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The devil Within Rp (active to join)

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Soon everything goes dark, in the huge building. Adande there messing with kara g-spot and gets another phone call. He sighs as it vibrates before he quickly pulled the tape off and answer the phone pulling it on his shoulder. They talk about a man this time wanted for criminal activity and was going to be shipped to him. First of all he not a cop for the first part so he doesn't really pay much attention hardy saying anything but after hearing the words of computer hacker he ears picked up. "Really, well it's not my first time messing with computer hackers and it won't be the last." smiling while looking at kara moaning "So what do you want me to do about it I can't book anyone I'm not a cop. Well the first thing you would to do is establish contact with them first, hear demands, a lot of time people who are hacker mostly likely do it in a warm comfortable envoirment cause they don't like to get dirty,"he leaned down and licked kara clit after saying dirty. "Call me back when your done in the mean time don't turn on the back ups just yet.
Germain was mighty pleased with himself that he did a good job on blacking the place out. Before he left, he placed a code then locked the site before shutting down. He left his things there as no one would go in this place. He got up, picked his jacket up, and headed out only to find cops outside. Just my day he thought bitterly as two cops took him away to be shipped
Kara was not only moaning but screaming out in pure pleasure. When he stuck more of the sex drug inside of her and fingered her with it she came again. "oh stop i can't take more of this its turning me on way too bad". She tried harder to get out so she could saduce him like he was doing to her. The lights went out and she was stuck there in the dark and a wicked grin played across her face. She finnaly manged to get her legs free. "well now i can really play " she said quitly to herself. she slowly got up and tried to walk to the door but her body was too hot to make a run for it instead she tried finding him in the dark. When she found him she grabbed him and pulled him close to her. She gave him a nice wet kiss on the lips. She had anther wicked grin on her lips. back of her mind she wanted to meet this fellow hacker maybe he was hot and she could play with him instead of this creep.
Germain comes into Alcatraz handcuffed and with two guards on either side. You know the lights will never come on. He knew well they would torture him to get the code, try they will, he was known for keeping his mouth shut tight.
He smiled as she got a hold of him in the dark, he fumble around until he felt what he was looking for with a cold touch, "Down girl, heel." he said inbetween kissing her and slapping her ass. "This isn't for me, now I want you to listen good, if you don't I'll take you in front of your housemate and have the guard take turn getting you off. I'm going to take you with me to see the guy and I think you will like him, but I don't think you want to get stretchout out by all the guard smelling like sex and cum do you. You need to hear what I'm going to say to him and you." he kept his hand on her while squeeze rubbing and pinching her clit, he quickly moved his hand away and grab her hair pulling on it with a slight tug to get to her neck as he kissed and suck on her roughly followed by putting what he found around her neck to be a collar which a chain around it. "now keep your mouth shut, and if you want play with yourself while I talk about what you two are here for." Kissing her deeply and pulling her collar making it just tight enough to stay but loose enough for her to breath easy.
The guards had tried everything they could to turn the lights back on, but like Germain had said, no matter how long or hard they try, the lights will never turn on. Go back and get his laptop! One of the guards ordered and four men went back to retrieve his laptop. Germain couldn't help but smirk, even if they did retrieve the laptop, it would take a millenium for them to finally turn the lights back on.
Kara let out a growl of pleasure as she kissed him and he slapped her ass. She let out a moan of dissappointment as the event was coming to an end and said "but iam so hot i kinda do not care who gets me off as long as i cum real bad". She did what she was told and backed off with a sigh. she knew she should be hurting this man right but her brain was all foggy with the need to have something deep inside of her. When he sqeezed and rubbing and pinched her clit she let out more moans of pure pleasure. She closed her eyes while he kissed and sucked on her neck roughly saying "yes more give me more" . she let out a small growl of anger as she was collared like some animal "what get this thing off of me iam no pet". Try as she might she could not remove the collar and crossed her arms very angry like.
The rest of the guards pushed Germain in an empty cell temperarly, the flashlight they used flickered on and off. The one who kicked him in seemed mighty pleased when he saw Germain wince in pain because where he kicked him was a recent brusie he gotten a few moments ago before the blackout. I hope you like your stay at this luxurious prison state the one who had kicked him said with a smirk before locking Germain in.

When he knew they were long gone. Germain had a pin in his hidden pocket and a small lighter. Using what he knew from training, he placed the pin in his mouth the light the lighter then with one hand, held onto the switch and with the other, took the pin out of his mouth and started picking the lock.

Good thing it is still dark, very dark. He thought to himself paying to attention to his surroundings except for his break out.
“no, you’re not a pet you’re a human being but for now while it is dark I can’t have you running away only to get shot.” He stood up and helped her up as well walking out of the room, and goes into Germain’s cell with his cell phone as a light. Opening the cell he see germain messing with his cuffs thinking to himself that these people don’t really care what happens here as not body wants to listen to what he has to say. Gripping the chain tighter around his hand he sighs “No, no please don’t let me stop you from trying to leave here. I’m going to make this short of the both of you since people like to see me talk until I’m blue in the face without caring what happens case in point.” Pointing to kara while her being naked “There is no escape here. None, whatever plans any of you have to try and make it is false hope. No helicopter, no boat, constant surveyance, monitoring movement, military forces on the ground air and sea. This wasn’t called the prison will a lot of escapes, from it conception only 5 people have managed to show up as “missing” from this prison and they took years of planning with not nearly as much stuff to spy on them.” He then pull up a chair and sat down “What could any of you do to bust please tell me cause I would like to know. You think your stunt by cutting off power really does anything that now that the electric is gone it makes it easier to walk out of here. Do you see anyone worried, guard here would fine any excuse to kill us all here. Why, because they are trapped too. All of our personal equipment has taps on them.” While Adande is giving his talk his phone flashes and a code comes up. He looks at it and back to him hold his head in his palm, “What were you thinking away to just come to a government building and think this was going to work for you?”
Germain stops and looks up at the man. A snarl forms on his brow and lips. He looked over at the young woman named Kara, stark naked, what did he do to her? he wondered. As Germain listened, he noticed from the light of the man's cellphone, that he looked down. No, impossible, did they find the code? IMPOSSIBLE! Germain thought, his eyes widen. But even as the man said all these things, he will not admit defeat nor surrender. Give me that phone. He growled, wanting to know if they had found the code.
Kara looked at the cell phone and at Germain and said "Just leave me here please with him i want to talk with him he said code i gotta know if he is a hacker too and that cell phone looks fun". she brought up a hand to the caller and moved it around not liking the thing. She then ran a hand down her body in a very saductive manner. she stopped at her pussy and put one finger inside playing with herself cause she could not just stand there naked and all hot from the drug he put in her body. She had her other hand on her breasts letting out soft moans. She compeltely ignored all that Adande said for she could only think about the pleasure her body wanted so badly.
Germain watches hungrliy but mentally shook his head a no. If she wants to know if he is a hacker, she'll have to do harder than that.
She moaned out louder as her finger picked up speed and was joined by two. She leaned up against the cell wall playing with herself hard . she was rubbing tits with her other hand up and down making them bounce all over the place.
Germain watches Kara, getting more and more hungry. His cock was getting hard; though on the outside of his impression seems to loook calm and cool, on the inside, he was burning and screaming out to f*ck her silly.
Adande laughed a little bit "if you two want to have sex that fine," picking up his phone and calling the office "Do you want to do it with the lights on or with the lights off. if you want I could get candles maybe a dinner, no forget the dinner she pretty ready right now." walking over to kara "You want it right, I know how badly you want it but you wouldn't beg me to do it huh, well what about him? He's a good looking guy and he is just waiting for you to make the first move, all you have to do is ask him"
"didn't think you could get sex in jail, didn't think she would be okay having sex with a stranger while people watched? Or you didn't think I would know a thing or two about computer hackers and found the code on your laptop, which I had to say looked pretty impressive. Still you're not the first hacker I come across. You certainly are more balliez than the others, I must say. But again this is a government building, intellegent agency can get crypted coded from anywhere. Plus there nothing you can think of that hasn't already been thought of and plan for."
Germain cursed at himself. He had forgotten to lock and shut down his laptop. He decided to test him. What is the code? There are over 50,000 codes I put in my laptop, one of each thing i do. Which code will turn the electricity back on?
Kara felt herself get really wet and it was running down her leg . She screamed out "yea right i bet if i get my self to cum i can get this stuff out of my system i do not just fuck anyone". Her body was screaming for it and the more she played the more she wanted. She then looked at the guys standing there enjoying the sight and then she screamed out as she came. "shit iam cumming". She did not get reliefed more like it made her want even more. "shit i want more i want more i need more" she moaned out touching herself more roughly as she came down from her climax.
Germain stared coldly at the man while listening to the sweet sound of Kara touching herself. it made him precum a bit just thinking/listening.
Adande lifted his phone up "you want to test right?" putting the phone up to his ear Alright go and turn the lighs on, what what do you mean you can do it, I give this speech and you make me look like an idiot, fuck I guess I should just give up and I just messing you, I havent called anyone yet." he then texts them and after a minute or two the lights come back on with him smiling at germain then turns around to see kara "Awwe, kara you making such a mess. Jesus, what and I going to do I said you could take the edge off not make puddles everywhere. We were talking business and you have to go and distract him. Alright you want more don't you, I really should have sex with you, you might become addicted to it." he then turns to germain "Oh don't give me that look beside you know you want her more then you want to know how cracked you code. Or I can have sex with her but she going to haveto beg me for it and I won't be nice and gentle about it, I just don't want to see her suffer." He started laughing
Germain's eyes widen as the lights came back on. His fist clenched in a tight fist, he hated it when lights come on, he was a dark man, therefore, he liked dark places. Not able to keep his cool, his cuffs finally loosened as he was picking while lisening. He got up and punched the man you are a sick b@st@rd!
adande smiled and laughed even more as rubbed his face, "Yea, I'm sick. a little crazy but so are you Germain, I know your type the young kid with some dark past, can't trust anyone completely, you live by yourself and creep around at night, not because it's easy to more around? you just love the darkness, why maybe because you can't even look at yourself anymore. Their was a time when you could believe in things but not now, maybe never again. And that's why you pick seluded jobs to be away from as many people as possible, a writer. That way you can barely leave the house and a computer hacker because lets face you out on the computer all the time you where bound to pick up a thing or two.And who cause you be so dark, so sinsiter, so afraid of yourself? I'm guessing a woman. it always a woman in these cases, and you pull revenge on her first and that was fun, so you kept hacking and hacking and now you barely write because you hack all the time and reaaly just use the writer as a excuse to say to yourself I'm still me I'm still a person when we all know it a lie."

He then punched Germain in the stomach and then kick him down "You see the difference between me and you is that I aceept the fact that I'm not normal I don't cling to false hope that everything is going to be okay, tht Im not the one who change but the world when in reality you changed along with the world. You are going to know by the end of this just how sick, and deranged I can be but first, you are going to sit there and watch as kara come over her" he then turned to kara "Hey, get over here you want to f*ck right well here you go!" Adande stepped on germain's wrist.
Germain winced in pain as the man punched and kicked him and crushed his wrist. But he was wrong, it was not a woman who had made him dark, no, it was something else. He tried to remove his wrist under the man's foot but it did not work, he searched through his pockets with the other hand to see if he can find anything, he then felt his swiss army knife when he found it, he quickly removed his hand.
Kara came over like she was told and said "you men fighting aaaw i want to join in ". She was hot and she thought all the time about sex right now. If she was in her normal state she would not be so into sex right now. She looked from man to the other while touching herself. She looked at Adande and said "who said anyway i would listen to you besides can't help the fact that stupid drug turned me on so much". She was still touching herself and her legs had shiny look to it from being so wet.
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