have you ever.

:/ No wonder I didn't know what it was. >_> lol!

wanted to help someone but you knew you couldn't and it just made you feel "worthless" in the whole matter? :)
Oh yeah. Again, all too often. There's a lot of times that I feel worthless anyway so that's not a big stretch for me.

Ever been actively trying to get work done and find it's more difficult then when you are procrastinating?
Yeah, I suppose, maybe. (Was that a really unsubtle hint that I should leave you alone so you can get your research paper done? lol) ;)

entertained the notion that you might make a good writer?
That was not a hint, lol. I'm actually taking a break at the moment.

I have, but a writer of poetry and lyrics. I can't write stories without a partner lol.

Ever had a roleplay "hit too close to home"?
I think there is a "part" me in all of my stories, actually. Whether it's my character's physical aspects, his/her personality, or some drama they're going through? Yeah, I've had some parts be more real than just of a fantasy.

ridden a horse?
YES...and yesterday evening, we had some thunder showers here (we've been in a drought for far too long, so we're thankful for ANY bit of wetness we're given) and I almost walked out on my deck and started doing a dance, I was so happy!

found the end of the rainbow?
Lightening bugs?? Are ya kidding me? We did that all the time as kids, and I think I was even a bit.."sadistic" with them, as I not only captured them in a jar, but I would pull their little "green, lit up tails" and wear them as jewelry! LOL On my finger, it would be an emerald ring, or I'd put them on my earlobes and voilah!....emerald earrings. :p I know, I know....we were SICK little bastards! :p

kissed a frog?
I have kissed a few frogs. :/ As a little girl, I LOVED playing with frogs and I would kiss them, even. :p (And I always had a wart or two, and yet they say "frogs don't cause warts!". Whatever! ) :p Today, if I see a big old frog hopping by, I shudder as they really gross me out. :p

I have never met a person that I instantly hated. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. however, I have thought that a few people instantly took a strong disliking to me.
Hahah goodnight.

So to the next poster, have you ever had someone try to cross your 'limits' and the get upset with you when you turned them down?
I think it has happened a time or two. I try NOT to be upset, because that is kind of expected when you're in a D/s setting/relationship. The Dom will always try to expand his submissive's limits. It is how he/she grows. :)

had chocolate covered bacon?
:p No, but how funny would that be? Haha!

had sex with two different men/women on the same day?
Wow! *Grins*

Nope, I've only flown twice in my lifetime, and neither time did I hear anyone having sex... dammnit!

slicked up your body with 'baby oil' to look more sexy for your lover?
I have never worked in a restaurant, but I have worked a couple of times in a deli.

Of the opposite sex, would you say you are more "turned on" by his/her top half? Or, bottom half?
I've not ever counted them, but I suppose more than a few times. I try to be gracious and just say a simple "thank you". I believe giving someone a compliment is one of the nicest things we can do for others.

...thought you use "swear words" a bit more than you should? (In other words, are you a potty mouth?) :p
I goddamn sure as fucking hell swear a shitload. Is it too much?Not for me :p Others? Probably. The fuck I give? Can not be found.

Ever thought someone was sexy one day, then the next been "the fuck was I thinking?"
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