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have you ever.

No. I have however attempted and failed at an indoor rock wall.

Have you ever had an allergic reaction?
Yes. Bees and poison oak. The latter in conjunction with sex on a large rock by the river...

Have you ever been so drunk that you don't know how you got to your bed at the end of the night/morning?
Yes, mostly squirrel. I only ever hunted for eating, not for sport though.

Have you ever had a dream where you went through an entire day of work/school, only to wake up and realize it was all a dream, and the day hasn't even started yet?
Not dive, per se, but jumped off one while hang gliding. Much more fun than parachuting!

Have you ever been somewhere you didn't speak the language and no one spoke what languages you knew?
Nope, that never happened to me. I went to Italy, the Netherlands and Croatia. Everyone I've met could speak english.

Have you ever needed to describe what you were trying to say to someone on your vacation?
Yeah... *Sigh*

Have you ever had food spilled on you and a person licking it off without your permission?
No, but I have heard a co-worker start to sing the campfire song, and found myself singing a line from it as well.

Have you ever gotten dressed and realized you were wearing someone else's clothes?
Yup. Although, only as exciting as socks :p Oh, well, a T-shirt too...

Have you ever gotten off to someone else's avatar on this site?
Well.... a few minutes after new years eve was over last year(minutes into this year's January), I saw someone got hit in the face and started to bleed. "Ha! First Blood!" was my immediate thought.

Have you ever had cream on meat?

Are you speaking metaphorically? 'Cause cream on meat makes me think of sex.

Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Many many times. I remember I was taking a test in high school and for some reason my body decided 'Gee, this is the perfect time to rip ass'. It didn't help that it echoed when it happened. I wasn't just crying, I was practically on the floor laughing.....the teacher wasn't amused to say the least haha

Have you met someone that makes you feel like every day is a blessing?
Nope. Though I've been on the verge a few times. I managed to stay awake all through school. Though there were some classes that I could have gotten away with it.

Have you ever given someone a hickey?
Lol surpsingly no. Only you would ask that Rauk.

Have you ever had sex in public irl?
Yes. Got tapped by an SUV at a stop light. I was too short and they didn't see me. I thank many years of ninjutsu training that I rolled away from that with only a scratch on my elbow.

Have you ever been busted for carrying something for someone else and no one believed you when you said it wasn't yours?
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