The World as it Is (Pokemon RP; NSFW)

Though the size difference between Arc and Eva was going to make the traditional mating position of their kind awkward, the male was not about to let that stop him for claiming the fruits of his labor. The humanoid arcanine pulled his hips back spread his legs apart to lower himself closer to the ground while he used his strength to hoist Eva's ass just a little farther up into the air until the two of them were at level with one another. The end result left the both of them in an even more awkward position than before, but Arc could not care less about how comfortable either of them were. All that mattered to him was that Eva was now in the perfect position to be taken by him.

With the scent of Eva's heat hanging so thickly in the air, Arc knew that she was as ready for him as he was for her. Armed with that knowledge, he thrust his hips forward and buried the full length of his ten inch member inside of the espeon's virgin lips. There was no gentleness to the act and there was no regard to Eva's well-being. Perhaps if she had simply allowed him to come this far willingly then she could have talked him through a gentle entry but as is was, she had fought back and stirred the beast inside of the arcanine.

In one swift motion, Eva's virginity had been shattered in a manner that could only be described as animalistic and brutal. To make matters worse, she was given no time to adjust to these new sensations, or to the size of the invading member, before Arc began to roll his hips back and forth in a rhythmic motion. Each time that he pulled out, he would leave only two or three inches of himself buried inside of the female morph's cunt before he would slam himself forward again with the same brutality with which he had entered her. With each motion, the male's package, covered in a thick coat of velvet-like black fur, slapped vocally against the female's thighs.
Eva's body was adjusted, her hips lifted upward. Her shoulders were still against the cement, her trembling knees pulled up to hold her ass in the air as he slipped behind her. Her desire to escape was overridden by her exhausted muscles. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, preparing herself mentally as she felt his cock slide down over the soft skin of her ass and rest against her sex. No matter how much she prepared herself, though, she wouldn't have expected the next sensation.

Pain. Unimaginable pain.

Evangeline's scream echoed throughout the room, broken only by the thrusts knocking the air from her lungs. Her body twisted at her hips, her arm swiping back at him, claws dragging against his thigh but never quite finding purchase, leaving mere welts as he thrust in and out of her, slamming every inch of his cock against her cervix, threatening to break her. Evangeline's body rocked against the ground with each slam of his hips against hers. Her high pitched yelps created a cacophony of surprise and ache. Her tears fell wantonly from her sparkling blue eyes.

Each new thrust brought with it a slowly rising sensation that started in the pit of her stomach.. a pleasure, an addictive pleasure, that began slowly to mix with and consume the aching pain. Evangeline's breath was ragged, strangled with the feelings coursing through her body at his behest.
Under normal circumstances, Arc would have been concerned about the screams that were roaring out of Eva's throat and echoing through the basement. The cries of the espeon woman could have certainly been heard upstairs and, perhaps, the floor beyond that where the family slept. If she woke anyone else up, if there even was anyone else there to awaken, then this would be over. Of course, these were not normal circumstances. Eva's scent had long pushed Arc over the edge that separated the 'man' from the 'animal'. Besides, Arc had completed his task and made Eva his mate, so that would not have mattered. Still, the transformed arcanine did not wish to just stop mating with Eva until he had 'finished' with her. It had been too long already since he last felt that particular surge of pleasure.

The arcanine's instinct drove him onward; continuing to repress that human part of him inside that had been cautioning him against this from the beginning. His hips continued to work against Eva's, filling the room with the scents and sounds of sex as Eva's juices mixed with his own natural musk and Arc's package smacked against the espeon's thighs with each forceful thrust that the large and powerful male forced against Eva's smaller frame.

As Arc continued to violate the shattered virgin, he used his hold on her hips to increase the force of his attack. He began to move her, opposite of his own movements, so that the momentum of the both of them could be invested into each thrust. As he pulled out, he pushed Eva away, and as he pushed forward, he pulled the small-framed espeon back into his toned body. Arc knew that the act would only cause Eva more pain, but it was all that he could do to keep his effort focused on the rhythm of their mating. What tiny shred of sentience that was left on the surface of Arc's conscious was holding onto that rhythm and focusing on it so that this act would not revert to a fully instinctual act on his part. If that happened, he would certainly cause more unnecessary harm to Eva similar to the bite wound that he'd left on the female morph's neck and shoulder.
The Espeon's cries died into softer yelps after a time, her voice never reaching beyond the large doors that had swung closed with finality behind them. This was a place to train, a place to scrap; it was meant to keep the sounds of such activities from bothering any other patrons of the house, and to Eva's relief and her sorrow, it did exactly that. Her thoughts circled her mind and fell back away, and the brief whispers in her head made the desires of her body much less obvious. She wanted someone to catch them--to stop them. She wanted Ilana to walk back through those doors and call him away.

But she also didn't. There was that part that didn't want to be seen like this. There was that part of her who would be mortified, forever, to have to be saved. There was also that part of her that was starting to want it--that part that, despite the aching, enjoyed the feeling of helplessness. There was a dark part of her that was overcome by vanity at the fact that she was so desirable in such a short time that he would resort to this.

His fingers on her skin adjusted, sliding around her hips to hold them more thoroughly before he began to force her body to move with his. The young girl's body began to rock violently against the cold floor, causing her breasts against it to drag her hardened nipples back and forth across the chilly surface. Soft squeaks began to echo with her moans as he caused this unwitting new agony to intertwine with that of her cervix being bruised repeatedly by his thrusts. Her arms shifted, she slowly rose to a more upright position with her head still bowed toward the ground in order to relieve this feeling. With that came the advent of her breasts swinging from each movement as he forced her body to shake with the impact of their hips together.

From this angle he slipped against her most sensitive areas, his package brushing her clit and his cock sliding against her g-spot. That small sensation of pleasure skyrocketed, making her arms shake as she held herself upright. She tilted her head back and let out a soft, broken moan of sudden encouragement.


Ilana stopped her bike at the edge of the road and slid off of it. The rock that he had laid on was not more than 50 feet ahead and she figured here was as good a place as any to try that little trick Arc had suggested to her. The young girl's hair had been slowly blown dry in the sunny day's wind, the black mass looking a little less straight and more waved and curled than usual because she hadn't brushed it thoroughly this morning. Her eyes shimmered with an excitement that overcame the vast amount of irritation and jealousy that she felt toward someone having two pokemorphs before she had them--a second documented case, which meant she was falling behind the curve. The fact that, even if they were someone else's, she was going to set eyes on two new pokemorphs, made her mood nothing but positive.

The young girl reached into her back and pulled out the small tuft of fur, holding it in her fingers as she let the soft breeze carry whatever scent it was going to put off. The sun was warm on her skin and Ilana's hair absorbed its heat as she stood in the center of the path. Her mind drifted back to Evangeline and how she would probably be scolded for leaving without telling the other girl when she got home. Ilana's ideas of what might be happening were far more innocent in nature than what actually was.

It wasn't going to be a short wait, she suspected, so she settled herself down in the cut grass near the edge of the path and put her headphones into her ears, leaving the music playing over them at a low volume to avoid being addressed and not noticing. She closed those pretty ice-blue eyes and drifted off into her sea of thoughts, not unaware of the outside world but certainly not paying the largest amount of attention to her surroundings, either.
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