have you ever.

I am 87% luck according to my friends. And my acting skills have allowed us to avoid trouble with police officers (for minor infractions like driving with too many people in the car) a few times.

Have you ever been really really jealous of a friend?
Yes in regards to their math skills. I'm an English kinda guy, I like it when there is not 1 solitary answer but many answers, needless to say I hate math because of that and the majority of my friends were in advanced math classes. My boyfriend's job completely revolves around math and when they get into a math conversation I just sit there going "Duuuuuhhhhhh O_O"

Have you ever licked a telephone poll in winter?
Twice. And in front of other students who vouched for me that it was self defense.

Ever thought about dying your hair blood red? If so ever once thought "I really wonder if actual blood would work as hair dye?"
No. I'd love to though. Big ones, with them bent over so they hang down. Zehehehe.

Have you ever thrown up because of something you watched in a T.V. Show or movie?
Oh no no no! I HATE throwing up, so before I would do that, I'd just stop watching whatever it was that was making me want to do that. I fight throwing up so hard because I can't handle doing it! :(

Have you ever touched a snake?
Nooo! Are you kidding??? :O I'm terrified of spiders!

Ever walked into a spider web and hoped to God that the damn spider wasn't anywhere near the part you walked into?
No, but I touched a HUGE Python at a drive-thru zoo once. That was good enough for me, I didn't need to hold the thing!

Have you ever tied a string to a June bug and let it fly all around you?
No. When I was a turd I saw a cartoon in New Yorker where a couple was eating frogs' legs in a restaurant and a bunch of frogs in tiny wheel-chairs just sat there watching them. Ruined me for frogs' legs for life!

Have you ever voluntarily had sex, fully in the knowledge you really didn't want to (just then)?
Nope. I'm still a virgin, but my boyfriend is very understanding about that.

Have you ever screamed at the top of your lungs out of frustration?
Yup! Did it in grade 3 with my science class. We also got to smash open coconuts he bought 8D

Have you ever thrown up out the window of a moving vehicle?
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