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have you ever.

No actually but if you can explain what that is.

Have you ever:
Talked someone out of suicide but in reality you dont believe your own words? For example: "It will get better" and you feel that it wont?
A sheath party is when you get together with other horse owners and umm.. *blushes* you teach them how to get the male horses to 'drop' so you can clean their sheaths/intimates... :blush:

Yes and no. Yes I talked him out of suicide, but I did and still do believe what I said.

Have you ever had to explain something sexually intimate/awkward in detail, to a total stranger?
Yep, I have often done my best to be transparent and informative about sex, safety and the myths of sex with young people who have been misinformed. It's actually more awkward if I had to do it to a family member or a friend of a family member yunno

Have you ever talked down someone threatening to attack you/get someone to attack you/your friends in public?
^ Yes I have and it always works because I tend to crack a joke or two and lighten the mood.

Have you ever: Liked when someone talked about sex even though you happen to be a complete stranger?
I like it when anyone talks about sex. lol.

Have you ever sex texted with more than one person at a time?
Nope, can't say i have sexted more than 1 person at a time. Would that be a text3way?

Have you ever masturbated while talking to someone either online, or on the phone and they were clueless?
No. My few friends tell me I'm too blunt, but I prefer honesty over tact.

Have you ever felt so awful that you forgot to eat all day and didn't eat until night because someone reminded you of food?
Yes, but only unintentionally and after correcting the mistake. Sometimes I don’t read the calendar right.

Have you ever asked a friend to take down a picture that wasn’t so flattering? Freedom to be a dink, after all, has a price and it’s many times evidence, like a picture, of having had a bad idea. I say freedom for bad ideas! For how shall good ones be born without exploration? Screw those who judge me without context or understanding – not that I’m referring to anything specific here in my own life. Um, yeah…
No. I am who I am and selfies have never been a priority. I'm the last generation to know life before computers and selfies.

Have you ever forgotten where your keys were and an hour later you realize they were in your pocket the whole time?!
I haven't ever done this, but my brother has.

Have you ever quit a job with out notice? Why did you quit?(completely optional to answer the second question)
Yes I quit my job in the laundry room of the Holiday inn because it was my high school job. I graduated and went a week later into the Air Force at Lackland AFB, San Antonio Tx.

Have you ever just let loose to post and enjoyed it so much that you ended up writing a giant wall of words when you'd finished?
I do that every day! Some dont like that I do.

Have you bought Lingerie because thought you looked nice in it home tried it on and almost cried cause you think it looks terrible?
Yes totally. My most vivid memory was buying a teddy, planning to spend time with my first boyfriend. But I got it home and it didn't quite work, my body measurements were wrong. *sigh* I cried. The memory still stings.

Ever spent too much shopping and then have to return something so you could pay your bills?
No. I usually pay my bills first and then I'm too broke to shop.

Have you ever; bought things from the market, mall, or shopping area got to checkout and realized your eyes were bigger than your bank account?
^ Yes. I had a shit ton of money and this guy wanted Guitar Hero sooo bad but he said he'd have to save up alot for it. I told him to come with me and pick out which one he wanted. He was soooo happy. I was happy I could make a random person happy.

Have you ever: Wished someone would do the same to you that you do to them? Ex: Be treated right?
Yeah, a whole lately actually. I haven't been in a decent relationship like ever, and I'm just craving a good relationship where my kindness and caring are returned to me ten fold.

Have you ever ran out in the middle of sex with someone? Like because you felt guilty.
No, I'd wait till it was over and then cry... Im emo like that...

Have you ever: Wished you could go back in time... and change anything bad that happened between you and someone else?
Yes. Mostly dogs and cats. Oh, and people too!

Have you ever had sex with someone, without knowing their name?
LOL I live that life all the time. But since I found a simi BF now I cant go back to that but the answer is Yes

Have you ever: Had a song on repeat for what seems like ever and you dont care?
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