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have you ever.

If I find someone sexy, then they're sexy for more than a day. *Shrugs*

Same question...
Once. I was REALLY drunk though and she was still sexy physically, but she was SUCH A BITCH. So glad we didn't have drunk sex.

Ever walked out of a movie because it was so terrible?
Once. *Laughs* I don't usually watch scarey movies, BUT, me and my younger sister went to see "Halloween" (I think it was the first movie, the one where the halloween masks would turn to snakes and bugs and eat the persons head..ilck!) and after only about 15 or 20 minutes into the movie, my sister was like screaming at me "I wanna go home!" *laughs* so, we left and I felt bad that it freaked her out so horribly. Normally no matter how bad a movie is though, I'll stick it through to the end.

egged or toilet papered someone's house on Halloween?
I think that was the third one. Most of the Halloween movies don't have anything to do with that.

Ever gagged in an attempt to eat something?
*Coughs* Oh, said "eat", not "sucked". Okay...hmmm.....*thinks*.....Nope. :p

"tasted" the rainbow? (What's this infatuation with rainbows you ask? Hell if I know...)
Lol I'm not sure what you mean by tasted the rainbow? xD

Ever looked at food that was placed before you and thought "is this food or a plate full of shit?"
LOL...maybe. I think that was generally the question school kids would ask when they got their tray at lunchtime. :p

cried while watching a movie?
LOL...YES, because I laugh at EVERYTHING....just nearly. :p

met anyone as silly as me? (Be nice when you answer this...)
*Keeps her serious look in tact* I think you are definately a contender for the top three! *Winks and slaps yer arse!*

got the feeling that we're the only two who ever post on this thread? :p
Yes, but I'm trying to act like a lady here. LOL

WANTED to be tackled and have your clothes ripped off?
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