to spend with you, Comtess Honore," he said. "You two can spend that time with whatever girl talk you wish. Or, whatever girls do."

"Braiding each other's hair," diane said.

"You'd best not," Gavin said.

Just then, Deston approached them. Gavin was surprised to see the young man. Immedietly, he pushed Diane more into the women's quartes. "go to bed," he said, sternly. Turning to Deston, he said, "Your highness, what brings you so close to the women's quarters? Are you lost? Here, let me escort you back to your rooms." He was angry that a foreign man had seen his sister in such a state of undress. It was embarassing for him to see her like that, but to have a stranger...Unthinkable! Hopefully, Lord Martinez would keep her from running around in her nightgown once she was married.
Deston laughed at Gavin's face, then spoke out without thinking or paying attention to who was around him. "Goodnight, dear princess! Congratulation's on your wedding." He smiled for a moment then thought about what it was he had said, and who he said it around. He quickly turned pale and looked at Gavin hoping it still wasn't a secret. "I... Uh I think I'll just be going back the other way then."
"Hmm...your hair would look lovely in braids. " She teased him, and laughed, sharing a secret with Gavin even as their new arrival appeared. "Prince Deston," she acknowledges. As their chosen liaison, of course she'd seen the young prince a time or two before but she paid him the respect due his position.

But she let Gavin push them both into the women's quarters with a whispered smirk. "I hope he doesn't think that a woman won't wear less in bed...that could lead to problems with his future wife..." she chuckled, but let Diane lead the way. After all, she had not seen their quarters yet.
Gavin paled for a moment, before turning a brilliant shade of red. Grabbing Destan by the arm, he yanked the prince toward the men's chambers. "I don't want to know how you found out," he snapped as he roughly pulled the Loidite princeling along. "If it was magic, I don't want to know or I'll have to have you executed. If it was good, old-fashioned eavesdropping, don't tell me. I may be tempted to still have you executed. As it is, I am very tempted to toss you into the deepest dungeon until you learn when and where to mention men's business around women!"

Once they reached the men's quarters, Gavin marched Destan through the halls, coming up on where Tansen and Eloran were standing. "I believe you lost something," he snarled, pushing the princeling forward. "And, I'm sure you'd love to talk to him about what secrets are. I now know what you know, Prince Tansen, so that little card has been played. Go back to your rooms, both of you, and just call it a night."

He turned to leave, before turning back, "And furthermore, Prince Destan, I would advise you to not go running about the women's quarters at night. If I catch you looking at my sister again while she is unclothed, I will cut out your eyes!" With that, he stalked away, heading to his chambers.


Back in the woman's quarters, Diane and Honore made their way back to their rooms. Hearing the last words of Destan rang in Diane's mind. Did that mean she was already betrothed, and to whom? Well, the Loidite prince wouldn't congradulate her unless it was to Tansen. Right?
Honorè sighed, that was the least politic way it could have been put. She was of half a mind to strangle the young prince herself. Did he have no idea how to behave? Why had his brother even allowed him along on this trip. She was seriously questioning the wisdom of this trip.

"I suppose the cat's out of the bag, your highness. But at least it's Martinez and not the Loidite prince." She grinned, trying to soften the blow. "I believe I won our little bet..." But the question was, what prize would she take.

"Why were you wondering the halls in your nightgown?"
Diane looked over at Honore. "Lord Martinez? But, with the younger prince congradulating me, I was sure it was his brother." She sighed, "I guess I am the last to know. I was always so certain that I'd be told before everyone else." She forced a smile on her face. "Well, I guess you do win our little wager. You'll have to let me know when and what you wish to collect."

She walked Honore to the comtesses' rooms. Once upon a time, they had been Diane's mother's rooms before her death. It showed how much the prince thought of the comtesses to give them these chambers. "I hope you'll find your rooms to your liking," she said. "There really is no better in all the palace."

Looking down, she added, "Would you mind if I stayed a while. I had a little spat with the baroness and left her in my rooms. I don't know if she's left yet, and don't wish to walk back in if not. It was childish of me to storm out, but I don't think my ego can take the blow if she's waiting."
Deston let himself be dragged by the prince till he saw where he was taking him, "Um... good Prince there is no need to drag my brother into this. Or that Ritter Hex for the matter." He was not strong at all and his protests did little to stop Gavin. As they pulled up to the other two standing there, the prince yelling the whole time, Deston reddened around the cheeks though his face grew ghastly pale. "Oh uh hey there Tansen." He spoke while scratching the back of his neck. He recognized the Ritter Hex as the one who had him expelled to his room, and his entire face went very white.

Tansen looked at the Prince confused a moment then understood it all very quickly. He shot his brother a dark look before looking at Gavin. Shouting out he asked though he knew it helpless, "Your highness! I must ask you to let me go to the Lord Martinez for the night! Me and him were to be speaking some moments from now. I have no clue what my foul brother has done now but..." It was to late. The prince was gone.

Deston put up his hood quickly hiding his face from the Ritter Hex. Tansen grabbed him by the arm roughly whispering into his ear "What the hell has gotten into you. Looking at the princess barely clothed?! Sneaking out of your room, to go to the women's quarters?! Telling him our secret!? If we survive the night I'll be sure to have father put you through the rack."

All Deston could do was mumble back, "I thought you had already told him..."
"No, of course not. I'm not sure if my sister and I have separate rooms, but she will allow me some privacy..." And true to her word, once they entered, Valere had gone off somewhere or was already asleep. "If you don't mind, your highness. I'm going to dress for bed myself." Instead of waking any of the slaves to help her; she thought the sight of them in their private clothing might startle the girl, she decided to use Diane's help.

"Would you unloosen my stays?" she asked politely, and once they'd been loosened, she removed the coat from atop her dress, and let the rest of it fall to the ground, revealing all of Honorè in her natal glory other than a pair of stockings and garter. She was not even wearing a shift beneath. If Diane demonstrated any shock, she'd explain. "Goldspar is colder than here. I am too warm around here. Since I have no intention of letting anyone but a husband of mine see what is beneath it, I see no harm. " A grin of conspiracy. "But let's not mention that to your brother, shall we?"
Eloran smiles widely, and he speaks in an odd, whimsical way. "I said there's no more plotting." If the Lord Martinez would like to accompany us, he is certainly welcome." He places a mailed hand on Tansen's shoulder. "So, good Prince Tansen. Do we have to get violent, or will you come in peace, to be offered a drink." He grins, looking the wizard in the eyes.

"I figure if any of us are serious about peace, then we should be able to stand eachother's presence for an evening. The child may come, as well."
Tansen mouthed inaudible words looking down the hall towards the lords room and back at the captain of the Ritter Hex. "Alright fine. I won't resist. Piece of shit hospitality if you ask me. Be nice you Anastartians bent a little bit for peace ya know." He started shuffling moving towards his room.

Deston looked up a twinkle and a grin in his eyes saying before saying, "You said may? Oh hell yes. May means I have a choice. We'll thanks for your offer but I think I'll be going now." Deston with a hoot and a holler took of down the hall before he let the Ritter Hex protests. He quickly made turn after turn, knowing that the Ritter would never be able to match him for speed in his armor.

Tansen looked back as his brother took of down the hill shaking his head mumbling, "That kid's gonna get us killed." Deciding at that his brother could take care of his self he continued moving in the opposite direction towards his room. He gave a silent prayer for his little brother hoping they wouldn't be to hard on him if he was caught.
The scene has stirred up a bit of commotion, bored nearby Ritter Hex's have come to see what's going on. Eloran makes a hand gesture in Deston's direction and two guys tackle him before he moves three feet.

"If you don't want to come, lad, you may go to bed. This time with a special nanny who will watch you while you sleep, make sure you don't cut out of those servants passages. Mauler, would you like to be Prince Deston's special friend?"

Mauler nods, one of the men who grabbed the young prince. He's a big ugly motherfucker, that being one of the least crude ways ever to describe the man, who sported a face like a slab of granite. His grin cracks his horrific craggy visage, big teeth gleam from the wartorn mans face. "An honor, sir." He laughs like a landslide.

"Mauler is delightful company. He has a wide knowledge of childrens bedtime stories and lullabyes." the white knight looks deadly serious.

"Squire!" Eloran roars, "make some sandwiches and bring them to my study." He looks to Tansen. "What do you want on your sandwich. And what are you drinking, for that matter. Whenever I'm in Loidi I prefer Agonnazzar's Red, you had that one? Got a whole crate from some cultists."
Deston still jumpy from his attempted exscape, looked up at the big ugly man saying, "Yeah I bet he likes touching and taking care of little children. Dontcha bud?" A wide smile on his face though the man could obviously crush the small young lad. Tansen shook his head at Deston though when Eloran spoke of being in Lodi Tansen nearly struck the man.

He looked at the Ritter Hex hatred still in his eyes, "I don't eat things the enemy makes." As far as Tansen was concerned the Ritter Hex always have been and always will be the enemy of Lodi, no matter how friendly the two nations were with themselves. "And I believe I was ordered to my room. I have a strange feeling that my room is not your study so if you would be so kind as to lead me there I think we will be done." Every nerve in his body twitched as he wanted to pummel the man in front of him. Flashes of the war coming back that seemed as if they had just happened. His fingers grew twitchy as the magic so familiarly came to his tongue.
Diane averted her eyes. "No, of course not," she said, finding the floor very interesting. "I would have no reason to mention your attire to my brother." Not that she didn't think Gavin could figure it out on his own. Keeping her eyes down, she said, "Do you sleep naked as well? I heard that many kingdoms outside of Anstaria do that."

She had tried that once, sleeping without her nightgown. Her maid had tattled to her father and she had been punished. She stated she had gotten hot in the night and did it to cool off, but it was still scandalous. The idea that it was normal elsewhere intrigued her and terrified her. What if her husband slept in the nude?

Diane herself would never have the guts to go without any of her clothing, even in private. She admired that Honore could feel so comfortable to be undressed under her clothes.
She nodded, as she padded over to a mirror. As she inspected her body, she saw that Diane was averting her eyes. Like Misako, it was a bit much. "Gods girl, lift your eyes! The human body is nothing to be ashamed of. And yes, I do sleep in the nude. Especially in a country that's warmer than mine." Satisfied with what she saw in her body, she moved towards the girl. "Your mind is a gift that only your husband will know; and hopefully appreciate, but your body is where he will find his pleasure even before the wedding. By looking at it, knowing that it will be his. If your body knows pleasure, his will be all the greater. Any man can push himself on a whore and find release."

She moved towards Diane slowly. "But if you know how to please him, he will give anything to keep you. This is how a woman barters with her husband. As long as you do not seek to cuckold him, anything can be gained. A man does not want a terrified ice maiden in his bedroom, only in public where she will ward off any attentions but him."

"Do you still want me to teach you?"
Diane nodded, forcing herself to look at Honore. "I have to learn everything I can to keep my husband," she said. "You told me that Lord Martinez's people can have more then one wife. Call me selfish, comtess, but I wish to keep my husband to myself for as long as I can. If he must seek other brides, I want it to be because of politics and not because he has tired of me."

Her fingers played with her nightgown. "I know he expects a virgin when he beds me, and I will be one for him. However, I don't want to be embarassed by him findig himself a scullary maid because I can't hold his attention. That's what I need to learn, how to keep a man's attention."

In the back of her mind, she wondered if she could learn that. Men, she felt, wanted exciting women. If she could be more like Honore, then maybe she stood a chance.
She smiled softly, "Good girl." It was easy to be charmed by Diane's innocence. A few others had come to her like this, but they had to prove that the had the intention of staying with you. "Fine, but you have to prove you're willing to go through it. What I ask of you won't be easy for a girl as sheltered as you. As I stated earlier, you must find out what pleasures your body can bring." With that she took her hand and lifted the girls head to look directly in her eyes; still firmly holding it, she bent down and pressed her lips to Diane's. This time was no firm but gentle kiss, this time it was a kiss of claiming; making sure that at this moment at least, Diane's complete and total attention was on her. She fully intended with this kiss to leave the girl breathless and excited.
"And here I am, trying to be polite." Eloran snarls at Tansen. "That's it, we all heard Prince Gavin, he said go to bed. Everyone go to bed. Hex's make sure everyone stays in bed. If they're found to be up, put them down. Remember, folks, good Prince Tansen here just confirmed that we are still enemies, despite the pleasant evening we're all having. Increase security, move nonlethal takedown to first reaction for any protocol breaches. Loidites, go to bed!" He roars at Tansen and Deston, hatred edging back into his voice, no longer speaking whimsically. He turns in a flash of his cape and walks off.

"All the intel you need, Gavin. They don't want peace, that's all there is to it." he grumbles to himself as he stalks to his sparse personal chambers attached to Prince Gavin's.
Tansen moved to his room quickly, while Deston still looked up at the big Ritter Hex. "Some enemies you guys are. Not a logical thought in your heads. I thought Anastarians were supposed to be smarty pants. Not big meat heads. I mean look at Mauler here. He looks like a frigging troll. Where did you find him? Some cave in the mountains?" He smiled and laughed the entire time they took him to his quarters.

Once in the room Tansen quickly changed wearing only a set of loose fitting cloth pants, and he began to work off the steam, he had just recently built up, doing simple exercises such as, push-ups, sit-ups, squats and the sort. His brother sat down on his bed talking to the guards seeing just how angry he could make them.
At first, Diane's eyes widened when Honore kissed her. This was much different then the kiss she had bestowed on her earlier. Slowly, Diane closed her eyes, leaning more into the kiss. Hesitantly, she raised her hands and placed them on Honore's shoulders in a manner she had seen servants do when they thought they were alone in the hidden niches along the halls.

When Honore pulled back, Diane swayed for a second. Opening her eyes, she looked at the other woman. "Wow," she breathed. "That was amazing. Is it always that good?"
Masako had indeed fled the princess' room after she'd gone, knowing that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to get caught in there at night. But in the haste to slip out unnoticed, she'd left the dress where it was and was now back to wandering the corridors; thinking about what Diane had told her. "Maybe I'm the wrong person for this job. I'm just too much like the tundra at times, frozen and unyielding about what I hold close." she muttered, leaning up against the wall next to a torch that was illuminating that area. "Oh well, worse comes to worse I can just slip out without anyone else noticing, not like i"d be missed."
Another soft smile for the girl. She hated to think of how easy it would be toy with her. As Honorè pulled back to study the girl, she watched with bemusement the myriad of emotions cross her face. That would be something she'd have to watch in front of her husband to be.

"It is not always that good, but sometimes it can be better." With that said, she lifted her hands, cupping Diane's breasts through the thin nightgownn, rubbing the pads of her fingers over the nipples a few times as she leaned in again. "Sometimes it's like this...." And this time Diane was crushed to Honorè, one hand moving away from her breasts to cup her head in her hands and hold her to her. The other hand still moved over Diane's sensitive body parts unless she made some strong protest. She had agreed to Honorè's training, even if she didn't know exactly what it would entail. Only when she felt like Diane couldn't take anymore would she pull back.

"Now are you certain you wish this training?"
Diane moaned as Honore kissed her again, her hand moving over the virgin body. Everywhere that Honore touched felt like it was on fire, sending flames licking through her body. The touch on her breasts sent a bolt of heat to the core of her body. She felt like she was burning up, but it wasn't painful.

When Honore moved back again, Diane gasped for breath, clutching the comtess. Her nipples were hard and aching, poking through her nightgown as if they were begging for more. She felt wet between her legs, and when she squeezed her legs together, the contact caused shivers to ripple through her body.

"Now, are you certain you wish this training?"

Diane looked up at Honore, her eyes clouded by the lust she felt. "Yes," she whispered. "I can't think of anything I want more."
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