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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Kara knew how to get around in the dark by touch and feel. She also hear very well and kept quite her bare feet barley touching the floor as she made her way around. She kept her breathing clam so that her own fear would not give her away. {you can beat him }she told herself.
the recon team followed them both fairly well with the bug on the new jail clothes on kara and the bug germain's combo swizz knife, which was pretty handy he would to check on that later, they did a good job of tailing them what was surprising is the fact that this was almost to easy. She didn't question the new outfit and quickly put it on and for him he rushes into an office where it was just sitting there out in the open when it was the prize. He knew they had to keep moving as he was going to bet hot on there tail so he decide to add more fuel to the fire by giving the team both real and fake amno and guns. They split off and found germain running with his handy dandy knife. "Show over, boy scout." one said taking out the real gun and starts shooting at him.

The another saw kara in a hallway trying to act like a ninja "I found her!" taking out the real gun and shoot at her as well. the gunshot where loud and was aim below the waist.
Kara jumped when the first bullet wizzed by her waist. She took off with speed no one thought she would have. she was not going to let them shoot her no way on that one. She was going to get away from these creeps and at the same time get a nice layout of the place.
Germain felt bullets hitting his back and thigh, he then decided to run and dodge any traps he can. From his experience as a gangster, hexwas trained not to feel pain and just keep going. He memorized the map and locked the knife with a blind code. Not even he himself would be able to crack it.
They were hot on their tails shooting and pulling up the first traps as floors drop underneath them. Adande rolling his small two way walkie talkie one of them reported that they got the male while the female was able to run. gears turned in his head about to do with germain and kara, while kara was being overloaded with senses he was going to deny him senses.
The bullets were too excruciating for Germain that he fell down thus letting himself, reluncantly be captured by the guards.
Kara seemed to be in the lead for a bit studying the layout as she went. She soon had to drop and roll to advoid some gun fire this causing her to slow down and then she fell down a hole. She landed with a thud not seeing this trap till it was too late and she saw she was stuck. She cursed as the gaurds covered her only exit and she knew she was trapped.
Adande sighed as the guards went over to them holding their guns in place for any sudden movements. Germain was hit so they got to him first and brought him back, followed by Kara. they put them down on their knees with them hovering over them. "You two couldn't even get out of the building? their woods outside with more traps and more guards so what you see is just the beginning. All of your personal records about your life are here on this island. There really is no excape here as you can see, and people don't mind shooting to kill, thankfully I was able to settle them to shooting below the waist." he went up to Germain and looked at his wound and puts pressure on it. "So now you know, Since I have to show you and you can't just take my word for it. Even with your five minute head start, imagine trying to breakout without that. You will be dead before getting out the building. So.... what should I do will you fail and I won."
Kara just looked at him and thought to herself "boy is he wrong if he only knew what i was doing then he would not be saying i failed and he won". She knew most of the building and that people wanted to shoot to kill and their was traps. She was ready to play a new game now she was going to fight back kick a gaurd get his gun then shoot to kill as well. she was going to show the side of her that Adande has not seen yet the will to survive .
Adande got some medical treatment for germain and then thought about what to do about kara until Germain, while the guards was little bit distracted gave her the right chance to go and attack the gun out the guard grasp it just so happen that Adande back was turn messing around with things in his head, he could try brainwashing, shock treatment, man handling water boarding so many things play in his mind that the guards stood there bored waiting for new orders.
As the guards dressed the wounds, Germain sighed now what? he also began to wonder what Adande had in store for him and Kara.
Kara watched as the gaurds seem not really there and Adande seemed to be off in his own world. She did not miss her chance she fell to the floor on her side and kicked the feet out from under one gaurd and took his gun in her hands and aimed it at a gaurd and shot from on the floor just as he was drawing his weopen.
Germain heard a gunshot and grinned as he jolted right up and swung his fist knocking out the medical assisants. Two guards came but before they could open fire Germain found a nearby stone and threw it at one of the guards, the other, Germain punched him as hard as he could then threw his face against the wall. He grabbed one of the guns and extra bullet pack and headed out dispite the pain he was feeling.
Maybe it was his fault, maybe he was being so soft on them. He sighed as he went over quickly to kara and kicks her wrist with the gun before picking her up off the ground and throwing her into a wall "Get him back here now!" The guards jump to it and run after him as he walks over to her and pushes the gun away "Excuse me is there something fucked up about you? are you bad at hearing? I got to make a point out of you don't I" he wrapped his hands around her neck and looked at the gun "Oh you want to shoot me huh, well too bad," grabbing it and shoot her in the waist, "Relax these are rubber bullets, Much like the ones your friend got."
As Germain ran and fought for his life, he heard shouts of command. crap! he thought as he began shooting not knowing the bullets were rubber. When he ran out of bullets, he didn't have much time as the guards were gaining up on him so he fought them the best he could with his martial arts skills.
AS one rubber bullet hit her waist she let out a scream of pain and looked Adande dead in the face and said in a wisper "you think you can break but i wont let you i wont let anyone toy with me and my brain like what you did when i first got here ". She gave him a wicked look for just a brief second as if the mere actions of him made her fight all the more.
"Oh, really one time is enough for you huh," he aims higher and shoots her in the abdomen. Adande has done this kind of thing before. There are two way to get into someone's heart, either with compassion and kindness, or anger and regvenge. Just like how much you care for someone is positive how much you hate someone is negative it is really all the same when it comes to getting to someone. He was going to be more agressive and more violent and to get her to hate him more. This then he thought or a great way to start by embarrassment.

The guards we're able so subdue germain and brought him back to where Adande was as he was standing on top of kara holding the gun. "You guys don't fucking listen, so you know what, I'm not going to be nice." To prove his point he shot germai in the side with the rubber bullet. "I was going to nice, let this process happen naturally, you would have hated me for a few days but at the end you would feel I wasn't that bad. But now I going to make sure that you both know that you are mine now. And first all we are going to change names Looking at Germain "Your germ." and looking at kara "and your bitch,"
When Germain was pushed in, Adande shot him with a gun filled with rubber bullets at the side. He flinched in pain then growled at being called germ well if we're going to be renamed Kara I vote for him to be named ass Germain said dully, pointing towards Adande.
"Ah funny," he said coldly then shot germain in the knee cap, "Oh you going to have to think of a worst name then that germ, after this your going to dispise and loathe me more then any human can hate.
Germain winced and dobbled over in extreme pain when Adande shot his knee cap, that was where his greatest wound was. already loathe and dispise you more than the devil hates the light of day
Kara growled out in pain as she was shot in the stomach. She then growled when he said she would be renamed as bitch. She then turned to Germain and said "i think asshole is much better then ass" she made sure he heard her use his full name and not his nickname germ. "I already hate you asshole and i badly want to kill you" she said to Adande.
Adande put his hand on his chin “Let me think about that?” paused for a second or two before shooting Germain in the chest. He told one of the guards to go and get a chair for germain so he can watch and be there for more target practice. He then told another guard to go and get the equipment for kara’s next stage. He came back with a big black leather circle cut in half with traps at the bottom of it. The circle was wide enough to put a person on top of it and metal bolts on the traps. They forcefully put kara in laying her on her belly while they trapped her arms and ankles in. Adande got close to kara “You hate me that much already and I haven’t done anything yet; you’re going to wish to have it the way it is before. You been a bad bitch, but that is my fault, I thought you were already train, sadly you don’t show it so it is up to me to train you, over again, and the first thing is to always listen to who is in charge.” He then nods as the guards pull her pants down and make nasty remarks about her body. “Alright you guys can go until each of you are satisfied with her and you don’t have to worry if she enjoys it or not,” they all yelled and cheered as her rubbed her ass and lower legs.

Adande then went over to germain who was seating down in a chair, “What am I going to do with you? Huh, I guess with can start by getting to know one another. I found some interesting things about you on that laptop but the more curious question is your taste in partners. So who was that guy that was with you in those pictures huh?” he said with the gun by his face, “and don’t lie, even though these are rubber bullets they still hurt a lot from this close in.”
As Germain was forced onto the chair he struggled to get up but they were stronger. When Adande asked who the other man was in the picture on his laptop, he wanted to sack that that but when he placed the gun up at his face and though its filled with rubber bullets, having it up to the face will cause damage. Germain spit at Adande's face, "none of your buisness!"
Kara let out a scream as she was forced on her belly on the black leather circle and buckled in. She felt her bottom and pussy exposed for all to see again and she cursed under her breath. She soon felt all the gaurds touching her butt and legs and knew what was coming. she tried to get her arms and legs free but no luck. She soon felt one gaurd play with her pussy and screamed out again.
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