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The World as it Is (Pokemon RP; NSFW)

The removal of the collar would go much farther in reducing the static between Ilana and her new arcanine than she could ever hope to imagine. The agreement to sleep in the wing was a little drastic for Arcanine's taste but he did understand her reasoning behind it. Besides, Arcanine saw a way to twist this agreement in his favor so that he would gain a great benefit from it in exchange for the need to sleep indoors at night. He did not see any reason that Ilana would not agree.

"I will agree to these terms on one condition. My kind are rare, as I am sure you know, and to find us in the wild is even more extraordinary. If I am to be expected to sleep indoors until a second wild pokemorph can be captured then Evangeline will serve as my companion in the meantime. I understand that a primped and cared for pokemon such as her will not have any interest in sleeping outside at night so I will stay in the wing with her nightly if you desire. If I have the urge to nap out in the sun during the day, however, she will accompany me so that I may. That request is fair, is it not?"

As Arcanine spoke, his arm remained in place in front of the little human girl. He waited patiently for the collar to be removed now that he and his new trainer had reached an agreement on the status of Arcanine's freedom. He would be allowed to wander as he needed, so long as he had someone with him and he would have an excuse to spend alone time with Evangeline. Though this wasn't what the male morph had had in mind initially, this was truly even better than he could have hoped, save the sleeping indoors at night.
Ilana shrugged her shoulders, the only problem with that plan was that she wasn't going to order Evangeline to do anything or risk herself needlessly on his napping whimsies. "You'll have your own room at night, but I'll request she escort you so you can nap freely in the grass during the day. I'm sure she won't mind." Ilana took that to mean it was resolved and moved to remove the clasp on the Pokemorph's wrist, releasing it with a pass of the ring over its release clasp that was barely noticeable and taking it into her hand.

She sighed, shaking her pretty head back and forth before turning and heading back for the stair well with a gesture, "I'll show you your room." She took the stairs two at a time, bouncing up toward the top of them as she glanced down afterward, her damp hair curling extensively as it attempted to dry.

She led him up to the East Wing, passing her own bedroom where she knew Evangeline had gone to dry off and change. The only bathroom up here was connected to her bedroom, which might cause a little bit of awkwardness now that she had caught a male, but Ilana's father hadn't cared to add an extra bathroom when he tacked on all her little rooms for her new abode. She opened a door to a room right across from hers and Eva's, fairly spartan in its decor but with a nice dresser and a comfortable bed. She had chosen this room, with the large window that reached the ground. It was the closest she had to an outdoor room, so it seemed appropriate.

Once he had been freed, the arcanine followed closely behind Ilana as she led him to his new bedroom. He hadn't been able to see it before through his blind hatred, but Ilana wasn't bad looking for a human girl. She was smaller than Evangeline, and not nearly as radiant, of course, but still not bad to look at. If he had to be captured, at least it had been by a cute female trainer, he supposed. Male pokemon, much like a prized racehorse, required just a little extra 'care' to keep them in tip-top shape and being a pokemorph, there was a trace of human vanity in him that would have prevented a male trainer or a regular pokemon from fulfilling that need.

When the pair reached his bedroom, arcanine did not so much as look inside. He didn't much care what his room looked like because he would be spending as little time indoors as he could manage. Besides, there was another matter that needed resolved first. Instead, his eyes remained fixed on Ilana.

"It has been a long time since I was last captive," he spoke in a much warmer tone that he had used with Ilana before. "I have minimized my human contact in the years since my transformation and have no given name. Even when I was captured before, the family only addressed me as Growlithe or Arcanine. Are you going to give me one or are you going to dance around the subject and address me directly when there is no one else around that you could be speaking to?"

As he had done in the basement, the arcanine crossed his arms over his chest in a rather stand-offish fashion. He did not want to give this human girl the wrong idea. He did not care about her or her goals but he would keep the peace between them if it increased his chances with Evangeline. After all, the chances of him finding another morph in the wild to spend 'quality' time with was slim.
Ilana blinked and glanced back at him as he took his standard power-pose, towering over her as he caught her off guard with what was normally a very mundane question. She had named Evangeline with a game when they were both much smaller, and she doubted such a silly catch game would entertain someone as proud and powerful as a fully grown--or at least she hoped he was fully grown--Arcanine.

"I hadn't considered that you didn't already have one and were just keeping it from me." She admitted, turning herself to face him as she leaned against the doorframe with her hands behind her, the moon giving a silver outline to her curvaceous chest. Her blue eyes caught the light and reflected it with dazzling effect. Her hair was illuminated with a clear silver halo, the black strands becoming pools of liquid shadow in the dark hall and room, since no lights had been left on when she had started down. Ilana was a moon child, and she looked best at night.

"Would you like to choose a name to be called by, or would you like me to give you one? Eva and I both just collaborated on one for her, but we were both much younger than we are now, so I give you leave to decide how you would best like to be addressed." Not a word of it was harsh or condescending, although it was painfully formal. Ilana speaking in any other way seemed a foreign concept. She never looked away or avoided his gaze, and her posture never slumped or shied away from any fight. She radiated confidence equal to his, and an arrogance to match, but in a smaller--much smaller--package.
Though the arcanine hated to acknowledge it, Ilana really did look quite attractive there in the moonlight. This was one of the things that he hated most about being fully sentient and, in a sense, half human. He wanted to hate this girl so badly but as she stood there, looking as beautiful as a star-lit night sky, he just couldn't. He was a pokemon and he knew that he shouldn't find humans appealing but he couldn't help it. Even if Alana was no match for Evangeline, she was still gorgeous and she appealed to his male urges all the same. Perhaps it was time to introduce Ilana to the special care that males required.

"You are the trainer," he said very matter-of-factly. "It is your duty to pick the names of your partner pokemon. In fact, you have a handful of duties that you are expected to perform as a pokemon trainer and while Evangeline does not hold you to them because she idolizes you, I will expect them to be carried out."

The arcanine uncrossed his arms and held one arm out, resting it against the wall and cutting off Ilana's route back into the hall. If she wanted to get away from him, she would have to move into the room that she had just designated as his. "Food and shelter are very basic needs and it certainly seems that you have those under control. You've given me the freedom that I need to wander and train. You've even given me a space of my own - unexpected but appreciated. The only thing that I am concerned about is how healthy you ensure yourself to keep your partners. Unlike Evangeline, I am male, and I will require an additional piece of care. You do know what I am referring to, don't you?"

The tall male pokemorph's eyes were locked on Ilana's. The look in them would have surely let the girl know, if she was aware of what he was talking about, that he was entirely serious on this matter. Of course, any serious pokemon trainer would have gotten the hint and known how important it was to maintaining a male's stamina and performance. Arcanine was willing to bet that Ilana had no taken this into consideration when she had caught a male morph. If she did, perhaps she had intended for Evangeline to handle that aspect of the fire pokemorph. He would not argue if that were the case.
"If you'd be alright with me naming you, then I suppose we can go with something simple like .. Arc? You seem like the kind of boy who doesn't want a ton of syllables. Evangeline liked her name long." She didn't know how to feel particularly comfortable with giving a sentient creature names without any input from them. She could hear the sound of Evangeline cleaning her room across the way where the light slipped out from under her door into the dark hallway.

He leaned forward, his body blocking her view of the hall as his hand came across her escape and held the door frame. He was suffocating her with how close he was. Her eyes met his, confused by the intensity within them as she felt her body react to his heat but couldn't identify exactly why. She felt unbearably warm, and her breath stopped unwittingly without any input of her own.

Her eyebrows raised, the idea of what he was inferring was not coming across to the girl. As a young woman with a record of exactly 0 physical exploits, the thought he was trying to convey wordlessly was not possible to get across without saying it aloud. She stood expectantly, her blue eyes staring at him with the silver highlights emphasizing every curve on his adequately muscled body. Her body motion was clearly asking for him to be perfectly straight forward, annoyed with him for dancing around the subject.
However annoyed that Ilana was that 'Arc' was beating around the bush, he was equally annoyed that this girl dared think herself a great trainer when she could not pick up on the hints that he was dropping so clearly. While the terms of servicing male pokemorphs weren't something that the Pokemon League was prepared to deal with in the public light, it was something of a large issue of ethics that took place in the backrooms of many League establishments. Some claimed that sentience meant that servicing male pokemorphs was a true sexual act and that sex with a pokemon, even a sentient one, should be a violation of some bestiality law. Others claimed that sentience gave them a right to choose and love who they wished and that if they wished to mate with a human in any way, shape, or form, that the two consenting sentient had that right. In this sense, Team Plasma had created a political nightmare.

A great sigh passed through Arc's lips before he gave another shot at explaining this. "Male pokemon need to be serviced in special ways, Ilana," he said in a calm tone, using her name for the first time in an attempt to appeal to her. "These special services are things that you could only ever do to a male - hence why Evangeline does not need this kind of care. To males, it is akin to the act of mating. You must see to it that your males are serviced regularly to relieve stress and ensure that everything is working properly. Without this care, it cannot be assured that we can function at our highest peak of performance."

He was sure that Ilana would understand what he was talking about now. He was also sure that she would be disgusted and appalled at the concept. Sure, being self-aware meant that Arc could 'service' himself but such an act was not as fulfilling as the proper way of doing things. If this girl wanted to be a trainer then she was going to need to take the bad with the good. With the right to train pokemon, came the responsibility to care for them.
Ilana's cheeks turned crimson, a mirror of the way Evangeline had looked at him earlier but with far more indignance in those sparkling blue eyes. She did step away into his room, putting immediate distance between them, storming away like he had suggested she might murder her young before she turned on him, her curls flying over one of her shoulders with the momentum as her knitted eyebrows furrowed and her sharp eyes glared at him, "I find that incredibly stupid." It was a simple statement, her arms crossing over her chest as she glowered at him, "You're no less sentient than a human and you have a hand. Moreover," Her hands moved to her hips as she leaned forward, her voice low so as not to bother Eva with this callous chatter, "A woman has the same damn needs. You do fine in the wild without a hole to bury yourself in; you aren't any less capable when you don't have it, so you can act like a fucking man and earn a girlfriend." She was hissing the words now, so enraged by the very thought of the entitlement a male had to have to even consider that it was their right to have a woman. If he thought for a moment that she'd just offer Evangeline to him to deal with his perceived problems, he was out of his damn mind.

Her hair was coming loose with how much she was gesturing, making the whispered words seem like screams. Her curls fell into her face, obscuring her vision and giving her a ragged look of a woman who had been tossed about. Her eyes were wild, flashing with anger. She took a deep breath and stood up straight, shaking her head, reigning in the anger she felt as she stared at him in the doorway. Her fingers flexed as if she had claws she needed to rake over his back and tear him to shreds.

She raked her fingers through her hair instead, pushing the wayward curls back away from her face as she took a deep breath of calming air. Her body was stretched out for a brief moment, the tank-top raising high to display her flat white tummy before her hands dropped back to her sides, "To put it plainly: No. No, you will do what you need to do and expect no help along from Eva unless you properly quart her and she agrees."
Arc just scoffed at Ilana's reaction, not that it had surprised him. While the pokemon side of him knew that it needed the services of a female to ease the additional stress brought on from living in captivity, the human side of him understood why Ilana might be so upset by his insinuations. Being all human, Ilana could not hope to understand the needs of Arc's pokemon nature. Maybe if Evangeline had been wild, Ilana would have already have ways of dealing with this, but the Espeon seemed to have been born into human captivity.

"In the wild, these needs aren't as important," Arc spoke in a quite tone, also not wanting to alert Evangeline of the discussion happening across the hall. "I am not like Evangeline, whom you are accustomed to working with and whom you have been training with for years. While I used to be captive, I was wild before that and have been wild since my change. When a pokemon has been in the wild for extended periods of time, working closely with you trainers can put a lot of mental stress on us and mating, along with similar acts, helps to relieve that stress. I can tell you from experience that these hands are hardly a substitute."

Strangely, Arc was not raising his voice or talking down to Ilana as he had done in the basement. Now that the little human had removed his collar, he was willing to work calmly and rationally with her. Rather than make demands, he was prepared to explain himself, to learn, and to teach.

"This is not an issue exclusive to me," he continued. "Any wild pokemon that you capture from here on out are going to have the same needs to help them cope with such a drastic life change. While you are right in female pokemon having the same needs, those needs come along only during their mating cycles. For males, it is a much more constant issue."

"Further more, I said nothing of expecting Evangeline to aid me with this. You are my trainer and this is your responsibility - be it through release from your own actions or the actions of a suitable partner assigned to the duty. To be frank, I would prefer Eva not to be assigned to such a task unless she truly wished it. I had already planned to pursue her as a potential mate. If it was not for her, I would have been out of here the moment that you removed that accursed collar."
The ominous air was crackling between them. She was horrified doubly by his suggestion that she should do this for him and the idea that he would pursue her Evangeline while even thinking that was enough to make the girl want to slay him where he stood. The animosity was palpable, her upper lip snarling. This was flagrant abuse and backward thinking, and she wouldn't stand for it. "You're daft!" Her formality had disappeared at the instant, her eyes flashing violently.

"You're a big boy--go find someone to rut in the woods. If you just need something better than a hand, I'm sure I could purchase you a very good blow-up doll." She was trying so hard to maintain some form of dignity that when she stood up straight with her hands in front of her body, looking prim and proper with her hair a mess, she was the most regally disheveled princess the moonlight could have ever silhouetted with the window at her back.

"And anyway, you're out of your mind if you think you'd be having sex with someone else and be pursuing Eva. How dare you even suggest it!" That time, she was acting a bit naive as she considered it. Sure, Eva had shared her life with her since they were both kids and they even rarely slept apart, the habits of their relationship from children just growing up with them, but they were both young women now and Ilana had no real idea if Eva cared if her partner was promiscuous or not. Ilana, on the other hand, cared a great deal. The half-assed excuse that he seemed to have--that his mental stress couldn't be carried without someone to fuck--left her speechless.

"Nevermind. That's Eva's call to make," She backpedalled, rounding on her train of thought as her hand raised to the bridge of her nose. "We had a deal, and while I completely understand that a real hole is better than your hand, that's the way relationships work. You work for something and get it. If you like Evangeline, you can work for it and earn the upgrade." She was talking about it like it was a part of a technological piece of equipment, formalizing it so she didn't have to think about the lewd nature of what she was speaking, even if her cheeks were painted with the proof of it.

"This is your responsibility as a sentient male. If you are still an animal, I can get you a pokemon. I'm sure I can find one big enough to accommodate you." She hadn't been commenting on the size of his member, but rather his stature, although the way it sounded made her blush extend further across his face, "If you want someone like me or Eva, you'd better get to being a hell of a lot more charming."
It was quite clear now that Ilana could not be reasoned with. She was human and had always been human, where he was a pokemon who had only been granted a sense of 'humanity' in recent years. There was no hope of her understanding the surprising fragile mental states of pokemorphs who combined human-like intelligence and sentience with raw animalistic instinct. Even Evangeline, who was a pokemorph herself, would not fully be able to understand him because it did not seem as though she was ever wild. Both this little master and her life-long companion were going to be in for quite the wakeup call when they discovered their next pokemorph. It would probably make this arcanine look like a delightful peach with the etiquette of a queen's guard.

"You have made your point quite clear," Arc said flatly while stepping further into the room that would be his and advancing toward the window. "You should know, however, that this has been common practice for as long as humans and pokemon have been working together. Males take extra care, but with that extra care comes greater reward. We are larger and stronger than our female counterparts - at least that is the case with most breeds, my own included. If you ever hope to go to the heights of the league championship then you will need to swallow your pride and see that they are properly tended to."

Once he was at his window, he searched for a way to open it. It didn't take him more than a few moments to find the lock and open the glass panel to let some fresh air into the room. Once he had done this, he sat himself down on the window sill facing Ilana.

"Alternatively, I would advise you collecting female morphs to whom you are not attached for this purpose or marching into the League with a team comprised of female pokemorphs exclusively. To the latter, I wish you luck in scouring the world for wild pokemorphs of any specific type. Your goal will not be easy and it is going to put in one of those troublesome 'take what you can get' situations."

Maybe Ilana didn't notice because she was so flustered, but this pokemorph knew an awful lot about the guidelines for training and the Pokemon League to have been wild. In reality, he had been his old owner's prized show-stopper for Pokemon Contests. It wasn't a part of his history that he was particularly proud of, so he didn't bring it up. Even back then, back before he was 'awakened', as Team Plasma had put it, he would have rather been fighting than showing off and jumping through rings of fire.
Ilana blinked as a sudden realization came over her that he was referring to a simple, almost folk-tale idea that a male Pokemon performed better after a good boffing. Her brother had explained to her the concept a while ago, probably a few years, in jest. He commented that some trainers had done it to hopefully give their beasts an edge over the better trained competition, but it rarely helped cover the gaps and sometimes made the beasts more drowsy. Since Pokemon weren't an unintelligent breed of animals, their ability to communicate clearly proven, the very idea of servicing them was highly suspect to some trainers, her family included. The idea was so ludicrous that Ilana almost laughed, but caught herself before making the incredibly rude gesture and provoking him further.

"I see." She refrained from insulting him by asking if that was what his previous trainers had done to him, and that was why he was so well-informed and, nay, insistent on the treatment now--a treatment that no other Pokemon nor Pokemorph would usually consider their right--especially not one who had been wild all its life and knew nothing but the feral caress of nature. "Your hand will do just fine to relieve your stress. If it pleases you, you can pretend its mine." The very idea was a little more lewd than she wanted to think about. She half-assedly attempted to calm herself by considering that he probably had little attraction for her anyway, and that it would certainly be Eva's hand he fancied, but that unsurprisingly did not deter her embarrassment at all.

With the moon at his back and nothing but a silhouette of dark shadows and highlights of silver, he was certainly a work of art. It wasn't as if he'd have any problem seducing a woman if he set his mind to it, so Ilana's sympathy didn't extend far. If he was proper with her, Eva could easily fall hard for him, she was sure. Though Ilana's natural distrust and jealousy welled up in the pit of her stomach, she stomped it down, silencing the voices that told her to get rid of him before he drove a wedge she couldn't repair between herself and her best friend. She didn't know what she was more jealous of--the fact that Evangeline might start paying more attention to someone besides herself, or the fact that she was so much excess garbage, just a servant meant to fulfill some twisted need for contact while he fantasized about her best friend.

Ilana suddenly, for the first time in her life, felt self-conscious.

It was a consuming pain that gnawed at her stomach, willing her to bow her head. She didn't listen to its cries, keeping her chin high and her gaze locked solidly with his until she deemed it appropriate to close her eyes and turn herself toward the door to exit, with a soft but curt, "Good Evening."
The archaic practice that Ilana's family was so eager to scoff at did have its places in the annals of trainer history. Though her family was justified in their jest at the expense of the practice, as it was not something that was guaranteed to work an did, on occasion, cause ill effects, it did work in some cases. Arc was one such case. Though he would not argue the details of whether or not he had enjoyed the treatment back then, it did beg the point that he had been free since he had transformed. He had learned that his hand did not yield the same results but it was entirely possible that the transformation interfered with his body in a way that would prevent his body from drawing power from the act.

As Ilana moved to exit the room, Arc did not return her farewell. In fact, he did not even watch her exit. Instead, he turned himself around in the window sill so that he was facing out over the grasslands on the outskirts of Pallet Town with his legs hanging outside of the window. It would have been easy for him to leap from the window and run. Evangeline wouldn't be able to catch him in a hundred years with the Extreme Speed techniques being something of a specialty of his. All arcanine could use the techniques but being bipedal seemed to give him an edge when using them. Of course, that edge really only shined in a fight but that was besides the point.

His freedom was right there, staring at him from across the grasslands, and yet he did not pursue it. He could not help the feelings burning in his gut that told him to stay and get better acquainted with the espeon girl. Even at the cost of true freedom, he would remain in hopes of developing some kind of connection with the female pokemorph. Due to their rarity, it was highly unlikely that he would find another female in the wild and even if he did, he doubted that she would have the same glow about her as Eva did.

Arc hoped to see Eva again that night, though he doubted that she would be stopping in to see him after he made her depart from the basement in such a fluster. If she, or anyone for that matter, were to stop back in then they would find him there in his window until long after the rest of the house had gone to sleep. Otherwise, he would simply crawl into the bed that had been placed in his bedroom not long after the last of the usual residents went to sleep. He would be the last in bed and, most likely, the last to wake.
"You look upset."

Ilana snapped her head up as Eva's voice broke the silence she had been brooding in when she left and closed the door to Arc's room. She had made her way wordlessly to her own door and stood there for a full minute before opening it and stepping inside to Evangeline sitting prim and proper on her bed. The Espeon was quick to realize her master's distress. The way Ilana was looking at the ground and her lashes were lowered were a sure sign of disappointment or dismay, and Eva recognized it because it almost never occurred in Ilana.

The Espeon crossed the room to Ilana before the pale and slighted human could open her mouth to respond. Her arms wrapped around her master and held her close, the comforting hold enough to drive the hidden undertones away from Ilana's dark mood and place a smile back on her face. A soft thank you was uttered before the Espeon stepped back and gave her a good look-over, "Did he do something to you?" Eva's voice was stern, and slightly angry--the kind of voice an older sister would take on if an errant boyfriend had broken her sibling's heart. Eva was far more dangerous than the average girl, though. Despite her calm nature and domesticated smile, she was at her core an animal. Instinct drove her more closely to heights of emotion that regular humans had bred from their genes over generations of evolution.

"No," Ilana answered quickly, though a small voice echoed back to her Except suggest using me as a fuck-doll while he courted you from the furthest part of her mind. "It's just been a long day and he's a pain, is all. I've only got so much patience for jerks, even when they are trying their best to be civil." She had realized he had tried very hard. He didn't realize it, but he was as spoiled as she was and Ilana, right now, found it kind of amusing. His commentary on her seemed almost harmless now, and if she weren't so damn caught up with her embarrassment at the whole situation, she might have been able to have a good giggle at it. As a show of good faith, though, she didn't warn Eva against him. He'd never realize the kindness she'd shown, as it would be obscured by any way to acknowledge it. For his kindness and attempt to be as patient as possible, she would repay him by bottling up the issues that she usually would have shared blatantly with her best friend.

"I'm going to go to sleep. It's late and we've had a great, but exhausting, day. Haven't we?" Ilana smiled that winning smile to calm Evangeline's nerves, succeeding at bluffing out the Espeon by knowing every sign she looked for in order to gauge Ilana's mood. It wasn't something she could do often, so she was relieved that it worked. Evangeline nodded her head and bid her goodnight, leaving her alone in her room. She knew if Evangeline had still suspected something was wrong, she'd have slept in the room for the night. She wished she could go back out and request it of the Pokemorph. She kind of needed it right now. Her hands moved over and flipped off the light before stepping over to her bed and flopping down on it with abandon.

Evangeline walked past his door, but didn't stop or knock. The Espeon just let herself into her own room and shut the door quietly behind her as she crossed the room to her bed. Unlike Ilana, she was not feeling unhappy or depressed about the situation, so she took the time to remove the clothing she was wearing and replace it with a nightgown she had tossed across her chair from the night before. She undid her braid and crawled into the soft satin sheets. Her room was as dressed and fancy as Ilana's, except she had no dresser, usually keeping most of her clothing at hand or in Ilana's room. Instead of a vanity, she had fancied the hell out of her bed and everything else, and the amount Ilana's father would put out for the young girl's Pokemorph was a limited supply.

She snuggled into her covers, her tail swishing back and forth idly as she considered the day with great anxiety and excitement. Tomorrow would be interesting, and she was looking forward to it.
Arc sat in the window sill for some time before he followed suite and retired for the night. It had been a long day and his head was still spinning from all that had happened. From the moment that he had gotten up this morning, everything had gone wrong. First, he had been hunted down by some young hot-shot pokemon trainer looking to capture him. The trainer had been accompanied by two male pokemorphs to boot - an aggron and a mightyena. Arc was just fortunate that niether of these two morphs had been able to match him in speed. The mightyena hadn't been a concern at all, but the aggron had known a handful of powerful ground-type attacks that would have laid the hurting down on Arc if they had been able to connect. He should have probably told Ilana that she wasn't the only one collecting pokemorphs, but she hadn't exactly earned his trust or respect just yet.

Then, after avoiding one trainer, he was ambushed by another while he was napping in the sun. This second trainer had been Ilana and, as he was sitting in her home right now, he obviously hadn't evaded her as he had evaded the young man. Once free and wild, Arc was once again little more than a tool for some human to use to better their position in life. If there was a silver lining in all of this, it was that this time he seemed to have been caught by a real trainer and not just a pokemon coordinator. Ilana would, at least, be able to provide him with a little action and excitement as opposed to just showing him off and making him do tricks on stage.

Then there was Evangeline, a creature of pure radiance that had stolen away with Arc's entire world view. It was for her that he didn't just jump out of this window and be free again. It was for her that he was tolerating this little human child who could not so much as consider the idea that perhaps her own training and caring methods for her pokemon might not be the best that the could be. It wasn't that Arc didn't understand what he was asking of her. He knew that he was asking a lot of Ilana, but these were the methods to which he was accustomed and they had always worked well with him.

Now here he sat, forbidden to sleep outside in the fresh air as he was meant to do - as all pokemon were meant to do, though he was sure some individuals in the house would deny that. This made him wonder just how much of Eva's primal side that he could tap into. Would he be able to convinced the primped little espeon to accompany him one night beneath the stars? Would Ilana even allow them that liberty? Somehow, Arc doubted that but he was not familiar with the dynamics of their relationship.

Knowing well that there was no point in worrying about these issues now, Arc readied himself to turn in for the night. He spun himself around in his window so that he could climb back into the bedroom which had been assigned to him. Then, without closing the window, he crawled into the bed that he had been provided, still a tad damp from the unexpected shower downstairs, and nodded off to sleep.
As per usual, Ilana rose from her bed before Evangeline, but today it was a little worse. She had been haunted by the worst dreams throughout the night--dreams she didn't dare speak of. The proof of them was damp against her panties, Ilana's eyes closing again as she stared up at the ceiling above her bed. Damn Arcanine, she cursed internally. If he hadn't suggested such a lewd process to her, she never would have been having such dreams. It didn't help that she hadn't ended on any kind of forcible conclusion to the topic and she was sure it might come up again. Ilana forced herself up from her bed finally and wandered herself to the bathroom, letting the door hang ajar as she expected everyone to sleep in much later and was too tired to remedy it.

Eva wouldn't be up for hours later, the Pokemorph liking her sleep immensely. They had a very habitual relationship, Ilana and Eva. Ilana would wake up, get ready for the day, make breakfast and then allow Evangeline to get ready for the day. The trainer brushed her teeth, pulled her hair free of the messy ponytail it had still been half caught in, and removed her clothes, discarding them in a pile in the hamper with a measure of disgust at herself for having wet dreams about a damn Pokemorph.

She turned on the water, stepping away from the shower as the water heated. She stepped out into her bedroom and across the way to get the towel that Eva had left abandoned on her bedroom floor, a yawn stretching her lips as she groggily stood back up straight and turned back toward the bathroom. She paused once she re entered the bathroom and took a minute to observe herself in the mirror. Despite her hair looking much like it would after a tossing and turning night in bed, she still looked perfectly lovely. A harsh critique in the mirror left Ilana with a half smile and a shake of her head at how stupid she was for letting him make her feel unattractive. Her hands moved down over her well-sized breasts and cupped them for a moment while she watched in the mirror.

She let her hands fall to her waist and nodded with a smile to herself in the mirror. She turned and stepped into the shower, closing the translucent glass door behind her as she began her shower. She cleaned herself carefully, clearing herself of the smell and signs of arousal with strawberry body soap.
Like Evangeline, Arc enjoyed his sleep as well. It was a global thing among pokemon, really. Sleep was rest and rest revitalized the body and the spirit. For wild pokemon, this meant more energy to do what was needed to survive and for trained pokemon, this meant a time to recover from their battles and prepare for such future events. Under normal circumstances, Arc would have been the last one to awaken, as he was the last one in the house to make his way to bed, but this morning something roused him early. If he could hear the crackling of particles in the air being charged by a super-powered psychic attack in his sleep then he could most certainly hear the sound of a running shower not more than twenty feet away, give or take a few feet.

Being wild, and trying to avoid capture, had not afforded Arc the luxury of being a heavy sleeper. It did not take much to wake him and if this was a routine thing then sleeping in the house was not going to be an option. Perhaps there was a building outside that he could sleep in - a shed or with as rich as Ilana's family seemed, maybe a pool house. That would give him the privacy that he desired and eliminate Ilana's concern that he might be captured by another trainer in a similar dirty fashion that she had used to capture him. It would be an issue that he would be bringing up with Ilana later.

For now, however, Arc was more concerned with discovering who had awakened so early. If it was Evangeline, perhaps he could steal her way for some time with her before Ilana awakened. Judging by the way that the trainer acted towards him, Arc was fairly confident that Ilana would not give the two of them much time alone together. The human girl hadn't seemed too pleased to discover that Arc was interested in her espeon.

In hopes that it was Evangeline in the shower, Arc crawled out of bed and made his way out into the hall. He was being extremely quiet, though it wasn't that he was trying to be so on purpose. Since returning to the wild, it had become instinctual for him to move stealthily when he was investigating something. After all, being clumsy and loud when in the vicinity of say, a wild gyarados, would have left even Arc in a tight spot given the pokemon's natural ferocity and the type advantage that it would have over him.

When he neared the bathroom, he noticed that it had been left open, if only just a little. While he had intended to wait outside of the door to discover who was inside like a proper 'gentleman' to impress his lady fair, the temptation of the open door was too great. Slowly, Arc peaked his head around the corner of the doorframe so that he could peek inside and try to identify the shower's occupant.

By now, the warm water had steamed the translucent glass door quite thoroughly, but the figure inside was still very clearly his new trainer. While it was true that Arc found Eva more appealing, both Ilana and Eva had the same level of physical beauty and he couldn't help but be slightly enthralled by Ilana's body. The fact that he preferred Eva was chemical, not physical. Both appealed equally to the 'human' aspects of his brain, but Eva was a female pokemorph and the pokemon side of her naturally gave off pheromones that attracted males belonging to her 'egg group', as trainers called a collection of pokemon capable of producing eggs even between different species.
The soap slid down her body from where she had placed it, the bubbles particularly noticeable at every curve of her body. Beneath her arms, between her thighs, and around her cleavage was where it primarily gathered. She guided the water across her to clean the soap away and dipped her head beneath the faucet to let it dampen her hair, followed afterwards with shampoo that she quickly washed off by tilting her head back to let the water do its business as she combed her fingers through her black strands, loosening any tangles that had occurred from her exploits the night before.

She hadn't had very vivid dreams, as her experience left the understanding of the situation wanting. She knew sex had the potential to feel heavenly or to feel like a cage over the burning coals of hell, but logic didn't come into a dream where your sub-conscious took a Pokemorph and made up the act of him taking your virginity. The dream had been embarrassingly dirty--one of those things she never would admit to. If it had been simple, and the person she was having sex with had been a man, and the encounter had been romantic, she wouldn't have felt particularly abashed. As it stood, it had been in great detail, with interspecies, and it had been anything but romantic. It had been dirty, uncontrolled, and rather vicious in her mind.

She shivered and felt her stomach knot at the recollection. Her hands slid down to clean herself of arousal thoroughly, the heel of her palm inevitably rushing over her own clit and causing her a soft squeak of surprise at how sensitive she was this morning. For a brief moment, she entertained the idea of attending to herself, but her own worry at the fact that she hadn't set up a particularly difficult lock system gave her pause and left the idea to fall to the wayside as she carefully cleaned her body.

Washed and clean, Ilana still sat idly in the shower for a good 5 minutes while the water slithered down her body. She had cleared herself of all signs of her evening's transgressions and was just enjoying the comfort by now. The trainer tossed her hair over her shoulder as the water plastered it to her body, twirling it together as she stood there and hummed a soft tune that left her with little chance to notice the stealthy Arcanine's approach or the fact that he had put his head in the door at some point. Her hands turned the water off and let her hand slide to the sliding glass door, opening it to find the door to the bathroom seemingly more ajar than she had left it, and gave her blame to the circulation of air between this room and the next.

She stepped out of the shower and onto a bath rug before taking the towel and drying herself thoroughly. Her black hair conformed back to a mass of curls and waves after she toweled it down. She finished the action and tied the towel around her body. The small towel covered just to below the curve of her ass, but easily wrapped itself around the width of her slender body, hanging off her decent-sized breasts like a straight and simple toga. She looked in the mirror and primped herself a bit, making sure she hadn't missed anything, before taking her step toward the slightly ajar door, pulling it open in order to go through her dresser and find something to wear for the day before she headed down to take in a bit of breakfast.
Though Arc had been enthralled with Ilana's beauty, he had not lingered long before he pulled his head out away from the door. It would not due to have Ilana catch him peeping on her. She already seemed quite upset with him and while he didn't care what Ilana thought of him, he couldn't help but care what Evangeline thought of him. If the human girl caught him peeping, the espeon would surely find out about it and he doubted that her reaction would be any less extreme.

Now that Arc was up, there wasn't much chance of him finding sleep again until mid-day when he would usually take a nap. Of course, not being free to run and fight might eliminate the need for his afternoon naps but that would not likely stop him from taking them. He enjoyed them, necessary or not.

Knowing that he would not be able to find sleep again, Arc did the only thing that he thought that he could do given his current situation. He gave into his more basic instincts, moved back down the hall to the room that he understood to be Eva's, and sat himself down beside the door with his back to the wall. He knew that he could not just head outside. Ilana would discover him gone with no explanation and think that he ran away in the night. She would put that accursed collar back on him. If he could not go do the things that he pleased then he would sit and safeguard his potential mate. Ilana wouldn't understand the notion, but Evangeline would. It was instinctual for female pokemon to see a protective male as mating material. Ilana would likely find it creepy or some other misconstrued human notion.

He sat there, still as stone until Ilana emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel. When she did, his head turned to watch her quietly, taking in her form again and removing the towel from her body in the back of his mind. He could not deny, especially now, that Ilana was an attractive human female, though she could never match Eva's level of attraction due to her lack of pheromones. Well, lack of pheromones that he was hardwired to react to, at least.
Still unaware of his presence sitting in the hallway, she searched for her clothing and tossed the array on her bed while she did. The towel threatened to slip off once or twice but she caught it each time, refastening it around her chest. She stepped into a pair of underwear with the towel still wrapped around her before discarding it for the more complex task of putting on a bra, the unexpected showgirl facing either away from him or to the side for each of these events. Ilana snapped the piece closed and shifted it until it was comfortable, then bent over and picked up the jeans, stepping into them.

She pulled the tight pants up her thighs until they rested on her hips and only then grabbed the shirt. Pulling it on over her head, she started toward the doorway, the shirt obscuring her vision until she pulled it down over her chest where it stopped just above covering her belly button. It was at that point, she realized he was there, sitting in the hallway, with an easy view to her that she could not confirm that he had taken advantage of. Ilana's cheeks flushed ever so slightly pink as she stamped down her humiliation, trying to pretend that there was nothing at all that had been seen but giving him a particular look that conveyed her worry.

Her ice colored irises strayed over him a moment, sitting outside Evangeline's door like a guard, and the young trainer shrugged her shoulders. Despite the soft knot that tied itself in her gut and settled at the pit of her stomach, she ignored her trepidation at his courting her best friend. It wasn't as if they had anything that would ever go anywhere, even if she was having incredibly naughty dreams about him, and it was only natural that he try and court Eva--as long as he did it proper, which he seemed to be on board with in their conversation last night, she had little problem with him trying his luck.

She put her hand on the back of her head, disturbing those ebony curls with the action as she shook her head once to each side, "I'll be making breakfast now." She informed him, softly so she wouldn't disturb Evangeline's slumber, "And you're welcome to it if you like it. If not, you're free to go catch your own." On good faith, she trusted him to come back. Since last night, Ilana had decided she would try her best at trusting her new partner despite his obvious irritations, and she'd do her damnedest to set him straight on the misconceptions he carried about her duties and responsibilities to his... tool.

"Just.. don't go to sleep out there without Eva somewhere nearby." She remarked as she turned down the stairs, proud at her for keeping her cool despite the possibility that he may have had a direct view into her room.
Arc would have retorted and informed Ilana that he had no intentions of hunting down his own food when it was her duty to see that he pokemon were fed and cared for, but she hadn't stopped and waited for him to answer. It was probably for the better. Ilana seemed to have quite the temper on her for a young lady and doing so would have probably started another fight that Arc didn't want to have. He did want to revisit the matter from the night before, however, so he stood back up and followed Ilanna down to the kitchen.

Once downstairs, Arc found himself a spot in the kitchen was was out of the way and parked himself there with his back resting against the wall. Noone else in the house seemed to be up yet so this would have been the opportune time to piss Ilana off if he was going to do it, and he was sure that he would. After everything that had happened the previous day and the few short conversations that he had had with her, he assumed by now that it just didn't take much to set Ilana off.

"I would like to revisit the issue that we discussed last night," Arc said with a calm tone. His voice was quiet, causing that natural growl that laced his voice to unintentionally become a sensual purr as it had done when he whispered to Evangeline. It wasn't an intentional change. It was just how his voice sounded depending on his pitch and tone. The truth was that this is how he had always sounded and how he would always sound. It was not some guttural growl that came from a lack of speaking the human tongue. The growl was in the formation of his vocal chords. Just as some pokemorphs changed radically and became almost human when they were transformed, as Eva had, some only became more humanoid in shape, as he had. In kind, just as pokemorphs had variances in how their outer person changed, so too were there variances in how their internal workings changed. Evangeline's larynx had apparently become almost identical to a humans, whereas Arc's changed enough for him to speak but it was still shaped similarly to that of an unchanged arcanine's. This was the true cause of the the background growl to his voice. Some pokemorphs couldn't even speak human at all because that part of them just didn't change.

"Before you fly off the handle, I'd like to apologize on my insistence before," he spoke again very quickly before Eva could snap something back at him. "I respect that your family has not used the practice in the past and I know that it is not guaranteed to work on any pokemon but I can assure you that I, personally, always performed better after the fact. I can also tell you that if you want to participate in the Pokemon League, you will need every edge that you can get. I am not requesting for this service to be a part of daily life for my own enjoyment, though you are a beautiful human. I am simply saying that if you need me in top shape before particularly important events, such as Gym competitions, that it would be something to consider. There is no shame in the act unless you allow there to be."
Ilana hadn't meant he had to go get his own food, only that if he was too prideful, he could. The girl was abrasive, but it wasn't as if he was the shining image of politeness either. She pulled food out from the fridge and freezer, and a couple of things down from the cupboards as she set up her cooking area and began making the food. When he walked in, she gave him a glance and went back to her preparations, forgetting to afford him a smile like she had intended. The last day and a half had gotten her very flustered, and she wasn't acting at her best.

"I would like to revisit the issue that we discussed last night."

Ilana's cheeks grew warm and her body tensed. Not just because she knew what was coming, but because of the way he spoke. The fact that he hadn't intended it was not something she knew just yet. The girl set the food up and gave him none of her attention just yet, listening to him over her shoulder rather than turning her pretty little cheeks toward him today. With the tensions running high last night, they had both been a little overzealous about their positions, and it seemed he was happy to try the approach in a more subtle way. She grabbed the pitcher of milk and turned to fish a glass out of the cupboard, filling it along with the other she had already brought out for herself. The girl picked up the glasses and, content that he was awaiting her answer and her cheeks had turned down from their initial 200 degrees, crossed the room to him, finally looking directly forward as she held the glass out to him in offering.

She had listened to each word, and, despite the discomfort of the situation, had been more flattered than irritated. This time he hadn't accused her of being a poor trainer, and he hadn't accused her of ignorance. No, just the opposite, he had complimented her looks. She didn't dwell on the fact that it probably came from a peep show she might have given him earlier, but the thought occurred and when it did, it returned her cheeks to a healthy apple red.

"Alright. I understand that your previous trainer did this for you, and as such, you expect it to be carried out. I don't think that you are rude in asking for something you understand is what you are due." It sounded like she was discussing payment. She rolled her lips together as she considered her words carefully and took a drink of her milk while she thought. "But you're strong, and will only get stronger through practice and training. It took Evangeline a lot to drop you while you were rested up--you don't need an edge up, because I'll make sure that if we step into a challenge we are prepared for, we are so far above the competition that there is no chance of losing. Unless I acquire a stalker that attacks us between gyms, I'm pretty sure we'll be alright without that." She smiled, somewhat apologetically as she took another good gulp of her milk to calm her nerves. She still didn't like talking about sexual acts so casually. It didn't sit well with the girl.

"And when you were a Pokemon, I would like to point out that.. unless it was a strange circumstance or you were presented with a mate, what they did to you was with a hand. And although it is emotionally satisfying, I'm s-sure," Her voice was getting quiet at the very thought, and the words were coming a bit slower, "to have someone else's hand being the one to do it... It's mechanically the same." She turned back to the counter to check on the food and adjust it as needed, taking the steps away from him that were necessary in order for her to breathe while having this conversation, which was doing no good for her forgetting the dreams she had last night.

"If Eva and you decide to ... get together, or something else happens and you find another, then," She shrugged her shoulders, her back to him giving her the power to be more decisive and less flustered, even though her cheeks were still two shades from purple and the blush extended to her ears, "I won't have a problem making sure there are ample opportunities for you to ... do what you need to do. I think it's a fair statement.."
Though he had no suspicions of the dreams that haunted the human girl's sleep the night before, Arc could tell that the issue at hand was getting inside Ilana's head. The crimson blush painted across her cheeks hadn't gone unnoticed and it gave away her embarrassment regarding the issue. It occurred to the arcanine that he may be able to use this moment of weakness to sway Ilana's decision on the matter and he began to wonder if he could shatter her stone-cold act in the way that he had broken Evangeline's the night before. Ilana was no pokemon, but she was still female. There was always a chance that putting himself in a position of dominance over her would trigger a more desirable response. There wouldn't be any harm in trying, he supposed.

Arc began to quietly move across the kitchen toward his new trainer, who had her back to him while she tended to breakfast. His padded paws made nearly no sound against the flooring in the house, despite his size. It was one of the advantages of being on the lower end of the transformation spectrum. While Eva might pass for human if you hid her tail and put a nice big cap over her ears and jewel, Arc was still very much recognizable for what he was. His padded feet made sneaking easier, his fur had been a godsend during especially chilly nights, and his senses were as sharp as they ever were. Of course, not everything about the more primal transformations was better than Eva's more refined development. Though his brain had been changed to support a sentient existence, the more wild and instinctual aspects of his old pokemon life still burned brightly in his habitual programming. Mating, preserving his bloodline, it wasn't something that he could ignore. Even if Ilana could not bear a cub from him, real contact from any female would be better than the self-service that she suggested.

Upon reaching his destination directly behind Ilana, Arc reached out with both of his arms and wrapped his large, strong hands around Illana's body and allowed them to rest against her midriff. He then pulled her back, just as he had done with Eva, until she was pressed against him. "Your lack of concern speaks strongly for your inexperience," he retorted, once again speaking through that soft, sensual purr. Inexperience - he assumed that it was a much kinder and more accurate word to use over ignorance.

"For day to day life, these acts would serve little purpose. I have been in captivity before and while it will take some getting used to, I will not need any help finding ways to alleviate the stress of the situation. For certain situations, however, they may very well make a difference." Though his voice was soft, the same as it had been before, there was something different about it. There was a warmth in his voice, a certain level of affection that might have told her that he was actually trying to help her - to protect her. Of course, Arc didn't much care for Ilana because of how she had acted the day prior, but removing the collar had gone a long way in earning his respect and the human girl did mean the world to Eva. Arc would protect Ilana in the same ways that he would defend Eva, as a result.

"I have met the pokemon belonging to several gym leaders, Illana. Through my old coordinator's connections and in the shows themselves, I have met several and I can tell you that they aren't to be taken so casually. On completely even ground, I think that there are those which I could best and win you your badge but there will almost never be a situation where we are on even footing. The gym trainers, and their pokemon, will have a home field advantage. Furthermore, if I am at a type disadvantage, I am not sure that I could win even with an edge put into my game. I am not demanding that you stop making breakfast and get on your knees here in the kitchen. I am asking only that you keep your mind open to the idea, Ilana. There -will- be situations that this decision can make or break our efforts until you can expand our team."
He snuck up on her easy enough, the trainer more invested in her work and trying desperately not to pay too much attention to him anyway, lest she be caught up and say something she might regret in the meantime. The food was shifted off the skillet into plates and as she was reaching for another batch, his arms encircled her and pulled her to him, causing much the same reaction as Evangeline the night prior, to be sure, but with a much more impending worry. The night prior, he had not told the Espeon that he had wished to mate. He had flirted, to be sure, but Evangeline was left to wonder her own ideas about romance or the way this worked. Ilana had been informed prior, and her cheeks burned hot as the flashes of her dreams slammed into the back of her mind like a hurricane had started.

His voice was seductive, seemingly naturally. He pressed her back into his body and let the warmth that encircled her do its job to set Ilana off balance while he talked her off her feet. It was a cruel plot that worked beautifully, so much so that when he insulted her knowledge again Ilana barely took offense. She didn't wish to argue with him about the technicalities of him getting off, and they obviously thought of the situation much differently. She hated to be cruel, but she just wasn't going to consider...

"I am not demanding that you stop making breakfast and get on your knees here in the kitchen..."

Her body tensed. The very distinct image of her on her knees in her own kitchen with his cock in her mouth could not have been more perfectly vivid if he had described it in full detail. Her cheeks turned red, her body flushed, her feet shifted together as she tried to ignore her body reacting to the imagery while her eyes instinctively sought his out to glare a challenge. Ilana didn't say a word for a full minute while she stared at him, her eyes alone conveying her irritation and frustration at the words he had said. When they turned away from him, she didn't move the rest of her body.

"Release me." Was the first thing that came to mind, her eyes closing in exhasperation at the human error of communication. She tried desperately to keep her temper in check, but her arousal had set the gears to whirring toward that final explosion again, and she had to be very careful, "I have kept my mind open. I've made my peace. I will not be casually servicing you before matches. I will not interfere with you should you find another to do it." She loaded the skillet up with another batch of food as she tried to distract herself from the situation again.

He could be a charmer. She'd have to be careful, or that kind of thing might start working. Had he not been knocking on a very thick door, he could have had almost anything from her with that lead-up. Ilana rolled her eyes at her own weakness, telling herself she wouldn't give into it. She'd need another goddamn shower, though. She was only thanking every one of her lucky stars that she was cooking dinner and that would make her arousal difficult to notice by sense of smell.
Arc did as he was instructed and released his hold on his new trainer before returning to his place against the wall, well out of the girl's way while she prepared breakfast. Truth be told, he was insulted that Ilana thought he was doing this all for the pleasure of it. While he would enjoy himself, without question, he was pushing the issue as much for the extra edge as he was for the enjoyment. Unfortunately, Ilana had made up her mind and it didn't seem as though she would change it very easily. It was time for a change in tactics. If he could not have either Ilana or Evangeline servicing him immediately, then Ilana would have to think long and hard on what her next move was going to be.

"If this is out of the question then you have some options to consider," Arc spoke again in his soft and alluring voice. Even if Ilana angered him, he wouldn't raise his voice to her and risk waking Eva. "If you want to participate in the Pokemon League then I know that you need gym badges. I can't recall how many, but I do remember from a previous life that you will need them. I remember the gym in Viridian city changing hands several times while I was with my old master so I can't honestly tell you that I know what is waiting for us there. Beyond that, however, lies Pewter City, and Cerulean City - both of which house gyms in which I will be of little use without some kind of remarkable strategy in mind."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink into Ilana's head. He was sure that she would be surprised to hear him talk so seriously about the matter at hand after giving her such a hard time with everything that had come up since she woke him up in the field, and he wanted to make sure that she was listening before he continued. Though it was certainly ture that the arcanine did not feel that Ilana was worthy of him, or Evangeline for that matter, he did want to help her choose the best course of action. After all, if Ilana made one bad move, it could very well be Eva paying the price.

"Alternatively, we could try taking a ferry south to Cinnabar Island. The gym there would have every disadvantage against me that I would have against them but there we will run into the threat of the gym leader having pokemorphs of their own. I remember hearing some hikers talk about that gym the other day and, if there is truth to their words, then the leader has a morphed rapidash and charizard. In addition, Cinnabar has always been able to lay claim to having incredibly skilled trainers as their gym leaders. If you are so closed to my proposal then we will need to plan our journey carefully until you can broaden your team."
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