Picking Up ... (Death Note) [Yuna&Veinexes 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

It was an hour and a half, 05:30 AM to be exact, before Suki was supposed to head to her classes at Daikoku Private Academy. But before that, she had some personal business to attend to. Slipping out of her nightgown and into her uniform, she got an early start. First thing was first, she needed a rose. They were easy enough to buy and obtain and within minutes she got one easy enough. Now came the more annoying part -- getting to her true destination before her classes. She knew what she had to do; but gods did she hate it. Too many perverts were on subways, more often than not.

Shaking her head to make herself get a grip, she headed on the first subway, still holding the rose close to her. Her eyes closed as a soft sigh left her lips. ... L ... It was the only reason she had gotten up as early as she had; to pay respects to her deceased friend and - to some degree - her mentor of sorts. Her eyes remained closed -- until she finally heard the subway ceasing at her destination.

Slipping past the crowd, she walked for a few miles before arriving at a cemetery. His grave was small, humble as he had been. But that made it easy for her to find. Kneeling in front of it, being careful to avoid getting her uniform drenched from the morning dew caused by the temperature and rain of the night before, she placed the rose in front of the stone monument. The usual stoic look she kept in her eyes softened as she gazed at the name.

During the entire visit, she remained deathly silent save a few tears that fell down her cheeks. She knew at 17 she shouldn't be this weak; but maybe it had been largely because if L hadn't been murdered as fast as he had, she would have had the chance to be able to speak words she had wanted to. " .... Aishiteru .... " She murmured, knowing it sounded foolish in a way. Foolish? Was that even the right word? Her head shook as she realized she wasn't sure.

The pre-set alarm on her cell phone beeped to signal it was now 06:30 AM. Pulling it out from her backpack, she clicked it off, standing at her full height now. Pulling a handkerchief out and wiping what tears remained away, she looked back down to the grave one last time. "... I will finish what you started. I swear it. Just be patient with me as you did before your demise. I'm sorry ... I couldn't help out ... " Somewhat reluctantly - but still doing it all the same - she turned her back and headed to the subway to Daikoku Private Academy.

By the time she arrived at the gates of the school, it was 06:45; plenty of time for her to get ready. Pulling her roster out, she looked down, beginning to try to navigate her way around. That was when she realized ... there was no map. "....Damn ... " She murmured, massaging her forehead. She couldn't be late... not from this of all things. Hurrying inside, she began looking in the halls of the school. Maybe there was a map there? She hoped so .. if she had to be late, she didn't want it to be without a good reason.
At the old headquarters of L's operations Light sat going over the notes that his nemesis had accumulated through out his investigation. He had always been surprised on how through each note was, especially when pertaining to himself. Thankfully now he was free to carry out his divine mission without interference.

"Hey Light, what do you do now?" a familiar voice spoke from behind him as he smiled turning around and facing his constant companion, Ryuk had been instrumental in his plans and he would make sure to get the most use out of the Shinigami. "Well,now I begin to create. my perfect world is within my reach. With no one to oppose me, my plans will go forward unopposed."

Light gazed out at the city, while Ryuk sighed looking around the base. Sure that was fine for Light but, for him that was boring. L had given untold amounts of tension and entertainment between the two players of himself and Light. Now it was a one sided fight... boring. He'd have to do something to pick this up, for his own sake of course.


The staff of the Wammy house still reeled from the loss had classes as usual for their prodigies, even with the loss of their most prodigal son and caretaker. they had already sent out the news to all the students, even those who had left to other private institutions. Suki's phone rang twice before stopping, a signal that the house used to contact others. the second ring of her phone was the one to answer. "Evening Suki, this is Near. I know that you had something for our senpai, and I hope you don't hold it against me that I went through your personal files to get this number and learn more of you. I think though we may be able to help each other."

Thankfully, Suki had found her homeroom class with ten minutes to spare. She had already put her things upon her desk and was in the midst of waiting patiently. She nearly fell out of her seat as her phone rang. Oh the stares she got; especially from her sensei. "...Gomen .... " She murmured, bowing her head as she quickly headed out. Her cheeks were flushed, mortified beyond belief. Still, her eyes narrowed as she gazed down at her phone. .... Who ... ?? She had made damn well sure to avoid giving any personal information out to anyone else. Only L knew any and everything of her.

Slipping into the girl's bathroom, she finally answered. "Oi hello? And ... you got about seven minutes. I'm in the midst of heading to class." She went silent quickly at the word 'senpai'. Her voice lowered as she whispered softly, "... You knew L then? Who .. exactly is this? Only L even knew of me; he was my mentor, my private tutor if you would. So ... to know someone found those files .... " She went quiet again, more than eager to hear an explanation or at least a name. If she wouldn't be told whom this was, she did want to know how this person who seemed to come out of nowhere could begin to help her.
He blinked a few times, though she couldn't see it, he had known her to be defensive but not to this extent. "Like I said before my name is Near, like you I was raised at Wammy House and looked up to L. As for my reason of finding your files, it is a bit of my specialty." He thought for a moment. Teasing his hair with his free hand, a habit he had picked up from his early days. He continued after his slight thought, "I'm sorry about prying into your personal affairs again. I think however we can be of help to each other. I have been going over the files from L's last case against Kira. He had uploaded them to a secondary server that sent the files to Wammy House in the event it was not accessed for 48 hours. Apparently his findings show this Kira to be around your area. I will send you the information I found to to your residence by fax. I'm sorry to interrupt your classes, I'll contact you again later tonight." Not waiting for confirmation from her he hung up, turning back to his monitor.

Managing to at least murmur a light "Gomen" - and hoping he heard, she closed her phone. Turning it off to avoid anymore further distractions from the device, her mind went over everything Near had hinted. She would give another apology later. She hadn't meant to come off as a bit of a bitch; but it all had surprised her. They must have been more alike than she thought because she - too - was good at research. A light nod left as she convinced herself to definitely cooperate with Near. Unfortunately, after his last sentence echoed through her mind, she found herself only able to focus upon that.

... Kira ... is here? Nearby? She should feel confident ... ready to help avenge not only her former mentor but all those whom had been murdered by the man. At the same time, however, it terrified her. This Kira ... had killed L; a feat that was very difficult in itself. Just him having been able to have done it ... meant he himself had to be as smart as, if not more, L. Because he was no fool ... and almost always one step ahead of everyone.

Time had seemed to slow though then again, her mind had barely remained focused on her classes. It only kept thinking of Kira. On any other day, this wouldn't have bothered her as much. But the fact this had happened right after she visited L's grave? It ... felt like a 'sign' of sorts. Like L really was watching over her ... which made a soft smile cross her face.

Even the subway ride home had felt like it took forever. Heading back to her residence, she unlocked the door with a sigh. It was tiring ... doubling as a student and L's back-up of sorts. But she didn't regret it. Turning her phone back on, she waited for it to ring again. Her eyes then went to her fax as she checked it. She couldn't help but wonder how much this Near had been around L because truth be told, she had been ready to look for these exact same files when she got back home. So ... with him already being one step ahead of her ... it made Suki unable to help but chuckle. In a way, it almost began to feel like she hadn't completely lost L ... and for the first time since his demise, her hopes and heart were rising. Maybe ... this wouldn't be as hard as she thought. Maybe .. this would even smoother.
A stack of papers sat in the tray of the Fax Machine, each one detailing the killings Kira had commited and their possible ways it was done. The final papers were the most astounding though, talking of a thing called a Death Note. A book that contained the power of the reapers to those who posses it. A set of rules and all things known of the black notebook were written, as well as questions, most likely L had left things for himself to conjecture about on the uses of the note itself.

A list of the people working with L followed, names and occupations given as well as personal information and involvement in the case. The Police division he was working with, as well as the chief in charge's son who was accepted at a later date when suspicion of Kira on himself was cleared.

Taking all the papers with her, she headed to her laptop. Turning it on, she sat in her chair as she began reading through them. ... Death Note? At least once, she had been pretty certain that L mentioned it to her. But not quite what it meant or how it was significant. He had only told her really to be careful about it. Now that she had these, she had a much better understanding of why and how it was such a vital role in the 'Kira' cases.

Setting her phone beside her keyboard, she continued reading. An eyebrow raised as the name 'Light Yagami' caught her eye. Even if the suspicion had been cleared it sounded ... off somehow. Why had he been to begin with? More than that, it was weird for L to find the 'wrong person'. That ... didn't seem right to her somehow. She tried to play out as many possible scenarios that could begin to make sense ... and nothing was coming up. Not yet anyways.

Pulling a pen out from her backpack, she began circling paragraphs or keywords, mainly regarding the Death Note, how it worked, it's 'rules' ... but especially the name 'Light Yagami'. Setting them all down, she took a quick glance at her backpack. ... Another all-nighter it seems ... Ah well, it would be worth it when all was said and done. Or so she hoped. Shaking her head, she then glanced back to the laptop.

L had given Suki her own 'account' of sorts with the Police Division before passing, as she had her own nickname. Hers ... just wasn't as well-known or famous as L's had been. If Light was involved in this ... any information that may not have been included should be here ... Pulling a few more tabs up, she began doing extensive research on this 'Light Yagami'. It wasn't just the fact he had been cleared; but he was one of the other things L spoke of quite a bit. This all was beginning to feel less and less like a coincidence .. somehow.

Her head shook as she continued her research. She realized she may very well be merely thinking too much. But in this field of work, it was always better to be safe, not sorry. Undoing the ponytail her raven hair had been placed in, she let the band wrap around her wrist. Even in the midst of doing that, she never once ceased her work, her eyes remaining on each tab upon the screen to look for any other significant information on Light.
The phone rang, it was Near again, "I hope the information I sent was helpful to you. I'm not forcing you into helping me or even participating in the investigation. I have a team already with me, they are prepared for death which is a large probability." He stopped letting that all settle in. He continued where he left off with his model,clicking in the articulation of the arms and legs. "It is not only my intention to find and defeat Kira, but also to show L his time he spent working with us was not wasted."

Using her right hand to move the mouse and continue her research, her left picked up the phone. Forgetting for a few seconds he wasn't beside her, her head shook no .... before she began to speak. "You're not. I ... I didn't mean to seem so ... defensive last time. But the timing caught me off along with the fact almost no one else knew of me ...." Stopping herself to avoid talking to fast, she took steady breaths through her nose, listening to his words. "... Kira proved with the murder of L a couple things. He's not to be underestimated, especially when L was almost always a minimum of three steps ahead of everyone. That being said, one of the other things is the possibility of death."

Frowning at the lack of anything coming up with all the tabs, she bit her lip to keep a groan from leaving her lips. ... Oh come on now ... Continuing her search while talking, she went on. "But when all is said and done ... you were right. We aren't much different. I didn't need much more reassurance but those last words sealed it for me. I ... actually visited his grave before school. That was another thing I thought of after you called."

Thinking how to word the explanation, she gave another nod, "It ... felt like a sign in a way. Like L's guiding me. You calling ... is a hint from him, I think; one I should be honored to take up. No disrespect towards senpai but I wonder ... if it would have gone smoother if he had let either of us help him better. At any rate, I'm trying to do more research on this Light Yagami. The fact he was even suspected at all ... has been bothering me. L was way too calculated to make such a simple mistake."

Noises of the laptop and keyboard could be heard. "It just feels ... off somehow. And I want to know why. But ... unless he altered his information somehow ... I'm not finding as much as I should be. With him being such an important person - apparently - this .... is making it feel all the more off to me. Not even the Police databases have much ..."

A weary sigh left as she shifted tabs. Biting down on her lower lip, she began trying a more thorough search on the Police databases. With him being as 'vital' as he is supposed to be ... why is there not more? What are you hiding, Light-san? She doubted she was becoming paranoid or anything of the like. She could usually feel whenever she was getting close to those points.
Near listened to her as he set the finished model down, she was dedicated to her work that was certain. "I've also found nothing on him for quite some time, he seems to have disappeared after his high school graduation." He leaned back looking into the sky, "Another of the investigation team has taken up L's mantle for the moment as well, a second L for the time being to throw off Kira, perhaps demoralizing him in to thinking he failed to kill the original." He spun in his chair, the headset picking up the air around him. "It would be easiest to contact them directly and join the investigation team, though if my thoughts are right they will not accept outsiders."

"....Well, given all that has happened, especially L's demise .. they may need to be a bit more open to the suggestion. Regardless, I can see about it. However .... before it gets too late, I should probably begin to get started on that. Thank you though... for everything." As she hung up the phone, she stood up from her chair, temporarily ceasing her work. Before she went through with this call, she would take a few precautions of her own that she had watched and been taught of from L.

Rummaging through a drawer, she pulled a veil out. Attached to it was a voice-alternating device. She wouldn't sound like a male nor a female; something in between. She wouldn't give anyone leads, especially with her being uncertain of whom exactly she would wind up speaking with when all was said and done. Glancing around her room, she failed to note any possible hidden cameras. But still, she wouldn't risk it.

Next, she went back to her chair. Pulling up a completely new window that went right over the one with her attempted searches for Light Yagami, she then pulled her schoolwork out. Now it would look like she was being more of a student, not a freelancer. Tapping her pen against her textbook, she began double checking if anything else would need to be done. .... Aside from getting the number to the Investigation Team, don't think ...

Nodding to herself, she pulled a tab up beside the searches and found the number. Pulling the new window up once again after dialing it on her cell phone. Exhaling softly, she waited patiently for whomever would get the phone first to do so. While waiting, she began planning ahead of time all to say ... how to react during this talk. She'd need it to keep herself more on the cautious side.

The phone rang a few times before being answered, a distorted voice resembling the previous L's rang through the speaker of your phone. "Greetings, I am L, I hope that you have a reason for calling me as I am very busy with many cases at the moment." The voice sounded like L's* had when he spoke thanks to the distortion in the voice changing software.

Light stared at the screen before him as the progress bar on his monitor showed a slow gain on tracing the call. Who would have this information to call here? He knew that sometimes different agencies called L for assistance, he had even met some with his time as the second L. This, however, had not been immediately recognizable in his database... Just when he thought all the trouble makers were gone...

*(L's Voice being the garbled voice that he uses when broadcasting and talking through media devices.)

Her own distorted voice retorted quickly, but not before a scoff followed. "You can cut the act. I know this isn't L; though I wish he were still here. I know where he is ... dead and buried, murdered by Kira. I am ... an associate of his. I am not, by any means, aiming to take over his place. However, knowing he was one of your best people and is now gone .... I want to join in hopes to help him finish what he began. I want to help find Kira to put not only his soul to rest but all of those whom were killed by said man."

Pausing to think of a good introduction, she nodded before proceeding. "My name .... is Tsubaki. I will go on and say this now; I will understand if you do not wish to accept outsiders. However, I have already gained the faith of another individual whom has given me some of the files that L had prior to his death. I have been looking them over in the past half hour. With or without your approval, I do intend to go through with my plans. However, consider it a way to make the process of finding Kira much .. simpler. Like I said, I'm not trying to replace L by any means. All the same, I have been told I'm not too far behind in ... IQ and talents, things of the like, such as himself."

Allowing this all to sink in - and simultaneously hoping she avoided sounding too much as if she were threatening; but yet making her point made, she stayed quiet for a bit. Finally, she spoke again, "So ... what do you say? And now that you have my name ... may I know whom I am really speaking to?"
The line was silent for a few moments as Light placed a hand over the microphone. An associate of L's? So they must be from that organization L was a part of. Somehow they had obtained the files on this case. A smile crossed his lips, whoever this was they still were not L either, they were no threat. "Knowing my identity, unfortunately, is not allowed. The threat of Kira is still quite high and clear in our memories. No matter who I am or was, I am now L and have persevered. I have no reason to believe you are who you are, and that alone makes it impossible to allow you into the investigation with the situation as it is." They weren't L, maybe an admirer or a friend, but they were not L which meant they were nothing to him. Not a threat or a hindrance, merely a small bump in the road to the perfect world.

She stayed quiet, letting all the words repeat carefully. "Identities would go for any of us though with Kira still around, would it not? What proof do you have Tsubaki is truly my name after all? I'm not so foolish to let my guard completely down. For someone on the Investigation Team ... you seem to want to hide? Why? Is Kira tracing this call? Or are you afraid of something of the like? If I were presented with the opportunity to have an ally - especially against someone such as Kira - I would gladly take it."

Going quiet for a bit more to let 'her' words sink in, she went on. "Then again, that very well may be just me. But L-senpai showed me one thing. Going against Kira alone ... is not a wise idea. That being said, the same could easily be applied with you, regardless of how good you are in your field of work or otherwise. One person can not handle everything alone. It becomes too heavy a burden after a while. Reconsider my words ... don't shove me away just because prior to this phone call, you haven't met me."

When all would be said and done, she would go through with her own words and do her investigation, with or - if need be - without consent. But it would definitely be easier if this person would stop being stubborn. It was frustrating enough knowing he was trying to go on about being L ... that was already pissing her off. But getting angry would definitely not get her anywhere. So she would bide her time .... wait.
Listening to the person on the other end he chuckled to himself, they were quite forceful which meant they were probably close to L. That was good, they could be made to do things using those unstable emotions. Maybe he should let this person in, if anything to have a close watch on them. He started thinking about it before resuming the conversation, "If you wish to assist the investigation, then I will allow it. However I can't allow you to join us, even if I trust you the others here in the investigation unit may not be comfortable around you. However I will not prevent you from starting your own investigation, we will endeavor to help as best we can while continuing to hold onto our anonymity."

The silence ... gods it had felt like forever. But finally, she got a reply. Biting down on her lower lip to keep a sigh of relief hidden, she felt very proud right now. Keeping her voice normal and calm, she nodded before continuing. "Perfectly understandable. All the same, thank you. Now ... is there anything you need from me, that being said?" It was tempting to avoid doing any further research whilst speaking to this ... person. But she didn't want to give too much away, especially with him doing the 'secret identity' game of sorts. This would be like a very long game of chess - or hell - maybe even a puzzle. Regardless, she would figure it out, no matter what it took.
~two days pass~

You had yet to find anything beyond the amazing record that your main suspect has. However you have found a list of those who assisted L in the investigation such as the police forces that helped him in putting certain plans into action.

The next 48 hours had been ... tiring, to say the least. Between school and now being on the Investigation Squad - as much as she could that was - it had gotten even more busier. But Suki had no regrets ... none at all. Back at her residence after a long day, she began circling all the names. If any of these were with L when he was murdered ... or knew of it or even Kira ... that can be the lead I need ...

She had definitely still wondered why she hadn't been able to find more information on Light Yagami; but without sufficient proof as to why this was the case, there was no sense - yet - at pointing fingers at him. Though it felt ... very off that he had been suspected, gotten cleared, and then all information about him seemed to up and vanish.

Looking down at the first name on the list, she looked it up on her laptop. Pulling her cell phone out, she dialed the number in and after entering the digits, hit the 'Send' button. Moving raven strands of hair behind her ear, she waited patiently.
The phone rings once,maybe twice before being answered, "Hello, who is this?" Aizawa had been feeling uneasy these past few days. First they had obtained that call from a supposed acquaintance of L, and then shortly after another of Wammy's intelligence gatherers had contacted them. He had called himself Near, but that was most likely an alias. He had also said some interesting things that had made him think these past few days.

Pausing to think how to word her introduction, she nodded after a bit. "A new member of the Investigation Squad as of 48 hours ago. I have papers with me that said you helped L out before his demise. I'm trying to figure out if before his ... murder, you were around or heard anything of whom exactly - not just Kira - but whom was taking up that role by then? But the other thing I've been especially wondering about ... is why one of your members seems to have upped and vanished. I've not been able to find anything on a 'Light Yagami' since then also. Any ideas on either of these by chance?"
Well, that was a strange thing to be greeted with. Light had not told any of them about a new partner in investigating this all, especially a woman. "Sorry but I'm not really allowed to talk about the investigation to anyone. Are you from Wammy's House with Near?" Hearing about the hidden documentation on Light had proven that she knew they were on the cause, but nothing else. "We all had our information erased, like I said I can't really speak of the investigation, however I can answer questions that don't pertain to the investigation or our identities... that you seem to already know."

Another pause came to her as she heard the words. Now ... something did feel very off. And right now, Suki wasn't liking it. "...Not even to others whom are - technically or otherwise - working with you? How am I supposed to be able to help if I'm left in the dark? Research alone can only do so much after all. And no ... I am on my own. Though with you taking the 'discreet' location, I shall as well and leave it at that." She knew that had been quite the smart ass remark given that was a bit of a lie and truth at the same time. She used to live there before she lived on her own and, as of late, she had been conversing with him. She was ready to call him after talking with this man. This all was really bothering her so damn much. While waiting for an answer, she stayed silent for any noises in the background. Maybe those could somehow help her out? Regardless, she had her own idea after this call was done, aside from contacting Near that was.
Aizawa sighed, "Yes it is quite hard to work this way, I'm not even allowed to contact my own family so I understand your frustration at our secrecy. As for helping our investigation, I assume that by being able to call me you have all the files of those working on the case. We of the task force will try to help you, but we can only do so much with the distribution of information. We are working with L on this as well but he is in charge of what we can do." He sighed, he didn't like working this way, it felt wrong. Although this whole case felt wrong, first with Kira's appearance, then L's death and now Light was in charge of it all.

A frown crossed Suki's lips as she listened. ....Unable to contact his own family? Even just to say 'Hi'? The feeling had only intensified. Someone ... was direly controlling the entire Investigation team. If he had said he couldn't talk to his family on his job, that made more sense. But to not speak to them at all? Now she was even more suspicious than before. And then ... she heard the second person this week try to mention something along the lines of working with L.

At least she knew she could speak to Near on that matter as he had acknowledged and admitted L was dead. Whomever he was really speaking about, it was not L. It was a code name, like her initial. And it was infuriating, in a way. If this other person wanted their own nickname, that was fine. But to continue to use L's? It was disrespectful. Her fists clenched as she bit on her lower lip, breathing through her nose to keep her winces of pain hidden away.

Letting herself calm down first, she began speaking after. "Yes, I do. And I find it weird that this Light Yagami character was such a vital figure in your team ... and not long after L's death, he seems to have upped and vanished. There is - in almost every source I have checked - almost nothing about him. The fact that before all this information left he was even suspected of being Kira ... " Her head shook, even if the man couldn't see it.

"None of this is adding up. I feel like I'm direly being deceived ... and I'm not really appreciating it. If this Light person was so important ... why is all the information gone, especially assuming he has nothing to hide? I'm not liking my findings ..." She had wanted so badly to add on how she was getting sick of hearing about a 'second L' but bit down on her lip. She'd keep that to herself .... for now. "So what's up? Information isn't usually distorted, especially not like this ... "
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