All righty. Well, I think the war idea is something we can easily go with. Perhaps Tara is on the brink of war. Maybe they've already been infiltrated to a point, but aren't fully aware so it's just a matter of when the outsiders decide to show themselves. But for the sake of making things a bit easier, we can say that there are some already present in Tara. As for the 'other pirates from across the sea', I think those can come into play at any point and that it would be plausible for such a thing to occur as well. I mean, Tara isn't overly large and they are still undergoing explorations. So, for others to be doing their own explorations isn't outlandish and is more than likely in my own opinion. Plus, as mentioned, it would be nifty to see a pirate fight somewhere along the line. XD
Now, for an uprising. Hrmm... well, with wars comes unrest. Yes? So, perhaps we can have use this angle even still, though maybe down the line a bit more. Build up to it, so to speak. Depending on how the war affects things will depend on how the uprising occurs. Whether it's corrupted politics, disparity of classes or something else or even a mix of a few things, I think we might have to see how things play out a bit. But I still think it might be something to keep in mind. Thoughts?