A New Year (Post YGO-GX) [Yuna&Malin's 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

It had taken a lot of time and effort into convincing her parents this had been what she wanted. But finally, they agreed to send her off to the very well-known Duelist Academy. They didn't do so, however, without shouting some rather nerve-wracking and discouraging words and phrases like, "You damn well better do a good job or we're pulling you out!" or even 'What's the point in it?! It's just a game!" Of course, they wouldn't understand. Why should they? A light sigh left the young girl's lips as she leaned against the railing of the boat. It had mixed emotions within it; a bit of despair but the more dominant emotion was a feeling of bliss. For the first time in her fifteen years, she was about to do something she wanted, not that they chose for her.

She didn't look Japanese and got weird looks rather often. There was a reason for that. Her dad was American, her mother Japanese. They had been having quite a good marriage and relationship; up until her dad went and cheated on her mom like an idiot. So who got the blame? She did, of course. Even though Hana knew perfectly well none of this was her fault, she had wondered a few times if it was somehow herself that caused the mess her family was in.

Her head shook no, causing blonde locks to gently flow from side to side. Why should it be yours? Not like you told Dad to go out on a one-night stand ... Because of all she had been introduced to, she was more mature than most others her age and knew of quite a few concepts that normal teenagers wouldn't. Trying desperately to shove the flashbacks and memories away, she opened a pouch latched onto a strap around her waist in the form of a make-shift belt. Inside was her deck .... her main source of hope.

Hana had gotten into the game upon hearing about one of the former students within the Academy, Asuka Tenjouin, and how successful she had become during her years at the Academy. She wanted to get stronger and become a decent role model for women as Asuka had done. Kami knew there certainly weren't enough these days for females. But .. will I be good enough? She wondered, staring out at the water.

As her hazel eyes went back to her deck, she nodded and remembered all her comrades, friends within it. Of course it will be. Don't be silly. Even before getting her parents to send her off here, she had practiced the card game with her younger sister and some of the locals in Domino City. As far as she had been told, she wasn't half-bad. In fact, most were astonished at her seemingly natural talent.

A light bump snapped her out of her thoughts as the ship boarded the Island finally. "...Oh wow ..." She murmured, taking in the scenery. She began to walk off before grabbing her bags. Her cheeks began darkening as some blush covered them. That ... would have been bad ... Keeping her bags firmly held in one hand and her deck in another, a realization began to dawn on her. "....Oh no ..." She murmured, frowning as she gazed around.

She hadn't been given a map for some reason. And without any real guidance ... Hana was beginning to figure out she had no idea to go even though she knew what she was looking for; the Ra Yellow dorms. Her mouth had opened to try to ask a few others but all were in their own hurry it seemed. One even unceremoniously shoved her aside, causing not only her bags to slip out of her hand but her cards to scatter. "No!" She quickly began gathering them, glad that at least the grass wasn't dirty. Still though, a bit more than her life, her deck was the most precious thing Hana had. She couldn't dare lose them!

Hitoshi breathed in the fresh water air. The second year student had returned to the island and his small carrying bag was all that he had brought with him. compact enough that it was easily slung over his shoulders, the bag had most of his clothing, and a lunch packed away. everything else he needed was on him at the time his deck was in a pouch at his side and his MP3 was tucked into the same hard case as his deck.

As he watched the other students rush off the dock he just rolled his eyes he had always been one to take things much slower then others, even as a kid he had found running too much of a chore and had preferred to play strategy games instead. For him duel monsters was a game of patience which was a shame because very few students shared his views. he walked slowly disembarking the ship as one of the last students off.

As he walked onto the island he saw a young girl probably a first year get bashed by one of the other careless students running off. She seemed panicked as she was gathering cards. His eyes darted as he realized that she was gathering her deck off the ground, and he moved to help her before an island wind picked up her cards and she lost something important.

she seemed to have them mostly gathered but their was one exception. a card he picked up off the grass, and he gave a whistle looking it over. Athena he turned it over in his hand a few times just checking to make sure it wasn't damaged before approaching the woman. "Found one for you." He said as he handed it over.

Hitoshi was already dressed in his Slypher red uniform and he had a polite smile as he gave her back the card. He stood a few inches taller then her, and about a year older his light green eyes looked her over for a moment. "New to the academy don't remember if we have met yet? my names Hitoshi second year Slypher red." As he spoke he gave a light bow and pointing to the color of his jacket.

His home life had always stressed the importance of a first impression and politeness. They had supported his life choices of becoming a duelist, but none had liked the fact that he had only gotten into Slypher red. He was often regarded as the runt of his families skill, but he ignored those comments and did his best to make a place for himself, and despite that Slypher red had its natural charm to it... once you got used to the bugs, and the outhouse, and the food... why did he like Slypher again?

Hana had been doing a head count of sorts ... and began to panic. Even though she had two copies of the card, Athena was one of her ace cards, especially if she could get Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen out on the first time. It made one of the deadliest combos in her deck. But her deck wouldn't be legal if she couldn't find it. Her head had lowered in annoyance, defeat almost, until a male's voice got her attention. "...Hm?" As she stood up to take the card, she gave a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you!" Slipping it along with the rest of her deck back in the pouch, she took the time to gaze up at the face now before her eyes.

He was almost the exact opposite of her, ironically enough. Brown hair replaced her blonde and blue eyes rather than hazel. The red jacket signaled he was in Slifer. She had heard rumors but personally never believed in them. After all, Judai Yuki had been in Slifer but was quite the skilled duelist. The color of your jacket didn't determine how good one really was; at least Hana never thought so.

Her head quickly lowered to avoid staring. "Um ... y-yes, I am new. I'm trying to find my dorm actually." Brushing her outfit off, she felt relieved to hear he was a second year. It'd have been embarrassing to have wandered around like an idiot the entire first day just because she couldn't navigate her way around. Finally grasping her bags again, she looked back up to Hitsohi. "Hana .... my name's Hana. Um ... you won't get in trouble for showing where the Yellow dorms are will you?" She had recalled some sort of policy about people with different colors supposed to remain away from other dorms or be expelled; but she had no idea if that was in effect still or not.

Hitoshi blinked he wasn't strictly allowed on yellow grounds, but he didn't think that it was under threat of expulsion anymore. either way he could take her to the gates and say no more of it. that was legal enough for him to do, and if he was to get in trouble he had a first year he could pass the blame onto. It seemed like a reasonable idea. "Yeah sure i can escort you to the Ra Yellows Dorm no trouble at all to do something like that. if I remember correctly" He held up a finger as he thought about it as if he was checking the winds direction. "This way!" he said as he started to walk leading her away from the path.

Oddly enough his thoughts on the houses were that the jackets determined social class more then actual dueling abilities. Last year he had managed himself well enough in a few gauntlets with the other dorms, but his classes never did well for him testing was high but his studies lacked so he was put into slypher red. He understood the reasoning behind it, and again he liked the... charm the slypher dorm put up, and he even had a small garden outside of the dorm that he tended. "Yeah I remember my first year, i got lost all the time on this place, this island is huge and only about twelve percent of it is actually taken up by the school, its no wonder their are so many horror stories of students getting lost when they go into the woods. Thankfully my sense of direction has improved since then."

Had they stayed on the main road they probably would have found the dorms easy enough, but Hitoshi was sure he could navigate a faster pace towards the yellow dorm. He had found so many short cuts due to his bad sense of direction that he should be able to find her dorm no problem. "So Hana faries? that seems like an odd choice." he wasn't prying he hoped, but he was curious and it seemed like a conversation starter, and this was also the guy who played using a deck made of plants, so maybe it wasn't as odd as he thought.

Her head bowed quickly in appreciation. "Arigatou domo. This is very much appreciated." Especially considering the 'welcoming' she had gotten from some of the others already, it was a lot more ... kind. Holding her bags in her left hand, she began to follow behind - after a while switching to beside. It was easier to keep herself from staring that way; intentional or otherwise. It'd be the latter of course ... but assumptions could easily be made. Still, she did make eye contact every now and again and had to admit ... he was rather handsome. The personality he had displayed thus far had certainly gotten her attention. Kind duelists like them usually had quite the passion with and for their cards as far as she had heard and known about.

"...That's it? Twelve percent?" She gazed around as she continued following. "But .. it looks like so much more!" Her head tilted a bit. She had also heard stories of the woods ... but thought they were only this. If he was bringing them up now, however, she knew that they had to exist. It made the Academy somehow become even more exotic than it had appeared from afar; and simultaneously a bit terrifying. For the moment however, it wasn't quite the latter, not as much as it could be anyways. "Hopefully mine will soon enough. I .. could have sworn they sent a map but I couldn't find it when I got off the boat." Her head looked up to try to recall this. She never purposely forgot such important things; what had happened to it anyways?

As the question regarding her deck came up, Hana snapped out of her thoughts. "Um ... yes. Well ... they're more or less like angels which symbolize hope. As of late especially, it's been the only thing I've really been able to hold on to in order .... to keep my sanity, for lack of better wording." With all the arguments and mature themes she had been introduced to, Hana truly was amazed that at times she hadn't done anything majorly drastic. "....What about yours if you don't mind me asking?" She added.
well 12 percent was a little bit of an estimation on Hitoshi's part he seemed to remember someone saying something of the like, and the forest was huge their was no doubt about it. Hearing her reasons for using fairies he smiled. hope was always a good thing and if that was what her deck meant to her, then it was bound to be powerful. he smiled at the thought and kept walking in a mostly strait line his eyes drifting down to her every now and then.

"My deck is a bit like a garden, without patience and care it would never grow or win." He said with a smile. He wasn't telling her the deck type directly but she seemed smart enough to get the idea he was putting down. He walked a little more forward before turning his head slightly too look in both directions. they had walked in a strait line for the most part, and now he was starting to get a little nervous about the situation he was sure that they were going towards a dorm just not sure which one he was walking her towards. still he continued walking keeping a brave face so he didn't tell her that he had made some kind of a mistake.

As she mentioned a map he stopped patting his back pocket for a moment until he found the crinkled up piece of paper that he had been handed when he got on the boat. he unfolded the thing and looked at it. "If you want you can have my map, I can't read the damn thing any way." he said handing her his now crinkled but unfolded map, if she looked at it, and traced where they started she could probably tell that they were headed in the wrong direction from ra yellow, and heading towards the Oblesk blue dorms instead, which was on its own corner of the island.

"...Plants?" She asked hesitantly. It was such a rare type of deck but she had heard of the cards being used. Her own soft smile crossed. "That's ... interesting to go a path less taken, as it were." She noticed his gaze going back and forth. "Um... are you lost?" She asked hesitantly. It seemed weird but ... she didn't immediately see many more reasons he would do such a thing. Maybe she was just over-thinking. Deciding to try to go with that logic, she nodded herself as she stayed close beside him.

"O-oh ... thank you." Taking the map, she began to glance down at it. A slim finger traced where she was certain she had started walking with him. "Um ... I ... think ..." She frowned lightly, re-tracing the path to double check. But so far, it had seemed what she was seeing was true. "Err ... that this is ... " Before she got to finish, some other men in blue stepped out to finish her sentence.

"The wrong spot, Hitoshi-baka. But hey now ... who you got there?" With the formation, it was clear they had been waiting for this as soon the two were circled. Instinctively, Hana pushed herself close to Hitoshi's side. This got several of them to chuckle. "Aww isn't that cute? It's okay sweetie ... we don't bite. Not all of us anyways." A few more chuckled as they began getting closer, getting rid of the distance. Maybe Hitoshi could handle two or three of them but there were at least twice as many!

Things were starting to look really bad ... before another female voice called out, "Oi oi! Get away from them, damn horndogs." The men that recognized the source immediately began obeying and scramming. Those who were too ignorant - bold - or both merely scoffed.

"And who the fuck are you?"

This caused the new girl to glare at one. Before he could repeat his question, her fist connected with his jaw. "Any others wanna be smart with me?!" She challenged.

That was all the incentive the others needed as they headed off, some scoffing. The one whose jaw she'd hit was murmuring curses lowly under his breath.

Her head shook as she glared to Hitoshi, another second year like herself. "...You know, or should, this is the wrong way. I'll let it slide, however, because of the newbie you got with you. Speaking of ...." She took a couple steps forward and pulled Hana from behind Hitoshi. As she grasped her own jaw, she looked into the blonde's hazel eyes silently.

"Hmph, you may not be as bad as you appear. For that, I'll let you two pass. Now hurry your asses off before your luck runs out. I can only keep my influence on them for so long."

"Um....t-thank you ... miss ... ??"

The new girl turned, eyeing Hana for a few seconds before smirking and shrugging. "Why not? I suppose I can give you that much. Akane. Akane Hyoumitsu. Now hurry off." As quickly as she had been in front of the two, she had seemed to vanish.

Hana shivered a bit as she rubbed her jaw. "...She ... was kinda creepy." She murmured softly. Even for the few seconds she had kept eye contact, it felt like the girl had been trying to gaze right into her very essence and soul. "But .. yeah. They're right; wrong way." She held the map in front of him and began showing him what way they should be going.
Hitoshi nodded as she asked about his deck being made of plants. it was normally a very weak archetype, second only to insects in being almost useless, but He had made his deck and it worked well for him most of the time. He waved her off. "Im not lost, my sense of direction is just... readjusting." He said confidently, sadly all of that confidence drained away when he saw the blues.

Hitoshi hit his face it seemed his sense of direction hadn't improved at all, and he was going to need a refresher in learning the island. Not only had he not taken her to Ra yellow's dorm he had some how ended up leading them into a group. He recognized one or two faces the one who called him an idiot especially so, but for the most part he just scowled staying close to Hana he had lead them into this so he would have to help her out of it even against those odds.

Then she appeared. he recognized her almost immediately and he took a well guarded step back as Akane took the fight head on. She only threw one punch but it was more then enough to send the rest of her house packing, then she spoke to him. "Well about that... My sense of direction... is still really bad." He swallowed slightly his mouth suddenly dry as he watched her say that they could leave, and then witnessed the strange interaction between Hana and Akane.

after it was all said and done and she had left without a trace, he breathed exhaling a visible sigh as he fell back slightly and nodded to Hana. "Yeah.. that was Akane Hyomitsu I don't know too much about her, but she made quiet the fuss last year when she became the fourth ranked duelist in the school. She is also the reason I was eliminated first round from last years school wide duel... it was an unlucky draw." He said his breathing returning to normal, and his zen like attitude returning.

"oh?... well i tried, and Had you been an obelisk blue i would have gotten it right." He said with a small smile. before starting to walk down the path that she was showing, he may as well accompany her to her dorm, before walking off and finding his own.

How had this Akane even gotten away with that punch anyways? Shouldn't she have gotten reported or in trouble? The lack of that happening hinted she had quite a bit of influence around the Academy, as she had said. But to have that much ... was horrifying. It was sending repeating shivers down her spine, even though the girl was gone. The sensation was nerve-wracking, as if she hadn't truly left ... as if she were watching them. And all that had been gathered from less than five minutes around her.

Though Hana was definitely anxious of Akane, she was equally as curious about her also. She had ... almost an aura-type of feeling around her. One she couldn't quite place ... but she had noticed for sure. To hear her ranking added onto her intimidation factor and the feeling she hadn't been imagining things. She'd always had a strong sixth sense for people; so much that most thought her to be Psychic. It wasn't the case, but she could have pulled it off easy enough. Even Hitoshi is anxious from her ... and prior till now, he had been really calm. She must be quite the duelist ...

"It's.... it's fine." She added, managing to give him a reassuring smile. "Here ... " Letting him double check the map real fast, she then resumed following him. One thing was for certain, this wasn't a dull first day. Once she finally arrived, she bowed her head to Hitoshi again. "Thanks again. Sorry if I caused you trouble. Um ... take care." Exhaling softly, she turned and began fumbling through her registration papers, noting what room she was supposed to reside in now.

Once she got in, she began unpacking her things. Even though she was in the Yellow dorms now, the earlier encounter had made her a bit uneasy. Not quite paranoid ... but still more anxious than usual. Keeping her ears and eyes open, she tried to focus on getting settled in more than anything.

"It was no problem at all, I hope to see you again." He said with a smile as he walked away hoping to somehow find his way back to the Slifer red dorms. By now the rice would be about cooked for the dorms first meal together, and he couldn't wait to actually get back to them. This time he went a more direct path, keeping to the main road, which would have probably saved them a lot of problems.

As he waled away he couldn't help but think that Hana seemed nice, for his first meeting of her any way she seemed to be easy paced and that was certainly a good thing. He had to wonder how well she would duel, but that would be a question probably answered in the morning, the first day of classes was tomorrow, and although class duels were always held separately Hitoshi was already considering watching the Ra yellow's practice matches. If nothing else he wanted to see that Athena card in use.

Takumi walked through the dorm halls he was a first year Ra yellow and as he looked over the rooms he came to the one where he thought he was supposed to be stationed. He walked with a smile on his face as he walked past a door that was open, checking his numbers he smiled seeing that he had come to his dorm room.

Walking in however he blinked seeing that his room had a woman in it. He blinked at first thinking that their had to be some mistake. "Um excuse me but I think this is my room." He said with a slightly humbled bow There was no way that he was sharing his room with a woman at least that was what he was thinking.

"I am Takumi Erizawa, and as you can see I was assigned to this room, I am sorry but ." as he spoke he handed her a piece of paper with the room number on it along with his name. There were two beds in the dorm, one on either side of the room, but clearly she had just made a mistake and was in the wrong room that was understandable it was after all their first day.

Hana had just finished putting the last of her things away when a .... male voice spoke? Her head turned as she looked up in slight confusion. ...But ... do they not separate men and women? She certainly hadn't made her own mistake; that much was for sure. And yet, it seemed he hadn't either as she glanced down at his sheet of paper. "Well ... Takumi-kun ... it seems we both have this room."

Deciding to return the favor, she handed him her own roster so he could see she hadn't misread the paper. "If ... if it helps, you aren't the only one taken aback by this either. I am Hana Tsuikyou. Nice to meet you even ... if the circumstances are ... slightly awkward." Her left hand kept his roster held while her right hand sat in front of her lap. She'd wait for him to read and see for himself. He could double, triple even if needed, check. But when all would be said and done, they did indeed have this room. After the shove on the ground and scare from the Blues, poor Hana really hoped he wouldn't give her a negative reaction. She wasn't sure if she could deal with it.

Takumi raised an eyebrow seeing her roster. there had to be a clarical error but the more he looked the more he could only see two beds and two people. Finally he gave in handing back the paper to her. He gave a shrug it was interesting that he had such a room. He would have to bring it up with the professors at some point but he didn't mind it much. He had to share his room with a woman what was the worst that could happen? "Well thats... awkward, but I guess that's fine, we will just have to change using the bathroom and get used to sharing our space."

He smiled giving her a strong indication of friendship as he held out his hand. He didn't mind this so much. Sharing a room with a cute girl, who knew what could happen in such close proximity. he moved into the room taking out items from his bag and setting up his side of the room. "Oh I am sure their is a logical reason for all of this, maybe the Ra Yellows got a little overcrowded that would be my guess. I imagine that once a little time passes we will get our own rooms. Till then we will just have to make do."

He said with a shrug as he started putting away his clothing into the dresser on his side of the room. "At least we get indoor plumbing am I right?"

An inward sigh of relief was heard in Hana's head as he wound up taking this better than it sounded for a bit. Seeing him hold his hand out, she took it after a few seconds of hesitation. "Maybe ... I'm not sure. The idea regarding the using the bathroom should suffice for now though." A hand quickly covered her mouth as a yawn escaped. "Sorry it's just been really tiring today, between the trip and arrival." Gently pulling her hand away after a bit, she gave him a weary smile as she picked one of the beds and collapsed on it.

"So ... what year are you anyways?" Seeing as she would be roommates, it seemed logical to begin to try to get to know him better. Remembering his question on indoor plumbing, she gave a nod. "I believe we do, yes, get indoor plumbing. I think all the essentials that would normally be in a dwelling place will be here. If you wanted to use the shower or anything first, you can. I'm ... going to relax for a bit, especially while I'm not pressed for time." Knowing that tomorrow would be when classes officially began, she also realized she wouldn't be able to do this nearly as long once that got going.

Takumi's smile never seemed to fadded as she wanted to get to know him a little, he just continued packing before picking out his own clothing for sleeping in, her offer of a shower sounded good and he gave a nod grabbing a towel and setting it up for when he was done unpacking. "Oh im just a first year, and im guessing you didn't see it then? On my way into the Ra yellow dorm i had to pass by the Slifer reds dorm. That thing looks like it should condemned, and they use an outdoor bath house. I couldn't believe it... how lucky are we to have to skip that?"

He gave a short laugh as he finished up unpacking, and closed the door of the room picking up his towel and clothing off his bed. "well make yourself comfortable then and take a nap i think they will be serving food soon, but yeah I will take a shower while we wait for lunch call if you don't mind." he said with a happy face and walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. these rooms were built like a hotel room, so each room had its own personal full bath, a commodity that he was certainly thankful for.

Once he closed the door he gave a heavy sigh, he didn't want to share his room with a girl, this was just going to slow him down and hold him back. He would need her to transfer to a different room... or maybe a different dorm all together, He smirked, getting her kicked up or down a dorm would certainly be worth while, and then he could have full control over his dorm room. He started to run the water while thinking how he could do it, but this would take time.

"...Really?" Her head shook no, astonished by that mere fact. "It .. took me a while to get here. I had quite the run-in." Even with Hana being away from Akane, her mind hadn't been able to cease thinking of her. That way she had grabbed her jaw and stared right at her; it truly had been terrifying. What had she been trying to do? Maybe ... it was just a trick? A light sigh left as the thought did also. She had heard the Red dorms were the worst, but that had seemed like an exaggeration; up until now anyways. Poor Hitoshi-kun ... hope he's fine ...

She gave a very light nod to Takumi. "I ... I think I will. Take care ..." Pulling the covers over her, the last thing she saw was her roommate head off to his bathroom and the sound of running water being heard. It had seemed to help make her slip into a deep slumber, that plus the long day she had had. It didn't take much longer after she had slipped away for a dream - weird one but still - to start beginning.

Somehow, she found herself in the fabled woods ... and without a damn map of all things. But she seemed to be ... looking for something? Someone? ....Hitoshi?! Hana didn't understand why this was making her worried so much, but it definitely was. A light hiss was heard from behind her ... and as a snake lunged for her, it got cut in half by Athena's spear. Huh? But ... how did Athena manifest? Wait a second ... Before she could begin to question anymore, however, she heard soft words as Athena turned to her. "Beware of the snake, Hana ...."

With that, it had ended and she woke up with quite the start. This wasn't the first time she had a dream like this; but it hadn't acted up in quite a while either. A light groan left her lips as she turned and saw Takumi hadn't even gotten done with his shower. "Maybe ... I'll join him in concept ..." She murmured. Rubbing her head as she slipped out of her bed, re-making it quickly afterwards, she went to her drawers. Still, she did think over the words ... but they weren't making sense to her. Maybe some food would help understand it all better. This much Hana did know. Those sorts of dreams never happened without damn good reason. Just from that alone, she was beginning to get a bit anxious about being here. All these 'welcomings' had been anything but pleasant and she hadn't thought of it till now, but the poor girl was starting to wonder if she should have heeded the signs.

Takumi ran his shower for a long time trying to use up as much of the hot water as he could, and by the time he finished the room was full of steam. He dried himself with a towel taking a moment to look himself over in the mirror and practice his smile as he got dressed. His body was limbered by the hot water, and as he dressed he gave a soft sigh. opening the door he felt the cold air on his skin forming some goose bumps on his flesh as he put on his yellow jacket, he was inside the dorm so he technically didn't need it, but he wore it anyway.

Giving the practiced smile to his roommate he passed her by as she was collecting her own cloathing. "Shower is all yours, i rinsed it out for you, and everything." He said with a polite bow as he walked out of the room, and into the hallway turning back as a slight after thought. "Though you may want to hold off on it, I think dinner is soon to be reality." He said as he turned walking down the halls of the Ra Yellow dorm. The entire dorm was built like a motel, with a public eating and living area, and hotel styled dorm rooms, and Takumi made his way to the eating area.

~~ Meanwhile in Slifer red~~

Hitoshi Sneezed turning around as he at he ate his bowl of rice. he looked around for a moment swearing he could have heard someone say his name. He rubbed his nose with the sleeve of his jacket and sighted. "Must be someone talking about me." he said with a shrug, before continuing to eat. For the commodities it lacked the Slifer dorm was lively this year, and he smiled taking a drink, who cares if they didn't have plumbing this place had good company.

She gave Takumi a small smile, grasping her uniform and a towel in her hands. "Thank you. I'll ... be out fast enough though." Giving a bow of her head to him, she stood up and headed in the bathroom. Closing and locking the door, her mind hadn't fully stopped thinking about the weird dream. Athena never showed herself like that to Hana unless it was very important. ....Beware of the snake? Though she had seen an actual one in the dream, she knew it easily could have meant a person also. Her head shook as she sighed, beginning to strip out of her semi-casual clothing she had worn on the boat.

Setting aside a clean outfit, including a new bra and panties, she began stripping. As one piece of clothing after another left, she folded it neatly. As she turned the water on, she noted it was more cold than warm. Still, it wasn't all gone and she would use that while it remained. Wasting no more time, she got in the shower once the water adjusted. A light shiver trailed down her body as the water cascaded, especially around her nipples. With it being more cold, it got them hard easily. A cry left out and she was glad to know she was alone, otherwise that would have been more awkward.

Panting a bit, she forced herself to focus on finishing up. The rest of the washing had gone smooth enough, it was drying her hair that had taken the longest. Still, it all got done and once it had, she slipped into her uniform. Taking the time to gaze up and down at herself, Hana had to admit it didn't look too bad. Though, the skirt did seem a bit short. Then again, that was common in a lot of schools from what she had heard.

Walking out in her uniform, she tossed her dirty clothes in her hamper. Remembering Takumi's words on having cleaned the shower out for her, she figured it would only be fair to return the favor. Heading back inside, she hurried up and quickly but thoroughly washed the shower out. Once she was satisfied with her work, she smiled to herself and went back to their room. Making sure everything she needed was with her, deck included, she then walked out. Thankfully the dorms were much easier to navigate around than the campus grounds and in no time she saw all the other Ra Yellow students, including Takumi among them. After a quick glance around, she found a seat and took one after grabbing a plate of food for herself.
The dorms settled down for its first night together, the campus was peaceful and as night settled in the majority of sounds came from snoring students, and crickets. The next day would bring the first set of classes and the first exhibition duels, the first set being between Ra Yellow and Slifer Red. Mornings first light broke over the large academy building, and brought with it a chorus of bird song, and a bunch of groggy students, one student was up much earlier then the others however. His wide eyes glowing as he awoke in the night and slithered out of bed, leaving Hana to have the room to herself. He left silently and quietly taking his deck with him and leaving before the sun even thought of rising.

Hitoshi slowly pulled back the covers. Having no roommate had allowed him to sleep comfortable without any distractions, and he pulled his head off of the pillow a slight string of drool falling from his face as he rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand and blinked away his tired eyes, as he rose stretching out the stiffness he felt in his back. He got up and taking a towel he walked out too the back house and shivered feeling the morning air against his skin. He walked past a few of the slifer ladies as they complained that one of their showers was out of order and laughed lightly walking into the male side of the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth and looked at himself in the mirror, He wasn't all that groggy but he felt sluggish, stepping into the shower after he gargled and saw that his teeth were cleaned, he stripped leaving his cloths on the side as he washed his body, he had a heavy amount of morning woods, but the cold of the air and the pipes caused him to shiver slightly and his Penis to shrink painfully quick. Wet but clean He stepped out and dressed into clean clothing and his Slifer red jacket. complete with a heavy duel disk on his arm.

His deck was held on a belt at his side and he breathed looking into the mirror again one last check before heading out to the academy. He walked towards the tall building looking at the three tiered roof, it was easily the largest building on the island, and with good reason this place must have costed a fortune, as he walked in the front of the building waiting for other people to arrive. He sat at the front and made sure to look over his deck one last time counting the cards and checking his plants to make sure that he was happy with them for the moment.

The night had gone well enough for her. Athena had repeated her words again about being careful of the snake but nothing more. No chasing in the forest or any type of dreams had come to her. Hana had been brushing her hair out, trying to think on them. Even after the meal from last night and a much better rest, it still didn't make full sense. She had ideas but nothing definite yet. Besides, she had much more to worry about; namely the exhibition match.

Hana had heard she would be up but not against whom. Well, not exactly. It would be someone from Slifer but that was all she had heard. Swallowing and exhaling nervously, she grabbed her deck. Carefully inserting it into her duel disk upon her left arm, she headed into the stadium. Her head had been down to double check her deck, especially the one copy of Athena she had nearly lost yesterday. Sure enough, it was undamaged, not even dirty from when it had landed in the grass.

Thankfully, Hana wasn't the first Ra student to go up but she was soon enough. Before her match, however, she took the time and opportunity to study each and every other person, noting deck types and techniques. When it did get to her turn, her heart raced more as she walked up. She activated her duel disk as she prepared for her opponent. That was when her eyes found .... really? "....Hitoshi-kun?" Her head bowed out of respect. At least she wouldn't have to be worried about going against a sore winner or loser; that was definitely going to be good. Laying her hand upon her deck, ready to draw, she would wait for a hint if he wanted to go first or not.

Hitoshi was surprised to be dueling against Hana in the first round of exhibition duels. Looking at her he smiled happily knowing that either way the duel went he would at least have a fair game. He returned her slight bow, and smiled he had wanted to see how the girl was going to handle herself since yesterday and getting to be the first person she dueled officially was interesting.

The duel went well for Hitoshi at first getting his queen of roses out at first, but due to a error in judgement he didn't keep her on the field long enough for him to truly enjoy her powers, and with her two Marshmellon's blocking his queens path he didn't have much of a chance to block her life points out. They resorted to playing defense for most of the game, with a surprise return of Hitoshi's Queen of thorns and Athena, at the last moment he had everything set up for his win if she had attacked his wall of thorns would have crushed her two strongest cards, and free to attack her life points, but instead she used Athena's ability to claim the win. The final score was Hana 3000lp\8000, and Hitoshi standing at 0.

He held his head calm and collected with a smile he took his deck out of his duel disk and let his arm relax holding it up for so long was surprisingly draining. He breathed heavily he could already hear mutterings about a slifer second year loosing to Ra first year, responses ranging from 'as expected of a slacker.' to 'hay he did well... for a Slifer.' But Hitoshi just gave a shrug as he walked up to her and extended his hand.

"Interesting game Hana-chan, next time ill have to make it a little closer." He said with a smile. Had he used the other trap he had put down on the first turn he never would have lost his queen on the third round, and the game would have had a very different turn of events, that said hind sight was always 20\20 and it was only the start of the year.

"Keep playing like that and you will do fine here i think, so um would you like to grab something from the cafeteria after class?" He asked casually, as he began to step off the stage.

For a while, even Hana had thought Hitoshi had her. She'd had to take a more defensive stance, a tactic she didn't usually like with her deck. But she had gotten certain cards out too late, namely Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen. Athena helped her direly turn everything all around. She'd used logic to figure the face downs had been devastating traps and used that to help her determine how to win. She had used the effect damage rather than risking the safety of both her Athena and The Splendid Venus's lives. It had seemed to be a good call in the end as he revealed his cards to be equally as mean as any Mirror Force; Wall of Thorns.

Re-setting her deck, she stepped down and found herself in front of Hitoshi, a proud smile - of both him and herself - on her face. Her head bowed respectfully, her eyes gazing up to meet his. "Thank you. I .... definitely hope to make an impact somehow." Her smile widened more as she heard his offer for joining him for lunch. "Sure. I'd be honored. I'll see you later." Feeling rather accomplished, she began heading back to her classes, waving as she headed off.

Among the crowd, another pair of eyes had been watching the match. The heterochromic Akane had been gazing down and smirked as she saw Hana win. Good ... I didn't make a mistake in thinking she would be a strong opponent ... Pulling her PDA out, she sent the following message to Takumi:

It's as I thought. That girl definitely has ... an aura of sorts about her. Keep a close on her. I imagine she will be very useful for us in the near future ... moreso if she gets close with Hitoshi-kun.

Pocketing her PDA away, she then headed off to her own classes. Her own content smirk was on her face, though for many different reasons that Hana had. Ignoring any weird looks from any of the students, her thoughts went to her future operations. Rather, she supposed, hers and Takumi's. The idea may have been hers, but she wouldn't be able to get close with succeeding were he not her very reliable Ra Yellow spy.

Hitoshi felt acomplished as he walked off the stage and walked away. He had lost yes, but it had been to Hana and while he didn't think it would reflect too poorly as time went on loosing the first duel of the year could be disheartening. He wasn't extactic that his garden had been trampled, but he was up against the goddess of warfare so he wasn't about to complain. He heard a voice however that was going to complain as he heard the ethereal cry and saw the small creature as it floated over his shoulder.

"Cosmobeet what is your problem?" The creature stomped floating in mid air and fussed, but Hitoshi just shook his head. "I made a mistake and we lost its no big deal you need to stop thinking small and see the big picture."

The creature let out a sound best described as cirous as it looked at Hitoshi, and Hitoshi gave a small shrug. "Well she is eating lunch with us right? Now shut up and go away before people see me talking to myself." He said jokingly in truth he hadn't believed it at first when the creature had showed up during his first year, but the persistant delusion had continued, and now adays talking to it was more like keeping his delusions happy. he shook his head as he walked to his class and waited for lunch so he could meet up with Hana.

If she is really so much of a threat maybe we should arrange for a proper game? Perhaps we could get someone to remove them both at the same time?"

Akane scoffed as she quickly scanned the reply back. "Tch, baka ... read my words ..." She murmured, sending a swift reply back.

Oi oi, we don't know this for sure yet. Moreover, no. If she's useful, we'll need her damnit. Pay heed to what I type. We will at least need the girl to stay unharmed ... physically anyways. Mentally, go for it though. But if you let anyone hurt or lay any hands or her, I won't let it slide easy. Don't fuck this up!

Her head shook as she slipped the PDA away in. Looking through her locker, she grabbed all she did and didn't need before heading to lunch. Hopefully he would get it right this time. She hated repeating herself.

The classes seemed to have gone faster than Hana had expected. Within no time, she found herself at her locker and ready to head off to lunch. After grabbing everything she needed, she headed over to the cafeteria. Once her eyes found Hitoshi, she bowed her head as she walked over towards him. "Hey. Hope you haven't been waiting too long." If she was getting weird looks, she ignored them for the time being. "That's a strong deck you have by the way. For a while, it felt like you had me there." She added, beginning to follow him so she could sit and eat with him.

Hitoshi smiled and nodded he did in deed like his deck. plants were as she had said a road less traveled, but they required a zen like touch to them. patience was the key, the sad part was that he had been too patient during the duel. "I was sure you would have attacked in that last round, That would have been game." he said with a shrug and a smile as he sat down at a table with his tray.

"So how was your first night with Ra Yellow? tell me all about it? Do you have a cute female roommate you can introduce me too?" He asked jokingly as he started eating his food food. He smiled his stumach growling slightly. "I swear that they try and starve us reds."

Taking a seat from across Hitoshi, she wondered if maybe he would be able to better understand Athena's words. Looking around to ensure no one else would hear, she looked back into his eyes. "Well ... no. It's a male, actually. He was as taken aback as me when he found me in the same room. We had to exchange rosters to prove to one another we were both in the right spots. But what was the weirdest ... was the dream I had when I tried to take a nap. But .... I know it may sound weird. I swear though, none of this I'm making up."

Pausing to eat some of the lunch, she allowed her mind to remember everything, mainly the dream. The words were easy enough. Nodding after a bit, she waited to finish chewing and swallowing first. "I don't get these often but when they do, it usually means something. But last night, Athena kept telling me to beware of a snake. I'm not sure if she's referring to the actual animal or a person given it could mean both. But I can't dismiss it ... though I'd love to be able to. In the dream, her words seem as if they meant an animal because one did try to lunge at me. But ..."

Her head shook as a nervous sigh left. "I'd love to believe I'm over-thinking. But ... I keep getting this nagging feeling that I'd be more of a fool to not listen to her." As she went quiet, Hana had to admit that it was somewhat weird that these warnings had also happened not too long after having met Takumi. Is ... he supposed to be the 'snake'? Her head shook again as she decided to try to forget about it for now.

"So I guess to sum it up ... somewhat .... intriguing for sure. Definitely not dull." Still, she didn't want to sound too pessimistic in front of Hitoshi. That wasn't - after all - what they were here for. After some quick thinking, she added her own inquiry, "What of you? Do you have a roommate?"
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